Marriage Builders
Posted By: ForeverHers Shinethrough - 05/03/08 09:19 PM
Jerry, I know you feel offended, but the ezb dude didn't want any help, and certainly not any help from God or from anyone who wouldn't tell him that it's okay to do whatever he wants to do.

Some people are beyond help, mainly because they don't want help.

They just like to stir up trouble and try to make everyone believe that "wrong" is "right" just so they can keep on doing whatever they want to do.

MARRIAGE is defined and no amount of self-centeredness will change the definition just so they can continue in satisfying their selfishness through immorality.

Ezb was not interested in Marriage Building, and has no interest in a real marriage.

Maverick was not the one "at fault."

God bless.
Posted By: shinethrough Re: Shinethrough - 05/03/08 09:34 PM
You are absolutuly correct FH.

I am just tottally frustated, my fault i guess.

Thanks for the reminder;

all blessings.

Why is it thats God's word and His love is not enough??

I often break down in tears, is that normal?
Posted By: QueeniesAdventures Re: Shinethrough - 05/03/08 10:00 PM
Why is it thats Gos's word and His love is not enough??

I break down in tears and stuff like today. Having a very hard day.

Doubting myself on what IS G-ds word, but I also can put into thought that this is the enemy creating doubt in us.

I would just like to throw out, that until we come to the point where G-ds love IS enough, that we are going to hurt. People, places and things disappoint us, but G-d? He is always there for us, we just have to reach and search. Maybe his word and his love HAS to just be enough before all the BLESSINGS he wants to BESTOW on us can happen?

Just really talking from mouth. smile Not even sure if it makes sense.

Posted By: LostPixie Re: Shinethrough - 05/03/08 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by QueeniesNewLife
Maybe his word and his love HAS to just be enough before all the BLESSINGS he wants to BESTOW on us can happen?

Posted By: QueeniesAdventures Re: Shinethrough - 05/03/08 10:10 PM
Posted By: Resonance Re: Shinethrough - 05/03/08 11:05 PM

So much pain here today...I wish there was something I could say or do to help you all. Let go, and let God...

Music has always helped me... Listen to something uplifting that always stregthens you and brightens your day, maybe???

Praying for you all...

PS...FH is right about that poster--he wanted band-aids for a festering wound, but can't even admit to himself what caused the wound to begin do you help someone like that?? Not possible. Try not to internalize other people's junk (I have a hard time with this myself!)
Posted By: ForeverHers Re: Shinethrough - 05/04/08 12:20 AM
Why is it thats Gos's word and His love is not enough??


God asks the same question, Jerry.

Jesus invested Himself in us to be THE answer to our estrangement from God. He was the "final sacrifice."

His love is "not enough" because we don't want it to be enough.
We want what WE want, when we want it, and we don't like to acknowledge that we have to surrender our lives to Him and learn from Him what love really is.

Consider the rejection He faced, and STILL He loved us.

Those who do not know Christ don't know love from God's perspective, and in many cases (like the ezb guy), don't WANT to know Christ because it would "interfere" with their doing things "their way."

The short answer to your question, though, is that we still have a sin-nature that is at "war" with the spirit-nature that is ours only in Christ.

I often break down in tears, is that normal?

Yes, Jerry, it's normal. Especially when we realize the true nature of sin, both our own and those we care about. The magnitude of the love God the Son chose and the love that the Father had for us is so humbling that tears are normal because we begin to glimpse just what that love COST.

And I understand your question in that light.

God bless.
Posted By: shinethrough Re: Shinethrough - 05/04/08 01:24 PM
Thanks FH and Queenie and Resonance,
and a big thank you to Maverick grin

Some times you have to do as Jesus instructed and just shake the dust off your sandals and move on.

All blessings,
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