Marriage Builders
Posted By: MutedSparkle Loss of one of our family pets - 03/25/09 05:13 PM
One our our two family cats, Cairo has died. Bob (Spartan) found him just before we left for work in this morning. He had gone into the box spring and passed away there.

He was just over 2 years old. A beautiful Abyssinian mix that I found at the humane society. When we went to the vet this morning, he said that it had to have been something catastrophic that no one could have helped. He was up to date on all of his shots, fed quality food and was an indoor cat.

Bob and I are in shock and are absolutely devistated. This is a tremendous loss for us and neither one of us can stop crying. Our other cat, Gidget is also mourning. She misses him tremendously.

We have not told the kids yet, but will tonight. It's going to be so hard on them.

We were blessed to have him in our lives. We will never forget him.

Posted By: Lie2me Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/25/09 05:29 PM
I am so sorry for your loss frown We have two cats as well and I don't look forward to the day either one of them pass on.

Thinking of you and your kids
Posted By: dawn012365 Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/25/09 05:31 PM
I am so sorry...

We had to have one of our cats put down just before we moved. She had struggled with a long illness (idiopathic megacolon) and had gotten so sick. She was an 8 yr old Tonkinese--and she was my dear companion. We had to give our other one to my daughter and he is now sick with something--not sure what but is at the vet right now.

They are a part of your family--I know how hard this is and I am so sorry...
Posted By: MutedSparkle Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/25/09 05:48 PM
Thank you both for your kind words.

I'll never shake the the vision of seeing my husband cry as he was getting him. We just can't believe it.

I called DS1's counselor to ask her how to break it to the kids. We will have a ceremony for him and let the kids do something special.

God makes some pretty cool animals and man, we were so lucky to enjoy him. He was awesome.

Dawn: you are in my prayers.
Posted By: Dealan-de Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/25/09 06:14 PM
I'm so sorry Spark.
Posted By: ChaiLover Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/25/09 06:16 PM
I am sooo sorry for your loss. My dog is getting older and I hate the thought that she might not be with me too much longer.
Posted By: dawn012365 Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/25/09 06:27 PM
Mutedsparkle: You and your family are in mine as well. Thank you for your kind thoughts. Like I said, our animals are family members so the loss of one is very hard. I would like to get another cat but my H said no. Take care.
Posted By: catgirl Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/25/09 06:49 PM
I am so sorry...

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Posted By: cinderella Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/26/09 01:47 PM
Sparkle, I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

I know that Cairo was loved. You wouldn't have told us if he had not held a special place in your heart.

There are several good books about pet loss. Cat Heaven is one. I believe there is a book called The Rainbow Bridge . And, there is another called Nine Good Things About Barney (or something like that). The children's librarian at your local library can help you find one/some. Your child's counselor might also know of some.

Do have a ceremony. We did when my children were 2 & 4 and our geriatric dog died.

(Several years later, we had 2 cats - Candy and Cookie. One day, Candy disappeared. Cookie became you know what a depressed cat does? Sits there lethargically. Eats too much or not enough. It was exactly like watching a depressed person. After 6 weeks of that, I decided Cookie had to have another sister. She needed it for her own mental health. That was when Calla joined our family. So, please watch your other cat. It will grieve, also.)
Posted By: DancesWithGoats Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/26/09 03:02 PM
Oh take care. I am so sorry to hear this. They are family, all of ours are now our at home kids.

My sweetest cat died about 6 days after my first D day. Unexpectedly even though he was a brittle diabetic. There was something good to come out of it. GM did the first really nice thing he had done for me in years and something I never thought I would see him do. He canceled a meeting to take the cat and me to the vet school about 65 miles away. Too bad they could not save him or even find out what happened.

I hope something wonderful comes from your tragedy. My thoughts and heart are with you. Cairo had a wonderful life because of you and he knew it. ((((hugs))))to your family.
Posted By: survived08 Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/26/09 03:57 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. I know how you feel....

Last year, we were forced to have our beloved English Springer Spaniel put down. Beins' I'm a country boy, we brought her home from the vet so that I could bury her on the property. When I had finished, WW came outside to tell me she needed to go help a coworker make decorations for a birthday party at the office the next day. She left me standing in the yard with the shovel in my hand, grieving on my own. I found out later that she actually went to OM's house to be "held and comforted" (and you know what else). Now I can't even think of my dog without being triggered. And I sure won't have another dog anytime soon.

MS, I only share this with you to let you know that I understand your pain, however, you can look back at Cairo with fond memories.

I will forever associate my Katie with my WW's A.....
Posted By: Looking4 Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/26/09 05:21 PM
I grew up on a farm and my father is a vet. It doesn't matter how many times you go through it, losing a furry member of the family is always very hard.

My thoughts are with your family, Sparky and Spartan.
Posted By: MutedSparkle Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/27/09 10:47 PM
Thank you so much, everyone for your warm, supportive responses. We're still very sad, but dealing.

We told the kids after we got settled home. Bob and I agreed that I should break the news. I said, "I have some family news. Cairo died today. We took him to the vet, but we don't know why he died. We know that he's in heaven now and that's a pretty cool place to be." DS1 fell to pieces but DS2 is too young yet to understand the concept of death. He asked me the next morning, "So when's Cairo coming back?" I explained that he died and that he's not coming back. He said, "I know he died, but when's he coming back?" That's when I said that he's Jesus' cat and that's where he's going to stay. He got that. smile

I've got a couple of applications out to a couple of rescue societies and have asked them to keep us in mind if a good match comes in looking for a forever home. DS1 is still tearful and so are Bob and I. My parents sent us a homemade card with his picture on it saying, "Don't worry about me. I'm waiting for you and know we'll meet again." She also put the rainbow poem on there. We're an animal family.

Gidget kept following us around and looking up at us as if to say, "Ok, where is he? Joke's over." We've been giving her extra special attention.

Survived08: I absolutely cannot believe the pain that you went through. I am sooooo sorry that you went through that. Maybe one day you can reconsider a pet once the pain of the trigger fades. That was unbelievable, sick cruelty.
Posted By: catgirl Re: Loss of one of our family pets - 03/28/09 01:21 AM

I like how you told your DS that he was Jesus's cat now. That was a very good way for kids to understand. My kids are older, but I wish I would have said that to them when they were younger and their pet died. I think it would have been easier for them to comprehend if I would have told it to them in that way.

Very nicely said...
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