Marriage Builders
Posted By: ANB3 Words That Fit Here - 09/04/01 01:39 AM
I read this on my 'One Day at a Time in Al-Anon for Sunday, September 2. It really resonated with me, so i want to share it. Seems to embody what MB is really all about:<P>"The time has come for me to realize that my attitude, toward the life I am living and the people in it, can have a tangible, measureable effect on what happens to me day by day. If I am expectant of good it will surely come to me. Even the grace of courtesy gives rich immediate rewards in warm response. Awareness of others - a tolerant, uncritical awareness - will gradually change my personality for the better.<P>If I try each day to put my point of view, my attitudes on a sound spiritual basis, I know it will change all the circumstances of my life for the better too. I will see the results in the way other people respond to me and in the way my daily needs are met.<P>Concern, love and kindness on my part will be reflected in everything that takes place in my life."<BR>
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