Marriage Builders
Posted By: eyeswideopen Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 04:50 AM
Where'd you get yourself off to, hmmm? You can run but not hide from the frying pan...
Posted By: jdmac1 Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 05:11 AM
Lost him eh? two make me laugh. GOOD medicine.
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 05:47 AM
doggoneit. If he would only wear his seatbelt then he would be perfect :-)
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 06:12 AM
Oh, and hey, jdmac...didn't I give you your very own thread and what did you do with it....squandered it away... not even more than one response... shame. :-). Shouldn't you be asleep by now? (do you wear your seatbelt? just wondering :-))<P>Sillys,<BR>Debbie<BR>
Posted By: Orchid Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 06:16 AM
Hey wide eyed bushy tail ewo,<P>What are you drinking? You sound like you have lots of energy? say I have a big pile of paperwork I brought home and I should be doing that, wanna help? Instead I have been here on mb. Bad O...... LOL!!!!! <P>Thanks for this fun thread. Hope Medic sees it. <P>L.
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 06:21 AM
YEAH - I HOPE MEDIC SEES IT TOO. (sorry, was I too loud?) Anyway, yes, I get pumped up at night and like to sleep in..I feel I am at my most profound at 3am. People seem to understand me at this time of night, go figure :-). Maybe I should be looking for 3rd shift work instead of 1st? So do you wear YOUR seatbelt? (this is regarding jdmac's thread about that dance being over and I don't think it is but that is another story...) It ain't over til we say it's over (is that enough to bring you out Medic?)<P>Debbie<BR>
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 06:30 AM
Ok - with feeling this time<BR>WAS IT OVER WHEN THE GERMAN'S BOMBED PEARL HARBOR?<BR>Did this get your attention?<P>woo hoo, medic....<P>Guess you're snoozin.... <P>Dang, I hate it when everybody goes to sleep... Wish I could!
Posted By: Orchid Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 06:38 AM
Look, I have to get my work done......and yes, I do wear my seatbelt but H doesn't and been cited about 3 times. Before that he always wore his seatbelt. See what bad association can do? I don't know if Ow is safety conscience. I wonder if she even has a conscience. <P>Work 3rd shift? That's hard. I do get more done after everyone has gone to sleep. H had to do a courier run out of the country, hm..... nah, I have his itinerary. Last night his courier run was for medical supplies. People want stuff delivered at the weirdest times. So you are not he only one up at these odd hours. LOL!!!!. <P>You have a great sense of humor. Helps us keep a level of sanity throughout all this stuff. <P>Take Care,<BR>L. <BR>
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 06:52 AM
Sanity? I don't think that is what I was striving for... just diversion. And the hope that someone else is awake...but don't let me stress you out about that, you have work to do...dang, I need a JOB. (see my post, just got laid off). I will help you with your paperwork if you want to fax it to me (yes, of course I am kidding). (I repeat, I was KIDDING). I am going to bed now I guess...Isn't it funny how much I get done in the middle of the night? I've cleaned the toilets, washed several loads of clothes...whoops, gotta go fold... does anyone know about insomnia or weird sleep disorders or can point me in that general direction? (and hey, I have a psych degree but that was 25 years ago...I don't think people stayed up this late back then, did they :-)).
Posted By: Orchid Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 07:11 AM
Oh, you are way too funny. Go fold your clothes. I have a load in the dryer. Can I add it to yours? <P>By the way, this paperwork? I don't get paid for it. It's that manager work for love stuff. <P>Wouldn't fax this to my worse enemy. LOL!!!! I need those programmers at work to fix this report so that I don't have to go through 500 pages of this report every qtr looking for the real problems. [Linked Image from] Talk about having to have patience. <P>I let my boss know that I needed his support and he needed to be more understanding. He immediately said he would be more sensative to my needs. Now if only H would do the same. Hm.... makes ya wonder.<P>Good night and pleasant dreams. Thanks for the laughter. <P>L. <P><BR>
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 07:18 AM
If only WS could be held as accountable as the people we work for...I mean, think about it, emotional, verbal whatever abuse... it will no longer be tolerated in the workplace but still keeps going on in the home. (oh, see how I get on my soapbox this time of night...) Hey, I'm putting up with it and plan A' don't think I'm trying to give anyone grief, just amazed. Maybe it's one step forward type of thing. Ok, clothes are folded, must have sleep... thanks Orchid for keeping me company. (oh, did ya hear the one about... oh, just kidding).... <P>night.<BR>
Posted By: MEDIC238 Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 11:28 AM
Hey Deb,<P>I really don't have to worry about Butterfly's frying pan. She is afraid of me. When we met up at the two MB reunions [Nashville and in VA Beach] she had some "FDGB's" as we in EMS call it. That would be "fall down, go boom" In Nville, she suffered a knee injury falling off the wall in front of the Governors Mansion and in VA tripped on the sidewalk heading down to Mitzi's hotel. She refuses to come to the next reunion in fear that she may go home in a box if I am there. I didn't push her!!! She had some story, something about a roller blading accident involving nuns and small children.<P>I've been kind of busy playing ambulance and helping Gina [aka W.G.up H. and Little Cookie] fix up her house. And no, you can't get rid of me that easy. That was fun goofing with ya the other night and I kind of forgot to think of you when I **didn't** put on my seatbelt the last few days. It's too restrictive, I can't breathe, I'm allergic to the dye, I was the second shooter in the grassy ... never mind. <P>Sorry to hear about your job [just over broke] situation. You should think about getting into EMS also known as Earn Money Sleeping on the down times. It works for me!!!<P>I was on last night, but, this thing was going so slow I couldn't reply. Must be the bad karma or crappy internet service.<P>Hey, you are close to me. How about the third reunion in the Poconos. The skiing and snow tubing are the best here. Hum, better get motivating and head down to the womans house and get started. Hope you have a great day.<P><BR>And JD, it was all HER FAULT, I didn't do it!!! Hope you are feeling better today as well. Hey Orchid!!!<BR>Your Bud, Zippy the Pinhead. [Linked Image from]<P>------------------<BR>"It's not over till we say it's over! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? H*ll no!" Blutto...Animal House 1984<P>Wishing us all the Best.<P>Medic
Posted By: Mitzi Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 11:40 AM
You guys,<P>If you are at all prone to falling, DON'T GO NEAR TIM!! LOL <P>Tim,<P>You weren't supposed to tell what really happened to Dawnetta!! It was all supposed to be a secret!! Where is duct tape when you need it?? LOL LOL<P>Tell Gina I said "HEY!" and to get online some evening and chat with me! We need to catch up!! <P>And would ya hurry and get that house done?? We're supposed to have that housewarming party!! <P>Mitzi [Linked Image from]
Posted By: MEDIC238 Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 12:25 PM
Hey Mitzi,<P>The duct tape is in the top drawer on the left. G just found her puter this Sunday night and we got it hooked up. She couldn't get online. I guess the 1400 mile trip was just too much for it. <P>You wouldn't believe the major renovations we are doing to her place. Of course if you look into the killer size dumpster in the yard with half of the house in it, you would. Hey, I'm a jack of all trades, master of none. At least the house didn't fall down yet. I am figuring that we should be done around Christmas. How does that sound?<P>Hey, I didn't hurt you in VA, did I?<P>Hope to see you soon. What's going on? You still doing ok? Does G have your #? What's the square root of pi? I should get going now. [Linked Image from]<P><P>------------------<BR>"It's not over till we say it's over! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? H*ll no!" Blutto...Animal House 1984<P>Wishing us all the Best.<P>Medic
Posted By: Khyra Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 01:07 PM
Hiya Medic,<P>Nice to see you back again! I know we haven't posted much on each other's threads, but us emergency type people have to stick together. [Linked Image from] Glad to hear you are still running the lights and sirens and keeping the home fires burning. <P>Khyra<P>PS earn money sleeping, lmao! [Linked Image from]
Posted By: jdmac1 Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/03/01 03:06 PM
Hey Everyone,<P> EWO, yes I wear my seat belt. Got in the habit by being an example for my children, actually. <pat, pat, pat>Yep that felt good.<P> Darn it. You are right, I should not have squandered my very own personal thread. One of those quite times I<P> Medic...hehe...she couldn't help it huh? But, thanks to her(and you) I lightened up, and laughed. Thats ok in my book. So, thanks EWO. <P> You two keep it up. I have to tell you, it is a special thing to make people laugh whose world seems to be crumbling. Seems there are several of you "Angels" on these boards. Right D?<P> Now I have to go figure out how to answer another VERY funny persons' email....sigh....don't know if I have the words....hehe.
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/04/01 01:10 AM
How funny, medic, not just an hour ago my 6 year old and I were headed up on a Taco Bell run and passed the firestation. For the first time he asked me what the firemen do when they aren't helping people.... I didn't I do!<P>Deb
Posted By: Mitzi Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/04/01 01:53 AM
Hey Tim!<P>I was trying to decide if you hurt me in VA or not! LOL If you remember, I spent a few hours with you guys Monday evening. Then spent all day Tuesday in bed, SICK!! You guys broke me! LOL LOL<P>But I am glad to hear that you haven't fallen off of the new houses roof yet! LOL LOL<P>Not a lot is going on here...same old, same old! Me and the boys are still doing ok. Between my work and their schooling, it's a madhouse! I may be ready for the straight-jacket soon! LOL LOL At least I have a friend with an ambulance! LOL LOL<P>Gina did have my #, but I'm not sure if she still does or not. If she wants it again, let me know and I'll email it to ya! OK? <P>Have fun!<BR>Mitzi [Linked Image from]<P>PS...pi is what? 3.14? Or somewhere around that would make the square root something like 1.7720045! [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]<BR>
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/04/01 03:09 AM
Hey, I always thought pie are round and cornbread are square... Must be that darn public school education... Yoo, hoo, Medic??<BR>
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/04/01 03:17 AM
Actually guys, I'm gonna horn in on my own thread here...I have my first interview since 1989 tomorrow morning (in case you missed my other post, I've worked for the same company for 15 years, but switched divisions in 89) and got laid off last Thursday. Anyway, I won't be up late tonight... REALLY. Uh-oh, guess it is kinda late, but I'm going to bed NOW. Well, first I gotta do my nails. But then I really really am going to sleep. Everyone collectively cross their fingers, ok? I need positive energy!<P>Debbie<BR>
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/04/01 03:27 AM
couldn't resist. You guys know how I am about that burning thingy in the margin... needed one more post. Hello...? Anybody out there? BTDT?
Posted By: Quiet_Goodbye Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/04/01 03:29 AM
Hi Medic! [Linked Image from]<P>Hey, I wrote about you on the chat thread. [Linked Image from]<P>Hugs to you and Gina,<P>Sheryl
Posted By: eyeswideopen Re: Oh Medic238...yoo hoo - 10/04/01 03:56 AM
ok, I can't remember...where are the pictures? It was something about mygroups on either aol or yahoo, right? I had an invitation, and I saw them, but now I can't remember where they are. (Ok, I'm rambling...the MB pictures... I'm pretty sure a lot of it took place in Seattle...) Does anyone have the address?<P>Just wondering...<P>
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