Marriage Builders
Posted By: cybil Cali ,faith4us how are you doing today? - 10/28/01 02:07 PM
I was thinking of the two of you and was wondering how you are doing? Would love to hear from you. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.
Posted By: *Cali* Re: Cali ,faith4us how are you doing today? - 10/28/01 03:55 PM
Hello cybil...<p>Thanks for asking...busy day ahead...but I have been fine...<p>I replied on my post...<p>Cali
Posted By: faith4us Re: Cali ,faith4us how are you doing today? - 10/28/01 05:26 PM
Hi Cybil,
I too am doing as well as I can...H moved out this past week....I posted earlier on his departure......H was over yesterday..spent the day with us and finally talked to the two oldest boys.....said something like...."you know your Mom and I aren't getting along right now...not sure how it all is going to work out but I just want you to know I love you more than anything"....
I know I shouldn't have expected him to tell them the nasty details but it just sounds like to me he was not accepting responsibility for the state of our marriage...I know I have contributed by not meeting his needs in recent years...but I have made drastic changes this last year and he knows that and continued involvement with OW right on.....and now has moved just makes me sad he can't accept responsibility....I am doing what I know I need to do to either restore our relationship if the opportunity comes along or ready myself for a new different life if reconcilation isn't in the cards for us....My H on the other hand doesn't want to change anything in his life to allow our marriage a chance......I don't know....I will check back in later today....
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