Marriage Builders
<BR>Hi Everyone -<P>It's's finally here!!!<P>Baseball's Opening Day 2000!!!!<P>So, how do your teams look?<P>I was in mourning for the loss of some of my fav players on my Yankees.....<P>Joe Girardi (C) and Luis Sojo (Utility Infielder) will be the most sorely missed in terms of game enhancement.....<P>The Yanks didn't shine in spring training really.....although they did pick up very well towards the end. <P>If we stay healthy - should have another great year!!!<P>Hopeful and Lone Star - I watched you two fantasy trading on the ES/Hopeful thread.......let me just say that SORRY - you cannot take any Yankees!!!!! LOL!!!<P>You can get me Girardi, Sojo and Wells back if you want though!!!<P>So, let's hear it - how are your guys looking?<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba<p>[This message has been edited by Sheba (edited April 03, 2000).]
Hey, Sheba!<P>Today is an EXCITING day, isn't it? Can't wait to see how the first day turns out.<P>My Texas Rangers are a bit of a mystery this year. I'm sure you remember a few months ago when they traded Juan Gonzalez to the Tigers for some pitchers and Gabe Kapler. Well, we'll miss Juan's big bat this year, but Kapler hit .400 in spring training, so maybe it won't be THAT bad.<P>Also, we picked up 3 left-handed starters (we've had two of them in the past). Looks like we're loading up for the Yanks (the scouting report says y'all can't hit lefties)in the playoffs. Only problem is, since we lost half the starters in the field, we might not make it there this year!<P>Anyhoo, I'm hoping we'll have enough strength to get ourselves back to the playoffs and hopefully extend past the first round this year!<P>------------------<BR>/// Lone Star * ///<P>
Hi LoneStar -<P>I am just in heaven.....I've got the Brewers/Reds and the Padres/Mets games being broadcast right now - so am switching back and forth and coming here during simultaneous commercials...<P>Yankees play Angels tonight at 10pm my time.....just getting in the mood with these pregames!!!! I have my stat sheets all made up for the season - printed them off this morning!!!! LOL!!<P>Leiter (mets) just hit Gwynn (padres) with one of his "insides".....he felt bad.....(and Dazed - you're right - he is pretty cute!!!) Don't worry Airheart - Gwynn is OK......<P>When/Who does Texas play today?<P>Back to the games......<P>Hugs and WooHoo!!!!!!<P>Sheba
Glad you're happy twin [Linked Image from]<P>One of this days we will have to sit down and e-mail to each other stuff about basebal, so maybe then I'll understand it and enjoy it . Easy to see that I come from a place where basebal is not that well known [Linked Image from]<P>Did you ever find those sites? I'm waiting... [Linked Image from]<P>Hugs to you<P>Kat
Hi Twin Kat -<P>Yes, I did a search and bookmarked some for you....want to find more and possibly anything about Canadian laws/positions on it for you!! I didn't forget you.....<P>I am off this week and should have plenty of time to finish and send to you......OK? <P>I will be more than happy to explain Baseball to you......anytime!!!!<P>Do you get Toronto or Montreal broadcasts? If so, watch one and you'll pick it up - it's great!!! About the only game that is not just a ball, puck or whatever going from one end of a field, etc. to the least there is some variety!!!! LOL!!!<P>Talk to you soon.<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba<P>Current update....Hitchcock (padres) hits Ventura (mets) - score tied 1-1 Bot 7th.....Payback? Nah..just tired!!<BR><p>[This message has been edited by Sheba (edited April 03, 2000).]
Bah!!! Pads lost the opener to the Mets. My day's ruined now... [Linked Image from]<P>Padres beefed up their offense a little in the off season (with the addition of Al Martin, Ryan Klesko, Brett Boone), but their pitching is going to be extremely woeful this year. I cringe... [Linked Image from] <P>--andy
Sheba:<P>The Rangers are playing the Chicago White Sox right now. It's in the eighth inning and Texas leads 10-1. What a GLORIOUS opening day this is!<P>Kenny Rogers must have pitched pretty well. Only 1 run on 9 hits. God, I wish I were there right now!<P>------------------<BR>/// Lone Star * ///<P>
Hey Sheba,<P>If I'm correct the Yanks got Girardi from Colorado so if anyone gets him back its the ROCKIES not the Yanks. <P>There are very few Rockies from last year and of course no managers from last year but that's okay, I didn't like Leland much.<P>Don't know who the Rockies are playing today. From what I heard they had a pretty bad spring training as well but have done better than the Yanks this year. Sorry Sheba to bash the Yankies but hey I'm all for Colorado. I'll let everyone know about Colorado later
Sheba,<P>This has GOT to be the Indians year!!! I'm actually a Pirates fan, but living here in the shadow of Cleveland, I don't hear too much about Pittsburgh, where I was borne and raised.<P>Besides, they now have Griffey, as well as Sosa, and McGwire in their division. [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]
Hi Everybody,<P>As a fan who got home yesterday from Atlanta after seeing the BRAVES whip up on the Orioles Friday night, I can only say one thing: I WANT RYAN AND BRETT BACK!<P>Peppermint
THe Yanks got rid od Girardi? Sojo he won't be too badly missed at least by me....<P>They'll start to kick again during week two or three. <P>All I know is I hate the braves...<P>B<P>------------------<BR>BB<BR>
Hi All -<P>Oh, I am so excited......I'm all ready - got myself propped in the recliner, something to drink, some popcorn (no hotdogs,though - it's too late here!!) and my scorecard!!!!!<P>Only bad thing is that it's being shown on Fox instead of the local and those dingbat announcers will probably be calling it.....It's OK cuz I got the portable radio handy incase they annoy me too much!!!! LOL!!!<P>I'll come back either between innings or after.....<P>Yankees vs. Angels.....GO YANKS!!!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Hi twin [Linked Image from]!<P>Thanks for looking for me.<P>In regards to basebol, I just don't understand it so I have trouble following it.<P>It looks fine, but I have no idea of what's hapenning [Linked Image from]<P>I like most sports, but I need to understand what is happening [Linked Image from]<P>WE'll talk about it later, I'm guessing that with such a big fan, I will get it in no time LOL<P>Hugs to you<BR>Kat
Here is the bottom line. Forget the 162 game regular season, the wild card matchups, the ALCS, the NLCS, just get to the World Series. Cards vs Indians 6 games McGuire goes deep in the bottom of the eleventh at Busch to win the game and to take the Series, 4-2. Seems pretty cut and dried to me why bother playing the games. [Linked Image from]
must be that mcdonalds thing...<P>BIG MAC makes me drool!!!<P>Those arms baybeeee!!!<P>MMMM MMMM MMMM MMM MMMMMMMM [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]<P>Go Cards!!
See what I have to deal with? Jeez. [Linked Image from]
Hi All -<P>Well, last night's Yankee game was OK..<BR>definitely some carnival music playing for some of the happenings (or non-happenings, I should say!!) At least they won 3-2.....I think you're right WilliamJ - they'll be sluggish for a week or two. Are you a Yankees fan? And why don't you think that they will miss Sojo? I thought he was a pretty good filler.....You didn't? <P>Ok - tell me....who won the Cleveland/Baltimore game yesterday? I keep missing it on the news.....RWD?<BR>Score also please!!!!! And how strange was it to see Hargrove in an Oriole's uniform, eh?<P>Hey LoneStar - they finally said that Chad Curtis traded to Texas....where do they have him? Yay...your boys kicked some butt I see!!!! Glad Rogers pitched well and he even made some plays - woohoo!!!!!<P>Sorry that your Padres lost though's only the first day - have some positive vibes for 'em, will ya!!!!! Hey, do you know if the Red Sox played? They are at Seattle aren't they? Didn't see anything on them either....if anyone knows - please fill me in.<P>Hopeful, well it seems Colorado lost - but from the bits I saw it was a good try.....Those Braves.....UGH!!!!<P>Peppermint....OK, I know a lot about baseball - even other team's players, but I am shamefaced to admit that from your post I don't know which team is your favorite, cuz I don't know which one those guys went to SD from....Braves or O's? So which is it? Thanks..I don't like being ignorant!!!! LOL!!!<P>Hugs and enjoy tonight's games!!!!<P>Sheba
Ooops.....forgot Sparkydog and Cat - sorry!!!!<P>Sooooo, let me guess.....St Louis fans perhaps!!!! LOL!!!<P>I think that ESN was more disappointed than the fans that McGuire sat yesterday!!!! Did you hear the announcers? I thought they were going to cry!!!! It was kinda funny!!!!<P>Oh and men have your kind of fantasy baseball and us women have ours!!!!! Right Cat? LOL!!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba<P>Ps....enjoy the game tonight and I hope Mark plays...wouldn't want those announcers crying!!!! LOL!!!
Hey Sheba,<P>Our Rockies always seem to have a problem with those braves. Don't know why... They just do so ES and I expected them to lose.<P>Perpermint-So did I read your post right. The braves traded Ryan Klesko or is this another Ryan your talking about?
Ok, I'm not a big Major League fan but I'll have to agree on the Mark McGwire attitude here!!! YUMMY!<P>But I am a fan of Little League. My 10 yr old son is one mean first baseman and a power hitter!!! [Linked Image from] (yes I'm a proud mother!)
I really miss football... <P>so, yeah, the baseball uniforms are nicer, and the guys are cuter, but what's the big deal about hitting the ball and running around? I just don't get it! [Linked Image from]<P>oh, and HI SHEBA! [Linked Image from]<P>~Sheryl (okay, lurking today!) [Linked Image from]
THE YANKS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All,<P>Well the game is on..Clemons pitching and I swear that boy is going to be the death of me.....!!!!!! He goes and loads 'em up in the 1st....sheeeeesh!!!!<P>Hopeful - Yeah, we all have those certain teams that we just have such a struggle against. Did your guys win tonight? Last I saw it was 5-3 Rockies.<P>Mitzi - You proud Mama, you!!!!! Glad to hear that he's doing so well!! I almost umpired for little league this year...two things stopped me - 1) I can't promise consistancy of being there with my injuries and they wanted us to shell out mucho bucks for equipment!! I felt bad cuz I would love that job!!!!<P>Hi NB - Baseball is better for a lot of reasons....#1 being that I don't get a crick in my neck from my head going back and forth cuz that's all they do!!! Up the field....down the field....boring!!<P>Now in can see their faces and they bend and stretch and run and throw and crouch and grab and.....(blush) ahem....oh, it's a more intricate sport!!! LOL!!!<P>I love ya, miss ya ....but get your darn football off my diamond!!!!<P>Ah Medic, I knew that there was some kind of connection between us...thought it was just our warped minds..but now see that that's not all!!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Sheba and Hopeful,<P>I am a Braves fan, and they traded my FAVORITE player, Ryan Klesko to SD, along with Brett Boone. What the heck were they thinking?<P>Cat might get excited about McGuire's biceps, but OHMYGOSH, Ryan Klesko is a real cutie.<P>My FAVORITE pitcher, John Smoltz, is out for the year with an elbow injury. IT'S TERRIBLE!<P>At least we've got the BIG CAT back! And he hit a homer in the opener.<P>My daughter is the REAL BB fan in our house. She knows the names and stats for every player on every team.<P>We went to see the BRAVES/Orioles game because she adores Brady Anderson.<P>Who brought the Crackerjacks?<P>Peppermint
WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!<P>Bernie - 2run Homer to break tie in 9th..........YEAH BABY!!!!!<P>Sorry Peppermint...I get so excited !!!!<P>Thanks for explaining your team.<P>I felt so bad about Smoltz also. I like him.....great pitcher.<P>How on earth does your D keep track of players on so many teams? I just about get the Yanks right!!!!<P>We've got crackerjacks, peanuts, popcorn, heck whatever you want!!! Hot dogs are served only 7-7:30 games - these west coast ones are too late...don't want any indigestion problems!!!! LOL!!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Hey, Sheba!<P>I usually don't root for the Yanks, especially since they've dropped the Rangers out of the first round of the Playoffs in three of the last four years.<P>HOWEVER, I'm always happy to see a team beat one of our AL West rivals, so . . . as long as y'all play the Angels, Mariners or Athletics, I'll root for ya!<P>Sounds like you're in HOG HEAVEN now that the season is in full swing!<P>--------------<P>NB: Here's what the deal is with hitting a ball and running around the bases:<P>Hitting a baseball is probably the HARDEST thing to do in sports. You have to hit a small round object (the ball) with another rounded object (the bat). If you don't hit it just right, you'll either pop it foul or get an out. You have to know how to place the ball so that if falls in a place where nobody can get to it. That ain't easy. That's why a guy who is successful only 3 out of 10 times is considered a GREAT hitter.<P>Another great thing about baseball is the strategy that's involved. How do you position your players to take advantage of a hitter's tendencies? Do you pitch a fastball or a curve ball? Should the runner try to steal second or wait until the batter hits the ball?<P>It's a very fascinating game once you start looking for the MEANING behind each move. If you approach the game like football, basketball or hockey, you will get bored with it because it's a slower moving, more calculated game.<P>But, it's MUCH more of a thinking person's game than the others, in my opinion!<P>-------------------<P>Hopeful & ES:<P>Hey, the Rockies won last night! Finally found an answer to the Braves! [Linked Image from]<P>------------------<BR>/// Lone Star * ///<P>
Sheba and LoneStar<P>The Rockies CAN beat the Braves if they really want to they just have to get into that frame of mind to do so. They lost every game their first year but they can usually divide the games now. <P>My MIL is a big Braves fan so ES and I watch the braves as well. I can't believe that the braves traded Klesko
Sheba -- well I'm not too hopeful that the Padres will compete in their division this year. It's gonna be between the Dodgers (blech) and the Diamondbacks (who I don't mind too much). The Dodgers picked up Shawn Green in the off season, and appear to have improved in terms of "team chemistry", which they've always lacked.<P>I watched the opener for the Red Sox last night against Seattle. Pedro Martinez is THE MAN!!! Struck out eleven for his third season opener start in a row! How's that for consistency?!?<P>peppermint -- So the Pads have Klesko and Boone, you guys have Quilvio Veras and Reggie Sanders. You'll like those guys, that's for dang sure. They'll both steal you guys a ton of bases. Plus Reggie's got some good pop in that bat and he plays much better defense than Ryan ever will.<P>hopeful -- So the Rockies DID beat the Braves yesterday. Great base clearing double by your new third baseman Jeff Cirillo for the game winning RBI's. He's gonna have a monster year at Coors field I think.<P>Sheryl -- blasphemy!!!!! [Linked Image from]<P>Damn... I <I>love</I> baseball!!<BR>--andy<p>[This message has been edited by airheart (edited April 05, 2000).]
Sheba, <P>Here I am, football-less... I'm safe to have around, see?<P>Oh dear, sweet Lonestar... the <B>meaning</B> of baseball? My hero! Thank you for explaining it all so much better than anyone else ever could!!<P>Airheart,<P>Just because we live in the same state doesn't mean that you can get away with calling me a blasphemist (is that really a word?). I am NOT!! <P>Hey, I just happen to enjoy the meaning of football (see Lonestar, I see the meaning here too)... ya know the part where they slam 350 pounds of themselves into the bad guys on the other team. Not a gentle sport, like your baseball...<P>Yes, I know that The Natural and Field of Dreams had not only baseball but Robert Redford and Kevin Costner (YUMMY) but I just don't get that feeling of having slammed into something like I do with football. But I digress...<P>Onward we go, and I will do my best to watch and try to see the beauty in it, okay??<BR><p>[This message has been edited by new_beginning (edited April 05, 2000).]
Sher, I believe the word is <B>blasphemer</B>... [Linked Image from]<p>[This message has been edited by airheart (edited April 05, 2000).]
Lonestar,<P>Great explanation. And I thought the real beauty of the game was guys like Scott Erikson (and Ryan Klesko)!<P>The Rangers have the catcher named Pudge, right? He is also one of my daughter's favorites. Last year we went to Baltimore to see the Orioles play the Rangers. Almost all of our vacations are planned around baseball!<P>Airheart,<P>You're right about Veras and Sanders, they're both great. But Ryan Klesko has attributes far beyond defense!<P>Peppermint
Thanks andy!!! I stand corrected... way out here on my football field!! [Linked Image from]
peppermint,<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You're right about Veras and Sanders, they're both great. But Ryan Klesko has attributes far beyond defense!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Oh yeah, I know that! I was just trying to make you feel better for losing him... [Linked Image from]<P>--andy<P>
As a warrior goddess I naturally love sports! This baseball topic is on fire and I couldn't resist. The Braves are my baseball team of choice and I'm with Peppermint - Klesko had LOTS of attributes. It was pretty amazing when the Cat hit his homer - the announcer had just finishing saying "wouldn't it be incredible if..." when the ball went sailing out of the park. The only downer about the Braves is their inability to left on base is a REAL problem for them. As for the Rockies - well as they say, on any given day.<P>On a serious note and to try and tie this topic to the forum - it does hurt to see Skipper Jones - his story brings up some painful thoughts - how's that for finding a trigger in a haystack....(my specialty). <P>O OOOO O OOOO (doing the chop)...
OOOOOOOUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHH!!!<P>MY EARS.....OH, MY HEAD!!!!<P><BR>PLEASE, Athena....... I am glad you found our baseball thread and welcome to the fun but.....never....for our sanity I beg you.....NEVER ....chop on here!!!!<P>OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!! Airheart- HELP!!<P>LOL!!!!!!!<P>Hi Everyone -<P>Hey LoneStar - great explanation of baseball!! That's why I love it so much - you have to think if you really want to get the most out of it. And of course, when you don't want to think - the visuals alone will adhere you to it, right ladies? teehee!!<P>Saw that Texas won again....what's up with the double digit scores you guys are starting that stuff for the Yanks!!!!<BR> <BR>Hopeful - YAY ROCKIES!!! Glad to see that they won. I hate to see sweeps (oh, did I just say that - me, little miss Yankee girl?) but I do - I like when each team at least wins one....EXCEPT in the playoffs or Series of course!!!!<P>Hi NB - As long as you leave your football off the diamond come and learn about baseball with really is THE BEST sport!!!! And I also LOVE the history of it....I am fortunate enough to live close to Yankee Stadium and there is nothing like the awe of monument park - talk about goosebumps!! I have been about 15 feet away from Joe DiMaggio.....just awesome!!!<P>Of course you NB might not know what I mean since you don't really follow but I'm sure that you can relate it to something that would be awesome for you to see in football.<P>Peppermint and Athena - Could either of you explain to me why that pitching coach rocks on the bugs the heck out of me!!!! Who's filling in for Smoltz this year?<P>Hi Airheart - Pedro is THE MAN!!!! Don't look forward to facing him...although I DO LOVE to see him work!!!! Who won in Arizona last nite?<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Airheart,<P>Thanks for the sympathy and support! I have heard that Klesko is happy to be back in CA, but we southern women sure do miss him! And thanks for not taking any shots at Rocker. What can I say, the boy has a GREAT arm, but no brain.<P>Athena!<P>A BRAVES fan here at last! What will we do if a Mets fan shows up? I'll be nice, how about you? I agree with you about Chipper Jones, he's a great player making a lot of money and setting a very bad example for fans. His ex-wife did get a huge financial settlement, but that doesn't make up for the affair and all the pain it caused.<P>Sheba,<P>He rocks when he gets nervous and I think it drives EVERYBODY crazy!<P>Peppermint
Sheeb,<P>I'm with you on the tomahawk choppin' thing!!! Yikes! (no offense to Atlanta fans... but that really IS obnoxious! LOL!)<P>I believe Arizona won over the Phillies last night (on Andy Ashby's first start in the Philly uni... ouch!! He got beat up for 6 runs! Andy, as you might know, used to be a Padre!). But on the other hand, he was up against Randy Johnson who was very good last night. He struck out a bunch.<P>BTW, Atlanta picked up John Burkett to fill in for Smoltz. Not as good by a long shot, but still pretty capable. How does Atlanta keep doing that? (and the Yanks for that matter!). The Pads have to constantly struggle and scrape to make payroll, and can't afford to snap up free agents... sigh!!<P>--andy<BR>
peppermint(we posted at the same time!),<P>I'll not take pot-shots at Rocker as long as you leave Al Martin alone. He's stuck with a possible bigamy charge!! What a way to start your career as a Padre! gack!<P>--andy
Airheart,<P>It's a deal! At least we don't have to cope with Roberto Alomar, Albert Belle, or Strawberry!!<P>Peppermint
HHHHHEEEEEEYYYY!!!<P>Now Leave Straw out of this....he's an addict - always was and probably always will be!! We know a little something about addictions now, don't we?<P>Bad example and role model....but he can hit!!! <P>It's a shame really....probably the last we'll see of him - too bad cuz he needed baseball in his life to straighten out at least for the season!! It's off-season that he has most of his problems.<P>Peppermint - the "rocking coach" rocks the WHOLE GAME though.....someone should just strap him to the bench for a few games and break that habit!!!! Either that or give him some nerve pills!!!<P>What is the story with A. Belle and R. Henderson attitudes anyway.....anyone know?<P>Anybody out there a Detroit fan? How's the new stadium?<P>Hugs, <P>Sheba
Sheeb, I've got a theory about Rickey Henderson. He played for the Pads for a few seaons...<P>I don't think he can play well unless he's got the attitude thing going. He's gotta be pissin' off people in order to play well. [Linked Image from] When he played down here, he was all mellowed out by the SoCal atmosphere and the nice-guy players we had on the team at that time. I've never seen him as nice to the media as he was when he was here, plus he never complained about playing time or contracts or anything... He even showed up <B>on time</B> for spring training! Problem was, he also played crappy while here. No attitude = no game.<P>BTW, T. Gwynn out at least 5 days with possible fracture on his elbow after getting hit by Leiter on Monday. [Linked Image from]<P>--andy
Oh No...really Airheart?<P>Wow, Leiter felt bad, too! Did you see that game? He wanted to walk up to him from the mound.....<P>Hope it heals well....<P>I like Gwynn!!! He's a nice guy, besides being a good player of course!!<P>About Henderson....yeah, I guess your right - attitude does equal good playing with him.<P>My brain is so burnt (through all this relationship stuff) that I am trying to remember how he was waaaaay back when he was in NY....<P>I know he was notable - but for the life of me I can't remember anything about him.....hmmm? I used to be at the games a lot then too!!! Ah - old age and senility!!! Ain't it grand!!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Sheba:<P>WAAAAAAY back when Rickey played for the Yanks, he was as cocky as ever. THAT guy had some MAJOR attitude. At the time, I hated it, but, I guess if you can walk the walk, then you have every right to boast.<P>Who was it that said: "It ain't braggin' if it's true."?<P>About the double digit runs -- hopefully we won't NEED those for the Yanks. That's why we went out and got 3 left-handed starters. Scuttlebutt is that your Bronx Bombers can't hit the lefties. Guess we'll see. [Linked Image from]<P>----------------<P>Peppermint:<P>Yes, the Rangers are the team with Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez. Probably the best all-around catcher in the league these days. If he's one of your daughter's favorites, then she has GOOD taste. [Linked Image from]<P>------------------<BR>/// Lone Star * ///<P>
Sheeb, I didn't see the game, but I was listening to it on an internet simulcast. It was on very early out here on the west coast (like 10am!!), so I was at work.<P>T. Gwynn is MR. PADRE out here. He's the franchise! One of the most beloved San Diegan sports figures ever, I'm sure. Him and Ted Williams. Ted played for the Padres when the Pads were a minor league team, before he went to the Red Sox. They named a freeway after him out here! [Linked Image from]<P>As far as Rickey goes, I don't remember too much about him when he played with the Yanks, but I remember his years with the A's. He was always a trouble maker up there. But damn, what a good player. Won a few gold gloves, stole a TON of bases (the all-time leader!), has the most all-time lead-off home-runs too! He might be in the twilight of his career now, but don't tell HIM that! [Linked Image from]<P>--andy
Thought I'd chime in.<P>Baseball blasphemer here [Linked Image from]. I do take my family to see the AZ Diamondbacks play once a year. That's enough. After forking out almost $200 for tickets, food, and a couple of baseball memoribilia items that get played with until we get in the car, I just haven't been able to see the beauty. I do follow the Diamondbacks every now and then. But, I don't make a point to watch their games until September. <P>But, you baseball fans have to admit that the game does pack 2 minutes of excitement into 3 hours. It's the only sport I have seen (other than golf) where players can be over weight and still be a success. <P>Maybe I'm tainted from having to chip my tax dollar into building an over priced stadium and then watching guys who make a hundred times more than I do walk up to bat, strike out, and walk back to the dug out and spit seeds until it's their turn again. I don't know I need more action.<P>Now hockey is a different story. I think hitting a little round thing with a stick past a guy whose blocking the goal while someone else is kicking your backside is a little more difficult (IMHO).<P>Go Diamondbacks (and Coyotes)!<P>SHA <p>[This message has been edited by Sir Hurts Alot (edited April 05, 2000).]
SHA,<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><BR>But, you baseball fans have to admit that the game does pack 2 minutes of excitement into 3 hours. It's the only sport I have seen (other than golf) where players can be over weight and still be a success. <BR><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I won't argue with you over the weight thing. My Mr. Gwynn is a chubbo, but the guy sure can hit!!<P>But about the excitement, that's where you have to be more than just a casual fan to appreciate. Most non baseball fans make this mistake. You see, <B>EVERY SINGLE PITCH</B> is strategy. Will he throw a slider? Curve ball? Fast ball? Inside? Outside? Sometimes just one pitch can make me exclaim in joy! "How did he get so much movement!! Wow, what a pitch!!" <P>And I'll tell ya what, to a hardcore baseball fan, there's nothing more exciting than watching a no-hitter.<P>I've always liked Hockey too (grew up in New England as a Bruins fan!), but there's just so much FIGHTING in that sport, and out-and-out nastiness. Sheesh! Baseball may have it's beer-bellies, but Hockey has it's no-teeth guys! [Linked Image from]<P>--andy
Is that a Jose Conseco bat? Tell me me you didn't pay money for that? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.<P>And yes Ricky defined the word "cocky" with NY. It was a shame about Thurman. Still have the tape of the 78 series. Great watching. They win everytime I see it.<P>The Pinhead.
No fair! How come <B>andy</B> can bring up hockey, and <B>SHA</B> can bring up golf, but I am banned from the diamond if I bring my football?? <P>Baseball is okay if you're personally there... especially the BEER, and yes, when the Dodgers were in Los Angeles I watched them play at Dodger Stadium, is it still Dodger Stadium <B>andy</B>??, I can't remember... I mean the Dodger's aren't there anymore, so...<P>I do like the Spring better, and the sunshine, and those guys are much cuter with all that bending and stuff (thanks for the visual, <B>Sheba</B>) and I loved "A League of Their Own"... and, and, and... maybe I actually LIKE baseball??? Could that be it? Ut oh... is it too late?<P><p>[This message has been edited by new_beginning (edited April 05, 2000).]
Sher... what the heck are you talking about?!? [Linked Image from]<P>Dodgers are still in LA. They still play in Dodgers Stadium out in Chavez Ravine. You're thinking about the Rams I bet. Or maybe the Raiders. Both NFL teams up and left LA.<P>BTW, there's no shame in admitting a fondness for baseball. [Linked Image from]<P>--andy
I am a Cub fan, need I say more. Guess it will be just another season...LOL [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]<P>But, I love them [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]
[Linked Image from] well, color me embarrassed [Linked Image from] and thank you my dear airheart for setting me straight... yes, of course I <B>KNOW</B> the Rams aren't here, because I LOVE FOOTBALL [Linked Image from] but yes, I guess I was momentarily confused about the Dodgers. See, dear man, I <B>knew</B> I was asking the right fellow-Californian about that one!!<P>And about baseball... I like the beer, did I make that clear?<P>Carry on...
airheart, <P>I guess I just haven't gotten into the strategy of the game. I suppose each pitch is can bring excitement, but when I do go to a game, I like the good old fashioned slugfest. You know a 16-13 game filled with home runs, grand slams, a few triples. Those are fun to watch. The beer is OK but at $5 it makes it hard to swallow.<P>As for hockey, yeah there's lots of fighting but there's less at the NHL level compared to the smaller leagues. It is a fast paced sport, lots of strategy, and you can't take your guy off the puck or you'll miss something. <P>I guess I'm a winter sport guy (skiing, hockey) and yet I live in the desert - go figure. <P>SHA
Pinky,<BR>Let me be the first to apologize for the atrocious behavior of the Cardinals during the first 2 games of the year at Busch. I guess all the sports craziness in St. Louis is catching on w/ the Cards. I mean Super Bowl champs, best hockey team in the NHL, so far anyway [Linked Image from], the Cards felt they needed to make a statement about baseball being good in St. Louis, too.<P>Again, sorry about the 55 gallon drum of whup-@ss dumped all over the Cubbies. We should have been more respectful of your unfortunate travel schedule. But then again, we did hold Big Mac out of the first two games. [Linked Image from]<P>------------------<BR>Allen<BR>
Hi Everybody -<P>Hey SHA - Glad you jumped on...but - like I had to tell NB about her football - get the "puck" outta here!!!! hehe!!<P>(feel better NB?)<P>First, about my Yank game last nite...Since when is all hell supposed to break loose when Angels are involved?<BR>Those boys were DETERMINED last night!!<BR>A little frustrating but hey, I was glad that they won one at their home field - it's only right.....besides Tino got a HR and that's good enough for me!! On to Seattle!!!! <P>LoneStar - when was Henderson in NY? I can't put my teams and years together in the ole' memory.....I'm getting my M. Rivers, Randolph, Chambliss, etc. days all mixed up!!!! I remember them all playing but not when!!! UGH!!! Refresher if you know (and being the sharp-minded baseball brain that you are - I'm sure you do!!!).....<P>I reserve my comments on how well (or not) the Yanks can hit lefties..<BR>..haven't seen enough to tell yet!!!! <P>Hey Airheart - some good news on Gwynn, they said that he isn't as bad as they thought and he could be back in by Friday!!!! <P>Ah SHA, good to have you around!!! How are ya, Buddy? Let me first say that you have "how to follow baseball" all see in order to REALLY get into it, you have to watch it on TV!!<P>I understand completely about the money at the ballpark and how it could be boring - the only games worth seeing at the ballpark are either high scorers so there's a lot of action (fights, fouls that clonk people, etc.) OR a no hitter (a PERFECT GAME is also MOST EXCELLANT!!)<P>That is because you can't SEE the pitches very well...if at all depending on where you sit. There are a lot of things about the game that are missed when you are actually in the park!!<P>And the money....well, let's just say that if I didn't go with free tickets and a Yankee Dufflebag full of drinks, snacks, etc. - I would never be there!!!<BR>When they started charging 3.75 for water and yanked out most of the water just "lost" something for me as far as going to the park. <P>Although I must admit that I do ENJOY batting practice and all those warm-up exercises.....Ladies - a tip....go early and bring binoculars!!!! What a sight!!!<P>Anyway, my whole point is what Airheart was explaining about the pitching is the key to the overall excitement of baseball.....only on TV can you see the precision of not only what kind of pitch, etc...but even if it's in the strike zone!!!! When it's a slow game - that is where your excitement lies...<P>Now, as far as hockey....not that I watch it much, but I would choose that sport after baseball.....Football and Golf are absolute bottoms on my sports list!!! Football I can stomach if I have to but Golf....please!! <P>The idea of grown men hitting a little ball and then walking after it mile after mile when there isn't even anyone else trying to get it is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.....someone was VERY LONELY when they invented that!!!! Even in "kick the can" there is someone that tries to get it from you!!!! Just silly!!!! It's not a's some kind of therapy found in a book title "How to Amuse ( "Play With" just doesn't sound good!!) Yourself".......<P>Oh - and liking winter sports and living in the desert....well, I think it must be some sort of brain balancing...some Freudian thing about keeping cool in all that heat!!! LOL!!!<P>Hi Medic - LOL!!!! It is a shame about Thurman....He touched me once - Held my face in his hand and called me a "cutie" I'll never forget that!!! Cried for days when he died...<P>NB - it's never too late to like baseball!!!! Watch a game or go to the ballpark with me and I guarantee that you will be a fan afterwards!!!!! I will teach you (and help with more visuals!!!) all about the finer points!!! Even about the actual game itself!!!! LOL!!!<P>Hi Pinky - Now, now....take heart!! You guys have Sosa to be proud of and you are now sooooo lucky to have Joey G. (Girardi) as a catcher...he's the heart and soul that brought our Yankee pitching staff together when they were off kilter!!!! I envy you for that!!!<P>And Sparkydog - you be nice to Pinky!!!<BR>I'm a Yankee girl and we don't want to be talking about "drums of Whup-@ss" now do we?!!!<P>Hugs to All - and I am still waiting to hear what the Indians and O's have been doing.......anyone know?<P>Sheba <P> <p>[This message has been edited by Sheba (edited April 06, 2000).]
You ppl are just wonderful! I came here for the first time today and was all depressed and then I see this baseball thread! Cheered me right up! I was at work last night listening to the Indians game, and was excited 'cause the Indians were winning. Then, I got home from work at the bottom of the 8th and watched Hargrove's new team squash his old depressing! LOL! Even though I now live in Oregon, I was born and raised in Ohio and have always been a HUGE Indians fan...even got to fly home last year and attend a game..great seats, too by the way. [Linked Image from] <P>I can't recall who said their son plays little league..but my daughter does, too. She is 10 and is one of two girls on the team..and she is one mean short-stop!<P>Thanks again ppl...for makin me smile...<P>GO TRIBE!
Hi Sheridan and Welcome!!!!<P>Glad we helped make you feel better and smile....that does the same for us!!!<P>WE all have so many stressful things going on around us that it is necessarry to just lay back and talk about something enjoyable.....<P>So, join in - start with telling me about the Indians/O's games the past couple of days....O's won last night - what about the others? Are they done now? Who took it? Must have been really weird seeing Hargrove in that O's uniform...I just caught a glimpse of him on a sports report, and it was strange for me and I am not even a follower!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Sheeb, yes that IS good news about T. Gwynn! He might even be in the line-up tonite! Unfortunately, we're up against the new Mets ace Mike Hampton, who was outstanding last year for Houston. Gulp! [Linked Image from]<P>I was talking about the Pads lack of pitching strength this year, but so far it hasn't really shown (in all 2 GAMES of the season... chuckle). But anyway, both Hitchcock and Williams have pitched strong games, so I'm a little more optimistic. I hope they can be that consistent throughout the year! Tonite our young gun Matt Clement steps up. We'll see...<P>--andy
Hi Airheart -<P>That's great that Gwynn may go tonight!!! So you are on to the Mets series now? <P>I am somewhat perturbed with the broadcasting so far.....where I am (CT) they have a local channel for Mets, Yanks, Red Sox and Braves.....NONE of them are being shown on them!!!<P>The biggie stations jump in and screw it all up!!!! ESPN starts showing a game and then switches to another - usually one that is already on on a different channel....<P>They showed the Mets the first day that I saw....and the Red Sox also....nothing outstanding shown on the news....<BR> <BR>UGH!!!! Maybe I am just missing it all somehow.......<P>Hopefully this next week will straighten things out...or at least when the East coast teams get back here things will get back to normal!!!<P>About your Pitching....told ya, just give it some time to see - when I saw the game with Hitchcock - he didn't look too bad!!!<P>Good Luck tonight.....<P>Dazed is too busy or she would be here with the Mets side of things!!!<P>Yanks have an off day today...Oh, what am I going to do tonight! (pout!!) If there's another good game I'll watch it - if not I don't think that ER is a rerun tonight!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba<p>[This message has been edited by Sheba (edited April 06, 2000).]
Thanks for the welcome! [Linked Image from] I posted my 'Bonus Book Length' [Linked Image from] story for you all to read. <P>As far as the Indians/O's games..I have no clue...couldn't even tell ya how many games they have played..just one, though, I think. The final score was 11-7 (or was it 12/7?) I dunno. It is very strange to see Hargrove in a jacket that doesn't have old wahoo on the back of it! [Linked Image from] But he seems to be happy where he that's all that really matters...although my personal opinion is that he got a real bum deal being fired.<P>Anyway..hope to be able to catch the game tonight...working nights like this is the pits..I used to LIVE for baseball season...but this year I am afraid it will just fly right by me!<BR>
Sheridan -<P>Life does have a way of pushing to the side some enjoyments, doesn't it? Hey, but that is what VCR's are for!! LOL!!<P>I replied on your "book"...believe me I am great at books and yours is more of a novella!!!<P>I forgot to say, in my previous post to you, that it's great that your D is doing so well with her team!!! Another proud Mama!!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Hey Warrior Princess, <P>Did you say what I think you said? "Get the 'puck' outta here?!" You watch your mouth young lady!!! [Linked Image from]<P>In getting with the "spirit" of your baseball frenzy, all I can say is that the Diamondbacks are 2-0 and will complete their sweep of that horsey team from Philadelphia. So there!<P>BTW, I share your opinion on golf. I did play a few rounds many years ago, which was more frustrating than enjoyable. As for watching it on TV - I can think of about 100 million other things to do. <P>Well, I better get back to work. I have to start saving my pennies for our annual pilgamge to the baseball stadium you know. I think they raised ticket prices this year too. Uggh.<P>SHA<P>P.S. I sent you an email - did you get it?
<BR>"I'm sorry...(head down, pout, leg shuffling..) I'll watch my mouth"<P>"But....(head up, impish grin, eyes sparkling..) It waaaaasssss funny!!"<P>LOL!!!!!<P>Yes, I got the E....went to write back and something came to light that we are up in the air about (no! Not my "scissors guy!!!) and wanted to see what's what so I could tell you about it!!!! Hope to know soon and will then write you...Okie-Dokie?<P>Oh and Airheart - I must of had a brain bubble when I wrote "on to the Mets series now".....Sane mind translation is "So you are still in the Mets series then?"<P>Please excuse me, but the brain burps much tooooooo often now!!!!<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba<BR>
I know, I know, be nice Sheba says, but.....<P><BR>30-8 over a three game series. [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]<P>That would be a drum of whup-@ss. Sorry, Pinky. See you in August in Cubby-ville. [Linked Image from]<P>------------------<BR>Allen<BR><p>[This message has been edited by Sparkydog (edited April 06, 2000).]
Hey Sheba, yes the Pads are still in the series. They're tied 1-1. Tonite's the rubber game. Got my fingers crossed!<P>My main problem with catching games on TV is that they are always too early for me to catch 'em. Usually by the time I'm home from work only the west coast games are left... [Linked Image from]<P>--andy
<BR>Yes, be nice Sparkydog!!! <BR>And I thought I was an obsessed fan.......Sheesh!!!!! LOL!!!<P>Ok Airheart - who took it?
Holy Cow.....<P>Yanks vs Mariners.....The new guy Mike Cameron who takes Jr.'s place just made one hell of a catch over the CF wall to rob Jeter of a HR.....<P>The fans gave him an ovation when he did it and then again when coming in off the field....then again when coming up to bat.<P>Either they are really ticked that Griffey left or are being really nice in welcoming him!!!!<P>This'll be a highlight reel for a long time!!!!!<P>Sheeeesh!!!! (was a REAL good catch though!!!)<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Talk about a blood bath! Did anyone else see/hear the Indians/Devil Rays game last night??? My main man Omar Vizquel spanked a grand slam! Oh yeahhhh baby!!! [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from] <P>I think the final score was 13-5! Indians scored 9 points in the SECOND inning! I was working last night and a man came in who knows my passion for the Indians and he says "You missed it!" and told me about about a night I should have called in sick! Oh wait..I can't do that..I'm the boss! [Linked Image from]
Hey Baseball fans!<P>Anyone see the BRAVES/Giants game tonight? The Big Cat hit a grand slam to win the game! A homer in the opener and now a slam, what a comeback!<P>AND Greg Maddux hit a triple!!<P>I'm excited, but out of respect for others, I won't do the tomahawk chop. However, I am waving around my big inflatable bat!<P>GO BRAVES!!!<P>Peppermint<p>[This message has been edited by peppermint (edited April 08, 2000).]
Another win for the Indians tonight! H said the final score was 6-4...I, of course, had to work again...but that's long as they win.<P>I'm not quite as 'tactful' as Peppermint...cause I'm running around here beatin on my Chief Wahoo drum! [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]
sheepishly sticking head in .....<P>this is for Sheryl (NB).....<P><BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [Linked Image from]<P><BR>DAN MARINO IS GOD.......<P><BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [Linked Image from]<BR> [img][/img]<BR> [img][/img]<BR> [img][/img]<P>PLEASE FORGIVE ME, Sheba, but I live in Montreal....the Expos????.......please, I've been to funerals that are more fun than baseball in Montreal!!!!!......<P> [img][/img]<BR> [img][/img]<BR> [img][/img]<BR> [img][/img]<P>DAN MARINO IS GOD.........<P> [img][/img]<BR> [img][/img]<BR> [img][/img]<BR> [img][/img]<P><BR>Dylan
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