Marriage Builders
Posted By: jalynnsprouts UPDATE on need help QUICK - 10/07/07 03:46 PM
I took him back. he came over last night and we talked alot, we all 5 went out to dinner, came home and watched a movie. Kids went to bed and we talked some more. We are going to try and work through it. I hope I am making the right decision for me and my boys. Kids obviously seem happy! I am going to go to church this morning. Thats something I havent done in over a year. I need to pray about our decision.

I am going to have many friends upset with me and I am stressed about that. One friend inparticular is going to chew my a**. I am surprised she wasnt over here pounding my door down last night. My mom is upset if I take him back. Everyone wants to protect me and the kids.

However they just arent living my life. Right now this is whats making me happy and H is very willing do do everything it takes to make this work. Where do we go now? Do we start reading anything certain from here? Do you think I made a good choice. What do you think? Please I need some unbiased opinions here.

Posted By: mlhbisme Re: UPDATE on need help QUICK - 10/07/07 03:59 PM
my personal opinion? i think you are making a huge mistake. this man needs serious help and it won't get better on it's own. you say he texted that ow because you weren't giving him enough sex? so you think if you give him more it will all be better? not so. it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him and his addiction and bipolar. i would say let him go and say you can work things out maybe after he gets some intense help and can PROVE to you he is well and stable.

i would think your self esteem is in the toilet after the things he has suggested you do. so i am not surprised you would be willing to work things out. you need to get help to you so stop wanting to be with someone who is so damaging to you. you can make all of the boundaries you want with him but be honest with yourself.. are you REALLY going to enforce them? no, you are not. i know it is comfortable being with what you know. but think of your kids. this kind of situation is not healthy for them. they are supposed to have a mom and a dad who are healthy for each other, who love each other, who do not have 3 somes with others or sex outside of marriage. imagine what you two are teaching them is ok. look how your life thus far has made you feel!

i'd have to say that i don't think it is a wise choice. nothing at all is going to change. and you know that.

that is my opinion. you and your children need time away from this man and he needs a lot of help. i'd not take him back until he has gotten it.

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