Marriage Builders
Posted By: Untrapped Mom Private to sis - 09/21/00 11:42 AM
.<p>[This message has been edited by Trapped Mom (edited March 21, 2001).]
Posted By: sis Re: Private to sis - 09/22/00 02:13 AM
A --<P>I was a bit taken aback by your post. I am glad you wrote, though. I would like to answer a few points. First, I did not realize that you did not know my kids were in your child's class. I assumed you knew since you teach there. I hope you do not think I chose Hebron to "get at you" or anything. I live close by and have been trying to get my kids in there since last year. I tried this year and only got in MMO. I had asked K if you knew and if it was o.k. She said she thought you knew too. Maybe that was a lie on her part, I don't know. But, I do know that I did not know. BUT, I really don't see why it matters that much. I don't even know what your daughter looks like or which child she is. I go, drop off my kids, and pick them up. No one else gets them. There will NEVER be a time when K will go there. I promise. I hope you don't pull your child out because of that. My kids don't talk about it or anything. At any rate, I was NOT in collusion with K and G about keeping it from you. As a mother, my biggest fear at this moment is that you have told the people at HDS that you are pulling your child because of mine and that mine will now be stigmatized because of it. If that is the case, please let me know.<BR>Next, I am NOT condoning their affair by letting her live here with us. She knows how I feel about it. I actually use the opportunity to defend you and the things she tells me about you. I have NEVER covered for them. I would NOT do that. As you remember, I am the one who called you because she would not. I did tell her I was going to tell you if she wasn't going to, but it certainly wasn't an evil plan to cause trouble for you and G. As a matter of fact, I felt guilty after I told you because I was worried that it would break you up and I would have inadverdently helped K and G.<BR>NOW, I sincerely apologize for trying to write you this post at all. I was trying to let you know how sorry I was that things turned out this way. None of us are happy about it. K's parents aren't happy. My husband is most certainly not happy. He and I have told each other (and K) that we want to beat him up for all the hurt he has caused. It's not like G is coming over here for dinner or anything. I have NEVER EVEN MET G. As of right now, he's not exactly welcome in my home. But, K IS welcome. She is my best friend and a sister. No matter what she does in life, how wrong or bad, she will always be family and we will always love her and we will always care for her when she needs it. I am sure your sister or G's sister have done "bad" things or if they did, you would not turn them away if they needed a place to stay.<BR>BUT, I WAS WRONG in the part of my post where I tried to tell you the good side of K. I understand that to you and your children and family, there is no good side to her right now. <BR>To answer your specific questions:<BR>3. Her H knows minor details about the situation. <BR>4. I am not aware of her ever having slept with any married man until now.<BR>6. Don't know about the Christmas thing<BR>7. I TOTALLY Understand the kid thing. My kids, too, have lost their innocence because of the things they had to hear. That is why I don't want more problems for them now at HDS. You ARE a good mom, though, A. You know that. Even if you have been upset and probably edgy since April, you are a good mom. Your kids know that and so does G. I got kinda short-tempered myself for a while. I know exactly what you are going through.<BR>8. I don't think they planned the whole thing. From what she told me, she left him alone and he started to call.<P>Again, my intent in sending you the post was to tell you how sorry I am for you and that I am praying for you and your girls. I should have stopped at that. I really hope you'll reconsider pulling your daughter out of HDS tomorrow. You could probably use that time. And, like I said, it's not as if K will ever be there or pick them up. I'm sorry I upset you.<BR>B
Posted By: sis Re: Private to sis - 09/22/00 02:16 AM
Also, after checking for your response tomorrow, I promise not to come under this thread again. I will probably visit general questions and recovery from time to time. But, you need a place to come to feel safe to vent and I am, by no means, spying on you for anyone.<BR>Of course, G is the one who told K (who told me) that you were coming here. So, I can't control if they look. But, if I find out she is, I will ask her not to. Of course, maybe it would help for her to see your pain?
Posted By: Untrapped Mom Re: Private to sis - 09/22/00 12:40 PM
.<p>[This message has been edited by Trapped Mom (edited March 21, 2001).]
Posted By: Untrapped Mom Re: Private to sis - 09/23/00 05:46 AM
B-<P>I have not talked about you on this forum at all. Obviously weep read my posts to you and your replies. As I told you before, I would never intentionally hurt you or your kids - I meant that.
Posted By: sis Re: Private to sis - 09/22/00 06:04 PM
A-- thank you. I had just written you a long post that got deleted when my baby cut off the computer. Listen, under different circumstances, you and I could have been best friends and I could have helped you a lot. But, under the present situation, you will always question my motives and I will always feel the need to defend K. You really don't need to hear the good points about the K that I know and love because your anger is probably what you need right now to help you get through this.<BR>I just wanted to let you know that I do feel awful for you and I do pray for you and your girls. I wish the situation were not where you felt uncomfortable having your daughter around my kids. Please reconsider this. I won't ever approach you (I don't know what you look like) and K will NEVER come there. I promise you that. <BR>As a mother I understand your concerns about where G is living. The truth is, I don't know. I was told he is looking for an apt. on the north side of town. One reason K is living with me is because we don't want her living with him and she doesn't want to, either. I'm "pretty sure" he will be using her furniture. But, I can guarantee you that she has spent every night this week under my roof and not anywhere with him. I honestly do not believe G or K will try to have K be around your children right now. As far as them being in an apartment with her things. I understand it will just be her furniture. Her clothes, pictures, personal effects are all here. I am sorry this has happened and I am sorry I can't be of more help to you. <BR>I still can't apologize for loving K or being her friend or giving her a place to live. That's what family is for.
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