Marriage Builders
Posted By: ken1113 Been a long time, update - 10/23/01 02:47 PM
It has been a long time since I have talked, but here is my update.<P>I have now been separated for 8 months. Long time, especially after 18 years of marriage. <BR>Wife has decided not to come back for whatever reason, and I am not sure I would understand if I knew.<P>My two sons continue to live with me. My wife tries to but a guilt trip on them by saying to them "I dont see you much, why dont you come for a visit". My youngest son<BR>told her to come home, (No prompting from me,<BR>I was not present when he said it). She replied I can't. What on earth kind of answer is that. <P>Continue to do Plan 'B', she continues to call just about everyday, and see her 3 or 4<BR>times a week. Appears she wants to have out,<BR>but is not willing to let go.<P>I am happy with myself, and I continue to do<BR>my best. Any opinions out there. She had 4<BR>affairs in last 8 years of marriage.
Posted By: cinderella Re: Been a long time, update - 10/25/01 03:28 PM
I'm glad you and your sons are doing well. I'm sorry son's mom said that. <p>It's good to hear from you. It sounds like you are taking care of things well.
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