Marriage Builders
appealing local judge taking away half of Military retirment & claiming son on taxes. met requirements under military protection act. X was giving me half. Judge (friend to X dad) said no. only way X could claim our son on taxes if I signed it over to him. My attorney brief came in today, I cried. It finially says Linda name on it, all about her oral sex with my X. Our D papers only says a nurse from Atmore Hosptial was the cause of the break down of our M. Adultery is wrote into all pages. Military retirement should have been divide as property. Its funny X wanted no one to know about him & MOW. Now all information about D-appeal will be used by other attorneys trying to fight for future cases for half of retirements. not sure if it will list all the trash about MOW & X but our names will go on after we are long gone. attorney listed all cases that have been before the Al. Supreme court, list their last names & case numbers to look up. we are asking court to award me a reasonable attorney fee to be taxed against x. Thats around $3,500 if they make him pay full cost. Im almost 6 yrs older than X & health problems that will need daily medication. X makes over $45,000 yr, we get $490 month. havent worked because of 2 operations. I had to close out my annuity that I was hoping to use for our son college, we needed it to live on. X changed jobs, had a waiting period of 9 months before operations could be done & insurance cover them. If X had kept his agreement when he first left with MOW. It would have saved us both lots of money & the pain we went through. Im not taking anything away from X that X wasnt willing to give me in the begining. I only wanted my H to leave this MOW alone, be a H & father. OW had already ask her H for D, both had gone too far to turn back. X had to listen to his friends, OW, stupid lawyer who thought through lies, friends they could beat the legal system. ask X to sign the retirement over to me, & I would give up spousal support and COBRA insurance that I really need. COBRA is costing him $500 month for 18 months, spousal $333 for 9 months. Now he may have $650 month taken away from his income for life. It cost X a lot to be with this woman. His only child(cant have anymore) doesnt want to see or be with him. Son is at the age where he can make that choice. Later in life X will regret what he did to his family. 2003 will be a new begining for me & son, we are starting to have a bright outlook on the future together. I believe God will not let this man who broke up 2 families live a happy life with OW.

m-17yrs, 9mts, 12 days
c-13, 29, 8 gd
me-48 jerk-43

c-3 under 10
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