Marriage Builders
Every Wed. we are to pray and fast for one another. Every Weds we can check in and let everyone know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better.

Right now I am doing "Experiencing God Day by Day" and Lupolady is doing "Power of a Praying Wife" for the ladies. You can use this as your prayer or have your own or combine them.

I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us.

If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below.

Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: cajunky,Ezra, Willgetthruthis, Godisincontrol, Natasha79, JohnC, c++_guy, Wallace, relady, steadfast and committed, morriggs,lupolady, stillwaiting, Broken Hearted, PasDeDeux, hopeful_person,GinnyF, Not peachy in Ga, cry2much,SNL,LostAgain(Dave&April), Dodger, gloriachu, LoveNcare,JMF,WEN, NiteHawk, Absurd, LetSTry,AgainsttheWind,cemmerson, getting better,kellidiane,Terrified, BeeLee,idostylin, Resilient, thiscantbehappening, day by day, Jloves, broken x3, Sue with Hope, sunrise1, shepette, Malc, Faithfulwife, timbo-e,Angelia,FeelingAllAlone,broken_joe,dopey,awake,truly a friend, Is it to late, stilltryingtosaveit, landslide,GODBLESSU,vega

Prayers Answered: Lupolady(air conditioner),Steadfastandcommitted(first string again),cry2much(sucessful surgery), Movingonwithlife(Wife coming home),WGTT(accepted into mentor program), betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery),Againstthewind(Got job), Free ( Marriage Restoration begun ), cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me), Stillwaiting(neice is o.k.), Stillwaiting(Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened), Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man and said steadfast is stuck with her. God showed her the change was for real in steadfast)

Love in Christ
At the urging of someone on a previous incarnation of this thread I bought and am reading "The Power of a Praying Husband". All I can say so far is it is HUMBLING. I am the betrayed spouse, yet I can see too clearly how I fell down in our marriage.

We are now divorced, but since starting this book, I am holding out hope in a way I have not been able to before this.

God Bless You All,

I would like to join this list, if y'all will allow me. My prayer request: That God will work in my stbx's heart and my own, that we will both be able to clearly see what we have done and own up to it and maybe reconcile.
I hope no one takes this as "preaching" but something happened to me the other day that I just had to share with you all.

On Wednesday night, I was very tired but for some reason was not ready to go to bed. I remembered I had a cup of hot chocolate, so I decided to sit up and drink the hot chocolate and I started to flip through the channels looking for Joyce Meyer (I like her--she's a regular person and God speaks to me through her).

Anyway...a TV preacher just JUMPED out at me and he really spoke straight to my heart.

First, he was talking about the difference between admitting you were wrong and true repentance/godly sorrow. He gave an example from his own life: in 1984 he was a young preacher and he knew he was called to the ministry, and he was praying to God: "Please use me. Use me to bring souls to you. Use me." Well, he was a young married fella, but now and then he was having lustful thoughts about women other than his wife. One day, a very senior and well-respected minister came to town, and this young man went to the mature minister and humbled himself and admitted that he had lustful thoughts. Now, the older minister rebuked him, in the same way that a loving father would, and told him to pray to be delivered from it. So the younger guy prayed about it, but the lust did not go away.

Finally, in the summer of 1985, he got a condo in the mountains, went into seclusion, and fasted and prayed about it. And God delivered him. However, the young preacher wondered, "God, why didn't you deliver me before? I humbled myself and admitted my sin in 1984 and you didn't deliver me until now. Why now??"

Well, like God usually does, He answered the young preacher's question. In 1984, he was praying to God in an immature way, asking to be used so that he would be a mighty man of God and get the glory. And although the young preacher knew that lust for other women was wrong, and although he admitted it and confessed it, deep down he was still kind of wanting to do what he wanted to do. He wanted to be a big, well-known preacher. He wanted to lust the women, but he didn't want to go to hell or lose his position. In other words, in 1984 he may have confessed and all, but the focus was on HIM, not on God.

During the 4 days fast, however, the preacher's spirit was broken and humbled, and he began to pray to KNOW GOD. He sorrowed a godly sorrow for doing something that hurt the God he loved, so God delivered him from it. Then the young preacher realized: God does not want ministry or healing or miracles or good deeds from us! God wants INTIMACY! He wants us to intimately KNOW him--in the biblical sense of the word KNOW.

But that's not all. Next, the preacher said to turn to John 14:15. Usually that verse is written, "If you love me, keep my commandments." He was reading that verse one day and God told him, "Nope. You missed it. Read it again." So he did. Again and again and again. Finally he laid on his face and said, "God I don't get it. I'm stupid. Point it out to me." So he reads it one more time and he notices: "If you love me, YOU WILL keep my commandments..." If I am in love with God, I WILL keep His commandments out of a willing and joyful heart!

Now, if I continue to try to keep the focus on me and what I want, God's laws will restrain me and tie me down. They restrict me from doing what I really WANT to do. The focus is selfish and on me! I know that one of the commandments is "Don not take the Lord's name in vain" but I want to swear and it comes out of my mouth! The focus is on ME and God's law is a restriction to what I naturally want to do in my old nature.

But if I get to KNOW God intimately and fall-in-love with Him, I won't even WANT to do anything that displeases Him. I won't want to hurt Him!! I want to spend time with Him; I want to please Him; anything He wants or asks for, I am WILLING to do happily. I will go to GREAT LENGTHS to make Him happy, and doing His every command is my PLEASURE not a restriction!!

Think back to when you first fell in-love with your spouse or ex-spouse or whatever. You wanted to get to know them. You wanted to spend every waking minute with them--and you would do anything to make them happy. If your loved one called you at 3am and said, "I need you to come hold me" you would say, "How long? I'll be there in 5 minutes." It wouldn't be a restriction--and it wouldn't be a burden. Your heart would willingly and joyfully do anything your loved one asked.

God wants to me to get to know Him intimately. For so long now I have wondered why no one (a human, male partner) ever wanted to share on an intimate level with me. Now I know that my job is to learn about intimate connection with God. I will be close and connected and well-known by someone, and I will be close and connected and know someone well too. God.

Your true and faithful friend,


As most of you know, I'm divorced and my ex has already remarried so I will not be asking for prayers for the restoration of my marriage. However, I am having surgery on Tuesday and believe it or not, so is my Ex's new wife. Same hospital, same doctor...basically same procedure.. creepy huh??

Anyway, this has created a lot of stress for my kids who will be with my Mom and I during my recouperation time but they will be worried about me and thier new step mom. For some reason, she elected to tell my 7 year old son who is a worryer anyway that she might have cancer. I couldn't believe it but he is worried. She has a ovarian tumor the size of a small watermelon.... I believe if it was cancer, she would have 1) known it was there and not have been surprised when it showed up on an unrelated MRI and 2) be dead by now. Plus, she has had this before and it was not cancer but I suppose she wanted to "out do" me.

At any rate, I would really appreciate prayers for my family, including my Mom, my ex and his wife but especially for my kids as they deal with having no real "active" parent for a few days. My mom is great with them and we will all camp out at her house after I'm discharged but my recovery will prevent me from going to baseball practice, driving them to school, etc for a few weeks. I'm not sure how much help their Dad will be either because he will be busy taking care of his new wife. I suppose this will be a real test of what he sees as priority in his life.

Thanks for your prayers. I will continue to pray that God pours out His blessings on this thread and it's participants. It is good to see the answered prayers section. So often we overlook the positive things that happen in our lives.

God Bless.


Thank you for sharing that, it was what I needed to hear. I had come to the same realization myself that I have gotten away from my wonderful intimate relationship and focused on me and my problems. In replying to Not My Will... about a wonderful booklet on prayer, is when it hit me.

When I AM focused on Him, then I desire to do his will for me and I am not feeling torn like I am right now. I also need to go back to our prayer group for those same reasons.

God Bless,


<small>[ March 02, 2003, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: WillGetThruThis ]</small>
cj, I also want to thank you for your post. I needed to hear this as I've been fighting against God, seeing God's will as something to fear because it might not be what I wanted.

Lynn, I'll be thinking of you and your kids. Hope everything comes out okay (sorry, that's kind of a corny joke)...
Wow....What a great week for us. I was so overwhelmed by all the good reports last week.

Faithfulwife.....You are so right in what you wrote. So many times I think I am really doing what God wants but when I examine it and realign myself to do it for his glory then things fall into place so much easier. He really does want an intimate relationship with us and then he will bless us beyond our wildest dreams.

I have another praise report to tell this week. The man who I told you about last week was in my sunday school class this week and he was in church. He had some nice clothes on and I grabbed him and said " Man you look really nice". He got the biggest smile on his face and said thank you. I feel God is really going to use him.

Keep up the good work. I just feel like we are going to change peoples lives with this thread.

Love in Christ
I have sort of a confession to make. I haven't done anything, so don't get freaked out, but I need to let you all know something. My heart is aching. I go through life every day looking for things for which to be thankful...I learn new, good lessons every day...I give and receive love from my kids, my family and my friends every day...but my heart just aches.

I really wanted my H to come to his senses and realize what he was doing. I prayed and prayed that somehow his heart would soften, and he would behave gently and lovingly toward me. For so many years, I longed for only him and wanted only him--and for so many years, he longed for other women and wanted to be pursued by them. And now, I sometimes feel as if the kids and I have just been erased from his life--as if we never even existed.

He has just completely abandoned us. He only spends the occasional weekend afternoon with one kid or the other, and all the rest of the responsibilities of "being there" for the kids as a parent are left to me. He spends time with me either treating me so coldly and meanly that it hurts me to the core, or saying things I want so badly to hear that I lose my common sense and open myself to hope--only to have it dashed. The kids and I are behind on the mortgage, living off Food Stamps and little odd jobs, and he's going off to play poker and doesn't contribute at all. It's as if to say, if we are not in his life, we no longer exist. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

I often find myself asking God: "Why? Why me? Why couldn't I have been loved and secure? I was a good wife! a faithful wife!" But the very question "Why" is tricky. Why has two possible responses: a reason or cause (because) or a purpose (in order to).

Well, how could God possibly answer "Why? Why me?" Because? I don't deserve this. I am his well-loved, precious child. I just can't believe that God would EVER hurt me like this because of something I did or something HE did. How about In Order To? In order to what--teach me a lesson? Teach HIM a lesson?? Once again, I just find it impossible to believe that God would hurt me like this just to teach a lesson--even if it was a lesson that one of the two of us needed to learn! And I can not come CLOSE to believing that God would sacrifice me and hurt me so badly, in order to "save" him. That would mean I was valueless, not valuable.

So, I'm stuck. I'm stuck existing. I wonder if I will ever have the complete comfort and joy of knowing that I am securely loved by someone...or, am I destined to just live out life alone like this? In my lifetime I have loved ONE man, truly and faithfully, and no matter how true or faithful I am, there is just nothing I can do to wake him up to see what his sexual straying and raging has done to me and to him and our kids. He just WON'T see it and won't change!

So, that's my confession. I carry on and have a pretty good life and commune with my kids and my friends and God...but I just feel like I'm acting. I HATE this! I wanted to married to one man for LIFE. I held up my vow! And I HATE this!! But even if he wanted to come back right now, I'd feel like he was just trying to use me or get something from is just DEMOLISHED.

I miss trusting and being trusted, and I miss security and all that stuff that I THOUGHT I had that was really just an illusion!!

AARRGGHH!! <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />

I think I'll just cry for a while and then get back up on my horse and carry on.

CJ, I also thankyou for your post, I have been getting the same message from the Lord, even today, I want so much to know Him more...
As far as your following post, maybe you need to reread your first post????
I know that the Lord wants nothing but the best for us, and I know that even when the situation looks impossible, (that is His specialty)for nothing is impossible for God! We just have to wait on His timing, that is the toughest part.
I pray that God will give you His rhema word, a Word from Him to you! That you will have the hope He wants you to have for your spouse.
God is really moving these days, I believe that many prodigals will be awakened very soon, so please don't give up, your miracle could be around the corner!
God Bless you and comfort you in this doubtful and heart wrenching time.
Love in Christ, SW
I recieved the following email today, please print it out and pray! </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> A Call to Prayer

The World Prayer Centre is calling Christians worldwide to a Worldwide day of Prayer on
Monday March 3 , 2003
Christians from all over the world have been sending messages to the World Day of Prayer Centre saying that GOd
is impressing upon them to prepare to pray on 03-03-03.Interestingly this date is significance to the New Age Movement
and the Islamic world .It is the last day of the pilgrimage to Meca when Muslims are encouraged to make a sacrifice .It is also
the eve of the Islamic New Year

The World Prayer Team has called all Christians to set aside time to pray at 3:33PM in their time zone on 03-03-03
The Holy Spirit has highlighted Jeremiah 33:3 as our call to action , "Call to me , and I will answer you
and show you great and mighty things , which you do not know.'

Prayer Focus :
Pray that armies of heaven will push back the powers of darkness in the Middle East .
Pray that Saddam Hussein will leave the country before war is required to remove him from power.
Pray that a spirual shield will contain hostilities within the Iraqui borders ( if war cannot be
avoided) , such that it does not spill oveeeer to the entire Islamic world .
Pray that weapons of mass destruction, if they are deployed on any side of the battle , be powerless.
Pray That this dtae , ratheer than being a focus point of darkkness , will be overwhelmed by the Light of God
through the worldwide prayers of His people
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
Greetings to all the prayer wariors,
My family is in dire need of prayer today. The divorce board is probably not the appropriate place for this, but I know there are a lot of prayng people here, so this is why I came here.

Yesterday morning @ 4:49 am my dad called me and said he wasn't feeling very well and thought he needed to go to the hospital. My mom was out of town visiting her sisters. I quickly got dressed and rushed to his house. He was combing his hair and we talked for a minute and he said his chest was a little tight and his arm and shoulder hurt. He wasn't in dire pain or anything. We got in my car and headed to the hospital. I called my brother who is a dr. and told him what was going on. He told me he was having a heart attack and to get he im the hosp as quickly as possible. My dad talked to me little bit and then he started breathing really loudly. I kept checking on him and drove 105 mph. The hospital was 40 miles away. About 10 miles before we got there I checked his pulse and could'nt get one. I called my brother back to see what to do and he said call 911. We have no ambulance service where we live and it would have taken them longer to get to him than for me to drive him there. By the time I got 911 I was almost there so the lady told me to just keep driving. When I arived there, there was only one male nurse at the ER. I told him my dad was not breathing and we finally got him out of the car and into the hospital. The two of us could not even lift him onto the bed. He called code blue in the ER and some others came to help us. They tried to revive him, but it was too late. My dad died in the seat beside me and there was not a thing I could do. I thought of stopping and trying cpr, but by the time I could have gotton him out on a flat surface, if I even could have, I could have been to the hospital. My H was sick all night with kidney stones and throwing up is the reason he didn't go with me. My H feels guilty for not being with me, my mom feels guilty for having gone to visit her family and not being here.

My prayer request is for all of us of course, but mostly for my H and mom for feeling guilty. My dad was not sick and we had no way of knowng this was going to happen. I had no idea what so ever this would be the outcome when we started to the hospital.

My dad was the backbone for many families within our family. His main mission in life was to lead as many people to the Lord as possible. I suppose he met is quota and God decided is was time for him to go home.

My mom said, "How on earthe were you able to drive and get there after knowing he was dying" and I told her, "By the grace of God" And let me tell you the grace was there along with peace.

I told my H at night that I am soooo thankful he asked me that night in December what he needed to do to be able for us to work out our marriage and for him to be able to stay. My D was crying last night and said "Papa's greatest wish was for all of us to go to church with him". Last Sunday, we were there with him, H included. My dad told me he was going to church yesterday morning and I told him we'de go with him again. He went to church alright, the ultimate church, face to face with his Lord and Savior.

My S that just went to the Army needs prayer because if he takes leave from basic training for a grandparent, he will lose hi MOS and be reassigned to who knows what. I told him to stay and finish what he started. My dad was very close to my kids and this is really hard for them.

Please pray for strength and mercy for all of us this coming difficult week.

Wow, this thread got DEEEEP quickly!

I feel so inadequate to be involved here, cause I think maybe I'm just superficially seeking God to DO for me, NOT to Be, to have an intimate relationship with me.....reading what Faithfulwife has written smacked me right up-side the head!!!

If it would be all right with everyone, a couple of thoughts came to my mind reading what everyone has written in this thread already, and I had a couple of thoughts, so I'd like to follow that leading.......

The first thought I had, the word that flashed through my mind was PRAISE.

I started searching a different book I have. Someone mentioned Joyce Meyer, and I have a few of her books, so combining my thoughts with some of her writings, I think there's something in one of her books I can read, which relates to where this group seems to be this week. I hope no one minds if I set "Power of Praying Wife" aside just this once?

The book I found is called "The Joy of Believing Prayer" and it is by Joyce Meyer, as I said. I then went searching for the word I mentioned above: Praise.

Under Praise I found a prayer of Praise and Worship. I think we don't simply Praise God enough! We are talking about engaging The Creator of the Entire Universe!!!!! I mean, we GO TO THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE with our little, puny concerns, and act all UNbelieving that He can do anything!!!!!! What IS that?!?!?!?! So, anyway, before I insult anyone, that's how *I* think anyway. So, I found this page of Praise and WOrship, I will copy it:

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
Praise is a narration or a tale in which we recount the good qualities about an individual, in this case God. We should praise the Lord continually. By conrtinually, I mean all throughout the day. We should praise Him for His mighty works, the wonders He has created, and even the works of grace He is yet to do in each of our lives.

A sacrifice of praise means doing it even when we don't feel like it. We should praise God for His goodness, mercy, loving-kindness, grace, long-suffering, and patient nature in the hard times as well as the good. While we are waiting to se the fulfillment of our prayers, we are to be continually offering up to God the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name.

It is not our responsibility to worry and fret, or try to play God by taking into our own hands situations that should be left to Him alone. Instead, it is our responsibility to cast our care upon the Lord, trusting Him, continuing in obedience, bearing good fruit, and offering Him the sacrifice of Praise.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Ephesians 5:19,20
Hebrews 13:15

So sorry to hear about your dad.

But, it is comforting to know that he knows the Lord, and is now resting in the presence of our Lord. I do not have that assurance about some members of my own family. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

May God be with your family through this dark and difficult time.

Your Dad sounds a lot like my Dad, whose mission also was to win as many souls to Christ. My Dad went to be with the Lord in 2000 & I miss him (my best friend)

We lift you and your family up in prayer that the Lord will comfort each one as they need to be comforted.

God Bless,

From "Experiencing God Day by Day" by Henry Blackaby.

Your Heavenly Father Knows You

Matthew 6:8 Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask him.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Even before we call on Him, the Father has already begun to provide us that we need (Isa. 65:24). Jesus wanted His disciples to learn how intimately God knew and loved each of them . Theat is why He told them to pray. He assured them that even befroe they prayed, God knew all about their situation.

Prayer is not designed for us to inform God of our needs, for He already knows them. Why, then, should we pray? Prayer enables us to experience God more intimately. The more a child experiences the loving provision of a parent, the more convinced he becomes of his parents unrelenting love. Often a parent will anticipate a childs need before the child recognizes it and be prepared in advance to provide for that need. Our heavenly Father knows exactly what we will face today and next week. He is eager for us to experience Him as He provides for us.

To our surprise, we often discover that God knows far better than we do what is best for us. At times we assume that we know what would benefit us. We can even be foolish enough to assume that we don't require anything of God. Yet God wants us to go to Him in our need (Matt. 7:7). He is ready to show His strength through our weakness. Our heavenly Father knows exactly what is best for us, and He is prepared to Provide for every need, if we will but ask (Phil. 4:13)
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Remember to pray for your marriages as well as everyone elses.

Love in Christ

<small>[ March 03, 2003, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: cajunky ]</small>
A,B,C's of Standing for Your Marriage

E - Envy and jealousy can also destroy our marriage restoration. Do not envy or be jealous of things that is happening at the present time. It is only for a season. God will bless you if you love your spouse unconditionally, as He loves us.
Galatians 5:24-26, James 3:3-13, 2 Corinthians 12:20

F - We live by faith, not by sight. Faith is the opposite of Fear. Fear is from the enemy. Face everyday with the excited anticipation that your Lord God who created the universe can do anything and nothing is too hard for him, including healing your marriage.
Hebrews 11, Matthew 9: 27-31, Luke 17: 1-6, Psalm 56, Matthew 8:26, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 34: 1-10

Love in Christ

<small>[ March 04, 2003, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: cajunky ]</small>
Timbo-e's thread has inspired me to share a few verses that have been promises upon which I have stood:

Psalm 126:5-6 "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing..."

Prov. 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL (not some, ALL) thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path."


Gal. 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

I Thes. 5:18 "In EVERYTHING give thanks (some some things...EVERY THING) for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for us."

* * * * *

In the spirit of my own bible verses (haha), I would like to share that I had a good day today. I guess I must have just gotten overly tired and let myself get depressed yesterday. I sent out several resumes today; I got a response and two interviews with companies who are interested in me; I got a letter from an old and dear friend; I spoke on the phone with one of my best buddies; and since my son was with his dad, I had the night to myself. It was LUSCIOUS--I sat around on the couch in my sweats and I HAD THE REMOTE! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

In everything give thanks:
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, One who desires intimacy. I praise You today for the bright sunshine which lifts my spirits...for the the snow which provides moisture to our dry, parched land...and for the fun You gave us when You gave us puppies and kittens.

Thank You for giving me the strength to carry on even though I don't feel like it. Thank You for providing for me and my kids even though I was tired of having faith in You. Thank You for being an example of faithfulness and steadfastness for me. Thank You for being patient with me when I let the whisper of doubt grow loud in my ear during hard times. Your righteousness and holiness are my guiding light.

Thank You for already answering my prayer, even before I prayed it. Thank you for anticipating my needs and yet teaching me to ask and be grateful for Your kindnesses to me and my family.

Thank You for the serenity to know who I can change (ME), for the courage to change who I can change (ME), and the wisdom to turn ALL THE REST OF IT OVER TO YOU. Thank You for being ever-faithful and responsible for the things that are in YOUR in-box. Thank You for being strong and sure in taking our spouses and our marriages into Your hands and for giving me the brains to turn it over to You.

Thank You for sending ministering angels into our lives to comfort us. Thank You for being trustworthy, so that we can rebuild the trust that's been broken within us. Thank You for giving us all the courage and support and faith to walk through the firey furnace and sit with the lions, and yet see only You and Your angels protecting us. Thank You using US to work in our spouses' lives...and for using them to work in our lives--even though it has been painful."

Your true and faithful friend,

I wanted to share with you an experience that I had today .... and ask for prayers of discernment and wisdom.

I attended a Christian business person luncheon today for the first time. After the lunch I spoke to a man who had moved from the Phila area, where I had grown up. During our conversation, he said to me - oh, your single. My reply was no, not really. Then he said then your married, well not in the full sense, I guess we are separated. I had never really said that to anyone, just that we lived separate. (somehow that is different in my mind) We talked in very general terms about my M, and the man said to me that God was going to heal this relationship and use all the stuff that WH has done to really make him on fire for the Lord.

I told him that WH keeps talking about comming home but that I felt that WH was getting away from his problems up there, not comming to me or our family. The man said don't be too sure. God may be calling him. Then I expressed my concern about my feelings (that stem from being hurt, not knowing that I could ever feel real love for him again, cuz now I feel disgust) The man siad that prayer changes everything, that if the 2 of us were to be changed by the Lord, and He was directing us that it would work. To that I agree, even though it is hard to imagine. The man told be of another couple whose testimone he heard who got back together and had the most wonderful, beautiful relationship after going thru hell.

We will have to liquidate the business in Penna, what a mess. We were hoping to sell it to employees but that doensn't look like it will work out. That means a very heavy financial burden.

The real wisdom, discernment, guidance, and strength is needed to know how to handle WH wanting to come home. There must be a level of committment on the part of WH. Some are saying to me, don't let him come back, it will be good if he has no where to go. That may be true, and if so I need the strength to follow thru. I have spent more time just with God this week, not specifically looking for solutions, just to deepen my relationship with Him.

God Bless,


There is a lot going on!

I wish I could give you the roadmap, but of course, we all know who actually is holding it!

Stay close to Jesus, Widge.....HE KNOWS exactly where this road is going, and when it will arrive there!

Will be praying for you during all this trial.

God Bless,
I am so sorry to hear of your loss, I am so glad to hear that your Dad knows the Lord, as he is now face to face with Him.
I will pray for you and your family, for strength and continued peace from the Lord.
How special that you were the last one to be with him. Cherish your times together, and know that he is in the presence of the Almighty!
God be with you and comfort you and yours...
Love in Christ, always SW
This morning, as I was praying through the "Miracle Hour of Prayer" I got a sense that there was a healing going on (big time) somewhere in this MS prayer thread. The words I got were "cleansing". Thank you Lord!

Faithfulwife and others who have asked," why me"?
I must admit I have also done this. But I know better! Its just hard not to wonder if God has allowed these things.
First, I'm a prayer warrior involved in an online Christian group for almost 3 yrs. I've seen many prayers answered and healings, deliverance from demons and so on.
Yes! Demonic possession and oppression is very real!
What I really want to say, is when we ask "Why ME", we should remember satan is the ruler here on earth. He has been given this time here to do what he will, but his time is short.
Of course, we have the greatest power on our side, and he always has us safely in his hands.
Satan does these things to us! NOT God.
Satan enters very sneaky, slipping in on all sides through people we know and love.
There is free will to deal with as well. God will not just reach down and grab someone who is off on the wrong path unless and until they turn to him and ask him to change them! They have choices between the two, good or evil.
If one is a true Born Again Christian, the Holy Spirit will deal with that persons conscience, drawing them back from evils. But when one has no relationship with God, or has no maturity, they can and will fall by the wayside.
Are we under test? Yes, I think we are. Just read Job if you want to see a man of God tested beyond what we probably could stand!
His faith never wavered. In the end he was rewarded ten fold.
Belonging to Christ is not going to keep us from the ills of this world. In fact, being his puts us under more attack by satan to draw us away and lesses our faith.
The closer you draw to God, walk with him, the more you will be tried. I can guarantee it for the bible says so!
Stand fast though. For your redemption draweth nigh!
The hearts of the WS's are the ones that must change. And they may do so or may not. We can only pray for their eyes and ears to open to God. And God does answer prayers as you all know. But he is not going to deliberately make a person change. Not until they ask him personally to do so. Some have to hit rock bottom before they ask to be lifted out.
We can pray for God to open eyes, ears, hearts to the word. But it's like salvation. Nobody can do it for you. Only the person can ask and receive for themselves.
We can show by example, we can gently introduce the word of God, but we can't make them accept!
Some will learn, others will deny and go on until it's too late.
Anyone read the book, "Growing through Conflict" by Erwin W. Lutzer? Read it if you have not. It's the story of David.
It also addresses King Saul who wanted to serve God, but kept moving away until God allowed his heart to become hardened.
Some of our spouses are like this. There will come a time when God turns his back on them and allow them to follow their path right to the pits of hell.
Sadly, we don't want to see this happen, but they have the choice that is not in our control.
Only prayer for strength, to see us through it is our strongest weapon. I believe we can see changes through prayer, but we have to remember, God sometimes says NO! The most helpful prayer will be the one our WS's pray for themselves!
Some have the attitude that they can do as they wish for most of their lives, then run to God at the last moment. Sadly, that last moment may come before they go to God on their knees.
Do any of you pray deliverance prayers over your spouses? have you annointed your homes, spouses, children, everything to prevent satan's entrance?
I've seen it for myself. Deliverance works on many. Ask your pastors if they do this, if not, to direct you to a group that does.
Then you can also annoint your home and family for yourself as well. I have annointed my H while he was asleep!
When he was off on a trip, I just knew he was lying and with another woman. I prayed for God to intervene and make this relationship fail. I had many prayer warriors praying as well. Since my H professes to be saved, there was the hope that God would move the Holy Spirit on him to turn away. He did! But I think if he'd been a non believer,it just may not have been answered in the same way! Rebuke the Jezebel spirit as well.
For this is the one moving strongly throughout marriages at this time.
Love in Christ and God bless you all, LouLou
Hey everyone,

During your prayers today could you lift up my W. She quite going to our MC over a year ago and has only talked about going back once a few months ago.

Well she has been talking to her girlfrind and has recommended our MC to her. The appointment was made for today about 4 pm HST. My W called her and not only offered to drive her to the MC but insisted. Her friend has excellent directions and could easily make it on her own, but I guess I'm hoping my W will see MC today and make an appointment of her own and start counseling again. It sure would help us recover faster.

The other thing is that I've been having a hard time concentrating on praying today. Just wanted a little lift from you all.



That was the best description that I have read. You have an excellent way to put your words on paper (or screen).
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Do any of you pray deliverance prayers over your spouses? have you annointed your homes, spouses, children, everything to prevent satan's entrance?
I've seen it for myself. Deliverance works on many. Ask your pastors if they do this, if not, to direct you to a group that does.
Then you can also annoint your home and family for yourself as well. I have annointed my H while he was asleep!
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I had this same conversation with a prayer warrior friend today. She suggested reading the books " A pig in the parlor" and "Ridding your home of spiritual darkness". She is involved in a deliverance ministry with her husband. I told her that I didn't think much about spiritual warfare until the last year or so. I had my house annointed but after talking with my friend, feel there is more to do.

Thanks so much for sharing your insight!

God Bless,
Thanks everyone for your prayers. I'm doing great. Hardly any pain. Got back to my mom's tonight around 8pm. Surgery went well for me and for my ex's wife. Wierd situation but it all worked out ok.

Now if I can survive a few days at mom's with 4 dogs, a nervous nelly mom and my 2 kids who never seem to have anything ironed to wear or homework done, all will be great.

Thanks again and I truly give the praise and glory to the Lord. I felt the prayers of many over the past 48 hours.

Hello, All:

My priest came down to the ferry where I work and told me that my annulment had been approved by the diocese. I am no longer married to my ex in either a legal or ecclesiastical sense. I am totally free. Having said that, I feel that Satan is having a bit of a field day with me. Tonight at Mass, I was filled with resentment towards my ex and wondered why in the world I would ever hope or pray for the restoration of my marriage. Her mental abuse of me in the last months of our marriage and breakup were replayed in my mind with stunning vividness. Her infidelity, still denied, but confirmed by third parties, stung me afresh and like it was new again. A couple of the things that she did where really despicable and I feel all the pain again. I feel that it is God’s Will for me to pray, and stand, for this marriage, but I am having one heck of a time following that Will today. This woman is still distant and cold towards me. I do not feel like praying for her return or for her soul or for anything. I just want to leave her in my past and move on with my life(at this moment, anyway). I ask all of you to pray real hard for me that my heart does not become hard again (especially as this is Ash Wednesday!).
I feel as if I am being assaulted by Satan, please folks, pray for me.

Hi...I have been a stranger to respond to everyone but I have been so busy tying to get this 6:33 program in order and going for church that I have had very limited time to be on computer.

Peoplepleaser.....I am glad to hear your surgery went well. I prayed that it would and that God would use it somehow to restore your marriage or at least let your husband notice you again. I will pray for your recovery.

Free.....I am so so so sorry for the loss of your father. I know it must have been hard but you did all you can do. Take comfort in knowing God used that situation to draw you and your husband closer together. It sounds like your dad was one heck of a guy. I can honestly say that it would have been a privilage to meet him and I can't wait to meet him in heaven.
I will pray for your family. I know the days ahead will be tough but remember that you have us praying for you.

Ephiphony.....Glad to have you join us.

Lupo.....You are right. We don't praise God near enough. If we really sat and thought just how God blesses us every single day and thought about just how big God is that we wouldn't doubt him for a minute.

Not my will......"Power of a Praying Husband" was a very powerful book for me too. I realized real quick how much my wife needed my prayers on a daily basis and how much she needed me to pray with her. I know it is easy to get discouraged about your stand but persevere through the rough times and you will grow like you never could have imagined. God will bless you for your trusting in him and having total faith.

Faithfulwife....thanks for the verses. The day I browsed through and read them was the one day I needed to read them the most.

WGTT.....Sounds like you had a great lunch. Words like that are so encouraging. I know all our marriages can be restored.

I know you guys have been through hell and I have put my wife through hell and I have been there too but I am just so believing that if we would put God in the middle of our restoration that he would heal all the hurt and bring us to a new place with our spouses that even we can't imagine.

My sister saw our youth pastor in a pizza place the other day and he said " What has happened to your brother". My sister said "What do you mean". He said " I have never seen him like this. He is really turning on and doing things like I have never seen before. God is using him so much right now." She said " I have my old brother back finally." I heard all this from my mom because my sister told her today. I told my mom " The great thing is I am loving it so much I never want to give it up. I haven't felt this way in a very long time."

I am praying for you all on a daily basis.

Love in Christ

<small>[ March 05, 2003, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: cajunky ]</small>
Wow. I'd been avoiding this thread this week, though I continue to pray for everyone, because I've pretty much given up on my marriage. But I checked in tonight and so much has happened.

{{{{Free}}}} that must have been absolutely traumatic, having to deal with your dad's heart attack alone, driving 105 mph trying to get him to the hospital and then not getting there in time. I'm sure your dad is with God and it must have been his time, but I hope you're doing ok...

And CJ, thank you for the honesty in your posts. I wish we could all stay firm in our convictions all the time, but in reality, we're only human. I so empathize with your feelings about your H, having been through a lot of similar stuff. I have really been working hard to accept where he's at (wherever that is) and to forgive and let go with the faith that God is in control, not me.

To everyone else, I'm praying for your marriages and yes, cajunky, I pray for my own as well, but not for any specific outcome. I pray for God's will for all of us, including myself, my H, and the OW.
Yesterday was the worst day of my life. My wife told me that she no longer desired to continue with our marriage. I was devistated and did not see this coming. Maybe I was blind. We have struggled through our 4 year marriage. I made a horrible decision 1 year ago by having an affair that really pushed our troubles over the edge. We had tried to work through everything over this past year. The first six months went surprisingly well. Well enough that we decided to have another child. The last 6 have been up and down with the same issues we've always had. My wife tells me that she just cannot do it anymore, that it is effecting her behavior toward our daughter.

I cannot blame her for her feelings. I truely believe that we would be together always. I do not hate her. On the contrary, I love her so.
We have been talking about how to proceed with everything. It's all so overwhelming to me right now. I know what her wishes are and can respect them. Yet I do not want us to split. I asked her if she has given up on us and she nodded yes.

I haven't eaten in 2 days. Can barely get any liquids in me.

My initial thoughts were of our nearly 3 year old daughter and child on the way. Niether of us want them to be affected in any way. I fear it is inevitable. She believes it is workable. Her parents divorced when she was 2. And I will agree, my wife grew up to be one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. I do not want to miss a day of childrens life.

We still love each other, but her pain is still there. I have prayed everyday for the past year that God could help us through this and heal our souls.

I am trying to be accepting of the situation, yet it's not what I want so that makes it even more difficult. At this point, I feel as though the only thing I can hope for is to be actively involved in my children's lives. Maybe one day I can work through my issues and find a new place in my wife's heart.

I am asking for everyone's prayers for my wife, my children, myself, my family. I still believe a miracle can happen.
Dear E, Miracles do happen, God is faithful, keep your eyes on Him, we will pray for you here. Have you got a church you attend? Go and see your pastor, and get a network of people around you to pray for you. You need support. I know you'll get it here at MB. Hang in there, God will see you through.
God Bless, SW
I am overwelmed by the love and concern of WH's 4 brothers. They have been wonderful to me. Please pray for WH, BIL will attempt an intervention this weekend some time.

Thank you Stillwaiting. I appreciate your prayers. I did stop by our church, at least the one we use to attend. I did not see our pastor yet but it is a good idea. I do not feel like we are worth giving up on. But if my wife truly believes that, then I will eventually have to accept it and move on. I still pray for that miracle.
WGTT, I'm praying for your WH and for your BIL, that God will be with him...
Let's Try,

Thanks for your prayers, it means a lot to me!


Can you please add me to the prayer group?

My husband and I were separated on October 28th. In the beginning there was a question of an EA. I have a huge problem with jealousy and he stated that there was nothing to the emails that I found and that he and an old friend were talking about their marriages. When I confronted the friend about it, I also sent him a copy of the email so that I would be very open in what I was doing. He became outraged and stated that I was controlling him, etc. He states that my jealousy and mistrust was the reason he was leaving.

Since him leaving he had been very adamant for the first 2 months that he was not coming home EVER. Then I broke down in front of him and he finally opened up to me and said that he was confused about what to do. We began to get closer and closer and he started coming and staying at our home on the weekends. Then one Sunday night I cried when he left and told him how hard it was to see him go. Since that time he has pulled away from me again. He says that he is still very confused and that when he is at our home he doesn't want to leave, but gets angry with himself for feeling that way. I've been in counseling since the very beginning and he did go and speak with my counselor one time. He now seems hesitant to go,however, we have talked about him needing to try to get his mind sorted out.

I gave him a letter last evening asking him to put aside all his feelings and fears and just let himself accept and give the love we have for each other. I asked him if he would be willing to commit to counseling for 2 months at least. I'm waiting for a response.

I am feeling rather used and mistreated at times. At other times I see that he shows me he cares in the only way he feels safe doing. He has stated he doesn't feel it's fair to me if he stays here and makes me think that everything is going to be O.K. when he just doesn't know what he wants.

So, my prayer would be that he is able to begin to take the time to really think this over and to search his heart. I believe in doing so, he'll find it's right here with me. I pray that his heart is softened and that he agrees to go to counseling so we can further work on our relationship and our marriage.

I want so badly for our marriage to be restored, however, I'm not sure how long I can keep on like this.

If you need any further info. you may contact me at littlehollywood_70
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