Marriage Builders
Posted By: Lyxa The Afterlife Post - 07/17/03 02:54 AM

So, it happened. July 8th I got home from work, opened my mail, and there it was. I was expecting it to be the papers that were going to be filed with the courts... it was actually IT. I started balling my eyes out but recovered after the initial shock wore off. I kept wondering if I would feel a huge weight lift from my shoulders. It never came. Instead of a validating sense of freedom, I felt this tremendous question: What the hell do I do now?

For long, my divorce, its ramifications, and "being separated" have dominated my life. It has turned out to be a huge transition. Anyways, a week later, I'm feeling a lot better. No one materialized out of nowhere to offer me love and life though... and I was pretty sure that's part of the deal isn't it? ;-) I swear, I read somewhere that there was a divorce fairy out there that granted BSs love, light, and at least one high speed car chase involving a police helicopter. Was I WRONG????

So, life moves on and like many of you, I'm trying to hone dating skills I may have never had (LOL@myself) and don't neceassarily want right now. But, in spite of all that, I guess I'm still pretty damn sexy.

God bless.
Posted By: Faith4me Re: The Afterlife Post - 07/17/03 03:40 AM
Your feelings of what the heck do you do now, are for real. This is a big step, and feeling of great loss. This is the initial start of the end. But when it is over, there is a feeling of content. That you are no longer responsible for the behavior of that person. YOu are no longer worring who he/she is contacting. Your life is yours, and do with it what you want.

Work on yourself. You seem to be doing pretty good. Keep sexy my dear. Work out, exercise, and take some meditation classes.

That is something that I want to do now. Take meditation classes. For my emotinoal stress and selfrespect.

Also, now you can if not already, get his things out of the house. Redo the house in colors of your choice, and express yoruself.

I am not there, cause there is so much of his stuff here. But I am making some changes, and took all his pictures down. I rearranged the bedroom we had. And I like it much better. It is much safer for me. I used to get out on my side of the bed, and worry about hitting my head on the TV on the wall stand. No more. It is now over a bookcase and file cabinet. So it works out well. And I painted the one wall a different color than the rest. Only for purposes os wanted to use up the old paint and went to the paint store and had them had an extra dap of color.

I got rid of sheets I used when we were married. Sold them at a garage sale. I bought 2 sets of sheets at a garage sale. Those are my sheets now and it reminds me of the new me. Actually very nice expensive sheets, for only $5. And the corners are for extra deep mattresses.

Look into doing the front of the house differently now too. Create a theme, and something that is you. I read this in a magazine. That is the one thing that everyone sees when they drive up to your house, or driveway. So they said create a new front yard, and now this is you and everytime you drive in, it reminds you of the area you created.

Sorry you are in the same situation as many of us. But the good does come out. And I have finally realized that the divorce was good for me. We will survive. And don't date for at least a year. That is a given. You need to find yourself and you need to be prepared for dating.

Good Evening to you. God Bless
Posted By: broken x 3 Re: The Afterlife Post - 07/17/03 06:00 AM
I don't know about you, but dear Lord, I want off the roller coaster. You know, we try to stay upbeat, cheerful, "sexy", and all I seem to do is get shot down.

I do enjoy reading your posts, your dry sense of humor, and I sincerely hope things just keep getting better for you.

Long night, lots of wine....
Posted By: staying_strong Re: The Afterlife Post - 07/17/03 07:46 PM
LOL, divorce fairy, I like that. Faith has given you some most excellent advice. I have always found that when I feel really low my nesting instincts come out. Cook a good/healthy meal, buy some fresh flowers take an extra long shower and use all the hot water. Cry if you feel like it but when you are done take care of yourself. I wish you the best in the next adventure of your life.
Posted By: Lyxa Re: The Afterlife Post - 07/18/03 01:40 AM
Fresh flowers? Cook? Did you know that for $2 I can get 3 go-go taquitos at 7-11? LOL. Excellent advice all around. I grant you all a wish from the divorce fairy... but, be careful what you wish for!!! In this case, you get it - EVENTUALLY.

Take the divorce decree and put it under your pillow before going to bed. Now, here's the important part... go sleep in another bed!!! Symbolic of the separation of course. Now, fall asleep thinking about the absolute sexiest thoughts you can muster... but fall asleep unfulfilled. Wake up to a frustrating day. When you come back, the divorce fairy should have granted you your wish and another day will have passed without you going insane. ;-) Unfortunately, that's what I wished for... and I got it.

I don't know if it works for pet puppies, sexual fantasies, and vengenance complexes. So... don't squander your wish!!!
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