Marriage Builders
Posted By: babstr lord help me.... - 05/16/02 07:21 PM
Just took my daughter to the dentist. She is going to have to have dental work, they will have to put her out under general anethesia (sp?) to fix it. Caps, root canals, and fillings, etc. Nothing like going through that at the age of 3. <p>I tell you what the lord is challenging me this week. So much for worrying about the child support, I now get to worry about the $5000 that the insurance won't cover on the dental work. Paying for my hospital fees, before the baby comes. And paying more child support, the hits just keep on coming. I know I am keeping my head up, but if fate didn't keep whacking on the back of the head, I would be ok. [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] <p>babstr.
Posted By: mom of five Re: lord help me.... - 05/16/02 07:34 PM
God makes it all cometogether in the end, be patient it will work out for you. I will add you to my prayers.
Posted By: catnip Re: lord help me.... - 05/16/02 07:43 PM
you know, Babstr...all this talk about faux divorce has me becoming not only an example of how successful it can be but an all out advocate. This could definitely work for you. Get your noncontested faux divorce through a para legal for $500 bucks and file for state aid. You will get all your medical and dental for you and your daughters. It is worth it. If you can past the prideful thing and look at it as the state taking so much from you, that you are simply replenishing all that's being stolen out of your household, then I say, file away.<p>This sucks so bad and works me up, I can't stand it. See? a CATastrophy like this happens and there is nothihng left, no resources, because the "law" has taken far, far more than their fair share, leaving us to do desperate things.<p>Babstr, honey..I know this is a real tough one for you. But it is something you must consider or go bankrupt.<p>More later
Posted By: gemini1 Re: lord help me.... - 05/17/02 01:21 AM
Babstr I work for a dentist. He offers a credit program where you pay back at a low interest rate. Dentist gets paid and you sorta charge it.<p>Calm down and pray and breathe.<p>love
Posted By: babstr Re: lord help me.... - 05/17/02 03:42 AM
thank you everyone. I know the money thing will work out. I am more and more worried about my daughter. There is a chance she will lose one of her front teeth if the tooth cannot withstand the root canal. And it makes me sick to my stomach of my precious little girl having that tooth gone for the next four years. She is really, really sensitive. And it would just hurt her if she woke up and saw that she looked so different than all of her friends. <p>I am not one to rave about my own child. But she really is a very pretty little girl, and I am so scared. I am scared about her being put under because that is such a risk. And that all the work that they need to do won't hold up and the alternative is to pull her two front teeth. It is one thing to lose your baby teeth naturally, the new ones come within a few months. But she would have this gap for years. All of her first pictures, and I think she would be teased by kids.<p>I am just worried. Sorry if I am rambling. That is what I get for staying up and crying at the computer.<p>babstr.
Posted By: 1 lost soul Re: lord help me.... - 05/17/02 04:07 AM
this reminds me of when I was a little girl. i lost my two front teeth early and it seemed to take FOREVER for my permanent teeth to grow in. I was pushing my little brother in my little red wagon. I was pushing from behind. I was 4 and he was 2. We went over a hole in the back yard and my face was too close to the back of the wagon and I bumped my mouth and knocked out my two front teeth. I still have a picture that me and my little brother took MONTHS after that mishap and I have no front teeth. I was embarrassed at first but my mom explained how EASY it would be for me to eat pasketti (spaghetti---my favorite food at the time) now and how I could stick my tongue out at my brother without opening my mouth ..HE couldn't do that. it wasn't so bad. Maybe i wasn't as sensitive as your little girl but if worse comes to worse, I'm sure you will be able to help her get through it. My prayers are with you.
Posted By: babstr Re: lord help me.... - 05/17/02 04:19 AM
1 lost soul,<p>thank you. She is extremely sensitive. Has never been away from me more than a few hours. Doesn't want to go to school because there are too many kids. And is critical of herself when she sees things that are different. The chances are high that it would only be one tooth. I think like for you maybe having both teeth would be better. do you know when you finally got those teeth in?? Just curious.<p>babstr.
Posted By: 1 lost soul Re: lord help me.... - 05/17/02 06:58 PM
I can't remember exactly how long it took for my teeth to grow in. I don't think it took a whole year but I do know it was several months. it SEEMED like forever and when they did finally start growing in they grew in slowly.
Posted By: cherise Re: lord help me.... - 05/24/02 02:14 AM
Hi Babs! I don't usually post on this forum, I am a BS but am not going through the absolute HELL that you all are due to OC. But I am office manager for a dentist. Please ask your dentist about the Dental Fee Plan. It is what the previous poster mentioned. They will loan you the money at a much lesser rate of interest than hardly any dentist can do. All you need is to show at least $1,000 worth of dentistry to be done. And reasonable income. They are very lax on credit, and you can apply over the phone in the privacy of your home. It only takes about ten minutes. You will find it a great deal. Best of luck to you and your little one. [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img]
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