Marriage Builders
Posted By: giovanna123 MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/20/04 08:16 PM
So.... the hearing officer tried to pull some BULLSH*T on my H today!!!!

However, H heeded my warnings and followed some of the tips that I received HERE!!!! woo hoo for the legal insight!!! We had no attorney- could not afford one- and make too much for free aide. I know 1000000 laywers personally, but OKAY who wants to call in a favor on THIS CASE? ha ha!!!!!

They TRIED to make him pay EXACTLY ONE HALF of his income!! And figured into the OUTRAGEOUS amount was $300.00 as "half" of daycare expense-- AND SHE ONLY PAYS 20.00 a month on a program for low income families!! They said "well she will not be on that forever, you know, the state doesnt want to pay that forever... and H said WELL UNTIL THEN-- nice try!!!

He and she both make the same amount of $$ now, since H is on workers compensation.. how DARE they try to take all of it!!!

Just goes to show, once again, that the OW in these situations SO MANY TIMES are handed over money that DID NOT EARN NOR DO THEY DESERVE- money that WELL EXCEEDS the needs of the child's monthly expenses. I cannot IMAGINE the luxory of having my bills paid for having a baby-- and some of these OW ARE MARRIED, SITTING HOME AND HAVING THEIR HUSBANDS support them too!!!! Or receiving HUGE LUMP SUMS!! What a life!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

H demanded to go before the judge- and the judge finally agreed to cut it down to a normal monthly amount. But H sure did have to fight like heck to be heard today. They tried to bulldoze him.

So YIPEE for not having to paying HER freaking rent and utilites. I'd say that anything over the cost of diapers, formula and 1/2 child care/medical IS COMPLETE AND UTTER ROBBERY!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again, all, for your great tips- they REALLY helped to load H with the knowledge of what crap the court may try to pull on him. They WILL let you get smeared thru the mud- IF YOU LET THEM.
Posted By: ktbunch Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/20/04 10:37 PM
good to hear it!

I'm glad he was assertive enough to speak up for himself! That's how it is when you represent yourself!

Representing yourself is NOT for the faint @ heart. LOL
Posted By: Cordelia Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 02:56 AM
nice I am glad he is not the kind that is afraid to speak up for himself

so do you have examples for us to learn from?

like the OW said this and your hubby countered with that......

for example- OW was shouting rudely in court to J that "HE DOESNT SEE HIS KID" and J said "not interested in this, y'all. I am here to discuss a financial equation and nothing more" She also said " I WANT EVERYTHING I CAN GET FROM HIM".. she would not take what he offered till he was off of workers comp, which is drastically lower than his income. She wound up getting basically what he offered anyway,in the end.

Just dont easily go for the "pay all medical" and the "pay all insurance" crap..they WILL try. It should be 1/2 of each. And then just enough $$ to pay for food, diapars and clothing, PERIOD. No exubrant amounts of money are spent monthly on MY CHILDREN!They get bare minimums and some treats and food, clothing and school supplies. We cant afford much more-and OW doesnt deserve to have her bills paid by US.

Keep all of that in mind- our Hs DO have the right, even without an attorey to present his side respectfully with regard to the amount.

I am in a good mood today. I am excited, hopeful, giddy almost today. Today marks the first day of our moving on completely -- no more anticipation or court dates to stress over. I feel so good today and H is loving me for being fun company on what could have been a gloomy day!! Praise God I feel peace!!!

Hey KT- big HUG I MISS YOU!!Can you email me w/instructions? I'm LOST on that one!! LOL!!
Posted By: wizard Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 04:05 AM
Congratulations! One more taking their power back. You should be proud of your H..and have already come a long way!

BOO HOO the poor little OW is going to have get off her butt and work for a living!


<small>[ October 21, 2004, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: wizard ]</small>
Okay something struck my nerve...and I know it is mainly what I am going through right now. BUT I am one of those MOW that is sitting at home while my husband supports us...and I get some CS from XMM. Well, this has taken away a lot from my family. I used to there went my income. On top of that we have two more mouths to feed, clothes, diaper. But CS isn't only is also for a percentage of what is cost to house them. Which I understand well now too. I had to move 2 girls downstairs, now we have to heat it...where as before we didn't. We really have to budget now-way more than before. We have had to cut back, my kids have had to cut back from what they were used to. Oh I try not to get my sons hair cut until he is really shaggy..and yes, I have tried a few times to cut it myself. My older girls grew out their now they are lucky when they get a hair cut once a year. Oh before when I worked I could get foils, and hair cuts...and eye brows waxed. Now I am lucky if I get my haircut twice a year!
I am not sure where you read about married OW just sitting at home while their hubby works...because of the MOW I know they don't get support from the MM. I only know of one other one and she used to write on this board.
Posted By: twilight Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 03:22 PM
My court case ended today as well...I think. No way to know for sure since I wasn't there. Tori is right is cost way more than just diapers and formula to raise a child.

I had to go back to work when my D was 5 weeks old in order to survive. He quit his job and sent his wife out to work to avoid CS. She had been a SAHM until that fair to her or me? Because he did this I get very little support and no I don't sit on my butt waiting for him to support me. I work damn hard. Had to change careers because I am alone taking care of the baby and needed less hours than my previous career would allow. I can't make the kind of income I used to. Wish I could so I didn't need anything from him.

I don't know any single mothers who benefit from CS...they all are hard up. I believe the stats back that up.

Congrads that your case is over and you can move on...I know in my case it is a blessing that I don't have to worry about it anymore. I am sure it is the same for you and your H. Well have to run...trying to get a better paying job and have an interview shortly.

It does go both ways.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Okay something struck my nerve.........

We really have to budget now-way more than before. We have had to cut back, my kids have had to cut back from what they were used to. Oh I try not to get my sons hair cut until he is really shaggy..and yes, I have tried a few times to cut it myself. My older girls grew out their now they are lucky when they get a hair cut once a year. Oh before when I worked I could get foils, and hair cuts...and eye brows waxed. Now I am lucky if I get my haircut twice a year!
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Talk about STRIKING A NERVE!! EEEERRRRR!!!!

FT&NS- you know what- the things you mention here are JUST what I do too. I cut back on EVERYTHING.... I am the SAVE A BUCK QUEEN.. And GUESS WHAT!! I work 50 hours a week at a good paying job, have a side business.... AND STILL am broke financially and physiclly at the end of the day. And guess what!! I didnt get that BREAK from my H .. BREAK from reality and hot sex and romantic little fantasy that an A brings.. you DID! MY H DID!!!! Do you have ANY IDEA how much I'D LIKE TO BE AT HOME AS YOU ARE having myself and my kids being supported financially by TWO MEN?????????? HEY I'd STILL BE BROKE AND CUTTING BACK ON everthing-- NO DIFFERENT!! O h I'd love it!

Do you have ANY idea what it is like for a BS to have to deal with all of this crap financially AND EMOTIONALLY-- while she is killing herself to keep things together-- AND HAVE TO DEAL WITH a large chunk of additional money taken each month - more taken away from HER CHILDREN's HAIR CUTS, CLOTHING, ETC ETC..

And the difference between you and me... I DID NOT CREATE THIS EXTRA financial and emotional stress! I just have to be the great almight BS who just "takes it" since AFTER ALL, WE AS THE BS ARE THE "IDIOTS" who WANTED this by staying w/her straying H !!!! We GETS NO LOVE OR SYMPATHY - just more CRAP ON OUR SHOULDERS TO CARRY- Oh and we BEST HAVE A SMILE ON OUR WIMPERING, SORRY BS FACES !!

So your nerve was struck- hearing the truth-- the truth of MANY MANY OW. YES, YOU TOO!! Why the HELL should your MM have to support a child that YOUR H IS ALREADY RAISING AND SUPPORTING?? MY CHILDREN DON'T GET THAT, DO THEY?? HELL NO. And then to whine about it HERE???????

Not only do you have CS and a H to enable you to stay home (even though things are tight and needed adjustments in your home)..YOU STILL are at home w/your kids- and being taken care of by two men. Nice. Very nice and this is the LAST place to say it is STRIKING A NERVE WITH YOU!!

FT&NS- hey this is nothing personal towards YOU-- but I am so sick of the OW taking over this board- the same ones who WILL NOT ALLOW such discussions AT THEIR PLACE- WE SAY BOO there and WE ARE TOLD TO WHINE SOMEWHERE ELSE- THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THE BS' woes!!!

I don't care about yours either. WE ARE THE VICTIMS- BS AND OC AND BC, PERIOD-- NOT YOU.
Twilight, you said:

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> I don't know any single mothers who benefit from CS...they all are hard up. I believe the stats back that up. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I STRONGLY disagree- How about the MM who make the $$$ and pay FAR FAR MORE than a child could possibly need in a month!!!!!! You are WRONG!! The stats show that many many women are getting paid for getting laid!!!!!!!!!!!

I KNOW what it costs to raise a child. I've been a mother for 14+ years. I was a "single" mother for 9 of those years. I received exactly 138.00 per month for the past 10 years, along w/medical coverage. I never asked for an increase, ever. Why? Because my son had what he needed. This amount paid for diapers, formula and incidentals. Daycare was provided by my ex's parents. If it had NOT been, he would have only been expected BY ME to pay 1/2 of that. How much "STUFF" does a child need at a young age, solely just for the child in one MONTH'S TIME? He and I were both young, didn't make much money - and HE had no responsibility MORE than I did? How much more would my ex's bills been per month w/my son living there? How much water, electricity and heat does a child require????? Not much!!! I'd be living on my own paying the SAME things with or without my son!

Then, once the child is OUT of the diapers and formula-- does that child, alone, eat 500--600 per month of food in his/her mouth?? Do you buy that child 200.00 worth of clothes EVERY MONTH?

I realize that 138.00 NOW would not cut it for diapers, formula, etc-- BUT WHO IS RECEIVING THAT LITTLE BIT-- EVERYONE GETS WAY MORE!!! Even though I still receive the same 138.00 per month now- I dont go back to court cause it still is enough to hand my son for lunch and for extras.

You cannot convince me otherwise!! Been there, done that!!! Still am!!!!
You know you don't know a thing about ME or my life. I was just trying to state that just because I am home doesn't mean that we are in a better place...and all my bills are being taken care of and I don't have any worries.
I don't work because daycare for two infants is expensive. If I went to court XMM would have to pay at least 1/2 of that...oh and no he would rather stick with our agreement than to have to put out money for daycare on top of it.
I belong here as much as you do. I have OC...and am MARRIED and REALLY working on making my marriage BETTER! BUT thanks for the welcome!
I fully realize I had a hand in the situation...I FULLY am taking the responsibilities that go along with it. But you can cast all the stones you want at me.
No, I'm not casting stones--NO THIS IS not about YOU Tory... I'm VENTING towards a complete stranger, a "poster" on a board that,at this MOMENT, represents THE OPPOSITION- to a TOPIC I started about "HER".

I'm horrid, though, I KNOW <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
I'm used to NOT being allowed to be anything but ACCEPTING of EVERYTHING. To just DEAL with it with GRACE and POISE!!!

See Tory, and all the OTHER OW here -- YOU have the benefit of coming HERE and GOING TO OTHER SITES.. Many of us have MUCH INTEREST in reading AND responding on BOTH sites-- HOWEVER I AM NOT ALLOWED... and it P*SSES ME OFF TO NO END that you and others are seemingly the bulk of posters here and


I am a nice person, I am an accepting person, but I am SICK of being EXPECTED to be accepting and understanding- the BIGGER person- it DOES NOT always feel so good Tory.

So you struck a nerve back w/me- its a collection of nerves, being struck by a collection of OW who as usual, get the best of both worlds-- and CARE NOT and ACCEPT NOT the "WOES" of the "stupid W/BS"

Other than that- hey- I have nothing but love for you. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
You know I wasn't trying to strick a nerve with you. My point was that just because I am a MOW doesn't mean that my life is NOW easier because I have an XMM that gives a little and a H that works his butt off for us.
To be truthful in some cases I don't agree with the CS formulation. BUT I can only do what I can regarding my own situation. But I also know of quite a few men who have done underhanded things (not your H) to pay diddly for kids they have had in a marriage.
I am glad you are okay with how your CS case came out. Now try to move forward with your life.
Mine isn't settled I am still stuck in the emotions of it. It sucks on either side of the fence you are on!
BTW...I might have two places to vent. BUT I am fully accepted at either. Here I am considered an evil OW...on the "other board" I am married so I am not fully one of them either.
You do have the luxury of a private board here...and I know others have set up their own private board for just BS. So please check into being able to vent more places and get the support you need to make it through this.

I am glad that court went well for you. I hope that this is the beginning of the end for you. The pain of always having to relive the situation is a pain in the A$$.

Wishing you the best on everything and hoping that your life will go on in marital bliss and continue to be blessed.

take care of you and happy thoughts of you today!!!

JT <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
Tory, I AM making it thru this-- but it still hurts along the way, and to some, even small degree always will for all of us. Being in a state of peace, or in a state of "happiness", as we know, does not feel that way all the time.

Your frustration... its real... its tough.
Every person has a load to carry and may or may not have the strength that others think they should have... I just wish some would see how much is piled on top of we, the BS, and expected of us- that was not or is still not given in return.

It IS a smack in the face to BS to have to watch this money go from her home when her children are already doing without many things the BS would like for her kids- and NOT to have to SHARE W/OC. Not because she hates the child- BUT cause it is JUST SO SUCKY for me, your H, etc...... and we have to swallow that pill every day. YES our SPOUSE who we loved is 50% to blame- and that makes the pill even BIGGER.

I would chew off my right arm to stay home w/my kids because I've never been able to do that and probably missed my chance forever.... and NOW even less likely since MY H AND OW GAVE ME EVEN LESS TO GIVE MY OWN KIDS....

so its sort of like the ***** newsflash***** that the OW delivers ....

How can we sympathize much w/OW who got pregnant and has 2 men supporting her .. its not going to happen *here* or at least from me.
Hey J2!!! How are you?

Any updates?

Are H's imaginary knees still skinned from his imaginary crawl back home yet? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

I bet he didnt make it cause of that "imaginary" bat you struck him with in the driveway just before he reached you, J????????

ha ha! Holla at me J2!!
Hey G123, I just wanted to say I'm very happy for you and your H. OW does not deserve to have all her bills taken care of by you guys, just the normal requirements should do fine. If it's not enough, oh well. It usually helps to be a married couple dealing with the cost of a child (you know, one that your produced in wedlock). Not your fault she was too dumb to think of that.

Thank God he stood up for himself!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
Posted By: B61 Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 06:59 PM

I am so happy that things went in your favor in court for your H & u.

I agree that CS is sometimes considered way too high, yes I agree that H's should help pay financial support for the OC - but sometimes it is taken to the extreme & it is almost as if the H is expected to totally support OC, I am glad your H spoke up for hiself & didnt get railroaded.

Congrats!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Keeping u guys in prayer still, peace is a wonderful thing isn't it!!!!!!!!!
****** NEWSFLASH***** I have one person supporting me! MM doesn't even support half of the needs of the twins. BUT that was my choice so most days I am content in that. FYI we are doing our own agreement. He said how much he could pay and I accepted. He is paying 1/2 of what the state guidelines say he should. OH even though I am at home they figured into account what I should make if I went back to it wasn't factored in that I made O. He has a lawyer and these were calculations by HIS lawyer that he should be paying at least double. Oh it would be like pulling teeth out if I were to ask him to pay 1/2 of uncovered medical. He doesn't even have to take medical out on the H covers them. SSSSOOOOOO no I don't have 2 men supporting ME.....but I am a OW so I must be a money hungry whore in your eyes. Because it is so easy to group us together and JUDGE us accordingly?

I am sorry you felt like you never had a choice to stay home with your kids. Early in my marriage I babysat other kids so I could stay at home with mine. I LOVED going back to work. I worked with a lot of great woman. We would socialize at breaks, we would go out to eat for lunch, oh I had built in therapist when I needed to vent. I had people that made me laugh. I loved my patients I worked with. I had a great job. It paid well. I could work part time...and when Christmas and vacations were coming up I could pick up hours for extra money. I had LOTS of paid vacation days. OH but since I made sacrifices to stay at home and my H worked awful hours so we could do it....might as well whip me because YOU couldn't do it?
Oh I have been on your side too. I had money going out of my household for another child. We couldn't afford much for our kids at Christmas one year...but we made sure we sent a REAL nice gift to H son.
well, I better go. The nanny wants me to spend quality time with the children before nap in 10 min. and then I will yell for the butler to bring me my bon bons. Keep your rose colored glasses on....see things the way that makes you feel better. Judge others...because you have walked a hard road and deserve to look and judge others for their sins.
Newsflash for you, this thread is not all about you and your issues. We can support G123 all we like over here.
Posted By: ktbunch Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 08:07 PM
Tori: you cracked me up w/ the little bonbon & butler rants!!!! LOL LOL That's what MANY people think about SAHM married or not!!!!!! LOL LOL I don't know how many people have asked me, "WHAT do you do all day?" uhhhh....let me tell you!!!!!!!

I think 4t&ns was trying to do the saem thing WE try to do on TOW---point out that we are not a stere-type & don't fit the 'generallization' of the 'other side' BUT we BW get cencored ALOT more over there so------you gotta see that right?

We know that NOT all OW are thesaem, they are NOT all on welfare but we really don't care---we dont' care what other OW are like----all we know & care about is the one who is affecting OUR lives.

On TOW they tell us to go & 'whine' on our own board so don't take it personally if you get the same response here. As g123 said, it's not YOU personally it's 'her', out there, being the thorn in g123 side.

I think the point g123 is also trying to make is that it is a lot of pressure for the BW to be PC ALL the time. Treat OC fair & jsut like yoru own or else you might be accused of 'harming' them, treat OW w/ respect because she is OC mother, be on yoru best behavior or else OW will use it against you, be accepting of YOUR place becuase you have no legal say so dont' complain about that because it was YOUR choice & H choice & blah blah blahb alhb alhbalhglhlbhalfbhlahglsdjh;ajdsfhdh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You get the idea. Yah we have private places to vent but so what----if we wanna vent here then feel free! Remember--PUBLIC board.
I know 4t&ns is really trying in HER life to get it back together just as we are. She was just trying to dispell a 'myth' I think, maybe just chose the wrong thread to do it or felt a little more sensitive @ this moment & so felt it necessary to respond.

And even if it seems like 4t&ns is being supported by 2 men, it should also be noted that her H is a BS & should not be REQUIRED to support those 2 OC uhless he CHOOSES too! If he wnats to great but he has NO obligation too!
I am a SAHM & have been working part-time for the past 2.5 years since---yep you got it-CS that was ridiculously high @ first so I HAD to start work just to cover it. @ the same time I KNEW just as g123 did that it was an exhorbament (sp?) amount that I don't spend on my 3 kids combined! I know what children need & it doesn't cost $500 a month!

So YEP!!!!!! that stings. BUT things are down to a more reasonable level & we are @ a place where our budget has adjusted (call it a miracle! LOL)BUT if OW ever comes back & tries to raise it------we will let her because any amount is worth OW being OUT of my life for GOOD! Call it hush $$$$$$ if you will I don't care & I'm willing to pay whatever it takes. This is my last month working & I can't wait. Our budget will probably be even tighter always we will make it through.

And just for the record, MY OW is also supported by 2 men, my H & good ol' Uncle Sam! Yah isn't he such a great provider? And NO she is NOT working her butt off. Oh & the resentment she had towards me for being MARRIED & being a SAHM--I'll tell ya'! I think she quieted down about that once I reminded her that I HAD to get a job to pay the CS!!!!!

Our bills were the same & now we had to take a major DECREASE in income---can ANYONE afford that? I don't know anyone who can! The $$$$ has to come from somewhere right? She gets an 'increase' from MY home to hers!

Yes you bet ANY BW is gonan be upset about that! Dontcha think?

g123--what are you talking about? you haven't even emailed me yet!!!!!! Did ya' lose my email? you better get in touch girl!
You know you are right....this isn't a thread about ME. I was trying to be polite and show that it isn't all roses on this side of the fence either. Since I only know of one other MOW that gets CS from XMM I probably took her comments too personally. I tried to keep it nice but I felt she personally put a jab at the end of her post just for me about not having any sympathy because I got pregnant and had two men supposedly supporting me. Yes, I took it too personal. I appologize and I don't want you to feel attacked during this hard time. So I am very sorry.
Posted By: ktbunch Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 08:16 PM
WoW! THAT was REALLY nice 4t&ns! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

(i think we posted @ the same time w/ my previous post LOL)

Tory, YES of COURSE my posts *seem* to be taking my irritations out on you- because I *am*. If you come to a place where SO many are emotinally and financially tapped out emotinally and financialy w/this crap....what do you expect?? This is a board where for me and others -- is the ONLY place to do so. It does pile up, you know!!
You "do" represent that irritation to some degree. Its the same for the BW who is received with fangs and hate unless she is in C w/oc.

As I have already said-- the BS DOES have every reason in the world to feel irritated and sick over this money - YES I AGREE MY H OWES THIS!! YES YES YES.. but that does not mean it does not KILL the me or the women around here to see this taken from OUR home!!Its something I can accept- but still DO have a need to VENT OR CRY ABOUT IT here!!

I am NOT judging you Tory- not at all. I'm LIVING with a man I LOVE who is guiity of the same stuff you were at one time. But YOU are here-- and just because I cannot sympathize w/you -- does not mean I "hate" you cause you dont work or am judging you. I'm not. And don't ever accuse me of throwing around names like "whore" cause I don't.

I'm a BW who is still trying to find her way. Trying to forgive, trying to undersand.. etc etc.. but I am not rid of all of it. Beware!

I will GLADLY agree with you when I do, but not today.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The nanny wants me to spend quality time with the children before nap in 10 min. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Those damn nannys can be such a nuisance, hey?!? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

I'm glad to see you have your humor intact. Lord help us when we lose that.

Kt and I don't always see eye to eye, but I must say, we almost always find the same things to be funny! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Tori, I wish you could be recognized for the fact that you are the FWS trying to recover your M, moreso than you are recognized as an OW, but with exchanges like occurred today, it's probably easier for some to only see you as an OW. I'm glad you apologized though, that says a lot. People like you and I tend to have to eat a little more humble pie around here, sad, but that's the reality.
Posted By: entwifej Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 09:46 PM
You are hurt but why attack? I am a BS with C. I also had a son 20 years ago with a man I had known since childhood. Guess what? He bolted when I told him I was pregnant.

So, I have kind of seen both sides. The child support I currently receive (bio dad VERY VERY far behind) is miniscule compared to what he makes. I have NEVER taken him back to court. I am sure there are women who hope to make some cash. But I firmly believe there are more who only want to make the best of an awkward situation. Do you really think most women would put themselves before the needs of their children?

IMHO...for a person to truly move forward in healing..whatever the situation have to empathize (sp?) with the other person. We All have made mistakes. You can learn alot if you take the time to listen.

Posted By: LBelle Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 10:15 PM
It is hard to hear the OW side of the story, but it is helpful for me. The posters on the other board seem so negative (mild) about BS. OW who post over here seem to be honestly trying to give information. I think you are all right that we internalize any OW statement and apply it to our own OW. I am glad everyone was able to sort this out on the thread.

My OW gets $1200 a month from us!! She also gets the same from H#1 and alimony from H#2 totaling about $3000 tax free. And she still complained that it was not enough for her!! Maybe her butler asked for a raise. LOL
Posted By: twilight Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/21/04 10:22 PM
Labelle can I be your OW? Geez my baby's father doesn't even cover half the cost of daycare never mind anything else.

Court days are terribly hard to deal with, for all sides. This is Gio's place to vent afterall. Funny I don't see him as the "mm" anymore...just the jerk I have to deal with for cs. I empathize with the BS about the money, they shouldn't have to watch their kids suffer through financial hardships because of a decision their H made. In my case, he forced her to go back to work to get out of paying more CS, he even said that out loud! Makes me wonder why she doesn't murder him in his sleep...but that's just me.

Gio...take comfort in the fact it is least I hope for your sake it is.
I believe some of us (BS) have had to give up way to much for what our spouses did.
we had a beautiful home. (my dream home) I had worked my [censored] off to help buy that house.
My h was blindsided in court. OW had told him she was dropping the case. So he went in without a lawyer. She lied. So the judge ordered my H to pay $800. a month.
We couldnt afford that. siad they didnt care he should have kept it in his pants.
So we had to file bancruptcy. We lost our home. couldnt afford child support and morgage payment. We also lost our van because we couldnt afford the payments on that either.
The bancruptcy court also put a lein on a settlement I will be getting sometime in the future, to be used to pay off all our creditors.
I agree that we are responsibible for our debts. I do not think I should be responsible for my H's part of the debt. This settlement I will be getting is for damage done to MY BODY. I should only be responsible for half the debt. not the whole thing. So I will probably end up with nothing. So I get screwed and screwed again.
OW on the other hand is a SAHM. she gets the child support plus $2300. a month from the VA. disability. You want to know what her disability is? she has panic attacks now. Since my H chose to end things with her it devestated her so much that she became an alcholic. when she stopped drinking she started having panic attacks so they discharged her from the navy and give her disability. cuz she says she cant work. My brother was in the vietnam war. He was shot 3 times. you know how much disability he gets? $80. a month. What is wrong with this picture???
this crap really pisses my off.
Today is just not a good day for me. My house that I lost now has a new family living in it. It hurts. I guess i had hopes of somehow getting it back. Now that dream is gone.

I am glad things worked out for you. I am glad your H listened to what you and other people had to say. instead of being like my H and believing in the OW.

<small>[ October 21, 2004, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Tylorsstepmom ]</small>
Posted By: wizard Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/22/04 03:02 AM
oh Taylorstepmom.....

I am so sorry. You didn't deserve any of this. I can't figure how this OW sleeps at night!


And tori is very lucky she was able to blow off like this on this thread..I guarantee you, had this been reverse and done on her me when I say... they would osterized you and deleted the post.
Posted By: gemini1 Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/22/04 03:02 AM
Your story is one I have been following.

This last post is the reason I have said in the past the courts should look at each child support hearing as an individual case and not just use state guidelines and impose a sentance on a man that usually ends up hurting his actual already crushed and pained family.

Whatever happened to reasoning?

Can the judges not read?

Your family from being in the war deserve far more than the *ow* does just because she can have babies without the fathers consent and then demand a lifetime of support for said child. It is truly a travesty.

Your story makes me cringe.

I tell my H now that I know what I know that I'd go out and have a few kids w/ a few wealthy men around town if I knew how much money I could get from having a! It is a crying shame, but then so are a lot of other immoral things going on in the world, right? I wish we could choose which immorality we want!

Of course H gets all blown out when I talk like that. Deep down I couldn't do that to someone knowing all it would do was cause a hardship....hey if I was 1/2 of the affair, why should only the man have to pay? It is the revenge factor, after all...if they married these guys who they bed down with and made a baby with, there would be no child support/revenge factor.

Argue that one, won't you, ow who come here so much arguing YOUR points of CS?

~ugh~ I get so riled up reading about women who lose things due to cs....after working so hard to build what you have and then to have another woman snatch (sorry no pun intended)it away is truly sad.

You rock woman!
You are the new light of MB!
Like your spirit along with LynnG.

Hey LynnG, Your H and mine have the same lack of feelings for oc. Mine just wants to "pay his dues" and forgeddaboutit.(borrowing fom another thread)
Then again, we moved and ow is back for more....huge lawyers fees...and she is just pe-oed because we moved and she can't harrass us daily.
Guess we have to put up with yearly harrassment now.... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
But guess what guys? She called h's cell, he hung up and called our lawyer...we'll see what comes of that "contempt" of cs order from back in the day 2002.....

Posted By: LynnG Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/22/04 03:29 AM
Good for you!!!! 50% is 50%. The courts are over worked with these cases and try to take the easiest way out. Stick to your guns!! The worst is now behind you.

You may want to check into a legal separation to get spousal support and child support on the books before he goes back to full pay. CHECK WITH A LAYWER on this. Address changes, etc.

Also, educate yourself. Speak to a financial attorney about future increases. Can they be diverted from income?

Do not pay her with a check. Use a money order or work with the bank. We have money withdrawn from our account and deposited into hers as a cash transaction. No need for ow to know where you bank or what your account numbers are.

As for insurance. Make DANG sure she can't get a single copy of anything from YOUR policy. There may be confidential info on the statement such as SSN or employee numbers. She has no reason to have those. CLEARLY stipulate that those come to YOU.

If she starts harrassing you in anyway, deal with it immediately. File formal complaints. She will learn to leave you alone and soon she will slither off and live her own life and so can you.

The worst is over. You are now in control of everything!! Want to see OC? She can't say no. Don't want to see OC? She can't force it.

Go and live your life and enjoy!! But keep a sharp eye. She may be a game player (what are the odds????) so keep a heads up.

I am so happy for you and proud of your husband!!!
OMG.. this is another thing I forgot....OW screamed at the last hearing out loud when she got mad.. "HE'S MARRIED!!" soo...
The judge told H he MUST SUE me for spousal support cause H and I claim to be seperated for tax purposes and OW purposes. We are not- so he then accepted a workers comp settlement so I did not have to be "sued". Then they could attach her payments from comp. LYNN, can you BELIEVE that pile of dung???? How rotten to think I should have to pay him!! ha! Otherwise, xow is very much out of our lives and we've heard BOO from her since she slashed H's tires 1.5 years ago when he said he wanted NC... he said he'd get a restraining order if she EVER came near us or our property again.End of that - so I thank God cause some of you are dealing w/HELL AND I'd explode if I had to deal w/an OW in that way-- oh my she might have to go down. LOL!!!!

Tory, its ALL GOOD. Your apology is not necessary but appreciated. I *can* agree to disagree,calm down and thats that! Its going to happen sometimes w/high emotions.

I feel very peaceful. My mother said you know thats from God! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> and I agreed! I do, however feel a little shaky still since the prospect of arguments about "money" scare me right now. I get worried that resentment may well up over the large bill that is coming- and I JUST PAID OFF the exact same amount for my car... darn, topped off w/bills again! But I am, as KT said- willing and happy to have this last end tied.. and go on w/a good spirit. I'm actually becomming a "good sport" w/H and we are very affectionate all day!

Tory-- by the way!!! I do NOT believe a woman w/twins is eating bon-bons- it was not my point at all! Sure I envy you - its just natural, kwim? Hey, my boss' wife stays home w/8 month old twins, AND has a nanny, a dog walker, a cleaning lady.. and she is STILL stressed LOL!!

<small>[ October 22, 2004, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: giovanna123 ]</small>
Gemini-- what you said about me was sooo sweet. I feel so much better and normal again that I am now able to TRY to give a little bit of the good stuff I got- back. I didnt have the energy or time to post or get involved. Now that I do and now that I'm back to being ALL THAT- as we ALL HERE WILL.. LOL.. I am coming out of my shell.

Tylorss--- you are a HECK of a woman. To stick by H through SUCH a devastating blow.. you WILL be rewarded here,and in HEAVEN.. don't forget it!Just hold on for the blessings, my dear- you deserve them!

J2- you still there? KT how do I get on SBF- can you email me and if lost my mail, let me know here if you can. I wanna see the pictures - was it your vowel renewal or just an anniversary party?
I'm going to throw my .02 cents in here in regards to child support...

Just giving an overview of my attitudes and experiences on the issue...

My exH is my older child's father. When we split, I took almost no child support because he was saving to buy a house and pay off debt...both of those things were in my child's best interest. After he bought his house and was doing well in his job, we agreed to raise it to the court ordered amount. (this was after about 4 years)and he still contributed often to little "extras". He also has life insurance which will benefit my child if something ever happens to his Dad (God forbid!) and has set up a college fund. He also has EXCELLENT health coverage for our child.
After a couple years he came to me and said that he wanted to join an apprentice program which would drastically reduce his income for several years until he finished, but ultimately would be a much better job and more money. He knew if he kept paying the support amount, he would be unable to pay his mortgage. I agreed to a drastic reduction for the time he was in this program...five years. yes, this made things difficult for me, but the end result was better for my child in the long run. The time period is nearly over now, and soon he will pay again based on CS guidlines here and I will have a large increase. It's been about compromise, give and take, and most importantly what is in our child's best interest.
Support is about more than's 'support'. Having a father who has regular visitation allows me time to refuel as a woman and a mother. Having a father with whom I speak on a very regular basis and is very involved in his child's life makes a healthier, happier child, and also eases the burden of child rearing because I'm not doing it alone...and so I'm far more willing to be flexible with the money.

Now take my younger child father, who has NC and has been ordered to pay a failry large support amount. He is not "supporting" his child in any of the way's my exH is supporting his. My younger child's father will make no provision for my child's education (as I'm sure he will for his other child)or for my child in the event of his death...he will not buy things from school fundraisers or split the cost of a Halloween costume or after school activity as my exH does...
So yes, I will take every dime, and it won't ever be NEAR the support my older child gets from my exH, even though the written dollar amount is higher...

In the grand scheme of things, "support" comes in many forms and the flexibility of it's amount can be related to support in other ways...
Your family from being in the war deserve far more than the *ow* does just because she can have babies without the fathers consent
Why would you say that he had no say in the matter? He had at least as much say so in it as ow.
Posted By: gemini1 Re: MB Poster "tips" helped in court today! - 10/22/04 04:55 PM
I am not going *there* with the old arguement that has been around here since I joined, about how "he should have known that the sex act creates babies sometimes."

Notice I said without consent.

Most WS here did not want a child. Lord knows the BS sure didn't want one either.

You know what else? I don't think you've ever said a nice thing to me, or supported my opinion ever.

Am I reading you wrong? JMO... Or did I have too much coffee today?

Giovanna I meant what I said. Love the way you capture the right words and thoughts of a lot of BS in this predicament! Keep on posting the encouraging posts.

<small>[ October 22, 2004, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: gemini1 ]</small>
Notice I said without consent.
Yeah, I did notice that.

Most WS here did not want a child.
And most ow didn't want a child either (before the got pregnant).

I don't think you've ever said a nice thing to me, or supported my opinion ever.
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> I don't actually recall having ever responded to previously.
My comment was not mean (nor was it meant that way) and likewise, it was not nice. It was just a factual statement.
It is the same as the statement, "you are posting on MB". It's not mean and it's not nice. Just a fact.
I think every BS/WS/OW should have their own attorney. I have a friend and yes she has been w/ me since DAY ONE! Told me what to do when and what "I better not do" (whiched helped more) I am w/ lynng & others when the first things they tell a newbie "GET an attorney!" Dont go by hear say, or what I did or got to do. All states are different, even the judge for that matter. And yes the better the attorney, the better off you will be. I am covered from front to back to all around this merry-go-round. We will have C w/ the oc and it is our LEGAL right to do so. Just as people here dont have C. Its their LEGAL right to do so. And for the record (to OW out there) We offered her MORE than the state allow! Now there is one you dont hear too often. Dont hide anything, if you are covered, you dont have to.
My H and I may have sucked at being M, <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> (We dont now <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> )But we have never sucked at being parents. And we have and do plan to work w/ the ow on everything this child needs / wants. Is it fair to MY D to suffer, no, but she's not and never will. I am thankful God blessed me w/ a brain and the ability and want to take care of me and mine. (Not to say anyone here doesn't)Which I think everyone here has done to make sure theirs are taken care of. He has blessed me a great deal.
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