Marriage Builders
Hi, I am new here and found you by way of the friends at other forums.

My sitch, briefly, is that a year ago my husband moved to another state ahead of me to take a job. Been married 25 years, together 27, 5 kids, 3 still at home. I stayed behind at first because our middle child had overwhelming health needs and treatment that was wrapping up. I have overwhelming circumstantial evidence my husband began an affair with a coworker almost immediately after he took the job. The kids and I were ready to move out and join him after 4 months (we did have visits both at home and in the new location) but he made us wait another month and a half before he could move us. I noticed increasing distancing before the move (less calls/texts), but knew he worked a lot.

Finally joined him in new location and things were weird from the first. In March/April things got really weird and he was away from home more often. Literally, most of the time (Coincides with her new work schedule of moving to day shift and they couldn't continue at work, my Husband is the plant manager) I suggested counseling and he agreed to go.

Had huge blow up fight last month and he confessed to nothing sexual and denied everything about the woman and laughed at my evidence. He tried to say all his secretive, crazy behavior was to hide the fact that he was smoking from me. (It is against my religion and also our son needs a lung transplant) All signs of infidelity are there. I am 99.5% sure he is cheating and with who. It is common knowledge at work. He moved out because he is "confused" and staying with a workmate. He said it's not you it's me, I have failed you and the kids. In what way he will not say. The other woman is also married as far as I know.

He says he is depressed and will go to the doctor and get on antidepressants. He said he would go back to counseling and did for one session which was very positive. We had a great week until last Friday when he got weird again. I think she is putting pressure on him. He looks awful, miserable, and doesn't seem to be having much fun.

I want to expose them. But without the hard proof or admission, what can I do?

I have been with him 27 years. I at least want him to dignify me and our children with the truth. I would reconcile if he came clean and cut ties. I think. But this is ridiculous.

Thank you for any advice or thoughts. I know this is not a well-planned summation. I am visiting my adult children out of state and I'm sitting in a fast food place trying to find some support, lol.

Welcome and sorry for what has brought you here.

What is the circumstantial evidence you have?

Is OW married?

What snooping do you have in place?
Gone all the time. Implausible explanations. The company-owned cell phone is the key, I feel. He is near-violent if I try to even touch it, or the kids do. I have suspected this and her almost since I got here.

Multiple people at work say it is common knowledge.

4 of my adult family member reported (independent of each other) that he had framed pictures of her in his office. he introduced her to my visiting adult son and a friend and they acted extremely suspicious.

Refused to remove her from his facebook although he said he never talked to her on there, yet I found (nonsexual) private messages that he claimed did not exist. This after he changed his password. He said he reserved the right to go to this woman's sister's house whenever he wanted, alone.

Distancing from family and me. Weird and suspicious behavior, including rushing out to her help her with an injured dog that he then brought home and buried in my yard.

After I stupidly mentioned I could read her facebook page (before he left) her privacy settings changed and she blocked me and every family member from his friend list, and also a cousin of hers who was a mutual friend with me (A mentally handicapped young man who would never do anything to hurt anyone.)She came to my house when we were out of town to check on my young adult son.

A love poem from a month after he got here addressed to a woman with blue eyes (I have brown), soft lips, hair and skin. Ahem.

Okay, this is all I technically got. No spying in place except my best friend turns out to be related by marriage to this woman and is asking around for info. All she's got from her contacts is that it's common knowledge they're an item at work and stay in each other's offices with the doors shut a lot. And he left me due to confusion. Yeah right.

Yes, the woman is married. Or so it said on her facebook and there was a pic of her with a guy I assumed was her husband. My friend had another relative trying to find out if she is still married. I have an address for her house but it's in a neighboring town. My husband is staying in yet another town. None of the phone numbers I have for her or husband have checked out. I have ppl telling me confront her, tell the husband, etc.

IDK what to do with no hard evidence or admission but I sincerely believe I am on the right track.

thanks again.
Ok so let's get your spyware in place and be Mrs. James Bond.

So be in plan A while you get your proof. This will be the easiest Private Investigator

Can you put a keylogger on? Keyloggers
VAR in his vehicle?

Also can you make a copy of her facebook contacts for exposure later?

You're in Carrot and Stick of Plan A

MM you do not need to get hard core evidence or find them in the sack to expose.

I think you have more intel than the average person who exposes does already. But if you do want more, have you thought about hiring a PI? If you do he/she should be able to get you evidence very quickly.

You WH cannot be trusted at this point. Do not believe anything he says, and do NOT give away any of your snooping techniques, or even your evidence at this point. And do NOT tell him you are planning to expose.
Thank you both. I heard about Spokeo on here and I'm getting some info on her. My son had offered to pay for a PI and I was in touch with one, but he has not got back to me on costs.

I currently have WH's car because I drove it for this trip and I did see something on here about the gps. So I could do something.

I have a very trusting nature and I can be naive. I probably need to have things spelled out. As far as getting evidence.

I just found what looks to be a current email for her on Spokeo. Is contacting the lover recommended? I read on here to tell others but didn't notice about confronting her.
Yes it's recommended, but don't confront her until you expose.
I encourage BH's to confront OM

Your job is to get your Intel together.
madmomma. Good job on finding Marriage Builders. Do not tell WH of this site.

You must first kill the affair and exposure is your most powerful weapon. Affairs thrive on secrecy and bringing it to the light of day makes the waywards face the ugliness of their actions. Exposure at his workplace is going to be essential.

First you need to find OWH so that you can expose to everyone all at once.

Exposure 101 - Your Most Powerful Weapon

Do not confront OW yet...she already knows what she is doing and it will only alert her to be smarter and more deceptive.

I contacted the PI I was in touch with before and also one from the PInow site.

I will try to read more info, but like I said, I'm on public wifi and I've been sitting here for hours already!

I'll go copy and paste Exposure 101.

Thank you for your help. I was feeling like if there was the tiniest bit of doubt it was wrong to expose. I know he is a big liar.

I appreciate any other advice you may have as well. I will start working on an exposure plan.

Since they work together this will need to be a workplace exposure also.

It's all in the exposure thread.
Exposure 101
Originally Posted by JustUss
Developed by Brits Brat, board member and corporate attorney--

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to bring a matter to your attention that may be a violation of your Company's Code of Conduct and/or other policies, procedures and business ethics.

WS and WS are involved in an extramarital affair that is taking place, primarily, in the workplace. Aside from the potential sexual harassment claims this situation presents, it also involves the inappropriate use of company resources and assets. WS and WS are using company time and company resources to further their affair. If you check the call histories on their office and cell phones along with their workstation computers, you will find the two of them are spending an inordinate amount of what should be productive work time to further their sexual relationship.

If you have any questions, please call me at xxx-xxxx. Otherwise, I will anticipate a response from you once you have investigated these concerns and taken appropriate corrective action.


Here is a workplace exposure letter to send to HR, CEO, and WH supervisor. Keep this for when you are ready for exposure. Do exposure all at once.
Thank you again. I have a lot of work to do. I will check back here as soon as possible.

Originally Posted by pokerface
Originally Posted by JustUss
Developed by Brits Brat, board member and corporate attorney--

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to bring a matter to your attention that may be a violation of your Company's Code of Conduct and/or other policies, procedures and business ethics.

WS and WS are involved in an extramarital affair that is taking place, primarily, in the workplace. Aside from the potential sexual harassment claims this situation presents, it also involves the inappropriate use of company resources and assets. WS and WS are using company time and company resources to further their affair. If you check the call histories on their office and cell phones along with their workstation computers, you will find the two of them are spending an inordinate amount of what should be productive work time to further their sexual relationship.

If you have any questions, please call me at xxx-xxxx. Otherwise, I will anticipate a response from you once you have investigated these concerns and taken appropriate corrective action.


Here is a workplace exposure letter to send to HR, CEO, and WH supervisor. Keep this for when you are ready for exposure. Do exposure all at once.

MM If you send this letter, then you and your family should be prepared for your WH being terminated from his job. Just be clear on such point. Depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment".
Originally Posted by dec
MM If you send this letter, then you and your family should be prepared for your WH being terminated from his job. Just be clear on such point. Depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment".

MM. You need to also be clear on the point that WH must go no contact for LIFE with this OW. That often means finding a new job and relocating if necessary.

Originally Posted by Coping with Infidelity: Part 2
How Should Affairs End?
Most victimized spouses intuitively understand that all contact with a lover must end for life. Permanent separation not only helps prevent a renewal of the affair, but it is also a crucial gesture of consideration to someone who has been through hell. What victimized spouse would ever want to know that his or her spouse is seeing or communicating with a former lover at work or in some other activity?

In spite of career sacrifices, friendships, and issues relating to children's schooling, I am adamant in recommending that there be no contact with a former lover for life. For many, that means a move to another state. But to do otherwise fails to recognize the nature of addiction and its cure.

here is a link to the entire article: here
Originally Posted by dec
MM If you send this letter, then you and your family should be prepared for your WH being terminated from his job. Just be clear on such point. Depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment".
You should indeed be clear on the possibility of termination of employment, MM. The actions that companies take range from doing nothing, moving one or both parties to a different location, right up to dismissal of one - sometimes the person in the higher managerial position, sometimes the lower - or dismissal of both.

If you do not report this affair, though, you are giving the couple your blessing to work together and thus continue daily contact and their affair. As you have said, your husband has not voluntarily confessed all and pledged to do anything you ask, so if you do not report his affair to his bosses, the affair will continue.

Your marriage can survive unemployment and a reduction in living standards, including having to sell your house and move to the cheapest area of your country. It cannot survive an ongoing affair.

Given the choice between my H ending the affair even though losing his job, or living with the affair, I would have chosen to expose to his employers.

If your living standards mean more to you than the chance of recovery, then obviously, you wont want to expose and disrupt the affair.
Originally Posted by pokerface
Originally Posted by dec
MM If you send this letter, then you and your family should be prepared for your WH being terminated from his job. Just be clear on such point. Depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment".

MM. You need to also be clear on the point that WH must go no contact for LIFE with this OW. That often means finding a new job and relocating if necessary.

MM If your WH is fired from his job 'for cause', cannot collect unemployment, and/or cannot find another job, are your finances all in order to address this additional financial stress on top of the other issues in your marriage? You need to consider a sudden loss of income, and the timing. Perhaps you and your WH would prefer he leave employment voluntarily and after he has secured another source of income? Please be aware that depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment"
Originally Posted by dec
Originally Posted by pokerface
Originally Posted by dec
MM If you send this letter, then you and your family should be prepared for your WH being terminated from his job. Just be clear on such point. Depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment".

MM. You need to also be clear on the point that WH must go no contact for LIFE with this OW. That often means finding a new job and relocating if necessary.

MM If your WH is fired from his job 'for cause', cannot collect unemployment, and/or cannot find another job, are your finances all in order to address this additional financial stress on top of the other issues in your marriage? You need to consider a sudden loss of income, and the timing. Perhaps you and your WH would prefer he leave employment voluntarily and after he has secured another source of income? Please be aware that depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment"

madmomma. I realize that the termination of employment may be a real concern for you especially with a sick child. (((hugs)))

If the financial aspect is your main concern at this point, I would talk to an attorney about WH's abandonment of your family and find options to protect you. Then file for divorce because that is where you will be headed if one of them does not leave that job.
Originally Posted by dec
MM If your WH is fired from his job 'for cause', cannot collect unemployment, and/or cannot find another job, are your finances all in order to address this additional financial stress on top of the other issues in your marriage? You need to consider a sudden loss of income, and the timing. Perhaps you and your WH would prefer he leave employment voluntarily and after he has secured another source of income? Please be aware that depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment"
dec, her husband has left her and won't admit to the affair. I'm sure MM would rather her H left voluntarily, but he is not going to do that if he has left her - which means he is not working with her on the marriage - and won't confess. He is not even attempting recovery. Why would he leave his job for her?

From her first post:

"Had huge blow up fight last month and he confessed to nothing sexual and denied everything about the woman and laughed at my evidence. He tried to say all his secretive, crazy behavior was to hide the fact that he was smoking from me. (It is against my religion and also our son needs a lung transplant) All signs of infidelity are there. I am 99.5% sure he is cheating and with who. It is common knowledge at work. He moved out because he is "confused" and staying with a workmate. He said it's not you it's me, I have failed you and the kids. In what way he will not say. "
The A should NOT be kept a secret to save your WH's job, a job where the OW ALSO WORKS may I add. Whether he should lose his job, or leave it on his own, it will likely be a necessary step towards recovery, because recovery will mean he must have NC for LIFE with OW.

I understand thinking about the fallout from exposure, but losing his job (if that would happen, I haven't seen it on here once since I've been reading these threads) would be the consequence of his AFFAIR and NOT a consequence of exposure.

Plus, I think you mentioned that this is 'common knowledge' in his workplace already.
Regarding confronting the OW. YES, this is something you should do at the right moment.

But to clarify, this is not a venture to seek information from her, you can bet your life savings that if your WH will lie to you, his POSOW would too. This is a confrontation that would let her know that you are going to do whatever it takes to save your M, and make life as difficult as possible for her in the process. As in, run her off.
Originally Posted by SugarCane
You should indeed be clear on the possibility of termination of employment, MM. The actions that companies take range from doing nothing, moving one or both parties to a different location, right up to dismissal of one - sometimes the person in the higher managerial position, sometimes the lower - or dismissal of both.

MM If you send this letter to your WH's employer, then you and your family should be prepared for your WH being terminated from his job. Just be clear on such point. Depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment". You may want to consider your financial situation and the timing.

Originally Posted by dec
Originally Posted by SugarCane
You should indeed be clear on the possibility of termination of employment, MM. The actions that companies take range from doing nothing, moving one or both parties to a different location, right up to dismissal of one - sometimes the person in the higher managerial position, sometimes the lower - or dismissal of both.

MM If you send this letter to your WH's employer, then you and your family should be prepared for your WH being terminated from his job. Just be clear on such point. Depending on the nature of his employment, disciplinary action could "include, but is not limited to, termination of employment". You may want to consider your financial situation and the timing.
Why are you quoting me so selectively, dec? what is the purpose of this post?

You've made your recommendations to the poster. I addressed your concerns with the poster and added my recommendations. I was quite open in my advice to expose, which might not be the same as your advice. That's fair enough, isn't it? Why are you now playing games with my post?
Man up, dec, and say what you want to say in our own words. Why quote my post selectively to make it sound as if it's supporting your point of view? Can't you speak for yourself?

Welcome to MB. There is a wealth of information here that can help you end your husband's affair and potentially recover your marriage. I am sorry you are finding yourself in this situation and your husband is unwilling to admit to what he has been doing.

Take a look at the threads for newly betrayed spouses as well as the exposure 101 thread. There's lots of good information in those threads. Get and read Dr. Harley's book, "Surviving an Affair".

Dr. Harley advocates exposure of the affair, to include the workplace. Affairs don't survive well in the light of day. It sounds as though plenty of people at work already know about this affair. Saying nothing at this point makes it appear as though you don't care.

FYI. dec has only been posting here for a few weeks. His postings are not always consistent with Dr. Harley's and MB principles.


This post by dec on 16 June 2012 might help put his posts on this thread into context. After his wife's hooking up with an old boyfriend, he is considering other women as options although he is still married:

Originally Posted by dec 16 June 21012
I agree. but maybe she will never be actually 'satisfied'. Maybe I came along at a time when it was more important to find a father and provider versus a husband/lover. This has changed things for us. For example, I now look to other women as 'options' since I am told I'm good looking and I am well to do. I had never really looked at other women before, but if she finds or has the need desire to reunite with a former lover, why should I simply sit back and not interact with other women? These are not sexual interactions, but are women who I would have never struck up an acquaintance with but now say why not?
Originally Posted by Revera
When Should An Affair Be Exposed?
By Dr. Willard F. Harley, Jr.

This week, again I�ll be taking a question from the Forum to help clear up a conflict regarding one of my common recommendations about when to expose an affair. The issue of exposure comes up when a betrayed spouse has first learned about the affair. Should it be exposed to others, or kept secret? I generally recommend exposure. When should it be exposed? I usually recommend that it be exposed immediately. To whom should it be exposed? I recommend that family, friends, children, clergy, and especially, the lover�s spouse be informed. Exposure in the workplace depends on several factors.

There are many reasons for this recommendation, but the primary reason is based on my belief that the more people know about what I do in my most private moments, the safer I am to others. Infidelity is one of the most painful experiences one spouse can inflict on the other, and it�s far less likely to take place, or continue to take place, when everyone knows about it.

Imagine how little crime would be committed if everyone�s activities were videotaped. Several weeks ago, a street fight in Minneapolis resulted in the death of a teenager. A gang of over 20 men were involved in his death. But it all happened in front of a host of surveillance cameras. The men involved in this murder will be arrested, tried, and sentenced. Minneapolis used to be called Murderapolis because of its extremely high murder rate. No more. The murder rate is now one of the lowest for a big city because people have traded in their privacy for security. People are now safer because they�re willing to have their activities recorded.

Another, almost equally important reason for exposure is that it usually provides support for the betrayed spouse at a time that their whole world is falling apart. When family, friends, clergy, and even children know what�s happening to the betrayed spouse they can provide considerable emotional support when it�s needed most.

But there are exceptions to exposure. Once in a while I don�t recommend it. A defense of exposure in general, and an explanation of the few exceptions are the topics of today�s column.

EA-Emotional Affair; D-Day-Discovery Day; MB-Marriage Builders; NC-No Contact; OM-Other Man; OMW-Other Man�s Wife; WW-Wayward Wife

Forum Member�s Question:

I know from my own counseling with Dr. Jennifer Harley Chalmers around D-day that she was very careful, almost reticent, about exposure. I KNOW that she was NOT for exposing to the world, and I believe all the Harleys were in some stage of reconsidering it. I think someone on the Forum quoted Steve Harley as saying he was more conservative than his dad about this issue, and even his dad was reconsidering it.

This past summer, when I was counseling with Steve Harley, he was similarly reticent every time I asked him about the advice I was getting here to broadly expose my WW�s EA. In fact, I was a little frustrated that I couldn't seem to get a straight answer out of him.

Essentially, Steve had me in a very "carrot-y" Plan A, and never even brought up the subject of exposure himself. He gave me the impression that he didn't think OM was much of a threat because there wasn't any clear evidence that he was actively pursuing my WW, although she was certainly reading his intentions as serious. (I was actively snooping at the time; the evidence wasn't there.)

So when I asked him about exposure, Steve initially told me to expose only to people who could offer me support and encouragement, which I'd essentially already done with family and close friends. WW was still furious about that, and also about my posting here, which is one reason my earlier thread no longer exists.

In a later session, after I'd seen that WW had broken NC to tell the OM that she was divorcing me and that she wanted to talk, I asked whether I should expose to OMW. Steve essentially waved me off, telling me that it would be very �tempting� but that I should focus on Plan A (although he didn't use the term).

Interesting twist here is that I ended up calling OMW anyway a week or so later, and after an hour-long conversation, talked to OM himself for another hour. Turns out OMW knew pretty much everything I did, but thought the only thing going on was in my WW's head. OM, of course, also denied any romantic intent (and was a miserably bad liar, too). Still, a few days later OM sent his own NC letter threatening legal action if either of us contacted them again, and my WW came out of her fog four days after that.?

So it's a bit of a bear to make sense of in the after-action report. Exposure seems to have worked its magic, although it's only correlation and not necessarily causation -- plus, of course, my WW came up with an entirely separate explanation for her change of heart. But exposure only worked after I basically ignored Steve's advice, which is sort of unsettling.

The whole experience has shaped my own attitude toward exposure. I still think it's not necessarily a one-size-fits-all antidote for infidelity, but I'm impressed with its power and the results it can produce�even a hesitant and graduated exposure like mine. Which is why, somewhat to my surprise, I've found myself enthusiastically recommending exposure to some of our newcomers here, even when it could bust up careers and have other serious consequences.

But I still find it curious that the Harleys don't address the concept of exposure�or of snooping, for that matter�in their public writing. I've subscribed to the MB newsletter for years and can't recall ever seeing exposure mentioned there. Why are the Harleys essentially quiet about it if exposure is truly a key weapon for fighting an affair?

Dr. Harley�s answer to Forum member�s questions:

It�s true that I have only addressed the issue of exposure on Marriage Builders� Radio and on the private Forum that is only available to those who attend the Marriage Builders� Weekend. So here goes my definitive answer that will help explain what may seem as contradictions from both Steve Harley and Jennifer Harley Chalmers.

Whenever a betrayed spouse tells me that they�ve just discovered their spouse�s affair, my advice is almost always the same: Let others know about it. Tell your children, family, friends, clergy, and especially the lover�s spouse, if they have one. And this is even to be done during what I call plan A (making an effort to make as many Love Bank deposits, and as few withdrawals as possible). The problem some people have with that strategy is that it conflicts with the goal of plan A because it�s likely to cause massive Love Bank withdrawals. An unfaithful spouse almost always considers such exposure to be a worse act of betrayal than their affair itself. But the alternative, helping the unfaithful spouse to keep the affair a secret, is enabling the addiction, prolonging the agony. In the long run, making the affair public knowledge without any forewarnings, threats, or bartering (which by themselves can create massive withdrawals) actually reduces the number of Love Bank withdrawals made by the betrayed spouse. It�s my opinion that the advantages of immediate exposure usually far outweigh the disadvantages.

But are there exceptions to my recommendation of the immediate exposure of an affair? Absolutely! Let me give you a few examples of situations where I would not suggest immediately exposing an affair.

A physically violent unfaithful spouse

In every instance of physical violence in marriage, I have recommend separation along with a restraining order to prevent any contact between spouses. No one who has followed my advice under my direct supervision has ever experienced injury in the 35 years of my counseling tens of thousands of couples. And I have counseled some of the most violent spouses.

If a wife tells me that her husband has a history of physical violence toward her, and she�s discovered his affair, I suggest that she make immediate plans for a complete separation. Generally, I refer her to a shelter for abused women. After the separation is complete, and she is safe, I recommend exposure of the affair. Plan A is ruled out, and plan B is followed (no contact between spouses). Contact is restored only after the violent husband in enrolled in an anger management program, has no contact with the lover, and is willing to begin a program of marital reconciliation.

Uncertainty regarding the affair

Many of the cases I�ve witnessed involve suspected affairs with no firm proof. In those situations, I do not recommend exposure. The forum member that raised this issue falls into this category. That�s one of the reasons why both Steve and Jennifer were hesitant to recommend exposure of the suspected affair. Instead of immediate exposure, I suggest gathering evidence that would convince a jury that an affair has taken place. In some cases I suggest hiring an investigator to gather that evidence. Once there is certainty regarding the affair, I then recommend immediate exposure.

Affairs are not usually difficult to prove. That�s because the affair is an addiction, and addicts are notoriously sloppy in covering their tracks. They also become progressively sloppy as the affair develops. They try to hide it, and are reasonably successful early in a relationship. But eventually they leave text messages, email, and telephone records in plain sight for anyone to observe. If a suspecting spouse is patient, it doesn�t take too long or require too much effort, to prove that an affair is taking place. On the other hand, a diligent hunt for evidence may prove that the spouse hasn�t been unfaithful after all.

Those who guard their privacy in marriage, claiming that a spouse has no right to passwords, internet viewing history, email records, cell phone records, credit card accounts, and other sources of evidence, are more likely to have affairs. Privacy between spouses should never be tolerated for a host of reasons. But one of the most important reasons is that privacy, and the secret second life that it helps create, breeds infidelity. Transparency, on the other hand, where almost everything spouses do are known to each other, is one of the most important safeguards.

The forum member who wrote this week�s question went against the advice of his Marriage Builders coach to first gather more evidence. Instead, he contacted the suspected lovers� wife and told her about his suspicions. As he stated, �the evidence wasn�t there,� but he �exposed� his suspicions anyway. If he had been wrong, and the affair had not taken place, it would have unnecessarily added to his Love Bank withdrawals which were apparently already considerable. But the result was that the lover and his wife wrote the forum member�s wife, warning her to avoid all further contact, and that ended the affair.

Economic considerations

A divorce, and even separation, can have dire economic consequences for a betrayed spouse. Many wives of cheating husbands that I�ve counseled are economically dependent on him. If she exposes the affair, she fears that he will leave her, creating financial hardship. So in those cases, before exposing the affair, I generally encourage her to plan for that possibility. Women�s shelters usually offer both legal and financial advice for women who find themselves dependent on irresponsible men. Temporary aid from government, religious, and other charitable agencies can provide a safety net for those women. While exposure usually causes the affair to end, these betrayed women can expose his affair with less fear when they know that separation will not leave them destitute.

When there is an affair in the workplace, my general advice is that the unfaithful spouse must quit the job and find another to avoid ever seeing or talking to the lover again. But while the affair is taking place and the unfaithful spouse is unwilling to resign, should a betrayed spouse expose the affair to the employer? While I unhesitatingly recommend exposing the affair to friends, family, clergy, children, and the lover�s spouse, I�m not so quick to suggest exposing it to an employer. That�s because such an exposure could have unintended legal and economic consequences. For example, the affair might constitute grounds for a sexual harassment claim. Or, it might trigger an outright firing of the spouse, making it far more difficult to find another job. So my advice whether or not to expose to an employer is usually made on a case-by-case basis.

Other issues

Many betrayed spouses are afraid that exposure will drive the unfaithful spouse further away. While it�s true that unfaithful spouses usually feel betrayed and angry when their affair is exposed, I regard that reaction as being part of the fog that most addicts experience. When the fog has finally lifted, and the source of addiction no longer has control, the value of exposure is usually conceded by the addict himself.

Some feel that an affair should not be exposed to children. Granted, I would not tell a 3-year old about an affair, simply because a child that young cannot possibly understand what it means. But I would not hesitate to reveal an affair to a child 7 years or older. Exposure to those between those ages should be a matter of discretion.

What about exposure of an affair that took place years earlier and is now ended but recently revealed? I feel that the children, close relatives, close friends, and the lover�s spouse should be informed. Granted, it�s embarrassing to admit an affair, but publicly admitting failure is usually the first step toward redemption.

As you already know, I�m a strong advocate of honesty and openness in marriage. I call it transparency�letting your spouse know everything about you, especially your faults. But should that level of openness carry into the public arena? I believe that it should in cases of extreme irresponsibility, and that certainly includes infidelity. When you have done something very hurtful to someone else, others -- especially those who care for you the most -- should know about it. Such exposure helps prevent a recurrence of the offense. Your closest friends and relatives will be keeping an eye on you�holding you accountable.

If exposure of an affair threatens the marriage, should the risk be taken?

I regard infidelity as a violation of the most basic condition of marriage. In most wedding vows, �forsaking all others,� is the only real promise that�s made. When you marry, the overriding condition that is mutually accepted is that you won�t have an affair. When that condition is broken, the marriage is threatened at its very core. That�s why I believe that spouses who have recovered after an affair should make new vows to each other, in effect reestablishing their marriage.

So when a betrayed spouse asks for my advice, I usually take the position that infidelity is the greatest betrayal of all. After an affair, trust -- an essential ingredient in marriage -- is dashed. If the unfaithful spouse is offended by being exposed, so be it. Exposure is very likely to end the affair, lifting the fog that has overcome the unfaithful spouse, helping him or her become truly repentant and willing to put energy and effort into a full marital recovery. In my experience with thousands of couples who struggle with the fallout of infidelity, exposure has been the single most important first step toward recovery. It not only helps end the affair, but it also provides support to the betrayed spouse, giving him or her stamina to hold out for ultimate recovery.
MM, have you read the basic concepts on this site?

marriage builders is a program much different from Divorce Busting forum you mention. The Divorce busting lady does not have a plan for marital recovery. MB does.

I encourage you to read Surviving an Affair by Dr Harley, available on this website or amazon or your local bookstore.
MM, the others are giving you great advice. The absolute first step must be hiring a PI and getting the goods.

In the meantime, you can begin coordinating your exposure list. Go to the OW's facebook page and copy and paste all of her contacts into a WORD doc for safekeeping. Prioritize the list based on family, and then go to married friends. There are template exposure letters on Exposure 101.

You can also get her husband's contact information because he will be your first point of contact.

Go to your husbands company's website and find the contact info for the Director of HR, a key VP and both their supervisors. Most companies don't fire adulterers, but they may separate them to minimize the legal risks.

Somehow he will have to leave that job anyway if you have any hope of saving your marriage. Hopefully you kill the affair and get him to look for employment elsewhere. I would play that one by ear.

HOWEVER, I want to emphasize that we don't place a little job over the welfare of the marriage. The job cannot protected at the expense of the marriage.
Originally Posted by HDW
marriage builders is a program much different from Divorce Busting forum you mention. The Divorce busting lady does not have a plan for marital recovery. MB does.

This is true. We have had folks come here from DB and been able to save their marriages using Dr Harleys concepts. SunnyDinTx over the InRecovery forum is one. She saved her marriage by using Dr Harley's exposure tactics.
Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Go to your husbands company's website and find the contact info for the Director of HR, a key VP and both their supervisors. Most companies don't fire adulterers, but they may separate them to minimize the legal risks.

Somehow he will have to leave that job anyway if you have any hope of saving your marriage. Hopefully you kill the affair and get him to look for employment elsewhere. I would play that one by ear.

HOWEVER, I want to emphasize that we don't place a little job over the welfare of the marriage. The job cannot protected at the expense of the marriage.

MM, most employers must look at an adulterous situation with coworkers as nothing other than sexual harassment. It does not matter who you disclose it to, and it does not matter if both employees 'currently' consider it consensual. Good corporate legal advice is to terminate both employees; the situation is then removed from the corporate environment and no favoritism (further sexism)is shown to either employee. Depending on the nature of your WH's employment, you should consider your financial situation and the timing before you take the advice given here by some to expose to your WH's employer.
Originally Posted by dec
[Depending on the nature of your WH's employment, you should consider your financial situation and the timing before you take the advice given here by some to expose to your WH's employer.

Again, though, I don't think you understand the big picture in this situation. He cannot keep the job anyway if the marriage is to be saved. He can't have both. The job cannot be protected at the expense of the marriage. The choice at hand is between divorce and staying married. She can't stay married if he stays there.

She has a chance of saving her marriage if he leaves the job, and very often the only way to effect this is to expose the affair at work.

What needs to happen is she needs to expose to everyone she can FIRST and then demand that he find other employment. If he agrees, then she may not need to expose at work. If not, she has nothing to lose because she is headed towards divorce anyway.

And lastly, we have had many marriages saved by exposing at work, so you can stop trying to scare this woman out of one of the effective means of saving her marriage. If you don't stop, I will report you to the mods.
MM, keep in mind that your greatest threat at present is divorce. A divorce would be a greater disaster to your family than the loss of a job. He can get another job, you cannot get your childrens family back if he leaves for the OW and divorces you. Right now your marriage is headed right for divorce unless something happens to stop that. That something may well be exposure at work.

You might be in a position where you have to expose at work in order to get your husband out of there. While termination is certainly a risk, what typically happens is the affairees are separated at work which gives the WS time to find another job. Another occurrence is that the WS is transferred to another location. Your husband will have to leave that job no matter what, unless the OW leaves.

You should be more scared about the divorce that is headed your way. That is the greatest risk to you now.
Another important thing to consider is that the company may well find out on their own. Eventually they usually do. When morons are stupid and unprofessional enough to have a workplace affair, word quickly gets out. It is very unlikely that you can help them cover this up for long anyway.

So when you get the solid evidence and expose e affair, I would DEMAND that he end all contact by getting another job. He may also be able to go to HR and confess himself and ask to be demoted (he is not management material) and transferred.
Originally Posted by MelodyLane
So when you get the solid evidence and expose e affair, I would DEMAND that he end all contact by getting another job. He may also be able to go to HR and confess himself and ask to be demoted (he is not management material) and transferred.

MM, Something will obviously have to happen at the workplace. Your WH may or may not be management material but when workplace notification happens, how it happens, if it has to happen, and who makes it happen is usually very significant. Your specific situation may require your WH's continued financial support and means, and you should NOT mess with that until and unless you absolutely have to do so with all issues, and their ramifications, understood. If your situation ends in D, and your former H is out of a job, you may have difficulty with spousal support, child support, property settlement and a whole host of things. I'm sure nobody here would so thoughtlessly suggest you expose at the workplace without you at least considering the implications and ramifications that may occur when you do so. Not every situation as your WH's results in a termination of employment if exposed with his employer, but depending on your H's employment situation, it certainly can mean just that. You must keep this in mind, and take special note of Dr. Harley's advice on this matter that I specifically and previously quoted for you.
Originally Posted by dec
MM, Something will obviously have to happen at the workplace. Your WH may or may not be management material but when workplace notification happens, how it happens, if it has to happen, and who makes it happen is usually very significant.

dec, I don't disagree with what you said, however when it comes to whether or not he is management material, it is obvious he is not. A manager who has an affair with a subordinate is obviously not management material. He is a loose cannon. That is not in question. Unless perhaps you work in a strip club or a brothel.

It is also not a question of *IF* the workplace will find out, but a question of *WHEN*. It is very common for workplace affairs to be reported by other employees. When this happens, HR will do a quiet investigation. So by going to HR and reporting himself and presenting a get well plan, he might be saving himself temporarily.

This affair won't STAY a secret at work, of that I assure you, MM.
Originally Posted by MelodyLane
dec, I don't disagree with what you said, however when it comes to whether or not he is management material, it is obvious he is not. A manager who has an affair with a subordinate is obviously not management material. He is a loose cannon. That is not in question. Unless perhaps you work in a strip club or a brothel.

It is also not a question of *IF* the workplace will find out, but a question of *WHEN*. It is very common for workplace affairs to be reported by other employees. When this happens, HR will do a quiet investigation. So by going to HR and reporting himself and presenting a get well plan, he might be saving himself temporarily.

This affair won't STAY a secret at work, of that I assure you, MM.

MM, no one here knows whether your WH is management material or not, and I hope he is for your and your kids' sake. If, in fact, you eventually conclude that he is having an A with a subordinate, (you certainly have not so indicated, it being a stretch of anyone's imagination to now think so), you will have to be much more careful on how you proceed in any work exposure matters. This is all depending on your WH's employment situation and your financial matters.
Originally Posted by dec
MM, no one here knows whether your WH is management material or not, and I hope he is for your and your kids' sake.

dec, more accurately, it is YOU who does not know whether the WH is management material or not. Any manager who has an affair with a subordinate - or even a peer - is obviously not management material. That is not even debatable.
Originally Posted by dec
If, in fact, you eventually conclude that he is having an A with a subordinate, (you certainly have not so indicated, it being a stretch of anyone's imagination to now think so)

dec, is it really a "stretch" for your imagination to think this man is having an affair with a coworker? I find that to be an astonishing statement.

Are you out there? Doing ok? Have you been able to read some of the material?

I find it unfortunate that there has to even be a debate when MB is clear about how to proceed. Please listen to MelodyLane, her track records and posts speak for themselves.

You need to expose to family, friends, workplace all on the same day. Copy and paste from FB listed family and friends before starting, start with most crucial, spacing one minute apart so you aren't shut down as a spammer.

MM, most employers must look at an adulterous situation with coworkers as nothing other than sexual harassment.
This statement lacks citation. In my sitch, my H's employer was APPALLED at my H's actions with his co-worker. His employer is a moral man who told my H that he was "dispensable". Yes, he was worried about a potential harrassment lawsuit, but he was floored at the deception that my husband displayed during the affair. Consider this from an employer's standpoint: if you are capable of leading a second, secret life, what other immoral or illegal things are you capable of doing?

I don't know where I'd be today if exposure at the workplace hadn't occurred. Divorced and not on this site is one possible place.

When my H's affair was exposed at the workplace, the affair ended THAT DAY. DONE.
Do not disrupt this thread anymore! Help this poster find solutions rather than nitpicking other posters. You have made your point numerous times. That is quite enough.

Let's get back to helping this poster find solutions.
Originally Posted by dec
Oh good Lord, dec, no one is giving her any advice that is not Dr. Harley endorsed. For the love of God, where do you think we learned it?

You're actually making me look like an MB superstar, and that's no easy feat!
Okay, well, hi! Glad to see some posts, although sorry there seems to be controversy over the workplace exposure. I have not been reading on MB site but a couple days. It seems more helpful in this dire situation than divorcebusting. I DID order the book several people mentioned to me.

I am concerned about the job. My husband has fired people for this very reason before. It is crazy! I'm sure his boss knows and is good-ole-boy-ing the whole thing. Nonetheless, his boss's email address is on my exposure list. I CAN go to corporate if need be. I've been begging him to quit the job long before I caught wind of this affair, and he says NO WAY. (Of course, because then he would have to be away from OW) I will need to research this more though because yeah, I've been a SAHM a long time, I do have a young adult child at home with serious health and some intellectual problems, and I do worry about money. However, my husband could easily find another job if he went willingly. He gets offers all the time. So I guess he is management material in SOME way, lol.

After I got off here earlier I contacted the PI I'd been in touch with earlier and also one I found on the PI Now referral site. The PI Now guy called me back and I felt really comfortable with him and have decided to move forward. I want to know the TRUTH either way, ya know? He said NOW would be perfect to start since my husband knows I am out of state and they may feel more relaxed. I also feel confident my husband would never think I'd do this or even have the money to try. I hope the PI can get me proof quickly.

But it really hurts so bad that he has done this, it is not something I would have ever believed possible. And the depth and length of his deception makes it even more unbelievable. My adult children are angry, my daughter's a wreck, and my youngest son seems numb. I have noooooo idea what to expect, because I never expected this.

I am also making an appointment with a lawyer for a separation agreement, even though I don't know much about that either. I don't know how he can afford this but it's just too bad, maybe he and the OW can pool their resources to support me and my children or something.

I'll try to read more. I'm at McDonald's again, lol.

mm, you need to be preparing to go to Plan B, where you cut off all direct contact with your H until his affair ends. If I understand you correctly, the big confrontations and his moving out occurred last month, so you have probably been in Plan A for three weeks now. Your H isn't admitting to the affair or apparently taking any steps to end it, so your recourse now is to protect yourself financially by seeing a lawyer about a maintenance order against your H. You need to also change your locks and get intermediary to deal with urgent financial matters and vital communications about the kids.
Originally Posted by madmomma
I am concerned about the job. My husband has fired people for this very reason before. It is crazy! I'm sure his boss knows and is good-ole-boy-ing the whole thing. Nonetheless, his boss's email address is on my exposure list. I CAN go to corporate if need be. I've been begging him to quit the job long before I caught wind of this affair, and he says NO WAY. (Of course, because then he would have to be away from OW) I will need to research this more though because yeah, I've been a SAHM a long time, I do have a young adult child at home with serious health and some intellectual problems, and I do worry about money. However, my husband could easily find another job if he went willingly. He gets offers all the time. So I guess he is management material in SOME way, lol.

MM, exposing ONLY to his boss will be very ineffective and will likely backfire on you. He will likely throw your email away and warn your H and the skank. The most effective way to do this is to send a certified letter to corporate and cc at least 2 key people, such as a VP and your H's and the skank's supervisors. This way, no one will give into the temptation to cover up for your husband.

DON'T send an email just to your H's boss because it will be a meaningless exposure and it will give them a heads up on your plan. If they are forewarned, they can pre-empt you by informing HR that you are a jealous lunatic.

It would be the best thing for your marriage if your husband was fired because apparently that is the only way to get him out of that company. That will give you the best shot to save your marriage.

Additionally, I would instruct the PI to get you all the data about the OW's husband and family. Can you find her on facebook? Do you know how to reach her husband?

And have you carefully read the Exposure 101 thread?
Please read this thread put together by one of our finest Plan Bers, who also successfully recovered her marriage.

How to Plan B Correctly
Originally Posted by madmomma
. I want to know the TRUTH either way, ya know? He said NOW would be perfect to start since my husband knows I am out of state and they may feel more relaxed. I also feel confident my husband would never think I'd do this or even have the money to try. I hope the PI can get me proof quickly.

That is brilliant madmomma. I was worried that you might become paralyzed with fear after some of those posts. Fear does not work when killing an affair.

MelodyLane and SugarCane have been at this for a long time. They will not lead you astray.

You need to understand what is meant by Plan A, which I described you as being in currently, and Plan B, which I am advising you to move towards during the next week.

Plan B is to cut off all direct communication with your H, and only to communicate urgent financial or family matters via an intermediary. By doing this you will be withdrawing all the emotional support you are currently giving him, which is making it appealing for him to continue his affair while still being in some sort of relationship with you - which is what is called "cake eating".

Cutting off all direct contact MIGHT have the effect of showing him the inadequacies of the affair, since OW is not his loving faithful wife and mother of his children. She is somebody else's wife and she sleeps around. She is not good marriage material. He might come to see this when he no longer has you around. At the moment he is getting some of his emotional needs met by you and some by her. That is a nice position for him to be in and you need to end that for him.

Once he is forced to have all his emotional needs met by OW, and when it becomes clear that she is unable to meet them - maybe she doesn't even want to leave her H - Plan B MIGHT have the effect of making him want to go back to you and restore the marriage. You will not allow him to do this, though, until he ends the affair and commits to Dr Harley's plan for recovery, including no contact with OW for life, which means changing his job.

But the REAL purpose of Plan B is to protect you from the cruelty of directly witnessing his affair and from his lies and mistreatment of you. Even if the affair does not end for a long time, you will be safe from directly witnessing it from behind the protection of Plan B.

Please read Dr Harley's article What Are Plan A and Plan B?
mm, how old are the 3 kids still at home? How old is the one with health needs?

I live in the UK where there is financial, medical and social support for adult dependent kids and I know nothing about the USA. Is this child entitled to any welfare support in his own right for maintenance and health care? Would you be able to claim any welfare support as a carer if your H lost his job? It is urgent that you look into these things if you do not already know the answer.

Over here, if a separated H lost his job, there would be welfare support for a mother of dependent children and for adult dependent kids. While welfare payment are not generous, an H losing his job and stopping maintenance payments would not have to result in a wife in your situation begging on the streets or living in a homeless shelter.
IDK, I just started reading about exposure today. It's all new to me. I do understand why it is the best idea to kill the affair. I want our 27 year relationship, our 5 children, and our memories to be important to him and to matter, but in the end if they don't mean that much to him due to his sick addiction, do I really need a man who will treat his own family that way? He is NOT the man he was a year ago.

He is "substantially employed", but we have not accumulated a lot of savings or anything due to various factors, including our son's severe health issues that began about 6 months after my husband started making good money. Then our son wasn't eligible for assistance because our income was over the limit. After he turned 18 I began working on getting him disability since at that point my husband's income no longer mattered to SS, and after a nearly 3 year fight, he just got approved for SSI and Medicaid. He is on over $20,000 worth of drugs a month and about to enter a clinical trial. I have been his caretaker for over 11 years and he's a long term survivor of his illness. So there's all that to think about.

Okay. I will need to go read the Plan B again. I did go over it earlier but thought I was still in Plan A. I haven't had any contact with him since last Friday. We were having (I thought) a great week. Seeing more of him than I did while he lived at home. Went to counseling, took kids to waterpark, etc. Wednesday night he said come out to the plant and see him and I did and after that it got weird. I guess someone told her I'd been there. Friday I texted him and got some bizarre texts back that I wholely believe were from HER and he has not contacted me since! And I decided not to contact him either.

Definitely Cake Eating! Which was my fault too.

But is there supposed to be some sort of discussion about "dump her/quit your freaking job" before you go to Plan B? Or was what we had before he moved out our "discussion"? (denials. tears. I love you. I'm confused. etc.)

Yeah, I don't want to see or talk to him if he's doing me like this, so the lawyer can handle our money issues because the bare minimum I stated I wanted when I was giving him time "to think" is not enough. I gotta stop worrying about HIM having enough to live on and start worrying about me and the kids!

So the thing I need from the lawyer is called a maintenance order? I already have a referral for a lawyer from a friend and another friend already called him without my knowledge to ask some stuff about my sitch and it sounds like it'll be okay. Does WAH have to pay for this though? Or since I have no actual personal income do I qualify for Some kind of assistance? Is there a thread about this somewhere?

I sure appreciate all of your help. I feel much more empowered and I'm not sure but I don't think I even cried today!


You are in plan A until you enter plan B.
Also you should expose while in plan A.
FYI. You can also listen to the radio show on this website while at McDonalds with earphones. It's very informative and you can hear callers like yourself asking for advice
Originally Posted by madmomma
But is there supposed to be some sort of discussion about "dump her/quit your freaking job" before you go to Plan B? Or was what we had before he moved out our "discussion"? (denials. tears. I love you. I'm confused. etc.)

MM, OUR WHOLE GOAL is to save your marriage. Everything that we tell you is with that goal in mind. Keep that in mind. What you need to focus on right now is getting the evidence of the affair AND doing the BEST Plan A you can while preparing for Plan B in the next couple of weeks. Don't give him the cold shoulder. Be as pleasant as possible and do not ask or accuse him of having an affair.

Spend your time while you are waiting for the PI intel gathering your exposure targets and getting your letters ready. Did you do as I instructed and read the Exposure 101 thread and copy the OW's facebook contact? Get that done and read through the exposure thread so you understand the strategy.

Contact your lawyer and file for separation so that you are legally protected financially.

I want our 27 year relationship, our 5 children, and our memories to be important to him and to matter, but in the end if they don't mean that much to him due to his sick addiction, do I really need a man who will treat his own family that way? He is NOT the man he was a year ago.

They don't mean much to him right now and he is NOT the man he was a year ago. THAT IS HOW ADDICTIONS AFFECT PEOPLE. That does not mean he can't become that man you know again. If you will follow our instructions there is a strong possibility we can get your husband back for you.
Here is your Plan A - you should follow this for the next 10 days to 2 weeks until you can get into Plan B:

The carrot of Plan A

Meeting your wandering spouse's emotional needs.

Making "home" a warm and inviting place to be.

Placing emphasis on what has worked in the marriage.

Showing consistent self improvement in areas where previously lacking.

Stop lovebusting behaviors.

Communicating with a calm reassuring voice and relaxed body language, even in the center of a verbal storm created by the infidel.

Becoming the person any reasonable spouse would want to come home to.

Remaining open to the possibility of recovery.

Offering forgiveness and understanding.

The stick of Plan A

Exposing adultery where it matters most. Exposure that takes the form of a swift and sudden unexpected tsunami of truth.

Not appologizing for exposure or speaking the truth in a kind yet direct way.

Directly communicating the hurt and devastation that the affair has caused.

Not accepting blame for the infidel's choice to become adulterous.

Let the consequences of adultery and infidelity fall freely upon the heads of the adulterous.

Establishing boundaries that disallow the affair to effect children of the marriage, financal security of the marriage, and otherwise ruin innocent bystanders.

Standing up to infidelity as a beast that must be slayed for the good of the family.

Originally Posted by madmomma
He is "substantially employed", but we have not accumulated a lot of savings or anything due to various factors, including our son's severe health issues that began about 6 months after my husband started making good money. Then our son wasn't eligible for assistance because our income was over the limit. After he turned 18 I began working on getting him disability since at that point my husband's income no longer mattered to SS, and after a nearly 3 year fight, he just got approved for SSI and Medicaid. He is on over $20,000 worth of drugs a month and about to enter a clinical trial. I have been his caretaker for over 11 years and he's a long term survivor of his illness. So there's all that to think about.
I'm still not sure whether or how your son's health and caring needs will be affected if your H loses his job. Does SSI and Medicaid mean that he is no longer dependent on your H's income for his care? And without your H's income, would you be financially supported in any way to stay at home with your son?

Now, I'm not a Plan B expert, or experienced in it, and I'm not sure whether you have had a clear enough discussion of his affair. I think you have. You presented your suspicions and you have good reasons for those. Did you also tell him that he needs to quit his job and go NC for life with OW? Even if you screamed this at him, did you actually tell him that, somehow? If you didn't tell him that, you will do so in the Plan B letter, so I really don't think you need to see him again to attempt a calm discussion of the affair. I can't see how his denial will be any different after yet another discussion.

If he has already stopped speaking to you then you can go to Plan B very quickly. You need to organise financial support and find someone to do email exchanges of vital messages (These are not messages that allow him to keep up with news of the kids. The only news he needs to get is if one of them is admitted to hospital and the doctors advise you to tell him - God forbid.) I don't know the technical name of the "maintenance order" in your state. (You Americans insist on confusing me by having 50 different legal systems!) There must be some sort of legal order that you can get, requiring him to maintain any dependent children and you as a SAHM - at least for a while - and to pay the rent or mortgage and a share of the bills.

Whether you can get H to pay legal bills or whether you can get some sort of legal aid depends on your state, as far as I can gather from reading here.
Thank you.

I have read the Plan B info and I will have to prepare for it. I did cry while reading the sample letters. There was one that was exactly how I felt. While waiting I will be nice and not mention the affair he is just denying anyway.

I'll wait for the info from the PI. I'll get the separation thing done with the lawyer.

If I go to Plan B I have no idea who could be the IM.

I can't get her Facebook list because I am blocked and so are all my friends and family. My friend has a relative that is her facebook friend and I asked could she try to get it. I have my husband's friend list, but it isn't long. Mostly my/our family. he was not a big facebooker. I set it up for him to interact with ME and the kids, but he only used it to send her PMs! jerk.

All I can think of right now. I go from anger to being so sad, I just want him back! Then I think of him putting his hands on her and it kills me.


Originally Posted by MelodyLane
What you need to focus on right now is getting the evidence of the affair AND doing the BEST Plan A you can while preparing for Plan B in the next couple of weeks. Don't give him the cold shoulder. Be as pleasant as possible and do not ask or accuse him of having an affair.
Mel, would you adapt this advice at all, given that he has cold-shouldered her for the last few days? Should she leave him alone to stew, and prepare for Plan B?
Originally Posted by madmomma
I can't get her Facebook list because I am blocked and so are all my friends and family. My friend has a relative that is her facebook friend and I asked could she try to get it. I have my husband's friend list, but it isn't long. Mostly my/our family. he was not a big facebooker. I set it up for him to interact with ME and the kids, but he only used it to send her PMs! jerk.

Another way to get her contact list is to sign out and see if you can see it that way. Hopefully, this relative can copy and paste the list and send it to you. You NEED that list!

And go copy your husbands list right now for safekeeping. Can you sign into your husbands facebook account and get to her facebook account?

All I can think of right now. I go from anger to being so sad, I just want him back! Then I think of him putting his hands on her and it kills me.

An affair with a married woman is very, very unlikely to last. If you stick with us, we can give you the best chance of killing the affair and saving your marriage.

Once you get the evidence, we can give you some GREAT strategies to bust up the affair. Do you think your mother in law will help out and call the OW to try to run her off? Could you get that kind of support from your WH's family?
Originally Posted by SugarCane
Mel, would you adapt this advice at all, given that he has cold-shouldered her for the last few days? Should she leave him alone to stew, and prepare for Plan B?

Since she is headed right for Plan B, I want her to leave the best taste possible with him before she goes dark. If the last thing he remembers is her giving him the cold shoulder or being hysterical, he will be less likely to come back after Plan B. The last thing he remembers should be good memories.

That being said, he may not even allow contact so that might be all for naught!
MM, do you have the book Survivng an Affair? If not, I would get your hands on it tomorrow at the bookstore and read through it. It will help you understand what you are dealing with here.
Odds and Ends in response to posts:

My son gets about $600 from disability per month, not enough to live independently. Having Medicaid means whatever our private insurance doesn't cover, the state is supposed to pay. This entails a lot of work on my part though, lol.

I ordered the Surviving an Affair book earlier today so I guess it will be there when I get home next week.

I don't feel we had a clear enough discussion about the OW and NC because he was still denying and I still stupidly maintained hope he was telling the truth. He SWORE to his sister on their mother's life he had not and was not having an affair and that truly gave me pause, because the person he used to be would NEVER lie like that under such circumstances. I know it sounds silly of me.

My mother in law is already supportive but she is nonconfrontational and will likely just be mad and ignore him. ("he's just like his dad" is what she told my son) Now, I have two Sisters in law that ae very in your face. The younger one cheated on her husband and told me flat out she believes her brother's a cheater. She has already been trying to call him but he is not talking. If I can get the hard proof, the older sister will be my staunchest supporter and advocate. She is likely going to kill him for lying to her "on their mother's life". In fact, she already told him she would kill him if she learned he was lying. They are really close. After the weirdness Friday she got really mad and told me to go to NO CONTACT and see how he liked that.

Both Sisters in law have said if they were here they would follow him, confront her, etc. So if I have real proof they are the way to go. The younger sister who cheated on and left her husband says it was the worst mistake and biggest regret of her life and they didn't even have kids.

I think when I get home, he will contact me in some way. I will get a chance to be sweet as pie. he cannot seem to cut off from me either. IDK if that's good or bad. But at the least I will call him to see if he plans to go to counseling because if not I need to cancel so we don't get billed. I won't be doing anymore texting with him though because the possibility of miscommunication is too great, especially with OW posing as him and stirring up trouble.

I hope you really will be able to help after I get the proof. I want to be the one with the sig line saying "happily recovered".

Originally Posted by madmomma
But at the least I will call him to see if he plans to go to counseling because if not I need to cancel so we don't get billed. I won't be doing anymore texting with him though because the possibility of miscommunication is too great, especially with OW posing as him and stirring up trouble.

I would cancel the counseling because it will be a waste of time as long as there is an affair. And can actually be destructive when there is a hidden affair. We have had so many waywards tell lies to counselors and the unwitting counselor would only serve to validate the wayward.

I see alot of hope with your inlaws. When you get the goods, we will help you strategize your exposure so that you ask these inlaws to contact the OW personally. This will be very effective if they contact that skank and tell her she will never be welcome in their family. That will ruin the future of the affair for her.

But please gather all the information I outlined above so you can be prepared when you have the evidence in hand.

Also, please explain your living conditions to me. If your husband leaves that job, is your home in another town? IT would be best if he is away from the town the OW lives in. How could that work?

And when you get the goods on him, we can help you confront him before you go into Plan B.
Originally Posted by madmomma
My mother in law is already supportive but she is nonconfrontational and will likely just be mad and ignore him.

Could you influence her to call skanky and tell her she will NEVER darken her doorstep? Would she be willing to do that for you and your kids? We have had many parents run off the cheaters.
What different types of surveilance is your PI going to do?
Originally Posted by madmomma
I won't be doing anymore texting with him though because the possibility of miscommunication is too great, especially with OW posing as him and stirring up trouble.

Keep this in your back pocket for now but there may come a time when you again suspect you are texting OW and not your husband that you can slip in one or more of the following:

1. Thanking your WH for the great sex last night (or last week or whenever you last saw him).

2. Saying something like..."I'll have time to sex-skype again later tonight"

3. "I'm sorry I didn't say 'I love you" back earlier today"

4. "If you are even thinking about having sex with that tramp you better wear a condom or you'll give her herpes too"

5. "Honey, I know you promised to be home by Labor Day but after last night (last thursday...whatever), can't you just come home early???"

6. "As we discussed in length last night/week/thurs/whatever...I know you are confused and can't imagine life without your family, without me and that OW is just temporary thing in your life but I can't sit by forever sharing you with another woman. It's getting time to end this game. It's not fair to OW nor your family"

7. whatever misinformation you can conceive of to make her question herself or her relationship with your WH.

One thing about OW (and OM's) they KNOW that their affair partner is a lying cheat and they inherently don't trust them. How could they? Like these two most haven't known each other long at all. OW's greatest threat to getting her man is you. She fears you and any information you can leak to her will make her further question her relationship and make her behave more desperate and crazy towards your WH. Acting like you, too, are an insider to your WH's heart, mind and soul is shot to the OW who thinks only she is his soulmate schmoopie. Plus...when he denies it...she won't trust him enough to believe him.

I'm so glad you are here. Divorcebusters used to have a group of fairly good posters (none as good as recommending exposure but they were all banned two years ago. Exposure may or may not work for you but it's the greatest weapon a BS spouse has and you've got 5 kids hoping you can pull this off. Expose him...and the faster he hits rock bottom the better your chances of recovery become.

Welcome to MB and Godspeed,

Mr. Wondering

I had no idea that MrW was capable of such underhandedness... dance2
Good morning. I am sorta a nervous wreck. I think I maybe slept three hours last night, and now I'm at McDonald's again.

Thank you all for the support and input.

Regarding various posts... I just emailed the PI I plan to go with concerning more methodology and asking will he be disclosing OW and her mate's contact info, etc. I talked to PI on phone and through email yesterday and felt good about it but I will see what he says.

LOVE what MrW suggested. The night I thought it was her I DID do a little something like that, forwarding back saved texts WH had written professing love, saying kind things about me, blah-blah-blah.

I went into my husband's Facebook. I had previously, before he left me, gone into his profile in a rage and blocked OW off his list, but yesterday I unblocked and today was able to see some of her stuff. I copied her whole friend list and saved it for exposure day. More pics of her. WHAT DOES HE SEE IN THIS WOMAN? Gag.

Like, I said, I cannot see my mother in law calling and confronting ANYONE. Best bet will be older Sis in Law, but ONLY if this Investigator comes through with the proof because my husband has Sis in Law snookered. My step father in law likely would be willing to try, but is also likely to be ineffective as that is just his general nature.

Last night my daughter found a voice recorded message on my husband's old cell phone, from April. Daughter thought it was him professing love to me, and saying he was truly sorry and wishing we could be together. Judging by date I think it was for OW, but I have no idea why he recorded it on phone. That was right when OW went to a different work shift and he started getting super weird. IDK, it makes me mad.

I am scared. I am also wondering is it really worth even TRYING with a man who would do this and doesn't care about me or respect me, trying to get him to come to his senses. Are there articles that address this? Would it be easier to take my hurt and walk away from such poor treatment, or is it better to try to recover and salvage all our lives together? SO hurt and scared by the length and depth of his lies and actions.

My living situation: My husband and I lived with our 3 youngest kids in the town where he works. He has been in this town one year. Me and kids finally got here in JANUARY due to his delaying. Kids are 20, 12, and 9. 20yo has rare pulmonary vascular disease, heart failure, and autism spectrum disorder. I have homeschooled the kids and been a SAHM all their lives. OW lives in a neighboring town 13 miles away but works where my husband does.

My husband moved out July 19th, after a fight about OW on his facebook and he would not delete her despite the trouble and also said he reserved the right to go to her sister's house alone whenever he wanted. He had also told me there were no PMs with her on FB, but I found them. Not sexual but there after he denied them. Plus, looked like a big chunk of PMs missing.

That day my older son had called and told me he and another family member had seen the pics of OW in WH's office and WH had introduced OW to them and acted suspicious. This confirmed what my 20yo son had said about the pictures, although my older son knew nothing about that. WH denied pics in his office. Said he was moving out, I was trying to control him, had already lined up place to stay with "workmate", blah-blah. Was tired of being falsely accused, he always came home to my bed, wasn't sleeping around but he'd let me know when he was so I could divorce him scripturally. (I am a by-the-book Christian who believes divorce with possibility of remarriage is only on grounds of adultery. Which he knows. I had previously told him I could forgive anything, even that, and I thought I almost had a confession that day, but he chickened out.)

Also, that day I went to my gyno (due to cheating suspicions and other symptoms I had. Plus, hearing the OW is a ho/skank) and was told I had an infection, possibly chlamydia. Turned out not to be but she put me on antibiotics before she got the test results back, and I hope I scared the crap out of that sorry man!

All that to say I felt justified in being suspicious about the woman on his facebook.

Yes, I will want help with the confronting before full-fledged Plan B. Unless I decide to just let this be a blessing and be free. I don't know what to do. If he'd do this to us, am I looking a gift horse in the mouth if I get proof of adultery? I just don't know. I don't want to sacrifice all our years and family over 1 year and this horrible decision!!!

I can't remember what else I was asked. I'll keep checking back as much as I can.

Thank you all so much again.


Anybody out there this morning?

Should I TRY to contact him after all? How can I be a charming Plan A-er if there is no contact? Of course I am out of town right now. Wondering if that was a bad idea, but I had some business with my son out here and needed to do it anyway. Also it allows time this weekend for the PI to find something.

Let him stew? Give him a call? IDK.

I'm reading some old threads and seeing similarities to my sitch, trying to learn from other's experiences.


Feels like I'm spinning my wheels.

mm, I have been here and have read your post, but I must leave now. I promise I'll be back later today.
Thank you, SugarCane. I really appreciate it. Still waiting to hear back from PI about my Qs. It's still early in his time zone though.

My son's girlfriend tried talking to WH on facebook last night. She was super disgustingly sweet to him, saying how sad we were he could't get off work to come for this visit (huh?) and how we loved him and how I talked about him nonstop about all our memories (not exactly true!) And naturally at that point he quit responding.

My son also talked very briefly to WH and WH just asked if he had told my younger kids to call him? Son told WH how my daughter was crying and had said if we'd never moved she would still have her daddy. (true tale) WH just said, "Oh." But my son said maybe it hurt him. IDK. He doesn't seem concerned about me this week. I think OW gave him ultimatum last week after I came out to see WH at his work. IDK. It hurts. I hate him. I love him. I think.

Originally Posted by madmomma
It hurts. I hate him. I love him. I think.


Hi MM. MB says that waywards are identical to addicts. That is how you need to start thinking of your WH. He is an addict. Your old DH is still in there and MB will give you the best shot at getting him back.

It's too bad that you will not get the book until next week. In the meantime click on the "how to survive infidelity" link to the right and start reading from the beginning. Things will start to make sense to you. Dr. Harley really has the wayward mind figured out.

Keep trying to find that OW's husband and relatives. People who have influence on the waywards are your greatest exposure targets.

Originally Posted by madmomma
Regarding various posts... I just emailed the PI I plan to go with concerning more methodology and asking will he be disclosing OW and her mate's contact info, etc. I talked to PI on phone and through email yesterday and felt good about it but I will see what he says.

MM, that is his job. He needs to give you this information. Were you able to get the OW's husband and parents from her facebook list? Did you copy and paste the contacts into a document for safekeeping so your husband will never find it?

Yes, I will want help with the confronting before full-fledged Plan B. Unless I decide to just let this be a blessing and be free. I don't know what to do. If he'd do this to us, am I looking a gift horse in the mouth if I get proof of adultery? I just don't know. I don't want to sacrifice all our years and family over 1 year and this horrible decision!!!

Your marriage has just as much chance as anyone else's for recovery, MM. You might decide you want a divorce, but you don't have to make that decision today. I would go through the motions of saving your marriage but keep your options open. Whether or not you decide to save it, you will want to do everything to kill the affair so your kids are not subjected to the OW in the future.
Originally Posted by dec
Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Go to your husbands company's website and find the contact info for the Director of HR, a key VP and both their supervisors. Most companies don't fire adulterers, but they may separate them to minimize the legal risks.

Somehow he will have to leave that job anyway if you have any hope of saving your marriage. Hopefully you kill the affair and get him to look for employment elsewhere. I would play that one by ear.

HOWEVER, I want to emphasize that we don't place a little job over the welfare of the marriage. The job cannot protected at the expense of the marriage.

MM, most employers must look at an adulterous situation with coworkers as nothing other than sexual harassment. It does not matter who you disclose it to, and it does not matter if both employees 'currently' consider it consensual. Good corporate legal advice is to terminate both employees; the situation is then removed from the corporate environment and no favoritism (further sexism)is shown to either employee. Depending on the nature of your WH's employment, you should consider your financial situation and the timing before you take the advice given here by some to expose to your WH's employer.


Not sure from where you are deriving your assessment. I am an attorney by training and have practiced labor and employment law for over 25 years. I was my company�s �resident expert� on sexual harassment until I was promoted into a senior management role in our Compliance organization (I work for a VERY large, international company) and regularly participate in professional forums that do benchmarking. While, technically, affairs in the workplace do present risks that one of the affair partners or another employee in the workplace being exposed to offensive behavior by the affair partners may file a sexual harassment charge with the EEOC, local agencies or even a lawsuit, most employers DO NOT terminate simply out of fear of potential harassment claims - even when the relationship is between a supervisor and subordinate. If the relationship is between a supervisor and subordinate, most employers change the reporting relationship and nothing more out of concerns about sexual harassment risk exposure strictly because of the affair.
What DOES motivate employers more than potential sexual harassment claims is if the affair partners are using company time and company resources to perpetuate the affair (in other words, �stealing� from the company).
While termination is definitely an option depending on the employer, in my 25 plus years of experience working in this field, employees usually are disciplined or have their reporting lines adjusted UNLESS, in addition to having an affair, they are doing something else that is a violation of company policies.
Originally Posted by Brits_Brat

Not sure from where you are deriving your assessment. I am an attorney by training and have practiced labor and employment law for over 25 years. I was my company�s �resident expert� on sexual harassment until I was promoted into a senior management role in our Compliance organization (I work for a VERY large, international company) and regularly participate in professional forums that do benchmarking. While, technically, affairs in the workplace do present risks that one of the affair partners or another employee in the workplace being exposed to offensive behavior by the affair partners may file a sexual harassment charge with the EEOC, local agencies or even a lawsuit, most employers DO NOT terminate simply out of fear of potential harassment claims - even when the relationship is between a supervisor and subordinate. If the relationship is between a supervisor and subordinate, most employers change the reporting relationship and nothing more out of concerns about sexual harassment risk exposure strictly because of the affair.
What DOES motivate employers more than potential sexual harassment claims is if the affair partners are using company time and company resources to perpetuate the affair (in other words, �stealing� from the company).
While termination is definitely an option depending on the employer, in my 25 plus years of experience working in this field, employees usually are disciplined or have their reporting lines adjusted UNLESS, in addition to having an affair, they are doing something else that is a violation of company policies.

I don't want to tie up this poster's thread with a debate. As a practicing attorney for over 24 years, we advise termination. By leaving the "predator" at the company as the lawsuit complaint says encouraged the corporate environment that "fosters" a culture of sexual harassment, and the complaint goes on, and on and on. And of course we include nothing in the employee manuals that prohibit sex between peers, it is always the use of company property or a violation of the sexual harassment policy as cause for termination. And we have never had to defend a client on a peer to peer because it is never pled that way. The OW is a victim of the corporate culture or otherwise was not an 'equal' peer.

This poster was advised only of the possibilities, and she should be aware of that before firing off letters to her WH's employer who is the families' sole financial support. In our jurisdiction the WH would also be a named defendant with personal liability 'if' a lawsuit followed. She should be made aware of that also.

I don't want to (and was told cannot) debate on this matter for this poster further. Let's move on.
I'm so glad you weren't scared off by the off-track debating yesterday. You are in great hands with the current posters, they will take you step by step through the process, just make sure to follow what they're telling you w/o procrastination. Getting right on things is of the essence. There are a lot of stories on here and after a while you notice a lot of commonalities...waywards seem to read from the same script. They act like aliens but there is every possibility of reclaiming that old person through MB process.

I'd get ready for exposure and be working on a Plan B letter...when is your appt. with your attorney? When do you get back home?
Are you still checking in, mm?
Not since yesterday morning on here. I am still not sure what I want to do about exposing at work after reading the above. Checked bookstores for the book, nobody had it but said they could order it. I BUT...

Within minutes of me sending contract and payment to Private Investigator... a lot is going on. It sounds crazy. Could be more than one OW, but he is right where I thought he was, with who I thought it was, acting like he lives there and she does too. At her sister's house. It sounds much worse than I guessed. It's right across from my friend's house. was gonna fill in blow by blow but stuff is happening.

Will try to post later.
MM, please pay close attention to BritsBrats post as she is a corporate attorney who specializes in this field. She has been on this board for YEARS. It helps to look at registration dates to determine one's bona fides and experience with exposure.

Please keep us updated so we can help you through this.
Good morning madmomma. I am glad you have hired a PI and are trying to get all the information you can. Your H. is not the H you once knew. He is disrespecting you and your marriage to his selfish gain. Stay strong. You don't deserve this and shouldn't have to be dealing with it in your life!! So, be strong and ready to do whatever it takes to end his affair so you both can work on your marriage, or to kick his bum to the curb so you don't have to be exposed to his waywardness and selfishness.

Also, since it appears you are in a 'traditional' marriage setting, it is important from a financial perspective that you get your ducks in a row so to speak regarding financial resources, and most family attorneys know what to do in this regard. If in fact your WH has been 'planning' for some time to continue in life w/o you, you are already behind in some regards. Most attorneys can move quickly to maint! ain status quo, but you should have one on board now to protect your family. And by the way, your adult special needs son should not have any SSDI or Medicaid issues/concerns as it relates to your and your WH's issues.
Okay, guys. All involved parties are now at the plant and there's nothing more to see for now. Surveillance will continue this evening. Everything I already thought is being confirmed, and more weirdness I'd never believe. WS hid my car (he's driving while I'm out of town) in her backyard and put a dog house behind it to hide the license plate while the rest of the car was showing and he himself sat out in the yard with these 2 women (sisters) and all their kids. RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM MY FRIEND'S HOUSE. Who alerted me, took videos, and I got the PI over there. This within minutes of the PI telling me he got my money gram payment. Pisses me off totally he has been hanging out with these women and their kids all year while ignoring his own! PI was unable to tell WHO was doing WHO, they were all chummy and he was the only man. Also, my friend told me the OWs car and kids have been staying there lately so it looks like they are all living there together!

I saw from the bank account he went to the doctor, I guess to get on antidepressants like he said he would. Well, he is going to need them so I hope they work. He may be severely mentally ill. From what I have so far it certainly seems like it.

I am not sure about work exposure. I bet everyone knows anyway. The PI said we would go over all angles in case I want to pursure it at the end of the investigation. He also said their team can help me confront my husband if I want to, they will help me find a viscious bulldog of a lawyer (my words), etc.

I don't think I WANT reconciliation even if he does cry and beg after his dirt is revealed. There has been too much, too long, too disgusting and dispicable to overcome. I think. I DO want to destroy their relationship/s because there is no way those skank ho dogs will be anywhere around my children. Who don't want to be around them/him anyway. Good job, dude, trade your nice family and the love of your children/wife for opportunistic sluts. He is not going to have much money to share with them so good thing they are splitting everything 2 or 3 ways, huh?

HELP!!! We have a joint bank account his paycheck should be automatically deposited into Friday the 17th. Trying to figure out the best way to take out most of the money before he does. We still have an out of state bank account after the move. He has no checkbook and doesn't know how to do online banking. He has only a debit card with $500 a day limit. I noticed fund transfer options, pop money, paypal, on my online banker site. IDK. I want To get out as much money as I can before he does and put it in the account I secretly opened last week.

I was willing when we talked before to do a fifty-fifty split of the money last payday when he said he was "thinking" and we were in counseling but now all that's off. WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST? I can't go change his direct deposit to my bank. I thought I'd pull out the $500 ATM cash, maybe do some cash-back transactions at walmart, but I want to take out almost all his check because IDK what he'll do on money. he was never even interested in money before and has no idea what things cost or what it costs to live. So even if he's been vaguely planning something, I don't think he knows exactly what he can do yet, besides maybe change his direct deposit to a secret account of his own. Let's hope he doesn't think of that yet.

I know this is sloppily asked and planned but I sincerely need ideas for help on this.

I wonder if she left her husband and it "forced" him to have to leave us. Instead of just cake eating. He looked awful and cried a lot while at home near the end. Hope I get a better picture of all events.

I feel really good about the investigator and that we will get something this weekend, WS is so bold, overconfident, swaggering, and stupid. He will never in a million zillion years think I would do this!

I DO have both their facebook friends lists copied. My friend/OW's cousin said both OWs parents are dead. I'm planning to expose to his parents and sisters, friend list. His older Sis will help me and probably be my IM for Plan B. Otherwise I have no idea who I could burden with that. But I definitely want no contact myself.

I want to get the legal proof of adultery and get to a lawyer. Do I do this before I confront, before I expose? What is the order? I TRIED to get the book but couldn't so waiting on my ebay order.

Yeah, I want to get through Plan A and into B. NO CONTACT WITH THE SORRY [censored].

I know I am emotional. Please offer any thoughts or advice.

I don't even know when I will talk to him. Is this the order of things? Get proof, get legal, confront and give letter? Or expose first? Simultaneously on same day? Go to Plan B?

Haven't talked to him since last Friday.

My kids are suffering, especially my 12yo daughter.

Will try to check back later today.

Thank you,
P.S. I do feel I need help in all this, but am I in the right place, lol? It's called "Marriage Builders". I am not thinking about Recovery at this time!!!

But thank you all so much.

This is nuts.

Originally Posted by madmomma
I want to get the legal proof of adultery and get to a lawyer. Do I do this before I confront, before I expose? What is the order? I TRIED to get the book but couldn't so waiting on my ebay order.

MM, the book does not have anything in it about exposure but we can help you here with that. I would get your evidence from the PI and start planning your exposure. You do need to expose to the OW's facebook contacts and most especially her husband. In your situation, a workplace exposure is going to be criticall to your success so I would gather all your information for that. It is going to take a nuclear exposure to kill this affair since it has gone on so long, so I don't think you will be successful without the workplace exposure.

I would also find an attorney and file for separation in order to get financial protection. Do you know a good attorney?

And don't worry about Plan B right now. Focus on exposure and getting a good attorney.

When will the PI be sending your evidence?
Originally Posted by madmomma
P.S. I do feel I need help in all this, but am I in the right place, lol? It's called "Marriage Builders". I am not thinking about Recovery at this time!!!

But thank you all so much.

This is nuts.


You don't have to make any decisions right now. If you focus on killing the affair, you can take your time in making a decision.
Originally Posted by madmomma
I want to get the legal proof of adultery and get to a lawyer. Do I do this before I confront, before I expose? What is the order? I TRIED to get the book but couldn't so waiting on my ebay order.

You don't need to see a lawyer in order to expose the affair, but I would get into see one as soon as you can so you are protected financially. You don't want to be in a position where he withholds income.

Do you live in a state where one can file separation? Do you live in a fault or no fault state where adultery is taken into account?
Perhaps the 17th should be your Dday so to speak. Since you are new here and learning, waiting on the book, waiting on the PI information and getting your ducks in a row financially (with the 17th being the best day for you to get your hands on a whole paycheck) waiting one week in order to really expose this affair and, perhaps, confront your WH is the right call.

Whether he's worth fighting for or not is irrelevant right now. YOU work the MB program and take the steps necessary to protect yourself emotional, physically, legally and financially and together we'll see if your husband can redeem himself, repent and atone for his sins to you and your family or NOT....either way YOU are going to make it.

Mr. Wondering

Yeah, I wanted the lawyer to take care of the financial as soon as possible. I'm headed home Monday, but my son is starting new treatment so I will be tied up Tuesday and Home health Nurse is coming Wednesday, so Thursday seems the first chance I'll get to even get an appointment. It can wait as long as I can pull the money out on payday before he does.

In my state they have no fault, but I know you can get a D faster if there's adultery. I need to stay married awhile to at least keep his health insurance I guess because I'm supposed to have surgey soon! IDK, I had planned to just do the separation and let HIM be the instigator of an actual divorce. But that may change if I get the legal proof and the money will work out somehow. They do have separation in my state.

I think the PI is right and we'll have the intel this weekend. I hope and pray. If I confront WS, I think he will have a nervous breakdown. And THEN he might finally start to think this is a very bad idea.

Do I need to start planning the "letter"? And yes, plan the friend/family exposure. No one can get me info or find any on the OWs husband. The PI was going to find out if they are still together today. If they are already separated/divorced do I still expose to him? I was hoping he might attack WS. j/k!!! But really, looks like he's out of the picture or at least as clueless and shut out as I was.

What about the money Friday? ideas? I looked for a thread but didn't see. I gotta get out of here and see how my kids are doing.

Thanks again,


MM, I think MrW gave you great advice. Shoot for exposure next week when you have access to his paycheck. That will give you time to get all your letters ready and get your finances protected. You need this time to get everything put in order and do the most strategic exposure possible.

And yes, you should expose to the OW's husband regardless of their marital state. It may very well be that her affair with your husband caused their breakup and he can use that intel in his divorce action.

Agree with your plan on divorce. Just focus on getting legal protection for now and worry about divorce later.
BTW...I am sorry you are going through this. Even though you were 100% certain about what was going on, the PI reports and communications confirming it with actual video and photos is awfully hard to endure. That's one reason why Dr. Harley only encourages women to do Plan A for 4 weeks or so....because any longer and the betrayed wife won't much care about recovery at all. Plan B is designed to protect you from exposure to the Wayward such that you are safe emotionally and can start getting used to the idea of being on your own AND, just in case WH wakes up, you may still have love enough remaining to TRY to repair the marriage.

Perhaps the 17th, 18th or 19th should be your Plan B day too. Give it a day or two to TRY to slip in some final Plan A stuff as the fallout from exposure next friday sinks in and then, wham Plan B letter removing yourself from the drama.

Mr. Wondering
Thanks, Will update later I hope.

madmomma --

please expect a roller coaster! One moment you will be "done", the next you will be sad, the next angry. Your emotions will be all over the place. That is why it is so important to have a PLAN. Do not let your emotions lead you, follow a logical proven plan.

So, if you cannot deal with him at the moment without revealing your state of mind -- avoid him. In the moments you are feeling stronger make some plan A attempts. Maybe send him a text about missing him. Or maybe some casual banter about the kids or funny things they've said. Avoid face-to-face or phone calls if it will reveal your true emotions.

Keep your cards VERY close right now.

Get your evidence, plan your exposure (do it all in one swoop!) and get your ducks in a row for financial protection.
Start planning for Plan B if you think you're going there.
Originally Posted by madmomma
HELP!!! We have a joint bank account his paycheck should be automatically deposited into Friday the 17th. Trying to figure out the best way to take out most of the money before he does.
Thank you,

If you need money, go to the bank Friday morning and withdraw. You need money for groceries and what have you, I'm sure. You can call the bank now and see when direct deposits hit. They should hit am. I would not attempt to change the Joint account until you have spoken with a family lawyer. Jurisdictions (Judges) all over the country and even within the same courhouse react differently to such things.
Originally Posted by madmomma
Yeah, I wanted the lawyer to take care of the financial as soon as possible. ..... I need to stay married awhile to at least keep his health insurance I guess because I'm supposed to have surgey soon!

Your family lawyer will help on this. Larger employers will be under COBRA affording at least the option to continue health insurance....uninterrupted, but at a costs.
You CAN file for divorce and then once the temporary orders are in place advise your attorney to delay the case as much as possible thereafter. Most waywards aren't in a hurry so you could stay in the system well over a year in most states if you want to. It gets really easy to make it appear that "they" (WH and his attorney) are delaying everything as they will try to settle the case without discovery and you just keep sending interrogatories and Requests for Depositions that they'll avoid.

No matter what you do, think twice about settling with a wayward BEFORE deposing them or at least documenting the affair through interrogatories and admissions or else, within three years the divorce, as far as they tell the story, everything will become all your fault. They will be free from ever having the documented facts out there to dispute their lies, thus enabling them to make any claim about their divorce (and subsequent relationship with the Other Person) that they want. The whole thing becomes a "he said...she said" situation where even your children (who want a relationship with both of you) get sick of officiating what really is the "Truth". Waywards hate the you've got to document it and the legal process of divorce is typically your only shot.

**Even your PI reports and proofs will only show ONE or TWO days in the life of your WH. In the future, he could just claim that was when he was separated and had already moved on from his mean and impossible to live with ex-wife. The legal process gives you the chance to depose and ask him ANY question you want about his adultery...from beginning to end hopefully filling in many of the question marks that remain and allowing your mind peace as you move forward with your life.

Mr. Wondering

p.s. - Last thing. Family Lawyers are great but their job is to help you through the divorce process. They don't "save" marriages and families. If I were you, I wouldn't even discuss "Exposure" with him/her because they will try to talk you out of it as it's not conducive towards moving you (and your WH) towards a amicable settlement. It'll make their job harder. I think it's better to tell him/her AFTER you've done it, have him/her admonish you and then you stop. If anyone ever makes a big deal about the exposure being vindictive you can play dumb and act like it was a mistake. Once the cat is out of the won't care. You can't UN-expose. But going against your lawyers advice only makes it look worse AND may tick off your lawyer and ticked off attorneys bill more.

I truly believe exposure is your best option here - including exposing to his workplace. So that I can put this in better perspective, you mentioned that your husband is the plant manager. Do OW/potential OWs (plural) work for him? In other words, is he their supervisor or their supervisor's supervisor? How large is the company they all work for? Is there a central office other than at the plant? Do you have reason to believe he is using company time/resources to perpetuate the A?

Anecdotally, in my role with my company, I will periodically have cases come my way in which an employee is having an affair with a colleague/subordinate. Off the top of my head I can count at least 4 instances involving VP level employees. In two of those instances, the employees were terminated but they were not terminated because of the affair. One was terminated because he misused his corporate card,had a non-company employee riding in a company vehicle and violated other Health and Safety rules. The other was terminated because she was sending e-mails external to the company berating the head of her department. In the other two instances, the reporting relationship was realigned. And don't be fooled, large companies are NOT motivated by fear of a sexual harassment lawsuit - or any other lawsuit for that matter! From the very first day I started practicing law, anytime someone threatens me with that, I calmly tell them "see you in court." My company sees many Charges of Discrimination (precursors to fiing a lawsuit) each year and only rarely, if ever, do the actually turn into lawsuits much less reach judgment.

Unless the A spills into the workplace - as in using company time/resources to perpetuate the A- most employers will take the position that it's none of their business what consenting adults do. They will tell the A partners to keep it out of the workplace and, if a supervisor/subordinate relationship is involved, will rearrange that reporting relationship so that one A partner is not supervising the other A partner.

I know you have many things going on now, including your child's illness and impending lung transplant and your own impending surgery. From what I read earlier in your post, any medical expenses your son has that your insurace via WH's work doesn't pay for will be paid by Medicaid. With regard to your own need for insurance, even if a divorce were to go through quickly (keep in mind that cases drag on and on and on even when an active judge tries to keep his docket moving), you would still be entitled to COBRA coverage when the employer's insurance terminated. The same would be true if your WH were terminated because of his involvement with OW/OWs in the workplace. You do have to pay for that COBRA coverage but you are legally entitled to it.
MM, focus on this one thing, please:


That said, BB, ML, and others are presenting you, as a gift, the best tool to wield in that effort - full, complete, and brutal EXPOSURE. Is there likely to be correlative and concurrent damage to other elements of your life when you swing the Thor's-hammer advised? Yes. But none of the "What do I do then?" questions should be permitted to distract you from the primary goal.

Pull the pin, kiddo, and toss the grenade.
Originally Posted by Brits_Brat

I truly believe exposure is your best option here - including exposing to his workplace. So that I can put this in better perspective, you mentioned that your husband is the plant manager. Do OW/potential OWs (plural) work for him? In other words, is he their supervisor or their supervisor's supervisor? How large is the company they all work for? Is there a central office other than at the plant? Do you have reason to believe he is using company time/resources to perpetuate the A?

Anecdotally, in my role with my company, I will periodically have cases come my way in which an employee is having an affair with a colleague/subordinate. Off the top of my head I can count at least 4 instances involving VP level employees. In two of those instances, the employees were terminated but they were not terminated because of the affair. One was terminated because he misused his corporate card,had a non-company employee riding in a company vehicle and violated other Health and Safety rules. The other was terminated because she was sending e-mails external to the company berating the head of her department. In the other two instances, the reporting relationship was realigned. And don't be fooled, large companies are NOT motivated by fear of a sexual harassment lawsuit - or any other lawsuit for that matter! From the very first day I started practicing law, anytime someone threatens me with that, I calmly tell them "see you in court." My company sees many Charges of Discrimination (precursors to fiing a lawsuit) each year and only rarely, if ever, do the actually turn into lawsuits much less reach judgment.

Unless the A spills into the workplace - as in using company time/resources to perpetuate the A- most employers will take the position that it's none of their business what consenting adults do. They will tell the A partners to keep it out of the workplace and, if a supervisor/subordinate relationship is involved, will rearrange that reporting relationship so that one A partner is not supervising the other A partner.

I know you have many things going on now, including your child's illness and impending lung transplant and your own impending surgery. From what I read earlier in your post, any medical expenses your son has that your insurace via WH's work doesn't pay for will be paid by Medicaid. With regard to your own need for insurance, even if a divorce were to go through quickly (keep in mind that cases drag on and on and on even when an active judge tries to keep his docket moving), you would still be entitled to COBRA coverage when the employer's insurance terminated. The same would be true if your WH were terminated because of his involvement with OW/OWs in the workplace. You do have to pay for that COBRA coverage but you are legally entitled to it.

1) Make an appt. w/an attorney today if possible, sometimes it takes a while to get in. Let them know it's an emergency.
2) Get his paycheck $ Monday.
3) Expose to everyone, by then you'll have the PI evidence

dec: you keep telling her different than MB says...they say full exposure and that includes workplace. She has already stated she wants to break up the affair, whether the marriage is saved or not.
Thanks, Everyone. I think the affair will end after the proof is revealed to extended family members. If it doesn't, he's a bigger idiot than I thought. IDK if it's worth the hassle of him losing the job and insurance coverage. I just got my son's affairs to the point where he is covered from all angles. I don't really want to mess that up. I know about Cobra but it is very expensive, we had it once and it was like $1300 for a month's coverage.

My WH's company is large, the plant employs over 1500 people. They have a corporate run call line you can make complaints to including ethical type things. I did search out this info, but still feel unsure. I also noted that not all of the Harleys were totally onboard with full workplace exposure. I will think about it more. I also wonder if her moving to day shift this spring WAS the company finding out and seperating them.

My friend called and WH is over at the woman's house now, My car is parked in back but not hidden well,. She got a great picture and sent it to me. Part of him is in the picture too. There is no back door so he had to come around to the front and have a teenage son of OW2 let him in. The pi said after the women got off work (about now) they would start watching again.

I would like for them to break up. I don't plan to watch so IDK if it's worth the trouble workplace exposure would cause me. I do not want to be back with him. I do not see how that could ever occur now. I don't want my kids anywhere near these trashy people. OW2 has four kids by four different fathers and both women are nasty I have been told. When OW2 drove up with the carload of groceries my husband paid for (probably) they descended like vultures to haul it all in. My DIL thinks this is a money thing and when they realize there will be no money it will soon end. IDK.

I like the idea of getting to ask questions during divorce discovery or however it was termed. I wonder if it's both of them. An affair is one thing but I don't see why he couldn't admit that. If it was a disgusting threesome with sisters, it makes more sense to me that he feels trapped and won't admit it. Imagine your mom knowing this? Gross. Well, that is how I think anyway. Apparently his company is known to be a whorehouse, with ppl actually having sex in the restrooms and stuff like that. Might have been good to know a year or so ago!

So, Call lawyer, get money, Get PI evidence, Expose. Confront? When do I confront? Obviously after I get the PI Stuff. We never had a confrontation where I said I knew this to be true and he admitted it. Or was forced to admit it. Maybe now he doesn't care if I know and that's why he's so obvious? And Plan B letter is next. Oh, line up IM. I definitely want Plan B so I can protect my sanity.

Well, I am getting about 3 hours sleep a night. Probably rambling a lot.

Thanks so much again,


MM, you said that the whole company probably "knows already."

they only know what they have been told by the waywards! this is why exposure is important - you get the truth out there and it underminds everything they try to say or do. even if people say they don't believe it, they will be skeptical in their listening/seeing from the point of exposure on. however, the fallout from exposure is typically positive for the BS. remember, when you expose, you request *help for the M.* have you looked at the exposure thread in mel's sig line for letter templates?

you are going to have a rough weekend, i'm sorry. it's one thing to have doubts, it's a whole nother thing to have them confirmed in black and white. but this will give you POWER! do expose on her side as much as you can. again, those people only know what they have been told, typically along the lines of "already separated," "M has been bad for a long time," etc - a bunch of wishy-washy nonsense! seeing a living, breathing family unit on the other end changes the perspective. it's no longer just WH being there acting all lovey dovey in front of them - it's a loving wife and unhappy children as ghosts in the background.

my point is: never assume what people know. make it clear.

hang in there momma. keep posting so we can help you with spoken and written words. remember, no reply to anyone needs to be immediate.
Yes, when we were in counseling he kept bringing up how I had been unhappy for years and dwelled on his mistakes before we moved. I said yeah, but you had ample opportunites to correct that sitch at the time and wouldn't, now that we have moved on why are you just now bringing this up now?

Like she is helping him see I was mean to him. I have heard words come from his mouth that sounded just like a woman. (I should have been holding his hand in his hour of need when his mom was in the hospital but I left him there...Because we had the huge fight where he nearly ran us off the road when I tried to touch his cell phone and he told me to consider himself NOT MY HUSBAND ANYMORE.) So yeah, he tries to spin it. IDK. The betrayal is really deep and long term. Not sure if I care what those people even think.

Okay. If I do workplace exposure, just do his boss, HR, etc. or go with that corporate call line? I KNOW they take that line seriously, he complained about issues with it all the time. Which is how I even knoew about it.

I also noticed several of her facebook friends are HR supervisors and employees out there.
Originally Posted by madmomma
I would like for them to break up. I don't plan to watch so IDK if it's worth the trouble workplace exposure would cause me. I do not want to be back with him. I do not see how that could ever occur now. I don't want my kids anywhere near these trashy people. OW2 has four kids by four different fathers and both women are nasty I have been told.

MM, just keep in mind that if you get divorced, you will have no choice about your children being around those trashy people. Your H will be getting your children during visitation so you will have no choice in the matter. And that is very likely to happen if don't expose because the affair will thrive if you keep it a secret.

Even if you don't decide to continue your marriage, you should expose the affair unless you want to be attending weddings, funerals with the OW for years to come. Do you want her to be accepted with open arms into your husbands family? Thats what happens if you don't expose. She gets accepted in all those circles.

If you don't expose, everyone else will just buy whatever spin your H and the OW tell them about the demise of your marriage. Do you want the infidels to control the story of the demise of your marriage?

I would caution you against making the decision to abandon your marriage now. Your marriage can possibly be saved. No one would fault you if you got divorced, but there is hope here. Keep in mind that if you get divorced, your kids WILL BE exposed to the OW and you will have to go back to work eventually to support yourself.

I would suggest that you proceed as if you were going to save the marriage and just keep your options open. If you don't, then you just eliminate that option in the future.

You really should expose the affair at work so he loses that job. There is no way he can continue to work in the same place as the OW. Not to mention the fact that he is not fit to be a manager. At least not at that company. You said yourself that he has other opportunities.

Workplace exposures are extremely effective in busting up affairs. More often than not, the affairees are quietly transferred and/or separated. But I don't think this will make it if you don't expose at work.

After you expose the affair, you can confront your husband. I would also make plans to confront the OW. Perhaps your sister in laws will go with you?

Did you read my exposure thread about exposure targets?
Originally Posted by madmomma
Okay. If I do workplace exposure, just do his boss, HR, etc. or go with that corporate call line? I KNOW they take that line seriously, he complained about issues with it all the time. Which is how I even knoew about it.

Do the HR director, his boss, a key VP AND the hot line. Be sure and cc all them in your letter. And SIGN your letter. BritsBrat wrote a template letter which is posted on my exposure thread.
Originally Posted by madmomma
I also noticed several of her facebook friends are HR supervisors and employees out there.

Originally Posted by madmomma
Yes, when we were in counseling he kept bringing up how I had been unhappy for years and dwelled on his mistakes before we moved. I said yeah, but you had ample opportunites to correct that sitch at the time and wouldn't, now that we have moved on why are you just now bringing this up now?

This is CLASSIC rewriting of history. The purpose is to rewrite history in a poor light as a justification for the affair.
If you decide to try and save your M, one of the ways to do that will be to create EP's to protect your marriage from future affairs. One of these EP's will have to be not working in an environment that is wrought with inappropriate sexual conduct and A's. So, this job is going to need to go anyway.
Expose. Confront?

Kiddo, if done correctly, "confront" will be a passive, not an active, verb in your situation ("You were confronted..." as opposed to "You confronted...").

He should go - how is it phrased? oh, yes - "bat-[censored] crazy" when he learns that all his contacts, personal, fraternal, commercial, professional, have been informed that he's been "getting his meat where he gets his bread"!
I wonder if she left her husband and it "forced" him to have to leave us.
I wouldn't count on that. It sounds like OW is using her sister's place as her pig pen, for rutting with your husband. Wait to see what your PI finds out.
I am not sure about work exposure. I bet everyone knows anyway.
I know you are probably very confused about exposure now, and I'm very sorry about that after experiencing a hugely positive, affair-killing result of exposure at my husband's workplace. I don't want to distract this thread further by saying more than that.
I thought I'd pull out the $500 ATM cash, maybe do some cash-back transactions at walmart, but I want to take out almost all his check because IDK what he'll do on money.
I would take out as much as you can. Don't empty the account, though.
I know I am emotional.
Of course you are, sweetie hug You don't need to make any decisions right now. But you are welcome to vent whenever you feel you need to vent. smile
Okay, I'll say one more thing about exposure in the workplace and then I'll shut up. I mean it this time smile

I've already told you that exposure at my H's workplace killed the affair that day. THAT DAY, MM. There was some time there, where we weren't sure if my H was going to keep his job, his employer was so pissed at his actions. He wasn't fired, though.

You say that you suspect that 'everyone knows already'. What they may 'know' is what OW and your WH have let them know. His employer may have an inkling that something is going on. They may be looking the other way since it doesn't appear that the affair is an issue. Your appearance on the scene could change that whole dynamic. Picture it: a betrayed wife with children - especially one with critical needs as your son has - shows up, raising hell about this adulterous affair that is being furthered by their continued employment together.

Now they're going to have to address it.
Mad ... the key to remember is if she left her husband then your husband has made promises to her and more often than not those promises are for financial security (Your money ... the money from your marriage... I would bet he has promised her this gem).

Women do not leave unless they think there is something better on the otherside. Your husband's finances are likely her meal ticket.

If this affair doesn't get stopped soon, she will be getting more and more and more of his money.

Many and I mean many WH's use their financial success to keep what they think is something better. Often times the skank OW won't stay around long if the money runs low.

Workplace exposure will help protect you.

Originally Posted by madmomma
Yes, when we were in counseling he kept bringing up how I had been unhappy for years and dwelled on his mistakes before we moved. I said yeah, but you had ample opportunites to correct that sitch at the time and wouldn't, now that we have moved on why are you just now bringing this up now?

Like she is helping him see I was mean to him. I have heard words come from his mouth that sounded just like a woman. (I should have been holding his hand in his hour of need when his mom was in the hospital but I left him there...Because we had the huge fight where he nearly ran us off the road when I tried to touch his cell phone and he told me to consider himself NOT MY HUSBAND ANYMORE.) So yeah, he tries to spin it. IDK. The betrayal is really deep and long term. Not sure if I care what those people even think.

Okay. If I do workplace exposure, just do his boss, HR, etc. or go with that corporate call line? I KNOW they take that line seriously, he complained about issues with it all the time. Which is how I even knoew about it.


MM, I promise you not everyone knows about the A�.maybe people in his specific plant but definitely NOT at the corporate level. As part of my corporate role, I deal closely with Helpline Complaints and can promise you if you call, it will be investigated. It is VERY important that you tell them he is using company time and company resources to perpetuate the A. Simply doing that will cause them to do something�if he is not using company time and resources for the A, it is likely they will at least tell him to stop or, as my EVP of HR put it to two VP�s who were having an A, �cut that $%^& out!� They will be under a microscope from there on out.
We had a plant manager who was having an A with a Health & Safety Manager at his plant�.my company resolved the �conflict� by transferring the plant manager to the other side of the country!!! LOL!

If you do call the Helpline, you will be able to remain anonymous but make sure you give them enough information to invetigate, including the names of everyone including your WH, OW/OW's
I am so scared! You have nearly convinced me. But I really am unsure about the risks.

Yesterday noon, he went and parked my car behind her sister's house, but not too well. My friend across the street got a good pic. he went around front (no back door)and banged until the sister's teen son let him in. He had been at the plant so I'm sure he went to sleep. The women were both at work (day shift) and the PI said they would see what happened when they got off. Nothing really happened. Then there got to be severe weather, and the team was called off.

Well, later my friend called me. She told me she had just got home but her mom who lives next door told her this story. After the storm, the mom saw a trash can in the road and thought it was hers so went out to get it. It was actually the sister's and she came out and started talking to the mom, along with the teenage son. The Sister told mom that her sister/OW and kids had been staying with her lately. She also asked her son why WH had not come out and got the trash can when he heard it rattling around? Son said he didn't know, WH had been in there asleep all day.

Well, after a few minutes, the front door opened and WH and OW came out, dressed up to go out, got in OWs car and left together. Mom was shocked, he walked right by her and said NOTHING. He knows her, she goes to our/MY church!

I called the PI and he sent someone over, but by the time they got there it was too late. They came home and went in the house without anything to show for it. Later, WH was on the move again. It looked like someone was in the car with him but they couldn't see who. He went to a shopping center parking lot, sat for a moment, then proceeded to the plant and went inside. The PI team was unable to get there fast emough to see who went with him and I haven't heard anything today yet. THEY HAVE TO CATCH HIM!!!!!!

Maybe he wondered if he was being followed. But why would he park the car so carelessly at her house and walk right out in front of friend's mom, then worry if someone followed him to work? Where there's nothing to see anyway. He makes absolutely NO sense at all.

Does he not care? Is it easier to get caught than to have to confess to me personally?

Hope someoone comes here on Saturdays. I am getting scaed about the money, and we'll never catch him, and what'll I do about the workplace thing? He is crazy. IDK what is going on.

Getting more info and thinking more about workplace exposure. Locating email addresses for the HR manager, his secretary, bosses etc. Especially the few people I have met and might see me as a real person.

Talked to a friend who agreed I should do WP exposure. IDK.

Haven't heard a thing from PI team. All the cars are gone from her house. I bet they went to the lake. He had a new tent and airbed in his trunk. Said he got them at an auction. Said he might take the kids camping. I just thought he meant OUR kids!


So your friend's mom saw them coming out of the house together but PI didn't get any evidence?

On the money can you move some funds now? He gets paid next Friday, correct?
I think you are too focused on the PI "catching them in the act".

Use the tools you have at your disposal: Exposure!

Read the Exposure link on melodys signature and prepare your exposure letter. I don't understand why you haven't done this already, aside from fear of action.
Originally Posted by madmomma
Getting more info and thinking more about workplace exposure. Locating email addresses for the HR manager, his secretary, bosses etc. Especially the few people I have met and might see me as a real person.

Talked to a friend who agreed I should do WP exposure. IDK.

why as a friend? Marriage builders saves thousands of marriages through exposure. Listen to the MB program. You are loosing precious time.

Haven't heard a thing from PI team. All the cars are gone from her house. I bet they went to the lake. He had a new tent and airbed in his trunk. Said he got them at an auction. Said he might take the kids camping. I just thought he meant OUR kids!


you need to stop focusing on what he is doing and focus on what you should be doing. Follow the MB program and things will get a lot easier

I know, I AM focused on the PI getting the goods. The PI wasn't there when the friend's mom saw them.

I asked my friend's opinion because she is here to support me. If I decide to do WP exposure and I lose my income, she will be here to support me. I don't even have internet at home to get support here.

I've gotten more email addresses from work for HR manager and his secretary, who have both met me and maybe would see me as a real person. IDK.

I AM getting the exposure letters composed at the moment.

Yes, the money goes into the account on next FRIDAY. I have to get that money, or at least try, before I do anything. How about planning to get the money FRIDAY, and then the exposure letters go out, including the WP exposure and calling or email reporting to the complaint line I mentioned? On the complaint line you can be anonymous, but they give you a PIN code so you can call back or log in online and check the status of your complaint. That seems good there, right?

I took out all the money I could the other day, although I had originally agreed I had all I needed. That was before I saw he was blowing every dime on that trash! Last night when they went out, he used his debit card so I saw where they went. He's down to $28 buck with a week until payday. I think he'll be overdrawing the account although he won't even know it since he never keeps track of things.

Sorry to be a wishy washy wimp. This is tough. Maybe I should make sure I get my son's drugs paid for for the month before launching WP exposure. And it would take awhile for them to investigate and term him anyway, right? Maybe I could get through to another payday and get that money before he does too. IDK. IDK. IDK. IDK. IDK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by madmomma
Does he not care? Is it easier to get caught than to have to confess to me personally?

Waywards mistakenly believe they can deny everything and that as long as they don't actually get catch in bed having sex with an affair partner, that nobody can PROVE adultery. They THINK they can explain away all contact with their OP ("Other Person") as "we are just friends".

The wall of denial is steep but the end, you don't have to convince your husband he's having an affair...HE KNOWS. Technically, you've probably already got enough circumstantial evidence to prove Adultery in a court of law. The testimony of your friends mother indicating he was in that house alone with the OW "napping" coupled with all the other circumstantial evidence is enough for a reasonable person to conclude he's having sex with her.

Does your husband have 401k or other retirement funds? If so, be sure to make a copy of all bank statements and such and on Friday you'll also want to call whatever institution/bank that is holding those funds and put them on notice that you and your husband are having marital problems and that they should be sure to tag the accounts as locked or whatever. In order to withdraw retirement/401k monies you husband would have to get his wife's signature on a withdrawal form. Wayward husband's have been know to forge their wife's signature and withdraw the money anyway. Sure it's illegal but once the monies's hard to get back (though sometimes the bank can be held responsible). Put them on notice that they need to double check any signatures that come in on those accounts as a possible divorce case is likely in the near future.

Mr. Wondering

p.s. - another thought. Can the PI lend you a hand held digital voice activated recorder (or wristwatch) that you can keep with you at all times. Often the best evidence of adultery is the waywards own statements on the phone or in private that they THINK they can deny ever saying later on. Having a recorder handy gives you an opportunity to record those conversations. If you get the chance, you could hide one in YOUR car that you said your WH was driving.

Once you take the paycheck on's not likely you'll get access to one again. The only way that could happen is if you can convince him that you're sorry you took the money and you won't do it again and he buys it.

Most likely...he changes the direct deposit. So there's no sense delaying any longer. We've got 6 days to help you plan this.

Mr. W
Originally Posted by MrWondering
Once you take the paycheck on's not likely you'll get access to one again. The only way that could happen is if you can convince him that you're sorry you took the money and you won't do it again and he buys it.

Most likely...he changes the direct deposit. So there's no sense delaying any longer. We've got 6 days to help you plan this.

Mr. W
I agree with Mr. W. Use these next 6 days to get your finances secure while th PI continues. You do have enough circumstantial evidence but you need to worry about your welfare. Then you can drop the exposure bomb.

Glad your friend will help. Have you spoke to a lawyer yet?

Can you get your son's perscriptions done now?
Mr. W...

We are financially not well off depsite having a higher income. By the time he started making good money our son was sick, we were in debt, and never caught up. Add 2 cross country moves to the mix. We had a small amount of 401k he withdrew so we could move and get things set when he took this job last year. It took everything we had to get moved here.

Frankly, we have been in Chapter 13 bankrupcty for 2.5 years and have 2.5 years to go. At that time everything would have been paid for. Our old house (crumbling DWMH with no equity or real value, our son is living there and will soon be homeless if he doesn't find some place new and cheap soon), both vehicles, a few small credit accounts, and lots of medical bills are in that bankrupcty plan.

We have now missed the third payment in a row due to this mess. WH wants to surrender the house to lower the payment, which won't help him much with a deficiency judgement, or withdraw from BR altogether, which means all those debts we'd become liable for again. The cars are likely soon to be repossessed if that happens, although I think I'll be okay since my disabled son can get us a car, and since I personally have no income I could refile Chapter 7 bankrupcty and it would be okay. WS makes too much money for Chapter 7 (total forgiveness of debt) Wonder if OW knows all this, or just sees him pulling all that cash out on his debit card and tossing it around? Yeah, embarrassing but we have nothing like retirement, savings, anything like that. We're just higher paid hand-to-mouthers.

When I get home I'm selling his shot guns. That's the only thing of value I think we have to sell and raise money.

But yeah, today I'm thinking more and more about WP exposure. This is how I am. I have to get the info and process it before accepting it as what I must do.

IDK what on earth I will say or how I will act when I get back and see him. I will have to trade back cars with him at some point. I'll ask about a voice recorder.

Any more thoughts?
I can do the prescriptions now on two of them. If I pay the copays on what money I have now. The new treatment he starts Wednesday will be billed Tuesday before it ships. Medicaid itself will pay for only ONE brand name drug. He will be on three. IDK IDK.

The lawyer... I found out he expects $1500 to start your case. i was devastated. I don't know another lawyer. I thought WS would have to pay and they'd bill HIM. This is his freaking idea! A friend is calling more lawyers for me.


Direct deposits automatically go into an account at midnight. See if the bank where his check is direct deposited allows transfers between bank accounts online. If so, this week, set up an account in your name and, as soon as his paycheck is in the account, go online and transfer the money into your own account before he ever has a chance.

For example, DH and I have two checking accounts at Wells Fargo that we had prior to out marriage last December. We can transfer money between the two accounts simply by going online and doing so. The money is transferred within seconds. In our instance, we both have access to each other's account, but in your instance, your WH would not be on or have access to the second account and you could empty his paycheck out of his account before he ever has a chance.
BB, I thought about that. I already opened a bank account for just me last week. They have transfers but you have to add your account, wait a few days to verify, and then can do it. I worried if I added my account now he might notice. Although There is really no way he could notice. He doesn't use online banking, no local branch to go to. I don't think he even knows the account number because he doesn't even have a checkbook! (Unless they dug around while I was gone and found the box of checks, but they'd have to have looked hard because they were not in an easy to find location because I hardly use checks anymore.)

I will go check into how to add an account. He has no access to this account and unless they were snooping and found the info at my house he doesn't even know I have it. I don't think she could pose as me and get my money either.

BB, you were the legal person who STILL thought exposure was good idea at work and unlikely to lead to termination? Even if I call that reporting line you think they will try not to term him? Not that he deosn't deserve itm but it's scary. I tink the corporate line is a better option to actually get some action. His boss will likely turn his head to it, and IDK about the HR woman, she seemed nice and like a good personw ho wouldn't want a ho to help my husband destroy his family, but who knows?????

What if I can't find a lawyer and get leal financial protection by exposure day? I am really scared about that. Although if he gets fired the money agreement will be meaningless anyway.

Well, duh. I didn't think add the JOINT info to my PERSONAL and transfer it from the new account. Then he definitely wouldn't see my info until I requested the money. Hmmmm.

LATER: Well, that didn't work out. Should I try adding my personal account to the joint page so I can get in verified to transfer friday?

Not sure about that one.....check your bank's website.....

As far as workplace exposure, I can't say for certain whether they would terminate him or what other action they might take because I don't have all the facts and I don't know who your WH's employer is. I do think, though, that if you are going to do workplace exposure, which I encourage, you should do it via the Helpline. Is it possible they could terminate him, yes. Look at it this way, though, if they terminate him it is because he has or is doing something that is an egregious violation of his company's policies. It would be because he is not acting with integrity or in an ethical manner. His employer needs to know that much the same as you need to know what he is doing to your marriage. For example, if he is using company time and resources to perpetuate the A, he is stealing from his company. Don't they have a right to know that to stop it? It's no different than if someone was stealing from you and others knew. Wouldn't you have the right to know?
Madmomma, I don't think you are seeing the big picture here. A DIVORCE would be much more devastating to your family financially and emotionally than the loss of his job. By your own admission, he has had other job offers and can get another job. Any damage from the job loss would be temporary. The damage from a divorce would be long term and devastating. It would change your lives permanently.

If he does not leave that company, you are facing divorce. Period.

The best scenario is that they would separate them at work for now while he looks for another job. But not exposing would cause the most damage to your family and your marriage AND your finances.

I would expose to the hotline as Britsbrat suggested, but ALSO expose [not anonymously] to the director of HR, a key VP and both their supervisors. They need to know it was you who did it so you can hold them accountable.
Originally Posted by madmomma
The lawyer... I found out he expects $1500 to start your case. i was devastated. I don't know another lawyer. I thought WS would have to pay and they'd bill HIM. This is his freaking idea! A friend is calling more lawyers for me.


MM, the community in which you live may have a program or programs in which lawyers volunteer their time to accept a family case or two a year with no charge. Your WH will have to find his own lawyer. If you live in a 'county' look up that county's "bar association" and they will have a number to call. Call it and see what they may have in that area. If not, there may also be legal aid clinics that can assist you too. Look under that topic, or ask the person at the 'bar association' number for any assistance that they can provide to you.
Doesn't sound like he's gonna be racing you to the bank to get the money. My guess is most payroll deposits happen in the AM and if you can't transfer the funds electronically, you can just go to the bank and withdraw the cash.

Considering the financial mess your husband has your family in it's no wonder he's "escaping" into the fantasy land of an affair (not excusing it...just explaining it....marital woes rarely happen when making love on piles of money)... POINT IS: He needs a big dose of Reality to hit him in the face. If he loses that job it really doesn't sound like you'll be in a much worse position. It's ALREADY horrible and he's been working making good money for a bit of time here and he's already missed the last three bankruptcy payments. You're screwed either might as well TRY to wake him up with the biggest dose of reality you can and hope him hitting ROCK BOTTOM helps. If not, you proceed with extricating yourself from this train wreck and moving on with your life.


Mr. W
Thank you. There is more weirdness over there but not involving the OW. IDK, I'm thinking a drug issue. But could be wrong. Meanwhile I am running up my tab. I'm thinking to go home early and hide out at my friend's across the street and watch and take pics. IDK what to do. I think tomorrow while he thinks my friends are at church he will be in the backyard pool.

I have been working on my exposure letters, even my written report for the corporate complaint line. But I am scared without that final coffin nail. The circumstantial is overwhelming but he is so crazy he will still deny it.

I'm praying. It is a train wreck. You are right.
Thank you all.

I think tomorrow while he thinks my friends are at church he will be in the backyard pool.
Great idea! Would your friends be willing to let you into the house while they're at church? Is there a way for you to get into the house without going in where he can see you? Your friends could make a show of leaving in case WH is watching to see if they're gone. He just might let his guard down after he sees them leave.
MM, you seem to be confusing "ends" and "means".

Gathering all that intel is useful only if applied as a tool to achieve your goals. Continuing to acquire substantiating, corroborative evidence, as a screen for not taking action, is foolish.

WH is shacking up with multiple(?) women, and has been conducting EMA(s) at the house in question.

That's all you need to drop the exposure-bomb. You need not describe whether the "tramp stamp" on POSOW's back is of roses or lilies. WH's manager is not going to care about the design (unless he's also seen the design up close and REAL personal, for which reason you want to expose as widely as possible!)

Industrial wisdom; "Sometimes it's time to shoot the engineers and ship the damn product!"

In your case, stop "gathering" and start "disseminating"!
How are things, mm?
mm, can you come back and give us an update? How are you?
I have not read everything in this thread, but I want to make it clear that I am in favor of exposure of an affair in the workplace when a spouse will not leave the job after or during an affair with a fellow worker. An affair is such an egregious violation of marital trust that ending it trumps employment and even possible legal action. While most companies will cooperate with the betrayed spouse to separate unfaithful employees, some do not. But it's still worth pursuing considering the suffering that affairs cause. And it definitely speeds up the death of an affair.

As for proof regarding an affair, the more you have, the better. But even if you have no absolute proof, but solid circumstantial evidence, a visit to the head of personnel can alert others to be on watch.

Best wishes,
Willard F. Harley, Jr.
Thank you for weighing in, Dr Harley! I am hopeful that MadMomma will be back to read your post.
Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Thank you for weighing in, Dr Harley! I am hopeful that MadMomma will be back to read your post.
Yes, thank you Dr. Harley.
Dr Harley,
What if my husband left me 7 months ago for another woman? Is it OK to still expose the affair to her Facebook friends and family? He was having an affair for over a year before he left me. However, I am just now learning about marriage builders and how you think the affair should be exposed right away. I don't want to look like some psycho who can't let go of her husband since it's already been 7 months. Many of her friends know that her and my husband are together, but I don't know how many know the circumstances of how they got together.
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