Marriage Builders
Posted By: 7046293911 Need prayers - 03/17/14 09:38 PM
My wife has committed adultery and she has left the home. It is hard to reconcile when the other person is unwilling to talk. I know God can change her heart and that is what I am needing so we can move forward. We had just found a church both of is liked (or at least she said she liked it) after searching for a long time and I knew as soon as we started trying to live right satan would do all he could to get us back I just never thought this would happen, I thought as long as we were together we could get through anything Satan threw at us and that may be why he did all he could do to split us up. I stand on the word of God that he hates divorce and what God has brought together let no man put asunder. What brings me here is I need prayer warriors to stand with me in agreeance for full reconciliation of my marriage and that he release any strong hold Satan has on my marriage as he is trying to tear it apart. I am asking this because it is written that where two on earth are in agreeance on anything God will do what is asked. I ask for prayer that the spirit of adultery that is tormenting my wife and clouding her mind will be rebuked in Jesus's name. I thank all of you for forums like this where people like myself who feel helpless can come to get the help we so desperately seek
Posted By: MelodyLane Re: Need prayers - 03/17/14 09:51 PM
Are you ready to get to work!? Prayer is great, but so is a strategic plan to save your marriage.

A few questions.

How long married? Any kids? Any other infidelities? What were her complaints about you in the marriage?

Who is the adultery partner? Is he married? What does he do for a living?
Posted By: MelodyLane Re: Need prayers - 03/17/14 09:58 PM
BTW, you need prayers, but you also need a plan of action to save your marriage.
Posted By: BlindSighted2013 Re: Need prayers - 03/17/14 11:22 PM
Hi 704, and welcome to MB. Like you, I prayed for God to guide me to the right place to save our marriage. It was only when I truly turned it over to God, that found this site. smile

We'll be here with you, but please read this info first so that you will begin to understand the Marriage Builders plan.

Start Here First

Like MelodyLane said above, you need to educate yourself on Dr. Harley's materials, and then design a PLAN to save your marriage. It WORKS!
Posted By: 7046293911 Re: Need prayers - 03/17/14 11:40 PM
To be honest her and I never ever had an argument. We were married on August 9 2013. The problem is with an ex she has, this man had caused problems with us even went as far as threatening to shoot up my house. We do not have kids together. we were childhood sweethearts and she was the first girl I ever kissed and fast fwd 30 years she contacted me on Facebook and we rekindled the relationship we had so many years ago before I moved off from the area where we both lived when I was a teenager. She was in a relationship with this guy for years and this is the man she turned to. I have tried to talk to her and she is very short with me so I need God to open the lines of communication and give me guidance on what to do so I can start to fix what is wrong. I do have a 13 year old daughter that lives with me. She has a 21 year old son that lived with us and caused problems but her and I never argued it just I ask for prayer to restore my marriage. My wife has left me for another man and I ask for prayer for God 's intervention in my wife's return and that marriage be restored. I pray the blood of Jesus over my marriage, my home and my family and cast out any strong hold Satan has as he is trying to destroy what God has joined together.caused stress in the relationship because of things going missing and just a lot of other things. But I am willing to do whatever I have to so that I can get my marriage back
Posted By: alis Re: Need prayers - 03/17/14 11:54 PM
Was she married when she contacted you on Facebook? That includes "separated" - was she legally divorced yet?

I get that you desire prayer, but prayer alone isn't going to change factors that have led to this. The marriage is very new still but problematic due to a lack of boundaries on her part, and serious POJA problems (allowing her problem son to cause marital issues). Time for a plan.
Posted By: MelodyLane Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by 7046293911
The problem is with an ex she has, this man had caused problems with us even went as far as threatening to shoot up my house. We do not have kids together. we were childhood sweethearts and she was the first girl I ever kissed and fast fwd 30 years she contacted me on Facebook and we rekindled the relationship we had so many years ago before I moved off from the area where we both lived when I was a teenager.

Was she married when she contacted you on facebook?
Posted By: 7046293911 Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 01:40 AM
No she wasn't married, neither one of us was married before August 9th
Posted By: Jedi_Knight Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 02:14 AM
Sir, I have prayed for your family.
Posted By: BlindSighted2013 Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 02:23 AM
Have you read through the links that I posted? Please read through them and tell us what you think.
Posted By: HealingGrace Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 02:57 AM
Prayed for your marriage, mine and all those on MB. Read the link BlindSighted2013 posted - you need a plan, too!
Here it is again: Surviving an Affair - Start here first
Posted By: HealingGrace Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 02:58 AM
By the way, is that your phone number you are using for your moniker? If so, I encourage you to change it to keep your identity confidential.
Posted By: LearnedTooLate Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 04:37 AM
Faith without works is dead.

You can Pray and add all the Prayer Warriors you want, but if you do not take the proper Action Steps that the vets will continue to suggest, then your Prayers will be for naught.

Posted By: Jedi_Knight Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by LearnedTooLate
Faith without works is dead.

You can Pray and add all the Prayer Warriors you want, but if you do not take the proper Action Steps that the vets will continue to suggest, then your Prayers will be for naught.


We must Be careful, to not place God in a box.
God is sovereign and not dependent upon us. Paul and Silas, while imprisoned, sang praises to God and were not trying to escape their captors...yet their cells were torn apart by the power of God.

The Bible says that "The prayer of a righteous man is a powerful and effective weapon."

I would read the book of Hosea and Tobit and pray the prayers of Hosea. God's Holy Spirit can convict your wife of her adultery and "melt the heart of stone" (as an old hym says).

In the meantime, certainly take action and follow Dr. Harleys recommendations starting with proper, effectual exposure. He is a Christian psychologist and openly professes Christ to be the Son of God.

Posted By: alis Re: Need prayers - 03/18/14 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by 7046293911
No she wasn't married, neither one of us was married before August 9th

Were either of you legally married when your Facebook chats started?
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