Marriage Builders
Posted By: OurHouse For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/13/10 06:15 PM
TheMud: I'm trying to think through my workout routine and figure out what's working/not working for me. Here's my rundown:

1. Gym membership is expensive and we're trying to cut back.
2. I have some health issues impacting my workout routine. Some are mental...such as some ramping up of my panic attacks/panic disorder. Some are physical such as an achilles tendon that I injured about 2 years ago and which, despite PT, has not been quite right since. I have to baby it.
3. Time. Finding time in my schedule to drive TO the gym, work out AT the gym and drive HOME from the gym...well too many excuses in there to just say the heck with it!
4. I love my trainer and work out with her one hour/week. I'd like to increase that. She incorporates a lot of the crossfit routines in her sessions. She also does large group classes and small group trainings so I could possibly increase my time with her if I gave up my gym membership.
5. I have no workout equipment in the house. I do have a place I could turn into a workout area now that we have reclaimed my son's room as a den. We've got a 40" TV in there mounted on the wall. If I have to watch a video of some routine, that's a plus because I don't wear my glasses or contacts when I work out and I'm blind as a bat.
6. I have access to a workout facility and pool in the next town over, at their HS...the cost per month (individual or family) to belong is very reasonable and there's an added bonus of my son (who does not belong to our gym) could use the facilities. I might even get a discount since my older son lifeguards there (when he's home).


I am wondering how I can make all this work for me. I admit I'm not really familiar with the crossfit program...I looked at the website briefly. Will it help me increase my aerobic conditioning as well?

I'm sure I will have more questions. I wanted to get this out there so we can start a discussion...others can hopefully jump in as well.

My goal is to be as fit as possible in the least amount of time possible. LOL Hey, I'm a working wife/mom of 3. Life is busy.
Posted By: bjs Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/13/10 06:48 PM

I'm glad u put a fitness thread out there. I was thinking about this the other day.

Do you happen to have a wii. I am using the EA active and oh my good ness it is a workout. The 30 day challenge is what I am working on and it is working out to fit it in to my schedule. I just started recently to not sure about the results however I like it better than the gym as no one can see me exercise. And somehow it senses when I am doing it wrong cause it makes me do it over and over again.

Hang in there maybe we can both get there together.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/13/10 07:15 PM
I can only say that gyms are a waste of money, unless you like the social thing and feel that you cannot workout alone. It is a lifestyle for me and is part of my life just like brushing my teeth. When you can get that far with it, it's a breeze and is just becomes something you do everyday instead of "crap, I gotta go workout". I enjoy it and 90% of the time look forward to it, even if it requires some motivation (just like cleaning).

I listen to music or news and xfit does not give you time to watch tv (unless it's a pure strength day).

Many people don't like the xfit because it looks like some form of combat training. It isn't, however it is so effective that SEALS and SF use it and the trickle down occured with firemen/women, police etc.

The workouts have been around since the sixties (right on man) and is now called HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training.

I am also not against a trainer, many have incorporated xfit because it is so effective people see results within days or weeks and it's a thumbs up for the trainer.

Bring on the pain though with HIIT. I don't rec. just jumping right in with full on xfit, scaling is a must. For all tense and purposes anyone who knew me would say I was in great shape (I think just good). When I started xfit I found out how weak I was and it really irritated me. Running 50 miles I could do, squating my body weight was way too much for me.

I really think a pull up bar, jump rope and a 10lb kettle ball will suffice. Many SEALS and SF do the bodyweight when deployed and some prefer it because they can work on speed and power. Most of those guys are not huge muscle men, they are usually sleek like a triathlete and well porportioned.

I have a good friend who is a trainer, I can go to the HS (both less than 1 m), but I can have my workout done by the time it would take to get ready etc.

Yes it will help you increase your cardiovascular system a lot. I started about last Feb. and had to scale and could only do 2 workouts/wk. I didn't run as much as the previous year, and droped 1 hour and 10 min. from my 50k (that's 32 miles) and give credit to xfit.

There will be run days from 400 meter runs to 10k (6 miles). They put the workouts up in cycles that hit the 4 energy path ways in the body (can you say Krebs cycle for you who took phys, or biochemistry, I still have "wake up in sweat nightmares"). Hitting those energy pathways will increase your aerobic levels tremendously. One guy was challenged to do a 100 mile run. He had never done one before, and never ran, just did xfit. He ONLY made it to mile 60.

Now for the achilles (been there, got the medal). Have you tried the Strausburg Sock? Also after heating it up with a hot pack doing light stretching then doing reverse heel lifts? Get on the stairs and with both feet lift up on balls of feet with heels hanging off, and slowly lower. After 10, lift up again, but now slowly lower while without the aid of the good leg, lower with bad leg only. This is what worked for me. Achilles is one of the only tendons I will recommend heat over ice and absolutely no hard stretching, ultrasound is a joke for it and a heat pad will give it deep heat before the exercises.

I was doing the above exercises when I had achilles tendonitis and now do them at times when I feel a little nag in it. I've had ankle surgery on that side too. When I did it once I heard a huge "pop" and thought 'ought oh' and waited for pain, but found the exact opposite, my achilles pain was instantly gon and my ankle had more rom. I truly think I had some joints not aligned and my tendon was straining.

Hope that helps. Ask away.
Wow, thanks Mud!

I want to do some research on CF and how to incorporate the program. I'd love to do it with H...but he's not real keen on working out with me. He also enjoys the gym...not for the social aspects (neither of us go for the social aspect of it)...he likes all the weight equipment and the sauna and steam room.

I'm starting to find that the repetitive motion of the elliptical or moving stairs does something to my inner ear (have recurring bouts of labrynthitis) and sometimes I get really dizzy--which then kicks my panic issue into higher gear. Yes, I know, I'm a nutcase.

Running has become difficult since the tendon issue. Biking is great in the nicer weather; swimming is good. I spin 1-2x/week in the winter to take the place of when I'd normally be on my bike. And I love training with my trainer. She has a great attitude...she says her job is to teach so that I am NOT reliant on a trainer. Most trainers want the guarantee of repeat business so they don't give away 'trade secrets'. But if you're good (like my trainer) and deliver as much or more than you promise each and every time, your customers will come back. So I can even have her take me through some xfit stuff and help me work out a routine.

Where do I start though? Just go onto the website? I was on there yesterday and it looked a bit intimidating. Then I saw CWMI's post about the P90X and thought maybe that would be simpler, which is when I asked you that question.

I've had ultrasound done on my tendon and you're right, it was worthless. I have some exercises from my last PT sessions. The stair thing was one . Also, "writing" the alphabet using your foot motion.

Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/13/10 09:34 PM
Alphabet writing is worthless too IMO. They've found eccentric contraction is best and of course that will help strength and that is ultimately what will keep the "itis" at bay.

The site is a little intimidating. You can click on start here and then find the drop that says BrandX. This will take you to a forum like here and one of the first posts should have a scaled version. They usually call them puppies or little dawgys. If you don't know what the exercise is, you can look it up by going to the main page and seeing exercise demos. Like a double under (whipping the jump rope 2x under for every hop, which I can't do yet so I just do 2x the required double unders).

They have a forum on there as well. They have a testimonial page and you can see body pics of people who it's worked for within weeks, it really is incredible.

If you use the heat as a warm up on the tendon, and then do the stair drops until it burns, then heat you might start seeing some results. Also the strausburg sock (google it) worked for my achilles and my plantar fascitis (same leg, every problem I've had is on my left side, I have no idea what my mom did to me while I was in the woom- JK).
OH, I have a gym up in my gameroom, but I have been doing a new weight lifting routine that is just AWESOME that takes only a few dumbbells and very little time. I work out 30 minutes every other day, and I am getting more out of this quickie workout than I did with my more intense workout schedule.

And that is probably because I have upped my weights and slowed down my reps. [this is akin to Super Slow] That seems to make a HUGE difference and I have been doing weightlifting for about 12 years now.

My friend, marriedforever, sent me this message and I have had awesome results:

"Sticking with fairly heavy lifting works best for me. Here is the best full-body WO I have found. I was shocked when I read it was only 7 exercises ~ but they are all compound exercises meaning they work at least 2 muscle groups each. If you want a fast WO that will kick your butt, do this:

click here

You can click on the links and get a great example of how to perform each exercise. These are MUCH better than machines (though I use those sometimes just for a change of pace) because your BODY must do all of the work rather than using a machine as a stabilizer."

I am using the following weights, and doing 3 sets of 8:

goblet squat 40 #
Romanian dead lifts: 2 x 25
chest press: 2 x 25
military press: 2 x 15 [sometimes I will do one set with 2 x 20]
one armed dumbbell rows using 25#
negative self assisted chins with one of those hangy things that hang over the top door door jamb
bosu ball crunches

I added just one exercise, which are static lunges. I do them with 2 x 20# at 2 down and 8 up with 3 sets. I did the first set Sunday and I can hardly walk!

I have stopped all cardio because it makes me too hungry and makes me GAIN weight. The thing I love about this routine is that it is short, sweet and to the point. And I have made some major gains in the 3 weeks I have been doing it.
Originally Posted by themud
I can only say that gyms are a waste of money, unless you like the social thing and feel that you cannot workout alone. It is a lifestyle for me and is part of my life just like brushing my teeth. When you can get that far with it, it's a breeze and is just becomes something you do everyday instead of "crap, I gotta go workout". I enjoy it and 90% of the time look forward to it, even if it requires some motivation (just like cleaning).I can only say that gyms are a waste of money, unless you like the social thing and feel that you cannot workout alone. It is a lifestyle for me and is part of my life just like brushing my teeth. When you can get that far with it, it's a breeze and is just becomes something you do everyday instead of "crap, I gotta go workout". I enjoy it and 90% of the time look forward to it, even if it requires some motivation (just like cleaning).

So true! themud, I worked at home for years using The Firm and Cathe Friedrich tapes and then I joined a gym in 2005 and signed up with a personal trainer. Ohmigosh! It was downright wimpy. So I asked him to guide me through a SUPER SLOW routine and just check my form [which is the big disadvantage of being a home exerciser] he did help me with some form problems, but other than that, there was no added benefit to paying a trainer and a gym to do what I could do better at home. So I quit.

I am in the habit of working out now and I just so enjoy it. But I am now dubious of the benefits of cardio and have been reading that much of what we know about cardio is not very compellling. Have you kept up on some of this stuff? The Scientist and the Stairmaster
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/13/10 10:05 PM

Yes, that is excellent! The multi joint compound movements are what will tax the muscles and the cardio and burn tons of calories. Like I said, the more muscle used in a short period of time will consume more calories for longer periods than the slow, long easy only a few muscle movements.
I need to invest in some dumbbells. I've got a kettle bell and elastic bands.

Jump tendon aches just thinking about that one, Mud! I will try the stair exercises and look up the link on the sock.

And to think I grew up jumping Double Dutch. I'll bet most of you couldn't even do that as kids!

Mel: My trainer is not affiliated with the gym. And she's worth her weight in gold to me in spiritual and mental motivation as well as nutrition counseling. Sure I could do what she teaches me as far as the physical workout...but it's the other stuff she does that keep me going back.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/13/10 10:53 PM

I think to an extent that might be true, but are they looking at what people's goals are.

If I wanted to get bigger I would train and eat different. If I want to loose body fat, I have to watch what I eat more closely. I could not finish a 50 mile race by bed rest either. By comparrison, yes you do increase your calories w/exercise, but if it is your goal to loose weight and get lean your discipline to eat less and burn more will get you there. The problem is when people "get there" they get back into their old habits and thus gain the weight back. Instead they can maintain and of course fluctuate by 5 pounds any given month, but overall be fitter and look/feel better.
Originally Posted by OurHouse
Mel: My trainer is not affiliated with the gym. And she's worth her weight in gold to me in spiritual and mental motivation as well as nutrition counseling. Sure I could do what she teaches me as far as the physical workout...but it's the other stuff she does that keep me going back.

That is great! I am firm believer we each have to find what works for us as individuals. I usually fail if my exercise is contingent on going to a gym, but I know people who just will not work out unless they go to a gym. I did get alot from my personal trainer in that he corrected some form issues that I had developed while working out at home. He was very valuable in that regard.
I've been posting back and forth with her on FB tonight. Asked her about xfit and P90X. She told me that she uses routines from both..mixes them up into her own workouts. She offered to lend me the P90X dvds. I told her that I wanted to maximize fitness gain over current while minimizing both time and money.


Sure, I don't want much, do I?

She is really wonderful though. Any time I hit a wall, get discouraged, etc., I send her an email and she shoots one right back at me, full of motivation. Not just empty words but real support and motivation!
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 12:52 AM
It's about recovery too. I don't know how old you are, but I'm almost 38. I don't recover as fast from workouts, but I can push through in a race more than the younger kids because I know I won't die (tongue in cheek).

Compound movements will not let you gain weight unless you eat to gain weight. You are just pushing too much to gain weight and that is what Mel is seeing. I only go heavy about 1x/mo and most of my routines now are scaled b/c racing season is quickly approaching and I want my muscles use to extended anaerobic threshold periods ie. only enough wt. to allow me to do up to 30 reps w/only 1 set.
Can you slow down a bit and speak in English for a minute, Mud? laugh

Compound movements. What are they and how do they differ from other types of workout routines?

Almost 38? I will withhold comment. laugh laugh laugh
Posted By: CWMI Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 12:38 PM
OH, I hope you love P90X as much as I do. It's tough, but ohboy, is it effective! (small bit of advice: hold off on plyometrics until you have a couple of days where you don't have to actually walk, lol)
I'm not going to purchase the P90X. My trainer and TheMud told me not save the's basically the crossfit routine in a box. My trainer has the DVDs (she incorporates both P90X and Xfit in her routines) and will lend them to me.

I'm going to start the xfit program, quit the gym and use that monthly money to meet with the trainer in one of her group class 2x/week (she has her own place..she's not affiliated w/ a gym), work xfit with a group of 3 other women 1-2x week and the rest of the time I'll work my own routine. I can still purchase a monthly day pass to the gym if I want to get there for a spin or pilates class. Or I can simply go to the HS weight room and pool.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 05:19 PM
If you can get the p90x for free/borrow it, that will work.

Compound movements are multi joint movements ie. squat, deadlift, pull up, push up, lunge.

Doing say a one arm dumbell curl to target bicep m. is a single joint movement, however a pull up will target both heads of the biceps, shoulders, upperback, latissimus, forearm, abdominals, neck etc. All these muscles working together burns more calories, and since you are stressing your energy pathway so much you end up sculpting what you want w/out the bulk of muscle.

If you look at bodybuilders, they eat a ton, and they lift mostly single or double joint movements like leg extension. Oh, don't get me wrong they squat huge amounts of weight, but they take tons of rest and coordinate it with single joint movements and another energy pathway that stress 1-3 muscles for optimum growth.

Xfit by definition is mulit/compound movement that targets muscles in a way that can be used for REAL use, hence the reason why SEALS/SF uses them, they have to use the muscle not make it look good with a tan and bikini. There's a story of this guy that who ran 2 hours at night with other SF with packs and guns and demolitions to a bridge. He spent 2 hours hanging under the bridge to place explosives. He hung from his legs and arms, but when he had to hand and set the charge, he hung from his chin. Then when they were done they ran the 2 hours back before day light. If he had all this bulk and useless muscle it wouldn't serve him.

If you jump on youtube and see the SEAL training, they do the running etc., but the workouts in the gym are xfit routines.

Oh Yeah! I'm a cheater. I ate a whole box of frozen waffles this morning! I feel lousy for it, but man they were good, and a 1/2 stick of butter on them with honey, yum... I mean yuck!
Thanks for explaining that Mud.

My trainer obviously uses compound movements. Rarely do we ever do a single bicep curl.

I just took a pilates class this AM. I have come to realize that just sweating it out on the elliptical is not getting me where I want to go. I want to feel like I do after a session w/ my trainer...I want to feel that I worked out to that degree every day. And she doesn't do long bouts of cardio. We might do suicide runs, or hurdles, or chair climbs, interspersed with other routines. A lot of partner work in her group class, more using static equipment as a 'partner' in my solo session.

For instance in her last class, we had a partner for two different cardio routines during her class. We used a resistance band and looped it around our partners hips. For the first, the partner would run forward while I pulled back with a rowing motion. Then we'd switch. We did that 2-3 times I think.

For the second, we used a step board and risers. Same deal. Resistance band around partner's hips. Pull back and "row" while she ran the board for 30 seconds. Rinse and repeat 3 times, switching partners.

Also, partner dips, etc. Partner does wall squat. You put your hands on their thighs and do dips. Switch. Rinse and repeat.

Partner does pilates plank. You put your palms on shoulders and do push ups. Switch, rinse and repeat.

So, the cardio is short burst and it's interspersed with a lot of different types of resistance, weight, etc., routines.

She killed me last week. Had me loop a resistance band under the step board/riser. Put foot through one end and hold the other end taught. Stretch out leg and run through the lift/lower routine and then the fire hydrant thing and then knee into chest/entend. I could feel that in my hams/glutes/and quads the next day!
BTW, I felt great after Pilates. Broke a light sweat but every part of my body feels like it got a workout. Does xfit incorporate pilates moves? I used to do Pilates about 2x/week but fell off the wagon mostly last year.

And..can you maintain a level of cardio fitness by doing interval training like this, or do you still need to plan an cardio intensive day a few times a week?
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 06:26 PM
No, you'll get enough cardio doing xfit, p90x I really don't know if they rest etc. but believe me when I say I am an endurance junky and xfit has increased my cardio enough that I am now running as faster than when I was 15, all thanks to xfit.

Lets say you do "Fran" (which is a workout of the day), it is:
For time:
21 thrusters (barbell in front resting on upper chest/collar bones, you go into a full squat and as you come up you do a shoulder press with the bar)
21 pull ups
15 thrusters
15 pull ups
9 thrusters
9 pull ups

This is all for time and I can tell you that if you can do it as prescribed for women (65# bar) without rest and under 10 minutes, you are fast.

This will tax your neuromuscular system like nothing I've experienced. Fran is a bench mark work out in xfit. It takes me less than 7 minutes, but it's an entire workout.

We are too use to hearing, "you need to do 20 or 30+minutes of cardio to help that system". I'm telling you, that unless you are training to become an elite endurance athlete, you don't need all that cardio.

Many of the W.O.D. are timed and it will stress your cardio. Most people are pushing it and can't get the WOD under 30 min. so it's a complete cardio muscle workout. I promise
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 06:33 PM
Oh, sorry. I really like pilates over yoga. You'll get enough core in xfit. If you like pilates, I think you just need to set that time to do it.
I like Pilates because it's relaxing and a workout at the same time!
I know I'm being lazy here...I could probably just check on the website?

What is the basic equipment I need to own to get started?
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 06:58 PM
I would say a pull up bar, jump rope, and you said you have kettle bells, your good to go.

I have the door gym. It's a bar that can be placed in the door. I like it because it's not stuck in the door all the time and can be taken out.

If you really want to go all out, get the "perfect pull up" and "perfect push up" invented by a SEAL. I think he has a work out program in it, but I would stick to the xfit bodyweight routine, they have it on the site in the message forum. I think it might be under exercises and says : Comprehensive Body Weight WOD, and is in pdf. and can be downloaded. I sent that to my sister, she had Q on the names of the exercises like I mentioned (burpee, double unders).
How do you get 65# then on a lift? I have ONE 15# kettle bell!
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 07:20 PM
Probably get another 15# bell.

I've done the mens prescribed at 95#, it's a killer. I also do it with just the bar 45# and believe me when I say that 45# is a killer too, you can do it with 5 pound little wts too.

When you do those timed wod eithr make a mental note of your time or write it down because that specific work out will come up again and you'll be challenged to do it better and faster.

You can do it with one kettle at 15# by gripping the sides of the handle with both hands. It would still be a very supstantial workout.

Some of the newbies on the site will say, "is that all I have to do?", while the vets are laughing saying, "yep". It would be nice to see those noobs after the workout, b/c the xfit maskot is pukey the clown, and I've hurled 2x, both from workouts lasting under 15 minutes. I could feel my heart and lungs for 3 days after! Lol.
I've hurled after some of the ab workouts on my trainer's website. That lactic acid is hell on your stomach.

(O/T rant: I just got off the phone with Dell as they seem to think they've shipped an item to me that I've not received and NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH!!!)


Sorry about that. It's one of my pet peeves.

I'm going dig into that website more thoroughly and maybe email the trainer and see if I can maybe borrow some stuff from her. I'm not really interested in pursuing P90X if Crossfit is going to work for me. I don't need "body-in-a-box" for $$$ if I can get what I need off the web for free.

Is this something I could start as soon as tomorrow? I have to be in my office tomorrow instead of working remote and there's a sort of mandatory party thing after work and I have a swim meet to attend in the evening so my entire day is shot. I was getting up super early to go to the gym but the roads have been really icy at that time of day and I'd rather not drive there if I can avoid it.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 08:20 PM
Yes, you can start tomorrow. It's that easy.

I'm not asking how old you are, but I tend to warm up some days and some days I don't because I can usually tell if I can do the set days workout w/out warming up. They recommend always warming up. They do have a warm up routine, but the warm up is a workout in itself for most people, so do you regular warm up and 3 2 1 go!

They will have next days workout up by evening usually and I am in Mountain St time. If you need to scale it or have Q you can click on 'comments' without signing up and people will give you advice. Or you can sign up (for free) and ask on the message board. I did not sign up to message board, MB keeps me busy enough!

Even if it requires weights, ask how to substitute without weight and/or substitute is for another move that is similar that will not require wts or the kettle/pull up bar will do.

I haven't been on there today. I look at todays wod and tell you what I think and give ex.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 08:42 PM
Ok todays wod is:
3 rounds for time:
100 feet walking on hands
handstand, hold 2 minutes
15 handstand pushups

This is an upper body wod, which they'll do sometimes, but it's a gymnastics workout and hits the neuro system for balance and core muscle strength. Balance hits the core and looks like a very difficult wod. I could not walk that far on hands. I could do a handstand against a wall though and do the hspu.

3 rounds for time:
bear crawl (hands and feet, not knees) 100 feet
hold a handstand against wall or work on trying to get up and balance against wall for 2 minutes (time it)
15 pushups with feet elevated as high as you can get them, like dresser, back of couch, table

remember this is for time, so you'll go from one right into the other and then back to the start and through 3 times.

Now, that is not tomorrows wod, but is an example of what I would do starting or would have to do b/c I can't walk on hands.

You can look at yesterdays wod and it is "lynne" which is a standard set wod. I have done wod that were posted several days back and done yesterdays, looked for another one. After you understand what they are doing it gets easy to scale up or down or do a wod that you missed that looks challenging or fun.
Wow, thanks!

I can actually walk on my hands but only about 3-4 steps, so I'd do the against-the-wall thing.

I'm not asking how old you are

Quite a bit older than you! laugh
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 09:45 PM

You would do 100 feet worth those 3-4 steps, then onto the handstand for 2 minutes, then the handstand push ups.

I'm betting tomorrows wod will be something to do with pull ups in it.
I think I could handle the bear crawl better.

I know tomorrow's WOD will be different but I'd still have to mark off 100 ft so I know how far it is.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/14/10 11:05 PM
Yes, if you wanted to do todays. I usually just mark of 20 ft or so.

There will be days where they will say 50 lunges. I go to the edge of the room and back/forth. Some days it will be 100 yards each leg or something and I figure one lunge is almost 1 yard, so that's how I'll mark it.

If you've got the treadmill, there will be days where it will say 20 minutes of 400 meters running then max pull ups. I end up doing the 400 then like 7-10 pull ups then running the 400m again and can get in like 7-8 400 meters and 50 or so pull ups in that 20 minutes. treadmill at home. I'm going to go to the website now and see what tomorrow's workout is.

TheMud...I'm planning to stop by the gym today after work. My after-work commitments both got cancelled. Yay! What do you suggest I do since today's WOD is 'rest'? (I 'rest' on Sundays....If I do this, I'm going to have to schedule these things so my rest day falls on Sunday.) Should I try to do Thursdays? It seems like mostly upper body which would be fine. Yesterday I took a Pilates class which is great for core.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/15/10 05:54 PM
This is a great one.


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Again, you can scale it and I definitely cheat on the pull ups on this one. You can do pull downs, or put a bench infront of pull up bar and do jumping pull ups. Thats, jump up to pulled up position and lower slowly, not too slow though. You can cheat on the others like "girl" push ups, crunches. Do the squats though, which are body weight squats.
Since I'm stopping at the gym on the way home, I think I might use the weight-assisted pull up machine. I can't do full body weight pull ups from a standing position..maybe like...uhh...2 or 3? LOL And to think I held the record for this in high school....(girls high school)

Anyway, just adding 20-25lbs on the weight assisted makes a world of difference (subtracts that much from my weight).

Also, my trainer had me do 50 pushups on her 50th birthday last month...not girl pushups.

ETA: Just noticed this was FIVE rounds for time. I don't know why I thought THREE. amend..NO WAY will I be able to do "boy" push ups and full sit ups for five rounds. I'll have to modify.

And the situps...I'm pretty sure I can do those.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/15/10 07:40 PM

Once you get the hand of these rounds for time they are very challenging.

I 2nd the pull up thing. And remember this is for time, so go like a bat out H--- and from one right to the other and then into the next round.
How about a warm up? I know you mentioned stretching..which I always do (I do more intensive stretching's more important. But what about maybe 5-10 min on the moving stairs or elliptical before I start? Not at a hell-bent pace..just easy to warm up. My trainer usually has me do a short burst of cardio right off the bat, before we get started.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/15/10 08:04 PM
Yes, wu.

The official xfit warmup is:
3 rounds of 10-15
overhead squat with broom handle
sit ups
back exten.
pull up
sampson stretch (too hard to explain, you can youtube it)

I do:
3 rounds
oh squat @ 10
15 crunches
10 back ext.
10 pull ups
15 pushups

total body stretching: legs, back etc... if I have time. If I do late day wod, I will not warmup, and if I've done any running/biking/kayaking/swimming for the day I will not warm up. I figure I should be loosened up or maybe I'll just do crunches/back ext for warmup.

The 10 minutes on eliptical should be good, lower cadence with some moderate tension. Stairs... no.
Weightlifting kicks b*tt.

Just sayin'... wink
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/15/10 10:14 PM

Try the crossfit!!!

It takes wt. lifitng to a whole new level.
Originally Posted by themud

Try the crossfit!!!

It takes wt. lifitng to a whole new level.

Linky link please?
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/16/10 12:16 AM

Ok, here's my official review.


I think I'll take a break tomorrow and do a 90 min spin class instead.
I only just glanced at it but it looks like this is combining aerobic activity with weight lifting?

If this is true it won't work for me...I cannot tolerate much cardio at all, it ramps up my appetite so much it backfires on me...I have tried it numerous times and the results are always the same...weight gain.

If I am wrong about this program please let me know and I will look into it more closely!
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/16/10 04:45 PM

How did it go? What do you mean yowsa, was it tough?


Yes and no. They do have a recommended nutrition section on the message board. I highly recommend it. Since I've stayed away from refined carbs, my fat burning has gone through the roof. It's tough sometimes, but well worth how I feel. My energy is up.
Posted By: CWMI Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/16/10 05:09 PM
MF, you should be eating more while exercising, because you need the energy. Your comment makes me think you've done pure cardio in the past to get the results you got. Cardio burns energy (calories) WHILE you are doing it, but a weight workout burns energy while at rest. People really should be doing both. Cardio is exactly what it sounds like...a cardiovascular workout, to get blood pumping and keep the pipes in order. Weights is where the long-lasting benefits come in for weight loss. You need cardio to get blood (food) to your muscles, you need muscles to burn calories at rest.
Mud: Yes, YOWSA means it was tough! The comment about 90 min spin was to put it into perspective. It took me about a half hour I get through the sets. I did a 10 min warmup on the elliptical..easy...not high tension. I had to rest between crossfit sets. There was no way I could just go all out he//bent for leather and do it. So I have a goal...

I used the weight assisted pull up/dip machine. Did the pushups "boy" style first time around...girl style the rest. Did the situps fine first time around; went to crunches after that. The squats..the thing I thought I'd have the easiest time with...were a KILLER! By the 5th round, I'd been cutting them in half.

Like I said..YOWSA.

And yes, it definitely got my heart pumping. I was sweating bullets by the time I was done.

I worked out this AM (cardio only) at the gym, but am resting tomorrow. I generally don't work out on Sundays. Monday I meet with my trainer and she gives me a pretty good workout...lots of which is culled from xfit or P90X so that day is handled. Tuesday, I will probably do just a cardio day. Wed will be my next xfit day.

I emailed back and forth with my trainer...she was interested to see what I thought. She's thinking about offering crossfit group classes in her studio but was worried that people would get bored with the sets. She's so high energy, I doubt that would happen, plus...she would set it to music too. And she's really creative about working with partners and switching stuff up/modifying, to make it more "fun". We're going to talk more on Monday.
I've stayed away from refined carbs,

Me too, and I have for years...I eat fairly low carb, for a few reasons: I am borderline hypoglycemic; I am on full HRT due to a pituitary tumor and this is the sort of diet my endo recommends; it works for me; I feel best when I avoid carbs; it helps me control my weight.

Originally Posted by canwemakeit
MF, you should be eating more while exercising, because you need the energy. Your comment makes me think you've done pure cardio in the past to get the results you got. Cardio burns energy (calories) WHILE you are doing it, but a weight workout burns energy while at rest. People really should be doing both. Cardio is exactly what it sounds like...a cardiovascular workout, to get blood pumping and keep the pipes in order. Weights is where the long-lasting benefits come in for weight loss. You need cardio to get blood (food) to your muscles, you need muscles to burn calories at rest.

What do you mean I should be eating MORE while exercising? I eat plenty, I am far from starving myself.

Actually, I did pure cardio in the past but I did NOT get the results I wanted and never understood why. Then about 5 years or so ago I started weight lifting, but no cardio (didn't have the time then with 4 kids at home whom I homeschooled, so I had to find something I could do AT HOME...weight lifting fit the bill). I got awesome results, but I was spending more time than I really could have I started getting bored.

So over the past few years I have tried adding in some cardio in addition to my weight lifting. Each time I added cardio (even one day/week of kickboxing or aerobics), I have actually gained weight...which is sort of...the opposite of what I would like to do, LOL.

I even tried HIIT, which I LOVED, because it is supposed to be the best form of cardio for a few being the short amount of time you need to do it in order to get results. This too backfired on me.

I finally found some awesome, very validating information on a message board with folks who are into hardcore lifting, some who even compete...and found out that I am NOT unusual, that this phenomenon is actually quite common. I decided to drop all cardio and just focus on an intense lifting routine, which I have done. I have increased my weights dramatically and have gotten awesome results.

Now if I could just give up the beer I would be able to drop those last 5 lbs, LOL!

Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/19/10 12:11 AM

You might want to dry Cindy...

20 minutes continuous:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

I did this yest. and was able to do exactly 23 rounds before my timer went off. That's 23 sets
=115 pull ups
=230 push ups
=245 squats

Were you bored beyond tears? This one looks like it could get old pretty fast!

My trainer had "gauntlet" today. We had an hour to get through about 15 cardio and 5 ab things..though that's not exactly true because lots of the stations were sets. So for instance...jog down, 'spider man' crawl back..repeat 2x. Army crawl up 10 paces, back 10 paces, push up, then repeat. All the weight stuff was also cardio. Push a 25lb weight the length of the room, put it on your chest and do 16 crunches, push it back, crunches, repeat. Etc.

The abs were killer. Navy Seal sit ups (2 min of continuous situps as fast as you can). 40 crunches. then 25 ..i don't know what you call them..they're for obliques..on each side. Then there was a set of 50 crunches, 25 hip dips, each side, 50 bicycles and something else..can't remember. That was AFTER all the cardio stuff.
Not too sure what I will do tomorrow.
I wanted to try "Cindy" but the board went down and I hadn't copied it. Then I went to the crossfit site to see if I could find it, but wasn't able to do so. I'm still a novice in navigating that site.

I'm going to give this one a try today though...I'm short on time and though I probably won't complete near the number you did in 20 min, it should be a good workout.

Question: I've been doing quite a bit of work with free weights and like the results. Will following this program keep that tone? Or do you supplement sometimes like you do with cardio?
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/20/10 07:25 PM
No, I never get bored. Try running for 12 hours straight!!!

I don't know what you mean by keep that tone... I haven't been this ripped since early 20s. Yes, you will stay toned, you end up with a full body workout due to the compound movements and you'll keep the tone.

I do the cardio because I'm an endurance junky. If I did it to just stay in shape, I think I would just follow xfit main site and eat right... cutting out refined flours and sugar, stick to a cave man diet.

That exhaustion you had after doing Barbara is what you are looking to overcome, and do it faster, and use less "off" wt for the pull ups. Doing them faster will increase cardio and strength as you progress.

There's nothing wrong with wts, but I actually have fun with the constant variations in xfit. You can always up the weight and do less reps and rounds. That is, again, scaling the wod and I do it all the time.
Posted By: HBHH Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/20/10 07:34 PM
My wife is a fitness coach and distributer for "Beachbody" which produces P90x, Insanity, Turbo Jam, and several others so I have a little experience with these.

CrossFit, P90x, and Insanity are all similar programs. They are a mix of strength, cardio, and flexability exercies done in High Intensity Intervals. They utilize the concept of "Muscle Confusion", which enhances results and avoids plateaus by doing different exercises every day. I did CrossFit for a month or so in a gym setting under the supervision of a trainer. Loved it but not enought to justify the $60/month membership. I think it would be difficult to do in a home setting due to the variety of equipment used and the potential for injury if your form is not exactly correct. If you have access to a gym or own a set of heavy weights, kettle balls, and pull-up bar then definately try CrossFit--you'll love it. Otherwise P90x and Insanty are awesome home workouts that really only require a TV, floor space and pull-up bar.

If you're looking for cardio, TurboJam is a fun cardio workout. It's a unique mix of kickboxing and dance that is surprisingly high intensity.

Do not order off the informercials, they charge about 10-20% more than if you buy through a distributor. If you want any more information on these products or just want to chat with an awesome fitness trainer send me a PM and I'll hook you up.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/20/10 07:41 PM

I totally agree. Unless you are comfortable lifting weights and have experience, you want to think about the weight portions of xfit. I am totally comfortable. Most of the wod have moderate weight, but the speed at which you do them can cause injury do to form deficiencies, that's why I say scale.

I have a full gym in my basement, and can do everything in xfit, but muscle ups and wall balls... I have to sub for those.

The body weight wod are what p90x has copied and can be found in the message forum.

I must say, though many, many people have injured themselves with the kickboxing and dance. I see it in my office almost weekly where someone has injured themselves doing yoga, dance and kickboxing. That is why I recommend pilates. I rarely see injuries from pilates, and not sure if it's because the reformers require attendance or that it is joint rom that is not stressed so much.
Did "Cindy" yesterday.

No wait. That doesn't sound right AT ALL!

I did the workout you suggested yesterday...the one named "Cindy". That was great. Thanks for suggesting it. Did a 10 min warmup on the elliptical and lots of stretching afterwards as I am not very flexible....and it has gotten worse over the years.

Went to pilates class today. Speaking of flexibility.
Mud...the double unders...did you say you modified? I only did single but into the second set, my achilles was on fire, though I've been stretching it out/applying heat, doing all the exercises and it was feeling lots better...'til yesterday.

I had to bag the rope and instead set up a step bench and did up/downs. Not quite the same but it didn't kill my achilles.

The back extensions were tough. Every time I do a xfit workout, I find a part of my body that I've not worked out very well!

ETA: I'm headed to the gym now (loaded up with Ibuprofen for the achilles) and am going to do an easy elliptical and then free old routine but toned down. I hope I can get back on track by Monday's session w/ my trainer.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/25/10 06:35 PM
Jump ropes will definitely "load" the achilles just naturally. Might want to avoid ropes. Modifying with step ups is fine... that's modifying!!

I took all of last week off. I was getting tired and run down. Finally all my family and in laws are gone, so I ran 9 on sat. and did two WOD in one this morning: the clean/j and ghd and rope/back ext. Kind of slow but did the three rounds of all in under 12 minutes.
I was getting run down this summer and fall when I started to work out way early in the AM (like 5-5:30) so I could be ready to roll to get the kids off to school and me off to work. That was fine until the day got shorter, and the evenings where I couldn't get to bed early enough happened more often. So I changed my schedule.

I met my trainer and did small group class with her today. She did something called Trifecta..I swear she took some of this stuff from the xfit site! We did quite a bit of work with lunges/ heel up against the wall and the other leg lunged forward. After enough of that, we went to hands on mat, one leg extended up on the wall, then the other leg up to meet it, hand stand there, push up if possible (I thought I'd be able to do that because my arms/shoulders are strong from swimming butterfly, but I couldn't do the push up!).

She had a couple other doozies for us this AM too.

I'm impressed with your times in WOD. I am nowhere NEAR that!
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/25/10 07:29 PM
Just tired lately. A little to do with my sitch. I was actually fatigued about 8 miles into my run. WTF? I usually only get tired during long runs, like 30. I don't feel sick, just mentally exhuasted. Things are going well with M and after that letter I feel to tired for SF, so it hasn't been that exciting. I think it's like this huge burden has been lifted and I'm kind of finally taking deep breathes.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/26/10 06:54 PM
Next wod for me:

For time:
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
50 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadift, 12 reps
40 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
30 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
20 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
10 Pull-ups

I will begin to cheat on the pullups at about 20, then 12, 4, etc. and have to do jumping pull ups, but hey I'll get through it!!!

I am starting to like deadlifts. My weaknesses are pull ups, deadlifts, burpees, doubleunders and back squat. I use to hate deadlifts!
I'm pretty decent at deadlifts, but I don't lift NEAR that amount of weight.

My day got away from me and I didn't get a workout in today and now I'm feeling really antsy.

I like that WOD...I might try that tomorrow.

I'm working on decreasing the weight assist on the pullups. I'm down to 20lbs.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/27/10 12:17 AM
That's great. You'll be doing jumping pullups really soon. I ran with intervals and did the wod warmup. I'm still burning from 7am and it's after 5 here!
I decided to do a mostly moving-stair workout today. I find I exert a lot more energy on those things than I do on the elliptical or even the regular stairmaster. So no xfit today. Free weights after moving stairs. Good workout though. When I first started on those things, even though I thought I was in good shape, I was wilting after 20 min at level 7. Now I can easily make 30 at level 10 and even do two stairs at a time (for limited time).

Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/27/10 11:48 PM
I was dizzy after that wod. The deadlifts got me, I was wiped and my R bicep was killing me. Overall, I think that is now one of my favorites! The 15 deads and the 12 deads killed me, but once I was down to 30 pullups I could see the light.

That was awesome! Will run tomorrow, after all it is Thursday!
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/28/10 05:18 PM
Did wod warmup then did the crossfitendurance wodx2. Yeah, I'm getting my energy back. I was breathless and gasping, but what a stress reliever!!!

I'm so freakin' tired today, I'm not sure what I'll do. I usually take a pilates class on Thursdays but I had a doc appt and had to miss it.

Any ideas? I could use some suggestions.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/28/10 07:17 PM
Those are the days I'll just do the warm up and call it good. It's still as much as I use to do on a "gym" day before xfit.
I actually did modify today. Maybe I've got SoU hangover...dunno. I feel like crap today.

I did a 10 min elliptical warmup and a modified xfit workout..came down on the reps of each round.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/28/10 08:35 PM
Cool, what the he-- is SoU hangover. Is that a team? I'm assuming it is. I don't watch much basketball or hockey. I'm football/baseball and that's it.

State of the Union.

It was painful.

I still have a headache. LOL
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/28/10 08:40 PM
I didn't watch it. I figure that if his lips are moving, he's lying.
That's about it. I've never really been involved in politics before because all politics disgust me. But I really got off the mark and dove in on our special senate seat election. It was that important. And the guy SHOULD have been there last night. But I'll get off my soapbox now.

And unless I can get motivated to workout before I go into my office tomorrow, I might have to skip it. I just looked at my calendar and I'm scheduled to give blood tomorrow.

Oh well. At least I get fruit juice and cookies!
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/28/10 08:52 PM
I've given too much blood on trees, rocks, sidewalks, road, dirt roads, occasional stream or river, cliff sides, boats, ski slopes... I'm good!
Ah but this way, you give a pint all at once. And get cookies to boot.
Posted By: themud Re: For TheMud (and others) Workout Routine! - 01/30/10 05:16 PM
9 miles today, plus I feel like it wasn't enough and will do a wod!
Good for you! I think I caught whatever low energy thing you have. Just can't motivate myself for much these past few days. I am just dog tired!
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