Marriage Builders
Some folks seem to be unsure about how/where to hide a VAR or other devices, so I thought I'd start this thread for people to offer suggestions.

Here's one of my ideas:

Since so many WS seem to take their cellphones into the bathroom with them, it seems logical to assume that some of them may be making calls in there.

In my bathrooms, there is a space at the bottom of the vanity where the front of the vanity overhangs the toe space. If your bathroom vanity has such a space, it is a good place to hide a VAR, using velcro.

This might be a better idea for a BW to use rather than a BH, unless the BH is the one who actually sweeps/mops the bathroom. A WW might find the VAR if she cleans the bathroom and happens to bump the VAR; however, a BH could pay attention and make sure the VAR is removed before such cleaning occurs.
For those whose WS take their phones out to a patio or deck, here is what my BFF's exH did when he wanted to spy on her after their divorce (he was the WS, BTW!):

He had two VARs hidden out there.

She had a fish pond, so he had a VAR in a plastic ziplock freezer bag hidden beneath a rock, with the microphone placed in such a way as to pick up conversations.

He also hid a VAR in a plastic freezer bag in some potted shrubbery, positioned under the soil so that dirt/water could not enter the minute opening through which he had threaded the cord to the microphone which was taped to the trunk of the shrub.

She found the VARs after he told my WH that I was suspicious of his cheating, and we determined that he must have bugged the patio, since that was the only place where we had discussed it. He had previously bugged the house phone before she caught him cheating the last time, so she figured he was spying on her again.
LC, these are great ideas - very creative! It's good to remember that there are important places to plant the VAR other than the wayward's vehicle.
Thanks, Maritalbliss!

In regard to planting a VAR in a vehicle, I would go with planting TWO in the vehicle, in case one of them is found. I don't think a WS is likely to look for a 2nd one if he/she finds one of them. Where to put a 2nd VAR depends on the kind of vehicle it is. For instance, in a sedan or coupe, you could hide the VAR deep in the crack between the back seat and back of the seat, with the microphone wire threaded underneath the seat and the microphone attached just out of sight at the front of the seat.

In my case, a VAR in my WH's truck would not have worked. He drives a diesel, which is noisy, plus he keeps the radio on all the time. I also drive a diesel, so I tested the VAR on my vehicle first. My diesel is somewhat quieter than his, but road noise drowned out my voice, so I didn't bother putting the VAR in his truck.

Other places to consider in your home:

If you have draperies, you might be able to hide a VAR in the hem, especially if it's a very small VAR. It would probably be best if the draperies are shielded by a piece of furniture which would allow you to hide the microphone so that you could get a better sound.

I was able to hide a VAR in the pocket of an old sweater that always hung on a hook by our back door. It did a great job of picking up conversation, even without a microphone attachment.

Underneath the wood skirting of a kitchen, coffee or end table is also a good place for a VAR, as are flower arrangements.

Women could also leave a purse sitting around, with a VAR in a concealed pocket.

I'm also thinking that a VAR could possibly be buried at the bottom of a box of tissues, provided that an unobstrusive opening could be made so that sound could get through.

Another good location in a bathroom might be underneath the toilet tank.

In a bedroom, you could velcro a VAR behind the drawer of a beside table or underneath the table, with the microphone being attached behind the table. Just be sure that if you put the VAR behind a drawer, there is enough play in the microphone wire to allow the drawer to be opened.

If there are shelves in a garage, a VAR could be hidden in some sort of container or velcroed beneath a lower shelf or work bench. If you hide one in a container on a shelf, make sure that you don't leave telltale tracks in any dust that might arouse suspicion in your WS.

Any ideas from others are welcome!
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