Marriage Builders
Posted By: frozen1229 Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/16/05 04:10 AM
Silly, silly me...there I was thinking we were not in Recovery!!!! How silly it was to think that you can take away progress! How dumb to think that a mistake takes you back to square one!

We are not at square one, nor have we ever been - not since D-Day. To say that we were at square one after nine months of Recovery or to say that Recovery has been false because mistakes have been made is not only an exaggeration, it's just plain wrong.

I was very mistaken. I didn't understand.

I understand more now.

I understand that just because I don't feel loved doesn't mean that love isn't there. It just means that I am not seeing it. I also understand that just because I am not seeing it at that moment, it doesn't mean that I never will. I thought it did mean I never would, because I didn't believe that the problem lied with my capability to see it. I thought the problem lied with the question of whether or not it was really there. I thought I would never see it because I didn't really believe it was there.

I was wrong about that, too.

It's there.

I see it now. I feel it now.

I just didn't understand it because Patriot spoke German and I spoke Japanese.

In Japanese..."I have been having an affair, but I want to marry you and Recover with you" means...

"I never really did love you, but I'm willing to try to love you."

So, considering that, you can see how I was easily confused.

Tonight, I learned a little bit of German, and now I understand what he has been trying to tell me.

Another thing I learned tonight was that in Japanese..."You need to make him feel safe to be honest with you" means "You need to lie about how you feel or show no emotion so that he can feel safe enough to be honest with you", which, frankly, didn't ever really jibe with me. I suck at lying about how I feel and at hiding my emotions. It was a battle of control that I was losing most of the time.

I think I found a way to do it. I just didn't see it before. I see it now.

I presented it to him as "The Grace Period Rule".

The Grace Period Rule states that I allow Patriot to be imperfect on Conflict-Avoidance. Obviously, if Conflict-Avoidance is his first instinct, it stands to reason that he would first need to be able to practice a new instinct before discarding the old one completely...practicing that new instinct until it became his first instinct. Anyone would make a mistake.

What I did, without realizing it, was setting him up to fail and then punishing him for it. How could he win? How could I expect any other result? I was telling him "I will allow you room for growth and mistakes, but if you make a mistake I will punish you for it." I was offering him a system that was flawed from the start.

So, I offered him a new one. We are going to try it out and watch for bugs until we perfect it. I guess that means that we are going to allow the new system room for growth and mistakes, too.

The new system is this:

If Patriot reacts to conflict by being dishonest, when he comes to me and tells me the truth he isn't punished for reacting with his first instinct. It may take a very long time before it no longer is his first instinct. He is definitely worth the wait. I also think that it is the very least I can offer him, considering how patient and forgiving he is with my mistakes.

I didn't realize I was setting a trap for him. If I would have known, I would have stopped. If I had known how to stop hurting him, I would have. I do know now, so I will stop.

By the same token, I felt like he has been hurting me. I didn't realize that if he knew how, he would stop. He has been trying to stop all along, he just wasn't perfect at it. I punished him for it and he still kept trying. I see that now, but I didn't before.

I now see that in German, that translates to "I love you and I will not give up on us."

I wish I could have understood that before now, but I didn't.

I have more Recovery progress to report, but that is enough for tonight.

I am very excited. I have often stated here that I have nothing to look forward to.

I do now.

I look forward to learning a little bit of German, because am excited about the first two things I want to learn to say to him...

I love you


I respect you.

Froz <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: ChaCha Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/16/05 04:19 AM
Frozen I'm glad to hear you guys are hanging in there. I might be able to help you a little with the German "Ich liebe dich" (forgive spelling) I love you ...I have no clue about Japanese but the next time he walks in the room smile at him, walk up to him look him straight in the eye and give him a warm wet kiss...I think he'll get it. that's international language.

Good luck and best wishes for your journey. I'll be following your journal
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 05:03 AM
froz - this is awesome to read. Sprint and I had to learn a little Japanese and German too, and for the first time in SOOO long things are good and we are making steady, but great progress.

(((HUGS))) to you guys and Sprint says hi!
Posted By: losttiger Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 05:14 AM
how very insiteful. Great journal, i am not familiar with your long did it take you to get to enlightenment?

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 06:36 AM
35 years...
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 12:28 PM

So glad to hear of the progress you two are making!

I have discovered that the form of Japanese I have been speaking is a broken, not widely-spoken dialect.

It's no wonder I didn't understand what anyone was saying to me!

I have begun to think more and more about this concept, and I find it quite mind-boggling. It amazes me how it has shifted my perception on just about every level.

I find it very sad that I have been walking around feeling unloved my entire life, when in fact, I was just misunderstanding. I think perhaps I was wrong about my mother. I think she does love me. I think she made mistakes, and she doesn't love the way I love, but she does love me. It didn't recognize it as such.

It also really changes things about the A. It is still painful, but it isn't nearly as painful when I view it through the perspective that he didn't specifically set out to hurt me and that, yes, it is possible that he loved me during the A. It would not have been possible for me, and that's why I didn't understand it. Patriot doesn't love the same way I do, either.

My language has been very black and white. Words in my dialect have had no alternate meanings. Love had one definition. I realize now that that isn't necessarily so for everyone.

It has changed things such as my defensiveness of my children, if Patriot says anything negative about them or criticizes them in any way.

Because, all along, the truth was that I feared he didn't love me, even before the A. I reacted so defensively because I viewed it as a rejection, based on the fear that he didn't love me.

Yesterday, he mentioned a potential problem with my son. I understood and was very able to view it objectively. I didn't even feel defensive without that element present.

I also noticed that I don't feel as threatened if he wants to spend time doing something else. I think that if I would have believed that he loved me all along, there would have been a lot less friction...oh yeah, and also I would have felt loved. That would have been nice. I wish I wouldn't have robbed myself of that.

I have made many mistakes. Patriot has obviously made his fair share of them, too. We didn't know any better. Now we do. I am not thrilled with the road we took to get here, but I am glad we are here, nonetheless.

I feel very grateful for the special person that my H is, and very grateful for his love.

I am also grateful for our dear friend, Miss Sally, who just happened to speak a few words of my broken dialect, and helped me understand that everyone wasn't speaking the same language.

Everyone else was probably trying to tell me (Pep - did I say that out loud?), and I just wasn't understanding the words.

Froz ~ you've made a breakthrough insight. You are right, we all speak different love languages. That's really only half the equation though!

Part of recovery is recognizing that your spouse's needs are different than yours. What you were suffering from was unfulfilled, unrealistic expectations, which led to great anger and depression.

The other part is learning your spouse's love language and doing those things. If your spouse speaks German, you learn German and speak German to fill your spouse's needs.

If you speak Japanese, your spouse needs to learn Japanese and speak it to you. If you speak Japanese, you have the right to get loved in Japanese!

It's good to realize that you speak Japanese, and your husband was speaking German to you all this time, in an effort to express love. Yes, he really does love you. But he needs to learn Japanese to make you feel loved, instead of forcing you to learn German. And vice versa.

My husband and I used the book The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate along with our MB workbook in recovery.

It explains the same exact MB concepts we use here, just in a different "language" that may be easier for you to 'get'.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 02:21 PM

I have the book. Perhaps Patriot and I could read it together soon.

I understand what you mean about Love Languages. We seem to be pretty adept at meeting each others needs. I think LB's and communication have been bigger obstacles for us.

I guess I was loosely using the term 'languages' regarding perception, didn't matter what language he was speaking. I really don't know that anyone spoke my language. It would have been impossible for anyone to love me given that I had such a narrow-minded perception on what love really was.

I am very interested in reading the book you mentioned, though. It has been recommended to me before. Perhaps it could expound on some of the things I mentioned above that I have learned.
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 02:30 PM
Awesome Froz - no wonder you and Sprint got along, you both spoke broken Japanese. He expanded his vocabulary when he left and got the lightbulb in his head. I had already been brushing up on my Japanese, and continued my skills now...

Both Sprint and I were trying, but neither of us could see us trying as it wasn't in eachother's was my MOM that forced us to start really listening and hear what eachother is saying, as we were both saying what eachother wanted to hear, but in our own ways.

Sprint also realized how black and white his dialect was. He was basing his recovery on a definition of words that had no room for other interpretations - like love, commitment. Commitment to him was faithfulness and nothing else. Once he figured out the words are more than just that, he sees the 8 months of work i did, and still taking him back after all the recent events, and looks at that as commitment, sticking it through all the tough times and never leaving - even when the A ended for me and i could have left. He's starting to see less and less black and white.

Dont ya love Sally - she broke through my communication barriers too <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> taught me how to talk to Sprint before Sprint started making his changes. It's been amazing for us - Sally you are the communication Queen! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> lol

Froz I am so happy you have had this breakthrough. I know the road ahead is still long, but I am so happy that there is still a road for you guys to journey on together.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 02:39 PM

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. I find it sad, really, that Sprint and I deprived ourselves of love that was ours for the taking, if only we'd have recognized it for what it truly was. But, isn't it great that it's not too late???

I feel very blessed, as I'd bet Sprint does, to have such a loving, patient spouse.

I look back now and feel sorry that Patriot was trying so hard to love me. I threw that love back at him, rejecting it, because it didn't fit my picture of what love was (very black and white). I think about how he must have felt very rejected and how rude it was of me to toss away his precious gift. I think about how diligent he was after the A, trudging uphill...while I blasted him for his imperfections and used them as proof that his love wasn't real because it wasn't like mine. How self-righteous!

I have a lot of personal work to do.
Hi Froz ~ the book is not the complete answer....I think that a huge part of the problem is expectations. When our unrealistic expectations are not met, it results in a huge amount of anger - which unresolved becomes depression.

This is where you have to really look at you, and see if some of your love language issues are really and truely unrealistic expectations. If that is the case, then you need to adjust those.

I can tell you a story about me and my husband...

We had been married maybe 3 years...and I had huge expectations that truely interfered in my ability to feel loved by my husband.

So ... the week before my birthday approached...and my husband TOLD me (a huge No NO in my book because if he loved me he would keep it secret and surprise me) that he was going birthday shopping. Strike 1.

Then he got in the car and left. He showed back up at the house an hour later. Strike 2. (he didn't spend enough time shopping for me, so I believed he didn't care. If he really loved me it would have taken ALL AFTERNOON to find the right gift!)

Then he really screwed up. He came in the house and told me that while he was at the mall, the car was vandalized and I had to go out side and look in the car to see it. I gasped, ran outside, and found the car unharmed, but a beautiful leather handbag and a bottle of perfume sitting on the car seat. Strikes 3, and 4 (lol and these don't count the lame story to get me outside). Oh boy was he in trouble now.

You see, it was a week early. He obviously didnt love me because he didn't wait for my birthday, he just wanted to 'get it over with'. And it wasn't wrapped, so again, he just didn't care.

I was convinced by this enter episode that my husband hated me.

Guess what the truth was? My husband was head over heels in love, and was so excited about his gift for me that he couldn't wait for my birthday to see my face.

It was about half way through his affair, as I was working my 12 step program with my sponsor, when I became aware of just how devastating my angry love busting response to his excited gesture of love must have been to him. I was so horrified by my sheer blindness.

My husband had no way of understanding my needs. My needs were so incredibly exacting, that I doubt there was any humanly possible way of meeting them. Part of my growth was to learn what was a healthy need, and what was just plain controlling and unrealistic.

So Froz, think about both. You and Patriot have to learn to speak the other's language. But you might want to look harder into yourself and see if you have expectations that should be readjusted.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 03:01 PM
I was so horrified by my sheer blindness.

I know just what you mean!!!!

Yours was a perfect example of what I was talking about.

I don't know how I could have been so blind and just plain cruel.

My needs were so incredibly exacting, that I doubt there was any humanly possible way of meeting them.

That is precisely what I was doing.

But you might want to look harder into yourself and see if you have expectations that should be readjusted.

This is good advice. I think awareness is a key point. Once you become aware of the behavior, it shifts your perspective quite a bit and prevents the same behaviors from recurring. I do realize that it will take more than just awareness. It will take learning new behaviors to replace the old. Any tools or information you have, I will hungrily dive into.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 03:04 PM
I really just can't get over what a self-righteous fool I've been. I really did think there was nothing wrong with me. I wondered what was wrong with the whole world, that they could be so unkind and unloving while I, of course, was so giving and unselfish...

How did someone not want to knock me off my high-horse?
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 03:22 PM
you weren't being self -righteous lady - you were hurt and trying to figure things out. You are one great woman and don't forget that!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/17/05 06:39 PM
Not my intention to self-bash, Dorry, but it's true. If I wasn't giving off that impression, I was thinking it.

I am human, therefore imperfect. All I can do is strive to correct the things I am aware of.

It just occurred to me..what if there is some other GIANT thing causing me problems that I don't see now? I sure didn't think there was one before.

Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/18/05 06:02 PM
What progress. Some walls between my wife and I have seemed to come crashing down and are no longer keeping us apart. I am so grateful for that.

One of the first things I want to do with my wife in our Recovery from this point is identify some books for us to read and discuss the ideas in them. The love languages book sure seems to apply. Also, readings from the Bible need to be included.

I feel exhilerated about the new realizations Froz has made because it opens doors for me that allow me to be a better husband for her...and that is what I have been trying to do.

I do wish she wasn't so hard on herself because people make mistakes. The best thing is to learn from them and move forward. But, I understand the need, sometimes, to beat one's self up. I have done it. Often.

Also, I am going to work on focusing 15 hours a week on my wife..which really doesn't seem that hard. I think there were times I was spending time that "didn't count" or some such thing... but she and I have certainly seemed to overcome some real obstacles recently.

Having her tell me that she actually felt loved by me was so huge, I can't even describe it. I look forward to making her happy.

So, I will do some work over the next few days or weeks... and then I will report back with what I have.
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/18/05 06:17 PM
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
I am human, therefore imperfect. All I can do is strive to correct the things I am aware of.

It just occurred to me..what if there is some other GIANT thing causing me problems that I don't see now? I sure didn't think there was one before.

Froz ~ No one can just hand you any of this to you. You can't "hear" what we say to you until you are ready.

I can suggest a couple of things however. 1 is that you are very angry. And I don't think all of your anger is about Patriot. Again, I'm going to suggest you work on uncovering the source(s) of your anger. Unfulfilled, unrealistic expectations are one source of anger. Why do you have the expectations that you have? Where did you learn that behavior?

I don't know alot about you. What I do know is that twice in your life you have picked men that have problems with honesty and act out sexually. I sincerely doubt this was a coincidence.

What is it about you that finds those qualities in a man "normal" and "comfortable"?

You are very fortunate that Patriot has decided to take responsibility for his problems. While he is doing so, you should have plenty of free time to explore yours.

I suspect that your anger and your tendency to pick the men you have picked are probably related. I also would be willing to bet it started back in childhood.

For me, a 12 step program helped me uncover my answers to those questions. I learned alot about me ~ and alot about me in a relationship ~ by doing so.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/18/05 11:44 PM

You pose some very interesting questions. Most of them are things I have thought of, but haven't really arrived at any conclusions about.

1 is that you are very angry.

I haven't ever really been angry like this before. This is definitely a new emotion to me, at least anger to this extent and for this duration. I have always been quicker to identify the underlying emotion, rather than the secondary emotion - anger. Maybe this was just the final straw in a long line of betrayals.

Why do you have the expectations that you have? Where did you learn that behavior?

I have been thinking about this one myself, and I honestly have no idea where I learned that behavior. I don't know that anyone in my family has that sort of perception. I have always identified it as 'sensitive', or lacking a thick skin. Now I see that it was really my perception that was causing things to be more painful, rather than a lack of thick skin.

I don't know alot about you. What I do know is that twice in your life you have picked men that have problems with honesty and act out sexually. I sincerely doubt this was a coincidence.

What is it about you that finds those qualities in a man "normal" and "comfortable"?

Well, I guess it is more of a pattern than you think, because I have picked three men, such as you described.
Maybe it isn't a coincidence...I don't know. I know that I don't find anything normal or comfortable about it at all. There is no family history of that kind of thing. I wasn't sexually abused as a child or anything like that. I have no idea. I figured it was poor judgement or back luck.

I really wish I had the answers to your questions. I have racked my brain about this, and I got nothin'.
Froz ~

I can tell you about my experiences, and you can take what you like and leave the rest.

I didn't know I was angry for years and years. Not only that, but I had no idea I had a reason(s) to be angry.

My discovery unfolded slowly.

I haven't ever really been angry like this before. This is definitely a new emotion to me, at least anger to this extent and for this duration. I have always been quicker to identify the underlying emotion, rather than the secondary emotion - anger. Maybe this was just the final straw in a long line of betrayals.

At first, when I started to explore anger, I was angry at my husband. He was my active alcoholic and he was having an affair. I understood that my parents were the root of my problems, but I didn't think I felt anger towards them. It took time, and as I peeled back the layers of the onion that was me, I found depths of anger I had never known were there.

Anger at my father surfaced. My father actively committed pyschological warfare on us children as his form of parenting..... and yet...later, much later, I found myself exploding in anger at my mother, who to this day, still manipulates, appeases, controls and refuses to let go of anything she thinks she can affect.

My view on my childhood and my parents is much much different than it was 10 years ago.

I have been thinking about this one myself, and I honestly have no idea where I learned that behavior. I don't know that anyone in my family has that sort of perception. I have always identified it as 'sensitive', or lacking a thick skin. Now I see that it was really my perception that was causing things to be more painful, rather than a lack of thick skin.

I can tell you there was a very long time in my life that I thought my childhood and parents were perfect.

I can tell you that as I began working the 12 steps, and really addressing who I was and challenging the "truths" that I belived, that I realized that not only was my "perfect" and "normal" family riddled with alcoholism, but that it was also riddled with sexual dysfunction.

There was no drinking in my childhood home. But the problem was deeper. Both of my grandfathers (which I never knew) were raging violent alcoholics. This was a deep dark family secret. (Hint: if your family keeps secrets...or has issues that sit like a giant invisible elephant in the middle of family gatherings - everyone is aware but no one acknowledges, you probably have issues to explore). My parents never sought help. They took the emotional and spiritual lessons they had grown up with under the threat of violent alcoholism, and imposed those lessons on us children. Even more insidious...there was sexual abuse in my parent's family. It gave my parents a very twisted unhealthy attitude about sex, one that was on one hand, incrediblely strict and yet very blind. My uncle's sexual molestation of my younger siblings was hushed up and covered up. He had probably been a victim of incest by his mother (my grandmother). I knew nothing of this until roughly 3 or 4 years ago.

So my point is....I never experienced, or so I thought, the effects of someone's drinking because no one drank in my childhood home.

My parents had a great marriage too, I thought. What I know now is that my father had one EA after another and was emotionally unavailable to my mother.

And I went on to marry an emotionally unavailable alcoholic because that is what I knew.

Well, I guess it is more of a pattern than you think, because I have picked three men, such as you described.
Maybe it isn't a coincidence...I don't know. I know that I don't find anything normal or comfortable about it at all. There is no family history of that kind of thing. I wasn't sexually abused as a child or anything like that. I have no idea. I figured it was poor judgement or back luck.

There are no coincidences.

I am the oldest of 10 children.

6 of my 9 siblings have become alcoholics, or have married them, or even worse, have done both. Of the other 3, one is dead at age 19, one is still living at home, and the other is taking serious note of her siblings issues and is getting help before getting into a serious relationship.

This is not bad judgement or bad luck.

This is being attracted to what you know, even though you may not understand or know what it is that feels normal.

I guarantee, that there is some reason, maybe not apparent now, that has lead to your choices in men.
Oh and by the way...

Frozen is an interesting handle dontcha think?

I don't know why you picked it. But it screams anger to me.

My Al-anon sponsor asked me to describe the color of my anger once.

She told me that her anger was red, HUGE deep bloodthirsty raging red. She was horribly afraid of it because it was so powerful that she was afraid she'd be overwhelmed by it.

I told her, that my anger was black. Deep, dark fathomless black of a black hole....that I was terrified would suck me in and never let me go.

What is your anger like?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 01:58 AM
I can tell you about my experiences, and you can take what you like and leave the rest.

I thank you for sharing your experiences with me. I would take it all if I understood it. I will not discard anything, because I really would like to understand the patterns of behavior such as you described.

As far as abuse or a history of something underlying in my family...

I am pretty sure there isn't a history of sexual abuse. Both of my parent's are COA. My brother experimented for a very brief time with drugs and alcohol when he was 15. I was 13 at the time.

My parents swiftly admitted him to a treatment facility, where we all participated as a family in activites such as Aftercare (we children called it Afterscare), Alanon, name it. I am very familiar with the 12 steps.
I don't know that my brother's issue was necessarily alcoholism. From what I have been taught about alcoholism as a disease, it appears to be something more along the lines of teenage experimentation. He hasn't had a problem with it since that time and has grown to be quite a healthy adult.

Since you stated that you are not familiar with my story, it may or may not be relevant to tell you that I am adopted. I am one of four children and the only non-biological child. So, I don't know how much that affects the family history angle. Perhaps you viewed it more from a genetic aspect, and perhaps you refer more to learned behaviors, or both. I have no clue what my biological family history is regarding these two issues.

My mother was very emotionally abusive towards me, but not necessarily towards the other children.

I am very confused today and kind of struggling with what is reality and what is my perception. I am a person who relies quite a bit on intuition and feelings, so when my sense of perception feels off balance I have a hard time determining what is reality. I would offer the analogy of glasses. The last few days I have learned that there was something wrong with my 'glasses'. So I have taken them off. Well, now I can't see a darned thing! I feel like I'm walking around blind!

So, everything is not necessarily how I feel...then how is it???

For instance, I told you that I believe my mother was emotionally abusive towards me. Was she??? Or was that just my perception??? It's all very confusing.

I got angry with Patriot earlier this evening because I feel somewhat neglected lately. I feel I have been very patient the last few days and haven't jumped to any conclusions that it meant anything other than the fact that he was busy.

Well, it has continued and I have become angry. I get tired sometimes of explaining to him that I always seem to be the one who wants more time. Why doesn't he? I honestly think that he would just make do with whatever time I offered him. I think he is glad when I am busy or gone because he gets to spend his time doing whatever he wants.

He also wants to make sure his time 'counts'. That kind of got me bristly, because it makes it sound as though I am his boss trying to dock his time card or something.

It makes me feel very unspecial and unimportant.

So, I tell him and he offers to try harder to spend more time with me. The first thought that pops into my head, of course, is "Why would you have to try if you wanted to???" This always seems to be the rule, not the exception. It makes me feel particularly rejected when I know that this was not the case in other relationships that he has had. Most often, it seems as though he was the one pursuing and wanting more time.

So, capitulating that just because I feel rejected, doesn't make it necessarily am I supposed to tell the difference???

I guarantee, that there is some reason, maybe not apparent now, that has lead to your choices in men.

I sure wish I knew.

My first husband was physically abusive and an alcoholic/drug addict. I always surmised that I stayed in that relationship because I somehow believed it was what I deserved because of my feelings of betrayal regarding my adoptive and birth mothers.

My second husband (the child molester), was merely emotionally unavailable, as far as I knew. In retrospect, I see some minor red flags of sexual deviancy, but it wasn't very apparent. I had no idea the extent to which he was sick. As soon as I knew, the relationship ended and I haven't spoken with him since.

As far as Patriot goes, I saw nothing. I still don't have a very objective view of what the heck went wrong.

I'm trying to grab at this stuff tonight and my brain is getting jumbled. I want to understand it all, but I don't. I kind of wish I could put my glasses back on. Seeing something, however distorted, felt more comfortable than seeing absolutely nothing.
Froz ~ I am headed to bed now, so I'll reply to you a bit more tomorrow.

I just want you to know, that I experienced the same disorientation - and still do sometimes. It takes time to rebuild a sense of confidence in a new value system, and thats really what you are starting to tearing down the old ways of thinking and trying something new.

You will be OK. And it sounds to me like Quality Time is not one of Pat's love languages but it is yours. If he loves you, he'll learn it. Love doesn't give him instant knowledge of what you need and crave from him, he can't know it or act on it until you let him in and show him. This takes time.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:07 AM
Frozen is an interesting handle dontcha think?

Is it? I chose it a long time ago for an e-bay account, after I found out my ex-husband had been abusing my daughter. That is how I felt inside at the time - frozen with shock, frozen with fear...

It was the first name that came to mind when I registered at this site.

My anger is purple. It's like an ugly purple bruise, or maybe a vein. It makes my skin bristle.

I also should mention that I haven't taken my hormones for a few days. I don't know how much that plays into my feelings today.
Posted By: NCWalker Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:07 AM

I am so happy for your recent progress.


Just remember that too much energy spent figuring out what happened has value to learn some life lessons, but don't let it take precedence of your choices to be happy now.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:07 AM
Gotta read that book.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:11 AM

Just remember that too much energy spent figuring out what happened has value to learn some life lessons, but don't let it take precedence of your choices to be happy now.

That is so astute...I think I could use it for my new quote. Would you mind? I think, with reference to people quoting's really more a matter of WHICH astounding tapestry of words you type to choose from, since everything you say is so notable.
Posted By: NCWalker Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:15 AM
Thanks for the compliment Froz. But you know I am just teasing your husband because I like him so much. - NCW
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:19 AM
Okay, well I guess everthing you say is not so astute, but if there is one thing I've learned, it's that everyone makes mistakes (maybe you could use that one..."everyone makes mistakes"?)

ETA: Kinda not fair that Mr. Walker chose to change his above post. It read much more venomous in it's original form. Why ya tryin' to make me look bad????
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:20 AM
lol you two are very entertaining tonight - giving me something to smile about while I miss my sprint
Posted By: NCWalker Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:20 AM
I'm sorry. Didn't think me liking your husband would engender that response. - NCW
Posted By: NCWalker Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:23 AM
Hi dorry.

Froz and Patriot are trying to double-team me and I fear they cannot. In fact, I have been made painfully aware that "It's all about Patriot...."

Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:24 AM
isn't it always all about the man? (roll of eyes)
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:24 AM
Well, everyone knows I am a hateful cuss. Thank you for pointing that out so subtly.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:26 AM
I didn't realize Patriot was participating in this conversation.

Maybe someone needs to look at their jealousy issues?????

To quote my genius husband...thank you Mr. Walker for turning our Recovery thread into Idiotville IV. (Wow, he really does have some great stuff, doesn't he?)
Posted By: NCWalker Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:26 AM
Some call it a mistake.

Some call it a well laid trap.

Just ask KiwiJ.

And as "The Godfather of Idiotville" I am free to edit my posts as I see fit. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:27 AM
I didn't know you were a hateful cuss - that is news to me <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> - I have only seen the wonderful side of you - and I am being dead serious too <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> You have always been kind to me - even when you are being a hermit.
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:28 AM
Back to Froz,

HOW ARE YOU tonight my dear <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Sprint asked me yesterday how you were doing and I said - I think they are gonna be okay <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> he was happy to hear that.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:29 AM
I do have a habit of being a hermit, Dorry.

Thanks for taking up for me when Mr. Walker is so obviously out to get me. I think he wants to smear my good name as Mrs. Patriot.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:30 AM
Yes, I did notice that you said someone called you the "Godfather of Idiotville". Let's see, who was it??? Oh yeah, I believe you are quoting my husband again! Would you stop it already!!!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:32 AM
HOW ARE YOU tonight my dear

I have sure seen worse days, Dorry.

Tell Sprint hello for me. Sorry you are missing him.
Posted By: exagilent1 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:44 AM

I have to thank you so much for your post. I am struggling with the exact same feelings of not being loved as you. I have been thinking that maybe my wife cannot love, that her feeling are so shallow since I do not see love all the time. I was just starting to think that maybe it was me and not her or everyone else that I have feelings for. You have opened my eyes to a new possiblity that makes a lot of sense. Thanks.
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:52 AM
I will say hi - he is coming online soon at the you can say hi too when you see him sign on!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 04:22 AM

I'm so glad anything I shared might have helped you. It's very lonely feeling misunderstood or unloved. It's a shame to me that it was something I was creating myself, however innocent it may have been. It was a behavior that has been harmful to me and those who have tried to love me.

I hope you can also read BR's responses and apply them to yourself. I'm still racking my brain over some of the questions. It's difficult stuff to analyze objectively.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 02:27 PM
First book assignment. HNHN. I have had it for a while and read most of it... but I am starting over. Life was fairly conflicted when I was reading it before and I think now that new ideas and open minds are in, with LBs being out, my mind would have a better perspective on the info in it.

I was reading the chapter on Domestic Support last night and it was enlightening to me about MY OWN needs. Which is interesting to me because I was just assuming it would help me meet Slushy's needs.

Anyway... first book. It is a short one, so maybe I can get it done soon.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 03:47 PM
Ha ha...Slushy. That's very funny, Mr. Funnyman. Can I quote you on that???? I know how you love to be quoted!

I was reading the chapter on Domestic Support last night and it was enlightening to me about MY OWN needs

Is that your way of communicating to me that you'd like me to actually clean house and do laundry??? I will do it this weekend. I've been busy from vacation. Sorry about that.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 04:22 PM
no silly. I am not trying to be 'subtle' like Mr. Walker.

I am really thinking outside the box on this one... you know... trying to learn the "ways of the world" or whatever...


(i'm dead now...)
Hi Froz ~

My mother was very emotionally abusive towards me, but not necessarily towards the other children. sounds to me like you may have learned some expectations about what love is and isn't from your experiences with your Mom.

I know that growing up with emotionally unavailable and very psychological and sometimes physically abusive parents made me a very lonely little girl. My parents did everything literally that they could to isolate me from other people.

I craved love but came to believe that love was for other people, lucky people, better more deserving people. I knew I wasn't loved, but that doesn't mean I knew really what it was because I didn't experience it for myself. So many of my preconceptions about love came from my childish love-starved imagination. I was a blind person guessing what a color might be like.

As an adult, I had spent so much time imagining and craving what I didn't have, that even the slightest deviation from what I imagined love was "supposed to be" threw me into anger, hurt and depression.

I developed a very intensely private inner life that no one knew about. Sharing my most private dreams and desires never happened with anyone. I learned from my parents that to be emotionally vulnerable was to be opened up to ridicule and assault for my feelings.

So....when I became old enough to obtain love for emotionally unavailable man became a safe haven for me. I was love-starved, needy, and desperate for what I imagined love was, and yet, not willing to open up completely to anyone. Lucky me, I didn't have to with an emotionally unavailable choice in partners. This is what I mean by "normal". We human beings don't tend to go out and pick people that make us uncomfortable. We pick what we know.

I am very confused today and kind of struggling with what is reality and what is my perception. I am a person who relies quite a bit on intuition and feelings, so when my sense of perception feels off balance I have a hard time determining what is reality.

Perception is reality. For how long was Patriot trying to love you - and yet you didn't feel it? The reality is that you did not feel loved. Yes Patriot did love you, but what you felt is what you felt.

You did not feel loved by your mother, you felt abused. That is your reality. It is what it is.

Keep working at this,you will begin to rebuild confidence in yourself and your intuition. Some of this Patriot can help with by becoming sensitive to your needs and cheerfully meeting those needs.

I also want to point out - 15 hours of Quality Time is a bare minimum requirement to keep a good marriage steady. You both need to be spending alot more Quality Time than 15 hours a week while struggling to recover.

Patriot, if you are serious about recovery, and serious about loving your wife, you need to take some initiative here.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/19/05 09:27 PM

I just wanted to stop in and say I've been lurking on this thread. Lightly lurking I might add - because I find it so meaningful that I can only stand so much enlightment.

Too much enlightment all at once can be blinding!!! Keep it up everyone - especially the humor!!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/20/05 01:07 AM

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me. Watching you reflect on your history enables me to better reflect on my own.

I know that growing up with emotionally unavailable and very psychological and sometimes physically abusive parents made me a very lonely little girl.

I know just what you mean. Perhaps the pattern in the relationships I've chosen has more to do with the emotional unavailability than the sexual dysfunction. Maybe the emotional unavailability is present as a result of some dysfunction, but it isn't what holds the primary interest for me.

It's so very difficult to look objectively at that. As I look back, I can see that there may be a pattern, but I wasn't aware that these men were unavailable to me emotionally until much, much later in the relationship. How did I end up with them in the first place? I can see perhaps why I maintained the relationship - maybe I was re-enacting the relationship with my mother and obtaining their love and acceptance would somehow be filling that need for me that I craved, not having received it as a child.

Unlike you, though, I began to isolate myself because I felt so different from everyone in my family. In a lot of ways, I was different. Instead of being regarded as special because of my individuality, I was shamed and ridiculed for it. I sat on the sidelines as I observed my siblings receiving my mother's praise and attention. I wanted it so badly. I never understood why she could give it to them, but not to me. I always figured it was because I wasn't her "real" child and they were.

When I became pregnant with my daughter at 17, I feared that my parents wouldn't love her either, being that she wasn't their "real" grandchild. I completely expected it. Instead, she was and always has been their darling, even above subsequent, biological grandchildren. It only confirmed for me that it wasn't necessarily my birth circumstances, it was personal. I must be unlovable.

I always dreamed that one day I would find my birth mother, and there would be the one person who would really understand, accept, and love me. I did find her, and it was hardly the case. She completely rejected me. Again...unlovable.

I craved love but came to believe that love was for other people, lucky people, better more deserving people. I knew I wasn't loved, but that doesn't mean I knew really what it was because I didn't experience it for myself. So many of my preconceptions about love came from my childish love-starved imagination. I was a blind person guessing what a color might be like.

I can completely identify with this.

As an adult, I had spent so much time imagining and craving what I didn't have, that even the slightest deviation from what I imagined love was "supposed to be" threw me into anger, hurt and depression.

With this also. Receiving these things has been the ENTIRE focus of my life and the basis for EVERYTHING I do...almost like an obsession.

I have definitely never been afraid to open up, though. In fact, I don't know that I could have been more open in my adult relationships. I don't know why.

I understand what you mean about perception/reality. I would very much like for my perception AND my reality to be different.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/20/05 01:18 AM

Thanks for interjecting your "review". I am gaining so much from this conversation that I almost feel selfish. I was afraid that it was a deviation from Marriage Building and may be uninteresting and inapplicable to the general population. I'm so glad to know that it is enlightening for someone else.

As far as the humor...It seems I have some very silly friends.

I have made some friends here who are so valuable to me, and there are so many here who have made such in impact in my life. I find it kind of funny that they are all people I haven't ever really met. Maybe someday, that won't be the case.


(a joke from Idiotville - someone said I was beginning to thaw and should change my name)
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/20/05 01:37 AM

Forgot to add that I think I may know the unknown author you quote in your sig.

I believe it was Patriot who originally said "The actions you speak are louder than your words".

I think NCWalker said it sometime later...I guess he didn't know he was quoting Patriot again.
I know just what you mean. Perhaps the pattern in the relationships I've chosen has more to do with the emotional unavailability than the sexual dysfunction. Maybe the emotional unavailability is present as a result of some dysfunction, but it isn't what holds the primary interest for me.

Emotional unavailability, in my experience (and I am not a professional), is usually a symptom of some other underlying dysfunction. Emotional unavailablity is a coping mechanism, often learned in childhood, and if not replaced in adulthood by healthier coping mechanisms and boundaries, becomes a way of life.

It's so very difficult to look objectively at that. As I look back, I can see that there may be a pattern, but I wasn't aware that these men were unavailable to me emotionally until much, much later in the relationship. How did I end up with them in the first place?

This is exactly my question to you. I had the same question asked to me by my sponsor. I didn't know for a very long time. Eventually, I came to understand that my need for love was so overwhelming, my self-respect was so underwhelming, that I either ignored red-flags, or did not know the red flags were red.

The bottom line is however, that I was attracted to what I knew. What I knew, even though I was not aware of it, was the cunning, baffling disease of alcoholism.

I can see perhaps why I maintained the relationship - maybe I was re-enacting the relationship with my mother and obtaining their love and acceptance would somehow be filling that need for me that I craved, not having received it as a child.

Well...I don't know.

I think self-will is part of the problem here ~ and interestingly enough is the source of much of your anger.

I was attracted to my alcoholic husband because he was what I knew.

I stayed because I was determined to have my way. I refused to acknowledge what he was (denial), and did everything in my power to force him to being who I wanted him to be.

In otherwords, I kept going back to the hardware store, trying to obtain bread and milk. Rather than acknowledge the reality of the fact that the store was a hardware store, I kept going inside and beating up the clerk with my demands that he provide me with bread and milk, even though he had only hammers and nails to offer! And of course, when offered hammers and nails, I became incredibly ANGRY. If the clerk would just listen to me and do it MY WAY....everything would be just dandy and I could be happy.

Much of my anger came from my feelings of rejection and frustration when other people did not go along with my rigid ideas about how things should be.

I never recognized that the problem might have been with my preconceived notions about how things 'should be' and my obsessive need to control everything around me in an attempt to make things into how I thought they 'should be'.

If I could just get every one and everything around me to fall into line, then I could get what I needed and the world would be right.

I set myself up for failure with these behaviors.

Instead of being regarded as special because of my individuality, I was shamed and ridiculed for it.

Just a thought...maybe, just maybe, it wasn't about you. Sometimes, in dysfunctional families, one person becomes the focus (if we could just fix Billy, he's such a troublemaker, this family could be happy). It is a mechanism used for denial and to avoid looking deeper into what is probably a family issue.

I sat on the sidelines as I observed my siblings receiving my mother's praise and attention. I wanted it so badly. I never understood why she could give it to them, but not to me. I always figured it was because I wasn't her "real" child and they were.

Again, maybe it wasn't about you. Maybe it was about your mother's shortcomings that left her unable or unwilling to love you. Children do tend to make their parent's failings to be about you think maybe thats what you did?

When I became pregnant with my daughter at 17, I feared that my parents wouldn't love her either, being that she wasn't their "real" grandchild......

You have left out your relationship with your dad. Pregnancy at 17 is a pretty big red flag don'tcha think?

....I completely expected it. Instead, she was and always has been their darling, even above subsequent, biological grandchildren. It only confirmed for me that it wasn't necessarily my birth circumstances, it was personal. I must be unlovable.

Again, hon, this sounds more like a personal problem on your parent's end. It just isn't about you.

Let me put it this way. It hurts me when my husband drinks. I hate what it does to him, I hate the barriers it puts between us, I fear his death, I fear the pain of his death on our children. My husband knows I feel this way. He continues to drink anyway. Old me would have assumed that this is because he does not love me. That if I were better, more lovable, he would quit drinking to stop my pain and fear. The new me however, knows that his drinking has nothing to do with me. I know that he has a disease that drives him to drink, and that his disease is far more powerful than me.

Your parents may not have been able to love you the way you needed and deserved it. There could be and probably are a multitude of reasons why they could not. None of those reasons were that you were unlovable.

I always dreamed that one day I would find my birth mother, and there would be the one person who would really understand, accept, and love me. I did find her, and it was hardly the case. She completely rejected me. Again...unlovable.

And again, not about you. It was about HER and her own shortcomings that left her unable to love you. One possible scenario is that it had more to do with the fact that giving up her child for adoption was a horribly difficult, incredibly devastating event. She probably spent years of guilt and wondering if you were OK and if she did the right thing. Maybe she felt she should have kept you but was too weak or unable to stand up in the face of disapproval from family and society. And eventually she managed to put those feelings aside somehow. And there you came, bringing all that stuff back. And if you showed up, needy, desperate for her love because you had not been given the love you think maybe it made her feel terribly guilty, that her fears and guilt were true?

Rejecting you may have been her quickest way to feeling better. Terribly selfish, lacking in human compassion...but again, not about your "lovability".

Receiving these things has been the ENTIRE focus of my life and the basis for EVERYTHING I do...almost like an obsession.

Fear of not being lovable is a very powerful fear.

When we attempt to control things (force others to do and be what we want them to be), it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. By our attempts to gain what we crave (love), we become our fear (unlovable).
I was just going to let this go, because I am not sure you will "hear" what I am saying, but let me take a crack at it.

I have definitely never been afraid to open up, though. In fact, I don't know that I could have been more open in my adult relationships. I don't know why.

Did you really? I suspect that you may think you have, but this simply isn't the case.

Did you tell Patriot of your deep fear of being unlovable? Did you tell him that you were terrified that he would reject you too? Did you tell him that his actions made you feel rejected and unlovable? Did you tell him of the horrible pain and hurt you experienced by your parent's rejections? And did you tell him exactly what he needed to do to meet your emotional needs to feel loved without selfish demands and control through guilt and manipulation?

Or did you expect that if Patriot loved you, he would understand, and do XYZ, and in forming those expectations of him, and making judgements and assumptions about his motives (as I did with my husband's birthday gift) did you set him up for failure?

You are also carrying baggage from 2 failed relationships....and I have to wonder Froz, did you make those men's problems about you too? This is your pattern. Did you tell Patriot that you feared that you were not good enough for marriage and that you were terrified that another failure would only confirm your unlovable nature?

Were you open and honest - or were you controlling and manipulative in an attempt to force what you needed from Patriot, and in doing so, drive him away?
One further question for you to think about....

Given that you believe, due to other people's actions, that you are unlovable...

Do you think that you feeling "less than" deserving resulted in your lowering the standards bar when choosing men?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/21/05 02:13 AM
Emotional unavailability, in my experience (and I am not a
professional), is usually a symptom of some other underlying dysfunction.
Emotional unavailablity is a coping mechanism, often learned in childhood, and
if not replaced in adulthood by healthier coping mechanisms and boundaries, becomes a way of life.

I guess I was just saying that even though emotional unavailability is a common denominator for underlying dysfunction, perhaps it was the unavailability that
was the attraction for me, rather than the underlying dysfunction.

This is exactly my question to you. I had the same question asked to me by my sponsor. I didn't know for a very long time. Eventually, I came to understand that my need for love was so overwhelming, my self-respect was so
underwhelming, that I either ignored red-flags, or did not know the red flags were red.

I don't know the answer. It's so hard to be objective, though I'm really trying very hard.

I definitely saw red flags in my first marriage. He was abusive before we were married. But, I was 19. It was the typical "co-dependent" behavior of thinking I could change him, etc...allowing myself to be controlled and manipulated because I was so naive that I believed that he wouldn't react so strongly if he didn't love me. I definitely learned from that mistake.

In my second marriage, I did see red flags. I knew that he was emotionally unavailable before I married him. In hindsight, as I said before, I see red flags that there was some sexual dysfunction but no indication that he was that
sick. I feel so responsible for that. This morning after I read your response, I was thinking that if only I hadn't been so screwed up, I could have saved my daughter from so much pain. I feel really bad that I haven't been a better
mother, and that so many of my decisions have impacted both of my children's lives in such a negative way.

I kept going back to the hardware store, trying to obtain bread and milk. Rather than acknowledge the reality of the fact that the store was a hardware store, I kept going inside and beating up the clerk with my demands that he provide me with bread and milk, even though he had only hammers and nails to offer!

Quite funny that you say this. Right after my second divorce one of my friends asked me why I kept going to the Vanilla Ice Cream store requesting chocolate. She told me that they only had vanilla to offer me.

I really thought Patriot was my chocolate. This time I thought I was really paying attention. If there were any red flags, I don't know them. Of course, hindsight is 20/20 (you can use that quote if you'd like, NCWalker). So now I
can spot an abuser a mile away. I know the red flags of a child molester. I can spot those a mile away, too. But, I don't know how to recognize Patriot's red flags.

I think self-will is part of the problem here ~ and interestingly enough is the source of much of your anger.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by self-will.

Again, maybe it wasn't about you. Maybe it was about your mother's shortcomings that left her unable or unwilling to love you. Children do tend to make their parent's failings to be about you think maybe thats what you

Of course I see now that's what I did. In my mid-20's, I think I began to recognize that on an intellectual level. But, believing it on an emotional level is something entirely different. I try to remind myself of that, but as you said - there are no coincidences. Surely, since so many people were saying the same thing - they couldn't all be wrong. At least I think that's what I told myself.

You have left out your relationship with your dad. Pregnancy at 17 is a pretty big red flag don'tcha think?

I'm not sure what you mean by this. How did I leave out my relationship with my dad? Yes, pregnancy at 17 would be a red flag that some sort of problem exists.

Your parents may not have been able to love you the way you needed and deserved it. There could be and probably are a multitude of reasons why they could not. None of those reasons were that you were unlovable.

Yes, I know. What you say makes sense.

And if you showed up, needy, desperate for her love because you had not been given the love you think maybe it made her feel terribly guilty, that her fears and guilt were true?

Most definitely this is precisely what happened. She told me she felt guilty. I was so willing to forget about all of it. Instead, she only reinforced my feelings of rejection by actually rejecting me as an adult. I never understood that. Her decision as a teenager (she was 19) was understandable and could be explained (she was young, etc...). But, when I called her on the phone as an adult and she openly rejected me because she felt guilty, how is that supposed to relieve her feelings of guilt? What you say about it being the quickest way to relieve those feelings makes sense. It's such a shame, though. I wish she would have been strong enough to face those feelings instead of hurting me. I really do.

Fear of not being lovable is a very powerful fear.

When we attempt to control things (force others to do and be what we want them to be), it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. By our attempts to gain what we crave (love), we become our fear (unlovable).

Perhaps this has been my cycle of behavior all along - the reinforcement of those beliefs. What a weird way to be.

If I haven't told you, thank you for being my "virtual therpist". It helps me tremendously to be able to bounce this stuff off of someone who can be more objective. Thank you for taking the time. I really do appreciate it.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/21/05 02:21 AM
I will definitely try to hear you. I'm glad you took a risk and threw it out there, anyway.

I really do think I have been open.

Did you tell Patriot of your deep fear of being unlovable?

In no uncertain terms.

Did you tell him that you were terrified that he would reject you too?


Did you tell him that his actions made you feel rejected and unlovable?


Did you tell him of the horrible pain and hurt you experienced by your parent's rejections?


And did you tell him exactly what he needed to do to meet your emotional needs to feel loved without selfish demands and control through guilt and manipulation?

Or did you expect that if Patriot loved you, he would understand, and do XYZ, and in forming those expectations of him, and making judgements and assumptions about his motives (as I did with my husband's birthday gift) did you set him up for failure?

Yes, on this one...though "yes" isn't exactly the right answer. I will say that if I'd known how, I might have. I didn't know how. I was just trying to get my needs met any way I could. I didn't see how destructive to both of us this behavior actually was.

and I have to wonder Froz, did you make those men's problems about you too?

Ummmm, no need to wonder...I can settle it here and now. Yes, I did. You are correct. It is my pattern.

Did you tell Patriot that you feared that you were not good enough for marriage and that you were terrified that another failure would only confirm your unlovable nature?

I think I did. Maybe he would say differently...I don't know.

Were you open and honest - or were you controlling and manipulative in an attempt to force what you needed from Patriot, and in doing so, drive him away?

Maybe I did do that. I don't know what to think about this one, because the first thing that comes to mind is that this is all my fault. It makes me afraid that it was something I did that made this happen.
Given that you believe, due to other people's actions, that you are unlovable...

Do you think that you feeling "less than" deserving resulted in your lowering the standards bar when choosing men?

Yes. In all my relationships prior to this one. I remember actually talking to someone (thinking I had it all figured out this time) and telling them that this time I was emotionally healthy enough to attract someone who was also emotionally healthy; someone who was not even close to lowering my standards. I still can't figure this relationship out. I really thought this time was different. I felt very good about myself that I had such a good relationship. I knew the other relationships weren't good. I really believed this one was, and I was proud that I had made such progress.

What does this mean???? I'm having a bit of a rough day, so my emotions (and lack of estrogen still) might be playing into this somewhat. But, does this mean that to avoid my pattern, I should have walked away from this relationship on D-Day? Isn't my pattern to stay in an unhealthy relationship regardless of how badly someone treats me? Aren't I doing the very same thing I should be trying to avoid by staying???

I can't respond tonight and probably cant until Monday. I'm headed to bed for an early start on our trip back to NJ. Today was our last day of vacation! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

But one thing I think needs to be said.

Froz, you are not nearly as powerful as you think you are. (Step 1, Powerlessness, remember?) We are simply talking about the patterns of your decisions, and what might be behind them so you can start on a path of personal recovery and healing. We are NOT assigning blame or passing judgement!!!!! (hmmm, there goes your little pattern again of making it about you - stop this now)

Slow waaaay down here, you are jumping to conclusions that involve you beating yourself up and taking responsibility for things you just didn't have power over.

And I am not for even a split second, suggesting that you should have dumped Patriot on D-day.

I am not suggesting for even a second, that Patriot is in the class of the alcoholic abuser or the sex molestor.

What is different this time?

Patriot is as far as we know, committed to recovering his marriage to you, and becoming a better man. He is willing to look at his faults and take responsiblity for them.

Now, take a break from all this thinking for a bit. Any time you find yourself starting to beat yourself up for even a second, do something else. Choose to turn your mind away from it.

Froz ~ you will not truely be able to receive love until you are able to love yourself. What you are doing to yourself right now is not kind or loving.
Thank you for opening my eyes. I believe we hear only what we want. I have a problem with that too. I need to hear H in a different language, his language. (WH)
I hope to enlighten him as you did me. We are on our way to recovery and I pray every day for the lost love. I just do not see that it is already there. The hurt is still too hard to let go of.
But what a great step you have made. I hope to make it to that step for myself (loving myself again).
Tons of Prayers Your Way!
Hey Frozen,

I can't tell you how trilled I was to read your first post. I'm so happy for you and I will continue to lift you and Patriot up in prayer. Keep hanging in there, just keep giving your M time to heal...hey remember I'm in the same boat.

Your H loves you very much, nothing else makes sense as to why he is doing all that he can to save his M. Even if he didn't love you then during the A, he does now...he probably loves you more then he ever thought possible. I think I've said this to you before that "Attitude determines Altitude".

I haven't been on MB often lately. Monday I will be going in to be induced so God willing our baby girl will be here on Monday and it won't be a long drawn out labor and delivery.

As for me and hubby, we are doing great. He is very excited about renewing our vows when he comes home. Every chance he gets he shows me that he is grateful to not have lost me and he isn't going to mess our M up for nothing in the world.

He is getting very nervous about the arrival of his 1st child. My 14yr Daughter is just plain excited lol. Can you believe that I will have 3 girls !!!(actually had 4 girls, 2yr old's identical twin died shortly after birth) I wonder statisically what the odds are of that happening. Hopefully the next one will be a boy.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/21/05 10:58 AM

Best of luck with your induction. I hope your delivery goes smoothly. I will be thinking of you Monday. I am sure you will all fall head over heels for your new baby girl.

Also, congratulations on your vow renewal!

Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/22/05 12:57 PM
recovery is difficult stuff. "thank you captain obvious" jokes aside, the fact is recovery feels, for me, like we discover something and then we have trouble remembering we discovered it.

Example. We learned recently about saying things that mean the same in different ways(different 'languages'). Well, just last night we had a discussion about a number of things and to me it felt like the discussion, though it kept soliciting 'you don't love me as much as I love you' from her, sure seemed like just a language barrier to me.

It is obvious to me that she and I still have a ways to go on the communication piece because I can't tell you how many times she asks me a question and I don't answer it to her standard. No, I'm not lying or hiding something. I answer the question the way I know how, and she doesn't think what I gave was an answer. Last nights deal was I did not give the 'why' to a certain question. I gave justification. Given the circumstance, it sure seemed the same to me.

15 hours. I am all for it. More than 15 would be just fine. But, I have to admit it is challenging to partake of fifteen conflict filled hours. It is also hard to find 15 hours were even she wants to deal with me for the whole time. And work schedules. And other commitments in life. But, for ever remark I can make about life, school, work or whatever else might be 'getting in the way' for me, a thousand people can say "where there's a will, there's a way" or my personal favorite "then you just make time" like you just run to the corner store and pick up some fresh time.

recovery is challenging. I wish I could talk about more substance, but I don't have time....being at work and all.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 12:45 AM
Thinking of you, Whitedove. I hope everything went smoothly during your delivery. I hope today was a beautiful day for you and your family.


Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 02:01 AM
I proposed a more structured approach to recovery. A plan. I know this would be received well since froz is a plan kinda girl.

It was not received very well this evening because she is extremely upset with me.

Calling Dr. Harley is in order. I will begin figuring out how to make that happen. Can anyone tell me how it works? If I recall, it was cal to make an appointment time and then call back then, yes?

We have not been to MC in weeks. That needs to start back up.

I am mostly saddened in that a number of moments of positive recovery are blackened by horrible verbal exchanges. It has become "I am tired of being your mother" and honestly, I don't blame her. I am tired of being the child, too.

She is extremely fiery when she is angry and it is almost unbearable. I imagined this evening that her anger most make her want to kill me. And that can not be fun for her at all. She is afraid and hurt. Sometimes to the point, it seems like we have not made one step of progress. I know that is horrible for her.

I am so angry at myself for being a conflict avoider and for lying about things after dday. Also, and more damaging, I am angry at myself for not comeing completely clean.

The shock of her anger towards me makes me doubt anything I believe or know. She explodes and I run. I get flustered very easily and I don't know which way is up in a very short time. Now, she has every right to have emotion and show it. I am just not sure what the best way to stop running is. I have to do something, though, because everyday is another day I am losing her, and that is not recovery.

I thought we might have found a real answer in the differing languages idea. Maybe what we have found is yet another reason for her to be afraid of me. That isn't good either. She took a poat of mine today and 'translated' it. That didn't go well. Basically she too the post and turned it into the most selfish thing I have ever read. I really didn't mean to say it that way.

When I discuss my feelings, it is seen as selfish. I am 99% sure that me going to college is not fine with her and that I am being selfish. I have such a strong drive for the aquisition of knowledge. I really have a strong desire to repair my relationship here, but it is met with such emotion and anger that I don't know what to do.

I can't blame her for being angry. I would be angry too if she went out and did what I did. I would be hurt too.

I have to be stronger. I told her this tonight... and interestingly she said why did she have to be the strong one. What a change... she used to say she was so weak. Maybe that was progress.

She is so beautiful, but wow does she get mad. She feels everything so hard.

I am not giving up on the structured recovery idea. I think it is a winning deal. Something to add a measure of control and routine.

The situation at work about lunch and driving 2 females from the unit was just all wrong. I assessed it so incorrectly.

I am going to redo the EN question thing again. I need to, as I have read HNHN and discovered possibilities of new more important needs. This will be done in 2 days and given to froz. So wednesday suspense on that. Maybe nothing will change. I just want to explore it again on my timeline.

She got so angry at me tonight... that really was crazy and I am completely confused on where it went wrong. I took her to the college because I wanted her to be a part of my life there. I wanted her to see it and get a feel for what I would be around up there. The conversation was going well it seemed. We got in the car and I said something, I guess.... because I don't know what happened. Oh.. wait. I do. We were going to go to the commissary. At first I was not enthusiastic. She asked why. I said she over analyzed everything.

The rest is history.

Thats enough for the journal tonight.

Let's try again tomorrow.
Right after my second divorce one of my friends asked me why I kept going to the Vanilla Ice Cream store requesting chocolate. She told me that they only had vanilla to offer me.

I really thought Patriot was my chocolate. This time I thought I was really paying attention. If there were any red flags, I don't know them. Of course, hindsight is 20/20 (you can use that quote if you'd like, NCWalker). So now I
can spot an abuser a mile away. I know the red flags of a child molester. I can spot those a mile away, too. But, I don't know how to recognize Patriot's red flags.

Right now, hun, you and Patriot are both going through some very painful marital and personal growth.

What is clear to me right now, is that Patriot has issues with conflict avoidance and honesty, and we also know that he is capable of having an affair rather than dealing with his marriage.

However. These are just interesting facts. These are not reasons to jump to conclusions or take actions.

In Al-Anon, we talk about the three A's: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action.

Awareness is what I am trying to help you with right now. Acceptance will come later - and Action is LAST for a reason. Actions that we take based on awareness that lacks acceptance will always be misguided.

The three A's are in that order for a reason!

So, try to keep that in mind: Awareness.

As Dr. Phil says, we can't fix what we don't acknowledge.

So just take it easy - we are just identifying "stuff", and trying to put together a bit of a puzzle of what Froz is.

BR: I think self-will is part of the problem here ~ and interestingly enough is the source of much of your anger.

Froz: I'm not sure I understand what you mean by self-will.

To quote shamelessly from the Big Book of AA:

The first requirement is that we be convinced that any life run on self-will can hardly be a success. On that basis we are almost always in collision with something or somebody, even though our motives are good. Most people try to live by self-propulsion. Each person is like an actor who wants to run the whole show; is forever trying to arrange the lights, the ballet, the scenery and the rest of the players in his own way. If his arrangements would only stay put, if only people would do as he wished, the show would be great. Everybody, including himself, would be pleased. Life would be wonderful. In trying to make these arrangements our actor may sometimes be quite virtuous. He may be kind, considerate, patient, generous; even modest and self-sacrificing. On the other hand, he may be mean, egotistical, selfish and dishonest. But, as with most humans, he is more likely to have varied traits.

What usually happens? The show doesn't come off very well. He begins to think life doesn't treat him right. He decides to exert himself more. He becomes, on the next occasion, still more demanding or gracious, as the case may be. Still the play does not suit him. Admitting he may be somewhat at fault, he is sure that other people are more to blame. He becomes angry, indignant, self-pitying. What is his basic trouble? Is he not really a self-seeker even when trying to be kind? Is he not a victim of the delusion that he can wrest satisfaction and happiness out of this world if he only manages well? Is it not evident to all the rest of the players that these are the things he wants? And do not his actions make each of them wish to retaliate, snatching all they can get out of the show? Is he not, even in his best moments, a producer of confusion rather than harmony?

Our actor is self-centered, ego-centric, as people like to call it nowadays. He is like the retired business man who lolls in the Florida sunshine in the winter complaining of the sad state of the nation; the minister who sighs over the sins of the twentieth century; politicians and reformers who are sure all would be Utopia if the rest of the world would only behave; the outlaw safe cracker who thinks society has wronged him; and the alcoholic who has lost all and is locked up. Whatever our protestations, are not most of us concerned with ourselves, our resentments, or our self-pity?

Selfishness, self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles. Driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-seeking, and self-pity, we step on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate. Sometimes they hurt us, seemingly without provocation, but we invariably find that at some time in the past we have made decisions based on self which later placed us in a position to be hurt.

So our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making. They arise out of ourselves, and the alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot, though he usually doesn't think so. Above everything, we alcoholics must be rid of this selfishness. We must, or it kill us! God makes that possible. And there often seems no way of entirely getting rid of self without His aid. Many of us had moral and philosophical convictions galore, but we could not live up to them even though we would have liked to. Neither could we reduce our self-centeredness much by wishing or trying on our own power. We had to have God's help.

Now, I know that you and Patriot aren't struggling with alcoholism (although, since your parents were CoA, I think that the disease has influenced you). But the above quote applies to many more than just alcoholics.

I personally think that alcoholics just happen to deal with the pain of living in the way described above by drinking. The rest of us suffer through the pain of a self-will inflicted life stone cold sober. And in some ways, that makes us even more sick, because we weren't numbed to the pain!

Of course I see now that's what I did. In my mid-20's, I think I began to recognize that on an intellectual level. But, believing it on an emotional level is something entirely different. I try to remind myself of that, but as you said - there are no coincidences. Surely, since so many people were saying the same thing - they couldn't all be wrong. At least I think that's what I told myself.

You are right, there are no coicidences. The problem here is that you jumped to a very incorrect conclusion.

Alot of people all led you to believe that you were unlovable. That alot of people wanted you to believe this lie was not a coicidence.

This does not mean you ARE unlovable. This does NOT MAKE IT TRUE!

It means you were surrounded by a lot of very selfish sick broken and hurting people.

How did I leave out my relationship with my dad? Yes, pregnancy at 17 would be a red flag that some sort of problem exists.

You told me your mother loved her bio children more than you.

You told me NOTHING about your dad.

Most young girls do not get pregnant at 17 unless they are desperately seeking male love and approval. And/or thinking that a baby will give her the unconditional love she seeks.

But, when I called her on the phone as an adult and she openly rejected me because she felt guilty, how is that supposed to relieve her feelings of guilt?

By telling herself that you are not her problem. By removing the source of her guilt from her life so she can go back to ignoring and denying the little girl she believes she abandoned and who later showed up to prove it.

What you say about it being the quickest way to relieve those feelings makes sense. It's such a shame, though. I wish she would have been strong enough to face those feelings instead of hurting me. I really do.

Well, here is where acceptance has to take place. You can't get what you want. Your bio mom is just who she is, not who you want her to be. Acceptance doesn't mean you agree or have to like it, it just means that you acknowledge the reality in front of you.

BR: Were you open and honest - or were you controlling and manipulative in an attempt to force what you needed from Patriot, and in doing so, drive him away?

Froz: Maybe I did do that. I don't know what to think about this one, because the first thing that comes to mind is that this is all my fault. It makes me afraid that it was something I did that made this happen.

Ok, here we go again. You did not make "this" (if you mean the affair) happen.

Patriot did that all by himself and it is a result of Patriot's problems and his lack of handling conflict in a mature manner.

You did not make him have an affair.

Same goes for your marriage. It took both of you.

Froz ~ I truely get that you have very exacting standards for yourself when it comes to integrity, responsiblity, love, etc. I used to do the same thing to myself also. I didn't understand what was so wrong with my holding other people to the same standards as I held myself.

What was wrong was that I was horribly cruel to ME. I had no compassion, no love, no self respect. I said horrible things to myself in the privacy of my own mind. My anger at myself for failing to meet my very rigid, very high expectations of myself was incredibly intense. Depression is caused by inwardly turned anger. No wonder I nearly killed myself.

And as I grew frustrated and angry with the people around me who failed to love me by meeting my rigid expectations, I began treating them with the same hatred that I exacted upon myself.

What I found was, in order for me to have compassion for others...and still maintain my boundaries, was that I had to learn how to allow myself to be a human being, how to love myself and have compassion for myself when I made a mistake.

My cruelty to myself, in exacting such rigid standards, was also cruel and unloving to the very people around me that I had promised to love.

I had to learn to let myself be a human being, and to allow myself to make mistakes, and to have compassion and love for myself, before I was able to lower those exacting, rigid standards for everyone else too.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 06:43 AM

Points taken. At least, as much as I am able to grasp at the moment. I will print this for future reference. Awareness, for me, usually comes in spurts.

You told me NOTHING about your dad.

My father is a very, very generous person. There were a lot of times, growing up, that I did feel quite understood by him. However, he was ill-equipped to protect me from my mother, as he could hardly protect himself from her.

There were times, I think, when he recognized something she did as emotional abuse. Other times, she could persuade him to go along with whatever he was doing and even convince him that it was the right thing to do.

I grew to know that my father was not compassionless, as I believed my mother to be, but he also couldn't save me.
Oh Dear.

This explains alot to me. My situation was reversed. My father was the abusive one and my mother was the one I saw as weak and unable to save us. You could have been describing my mother with your description.

I didn't realize, until much further along in my recovery process, that I was angry, incredibly angry, with my mom.

She was the adult. I was the child. It was her job to protect me and she did not. In fact, she went along with my father's abuse to us in order to avoid his anger being directed at her. I came to understand, that it was not that she could not protect us children, it was that she chose not to protect us, and in fact used us to protect herself. My mother was very good at making all of us believe that she was the good one, a martyr and a victim.

What I later came to understand is that she was and still is, an incredibly skilled manipulator and controller - she just used different tools than my dad.

If you had asked back then, I would have said without a doubt my mother loved me but my dad didn't.

The reality was, I was starved for love, because I did not have it from either parent.

It makes perfect sense to me that a little girl, who did not feel safe and protected by her dad (the MOST important thing a man can do for his daughters) went out to seek that from other men. Pregnancy at 17 is no surprise to me in this scenario. And not that much different than your bio-mom's pattern either is it?

It seems to me, that you sought out men that failed to protect you. Who may have been very similar to your dad. (Selfish, unavailable, unwilling to protect) Who used you for their own selfish ends. Again, going to the hardware store for bread and milk, you sought out men who would not protect you, and expected and demanded that they do so.

And I have another question for you - how much are you like your mother, in how you are treating Patriot?

I suspect that you have a very deep fear of being harmed by men that is more than Patriot's affair (which we already knew). You need, even more than most, to be 110% secure and safe.

Exacting rigid standards based on your fears and explosive anger will not get you the protection you need and deserve. Believe it or not, if you can work through some of your anger, especially your anger at others in your life, I would be willing to bet, you'll find it easier to work on making Patriot feel loved. I know, your anger and pride are screaming: what h311, he gets to have an affair and now he gets to feel good by me!!! that's your taker and you gotta ignore it right now! This recovery stuff is not intuitive. And I think Patriot is willing to love you and protect you ~ but you need to get out of the way and give him a chance.

That's really your answer right now. Stop focusing on how Patriot is making you feel, and focus on how Patriot feels. Drop the sense of entitlement (he hurt me, now I deserve the right to abuse him with my righteous anger), and focus on how YOU are making HIM feel.

If you want him to love you, you need to be lovable. Yep, there's that fear cropping up, that you aren't lovable. So, if that is the case, take a good hard look at you, and weed out those unlovable bits that are there, so there is room for alot of loveable stuff to grow! You are no longer a helpless child. You are a grown woman who can choose to be lovable.

The better he feels about you, the more in love, the more safe he feels, the better job he is going to be able to do in protecting and loving you. This is truely the secret to getting the love you crave Froz.

You both have new patterns to learn. The exciting thing is that you can do it together if you just give it a bit of patience and gentleness with yourselves.

Patriot, call Steve, call him today ~ because you guys truely need professional help. Steve won't go digging into childhood and history of why either of you are the way you are. He'll start giving both of you practical stuff to do that will change the atmosphere in your home really really quickly. Yes, it is expensive. Divorce is even more expensive. And I suspect if you guys can't sort this out, thats where you are headed. From what I have read here, I don't see a marriage that can't be saved. It would be a pity if you both missed out on what can be a great marriage.

Froz ~ Save the love languages conversations for a future discussion, until you have had the time to sort out for yourself, the difference between your true love language, and what is really your unhealthy anger and fear demanding what Patriot or any other human being can not give.
And Froz ~ the secret to being lovable, is to love yourself.

What can you do for yourself today that says "I love you!"?
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 12:53 PM

Call the 800 number listed in the counseling section that has a link on the home page.

If it's central standard time office hours someone will answer the phone and setup a coaching session for you. Glad you're considering this.

In your situation like mine where both people are willing to recover their marriage - Steve works wonders.

Hopefully he's not booked too far out. Have a spiral notebook and pencil handy to take notes.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 12:54 PM
And I have another question for you - how much are you like your mother, in how you are treating Patriot?

Nothing. I am not like her at all. I am really getting tired of this whole "angry" bit. I'm not angry. I know the difference between anger, frustration, and hurt. I can be emotional, sure. If he didn't want an emotional woman, perhaps he should have chosen someone more like my mother.

He paints me out to be some psycho-wife, who is mad, mad, mad. I'm not mad. I'm frustrated and confused. He makes it sound as though I am attacking him, while he is cowering in the corner. That is not the case. He neglected to give the entire picture of last night's events. I'm not going to sit here and "tattle", because it's pointless.

This is all insane. It really is. It's insane and I'm really tired of living it.

Give, give, give...that's the answer? Fine...I'll give some more. I wonder how much more I can give until I have nothing left. This has already taken so much from me, and everyone who knows me.

Your assessment about my relationship with my father makes sense. I never did feel as though he chose not to protect me, though. I always knew he couldn't. No one could win against my mother, including him...maybe especially him. I am not angry with him for it. I understand.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 12:55 PM
What can you do for yourself today that says "I love you!"?

Walk away and stop letting men treat me badly.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 04:03 PM
walk away?

ugh... Steve Harley can fix this? I'm calling the guy because I am failing so miserably that even I hate me.

Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 04:22 PM

I can't begin to describe to you the enormous relief when my husband and I handed our recovery over to Steve.

Best decision you'll ever make....the coaching is not painless, but far easier than trying to navigate the emotional minefield on your own.

We have been in recovery 3 1/2 years and we're doing sooo well. It's what I want for everyone on this forum. We practice today the skills we learned from SH's coaching. We arrived at a place where we can safely coach each other. We have the tools and we use them.

He'll also tell each of you when some personal recovery is needed.

In my case personal recovery took precedence at times. He taught me how to deal with anxiety that I never had experienced prior to d-day. Believe me, I use those skills to this day too.

It's a wonderful gift to give yourself and Froz - you will benefit individually and as a couple.
Dear Froz ~ You can walk away from Patriot, but unfortunately, you can't walk away from yourself. I know this sounds nuts, but you are the source of your pain.

Running from Patriot will not make you happy.

He paints me out to be some psycho-wife, who is mad, mad, mad. I'm not mad.

Ok, fine. You aren't mad.

But do you think that perhaps, from Patriot's point of view, that he experiences your reactions as angry?

Remember what I said about perception being reality?

I don't get the impression that Patriot is posting here about you with the intention of harming your good name or trying to get us on "his" side. I do get the impression that he is very frustrated and confused himself, because he is experiencing anger and stone walls from you, no matter how much he tries to placate you.

Do I think he is perfect? Do I think he is not making mistakes? Not at all. I think he misses the mark alot and could use Steve Harley's help in learning how to love you.


He just truely is as frustrated as you are. One thing is clear though Froz, this man loves you. The reasons you can not feel it has more to do with the hurt, broken parts of you that desperately needs healing, than it does with his failures.

Give, give, give...that's the answer? Fine...I'll give some more. I wonder how much more I can give until I have nothing left. This has already taken so much from me, and everyone who knows me.

I can relate to this feeling. I remember thinking that I could not give even one more little bit without completely utterly emptying myself. The problem I discovered, was with me. I gave to other people before I gave to myself. And I resented everyone else for not noticing and giving back to me in the same way.

When I saw other people taking care of themselves, I labeled it selfish and unloving.

I became very bitter, very resentful, and with every little "give" I became harder, colder and more angry.

My Taker was in charge of the giving.

Even though I was giving, I was giving with the expectation that I would get back everything in an exact fashion. I was "owed". Anything given to me that did not meet my exacting standards was angrily rejected as not good enough, and therefore, disregarded as not loving.

I had to get the Taker under control, learn to love myself, and learn to give without expectations.
Patriot ~ you both can not navigate this alone.

It's ok to ask for help. You truely need a professional here.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 05:43 PM
But do you think that perhaps, from Patriot's point of view, that he experiences your reactions as angry?

Yes, he does. He perceives any emotion other than utter bliss as angry. It's all he knows for himself, so why wouldn't he think that it was that way for everyone else? I have told him that I have more than just two emotions, but he doesn't seem to hear it.

I don't get the impression that Patriot is posting here about you with the intention of harming your good name or trying to get us on "his" side. I do get the impression that he is very frustrated and confused himself, because he is experiencing anger and stone walls from you, no matter how much he tries to placate you.

I didn't perceive that he was trying to ruin my good name. It bothers me more that he really does see things that way. I don't particularly see why he is frustrated and confused - unless he is confused about himself. I am no mystery. If he wants to know something about me, all he needs to do is ask.

I also don't see where he is trying to placate me. If he is doing that now, it's only after I am upset. I really don't like that that is the only time he makes an effort. I really would like to not be greased only when I squeak.

It would be nice if my needs were even a factor here, yet the only thing that seems to be focused on is what he needs.

So, if that is the way it needs to be it. I am in the process of negotiating with him exactly what it is I need to change about me to suit him.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 07:32 PM

Here is an important piece of information. Please pay attention.

I can not give you answer of how to specifically be because I do not want to do it without considering your needs.

I want to fill your needs to. I am dying to no longer make you unhappy. Don't you see that? I am trying to make you happy.

I can not tell you how to fill my needs without also addressing your needs. It is obviously not healthy to just tell you to do something without considering if you are fine with it.

You needs are the biggest factor here. If I didn't care about your needs, I wouldn't be here trying to figure out what to do. I also would not continue trying to discuss this situation at all.

Do you see that?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/23/05 10:15 PM
I don't like having these type of discussions here, but since seem to be addressing me specifically, I don't want to ignore you, either.

I can not give you answer of how to specifically be because I do not want to do it without considering your needs.

I see these as two separate issues, in that we don't need the same things. Today I asked you about your needs. If, in another conversation, you would like to address my needs, then please ask away. But, as I said, today I was inquiring about yours. If you can't give me a specific answer, it will be impossible for me to guess them.

I am dying to no longer make you unhappy. Don't you see that? I am trying to make you happy.

I'm very sorry, but no...I don't see that. Making me unhappy and making me happy are also two separate issues, I think. One would seem to fall in line with LB's and the other with EN's. I have been very honest about both, and told you which specific things make me happy and unhappy. Given that, it makes it pretty difficult to understand what you are doing.

It is obviously not healthy to just tell you to do something without considering if you are fine with it.

There is no way to know if I am fine with it unless you tell me.

You guys aren't negotiating. You guys are power-struggling.

There is a EN and LB questionnaire on the site...have you guys filled it out?

Patriot, did you call the Harley's?

Froz ~

I don't particularly see why he is frustrated and confused - unless he is confused about himself. I am no mystery. If he wants to know something about me, all he needs to do is ask.

If he is confused, then there is a problem, and it isn't necessarily a problem with him.

Froz, I'll try this again. 5 years ago, I could have written or said the exact same thing.

The truth was, that my needs, emotions, and feelings were communicated as lovebusters. I used selfish demands, disrespectful judgements and angry outbursts.

There is no way my husband could have suceeded.

I labeled all of it as Honesty and Openess. If my husband couldn't figure it out, well, then that was his problem and he needed to change.

Let me tell you Froz, the problem was ME. And that was because I was so empty, and so desperate, and so needy that there was NO WAY another human being could fill me up.

In some ways, my husband's affair was the best thing that ever happened. He took himself out of my life long enough that I had no choice but to look at ME and find that I had to rely on me for happiness FIRST before I was even capable of having my emotional needs met by another person.

There is no human being on the planet that can fix your pain, ease your hurts, make you feel safe, my dear, except for YOU.

I also don't see where he is trying to placate me. If he is doing that now, it's only after I am upset. I really don't like that that is the only time he makes an effort. I really would like to not be greased only when I squeak.

Your definition of an effort, or his?

It would be nice if my needs were even a factor here, yet the only thing that seems to be focused on is what he needs.

This is patently not true.

The difficulty is that you have a Taker running away out of control, and you are choosing to continue allowing this to happen, regardless of the harm you might be doing to your marriage.

You want this marriage on your terms and your terms only, with you in charge.

So, if that is the way it needs to be it. I am in the process of negotiating with him exactly what it is I need to change about me to suit him.

For a woman who is not angry, your tone, and words, sure do communicate something entirely the opposite.

Froz ~ honestly, we were getting somewhere together, you and I. And then you shut down very hard. Your fear is running the show right now.

Choices based on fear, never seem to result in the outcome we desire. I'm standing here waving a red flag at you hun.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 01:10 AM

This thread is helping so many including me.

I just wish I had Bramble when I was at the stage you are now. You just might not be ready to hear what she's saying.

Where are you guys on coaching with SH? This marriage recovery business is tricky...I think I've said this before, but it's a composite of marriage and personal recovery.

Steve's first rule to me was "DO NO HARM"; meaning no LBs. So if nothing else, can you focus on no LBs? It's the bare minimum. And Patriot, can you take the initiative to call SH?

It will go a long way to helping Froz if she's where I think she is.

We'll wait patiently.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 02:06 AM
Well, don't give up on me yet.

There is no human being on the planet that can fix your pain, ease your hurts, make you feel safe, my dear, except for YOU.

Extending that this statement is true, how? If it's true, then I honestly don't know how. If I am hurting myself, it can't be just me. He is also hurting me. I am pretty sure I'm not imagining it.

Let me tell you Froz, the problem was ME. And that was because I was so empty, and so desperate, and so needy that there was NO WAY another human being could fill me up.

Then why was I so happy before the A?

Your definition of an effort, or his?

Mine. I thought you said I had a right to have my needs met in my language. I meant that he only does the things I mention (long before I ever mention them in an LB fashion, or however he perceives it). The truth is...I don't really care much for being manipulative. I ask nicely over and over again. He then LB's, taking away my safety, and only then do I get frustrated and bring it up in what he perceives as an angry fashion.

I'm telling you...this guy only sees two emotions..."regular and angry". He has told me this before. I have more than two. I have about 999,999,999. What he saw as anger last night was fear and pain. Why am I the one who must change everything about who I am? I'm not the one who was running around mindlessly causing everyone in my life destruction for my own selfish purposes.

I make a mistake, and suddenly it seems catastrophic. He makes a mistake and it's perceived as him needing room to grow. Why is it that he can't make it safe for me to change? I do feel the need to protect myself. He hurt me deeply, and continues to hurt me, regardless of what I tell him I need to feel safe. The things I have told him are not unreasonable expectations. They are not so completely narrow that there is no way he can possibly meet them.

This is patently not true.

It seems pretty true to me. Even in his above post (quoted below), his primary concern is getting his needs met.

I am going to redo the EN question thing again. I need to, as I have read HNHN and discovered possibilities of new more important needs. This will be done in 2 days and given to froz.


I am 99% sure that me going to college is not fine with her and that I am being selfish.

Yesterday he said that. Tonight he started school.

You want this marriage on your terms and your terms only, with you in charge.

I don't want to be in charge. I'm just tired of continuously giving while he continuously takes. I'm also tired of being hurt. I'm tired of being least important.

For a woman who is not angry, your tone, and words, sure do communicate something entirely the opposite.

It's frustration.

Froz ~ honestly, we were getting somewhere together, you and I. And then you shut down very hard. Your fear is running the show right now.

Sorry to disappoint you. I really am. I shut down because I am scared. Are you really telling me I should dive right in and give him whatever it is that he wants, regardless of whether or not I feel safe to proceed? I'm not making a choice. I'm just sitting here waiting to see what happens next.

Last night was horrible. Things spiraled way out of control. I tried to tell him numerous times that I didn't want to talk anymore. He continued to talk anyway. We were in the car. When we arrived home, I tried to get out of the car and he grabbed me. He has this not-so-safe way of manhandling me when he is angry (since D-Day). When he got out of the car, I locked all the doors so he couldn't get back in. It was very scary and quite a flashback from my past. I don't feel safe to have any emotion right now, so I am keeping them all in check.
Last night was horrible. Things spiraled way out of control. I tried to tell him numerous times that I didn't want to talk anymore. He continued to talk anyway. We were in the car. When we arrived home, I tried to get out of the car and he grabbed me. He has this not-so-safe way of manhandling me when he is angry (since D-Day). When he got out of the car, I locked all the doors so he couldn't get back in. It was very scary and quite a flashback from my past. I don't feel safe to have any emotion right now, so I am keeping them all in check.
Froz, I have sat back and watched this thread (and learned a lot thanks BR). I think you need to print out this thread and process this conversation with BR carefully. You and Pat give the R talks a break for few days while you process what you are learning. In the meantime, have you checked out the book Safe Haven Marriage ? If not, see if you can get a copy. It may make you flinch at times, I know it did me but every time I go back to it I learn something new about myself. Reading here does that for me as well. I just learned something big for me today thanks to Susan's perspective on my interactions with my H. See I thought it was HIM but it was ME!

No one is saying your hurt is not real BTW. {{Froz}}
Froz, when I read this quote in a book I am studying tonight I thought of you. It is from a book called Brave Hearts by Sharon Hersh
When we live with an urgency to take control of people and situations with a demand for "how things ought to be", we cannot be present in the moment. When our life's work is in the improvement of others and the world around us, we cannot enjoy what we are in the midst of. Extravagant love involves us learning how to live well in the midst of chaos, disappointments and miscues.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 06:23 AM

Thank you for sharing that with me.
BR: There is no human being on the planet that can fix your pain, ease your hurts, make you feel safe, my dear, except for YOU.

Extending that this statement is true, how? If it's true, then I honestly don't know how. If I am hurting myself, it can't be just me. He is also hurting me. I am pretty sure I'm not imagining it.

I am certainly not saying that Patriot isn't hurting you or that you are imagining it. As FF said, your hurt is very real. The problem, as I see it, is that you are waiting for Patriot to change so that you can be happy. And when he doesn't change to your liking, you are hurt. You set yourself up for this misery.

Froz, let me remind you, I'm married to an active alcoholic. For the most part, I'm pretty happy. My husband did not change to make me happy. I changed me, my attitudes, my behaviors, because those were the things that I could control. As long as I stayed stuck, victimized, attempting to get my husband to change to make me happy, I was miserable.

BR: Let me tell you Froz, the problem was ME. And that was because I was so empty, and so desperate, and so needy that there was NO WAY another human being could fill me up.

Then why was I so happy before the A?

Really? So Patriot was meeting all of your needs and was the husband you needed before the affair? He understood your emotions, met your needs, never lovebusted....everything was great? So why arent you telling him to be that pre-A husband?

I think that your happiness before the A was more about denial than it was about reality.

BR: Your definition of an effort, or his?

Froz: Mine.

I'm sorry to say then, that to say that he makes no effort is a disrespectful judgement. I believe he IS making efforts. He just isn't hitting the target with the effort. This is why you both need to talk to Steve Harley.

I thought you said I had a right to have my needs met in my language.

You do. I did not say you had the right to demand that Patriot change to make you happy. I did not say you have the right to selfishingly demand your needs and judge Patriot when he fails.

Froz ~ you deserve to be loved the way you need to be loved. This does not turn into: ...therefore you have the right to demand that someone else change to make you feel that love.

Loving you is Patriot's choice.

I meant that he only does the things I mention (long before I ever mention them in an LB fashion, or however he perceives it). The truth is...I don't really care much for being manipulative. I ask nicely over and over again.

A selfish demand is still a selfish demand, even if you say Please first.

I can tell you that it took a long time for my husband to get things right. It was a new pattern, and he didn't think like me or have my needs. I had to stop judging him, stop deciding that I understood his motives, I had to stop making everything he did about me.

He then LB's, taking away my safety, and only then do I get frustrated and bring it up in what he perceives as an angry fashion.

Don't we tell our children that 2 wrongs don't make a "right"?

Neither do 2 lovebusters.

I'm telling you...this guy only sees two emotions..."regular and angry".

That could be. So what? It doesn't make what you are doing ok!

He has told me this before. I have more than two. I have about 999,999,999.

So do you think that maybe, not understanding a myriad of emotions, might make him clumsy, hesitant to approach you, and probably not willing to try, for fear of yet again getting it wrong and having you hurt more, and/or LB him?

What he saw as anger last night was fear and pain.

I'm sure he did. But I bet he also saw anger. Your posts are very angry.

Why am I the one who must change everything about who I am? I'm not the one who was running around mindlessly causing everyone in my life destruction for my own selfish purposes.

This is your Taker talking and running the show.

I am sure there are a lot of things Patriot can change.

I am not talking to Patriot. I'm talking to you.

Do you want to be right? Or do you want to be happy?

Your behavior is destructive to you. Thats why I am prodding you to change.

If you feel that there is nothing wrong with you, then I simply keep my mouth closed, and you can go back to demanding bread and milk from a hardware store. It didn't work from you in the past....maybe it will work this time?

If what you are doing is working for you, by all means, don't change. Keep selfishly demanding that Patriot change, and when he does, judge him selfish and unloving.

Froz: Even in his above post (quoted below), his primary concern is getting his needs met.

Patriot: I am going to redo the EN question thing again. I need to, as I have read HNHN and discovered possibilities of new more important needs. This will be done in 2 days and given to froz.


I 'm just shaking my head hun.

Your husband has written hundreds of things on this thread. Most of them about you.

You zeroed in on one thing he said about himself?

YOUR JOB in recovery is to not love bust and fill needs for HIM. His job is to tell you what he needs. He's doing his part. Yes, he has to do the same for you. But that doesn't mean that he has to get yours right before he gets his!!

Have you forgotten that you are a team and he gets to have his needs filled too, regardless of past transgression?

Recovery is not about what is just and fair.

The BS must drop the sense of victimization and entitlement for recovery to work.

You are tired of being his parent?

Then stop.

Thats totally in your control.

Froz ~ you do want to be in charge. You are angry. You are self-righteous in victimization, expecting Patriot to change to meet your exacting standards so you can be happy.

Froz ~ what would you do, if Patriot suddenly did everything right for you?

I think that idea terrifies you. It did terrify me. Remember how I told you that emotionally unavailable men were safe?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 12:30 PM
Really? So Patriot was meeting all of your needs and was the husband you needed before the affair? He understood your emotions, met your needs, never lovebusted....everything was great? So why arent you telling him to be that pre-A husband?

Because, obviously, it wasn't real.

I think that your happiness before the A was more about denial than it was about reality.

Interesting...this is now a failing of mine? Funny, I was doing then what everyone is telling me to do now...accepting what he says as truth.

Froz ~ you deserve to be loved the way you need to be loved. This does not turn into: ...therefore you have the right to demand that someone else change to make you feel that love.

This is not meant to sound contrite, but how is it exactly that I'm demanding? I'm not ordering him to do anything. I've simply told him what I need. Granted, I'm not happy that I'm not getting it, but I really don't see where it is that I am punishing him. I really don't understand how it is that I'm supposed to be happy in this relationship when my needs are not being met.

That could be. So what? It doesn't make what you are doing ok!

I'm very confused. Since when is being emotional a LB?

So do you think that maybe, not understanding a myriad of emotions, might make him clumsy, hesitant to approach you, and probably not willing to try, for fear of yet again getting it wrong and having you hurt more, and/or LB him?

Yes. I do that that might make him clumsy, etc...but, by the same token, does he not think that disregarding how I feel might make me emotional? What's the difference? Why am I the one expected to change? The truth is, I can't change the fact that I'm emotional any more than he can change the fact that he isn't. Wouldn't it just be easier for him to understand that ALL my emotion isn't anger...much the same way I am expected to understand that he doesn't necessarily mean to hurt me?

Do you want to be right? Or do you want to be happy?

I want to be happy. If I could understand how it is that just accepting whatever he does to hurt me is supposed to make me happy, I would.

If you feel that there is nothing wrong with you, then I simply keep my mouth closed, and you can go back to demanding bread and milk from a hardware store. It didn't work from you in the past....maybe it will work this time?

I have no desire for you to keep your mouth closed. You have said nothing that has offended me. What you are reading as anger isn't anger. It's frustration. Frustration at the fact that I don't understand. Frustration at the fact that he seems to be allowed to behave in whatever manner he chooses and I'm supposed to be all-forgiving and all-understanding.

What is the difference in you telling me that I am participating in behaviors that are hurting him and me or anyone else telling Patriot that he is hurting me? Yes, I'm frustrated!

The BS must drop the sense of victimization and entitlement for recovery to work.

This makes sense. I wish I knew how to stop feeling that way.

YOUR JOB in recovery is to not love bust and fill needs for HIM. His job is to tell you what he needs. He's doing his part. Yes, he has to do the same for you. But that doesn't mean that he has to get yours right before he gets his!!

I really do try not to LB him. Sometimes my emotions get in the way. I realize he doesn't necessarily have to get mine right first. I really hope you don't assume that I just sit here day after day, bashing him and giving nothing. That just isn't true.

Every day I put forth my best effort. Some days I am more successful than others - just like him. Every day I get up at the crack of dawn so I can make him his coffee and his breakfast and lunch. I try to be considerate of him. I run his errands for him and try to do them in the manner that he likes. Even in the midst of all of this, I called him yesterday to tell him to have a good first day of school. I am trying to meet his needs. I really am. I will admit that I do find it difficult to praise him when he is hurting me so much. During those times, I try to keep my mouth shut. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Most often it does, until he prods me. During those times, I find it difficult to lie about how I feel. That's all this is. It's not a case of me verbally attacking him at every available opportunity. However, if he asks me, I'm not going to lie about how I feel.

Froz ~ you do want to be in charge. You are angry. You are self-righteous in victimization, expecting Patriot to change to meet your exacting standards so you can be happy

I'm not angry. I'm hurt and sad and frustrated. I'm drained empty. I don't want to be in charge. I just want to be my language. I don't want to be told that love is not considering the other person. If he knows that's the case, then I want him to stop, much the same way I am being told to stop being so emotional towards him because he perceives that as not feeling safe or being loved.

If I ever had "charge" (which I didn't), then fine...I relinquish it. I am no longer in charge. I never actually though I was, anyway.

So condsidering that I am now beat down and willing to start from scratch...what is it that I'm supposed to do?

I'm sorry to keep making you shake your head. I'm sorry that I'm so clueless. I really am not trying to argue with you. I'm simply trying to understand.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 12:36 PM
Froz ~ what would you do, if Patriot suddenly did everything right for you?

I've been thinking about this one...

I would never expect him to do everything right. I never have. It is only when he does something that hurts me to my core that I react so strongly. It is often things I have told him before hurt me deeply, yet he often continues to repeat them.

I'm so confused.

I have done everything I know, and even tried some things I didn't know.

I have tried praising him.

I have tried focusing more on the good than the bad.

I have made lists and lists for him of "Things he has done right"...

I have even posted here about them.

I have been loving. I have been patient. I have continued to be kind, regardless of the mistakes that he has made.

I just want to know when...when is he going to stop hurting me?????

And, if I don't tell him it hurts, how is he supposed to know? Perhaps, from now on I will not tell him something hurts me in person. Maybe I will write him a letter. I'm very expressive in language and in body language. Perhaps that expressiveness is what he sees as emotional and attacking.

I really don't know what to do.

Something tells me today is going to be very long, and very lonely.
Froz, Are you and Pat spending any time together just having fun? No R talks just recreational time like Harley recommends? I know other obligations get in the way but this is a must. (straight from the mouth of the woman that has yet to accomplish this, LOL) I see so clearly that you two need some "off" time together to enjoy each other and heal.
Posted By: hrt1 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 03:07 PM
I was referred to you from someone else because your story is really similar to mine.
I'm 26, and just found out my fiancee cheated on me with my sister. He keeps saying he loves me with all of his heart, but all I am hearing is "I love you NOW, but I didn't then." Since I've been with him I've never truly felt loved. But I also know my expectations from him are pretty high.
We were suppsed to be married November 5th. That's obviously been called off. He says he still wants to get married and that he wants to spend the rest of his life trying to make it up to me. I love him, but I'm not sure if I love him enough to forgive him for sleeping with my sister.
From what I have read, you sound a lot like me. Any advice would be wonderful.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 03:17 PM
Wow Hrt1,

That's a painful story you tell. What's the relationship with your sister like now?
Posted By: Mulan Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 03:37 PM
Froz, I do not understand either why you are getting so much blame for what it wrong here. BR, I am listening to you too, but I don't get it.

I also got "manhandled" the other night and it was not to provide any comfort or understanding -- it was to Shut Me Up. I suspect yours was for the same reason.

I follow your posts because your situation is much like mine.
Posted By: hrt1 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 03:41 PM
I haven't talked to her since I found out on August 1st. She hasn't tried to contact me to explain, apologize or anything.
Posted By: ba109 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 05:19 PM

I read your posts and I see so many statements like:

He hurts me...
He continues to hurt me...
I just want to know when...when is he going to stop hurting me?????

His actions may not be to your liking but, I just can't imagine that his actions are done with the intention of wanting you to feel hurt.

You are the owner of your feelings. Granted, his actions can have an influence on your feelings but statements like those above infer that you are placing the responsibilty for your feelings in his hands.

Maybe it's all semantics but, he cannot 'make' you feel safe. He cannot 'make' you feel happy. He cannot 'make' feel anything. He can only contribute a positive or negative influence for you to process into happiness, anger, hurt, frustration, etc.

It is often things I have told him before hurt me deeply, yet he often continues to repeat them.

I can understand your frustration with this. At what point to you begin to consider removing yourself from what is seemingly a continually unsafe and painful atmosphere?

It's all together possible that patriot simply cannot change himself and his actions to the extent that would create an atomosphere where you would be able to feel 'completely' safe and unhurt.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 05:50 PM
I'm really getting so many mixed messages.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, and if for some reason it's perceived that way...please forgive me. I ask questions because I'm desperately trying to understand.

His actions may not be to your liking but, I just can't imagine that his actions are done with the intention of wanting you to feel hurt.

You are the owner of your feelings. Granted, his actions can have an influence on your feelings but statements like those above infer that you are placing the responsibilty for your feelings in his hands.

Maybe it's all semantics but, he cannot 'make' you feel safe. He cannot 'make' you feel happy. He cannot 'make' feel anything. He can only contribute a positive or negative influence for you to process into happiness, anger, hurt, frustration, etc.

By that logic, then isn't he also the owner of his feelings? Isn't the responsibility of his feelings being placed in my hands, simply because he perceives my emotionalism as "unsafe", and therefore threatening? So, I am being told I must change these things.

I do not have the intention of trying to hurt him, either.

I'm not resisting just for the sake of resisting change. I don't know if I can change who I am. I may be able to change aspects of myself, but changing my whole being to suit him is not something I am sure I can do.

Why do I need to change to make him feel safe?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 05:53 PM
Froz, Are you and Pat spending any time together just having fun? No R talks just recreational time like Harley recommends?

No, FF, we haven't. We have both contributed to that factor. He's been busy with work and school, and I've been busy responding to all of you (just kidding).

I've been kind of sick, and really, really tired. I haven't had much energy for anything recreational.

I'll make it a priority if you think it will help.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 05:56 PM

I am sorry for your situation. I know how painful and disappointing that is.

I just wanted you to know I am really thinking about your question. Give me just a bit to really ponder this. I would really like to share with you what I would do differently, of given the opportunity.

I'll get right on that.
Froz, I think you need to time to really process all you have learned so far. Maybe others would disagree but sometimes I hide from my pain or from really working on myself by posting here. (thanks Susan) I also believe Froz that you are lacking joy. Where can you find some joy with Pat?

Pat, question for you. Is is really necessary for you to be in school right now? What would happen if you put if off and spent that time with Froz? Think hard (this is not meant to be a DJ) where your priorities truly are right now.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 07:28 PM

Just out of curiousity, what makes you think I am lacking joy? (not denying that I am)
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 07:29 PM
Maybe I shouldn't have asked that. Patriot says that I over-analyze everything and that I ask too many questions. Maybe it is something I need to work on...I don't know. I just find people's thoughts and ideas and their origin very interesting.
Just out of curiousity, what makes you think I am lacking joy? (not denying that I am)
It was an assumption on my part because of the way you post. I don't see joy in you, I see fear.
This first point is being addressed because it’s important, but not because it has anything to do with the current bump (as I understand it).

Patriot - It's improper and insulting (not going to take it further than that for now) to use any physical means to restrain, control or otherwise prevent another person from moving about freely unless they are in real, imminent danger or they present a danger to others. Grabbing Froz to keep her in the car with you is completely unacceptable unless she's diving out into oncoming traffic. In which case, you should pull over and stop the car so that she can exit safely. Bottom line - If Froz doesn't want to be in a particular place at a particular time that is her decision to make. Do you get me? Select one: ___Yes ___No.

Froz - same goes. Just in case there's any question. For instance, no standing in Pat's way if he is trying to leave the room. Let him leave. Got it?

Both of you – It’s sometimes inconvenient and usually not much fun to let someone else leave when you are fighting or unhappy or uncomfortable or just wanting to get away. Leaving an uncomfortable situation is ALWAYS an option and always should be, but that said, the action of leaving a discussion also has consequences and that is something you both need to remember.

The rest is more topical (albeit philosophical) and not intended to garner a response here on the boards.

Pat? Froz? Does giving or getting forgiveness require an apology? Think about this for a minute. Discuss among yourselves. Read on.

Apologies are interesting things. Some people think that apologies, even the most sincere ones, are merely tools for manipulation ex: If I apologize now, I will get what I want in the end or more frequent, if I apologize now, then everything will be smoothed over and we’ll have peace. Or it’s a way to get the hurt party to shut up ex: If I say “Sorry” then s/he can’t keep being so vocal about being hurt. “I said I was sorry. What more do you want from me?” “I’m sorry any of this ever happened can we please stop talking about it now.”

People will often apologize without actually admitting fault or responsibility. They insult the intended recipient or even blame the intended recipient for the problem in the first place. Ex: “I’m sorry you feel that way.” or “I’m sorry I ran over your dog and killed him but if you hadn’t let your dog out to play in the yard in the first place, I never could have hurt him when I lost control of my vehicle and drove off the road and onto your property.”

Some people think that receiving an apology means that the problem should never happen again. “If you are really sorry, you will never do this [to me] again.” Some people think that an apology should be part of making up for the past wrong. “You said you were sorry for running over my dog but you didn’t offer to fix the fence or replace my dog, not that you ever could replace my dog…”

There are still other people that don’t believe that it is necessary to apologize directly to people for the wrongs we do to them – near them. We can or should only ask forgiveness from God, the universe, whatever… (To these people who read this now and want to discuss this outside of Pat and Froz’s situation, I would say please try for the sake of growth and progress, let’s not have that discussion here, but instead take it to another thread?)

If you’ve ever felt wronged, ask yourselves. How would I want the apology to be presented to me? What do I hope to gain from an apology? What am I willing to give if I get the apology I want? What if I never get the apology? Or what if it doesn’t meet my definition of a true apology? Then what?

Well, then there’s this idea…

What if what we really seek from ourselves and others is improvement?

We all have faults. The faults we have cause us and others to suffer in many different ways. The suffering we feel is painful. It limits us. We don’t feel free to be ourselves. So when we’re suffering, we want change in the situation, other people, ourselves... we want improvement. We want to feel free and easy again.

How are we supposed to make things better when we’ve f***ed up?

We start by regretting what we did wrong. And that doesn’t mean the same thing as feeling guilty by the way! What’s the difference? Glad you asked. Guilt is being preoccupied with knowing you did something wrong. It’s that sinking feeling that you’ve done something you think is so bad that you can’t fix it and you don’t know how you’ll ever redeem yourself. Regret is when you feel like you missed out, you’re disappointed, or you feel like you lost something or long for something. It’s when you feel like you missed an opportunity and now that opportunity is gone forever. We start by feeling like – MAN! I wish I had done that differently!

Next, talk about it. Say it out loud! Yes, it’s important. Vocalization is power. We process and learn from the act of talking in ways we can’t when we internalize. Don’t things and thinks sound very different out loud from what we have in our heads? Maybe you talk to yourself. Maybe you talk to God. Maybe you talk to the person you’ve wronged…. Maybe you talk to someone else, a friend, a stranger, a counselor, a priest, a dog, a horse. That choice is up to you. It’s the actual verbalization that is key.

We make a resolution for the future. This is deciding on a course of action. We put plans in place so that we don’t keep repeating the same mistakes again and again. Resolution = determination = decision. When you really decide you want things to be different – BETTER, you start making changes to achieve that goal and maintain it. Think of your resolution for the future as part of your personal training program. You’re training yourself to be a better person and have a better life for you and everyone around you.

The last ingredient is for us to leave what went before in the past and face forward. It means we leave all of what was negative behind. We stop dwelling on the wrongs we’ve done and the wrongs of others. This is a combination of thought and action. We stop all the head-spinning, stop bringing up the past in new arguments and get rid of physical reminders that keep us rooted in the past bad behaviors and problems. It means avoiding activities (and people) that bring us back to the negative crap we’re trying to get rid of.

So in not one of these steps is there a need for an “I’m sorry” statement. But if we all took these steps, wouldn’t life start getting better? And when life starts getting better and we start to feel good, won’t that change our perceptions? And isn’t that really forgiveness? A change of thought? A change from feeling trapped and suffering to feeling peaceful and free?

Now would probably be a good time for a coffee break. Or a pop. Or a salty snack. There’s more…

Pat and Froz, last week (and really all the weeks leading up to last week) you both had a realization that the past mistakes you’ve both made weren’t WHO you are. The mistakes aren’t you, just poor perception or bad judgment. You decided not to make those mistakes again because they don’t define you.

Last week you both returned to your marriage with excitement and dreams for the future and plans to start making those dreams reality. You both took time to rethink, refresh and regain your hope in each other, yourselves, your marriage and life in general.

Recently someone posted a question on the board asking something like what would you do if you weren’t afraid?

I’ll ask these corollaries too:

If you knew you couldn’t go wrong – what would you say to each other?

If you knew you couldn’t fail – what would you attempt to achieve?

What new dreams have you identified for yourselves individually? For your marriage?

How are you pursuing your new dreams now?

You hit a bump and you got bogged down. You’ve both spent almost a week being unhappy with a situation that has passed. It can’t be taken back. You have no choice other than going forward but you’re BOTH stalling. Why?

BECAUSE – the answer to why is always because… right?

Because it’s easier. Because it’s what feels normal now. You’ve gotten accustomed to being upset with each other. Being upset gives you something too. It gives you excuses for why your life isn’t more fulfilling. It gives you shelter from the unknown – you can’t always say what will make you happy with each other but you sure know what makes you unhappy. It’s funny how it seems easier to do what you know, fall back into old patterns and ways of being because they are familiar… even when you know it’s all going to suck later.

But even while you’re stalled, you’re both still trying. You’re both still progressing. You both refuse to give up. What’s the difference between the marriages that enter recovery and make it and the marriages that don’t? It’s not that one marriage has people who make mistakes and another has people who are perfect. Ha! It’s that in a successful marriage, we realize we make mistakes and refuse to give up while in the un-recovered relationships, one or both people give up after making mistakes.

The very fact that you are trying to change has value. Do yourselves a favor and skip the paralyzing guilt and blame. Try to focus on where you’re missing the mark. Where are your desires leading you? Where are you rebelling? This is all really lack of honest self-expression. Confront your fear of rejection. What are you afraid of anyway? That she’ll stop loving you Pat? That he’ll stop loving you Froz?

Take responsibility for your own actions (not the each other’s) and keep moving forward. Last week you were willing to tackle the hard stuff. You knew you had a lot of reality to confront. Find some more of that willingness tonight. You have so much more to learn and experience and until you start moving forward you’re just going to spend your time on the same s**t today, tomorrow, the day after, the day after that…

So you’re saying but I should be afraid. OK, some fear is healthy. But there’s a difference in how you use that fear in your lives. One way is to use the fear to return to unhappy activities, dangerous pursuits and fighting. Well duh! All that stuff produces adrenalin and that actually makes us feel good physically, even if only for a brief time. Emotionally we wind up heartsick but we like the familiar feel of the adrenalin and we know exactly which negative behaviors will get us there and we don’t always know which positive ones will… But negative is still negative.

The other way to use that fear is to say – I’m afraid that I’ll miss out on my chance for a happy life with you. I don’t want to miss out. You guys… You’re both missing out on each other. You’re never going to get the past back. You’re never going to get another opportunity to re-live the events of the weekend and make them better. You only get the opportunity to make yourselves and your lives better from this moment forward. You should be afraid of that. You should be afraid that you’re not using your opportunities wisely and to the fullest! Face that fear and embrace it.

Don’t miss out on each other any more today.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 09:54 PM

What a wonderful, inspiring, focus-driven post!

Time prevents me from responding properly. We will discuss this between the two of us and be back to answer your questions later.

Posted By: ba109 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/24/05 11:50 PM
I'm not resisting just for the sake of resisting change. I don't know if I can change who I am. I may be able to change aspects of myself, but changing my whole being to suit him is not something I am sure I can do.

Why do I need to change to make him feel safe?

Print this and post it on your refrigerator. Insert HIM/HER that way it can apply to patriot too. Each of you read it outloud to yourself every day and then ask yourself if you've made any progress in the restoration of your marriage.
Posted By: tqt Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/25/05 12:42 AM
I wrote the following last night, and decided not to post it. I wasn't comfortable with what turned out to be a "Pep Rally Post," because when reading it over, it seemed to be overly simplistic, and unappreciative of the tough times you both are going through.

But since it's still sitting here, WTH... if for no other reason than to know I wish you both well.


Maybe you two need to miss each other.

I said to my WW, as we were supposedly "recovering" (we weren't; unbeknownst to me at that time, she was still involved in the A)....

"We're THIS close..."

And I pinched my thumb and index finger together...and I felt we WERE that close... to connecting, and
moving forward. And even though she was in a huge amount of turmoil at the time, I think she KNEW that we were JUST that...

"THIS close..."

So, I think about you guys, who seem to be much, much CLOSER...

and it PAINS me to see this day after day after day.

I know this is all extremely complicated. I know the FRUSTRATION is HUGE on both sides.

Patriot, consider this:

1) you're married to a woman who has yelled to The World that she loves you, and is committed to making your M work.
2) you're married to a woman who is willing to "spill her guts" for you.
3) you're married to a woman who is strong, intelligent, and to top it all off... as you've said... beautiful.

Consider all of the above a gift! None of the above should be taken for granted... you're a lucky man!


1) you're married to a man who has yelled to The World that he loves you, and is committed to making your M work.
2) you're married to a man who has resolved to do whatever it takes to make you happy.
3) you're married to a man that's strong, intelligent, and I have no clue what he looks like (that's the requisite humor for the post <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />)

Consider all of the above a gift! None of the above should be taken for granted... you're a lucky woman!

Or, you can both go on the way you are, slowly but surely replacing all those gifts with more and more doubt, and resentment, and then maybe, eventually, start to manufacture in your own heads how life on the other side of the fence must be so much better...

Appreciate what you have in each other. Concentrate on the good! And knowing you're both committed to each other and to a healthy, happy partnership... have some fun, relax a little, take a step back and take a deep breath, and know that in time you will conquer these things.

Remember that life ain't perfect, we ain't perfect, and neither are our chosen partners! Never!

Accept the fact that there may be skeletons in the closet (as we all have), and baggage to cart around (as we all have), and lots of faults and hangups and fears and insecurities... (as regular-old-normal humans, we all have).

See the good in each other, and forgive the not-as-good-as-you'd-like (and do the same for yourselves!) -- that's what loving someone means.

Once you do that, then... over time, helping each other to unload some of the baggage could be a very rewarding experience.

Froz, a few weeks ago I wrote something to you about humility... maybe the above ramble is what I was thinking.

At any I said, maybe you two need to miss each other.
Maybe then you'd realize what you have.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/25/05 02:55 AM

I wrote the following last night, and decided not to post it.

I'm so glad you did, tqt. I often find your responses helpful. This one has been no exception.


1) you're married to a man who has yelled to The World that he loves you, and is committed to making your M work.
2) you're married to a man who has resolved to do whatever it takes to make you happy.
3) you're married to a man that's strong, intelligent, and I have no clue what he looks like.

1) I'm very grateful for that. I'm very grateful that he has never given up on me, or on our M. He has remained steadfast - no matter what. I am very grateful for that.
2) I'm grateful for his resolve.
3) I'll tell you what he looks like from my eyes. To me, he is physically perfect. He sets the standard for all others and no one could possibly measure up. He is a much harsher critic, though.

He has soft, very bright blue eyes that smile when he smiles. They light up his whole face. He has so many qualities about him that are so masculine - his jaw, his hands, his voice.

His voice is so comforting that I've made him promise that if I am ever comatose to continually talk to me in the voice he uses. He can talk me out of any nightmare or panic attack, simply because his voice has such a calming effect for me.

He is bald - the kind of bald where he was getting there and said "to heck with it" and just shaved his head. I love it. It completely suits him and makes him look tough. It makes a nice contrast with his soft eyes and gentle voice.

He is tall. He is strong, and he has a very kind way about him. He is very compassionate. Some of those may not be physical attributes, but they all play a part in how he looks through my eyes. He is beautiful. I tell him every day.

I hope I haven't embarrassed him. (I just POJA'd with him just in case, and was given free reign to describe away).
Did I mention he has a beautiful smile that warms my heart?

have some fun, relax a little, take a step back and take a deep breath, and know that in time you will conquer these things.

Some of that is definitely in order.

See the good in each other, and forgive the not-as-good-as-you'd-like (and do the same for yourselves!) -- that's what loving someone means.

What wonderful advice, and very well put. I think I'll put that on my refrigerator.

Froz, a few weeks ago I wrote something to you about humility... maybe the above ramble is what I was thinking.

Yes, I remember.

At any I said, maybe you two need to miss each other.
Maybe then you'd realize what you have.

I will remind myself while he's still here, rather than wait until he is gone. I don't want to miss him.

Thanks for sharing that, tqt. It was a lovely reminder.


BR: Really? So Patriot was meeting all of your needs and was the husband you needed before the affair? He understood your emotions, met your needs, never lovebusted....everything was great? So why arent you telling him to be that pre-A husband?

Froz: Because, obviously, it wasn't real.

Did he meet your needs pre-A? Did you feel loved by him pre-A? Why was that not real?

BR: I think that your happiness before the A was more about denial than it was about reality.

Froz: Interesting...this is now a failing of mine?


Froz, this is not about judging you. I am trying to get you to look at you very closely. Either Patriot was a great husband (maybe he was, I don't know!) or there were alot of problems with Patriot that you ignored.

And if you ignored those problems, then yes, denial is a good word.

This is not assigning blame. This is simply looking at what-is, and who you are in your relationship, and who you are as a person.

Why you?

Because you are the one I am talking to. I am not talking to Patriot and about his part of your marriage. I am talking to you. And honestly, for my purposes, Patriot could be a poisonous purple headed bullfrog with giant warts. So what?

Focusing on what kind of husband he is, will not help you even one iota. You can't control him or fix him or change him. He is who he is.

Focusing on how you can be a better wife IS something that can help you. You can control you, fix you, change you. And those changes will AID your marital recovery if you choose it, or aid your life after Patriot.

Froz hun, I am in recovery. I will be celebrating my 15th wedding anniversary on Sept 15. I know how I got to the recovery that I have, and I have been where you are. I know that your recovery doesn't stand a chance if you don't do some growing and changing. Even if it turns out that Patriot is really a selfish evil jerk with nasty long horns, and that you truely have been the innocent victim, I know that you will need the same exact growth and change in order to survive this and find happiness post-divorce either alone or with someone else. My point earlier in this thread, was that maybe part of the problem in your relationships, was YOU. And that part of that symptom was your choice in men.

Those issues must be addressed Froz, whether you leave Patriot or not. Obviously, you can choose to ignore those issues and hope for better 'luck'.

Or you can stand up and take responsibility for your life, your happiness and your choices.

The whole point Froz, is to identify YOUR patterns. Your patterns have contributed to the state of your marriage. I can point you at those things. I am not going to sit here and sympathize with how mean and evil Patriot is.

I know for a fact that it took my FWS husband well over a year before some of his patterns settled down to where I felt safe. Well after he moved back home and started working at recovery, he still did things that hurt me. It was never so simple as my listing my needs directly and then he marching along following instructions. I know that I hindered his progress in learning to love me with my lovebusters.

By focusing on MY responsiblities in our marriage, I got what I wanted and needed faster.

I know that when my husband, to this day, ticks me off, that I have to look at my behavior first, before looking at his. I know that if my focus is always on him, what he is doing or not doing, or what he should be doing, or what I want him to do....that NOTHING will happen.

Now going back to the denial comment...

Funny, I was doing then what everyone is telling me to do now...accepting what he says as truth.

Who is "everyone'? Not I. Do I sometimes disagree with your disrespectful interpretation of his behavior? Yes.

I really don't understand how it is that I'm supposed to be happy in this relationship when my needs are not being met.

I am happy in my marriage. My needs are not met.

My husband's primary relationship is with alcohol. I can not have the intimate relationship with him that I would like to have. But I have learned to accept him as he is, and be grateful for what he can give me. No, I'm not scraping at crumbs...I've just stopped playing Poor Me. I've chosen this marriage, and so I take repsonsiblity for my part in it. I changed ME, Froz, and those changes completely utterly changed my life and my happiness for the better.

If I had waited for my husband to 'get it' after my direct, simple ENs-for-dummies explanations, I'd still be waiting for happiness.

Doing a better job at loving my husband, instead of keeping score (which you are doing), made my husband feel loved and therefore, far more interested in loving me back. I get so much more from him by loving him than I do by scorekeeping.

I want to be happy. If I could understand how it is that just accepting whatever he does to hurt me is supposed to make me happy, I would.

Not one time have I suggested you should be a doormat. What I and others have said is that your happiness is NOT his responsibility. It's his job to be a good husband and meet your ENs. It's your job to choose happiness. You choose happiness by caring for yourself.

I'm not really asking you to give more to Patriot. I'm asking you to give more to yourself and to stop expecting more from Patriot.

I am asking you to refrain from harming. I am not saying give more, I am saying hurt him less.

Yes, I get that he is hurting you. But I don't know anyone that lovebusted their way into marital bliss. Do you?

If you are not willing to change your behavior towards him, why should he be willing to do so for you?

I'll repeat what I posted earlier:

I remember thinking that I could not give even one more little bit without completely utterly emptying myself. The problem I discovered, was with me. I gave to other people before I gave to myself. And I resented everyone else for not noticing and giving back to me in the same way.

When I saw other people taking care of themselves, I labeled it selfish and unloving.

I became very bitter, very resentful, and with every little "give" I became harder, colder and more angry.

My Taker was in charge of the giving.

Even though I was giving, I was giving with the expectation that I would get back everything in an exact fashion. I was "owed". Anything given to me that did not meet my exacting standards was angrily rejected as not good enough, and therefore, disregarded as not loving.

I had to get the Taker under control, learn to love myself, and learn to give without expectations.

Froz ~ one more thought.

Your feelings are yours. Feel anything and everything you want. Its your choice. Your feelings can not be a lovebuster.

What is a lovebuster is how you act as a result of those feelings. I know, you think that you are not doing anything of the lovebusting sort when hurt.

That's not what Patriot is experiencing. Or is he lying?

Not for a second, am I condoning his behavior. But if you can't take some responsibililty for what happens...I don't give your recovery a very high chance in suceeding.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/25/05 02:58 AM

We didn't make as much progress as we'd hoped going over your post. We got about 1/3 of the way through. We're still working on it. You raised a lot of very interesting questions.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/25/05 03:33 AM
Did he meet your needs pre-A? Did you feel loved by him pre-A? Why was that not real?

I was unaware of the entire situation. Had I been presented with all of the facts, I could have made a fairer assessment.

Froz, this is not about judging you. I am trying to get you to look at you very closely.

I do feel a bit judged here sometimes, but not necessarily by you. I don't mind the way you prompt me to take a closer look at things or view them from a different perspective. I find it quite helpful, actually. I see that you are trying to "get me to look at me very closely" and take it as such, with appreciation.

Either Patriot was a great husband (maybe he was, I don't know!) or there were alot of problems with Patriot that you ignored.

And if you ignored those problems, then yes, denial is a good word.

A few corrections, if I may...Patriot was not a husband pre-A. We were married a month after D-Day. Sounds crazy, I'm sure...may have been crazy, but that's a whole other topic.

As far as denial, there was none. I don't think it would really be fair to say I was in denial. I wasn't. He was a clever liar and he fooled me. If my failing was trusting him, because he had never given me a reason not to trust him, then so be it. I wasn't in denial. I'm not a fortune-teller, nor am I a mind-reader. I was simply fooled.

Because you are the one I am talking to. I am not talking to Patriot and about his part of your marriage. I am talking to you. And honestly, for my purposes, Patriot could be a poisonous purple headed bullfrog with giant warts. So what?

I understand and you're right.

Focusing on how you can be a better wife IS something that can help you. You can control you, fix you, change you. And those changes will AID your marital recovery if you choose it, or aid your life after Patriot.

I understand and agree with this, also.

The whole point Froz, is to identify YOUR patterns. Your patterns have contributed to the state of your marriage. I can point you at those things. I am not going to sit here and sympathize with how mean and evil Patriot is.

I don't expect anyone to sympathize. I point out specifics of things he's done, merely to help anyone reading to understand how I got to the place I did. If you called him mean or evil, I would be the first to defend him, and I often have. He is neither mean, nor evil. I was simply trying to be understood, with regards to frustration.

As far as my patterns contributing to the state of my marriage, I agree. I will not, however, take responsibility in laying the groundwork for an A. I didn't. That may be a whole other topic, too, and require some background history. But since I wasn't married before the A, then yes, I will agree. Our entire M has been spent in Recovery. My patterns have contributed to the progress of our Recovery.

Who is "everyone'? Not I. Do I sometimes disagree with your disrespectful interpretation of his behavior? Yes.

I have definitely been thrashed by others for not believing something he says. I am learning how my interpretation of his behavior is disrespectful and not conducive towards Recovery.

I am happy in my marriage. My needs are not met.

I am glad you are happy, despite that. I am not willing to accept a marriage where my needs are not met. I am not saying that it is impossible. I'm just defining a boundary for myself.

Doing a better job at loving my husband, instead of keeping score (which you are doing), made my husband feel loved and therefore, far more interested in loving me back. I get so much more from him by loving him than I do by scorekeeping.

I'm not keeping score. I'm being aware of my threshhold for resentment. I will not give something and then feel resentment for it. I don't think that would be doing anything for my M. I may not be explaining this very well, but I explained it to Patriot earlier and he understood what I meant. So, that's good enough for me.

What is a lovebuster is how you act as a result of those feelings. I know, you think that you are not doing anything of the lovebusting sort when hurt.

You're wrong. I don't think that at all. I don't define what is or isn't a LB for him. If he says it hurts him, then I'm sure it does. I'm working on learning to communicate with him in a manner that still allows me to be honest about my emotions and still prevent him pain. I've been having a difficult time accomplishing both.

But if you can't take some responsibililty for what happens...I don't give your recovery a very high chance in suceeding.

I am completely willing to take responsibility for my actions.

I've been thinking about what you (or maybe others) said about my expectations being an impossibility for Patriot to achieve. It isn't true. My expectations are not enormous. He doesn't have to be perfect in order to meet my EN's. I don't have a narrow target.
Posted By: merge Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/25/05 11:02 PM
Actually, frustration is one of the many faces of anger. Perhaps this bit of knowledge will help in your journey of self-exploration.

This is an excellent conversation you are having with BR (kudos to you BR!). Keep working at it.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/25/05 11:52 PM
Geez, will someone let me off the "anger" hook????

Just kidding. I'll explore that...thank you.
Posted By: tqt Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/26/05 12:38 AM
Geez, will someone let me off the "anger" hook????
Just kidding. I'll explore that...thank you.
Froz, I have an idea...
When you're just SORTA angry, plop a few of these in strategic places: <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
When you're REALLY angry: <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
When you're REALLY REALLY FLAMING PISSED: <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

It'll confuse the he|| outta everybody! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/26/05 01:22 AM
Ha, tqt...

Do you REALLY think I need help confusing anyone????
Posted By: tqt Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/26/05 01:49 AM
Do you REALLY think I need help confusing anyone????
Well... after a great deal of thought...

I guess you're doing ok as is.

Just don't let it go to your head. :-)
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/26/05 02:33 AM
I'm gonna try your technique anyway. It can't hurt to throw 'em a curve every now and then. My tactics might be getting somewhat predictable. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> (I'm not really "frustrated", I was just testing it out.)
A few corrections, if I may...Patriot was not a husband pre-A. We were married a month after D-Day. Sounds crazy, I'm sure...may have been crazy, but that's a whole other topic.

No, its not a whole other topic. It is "the topic" my dear.

Why did you marry a guy that had just ripped your heart out? It's not like you were new to marriage...

As far as denial, there was none. I don't think it would really be fair to say I was in denial. I wasn't.

I am not necessarily saying that Froz, you knew he was cheating and were in denial.

Denial is a sneaky little thing.

I was convinced I was not angry. My mom was a victim, my dad was the bad guy. And of course, I was nothing like my dad.

All of these things were part of my denial for years and years. I thought there was nothing wrong with me...everything was wrong with everyone else around me.

As I said to my husband one night (which was a lovebuster, but true none the less): What makes you so special? You grew up, surrounded by addicts and dysfunctional control freaks, and YOU some how came out ok even when no one else did? (All of his siblings have huge problems in their personal lives).

He was a clever liar and he fooled me. If my failing was trusting him, because he had never given me a reason not to trust him, then so be it. I wasn't in denial. I'm not a fortune-teller, nor am I a mind-reader. I was simply fooled.

That you did not see the through the lies is understandable.

Alot of us have been there and experienced that!

What I think though, is that had you been a healthy person, Patriot probably wouldn't have been so darn attractive to you.

I don't expect anyone to sympathize. I point out specifics of things he's done, merely to help anyone reading to understand how I got to the place I did.

This is victim mentality.

You got to where you are, not because of what he has done, but because of your choices.

If you called him mean or evil, I would be the first to defend him, and I often have. He is neither mean, nor evil. I was simply trying to be understood, with regards to frustration.

You have repeatedly said to me on this thread that he keeps hurting you.

You seem to waffle between saying he is knowingly hurting you....or he doesn't understand you.

You are a victim attempting to control the outcome because of your fear of being hurt. Either you are putting all the blame on him, or blaming yourself.

I can tell you that it just doesn't matter which it is on his part right now.

What matters is how you care for yourself.

I will bump my Detachment with Love thread for you.

There are some things in there I think might help you.

BR: I am happy in my marriage. My needs are not met.

I am glad you are happy, despite that. I am not willing to accept a marriage where my needs are not met. I am not saying that it is impossible. I'm just defining a boundary for myself.

I wasn't suggesting you should stay in a marriage that your needs are not met.

I wasn't suggesting that my choices should be yours.

What I was trying to point out to you is that "needs being met" does not equal happiness.

[color:"purple"]Happiness is a choice that you make, not a need your spouse fills[/color].

I will not give something and then feel resentment for it.


This earlier quote is not resentful?

Give, give, give...that's the answer? Fine...I'll give some more. I wonder how much more I can give until I have nothing left. This has already taken so much from me, and everyone who knows me.

You said similar things on this thread more than once.

Froz, you are angry and you are frustrated. You are frustrated because you are giving with the expectation of a specific outcome. When you are not getting what you want ( a self-willed outcome) you say you are frustrated - and as Merge pointed out - its just another word for angry.

As long as your motivations involve controlling Patriot (attempting to get him to see things your way and fill your needs your way) you will continue to be frustrated and angry.

This is another reason to call Steve. Steve told my husband what he had to do,not me. Steve did the demanding and told me I could not because it was a selfish demand from me.

Has Patriot called Steve? No?

That to me speaks volumes.

Btw, thats how Steve figures out who is in recovery and who isn't. When the WS makes the appointments, you are on track.

I am completely willing to take responsibility for my actions.

Then no more victim talk. Really. Because as long as your focus is on HIM and what he is doing wrong, you are a victim, and not taking responsiblity.

Now lets talk about your decision to marry a known adulterer who is not emotional available and who controls and avoids conflicts by lying?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/26/05 03:54 AM
A few corrections, if I may...Patriot was not a husband pre-A. We were married a month after D-Day. Sounds crazy, I'm sure...may have been crazy, but that's a whole other topic.


No, its not a whole other topic. It is "the topic" my dear.

Why I married him when I did is the topic? I didn't know that. I guess I was just tired last night and it seemed like it would take a really long explanation.

you knew he was cheating and were in denial.

Heck, I'm sorry. I'm slow tonight. Are you saying that I knew and was in denial about it? I just want to make sure I understand.

That you did not see the through the lies is understandable.

Alot of us have been there and experienced that!

Phew! I thought I was gonna have to fight you on that one! Thank God, I'm a little bit normal! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

You seem to waffle between saying he is knowingly hurting you....or he doesn't understand you.

Can both not be true? I guess I meant "knowingly" in that I maybe it was unknown the first time, but when he continued after I told him that his behavior hurt me, then he would be doing it knowingly.

You are a victim attempting to control the outcome because of your fear of being hurt. Either you are putting all the blame on him, or blaming yourself.

Yeah, I know (begrudgingly admitting). Darn, I was wrong.

I will bump my Detachment with Love thread for you.

Ha! Beat you to it!!!! It was very helpful. Immensely.


This earlier quote is not resentful?


Give, give, give...that's the answer? Fine...I'll give some more. I wonder how much more I can give until I have nothing left. This has already taken so much from me, and everyone who knows me.


Yeah, it was extremely resentful. I guess I should say that I don't really feel comfortable giving if I'm going to resent it. I don't like it. Talk about the Taker talking!!!!

Froz, you are angry and you are frustrated. You are frustrated because you are giving with the expectation of a specific outcome. When you are not getting what you want ( a self-willed outcome) you say you are frustrated - and as Merge pointed out - its just another word for angry.

As long as your motivations involve controlling Patriot (attempting to get him to see things your way and fill your needs your way) you will continue to be frustrated and angry.

I see what you mean now.

Has Patriot called Steve? No?

No, he hasn't yet. We've discussed it and his reasons for not accomplishing it yet are valid. I have confidence that he will get this done.

Then no more victim talk. Really. Because as long as your focus is on HIM and what he is doing wrong, you are a victim, and not taking responsiblity.

You would really do that to me???? Take away my victim status???? Fine.

Now lets talk about your decision to marry a known adulterer who is not emotional available and who controls and avoids conflicts by lying?

Something tells me this task isn't going to be fun...

Thanks for not giving up on me. I really appreciate your help.

Okay, I posted this to someone else today. We can start there. This is going to sting, I know. I'll be brave, though.

I was in shock. I was completely operating based on that. I knew I didn't want to lose him, and I wasn't ready or able to accept everything that was happening. So I went through the motions.

- My H is an Army guy. We found out that October that he was to be deployed just after the first of the year to Afghanistan. He was to be gone about 12-18 months. In my heart of hearts, I knew that if I didn't marry him before he left, that I would lose him. I knew that, out of a need to cope, I would heal on my own and move forward without him.

I really didn't think we could recover from all that was happening when he was so far away, particularly when his departure was to be so soon after D-Day.

- We were kind of scared to call off the wedding. I didn't want anyone to know or suspect what was going on. That reason wasn't a huge factor, but it did play a small role. It probably would have been fairly easy to explain that we just decided to wait until he returned from his deployment to get married.

Are you SURE you don't want to discuss something a little less controversial??? Perhaps my career or how great my two beautiful teenagers are???
Are you SURE you don't want to discuss something a little less controversial??? Perhaps my career or how great my two beautiful teenagers are??

LOL. Tell me your secret for great teenagers. I've got 1 and soon to be 2. Both boys. I'm already pulling out my hair with the first. I had no idea that boys could be such drama queens!

BTW, I guess I was just awkward about how I worded my points about denial. I don't think you were in denial about Pat's cheating. I think you are in denial about you!

In my heart of hearts, I knew that if I didn't marry him before he left, that I would lose him.

You feared losing him because? He was such a great catch??

I knew that, out of a need to cope, I would heal on my own and move forward without him.

I don't believe this. This is part of your denial.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/26/05 12:25 PM
The secret to great teenagers is...luck??? I don't know. I think I just got really lucky.

Although, I definitely know what you mean about teenage boys. My fifteen-year old DS is kind of grumpy these days. But, he steers clear of trouble and makes excellent grades. I'm hoping the grumpy thing will pass.

You feared losing him because? He was such a great catch?

Because in my mind, not having yet accepted everything that had happened, he still was. Everything happened so fast and I felt way off balance. I loved what I thought we had and I wasn't ready to let go of it.

I don't believe this. This is part of your denial.

Huh? He was leaving for a year and a half. Chances are, we would have grown apart. You really disagree? I don't see how I could have single-handedly healed this relationship, given those circumstances.

By the way, he really is a great catch (despite the fact he was a liar and a cheat <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />). He understands most of my quirky, weird ways, he has a good job, my children love him, my family loves him, he's smart, funny, and extremely attractive. Once I get him under my control, I think he's gonna make an alright husband. (I'M KIDDING!!!!!!!)
- My H is an Army guy. We found out that October that he was to be deployed just after the first of the year to Afghanistan. He was to be gone about 12-18 months. In my heart of hearts, I knew that if I didn't marry him before he left, that I would lose him. I knew that, out of a need to cope, I would heal on my own and move forward without him.

What would have been so bad about that? Seems to me that it might still need to happen...the healing on your own part...and moving forward.

The way it stands now, your concentration on HIM and what he is or is not doing for you is keeping you from concentrating on YOU...and what you need to do to heal yourself. He cannot heal you...only you can do that.


editing to add: by "losing" him and moving forward without him, I take that to mean breaking up...not his death. I read that twice and realized that it could sound like losing = death.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/26/05 02:26 PM
editing to add: by "losing" him and moving forward without him, I take that to mean breaking up...not his death. I read that twice and realized that it could sound like losing = death.

Heavens, no!!!! I meant breaking up.

Of course there needs to be healing, personally and within the relationship. All I meant was that I thought that I might "get over him". A moot, point, since he isn't going to Afghanistan and I have him in my clutches now.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/26/05 04:42 PM
Okay...(deep breath), we have an appointment with Dr. Harley on Tuesday. I'm nervous.
BR: You feared losing him because? He was such a great catch?

Because in my mind, not having yet accepted everything that had happened, he still was.

Well, I agree with this but probably not for the reasons you meant it...

The reality-that-you-desired did not match reality-that-was. The real Patriot did not match the man-you-wanted. So rather than making choices based on choose to ignore/force (deny) reality into what you wanted.

If you just put your fingers in your ears, and sang really loud ~ lalalalalalalala ~ and squeezed your eyes really tightly....

These are decisions based on self-will, instead of acceptance.

And the nasty little thing that happens, when our choices are based on self-will and attempts to force the reality that we desire instead of what-is....we become frustrated and angry...

So we try harder ...

And when we still dont get the outcome ...

We look around for someone to blame...

OH, it must be Patriot's fault! He's the reason I am unhappy and my reality isn't shaping up right!

But then...blaming Patriot and repeated attempts to get Patriot to change doesn't "fix" things...

The anger and the frustration grows...

And then the problem becomes... Oh dear... ME (Froz).

If Froz was only prettier, smarter, cleaned the house better, made more money, etc etc...then Froz would be able to fix this.

These are the tapes we play in our head...often learned from childhood. For you, Froz, it was something like: If I was a better child, I would be lovable. If I was lovable, Mom would treat me better.

This became: If I was a better woman, I would be lovable. If I was lovable, Patriot would treat me better. Since Patriot has treated me badly, I must not be lovable.

Where is your self-respect, your self-protection (boundaries?).

Women who love themselves and treat themselves as Queens (wink Pep and Suz) do not marry a man who has betrayed her in one of the worst ways possible only a month before!

Everything happened so fast and I felt way off balance.

Your fantasy was almost air-tight - you were happily swimming along in denial, and then BLAM!

D-Day is a very hard fact to deny!

I loved what I thought we had and I wasn't ready to let go of it.

Yes. You were determined to have your way weren'tcha? No pesky little dishonesty and betrayal was gonna get in your way!

Froz: I knew that, out of a need to cope, I would heal on my own and move forward without him.

BR: I don't believe this. This is part of your denial.

Froz: Huh? He was leaving for a year and a half. Chances are, we would have grown apart. You really disagree? I don't see how I could have single-handedly healed this relationship, given those circumstances.

Ok. I don't disagree that you would have grown apart and it would have been the end of your relationship.

What I find incredible, and believe is your denial, is that you thought that this was a reasonable, rational reason to marry a man who had just betrayed you in a horrible devastating way.

Most people, like committedandlovingit already posted, would see this as a GOOD reason not to get married, and in fact would be relieved that he was leaving so that the relationship could be easily dissolved.

I have to admit, my jaw dropped when I read this.

You might as well have been calmly saying: "Well, duh, of course I drove through that busy intersection Mr Police Officer, that light was red!!"

Even more significant, I think, was your comment:

I don't see how I could have single-handedly healed this relationship, given those circumstances.

i.e.: "I don't see how I could have singlehandly controlled my reality back into what I desired, given those circumstances."

{edited to add:} Are you still going to tell me that you don't want to be in charge?

Once I get him under my control, I think he's gonna make an alright husband. (I'M KIDDING!!!!!!!)
LOL, glad you are able to laugh about this in yourself!
And congratulations on the appointment with Steve.

No need AT ALL to be nervous.

Steve will be a great interpreter between you!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/27/05 02:37 AM
If you just put your fingers in your ears, and sang really loud ~ lalalalalalalala ~ and squeezed your eyes really tightly....

These are decisions based on self-will, instead of acceptance.

Obviously, based on the choices I made, I was in denial D-Day, and for a time thereafter, and in a serious state of shock.

OH, it must be Patriot's fault! He's the reason I am unhappy and my reality isn't shaping up right!

It was his fault that the reality (not my reality, but the reality that he presented to me as truth) wasn't reality.

But then...blaming Patriot and repeated attempts to get Patriot to change doesn't "fix" things...

The anger and the frustration grows...

And then the problem becomes... Oh dear... ME (Froz).

If Froz was only prettier, smarter, cleaned the house better, made more money, etc etc...then Froz would be able to fix this.

These are the tapes we play in our head...often learned from childhood. For you, Froz, it was something like: If I was a better child, I would be lovable. If I was lovable, Mom would treat me better.

This became: If I was a better woman, I would be lovable. If I was lovable, Patriot would treat me better. Since Patriot has treated me badly, I must not be lovable.

This is all true. You could have reached inside my head and cut and pasted it here.

Where is your self-respect, your self-protection (boundaries?).

I wish I knew. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

I suppose I probably relinquished them to gain the love and acceptance I've craved since I was a child.

Your fantasy was almost air-tight - you were happily swimming along in denial, and then BLAM!

NO! Denial of what? How the heck was I supposed to know he was lying? I was not in denial pre-A. To say that I was in denial would be implying that I had knowledge of the true circumstances and chose, consciously or otherwise, to deny their existence. I had no knowledge. I didn't make this "fantasy" up. He told me it was truth.

I will completely own being in deep denial D-Day and after, but not prior.

What I find incredible, and believe is your denial, is that you thought that this was a reasonable, rational reason to marry a man who had just betrayed you in a horrible devastating way.

Okay, you may pick up your jaw. I NEVER said or thought it was a reasonable, rational reason. I just said, in retrospect, it was a reason. I didn't say it was a good reason.

Most people, like committedandlovingit already posted, would see this as a GOOD reason not to get married, and in fact would be relieved that he was leaving so that the relationship could be easily dissolved.

Of course it's a good reason not to get married.

There would have been nothing easy about dissolving the relationship, though.

Yes, getting married at that time was certainly not a logical choice. Was it a mistake???? I don't know. Do I regret it? No. Maybe at some time in the future I will regret it. I don't know what the future holds yet, so I don't know.

All I can say to explain is that I loved him and I didn't want to let go. Those are facts. I was obviously reacting in shock/denial (isn't that the first stage...denial?) and I was operating based on emotion.

Recovery could have taken place whether we'd married or not. Do I think it is a mistake to pursue Recovery with him? No, I don't. Regardless of the outcome, I still think he is worth the risk.

I do hope to learn and grow from these circumstances and grow some self-respect in the process.

Are you still going to tell me that you don't want to be in charge?

What is it exactly that you are saying I want to control? I'd like to know before I own that one. What is it exactly that I'm owning?

LOL, glad you are able to laugh about this in yourself!

Not laughing so much right now. I feel sad, stupid, and pretty pathetic.


i.e.: "I don't see how I could have singlehandly controlled my reality back into what I desired, given those circumstances."

By "singlehandedly", I simply meant that he would be gone. I would have been alone to figure it out by myself. It's kind of hard to Recover together when you aren't together.
Froz ~ this is not about blaming you. This is not about judging you. This is not about saying: Look how stupid Froz is!

Froz ~ you are a funny, loving, caring, smart, wonderful woman.

As I said on Patriot's thread, in the end, I think you guys are going to be OK.

We are just looking and acknowleding stuff Froz, that's all. If you want to talk about it in MB terms...we are sifting through your fog, ignoring illusions, and putting our hands on "real stuff" and bringing out into the sunlight to be seen.

Yeah some of the "real stuff" is gonna be ugly. But that's ok. Now that you see it, you can clean it up and repair it all. And in the end, what we will have uncovered is the real, beautiful you that is there hiding!

It takes a pretty courageous babe to go through this. And you are doing it in public. Pretty darn brave of you, I think.

As I grew up, I learned a set of "truths" about myself and the world that was not real. But I lived my life and made my choices, and my behaviors were all based on those "truths".

Choices based on a false reality are likely to be pretty unreliable choices wouldn't you agree?

One of your "truths" Froz, is that you believe you are not worthy and deserving of love. You believe that you are unlovable.

When people treat you badly, you don't stand up and protect yourself. You allow their bad behavior to be your truth about yourself.

Your "truths" is that when other people treat you badly, that it is because you deserve it.

(What did you say to yourself when you discovered Patriot's betrayal?)

Your "truth" gives other people power over what you say and think about yourself.

One of your "truths" is that you have the power to control people, situations and circumstances around you. If you just do a little better, try a little harder, that you can force things to be "right". Manipulation and control are your favorite tools.

(Why did you marry him when you did?)

Because of this "truth"....when you fail to get the "right" outcome, you tell yourself that it was because you were not good enough, or that someone else failed you because you were not good enough. It never occurs to you that manipulation and control are the very things that cause the outcomes that you fear.

One of your "truths" is that other people, including Patriot, are responsible for your unhappiness.

If other people would just stop being or doing what they are, then you could be happy. This "truth" leaves you frustrated and angry, driving that downward spiral of self-loathing. (If I were good enough, he'd really love me, if he really loved me, he would do what I want him to do. Since he doesn't do what I want, he doesn't love me, because I am not good enough to be lovable.)

How do I know this about you Froz? Because I've been there, and still go there on occasion during a pity party!

I wasn't able to live my life driven by self-will and denial. I became angry, frustrated and completely unreasonable ~ and didn't know it. That is what I mean by denial Froz.

In my situation, my years of control by guilt, fear, intimidation and anger drove my husband away from me. His choice to cheat on me was his very pooro choice in dealing with my horrible behavior. My fear that I was not lovable, was proven to me because he did not love me the way I demanded, which resulted in my extreme manipulation and control to get him to do it right so I could be happy, which resulted in his leaving me because he didn't love me!

Denial does not mean that I think you knew Patriot was a cheater and a liar.

Lets work on exposing those "truths" for the lies they are, so that you can step out of the prison of denial.
And hun, I'm not suggesting for even a second that you made "bad" decisions, and that you should dump Patriot.

You guys can still go on to have a great marriage, regardless of the "why" and the truths behind your decisions.
Posted By: eaglesoar Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/27/05 02:45 PM

I am very interested in what you have to say because I see my manipulative and controlling behaviors have made my WH unhappy. I learned well at my mother's knee who is a third-degree black belt control freak.

So how do I stop? I truly want to change.

(Froz - sorry to jump into your thread here and bless you for being willing to share and not run away from this. It is helping me so much.)

Was it my comments that made your jaw drop?

Most people, like committedandlovingit already posted, would see this as a GOOD reason not to get married, and in fact would be relieved that he was leaving so that the relationship could be easily dissolved.

I didn't say that I would have been relieved so that the relationship could be easily dissolved. Moving forward does not necessarily mean leaving the other person behind. Individual healing had to take place...she had to move forward with him...or without him. Either way, she had to look to herself for that healing.

I would have needed to get my head on try and determine if I indeed even wanted to be married to that person. It would not have been to easily dissolve the relationship. I am one of those people that needs to step back and regroup when something life altering like this happens. It doesn't necessarily mean that I am jettisoning the person out of my life. It means that I need to work on my own personal healing.

One more thing...miles do NOT separate people. ACTIONS separate people. At least that is what I believe.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/28/05 02:19 AM
Froz ~ this is not about blaming you. This is not about judging you. This is not about saying: Look how stupid Froz is!

I didn't think at all that you were doing that. I did that one all by myself. I'm very good at it. The fact is, I was stupid. I did/do a lot of really dumb things. I know that. I'm just not particularly happy about it.

We are just looking and acknowleding stuff Froz, that's all.

...and that's exactly how I take it. Don't worry. You didn't hurt my feelings. I'm just not very happy with myself regarding the choices and mistakes I've made.

Yeah some of the "real stuff" is gonna be ugly. But that's ok. Now that you see it, you can clean it up and repair it all.

It sure is ugly. All of it. All of this. Sure, I see it (most of it), but I really have doubts that I can clean it up and repair it. I sure thought I was doing great before (before the A)! I really thought I had my life together. I thought I had a wonderful guy, wonderful children, a great job, great friends, etc...I thought I was making such great choices and had really learned from past experiences. I was the one everyone came to for sound advice because they thought I was such a wealth of knowledge, having gone through so much in my life and coming out clean and healthy on the other side. WHATEVER!!!!

(What did you say to yourself when you discovered Patriot's betrayal?)

I sure hope this wasn't hypothetical, because I'm going to take a stab at it.

I said to myself, "I'm ugly. I'm fat. I'm stupid. I'm worthless. No one loves me. No one ever has. I'm not good enough for him. I must be lousy in bed. I must be lousy at everything. No wonder no one loves me. I thought I was happy and healthy and good now. Obviously, I'm not," and on and on and on...

(Why did you marry him when you did?)

Because I wanted all of it to go away. I wanted everything to be like it was before. I didn't want to let go of my dream.

Denial does not mean that I think you knew Patriot was a cheater and a liar.

I definitely didn't. What really hurts so much this time, above all the other times, is that I really did believe in him. I really, really did.

Lets work on exposing those "truths" for the lies they are, so that you can step out of the prison of denial.

Okay. I hope your expectations aren't real "up there". I really appreciate your help and I don't want to disappoint you.
Thinking of you froz. Glad you are getting expert help.
Committed ~ I was writing too fast and committed grammatical fouls!

Should have said: Most people, like committedandlovingit already posted, would see this as a GOOD reason not to get married[period, end of sentence].

The rest was more general, not crediting you with the 'relieved' feeling.
Froz ~

I didn't think at all that you were doing that. I did that one all by myself. I'm very good at it. The fact is, I was stupid. I did/do a lot of really dumb things. I know that. I'm just not particularly happy about it.

Ok. Stop.

Beating yourself up for making mistakes is a very unloving thing to do.

You did the best you could at the time. Guilt and blame have no place in recovery of any kind.

Accept that you are a human being and like all human beings, you've been hurt, damaged, and sometimes, make mistakes. Like the rest of us! One aspect of control is a perfectionist approach to life....and it is particularly destructive when we turn that perfectionsim on ourselves!!

Froz ~ give yourself permission to screw up. It is ok. Thats why we have God around!

It sure is ugly. All of it. All of this. Sure, I see it (most of it), but I really have doubts that I can clean it up and repair it.

Well, back to the 12 steps.

1. Acknowledge that your life is unmanageable. (You can't do it!)

2. Acknowledge that a power greater than yourself can. (God)

3. Let Him do it, get out of the way!

I sure thought I was doing great before (before the A)! I really thought I had my life together. I thought I had a wonderful guy, wonderful children, a great job, great friends, etc...I thought I was making such great choices and had really learned from past experiences. I was the one everyone came to for sound advice because they thought I was such a wealth of knowledge, having gone through so much in my life and coming out clean and healthy on the other side. WHATEVER!!!!

Yes, you were in denial, living a life of pretend: Everything is Great, I am Powerful and In Charge.

I said to myself, "I'm ugly. I'm fat. I'm stupid. I'm worthless. No one loves me. No one ever has. I'm not good enough for him. I must be lousy in bed. I must be lousy at everything. No wonder no one loves me. I thought I was happy and healthy and good now. Obviously, I'm not," and on and on and on...

And as Pep pointed out on my "fan thread" ~ that little fear in your head, from childhood, came out and said: See, its true. You are unlovable.

What we hope to see Froz, is that you choose to stop giving those fears power. You are lovable.

Patriot's betrayal of you had more to do with what is wrong with HIM, than anything wrong with you.

Your mother's betrayal of you (both times) had nothing to do with what was wrong with you and did have everything to do with what was wrong with her.

And as for your adopted mother....

I suspect there were 2 things going on there...

1. You believed you were unlovable, so saw everything she did with the expectation that you indeed were not going to be loved as much as everyone else.

2. She was also hurt and damaged and unable to love you the way you deserved. Do not ignore the power of the disease of alcoholism that had affected her.

And then fathers....oh dear fathers...

Your bio dad...abandoned you.

You real dad...abandoned you.

You went on to be hurt and abandoned by your first husband, and violated by your second.

(And I haven't gone here with this question...but Froz, I know you blame yourself for choosing the sex molestor...but I have a blame yourself for not being good enough...and causing the sex molestor to turn on your daughter...)

Every single time Froz, the problem was with someone else, but you have made it about you. This part of you, the broken, hurt, wounded part of you, never matured past that child who believed adult problems were her fault.

Over and over, you have set yourself up in adulthood to repeat those lessons and to confirm those truths which are NOT TRUE.

(((((((((( Froz )))))))))))
And the whole point of all of these conversations Froz ~ is to help you become receptive to Patriot's love.

He does love you, and it's bouncing right off some very high walls.

Fort Knox and you are pretty similar!
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/28/05 05:15 PM
~amen~ to that
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/28/05 05:21 PM
Well, back to the 12 steps.

1. Acknowledge that your life is unmanageable. (You can't do it!)

2. Acknowledge that a power greater than yourself can. (God)

3. Let Him do it, get out of the way!

1. No kidding!
2. Okay.
3. I'll try.

Yes, you were in denial, living a life of pretend: Everything is Great, I am Powerful and In Charge.

I was in in denial pre-A. I had every reason to believe things were pretty great. It's not my fault he lied.

What we hope to see Froz, is that you choose to stop giving those fears power. You are lovable.

Not denying that the above is true...just exploring here. How can you possibly really know that?

And as for your adopted mother....

I suspect there were 2 things going on there...

1. You believed you were unlovable, so saw everything she did with the expectation that you indeed were not going to be loved as much as everyone else.

I'm not convinced of that. That was probably the case in my adolescence, but I remember knowing that very early on. She has always told me it's just my imagination. I don't possibly see how a 3-year old child can just be imagining that. Those feelings had to come from somehwere.

2. She was also hurt and damaged and unable to love you the way you deserved. Do not ignore the power of the disease of alcoholism that had affected her.

Yeah, that's a tangled web. My grandmother (whom I love dearly) married my grandfather very young. He left her very young, too, and with two small children. My mom is the oldest. My grandmother re-married rather quickly and her 2nd husband adopted my mom and my uncle. My grandmother never told them that he wasn't their biological father - not until my mom was a teenager, after my grandmother had invited him to her high school graduation. He never showed.

I suspect my mom was very angry with my grandmother for deceiving her. I think that's why she told me at such an early age that I was adopted. I don't blame my mother for it, but the way she always explained adoption to me was very confusing. She told me "you didn't come from your mother's tummy like your brother and sisters did", but she never told me where I did come from.

I used to have wild childhood fantasies about where I came from. One notion was that God made adopted children out of playdough (so I liked playdough as a kid). He then put them on a conveyer belt and sprinkled them with magic dust, left them overnight to dry, and then got yourself a batch of adopted kids!

The other fantasy was, and still is, a little more painful. My mom used to take us to garage sales a lot when were were young. I asked her one time when I was about five if she got me at a garage sale. She said "yes, for five cents". I'm sure she was joking, but it still hurt.

(And I haven't gone here with this question...but Froz, I know you blame yourself for choosing the sex molestor...but I have a blame yourself for not being good enough...and causing the sex molestor to turn on your daughter...)

Yes, I blame myself, but not for the reason you suggest. I blame myself for choosing him at all. I blame myself for not that I could have protected her. I blame myself for bringing someone so horrible into her life.

Even I am not twisted enough to think that I caused him to be a child molester.

Every single time Froz, the problem was with someone else, but you have made it about you. This part of you, the broken, hurt, wounded part of you, never matured past that child who believed adult problems were her fault.

Yes, I know.

1. Acknowledge that your life is unmanageable. (You can't do it!)

2. Acknowledge that a power greater than yourself can. (God)

3. Let Him do it, get out of the way!

1. No kidding!
2. Okay.
[color:"blue"]3. I'll try.[/color]

From Detachment with Love:

I'll try.

The saying, "to try is to lie" refers to how easily we fall into making excuses. If we say, "I'll try" we lack commitment. "I'll try" allows us to bide our time while looking for an excuse not to do whatever we have said we'll try.

Yes, you were in denial, living a life of pretend: Everything is Great, I am Powerful and In Charge.

I was in in denial pre-A. I had every reason to believe things were pretty great. It's not my fault he lied.

Hun. This is not about Patriot's affair.

Your denial is NOT that you didn't know he was cheating.

Your denial was that you were happy and emtionally healthy, and therefore making great choices.

I am sure that many things about your life were happy. And that fear inside you that said you didn't deserve it came out to sabotage yourself. Because you believed everything was great, you didn't notice that you were setting yourself up again, with a man who would hurt you and prove once again that you didn't deserve that happiness!!!
What we hope to see Froz, is that you choose to stop giving those fears power. You are lovable.

Not denying that the above is true...just exploring here. How can you possibly really know that?

I'd like to take a stab at this:

First, approaching this from the belief that love is not a passive thing that happens to us, but is an action word - a verb - something we DO... You are lovable because everyone is lovable - it is the choice of others whether or not they will take that action. The action of loving is just that, an action someone takes. Not being loved is no indication of our lovableness (is that a word) - it is merely an indication that the people around us have not made the choice to take the action of loving us. My take on that is that, perhaps, we need to surround ourselves with different people.

Second, I believe you are lovable because Patriot has stated unequivocably that he loves you, and because you are both working so very hard to get this marriage on the right track.

I haven't read everything you've both ever written here, so forgive me if I don't have some things straight.

You mentioned earlier something about Patriot "knowingly" hurting you by repeating hurtful behaviors that you'd told him were hurtful. Since I don't know exactly what those things were, I might be completely off base here... But one of the things about habitual behaviors and life patterns is that they can be completely unconscious, something that is deeply ingrained that we do not think about. i.e., driving home from work via a route that is established for 15 years ... after moving to a new home, you might, when leaving work thinking about the fact that you have to do some shopping and that you have to go to the school play, etc., find yourself driving to the old home because of the pattern you've established. Do you not KNOW that you no longer live at this old address? Of course you do... but you did not consciously and specifically think to yourself when you got in the car to start home "I must turn left at the intersection, not right." So, in that respect, I suppose you COULD say you "knowingly" drove to the wrong house... And, also in that respect, you COULD say that Patriot "knowingly" repeated hurtful behaviors. But, did he intentionally repeat those hurtful behaviors in spite of the knowledge that they would hurt you? Can we attribute conscious determination to hurt you? I'm going to go out on a limb and say "No"... Is it possible that some of these behaviors are actions that have become habitual under certain circumstances? I think that is likely. Should Patriot try to become more conscious of those patterns of behavior so he can avoid behaviors that hurt you? ABSOLUTELY. Can you force him to do that? NO, nor should you make any attempt to do so. Provide him with useful feedback, yes. "I felt very hurt when you did thus and such." And remember that his repeating a bad pattern of behavior really has nothing to do with whether or not he loves you, and certainly has nothing to do with whether anyone can love you.

I hope this makes some sense and is in some way helpful.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/28/05 06:47 PM
Your denial was that you were happy and emtionally healthy, and therefore making great choices.

How was it that I wasn't making good choices then? (try to go easy on me with this one)

I am sure that many things about your life were happy. And that fear inside you that said you didn't deserve it came out to sabotage yourself. Because you believed everything was great, you didn't notice that you were setting yourself up again, with a man who would hurt you and prove once again that you didn't deserve that happiness!!!

Yes, there were MANY things that were happy, which is why I'm so puzzled by the fact that you seem to think I am setting myself up NOT to be happy. For someone who doesn't want to be happy, I sure did love my life when I was happy.

Because you believed everything was great, you didn't notice that you were setting yourself up again, with a man who would hurt you and prove once again that you didn't deserve that happiness!!!

How was I setting myself up? How was I supposed to know he was going to hurt me?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/28/05 06:50 PM
I hope this makes some sense and is in some way helpful.

It makes perfect sense. Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me.
Good morning Froz ~ I'm over an hour late getting ready for work. So, work first, then I'll respond tonight.

Look in the mirror at yourself today Froz. Practice smiling at you.

Then I want you to look at yourself right in the eyes and say OUT LOUD ~ I LOVE YOU FROZ.

Do that every morning! Yes I know it seems silly. It's not. JUST DO IT.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/29/05 12:14 PM
I would probably look pretty ridiculous doing that given that my name isn't Froz.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/29/05 02:52 PM
I did my "pre-steve phone call" questionnaire. I hope I am ready to make the phone call as productive as possible.

I hate mondays. Monday is the one day in the week when I am at work and Froz is not. It is difficult because without me around, she has plenty of time to ponder and work herself up. And I am not angry at her for this. I am sad, because she has every right to be bothered by the things in my past and it is just difficult to support her on the phone from work. Our conversations of support are so much better in privacy and in person.

I worry about her. Even though she has gotten some good advice on things, she is still in a very difficult position. She has to check well deserved rage towards me(which she does magically) and she has to continue to survive.

None of this being easy for anyone in the world, and she is no different.

I guess, this morning I was just thinking about the plight of my wife and wondering where she finds the strength to stay. It is enormous. All the pain and just crap that is stirred up by my past actions.

I stand by her. I should not be commended for doing as such. It should be expected. I am her husband. I am committed to her and I love her. I certainly hope I am able to bring some happiness to her life.

I miss you dear. I really do. thank you for being who you are. I could never thank you enough.

Thank you.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/29/05 03:41 PM

You have given Froz a great gift by hiring SH as your coach. It was the most loving thing my husband did to help us heal our marriage.

There are other gifts to be found in recovery, you'll both discover them individually.

She and you both have a real chance for personal growth and make a healthy marriage together.
Look in the mirror at yourself today Froz. Practice smiling at you.

Then I want you to look at yourself right in the eyes and say OUT LOUD ~ I LOVE YOU FROZ.

Do that every morning! Yes I know it seems silly. It's not. JUST DO IT.

I would probably look pretty ridiculous doing that given that my name isn't Froz.
Hey, it worked for me! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/29/05 05:10 PM
Hey, it worked for me!

Stop interfering with my obstinateness, "Sally".

"<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />"

Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/29/05 08:52 PM
is this another "quote" joke?

Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/29/05 08:53 PM
I love you Dorry worked for me - think I should change my name <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> haha - I should try looking in the mirror and saying I love you Froz and see what happens though....
Patriot? Did someone quote you? Let me see, oh yes, that's right!

Someone DID quote you. And didn't some sorry whiner make a big fuss about not having been quoted...?

Nope. 'S'not a quotes joke. Just a plain old ordinary poke joke at Ms. Froz and her "supposed" OBstinateness.

Nice note by the way. Froz IS very special isn't she?! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 12:27 AM
I should try looking in the mirror and saying I love you Froz and see what happens though....

Okay, Dorry, but let me forewarn you...

Remember that old wives tale from when we were teenagers? The one where your friends tell you to go in the bathroom and turn the lights off and say "Bloody Mary, bloody Mary...", into the mirror? Rumor has it that Bloody Mary will show her ugly face in the mirror.

There is no telling what will actually happen if you stand in the mirror reciting "I love you, Froz".

Just a thought.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 12:32 AM
"supposed" OBstinateness.

"Supposed"?????? Are you trying to discredit me????

Shall I give you references of people who can vouch for my obstinateness?

Let's see...which witness shall I call to the stand?

My mother

The defense rests her case.
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 12:51 AM
I should try looking in the mirror and saying I love you Froz and see what happens though....

Okay, Dorry, but let me forewarn you...

Remember that old wives tale from when we were teenagers? The one where your friends tell you to go in the bathroom and turn the lights off and say "Bloody Mary, bloody Mary...", into the mirror? Rumor has it that Bloody Mary will show her ugly face in the mirror.

There is no telling what will actually happen if you stand in the mirror reciting "I love you, Froz".

Just a thought.

LOL froz - so if I keep the lights on???? lol
Well Froz...good thing my name is Bramble "PitBull" Rose.

Ask my husband, he'll tell you all about stubborn and obstinate being my major qualities! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 01:00 AM
LOL froz - so if I keep the lights on???? lol

In that case, the outcome will probably be you just feeling ridiculous. Try it and let me know!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 01:01 AM
Well Froz...good thing my name is Bramble "PitBull" Rose.

Ask my husband, he'll tell you all about stubborn and obstinate being my major qualities!

Well, PitBull...does that mean you'll be a reluctant witness?
No it just means I got my teeth in ya and I'm not letting go til ya get it...obstinate or
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 01:15 AM
Love it when you put me in my place.

Wanna hear something cute? I'm telling you anyway.

My DD17 was elected Art Club President (she's a very talented painter).

She didn't want anyone in Art Club to feel left out, so Miss President decided everyone should hold an office. Art Club now has a Vice President, a Secretary, a Sergeant at Arms, a Sheriff, etc...

She is so sweet and cute. She cracks me up. She is truly the most darling girl ever.
I thank God every day for my beautiful children Froz...

But, harumph, what I wanted to hear was if you stood in front of your mirror and did what I told you to do instead of just making obstinate remarks about it?
Posted By: tqt Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 02:47 AM
She didn't want anyone in Art Club to feel left out, so Miss President decided everyone should hold an office. Art Club now has a Vice President, a Secretary, a Sergeant at Arms, a Sheriff, etc...
Sometimes parents don't recognize (even if it jumped up and bit 'em <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />) all the things they've taught their kids... even if they weren't even trying.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 02:51 AM
But, harumph, what I wanted to hear was if you stood in front of your mirror and did what I told you to do instead of just making obstinate remarks about it?

I didn't. Not even gonna offer an excuse. I just didn't.
Patriot ~ I'm glad you will both be talking to Steve. I think he will help you both alot. I liked that he was very practical and straightforward - he's a fixit kinda guy, and I think for all of the husbands involved this is a relief! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

And btw, Patriot ~ Froz has an enormous amount of pain. As you have been reading, a lot of it has nothing to do with you at all. She has to sort it all out. This takes time. When your reality gets dumped upside down, alot of crap falls out and has to get picked up and put back together. We are taking sometime to do a little housecleaning while we are at it!

I can tell you however, that one of things that helped me in recovery with my husband was that he was willing to sit down with me and talk about the whys. The whys didn't necessarily involve the immediate affair, but instead, he talked about the really big why: Why he dealt with our marriage the way he did.

It helped alot for me to sort through what happened, why it happened, and to honestly see that my husband understood why he did what he did, and to discuss the traps he had fallen into that led down that slippery slope.

That to me was more comforting than knowing the dirty details. Well, not really comforting - but made me feel like the issues were being addressed and understood, instead of just pushed under the table out of sight.

I hope that helps you.
I didn't. Not even gonna offer an excuse. I just didn't.

Ok, thats good. Don't offer me an excuse. What's the reason?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 02:57 AM
Sometimes parents don't recognize (even if it jumped up and bit 'em ) all the things they've taught their kids... even if they weren't even trying.


If it bit me, I didn't feel it. I seem to be having some trouble understanding what the heck people are talking about tonight.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 02:59 AM
What's the reason?

I didn't want to. I was really angry this morning, and I just plain didn't want to.
What were you angry about?

Loving yourself takes practice. Thats what I want you to do. Practice. It will feel stupid at first. That's ok.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 03:30 AM
What were you angry about?

I'm sick of hurting. I'm sick of dealing with the aftermath of the disgusting things he did.

I'm angry with myself for marrying him when I did.

I'm angry with him for betraying me.

I'm angry with myself for staying with someone who betrayed me.

I'm angry with myself for continuing to make myself vulnerable to him (which I am, despite what Pep seems to think).

I'm angry because I feel misunderstood.

There's a start.

Here's more...

I'm angry because he lied to me during Recovery about details. I would so much rather have had my pain in a heaping dose, than the little heart-ectomies I get from time to time.

I'm angry because what he did was horrible and hurt me terribly and I'm expected to choke that back and be nice to him and protect HIM.

I'm angry because he doesn't even understand how much it hurts.

I'm angry because he doesn't seem to want to try to understand how much it hurts.

Let's celebrate your non-denial about your anger.

This is a very big step.

I'll kick yer hiney about all the victim statements in this post later.

I am just glad to hear you acknowledge that you are angry.

Froz, get a nice big note book - a private notebook for your eyes only (I mean it, Patriot does NOT get to see this book, and Patriot you keep your hands off!), and write out all the hateful mean angry and rageful things you are feeling and thinking.

Do this every day.'s a big but....When you shut the book cover, you shut the door on the anger.

You choose when to let it out, and chooose when to shut it down. It's your anger. Instead of allowing the anger to rule you, you choose what you are going to do about it.

Letting out the rage in controlled bursts, in a way that does not hurt others around you, is a safe way to explore your anger and let it out of your soul, where it is toxic and eating you from the inside out.

Writing it down takes it out of your head, out of your body, where it lies ugly, petty, boring, and kindy silly looking on paper, and loses all its power.

When I saw Patriot's post about your rage this morning...I wondered if you were going to tell me that you just didn't understand what Patriot was talking about, and that you were FINE. (F-rustrated, I-nsecure, N-eurotic, and E-motional!)

I am so very glad to hear you acknowledge your anger. Really I am.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 03:59 AM
I wasn't in denial about it. If I told you I wasn't angry the other day, it's because I wasn't.

Today I was, so I told you.

I rarely lie about the way I feel.

I knew precisely what Patriot was talking about this morning. Apparently, in a drug-induced middle of the night conversation we had, I told him that it hurt too much to love him.

I've been thinking about that all day.

Love is a choice, yes? I've been wondering if it wouldn't hurt so much if I simply chose not to.

I'll try the "for my eyes only LB" method, although leaving it all in the notebook with nothing residual doesn't sound easy to accomplish.

Keeping him out of it also doesn't seem easy to accomplish.

I'll kick yer hiney about all the victim statements in this post later.

I can hardly wait!!!! And it's not even my birthday!
And Froz ~

Anger is one of the nasty walls standing between you and Patriot's love.

You can't deny it, ignore it, shut it out, or pretend it doesn't exist. The toxic poison will filter into your entire life and infect it.

The only cure is to work through it - look at it, feel it, explore it, and then, let it go when you find that you don't need it anymore.
Good morning Patriot and Froz!

Sending lots of love and good wishes your way today!

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 01:11 PM
Back atcha, Cutie!
BR, t/j here (sorry froz) Someone on my thread suggested Ala-non for me not because of alcohol but because of my enabling my H's apparent SA. Does something like that make sense? You can answer on my thread if you don't mind. I know you are helping froz right now. Just want an opinion. Ok back to the regularly scheduled programming.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 01:52 PM
Not considering it a threadjack, FF.

I'm kind of flattered that someone came to my thread to look for BrambleRose...makes me feel important to have a self-proclaimed "PitBull" in my corner!

I'm also curious to hear the answer to your question.

Hope you're doing well today.
Dear Faithful ~ Al-Anon Tradition #2 states: The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem with alcoholism in a relative or friend.

I don't know my grandfathers. Their alcoholism profoundly affected my parents though, and so had a lasting impact on me, although I had no personal connection with either.

They were my qualifiers long before I met my husband.

Can the 12 steps help you? yes absolutely. If you truely don't have a problem with alcoholism in your life (and odds are that you do...) then there are other 12 step support groups related to sexual addiction or eating disorders..etc.

Melody Beattie is a very helpful author, you might try reading some of her stuff.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 02:29 PM





(don't get too)




Dear Froz ~

Brace for incoming foot swing! (Consider this a love kick. Or token, yeah that!)

I wasn't in denial about it. If I told you I wasn't angry the other day, it's because I wasn't.

This is a lie.

Today I was, so I told you.

Yes you did, and I am very proud of you for acknowledging it.

I rarely lie about the way I feel.

Yes you do, your lies are all over this thread.

Denial. (Don't Even Notice I Am Lying) Did you read Pep's list? (thank you Pep, lol, I was looking for those earlier and couldn't find them!)

I told him that it hurt too much to love him.

This is a truth that Pepperband and I have been pushing you on. This is your hurt, wounded, abandoned little baby girl talking. She needs you to love her.

Did you tell yourself I LOVE YOU in the mirror today? Why not? (This is a big question).

Patriot has misfortune to be receiving alot of your hurt and anger, because his affair is easier to blame with than the pain of abandonment and rejection from everyone else in your history.

Your hurt is another huge, tall wall between you and Patriot. This is another reason you are not a willing vessel to his love. He can't possibly fill you up from this pain ~ especially because he truely did not cause it all.

Do you begin to see why I said that perhaps your needs were impossible for Patriot to fill?

I've been thinking about that all day.

Love is a choice, yes? I've been wondering if it wouldn't hurt so much if I simply chose not to.

This is hurt and fear talking. You are right, maybe the pain would be easier to deny if you choose to stop loving Patriot.

But then you would deny yourself the pleasure of giving and receiving love.

And the anger wouldn't vanish, and the pain from all of your past hurts would not vanish either.

Instead, they would fester inside you...and eventually you would find that your pain has not really subsided as planned.

Do you want to wake up one day and discover that you have become a bitter, angry, mean old woman? Because your fear and anger are leading you right down the path to a cold, cruel existence.

God wants (wills) us to experience Love in our life. Do you think that perhaps, but shutting yourself off from love, by allowing your fear and pain and anger to dictate your choices by putting up huge walls to others, that maybe your self-will might be running the show, in direct opposition to God?

Are you smarter than God? Is your plan better than His?

Let go (of your will), and let God (work His will). Such a simple phrase with so much power!

I'll try ..

To try is to lie.

...the "for my eyes only LB" method, although leaving it all in the notebook with nothing residual doesn't sound easy to accomplish.

Its a choice. You must learn to accept anger, and other feelings as just that, feelings. They are not facts. You have complete power over your choices of actions based on those feelings.

Choosing to feel really RAGEFUL for 20 minutes, and to write it all out and then choose to stop, and put the lid on it is possible.

If at first, you are too rageful to write....try a punching bag, or kick boxing..or something...

Yes, its challenging, but that is because you are out of practice.

Keeping him out of it also doesn't seem easy to accomplish.

That is not your problem. This is his. He has been warned.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 05:43 PM
Brace for incoming foot swing! (Consider this a love kick. Or token, yeah that!)

I'll opt for a token. I'm in a good mood today and don't feel like being kicked.


I wasn't in denial about it. If I told you I wasn't angry the other day, it's because I wasn't.


This is a lie.

Is not.

Yes you do, your lies are all over this thread.

Denial. (Don't Even Notice I Am Lying) Did you read Pep's list? (thank you Pep, lol, I was looking for those earlier and couldn't find them!)

Still not lying. Lying would seem to denote knowing the truth and then denying it. I'll buy off on ignorance, but I wasn't lying.

And yes, I read Pep's list. It was a blast from my past. She sounds so much like my mother sometimes, it's eerie. She's definitely more hip, though. My mom would never say something like, "you da man". That is how I KNEW that Pep was a nurse. My mom is a nurse. So is my biological mother. That comparison isn't a negative one, by the way. My mother has many, many fine qualities.

Did you tell yourself I LOVE YOU in the mirror today? Why not? (This is a big question).

Awww, crap! I actually did make it a step closer today. While I was putting my makeup on in the bathroom mirror, I did think about it. I prepared for it and was even gonna use my real name and everything. I got sidetracked, though, and then had to hurry it up or be late for work and forgot.

I didn't intentionally avoid doing it today like I did yesterday, so hopefully that's a step in the right direction.

Oh, what the heck. I own a hair salon. I have mirrors all over the place here. Be right back...

Okay. Mission accomplished. I said it three times and Dorry appeared in the mirror, sticking her tongue out at me!

Not really, but I did say it three times.

If at first, you are too rageful to write....try a punching bag, or kick boxing..or something...

I can't imagine doing that. I'm really not as angry as you seem to think I am.

Hope you have a good day! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Ok dear. You win.
BR, thanks I looked up Melody Beattie and ordered two books. Codependancy no more and Letting go.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 07:40 PM
Ok dear. You win.

Uh oh! How did that happen? That doesn't sound good. It sounds like maybe you're saving it up for later.

I'm not going to fight you. If you choose denial, then I will respect your right to choose it.
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 09:13 PM
I said it three times and Dorry appeared in the mirror, sticking her tongue out at me!

I hope you guys had a good session with the Harley's this am - it was this morning right?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 09:37 PM
If you choose denial, then I will respect your right to choose it.

I'm not trying to be obstinate...I'm really not. I keep trying on the denial thing, but it doesn't fit.

As I said before, it could be plain ignorance. If that is the case, I don't want to be ignorant, but I also don't want to just accept that I'm in denial if it doesn't feel true. I'm not sure what to do with that one.

I'm really not trying to be stubborn.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 09:53 PM
I hope you guys had a good session with the Harley's this am - it was this morning right?

Thanks for asking, Dorry!

Yes, it was this morning, and you know what? We're not ready to share it yet.

Today we're just enjoying feeling close to each other.
It feels pretty wonderful to be basking in the warm glow of intimacy with my husband.

He sure is special.
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 10:56 PM
awww - you never have to share it you don't want to <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I am glad you are having a good close day my dear - you guys DESERVE it!
Posted By: tqt Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/30/05 11:30 PM
Today we're just enjoying feeling close to each other.
It feels pretty wonderful to be basking in the warm glow of intimacy with my husband.

Couldn't stop myself from making a little list...

1) Wow.. that was nice to read :-)
2) See #1
3) Keep it up, would ya?!? :-)
I'm not trying to be obstinate...I'm really not. I keep trying on the denial thing, but it doesn't fit.

As I said before, it could be plain ignorance. If that is the case, I don't want to be ignorant, but I also don't want to just accept that I'm in denial if it doesn't feel true. I'm not sure what to do with that one.[/quote]

How far has "feeling" gotten you? If thats working for you, then that is your answer, and mine won't work for you.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/31/05 01:12 AM
It's no secret that I'm a very emotional, feely kind of person. I don't know another way to be.

I am, open-minded, however, and willing to explore another way.

I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not getting it. I want to.

By the way, how are you today? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Have I told you lately that I appreciate your patience with me?
No you aren't open minded. You want recovery your way.

Marital recovery is not intuitive, and in fact, Dr Harley points out repeatedly that following your "feelings" about your marriage will get you into trouble.

Personal recovery isn't anymore intuitive.

In my opinion you are a very emotional person because you choose to allow your feelings to run your life. In fact, many of your feelings do not reflect reality because you have too many hurts and too many fears running the show.

These broken feelings are what has caused you to end up where you are today. But it's certainly your right to choose to attempt to feel your way into recovery.

I'd simply have to ask you (in a Dr Phil voice): How's that working for you?

You don't not-know how to be otherwise. You are choosing not to be otherwise. Pure and simple. It is simply a decision.

And if you still think I just don't understand you ~ let me point out that my personality type is an INFP . Ya don't get much more emotional and feely than that.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/31/05 02:59 AM
And if you still think I just don't understand you ~ let me point out that my personality type is an INFP . Ya don't get much more emotional and feely than that.

I'm sure it's no coincidence that I am an INFP, as well.

In my opinion you are a very emotional person because you choose to allow your feelings to run your life. In fact, many of your feelings do not reflect reality because you have too many hurts and too many fears running the show.

Maybe, but here I am...listening and trying to understand.

No you aren't open minded. You want recovery your way.

I want it ANY way. I HAVE made progress. I am willing to try to understand a different way, but it's foreign and I am having a very difficult time understanding.

You don't not-know how to be otherwise. You are choosing not to be otherwise. Pure and simple. It is simply a decision.

I'm choosing what I know. How's it working for me? I don't know. I am making progress. If another way would offer more rapid progress, I'd sure be willing to give it a shot. I've asked question after question until I understand more of what you're saying. Some things I've grasped better than others, and am working to apply them, although it's a process and I don't expect to be perfect at it right off the bat. I'm ready and willing to practice until I get it right. But, I can't practice something I don't understand.

I'm struggling to understand, here. I want to.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 08/31/05 03:18 AM
I will toss out my opinion on this last post of yours. I certainly appreciate you taking the time to even talk about these things with froz.

No you aren't open minded. You want recovery your way.

Not true. She is open minded. Maybe not on ALL things, but who is. No matter how open-minded I make myself, I will never understand the need to rape a child(remember that discussion??) Well, that is close-minded isn't it? Or is it acceptable that I am not open to that and we can forego calling me close-minded because it is close-minded for a good cause. I don't see the value of satanism. Am I close minded to that? Anyway, not that I have made a point here, but I don't find her to be close-minded. Close-minded is the BS that is not trying to forgive. Close-minded is the BS that packs up and ships off without ever trying. Close-minded is the WS that never looks outside his own selfish shallowness to see other people. Or better yet... Close-minded is the person who is told a better way by an expert in the subject, and blows it off because they think they know better.

Froz is not close-minded. She has listened when told 'attacking me' (LBing) is not helping the situation no matter how much she wants to. Even in crying during a discussion, she still listens to me and takes what I have to say under consideration. I think that would be an instance of her being emotional and still finding the way to be open-minded.

Or maybe I missed the mark of your point?

Marital recovery is not intuitive, and in fact, Dr Harley points out repeatedly that following your "feelings" about your marriage will get you into trouble.

Personal recovery isn't anymore intuitive.

I assume when you say 'intuitive' you mean like a software application is intuitive. It has built in designs that 'tell' you haw to work the program, so to speak. I would agree. Recovery is not intuitive. In fact, it is difficult. No wonder many people here don't achieve it. It is extremely difficult to try and compromise with a person that has cheated on you. I imagine she has thought "why should I do anything for him... he owes me for all this pain" But.... she has not truly done that. She has always been on the look-out for and inquisitive of tools and tactics for navigating this 'recovery' so that the end is 'better happier marriage' and not 'see ya, would want to be with ya'

In my opinion you are a very emotional person because you choose to allow your feelings to run your life. In fact, many of your feelings do not reflect reality because you have too many hurts and too many fears running the show.

I agree with this idea. She has had many feelings or emotions that have made decisions for her. But, coupled with that, she has had the most horrid pain from all of this and is probably not running on all 8 cylinders all the time.

I told her I loved her. She didn't feel it. So, I guess your remark was true about her not living in reality. The reality was I love her. She did not 'feel' it. But, recovery is as much about learning yourself as anything else. She has made tremendous strides in learning better ways to react, vent, discuss and so on.

These broken feelings are what has caused you to end up where you are today. But it's certainly your right to choose to attempt to feel your way into recovery.

I'd simply have to ask you (in a Dr Phil voice): How's that working for you?

You don't not-know how to be otherwise. You are choosing not to be otherwise. Pure and simple. It is simply a decision.

And if you still think I just don't understand you ~ let me point out that my personality type is an INFP . Ya don't get much more emotional and feely than that.

I think by being INFP, you probably do understand some about froz. You are emotional. So is she. But lets be honest. No one knows everything about anyone. So, your understanding is good... great in fact, but it doesn't imply correctness to the degree of 100%.

I guess I say all this because I want to protect her. Not from you. Just from further hurt. And whereas I think some of your advice is great and dead-on... or at least something to definitely consider... I don't think everything you have to say is right on. I hope that does not come across as offensive. I am hoping it comes across as further things to ponder, and if they don't fit, then they will be discarded by you. I will never profess to be an expert on anything around here. I know my wife pretty well though.

Again, I want to say thank you for all the time you have put into talking to her. You have brought up some very good points and a large number of things to consider. It is very giving of you to participate in our recovery. She grows everyday.

Just some ideas and ponderings of a FWS... Hope to hear from you again soon. Please take care.
Froz ~ I've been kidding around on the forum about how stubborn I am. I can joke about it now. It was not something to joke about several years ago.

I fought my Al-anon sponsor ~ a woman that I had sought out and asked specifically for her help ~ every step of the way. She had recovery, in a way that I envied. I wanted what she had. So I asked her to help me get what she had.

And then the wars began.

I accused her of not listening. I would tell her something that I believed about myself and she would have the NERVE to disagree with me.

I assumed this was because she wasn't listening to what I was saying.

I thought if I just explained to her a little better, if she just listened a little more, then she'd really get me.

Guess what?

She never "got me" as I thought she should. She saw the heaps of lies I told myself and others, and told me exactly how it was.

I protested that I was trying. I even spouted "progress not perfection" at her! (To try is to lie.)

Again, I told her that she just didn't understand me. (My protests were full of "But..., and I know...")

I told myself - well she's human, she makes mistakes too. I figured she was projecting herself onto me. She just jumps to conclusions, she isn't infallible!

When I finally began to acknowledge the truths about myself that she saw long before I did, I still fought her.

But....! What if? HOW? I know! I need to understand! I'm TRYING!

All of these protests were simply because I wanted recovery my way.

My mind was completely closed to acceptance and completely unwilling to surrender to anyone or anything else.

I wanted recovery, but I didn't want to follow the path my sponsor showed to me. I wanted to arrive at her location (happy joyous and free) by a path of my own devising.

I wanted it my way. Period.

Now, in my opinion, you are just as stubborn as I was. You are just as determined to maintain the facade of who you think you are and clasp those false truths to you in an desperate attempt at protection.

I am not your sponsor. You haven't asked me for that kind of help. Nor do I think you should. I am simply a faceless person on the internet offering her opinion. We don't have the relationship I had with my sponsor.

I'm not going to carry on a huge unwanted battle with you on these boards, especially as you don't know me, and therefore have know way of knowing what it is that I have that is worth fighting for ~ or even if you want what I have.

I am not angry or mad at you. I am not saying that I won't post to you or offer my thoughts.

I have no need to be right here.

My recovery was not out of great flashes of understanding, or my great intellect and wisdom, but from eventually being willing to surrender and accepting the wisdom of someone else. It was not an intellectual awakening, but a spiritual awakening.

My recovery was a decision to surrender my will. No trying, no understanding, nothing but simply becoming willing to give up my will.
Patriot ~

I guess I say all this because I want to protect her. Not from you. Just from further hurt.

This desire to protect is a good thing, and a very bad thing.

If you attempt protect Froz from all hurt and pain, that life dishes out, you will be protecting her from the experiences she needs to learn and grow.

I can tell you that in my life, I made the mistake many times of well meaning protection, and in the end, I discovered the ugly truth. That I believed the other person was not capable of handling life experiences. That I believed I was smarter and stronger and should therefore decide what the other person should deal with.

I thought I was God.

Much of what Froz needs to hear is going to be painful. Growing is painful.

If you protect her from pain she will not grow.

I understand, that some of your protectiveness comes from horrible guilt that you must be experiencing from watching her pain.

You didn't cause all of her pain, no matter how convenient it is for both of you to blame you.

If it is all Patriot's fault, its under Patriot's control. You are already both in a power struggle...hmmm...see the connection?

Protecting her from your own faults and weakness on the other hand, is a very very loving thing to do.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 11:55 AM

I didn't view our discussions as "battles". I viewed them as exploration. You have helped me to explore many things here. They have been useful to me, and others here have stated it has been useful to them, as well.

I am so very grateful for the time you took to do that, and the manner in which you have shared yourself in doing so. I understand a "tough love" approach and I never perceived it in any manner other than a giving one.

I do see a lot of paralells and have learned much from our discussions. It's a wonderful gift to have someone take the time to give an objective perspective of yourself and your actions. I take it as such, and I will say thank you again.

There are some points you raised that I agree with, and some that I do not, respectfully. That is my right. It doesn't necessarily mean that I am in denail, simply because I disagree. You also have a right to your opinion, as does anyone on this forum. I can't control what anyone else thinks.

I do know that I am not closed-minded. I also know that I do desire intimacy with my husband. Do I fear intimacy in general? No, I do not. There is a certain element of fear involved in intimacy with Patriot, simply because he has hurt me in the past. To open myself up to intimacy with him is to be vulnerable. I am willing to be vulnerable. It's a risk I have chosen to take. It's scary, sure...but it would be an exercise in futility if I chose to remain in this marriage with a complete unwillingness to be vulnerable.

I really appreciate the fact that you let me know you weren't angry with me and that I can hope to hear from you in the future. I could be mistaken, but that tells me that you were concerned I may perceive it as a rejection. I don't, but I think it was kind of you to care whether or not I felt rejected.

I will continue to ponder some of the points you raised.

Just for the record, I didn't go whining and crying to Patriot. That's not why he "defended" me. I don't presume to know precisely what motivated him, and I wasn't emotional or upset about anything you said. As I said before, I completely understand (being familiar with Al-Anon) a tough love approach. I also understand the concept of enabling, and I don't think that's what Patriot was trying to do.

We both understand that growing is painful. We are also both aware that a lot of my pain stems from my childhood, long before I ever met Patriot. Some of it he IS responsible for. Some of it he is not.

Thank you again, truly, BrambleRose.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 12:19 PM
Our session with Dr. Harley was amazing.

We talked with him together for a few moments and answered some questions, then we each talked to him separately.

I went first.

I really liked his approach. I like that he views sessions as "Marriage Coaching", rather than counseling. So many of his views were very different from MC's we've had in the past.

Patriot and I were both glad that Dr. Harley seemed impressed with a lot of the progress we have made on our own. He said some of it just needed tweaking.

He said that I haven't healed properly. He gave the analogy of the both of us coming to him for a fitness program to get into shape. He said it would be unlikely that I would be able to participate in his fitness program if I have a large gash in my leg. He said we needed to heal that wound properly before I begin a rigorous fitness program. That made perfect sense to me, and seemed like a very logical explanation for why I seem to fall behind in Recovery sometimes. I look forward to healing that wound properly, although I know it won't be painless. I'm ready to heal. Walking around with a gash in my leg kinda sucks.

He also noted that the more creative the individual, the more the need for details of an A seems to arise. I am extremely creative. Again, his explanation made perfect sense.

Patriot spoke with Dr. Harley next. I can't share his portion of the session, because they spoke alone.

After they talked, I joined them again and we talked about a plan for action. We were given some assignments. Right now my assignment is to fill out the EN Questionnaire again, only this time, instead of listing how well Patriot is meeting those needs, I am to list things he can do in order to meet those needs...give him examples. Patriot was given the same assignment and we are to fax our questionnaires to Dr. Harley.

I don't know what Patriot's other assignments are. It was something about exploring "why's".

I felt almost elated after our session. As it turns out Patriot did, too. Odd, as the majority of the session we spent talking to Dr. Harley separately. I think it just felt GREAT to have a plan. It also felt great that he thought we were on the right track. Dr. Harley made it seem not only possible that we would recover, he made it seem quite likely.

It was worth every penny to me.
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 02:15 PM
That is awesome froz - I am so happy you guys called him!

Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 04:26 PM
I have to agree. Dr. Harley is quite good coaching on the phone.

The greatest thing about the call was that we were talking to an MC that knew the MB principles. For as obvious a statement that may be, I believe where we have fallen short with MCs locally is they have not been MB experts, and thus, have not met our expectations completely.

He did state all we needed was some tweaking and that what we had been doing up to now was not futile in the least bit.

He asked a number of questions that I think were to find out where I was at on the ideals that he follows and were I was having difficulty. Ha also gave me the 'wounded leg' analogy, which made perfect sense. In discussing with me, he did talk about what I needed to do to assist Froz healing the wound. My assignment has 3 parts. Why, which is the discussion of how I was able to have an A. Granting that I made the decision to do it, and therefore am totally responsible for it, he did talk some about ENs and hwo they play into things. The next is validate. Which, simply put, is get froz to buy it. Understand it. Last was a plan. That will be something she and I will have to discuss. But she is a plan kinda girl.

I did feel very good about the session. Dr Harley and I did talk about the fact that forz and I were a little different than most folks in that she and I were coming to him after trying recovery for a while and come to find out, being fairly successful. Anyway, I have the EN assignment as well, which I have done. I told froz my top 5 from that yesterday, because it moved around a little bit since the last time we did these.

Also, we looked into the INFP and INTP and so on stuff. It seems I am ENTJ(extroverted intuitive thinking judging) and when Froz read through some of it, it sure seemed to fit me.

On a down note, I feel bad because yesterday I was pretty busy when I got home, or I was playing a game on the computer and she was on the phone... and then time ran away and it was bedtime. She wanted to discuss the INTP and all that stuff and I was just tired and wanted to go to sleep. At first I was listening but I wanted her to hurry up and come to bed. She didn't and after a while I asked if we could discuss it tomorrow. She said that she hadn't gotten any time with me(implying that she was getting her time now) I was irritated because I wanted to go to bed. From there it just didn't go well in my mind, although we didn't have it out or anything. I just felt bad because I was tired and would rather go to sleep that stay up and discuss the stuff with her. Anyway, I felt bad and said I was sorry. She said there was no need. But, it is these kinds of instances that start us on the downhill slope of her not feeling close to me and so on. It is great to have good reccovery times and to feel close to her. But, they don't seem to last long as I wish they would.

I can't babble on this any more.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 04:36 PM
He did state all we needed was some tweaking and that what we had been doing up to now was not futile in the least bit.

I love this word .... especially in this context.

Carry on you two <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 04:49 PM
Pitbull Rose said:

My recovery was a decision to surrender my will. No trying, no understanding, nothing but simply becoming willing to give up my will.

Mine too. I remember exactly where I was .... on the floor of my closet with the doors closed. In the dark .... on my knees, surrounded by my shoes. I was totally utterly lost having been my own ego-god.

I'm a very smart woman. I have published in medical journals. I could not make this recovery work using my intelligence. All my usual 'tools' had failed me. I was circling the drain, going down ... dragged down by my own fighting for control .... I surrendered to God's will that day. And I re-surrender daily (sometimes several times a day) with the serenity prayer.

I visualize myself in His arms, like a child. Sometimes this puts me back into perspective.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 05:14 PM

Thanks for sharing that.

I think I need to tape it to my forehead.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 05:29 PM
In discussing with me, he did talk about what I needed to do to assist Froz healing the wound.

What? Just the assignment? Or was there more, if you don't mind sharing it.

I just felt bad because I was tired and would rather go to sleep that stay up and discuss the stuff with her. Anyway, I felt bad and said I was sorry. She said there was no need. But, it is these kinds of instances that start us on the downhill slope of her not feeling close to me and so on. It is great to have good reccovery times and to feel close to her. But, they don't seem to last long as I wish they would.

Sorry you felt bad. I understood. Close times don't last as long as I'd like them to, either. Don't worry, though...we'll "tweak" it out. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/01/05 06:38 PM
Not more really.


just you and I expounding on that was the deal.

And I am greatful you are willing to tweak things with me.(I certainly hope bob and his perverted friends don't mis-read that line) <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 01:51 AM
So, I'm wondering...

If I do as Pep suggested and go sit myself in my closet, surrounded by shoes, will I suddenly have all the answers?

I have no idea how to communicate with this man. I have no idea how to give him whatever it is that he wants. It seems as though what he wants is to don the rose-colored glasses and make believe as though everything is just fine.

I don't necessarily want to constantly focus on everything bad all the time, but if an issue exists, I would like to address it. I would also like him to address something if it's a problem for him. He doesn't seem to be willing or able to do that. If he is upset with me about something, he simply chooses to ignore it.

I think he is quite angry with me for not playing along with his game of make-believe.

He asked me tonight if it's conflict-avoidance if he just doesn't want to talk about anything bad. I didn't know how to answer him, so I didn't. I don't know that I really have an answer for him. Maybe I just didn't want to get into the conversation with him. It just feels like we've been there a thousand times. He never seems to get what I'm saying. Sometimes he even acts as though he does get it, but the end result is never any different. I get tired of having my words fall on deaf ears.

I get really tired of having to try to figure everything out for him. I can't make him get it. I can't control him, and I'm tired of trying to.

He doesn't seem to take much initiative unless I'm angry or it's crisis time. I have no desire to create a crisis to get my needs met or to get anything accomplished towards Recovery. I really don't want to play games. I just want to mutually work towards a goal...together.

I'm also pretty angry (yeah, I said angry) that it seems like the bar is set so much higher for me. I'm sure that sounds selfish, but I feel as though so much more is expected from me, simply because I am capable of more. Everything is expected of me, so I do it. I feel like there are all these expectations on me. That equates to any effort I make being nothing special, because it's expected.

On the other hand, if he makes some effort to be honest with me or something deserves huge accolades. Isn't that something that should be a given? That's just one example. There are many more. I'm tired of leading this thing. I didn't create it and I don't want to lead it.

I've told him what I need from him. I ask him for something specific, he forgets. Well, we can just chalk that up to his poor memory. Although it seems to me, he definitely doesn't forget the things that are important to him. He doesn't forget things when it comes to work or school or something that he is interested in. I wonder if he even really cares about what my EN's are. He keeps trying to give me what he would want, I guess.

He's frustrated, too. He actually just walked in here and said he was dying to know what I was posting so he could figure out how to fix this. This floors me, because none of this is anything I haven't already told him a thousand times. But, because things are tense...THEN he wants to try to do something. When I refuse to play make-believe...THEN he wants to take action.

I don't get him. I have told him precisely what it is that fills my needs. He knows this. He forgets, anyway. So, because my love bank is pretty much drained...then he gets motivated. He actually asked me to remind him what it was I already told him by making a "honey-do" list of things that I have told him would make me feel more fulfilled in this relationship.

That was pretty darn frustrating, considering I have told him over and over and he just doesn't seem to make it enough of a priority to remember or to actually listen or hear me. This is not a case of me not communicating these things to him.

The fact that, only when things get tense, he asked me to write him a reminder list makes me feel pretty unimportant. I'm not expecting him to be a mind-reader. It would just be really nice if I were important enough for him to pay attention. I don't really feel important when I have to write it down as though it were a list of chores.

I wonder how he would feel if he were expected to do that for me to make it a priority to meet his needs.

Besides, he has my EN Questionnaire. If he wants a list...there it is in black and white.

His asking me to make it a list feels like I have to constantly badger him to get what I need. I don't want to badger.

I don't even feel like I care to be close to him these days.
I'm sick of chasing him. It always feels as though any thing nice he does for me is some huge sacrifice or effort on his spending time with me.

How is it supposed to make me feel great when he spends time with me if he views it as some great sacrifice? It really comes off sounding so arrogant to me.

He actually told me the other day that he doesn't mind spending time with me. It's also fine with him if he doesn't. That made me feel very unimportant. It did not make me feel very valued.

I'm supposed to rise up, change all my perceptions, so that I can somehow grasp how that's supposed to make me feel valued by him? There have been too many things that make me feel completely unvalued, including the A. I don't feel valued. It feels like everything is all about him. This whole relationship has been about him. The A was about him. Recovery is about him.

Recovery is about what he is capable or willing to give. It rarely feels like it's about what I need. I needed details. I needed to understand what happened. But, because he was scared to do that, he didn't. Why is it all about what he needs? Why is it always about protecting him or making him feel safe?

I feel about as far away from him as I could be, and completely apathetic. That doesn't feel good. It makes him uncomfortable to discuss anything negative, and I'm sick of pushing him. If he doesn't want to deal with conflict, I can't force him.

OT: I've been thinking a lot about my birth mother today. The last I knew, she and her family live in New Orleans. I'm worried. I am a pretty decent investigator, and I may be able to find a brother in the Dallas area that I recall she said she was close to. I haven't talked to her in about 15 years. I thought about trying to find him, just so I could ask if she and her family are safe, but I'm afraid. I'm wondering which is worse...worrying and not knowing if they are safe, or trying to find out and risking further rejection from anyone in her family.

Feeling empty feels pretty...well, empty.

I seem to have misplaced my rose-colored glasses.
Posted By: lemonman Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 02:26 AM
Can I interject two quick points? First a comment....seems like a good step for both of you with this journal...hope it speeds the recovery for you both.

Second, did the "issue" of a possible "other child" ever get resolved?, or is that still clouding the "recovery" path? Sorry if I missed this..I admittedly have not kept up with your story.


Posted By: noodle Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 02:39 AM
Froz and Patriot,

Is there any chance that Patriot is a high functioning ADD? Several of your descriptions sound as though it could be a possibility. Particularly the bit about him not reacting until someth8ing has become a CRISIS..then having amazing clarity. No more thread jack..just a thought.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 02:43 AM

Glad to report there is no OC. OW gave birth August 31st. Patriot's final encounter with her was November 5th of last year. That would put us in the clear by about 5 or 6 weeks, I think. Hallelujah for that! Our path seems clouded enough sometimes without having to deal with that.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 02:46 AM

About the ADD thing...I have no idea. I don't know that it's something he has ever explored. I am not familiar at all with the signs or symptoms of ADD. Do you think it's something to look into?

Not a threadjack, by the way. I'm always grateful to hear from you.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 02:52 AM
Patriot & Froz

I'm so delighted to hear how well you're doing with SH coaching!!! YEA!!!!

I remember these early assignments well! It is such a huge relief to have such a PRO guiding your recovery. It doesn't feel like you're carrying such a huge burden any longer. Each person is responsible for his/her part of the recovery!

There will probably be rollercoaster moments as a result of what you dig up during the healing process. But as long as you keep the end result in mind it makes hurtling the bumps easier.

Blessings to you both!
Posted By: lemonman Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 02:53 AM

Glad to report there is no OC. OW gave birth August 31st. Patriot's final encounter with her was November 5th of last year. That would put us in the clear by about 5 or 6 weeks, I think. Hallelujah for that! Our path seems clouded enough sometimes without having to deal with that.

Whew.........I am breathing a nice sigh of relief for you both on this. I am glad that I asked.


LM <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 02:57 AM
I'm breathing a sigh of relief as well.

I was kinda scared that Dr.LM was going to tell me (in your most doctor-like voice)..."There are some women whose gestational cycles can extend a few weeks, blah blah blah (Froz medical talk), thus it is still a possibility."

The fact that you seemed to agree that it wasn't possible leaves me enormously reassured.

Phew for me, too! To have a medical professional such as yourself agree is only further validation for me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 03:05 AM

Is the lack of ability to remember anything a symptom, by chance? If so, ADD could be a high probability.

I even bought him some Ginkobiloba. He keeps forgetting to take it!
Froz ~ when you are learning to speak a new language...its uncomfortable, and sometimes you might need to carry a dictionary with you, full of scribbled notes to yourself, especially for communicating with those who are speaking their native language, and don't really understand WHY ITS SO DARN HARD FOR YOU TO GET IT.

Holy crap, I think alot of women on this board would be fainting if their husbands asked for a list.

You said he's ENTJ?

So is my husband (now I really dare you to tell me that I just don't get you!).

ENTJ's love lists. Action items are their speciality. Fix things, do things, lead the charge yadda yadda yadda.

Nothing pleases my husband more than to see me making a list. Lol ~ darn he's hung up on the things. He loves them. He thinks they are the way to get stuff done.

An ENTJ making a list is a darn serious thing. This is LOVE Froz, not disregard.

Go back to the beginning of this thread and read my birthday story again.

The problem, once again, is you. Your expectations of what it looks like to see Patriot learn a new language are what are out of kilter.

Expectations are premeditated resentments.

Now, don't get me wrong. Not saying Patriot isn't screwing up. I'll let the guys take a 2x4 to Patriot. (Which of you gentlemen would like to step up to the plate here?)

Believe me, the standard bar for Patriot is very high. And SH will hold Patriot to it.

But geez Froz, give the boy a break too. How much fun are you to be around?

Do you want to be married? or just in charge?

If your life revolves around all these heavy issues, and you cant have fun or be happy until they are resolved....well you are going to be one miserable gal, of your own choice. And your husband is going to just bloody give up.
Oh ~ and I know you read my long story about the stroke I had.

So you know I have some impaired mental issues.

I have to keep lists - detailed lists - both in my email software "To Do" and in a little black notebook that I haul around with me.

If I don't write it down, I will forget. It does NOT mean that I don't care. It means that I really can't remember.

In fact when I am stressed, I will wake up all night long in a panic about what I might have forgotten, and I will dream all night of trying to remember.


If your husband is making a list - don't assume he doesn't care.
haha, yet another point popped in my head.

I hate lists. I only use them because I have to.

Of course you see lists as insulting.

Lists are cold, disconnected, unemotional things. Structured, obvious, not very interesting.

I totally get that.

ENTJs do not feel that way about lists.

So hun, stop fussing about the means he is using to get to the ends (learning to love you in your language).

And for heavens sake, get off the pity pot.
Posted By: Gimble Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 06:15 AM
Hi, frozen.

BR is right on about the list. That is huge.

The reason it seems that you have so much more work to do is simply because of the way the male brain is wired at patriot's age. His ability to process emotion is not even one tenth of yours. In his brain, dealing with an emotional state comes under the list of things he has to do today. You simply can't expect reactions that are very similar to your own. No matter how hard he tries, he is unlikely to feel about something - anything, the same way, or to the same depth that you do.

I still listen to my own wife discuss (complain?) about a situation, and even though I know better, I find myself wanting to fix it as a problem, rather than just letting her unload while I listen intently. She lets me know when she actually wants me to fix something <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Sorry if I am restating the obvious/previsously discussed. My time to keep up with everyone closely is limited these days.

Patriot, have you been pursuing your wife?

God bless,
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 06:19 AM

I apparently misunderstood about the list. After he read my post, he clarified for me that the "honey-do" list was actually about household chores and fixit-things or whatnot.

Also, doesn't surprise me one tiny bit that you say my problem is me. It doesn't surprise me because I know it's probably true.

Even though I misunderstood, it was never the actual list that I had an issue with. It was the fact that he only seemed to care about the things I wanted when things were bad. I guess I was reiiterating that he only seems motivated to meet my needs if things get really bad. He only wants to do the things he's willing to do, no matter what I tell him I need.

For example, on occassion I have asked him if he would stay awake for a little while until I fall asleep. I only ask if I am having a particularly bad night. I know this probably seems like a ridiculous request, but it really does help me with the nightmares and such. I'm prone to panic attacks and it helps me feel safer if I know he is awake watching over me until I fall asleep. I doesn't take me that long to fall asleep, so I don't view this as an enormous request. I guess he does. He gets angry if I even ask, so I've stopped asking. He says he's tired...fine.

However, it is completely expected by him, as one of my duties to arise at 5:30 am and get up to make his coffee and breakfast and pack a lunch for him to take to work. Do you think I am not tired at 5:30 am...particularly when I don't sleep well at all? I am. But, I continue to do it because it's important to him.

His solution to this will probably be that I just stop getting up in the morning to do this for him, which is SO not the point. I don't mind giving to him. I mind that it is expected of me. I mind that it's viewed as "my job" instead of something special I do for him.

I know this probably sounds ridiculous and maybe it's a poor example.

I really have no problem with lists. Either I am not actually a INFP, or my upbringing overrides the distaste for lists. There is NO ONE who is a bigger list-maker than I. I LOVE lists. I have lists for my lists, all specially categorized into sublists for the sublists. Both of my parents are huge list makers, as well. I supposed I learned that from them. I don't view list-making as a flaw in the least. Without my lists, I would never be able to accomplish managing a household, running a business, and raising children.

I'm not saying he doesn't love me. I'm saying that if I tell him I need something from me, he does something different that doesn't meet my need at all. I feel as though he isn't listening to me.

Your expectations of what it looks like to see Patriot learn a new language are what are out of kilter.

This may very well be true. Meeting his needs doesn't necessarily come naturally to me, either, but I'm learning how to listen to him and do it, anyway.

I don't feel like the standard bar is high for him. It feels like I need to pole vault to get across my bar.

I don't know that I really want to be in charge at all. I just want to be as important in this M as he is! This may be my "victim" talking...but I'm angry that he makes his need for conflict-avoidance a higher priority than my healing.

I feel like I am, and have always been, the least important party of this relationship. What he needs always seems to come first.

How much fun am I to be around, you ask? Generally speaking, I would say that I think I am fun to be around. Even in the darkest times, I find a way to make him laugh. Even in the darkest times, I often look for a way to make him feel good and offer him kind words and encouragement. I guess that would really be a question for him.

How much fun is HE to be around? It's not easy, I'll admit. I hate it when a problem arises and he just runs from it. Or if I make a request of him and he immediately turns it around to be all about him again and what a failure he perceives himself to be. How much fun is it that I continue to be patient and wait for him to decide he can overcome his fears enough to make my healing a priority.

We're going on 10 months, here. He's yet to even really tell me details or exactly what it was that made him feel entitled to have an A. I don't think I've been hard on him. I've been patient and encouraging. That's not to say that I don't get pretty frustrated on occassion.

If your life revolves around all these heavy issues, and you cant have fun or be happy until they are resolved....well you are going to be one miserable gal, of your own choice. And your husband is going to just bloody give up.

This sounds like you are telling me to lower my expecations or my standards. How much lower could they be? I think even Patriot would agree that I don't ask for or require much. I'm not exactly high-maintenance and the smallest things make me happy. He just chooses to give the things he wants, instead of the things I've told him make a difference.

Hopefully, I have properly conveyed that I have no aversion at all to lists. I'm probably confusing you and making not a lot of sense, here. I do have a difficult time expressing myself in a way that doesn't get misunderstood.

I just want to be as important in this M as he is. I want my needs to matter, too. I want to feel valued. I want to feel pursued. I want it to matter to him whether we spend time together. He thinks I misunderstood what he said there and keeps contending, "But, I do want to spend time with you." The thing is, I never said I thought he didn't. But he also said he is fine if he doesn't spend time with me. I want to matter to him. I don't want to be irrelevant.

And your husband is going to just bloody give up.

I'll expect a thorough whacking for this one, but you know what? If he gives up...let him. I haven't given up, and if he doesn't deem me worthy of the be it. I've told him time and again that I believe he is worth the effort. I've praised and praised for everything he's done, even the small things.

Does he not see that it is an awful lot of work to continue to overlook mistakes that genuinely hurt me in light of the fact that he has betrayed me and continually put his needs before mine? If he wants to give up, I'm not holding him prisoner.

This feels impossible sometimes. Maybe I should lower my expectations to zilch and be glad for anything I get. If he lies...oh well. He's trying not to.

I think I'm doing a horrible job today of explaining myself. It's been a crappy day all in all. I really am worried about my mother. I just want to know if she is okay. I've searched some victim and survivor lists, but I've found nothing.

He asked me tonight if Recovery is even possible. I'm beginning to wonder. Maybe sometimes it just isn't. SH said that I haven't healed properly. He forgot to mention what the proper way was.

You're right, I'm having quite the pity party today. I'm sick of feeling this way. I'm sick of feeling like he is the prized one of this M. I'm sick of trying to choke down the filthy things he's done. They disgust me.

I'm mostly rambling. No wonder I probably don't make sense.
Froz ~ you make perfect sense. I understand it all.

You married Patriot with the expectation that he now owed it to you to make things right according to your standards afterwards.

You aren't getting what you feel entitled to, and thats totally tickin you off.

I get that.

When I say that the problem is with you - I am NOT exonerating Patriot. I'm just not talking to Patriot. I'm talking to you about your part of your marriage. There's lots of parts of you that need work, no matter WHO you are married to. Let SH and the MB guys deal with Patriot and whatever his failings are.

The bottom line is, you choose THIS man, knowing that he was who he was. Now you are complaining that he isn't what you want him to be. He never was. You chose to marry him anyway and hope that he would be.

At the point you decided to marry a guy who betrayed you, you were choosing the whole messy painful nasty recovery or lack thereof.

You are in this by choice.


Thats why I am saying get off the pity pot. I am not saying that Patriot isn't screwing up or wrong. I'm just pointing out that you are hardly the victim. And as long as you see yourself as "poor me", you are going to continue to be frustrated and angry.

And...I suspect...the nightmares will continue as long as you see yourself as a victim. I know that part of my healing and the lessening of the nightmares happened when I took responsibility for the choices I made that landed me where I was.

Now, here is where I think you need to really talk to SH:

For example, on occassion I have asked him if he would stay awake for a little while until I fall asleep. I only ask if I am having a particularly bad night. I know this probably seems like a ridiculous request, but it really does help me with the nightmares and such. I'm prone to panic attacks and it helps me feel safer if I know he is awake watching over me until I fall asleep. I doesn't take me that long to fall asleep, so I don't view this as an enormous request. I guess he does. He gets angry if I even ask, so I've stopped asking. He says he's tired...fine.

However, it is completely expected by him, as one of my duties to arise at 5:30 am and get up to make his coffee and breakfast and pack a lunch for him to take to work. Do you think I am not tired at 5:30 am...particularly when I don't sleep well at all? I am. But, I continue to do it because it's important to him.

His solution to this will probably be that I just stop getting up in the morning to do this for him, which is SO not the point. I don't mind giving to him. I mind that it is expected of me. I mind that it's viewed as "my job" instead of something special I do for him.

POJA. Policy of Joint (ENTHUSIASTIC!) Agreement.

No spouse is to ever sacrifice themselves for the other's gain.

You are sacrificing yourself for him and expecting him to do likewise.

That is NOT how POJA works.

And darn it Froz, do you see the ironic part of:

I mind that it's viewed as "my job" instead of something special I do for him.

Stop insisting that he feel loved by it.

That's not what he needs you to do to feel loved by you.

Stop insisting that he speak your love language to feel loved.

Stop sacrificing your sleep and being ticked off that he doesn't feel loved when you do it.

As you have already predetermined, he will be happy to forgo his breakfast and lunch prepared by you, if it means he can go to sleep when he is tired.

Stop insisting that he do it YOUR way. POJA is a negotiated agreement that makes both of you happy. He isn't happy about staying up with you. He is willing to let you sleep in the morning if that helps.

Really, truely, talk to Steve about this.

I don't know that I really want to be in charge at all. I just want to be as important in this M as he is! This may be my "victim" talking...but I'm angry that he makes his need for conflict-avoidance a higher priority than my healing.

I feel like I am, and have always been, the least important party of this relationship. What he needs always seems to come first.

Do you see all the disrespectful judgements here?

If your life revolves around all these heavy issues, and you cant have fun or be happy until they are resolved....well you are going to be one miserable gal, of your own choice.

Froz: This sounds like you are telling me to lower my expecations or my standards.

No I'm not. I'm telling you that your expectations need to be adjusted to something realistic. Not lower. Just different.

I'm just saying that you don't have to wait for everything to be resolved in order to relax and enjoy your husband. It's ok to let the problems go for awhile. Experience a little bit of what you are both working towards.

You don't have to choose to live in agony and pain every minute until its all resolved to your satisfaction. (Pain is a given, misery is optional!)

The truth is, you'll never get it all resolved exactly to your satisfaction. It is what it is.

I used to think what you have expressed too. It never got me very far.

You are not a prisoner here either Froz. If you don't like it, the door is open and available at any time.

As long as you choose, on a daily basis, to stay in THIS marriage, you have to buck up and take responsiblity for your choices, instead of blaming Patriot for your misery.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 01:43 PM

You're right. I know you are right about all of that, with the exception about me getting up in the morning to do all his crap for him. It does make him feel loved. He's told me it does, and he's been pretty angry with me at times for not doing it.

You're right...I have no right to be angry with him because I'm here. I chose to be here, knowing what he'd done.

You are not a prisoner here either Froz. If you don't like it, the door is open and available at any time.

Seriously considering this option today.

I'm enraged today and I'm too afraid to say much because it'll just be DJ's all over the place.

Pep will be thrilled to hear me say that I am angry with myself for marrying him, because you're right...I knew what he was all about. I chose it anyway.
I am watching your thread closely because I feel the same exact emotions you do. I feel your pain 100%. Even with 2 x4 's, it's tough to change/lower your standards when you're already in a vulnerable position. SH would say I'm not properly healed--but I've always been a slow healer, so how can I ever heal. Thank you so much for sharing your inner most thoughts--it is so nice to know you're not alone. Good luck getting through your anger!
It's ok to be angry...its what you do with the anger that can be a problem.

Go back up and read the post I wrote to you the first time you admitted to being angry.

Reread, follow the instructions! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Find that private book and start writing. Let lose all the angry outbursts and DJs you need to in that book, not on here.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 04:09 PM
You're right. I forgot about the book. I did vent in an e-mail to a friend...said some pretty nasty things.

Patriot called. He wants me to come out to his work for lunch today.

I'm done being angry.

I just don't know where to begin sometimes. I also don't know why I have to keep "beginning".

I'm not leaving. I am committed to this marriage and I am making the choice to love him today. I do love him.

I get so frustrated sometimes because it seems like he wants me to do everything for him. I want to help him, but I can't do it all for him.

He is a good man with a good heart and I feel bad for being so darn hard on him sometimes.

I've been thinking maybe I'm not a INFP, after all. I haven't taken that test since I was about 15. I think I'll retake it later today, just to see.

If list-making is not a characteristic, I've changed a bunch since 15.

I wish someone could just tell me "Do A, then B, then C...and this will all be fixed."

Instead they say "heal, grow, change, etc..."

I need a plan. You can accomplish anything if you have a plan.

Sometimes it gets so hard to work towards anything or maintain some sort of focus because it hurts...really, really hurts. Marriage Building would be a snap without all this pain in the way.

I think I'll try that number I have for my biological mother's brother. I don't even know if it's the right number. I figure she already rejected me, so what do I have to lose? I just want to know if she's okay. If I try and don't get that information, I'm still at the same place (not knowing) so I might as well try.

I wish I could tell her that there isn't anything she could do to make me not love her. I wish she knew there wasn't anything I wouldn't forgive her for. I wish she didn't feel guilty.

Thanks for helping ground me. I really am done being angry today. I'll remember the book next time.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 06:05 PM

Just a thought:

When issues came up with my husband, I would make a note of them in my SH MB notebook - so that I could remember to discuss them with him at the next coaching appointment.

A few days before the appointment I would fax him a compilation of things I wanted to discuss so that he would have information in advance. This helped me make the most of the time spent on the phone! Helped keep me organized too. And now I have a great notebook of my particular issues and the solutions for them that I can still review when I need to be grounded!
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/06/05 08:53 PM
This is going to be a rough response, but I am going to give it a try.

I'm breathing a sigh of relief as well.

me too. I am grateful that I don't have to manage this additional drama in our lives together. This one would fall under the 'too big to deal with' category. Not trying to run from it. But, I don't find it very productive to spend time trying to figure out how to eat without both unless I am actually missing both arms. It's great that I still have both arms, but what have I really gained by learning to eat without them? I guess I am trying to say that given the size of the issue(potentially) I opt to cross the bridge when I get there. I already knew about the pregnancy. I did worry about it. But, per NC, whatelse could I really do? I suppose I could have discussed my feelings with froz about it more, but in my mind that sure didn't seems to help much of anything. I am sure it would have been nice to simply communicate with my wife, but this was an issue I could not resolve. Either the baby is mine or not and whats done is done. Not sure if I am making sense on this... my communication skills are subpar at best. Baby or not, I don't want to live life in perpetual misery. Pondering the bleakness of this situation seemed just simply miserable. Nothing I could do to change it. Anyway, it certainly appears that the OC is not mine. Which is good. However, isn't the "yea!" from that tainted by the fact that I am even in the position of worry to begin with? Man, does that suck.

Expectations are premeditated resentments.

If I gain nothing else from this site the one thing I will have is more one-liner quotes than the archives at Readers Digest. Not that this is a bad line and I like the message it sends...but after I absorbed the idea from it, it made me think of the plethora of one-line tidbits of wisdom around here. We should all be rich, since Readers Digest pays like $300 dollars for printing your line. Anyway, thats my little humor anecdote for the day.

How much fun are you to be around?

I love this woman. More than anything in the world. but, sometimes, she is no fun to be around. Sure, we have horrible issues to deal with. Yes, I caused them. The why is really not all that hard to comprehend for me anymore. I just have to tell froz. I have not been hiding it. I only found it recently. Anyway, I would not try to stay away from 'difficult" discussions during the good times if I thought we could stay in a good time for any length. So, I am selfish in that I want to be happy at least for some portion of a week. But, inevitably, we have a good time(like the timeframe after the call to SH) and then we don't talk about issues for a little bit. Then I see the 'good time' slipping away and I'll be damned if I am gonna just murder it with A talk. Or here's how I am a horrible person talk. Or whatever. All I am saying is I feel like I would be more able to discuss the elephants in the room if I thought I could get away from them(totally) for a timeframe to get a break. The biggest thing I need that I will not get is a vacation. I feel like I can't unplug. And I am running on overload as it is. So figure out a way to unplug, you say. Well, I would love too, but in the average day, I've got from around 5pm to 10pm to do anything around the house. This includes spend time with my wife(there are other times for that as well but I am just taking a generic case), upkeep on the house, relax(because a work day can be stressful), clean something(usually the kitchen for me and we have teenagers, so it is always a messy place), maybe read something for school, maybe work on something in the software area(since I am going to be falling back on those rusting skills soon for primary employment) and many other things that just continually come up, all of which I call life. The point is I need a break from things sometimes, and in 10 months, I can't think of one break I have gotten. Maybe there are some. I can't remember them. Every single day is filled with reminders and stresses. That gets old. Makes me edgy. Makes me want to just get away from it all any way I can. This arguement is easily destroyed I am sure, but people need time to decompress on an issue. Going out to the computer and playing a game would seem to fit the bill because I love a good computer game. It doesn't. I feel guilty for being on the computer. Nothing seems to have a good outcome. I try to relax, but no good because I have neglected her. I try to talk about an issue(granted, not often), but no good because she is not in the mood or she had to 'beat' it out of me so now she isn't interested.

Also, a different idea, maybe, that I just thought of. It is confusing for me that I am asked to discuss my feelings and how things make me feel, but when I do, I have 'made it about me" or invalidated her feelings.

How about this one. Because of the whole possible OC issue, she began communicating with OW's OM#2(yes thats right, like pork... the other other man.). She was after info about the pregnancy and the OW. This was during the "stalking" phase. Well, she has still talked to this guy as recently as this past weekend. Silly... I just thought by talking about this issue, that I would be "ratting" her out. Or maybe trying to rat her out better than she ratted me out. I'm not. She has gotten mad at me for being mad about it. Like 'you went out and screwed some OW for a year and a half and all I am doing is talking with this guy' and ' I feel entitled' I do not want this man to be a part of my life. Ever. Nor anywhere in it. That is not conflict avoiding. That is making a concise decision. He is not to be part of my equation in life. "what do you have against him" I heard. He obviously has no issue sleeping with a married woman AND he is now talking to you. There is more to this, but her defense is " I know I would never hurt you like you hurt me"

That is a lie. Maybe lie is to strong. What it really is.. is this. A statement made by someone who lacks the credentials to make it. A foolish remark. An uneducated statement. To believe you are not capable of something is bunk. And, I extend, makes you more vulnerable to do it....even if just a wee bit more. Anyway, ramble ramble...

Patriot, have you been pursuing your wife?

No, Gimble. I have not. Not the way I would want her to pursue me. I recognize that as an issue. Sometimes I pick one thing up and drop another. And sometimes I just want a break. The bad thing about a break, is sometimes I don't know how to get back into it. Yes, I know this is an area of work I need to focus on.

More later. I have rambled and now it is time to go.

The single biggest reason I believe in her and I is this.

For all the things I need to learn and change I don't have to learn that I love her. I love her and that is fact. She is the greatest woman anywhere. As they say, the rest is just details.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/07/05 07:39 PM
Well, froz and I had a talk last night. She is very angry at me for not being able to try on her pain. She says I will never understand it and that my words here prove it.

I really am not trying to be short-sighted here, so, maybe someone could tell me what "trying on the BS's pain" works like. I definitely want to be more sensitive to her and not say things "that a dumba** WS would say because they don't get it"

Something interesting on the conflict avoidance front. Dealing with elephants. How do you deal with an elephant? one bite at a time. Not ignoring or avoiding them. But, something I thought was interesting was the fact that she (and maybe I helped) came up with this little formula for know when something is an elephant and needs to be talked about. When it is the most uncomfortable thing I cn think to talk about. Then talk about it. An interesting concept and was brought up by the "there might be an OC" issues. We did talk about it some, but it was still it warranted more discussion.

Also, instead of using so many I messages, I need to use more We messages. I know what that means. You don't have

I would like to continue with SH soon, but the price of admission is a little steep... so I will have to work that in somehow.

More later, I am sure.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/07/05 08:15 PM
Sure, we have horrible issues to deal with. Yes, I caused them.

Yes, you behaved very badly. No doubt. However, you did not single-handedly cause all the "horrible issues" your relationship needs to work through.
Posted By: Gimble Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/07/05 08:17 PM
Hi, Patriot.

Well, froz and I had a talk last night. She is very angry at me for not being able to try on her pain. She says I will never understand it and that my words here prove it.

The only way to try on someone else's pain is to imagine the roles reversed. The only way to understand someone else's pain is to go through a very similar circumstance yourself. Regardless, you will never completely know someone else's pain.

I will never completely know the pain I caused others, and brother, I caused some. No one will ever know much of my pain, as much of it has never, and will never, be revealed.

You will never understand Frozen's pain completely. You will be lucky to understand it partly. I pray that you never understand it because you go through what she has been through.

It is an unrealistic expectation to have another understand someone else's pain unless you have experienced it. All you can do is try to comfort and reassure her that you will never cause her such pain again.

Much of your pain you will unwillingly learn to live with, and it will eat at you until you find a place of forgiveness or acceptance. Even then, the memory of it will haunt you occasionally, just like Frozen's memories will haunt her. What has been done can not be undone.

God bless,
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/07/05 08:17 PM
Froz ... you have no business talking to OW's OM#2 .... THAT is not marriage building but distancing behavior on your part ! How do you like them beans?
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/07/05 08:20 PM
It is an unrealistic expectation to have another understand someone else's pain unless you have experienced it. All you can do is try to comfort and reassure her that you will never cause her such pain again.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/07/05 10:06 PM

Sure, we have horrible issues to deal with. Yes, I caused them.


Yes, you behaved very badly. No doubt. However, you did not single-handedly cause all the "horrible issues" your relationship needs to work through.

Not sure what you're implying here. If you're trying to say that I have made mistakes in Recovery, I'll be the first to agree. If you're trying to say I helped lay the groundwork for the A, that is crap.

You will never understand Frozen's pain completely. You will be lucky to understand it partly. I pray that you never understand it because you go through what she has been through.

I have pretty much given up trying to get him to understand it. He just looks at me blankly when I describe it to him in vivid detail.

I'm not sure why it was so important for him to understand it. I just wanted him to understand how I felt more than anything. I really thought a lot of my behavior might not seem so bizarre to him if he knew what it felt like. I also wanted him to know, really know, how badly he hurt me. For if he knew, he would surely never do it again. I know what's done can't be undone, but how I wish it could! I would give anything to change it. But, like I said...I've given up trying to get him to feel it. It's futile.

As for praying he never has to actually go through it worries. That isn't going to happen. It just isn't. I will never choose that, not only because I don't want to hurt him, but because I have no desire to do something like that to myself.

Besides, I know that he wouldn't actually feel what I'm feeling if I did choose that route. He's not as emotional as I am and wouldn't perceive it the same way. Also, he would probably figure he deserved it. I don't want him to "try on my pain" THAT badly. It just would have been nice to feel understood.

Froz ... you have no business talking to OW's OM#2 .... THAT is not marriage building but distancing behavior on your part ! How do you like them beans?

How do I like it? Do you really think I'm going to disagree or try to justify it? I'm not. I knew it wasn't a good idea. I did it anyway. I won't talk to him anymore.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/07/05 11:52 PM

If you and Patriot decide to coach with SH again he will address the following issue quite thoroughly.

"I'm not sure why it was so important for him to understand it. I just wanted him to understand how I felt more than anything. I really thought a lot of my behavior might not seem so bizarre to him if he knew what it felt like. I also wanted him to know, really know, how badly he hurt me. For if he knew, he would surely never do it again. I know what's done can't be undone, but how I wish it could! I would give anything to change it. But, like I said...I've given up trying to get him to feel it. It's futile."

It's a cornerstone of his recovery plan for Patriot. And it had to be one of the most difficult parts of coaching for my husband. He had to take several tries at it before SH gave him a passing grade and we could move on. And I'm happy to say when he finally was able to accomplish understanding my feelings regarding his affair - it was a huge turning-point for me, and helped me find real peace.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 12:11 AM

SH actually did broach the subject with me. We didn't discuss it thoroughly.

And I'm happy to say when he finally was able to accomplish understanding my feelings regarding his affair - it was a huge turning-point for me, and helped me find real peace.

That sounds like it would be beneficial, but I don't expect it anymore. If it happens...great. I'll be pleasantly surprised. If it doesn't, I'll just have to accept it.

By the way, I don't think I've ever told you that I appreciate your responses and the manner in which you share your experiences with me.

Sometimes I don't respond to something you've said to me, because it is usually information and food for thought, as opposed to questions. I just wanted to tell you that I listen to you, what you say is helpful, and I appreciate it.

Thank you very much.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 02:20 AM
Not sure what you're implying here.

Actually, my purpose in replying to Patriot was to GIVE HIM SOME ENCOURAGEMENT coz I think he needs some !!!! I don't think it is helpful for Patriot to feel that he carries the entire weight of every problem in the marriage 100% on his back. I admire your husband's efforts. I admire his struggle with his own failing .... a tough thing for any proud man to deal with. I'm trying to pick him up when I sense he's feeling overwhelmed.

If you're trying to say that I have made mistakes in Recovery, I'll be the first to agree.

Both of you have made mistakes in recovery as well as before the affair was even discovered. You're both human. Two kewl humans.

If you're trying to say I helped lay the groundwork for the A, that is crap.

Of course that's crap. I would never say that. I hold Patriot accountable for his errors (especially BIG ones involving mortal sin as it is perceived in my religion), and you accountable for yours. Why? Because that is the only way to make things better .... everyone claiming ownership of their own errors.

I just wanted him to understand how I felt more than anything.

I agree that it is a fine thing to understand the depth of how we harm others by our misdeeds. Except you cannot ~make~ your FWH understand .... that depends on his openness to understanding ... and that door is opened with much caution by the WS (not just your husband ... all WS) .... mostly because it involves addressing so much of their own shame it cannot be done all at at once. Too devestating.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 03:49 AM
Actually, my purpose in replying to Patriot was to GIVE HIM SOME ENCOURAGEMENT coz I think he needs some !!!! I don't think it is helpful for Patriot to feel that he carries the entire weight of every problem in the marriage 100% on his back. I admire your husband's efforts. I admire his struggle with his own failing .... a tough thing for any proud man to deal with. I'm trying to pick him up when I sense he's feeling overwhelmed.

This just floors me. Maybe I'm misunderstanding. I hope so.

I admire his efforts, too. I tell him pretty frequently. I also continuously remind him that I am grateful for his committment. He's nevered wavered on that one...not once.

I wish he would paint an accurate portrait of what really goes on here. His posts sometimes make it sound as though he is just this poor, helpless victim of the wrath of some vengeful psycho-hater wife.

I feel really misunderstood.

Of course, neither of us is perfect, yet he posts about his efforts and sometimes the lack of thing you's all "Poor Patriot...the poor guy is trying so hard. How does he put up with it???"

I post something and receive a slew of 2X4's, which is okay. I can obviously handle it and view it as an opportunity to grow.

It's just kind of irritating sometimes. Maybe it's because there aren't just tons of WS's or FWS's putting forth the effort, and there are tons of BS's trying so hard - I don't know.

I don't think it is helpful for Patriot to feel that he carries the entire weight of every problem in the marriage 100% on his back.

Who's asking him to carry it 100%? Not me! In none of the responses he has received do I hear anyone holding him accountable for anything during Recovery. It seems the answer to every obstacle is "Froz needs to do this, and Froz needs to do that". "Froz needs to lower her expectations". "Froz needs to manage her anger." "Froz needs to face this or that".

He gets "Patriot, have you done this" His reply..."No, I haven't." "Oh, okay Patriot...keep up the good work."


I have posted before for all to see "Things Patriot has done right". I tell him on an even more frequent basis in real life.

But, you know what? I cannot carry the responsibility of Recovery completely on my shoulders, either. I need help. The only way to light a fire under him is when I finally get frustrated with him and vocalize it. THEN he takes action. Then he stops, and he goes back to "Let's pretend everything is okay and stop working". I don't want to badger him to get anything done. I can't force him. So, I stop. Inevitably, we become distant because we aren't working together. Then he gets frustrated because we're distant!!!!

I make a mistake and get whacked for it. He makes a mistake and gets a pat on the back and a "You'll do better next time".

that depends on his openness to understanding ... and that door is opened with much caution by the WS (not just your husband ... all WS) .... mostly because it involves addressing so much of their own shame it cannot be done all at at once. Too devestating.

Geez, the poor's so devastating to face how you destroyed someone else. I'm sure it is.

It's no easy task to continue to love, be caring and supportive and kind to the very person who devastated you BY CHOICE! Guess what? I got to bear the burden of his shame...ALL AT ONCE! I try to choke it down every single day and still be strong enough to try to be supportive, kind and patient, while he continues to put his needs before mine and hold on to the belief that "I love her, so the rest is just details."

He loved me during the A, too. Where did that get us?

Vent concluded...I'm now an open target. Feel free to tear it to shreds.

I'm sure he'll need plenty of "support" after this.

This is frustrating.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 03:53 AM
It takes 2 healthy and strong and determined people to face the daunting task of recovery ... and I reserve the right to give your husband a bit of encouragement when I think it may help .... because in the long run ... it benifits you if it makes recovery more likely.

Surely you have no objection for Patriot receiving support, do you?
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 03:58 AM
I don't think it is helpful for Patriot to feel that he carries the entire weight of every problem in the marriage 100% on his back.

Who's asking him to carry it 100%?

HE was asking it of himself. I pointed out that was an UNreasonable expectation ~of himself~.

I was not adressing your actions at all.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 04:00 AM

You don't need anyone to tear you to shreds .... you do that just fine all by yourself !
Froz ~ it's late and i'm pretty exhausted so I won't give a more comprehensive reply.

After reading what you both wrote, I think that Patriot needs a break from relationship talk. Big time. My husband had the same identical issues with our recovery.

I had to learn to back off.

Believe it or not you need it to.

And finally, the sense of entitlement in either spouse is a relationship killer.
Oh and one more comment.

In recovery, the rules apply equally to both spouses. My husband was teh cheater. We both account to each other for time, share passwords, email access, we both keep our computers in public. We neither of us carry on any relationships that the other has a problem with.

Froz, if your husband objects to your relationship with a man, you darn well owe him the respect and courteousy of stopping that lovebusting behavior.
And that means, Patriot's feelings and needs carry equal weight to yours.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 04:44 AM
Surely you have no objection for Patriot receiving support, do you?

I'm glad he receives support, but not when supporting his behavior enables him to continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over.

After reading what you both wrote, I think that Patriot needs a break from relationship talk.

Then let him! I have told him before to ask for what he needs. If he needs a break...TELL ME, and then do it. He won't.

After I read what he posted last night about needing a break, but saying he couldn't because he has all these first thought was to give it to him. It is totally untrue that he "can't" take a break. He has a cushy government job with paid vacation...he has about a week accrued. I'm quite sure I can handle the household chores.

I told him, take a few days...take the whole week. I even offered a couple of suggestions for places to go. He has a friend out of state that would probably love a visit from him. My parents have a peaceful cabin at the lake about 3 hours away. GO UNPLUG, if that's what he needs. He declined. I told him I would totally be supportive of it. If it would help him, I would love for him to do it.

And I have backed off. I don't talk about this crap every minute of the day. HE DOES! In fact, he gets upset if I am not in the mood to talk about it.

I have also told him to play his computer games guilt-free. I told him I don't mind. I have told him repeatedly to just ask for what he needs, and I'll give it to him...I'll even do it cheerfully...whatever it takes to recharge him. I agree, and don't even consider it a sacrifice.

But, it's unfair of him to complain that he feels so pressured (to do what, I'm not sure) when he is unwilling to "decompress".

We both account to each other for time, share passwords, email access, we both keep our computers in public. We neither of us carry on any relationships that the other has a problem with.

Froz, if your husband objects to your relationship with a man, you darn well owe him the respect and courteousy of stopping that lovebusting behavior.

He has all my passwords, and I'm an open book. I have never lied to him about correspondence of any kind. I haven't lied to him about much at all, that I can recall. I account for my time, as well.

Owe? Does that not denote some form of entitlement? I agree I owe him that respect and courtesy. It's been taken care of. It's done.

But here's a question...if I owe him that, what exactly does he "owe" me?
Froz ~ did it occur to you that much of the pressure Patriot feels is likely from within?

You complained about the standards bar being too low for Patriot.

It seems to me (and remember, I'm married to an ENTJ) that his own standards bar is pretty high.

Not to say that it's always healthy. Guilt and responsibility and a desire to make things right are eating him up. It's his job to learn how to balance those things. As Pep was pointing out to him, correctly so, that he ISN'T as responsible or powerful as he makes himself out to be.

Lord knows I can identify with that. I drive myself at a pretty frenetic pace. I try to take on the responsibility of the world, and do it perfectly, and the stress can be a killer. Vacations and breaks are not something that my brain really understands. This is an area in myself that still needs alot of work.

I suspect your temper tantrums on here, on a pretty regular basis, trashing his efforts and complaining about what you don't get probably add alot to his pressure.

Honestly, I completely understand his reluctance to talk to you. I'm not saying he should not talk to you about all the details. But I sure understand the reluctance. I remember Steve Harley stressing to me over and over and over that I had to be a safe place for my husband. I didn't matter if *I* thought I was a safe place, my behavior was causing a reaction in my husband that made him feel unsafe.

One of the hardest lessons I've learned over the years is to separate out what is my husband's "stuff" and what is my "stuff". IE if he is uncomfortable with me, is it because I"m doing something wrong,or is it some thing in HIS head that is the problem. Even if it is HIS head, is there some way I can adjust to make him more comfortable?

You know...something interesting happened the other day. There was a period of about a year or more after recovery, that my husband would tell me he was running to the store for 10 minutes, and not come home for over an hour or 2, I never knew where he was going or what he was doing. Every other bit of his life was exposed to me, except this one part. Some would have said he was continuing his affair, but I knew he wasn't. I knew that he was likely running from me, and from the pressure of the "stuff" between us that I could never let rest as much as I protested that I did. I figured he was at a local bar, because he always came home happy. It made me NUTS. There were times I hopped in the car and went checking the parking lots of every bar in the area. I never found him. He would never tell me where he was. Eventually our relationship changed. I got calmer, less demanding and "heavy". This lessened his need to run. Home became a place that he enjoyed and didn't feel that he had to leave to 'unplug'.

Was his behavior ok? No way, he hurt me alot when he did that.

But it was understandable, if not excusable. He had to unplug and I wasn't exactly Miss Fun and Relaxing.

He later decided that hurting me was not exactly helping our marriage, and that it made things worse between us. I had stopped obsessing every moment of the day about him and our 'stuff', and was no longer making him feel the need to run. So he stopped.

Again, NOT excusing my husband. It was a childish, selfish thing for him to do. But MY behavior played a role in the environment that lead to his choices (where have we heard that before, hmm?).

It's been, gosh, a very long time since he's done that to me. Just the other day, we were driving through a local town and we were commenting on a local restaurant/bar. Out of the blue, he says: All those times I disappeared? I was here. (lol and I was embarrestd. It was a very classy joint. In my frantic need to know what was going on, I had been searching all the low class nasty joints. Never occured to me he was sitting some place nice with a cigar and a scotch!)

There you have it. I got my answers and I got my honesty, when I had completely LET GO. Let go of him, the need to control him, the need to know, the need to control everything around me..

So Froz, the tricky part here, is to read Patriot's posts, and figure out what is caused by his own issues and what is caused by your behavior. It's not so obvious as you think.

He's got his own issues and own demons to work on. As do you.

Pepperband in no way enabled Patriot. I'm a little surprised that took such offence at her supporting your husband.

The common theme in many of your posts Froz, is "All I do is give and I am unappreciated" and "Whats in it for me" and "I'm the hurt one, he's the bad one, when do I get mine" And behind it all is an expectation and a sense of entitlement that he owes you.

I've said this before and I'll say it again.

Once you stop asking "What about ME" and turn your focus onw what should be given instead of received, you'll start getting what you need. As long as you ask "What about ME", you are actually quite closed off to Patriot.

You are missing out on a lot of good stuf from your husband my dear.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 12:11 PM
Okay, I hear you.

No more pressure from me for him to meet my needs.

I just don't get it, I guess.

This whole relationship has been about what he needs, and on his time schedule.

The A was about his needs.

Now Recovery is about his needs, too.

It's all about what I need to to for him.

I didn't take offense at Pep offering him support. I'm jealous. I'm jealous because others post things to him that I would so like to, understanding, acceptance, admiration.

I also don't feel that he gives a true representation of what actually goes on here.

I don't really feel that you do, either. For all the times you say I trash his efforts and blast him, there are more times when I'm his cheerleader.

I'm not angry today. Today I am completely, totally, utterly beat down. I've been running on empty for way too long.

I give. I let go.
Froz ~ he gives HIS perception, HIS reality.

Which isn't yours.

Why is yours right and his wrong?

This is why I keep saying, Do you want to be right or do you want to be married?

You are empty and exhausted from fighting Patriot for a relationship built exactly according to your plan, the "right" plan.

I also think its too bad that you do not recognize the support, understanding, acceptance, admiration you do recieve from many on this board.

I've spent alot of time posting to you on this thread Froz. Just curious, if I am not supporting you - then exactly what do you think I'm doing here?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 12:40 PM
You are supporting me, and I appreciate the time you take to do it. I thought I'd properly conveyed that. I apologize if I have not. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I am grateful.
Geez, the poor's so devastating to face how you destroyed someone else. I'm sure it is.

This is where your victim mode comes pouring out. You have to give someone permission to do this to you. Why do (did) you give him that power?

I would drop that mentality post haste.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 01:14 PM
Why do (did) you give him that power?

I gave him that power because I opened myself up to him in order to be a vessel. I opened myself up to him because I loved him.

I would drop that mentality post haste.

Thanks for the advice.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 02:04 PM
I don't know where ti interject here, but I have a few things to say.

On the topic of "unplug"...I am not very good at all about scheduling a vacation. I was on active duty, single, and making really good money so bills were well taken care of. In 2 years I didn't take one day of vacation. I never even thought to plan one. Why? Because I am a worker. Vacations were never a 'popular' thing in my family because Mom, Dad and 3 teenagers is not easy to fund on teacher(mom) and struggling self-employment(dad). One year they both got second jobs for 4 months just to have christmas. Funny, I look back on that and what a sacrifice. But I also look back on it as time I was not bothered by parenting that I didn't agree with. I just don't plan vacations because they were never important. They never happened. Being a worker, a provider, a bread winner was what I was trained to do. Managing finances is something I have learned on my own as well. Many thing I have learned since leaving home(but who doesn't). But, vacations was never something I was good at. So unplugging via a vacation has never really been an option.

Also, there are two distinct things I want to unplug from. I hope I make it clea this time, because I have not up to now. Life. When I say I want to unplug from life THAT is talking about a vacation. A getaway. Go do something for a few days that does NOT deal with life. The stressful, billpaying, hitting appointments on time life. It is this unplug that I want to do WITH froz. When I want to unplug from my relationship problems, that is like go play a computer game for the evening, or read a book, or(and really would be the greatest) do something FUN with my wife where we can enjoy each other and truly set down the problems for a short time. I think when I posted about unplugging, it was immediately taken as "get away from froz". Not at all. Sure, I like being alone to myself sometimes, but I love being with her and enjoying each other.

On the being alone for a little bit(like to play a game or do some homework or something) I am the one with the issue now. I think for the most part. Froz used to 'offer' that I could go do something without her(like get on the computer) and then when I would chose what she offered, I would find out it had been a test and now she was upset that I hadn't chosen her. That caused guilt for me. I say that, not because I want her to be admonished for it. Quite the opposite. She has recognized this behavior as not very conducive to our relationship and she has really cut it out. I, however, still feel guilty for going to do my own thing. THAT is my issue and I need to work out.

This brings up an interesting topic. She feels the way she feels because a number of my actions have told her that she is not the most important thing to me in the world. I can say all day that she is. I believe in my mind and know in my heart that she is the most important thing to me. Rarely do I do anything of substance that tells her she is. And, I suppose I would need to do alot of showing her seh is the most important thing to me after having an A that told her she was NOT the most important thing to me. Now, those last few lines are not all mine because I never once during my A thought "the reason I am doing this is because froz does not matter to me". She did matter to me. That's why I didn't want her to know, because I didn't want her to be hurt. Anyway, I need to show her more that I love her and that she is the most important person to me.

I disagree that recovery is all about me. Me would internalize this and never try to 'feel' it out or talk about it. Me would have moved on and and said screw this, which is mean and selfish I am sure, but how would that be any different than having the A? Interesting that a BS finds out a WS is having an A, and then once exposed to the light of day, the BS gets mad at the WS for continued mean and selfish behavior. I have an explanation for it. Selfishness and survival. When the WS cares only about themselves and no one else, they will try to separate themselves from the 'pain', which would be the BS telling them how much the WS is a screw up or hated or whatever. Survival mode kicks in and the WS walks away, because no one wants to hear how they are horrible. And selfishness stays in full force because the WS then does what they want, regardless of what the BS is asking for.

I am different than that. I stayed. I am trying to work through my problems. I am making progress. I am facing her pain everyday. I am facing my past actions everyday. I am taking steps to ensure my marriage is affair-proof. I participate in things I would not, nor have I ever, participated in. I do all the things I do, feel horrible for all the things I fail at, want the greatest marriage ever because my wife is the most important thing to me.

Praise for me has been an issue. I do not want it for what I just said(though I hate to presume people would praise me for saying those things) I have one mission. I want my wife to read these words and feel, yes feel, loved and important.

I am here, posting, talking, working, discussing, failing, succeeding, and all the other things I do, because you are the most important thing to me. Sure, I am learning and growing which is for me. But I am driven to do these things because I want to make my wife happy. I want her to be safe, protected and happy.

But the true goal to me is this. Recovery is about WE. And guess who reminded me of that in a discussion not 2 days ago.

Froz did. She is extremely intelligent and she is trying SO hard. In the face of her extreme pain. In the face of her destroyed self-worth. She truly is the most valuable person to me. She has faced so many demons that I placed in front of her. I know one thing she no longer says. She no longer says she is not strong. She knows she is. Anyone dealing with this crap would have to figure that out sometime.

Anyway, again, just a ramble. I want my wife to feel loved and important. That is my goal. She and I have planning to do. I have talked with her about doing some planning. We will get it done.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 03:24 PM
I didn't take offense at Pep offering him support. I'm jealous. I'm jealous because others post things to him that I would so like to, understanding, acceptance, admiration.

Lord, I can relate to "I'm jealous".

When we began recovery, Mr. Pep had tons of support via AA meetings. I was jealous of that support, jealous of the time he spent with AA getting that support, and I was also jealous of the good feelings he experienced about himself when he got support and encouragement.

The jealousy was like a nasty cancer eating away at my soul. God Froz, I was miserable with myself when I was experiencing jealousy of good things happening to someone I love. I could not admire or like myself for having that jealousy. I am so glad you managed to "name" the disease you have right now, and once you name it, you can work on getting rid of it and breathing cleaner emotional air ....

journal about all the things you are jealous of and what the toll that jealousy is taking on YOU !
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 04:40 PM
I was also jealous of the good feelings he experienced about himself when he got support and encouragement.

I don't feel that way. It was an isolated incident - that particular jealousy - and not a pattern.

Ordinarly, I am thrilled when Patriot receives positive feedback and I love it when he feels good.

So, rather than a nasty cancer eating at my soul, we'll just call it a few cells that have quickly been removed.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/08/05 05:59 PM

good for you <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Hi Patriot ~ I got what you meant by unplugged, hence my little story about my husband's method of unplugging.

I think your need to decompress is very real and should be met - not necessary by Froz, but at least with her agreement and cooperation.

Speaking of computer games ~ my husband and I play Everquest together. He gets to decompress, it means we are doing something recreational together, I find it fun to be mindless for a bit, and it means that we interact in a positive way in the evenings, instead of both sitting at separate computers doing our own thing.

Now the kids play too. All our kids friends are jealous because they have "gamer" parents.

Funny little aside, we were driving to NH on vacation, and my husband was making little game related jokes that the whole family 'got' because of our gaming, but not another NORMAL (yes, I freely admit, BRs house is a house of Geekdom) person would have gotten. We got alot of giggles out of it.

Maybe you 2 can find something that serves more than one purpose also. Find something that you both have in common.

And Patriot, I do think you are doing a courageous thing by staying and actually posting on here. My husband would never do such a thing. I think that alone is proof you love Froz.

As for making her feel loved and important ~ aaaah, well ... hun, some of that is not really in your power.

You see, Froz does not believe she is lovable and important. So she is constantly on the outlook for proof of her perception that she is not lovable. This is what Pepperband has been trying to get her to see.

You can not fill or heal this wound for her. It started far before she ever met you.

She has to heal herself, and learn to love herself before she'll ever really truely know that you love her and think she is important.

That doesn't mean you should give up and not love her. And that you should stop trying to be the best husband ever. It just means that you too have to drop the expectation that when you act with loving intention that she will recognize it.

Love her inspite of it. One day, she's going to 'get it'.
Ok Froz ~ want me to tell you what frustrates me about you?


You are exactly the way I used to be. You argue the same way I did too. I bet you that it will get you just as much as it got me, a whole bunch of nuthin.

So, to be specific, I'll give you one of many examples I could pull from this thread:

Froz: I'm jealous. I'm jealous because others post things to him that I would so like to, understanding, acceptance, admiration.

Pepperband: I was also jealous of the good feelings he experienced about himself when he got support and encouragement.

I don't feel that way. It was an isolated incident - that particular jealousy - and not a pattern.


You do this repeatedly.

You state your feelings about something. When we point out that maybe there is a flaw in your basic thinking, some emotional or spiritual immediately tell us that your feeling is just a temporary one time thing.

Your contradictions are all over this thread.

"I feel this way" "Ok Froz, good, lets talk about why this is good or bad and what you might be able to do about it" "Well I don't feel that way, this was just a fluke, a random incident".

Froz, dear. You are terrified that someone might see you for who you are.

Believe it or not, lovable people have warts and fears and stuff that isn't pretty.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 01:28 AM
I'm sorry, BrambleRose, but this time you couldn't be more wrong.

I am not terrified at all that someone might see me for who I am. For someone who is "terrified", I sure do put it all out there.

I do so because it is important to me that I be real. I do it also because unless I am real, I wouldn't receive the opportunities to grow that I am receiving. It is an opportunity.

I know I said I was jealous. I was. It was a momentary, fleeting feeling based on a totally different subject. I didn't voice the reason, not because I was trying to hold anything back about myself, but because I didn't want to put undue pressure on someone else. I actually wouldn't mind telling you at all...heck, you already know just about everything else about me! I just didn't think it would be fair to that person, that's all.

Without knowing that, I can easily see how what I said seems contradictory. It also caused some confusion in that it made it look like I wasn't grateful for your support. It wasn't about that at all. I'm sorry it looked that way.

I'll just leave it at that. It's my issue and has nothing really to do with Patriot, or with the other party. It's all mine.
Posted By: tqt Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 02:01 AM
Froz, have you considered the fact that maybe you're...

"ok as is?"
Froz ~ you don't really put it out there. Yes, you are gutsy to talk about this stuff in public. But your walls are high.

I'm not arguing with you about whether or not you are jealous.

I'm saying that you say one thing, when its addressed, you tell us, that no, its something else, and we don't understand.

This is your pattern.

This isn't just your pattern, its your wall. I know because I used to do it too. I played these verbal and emotional symantics with my Alanon sponsor for hours upon hours for months.

I thought I just wasn't understood.

Just like every WS on the planet, I had my own version of the fog that led me to believe I was special and my situation was different and unique and everyone else just didn't get me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 04:25 AM

Sure, I put it all out there. You can (and have) ask me anything, and I will answer you honestly.

I don't see a pattern with this, with the exception of this incident.

I really am being completely open with you. I've pretty much let down my walls. I have zero problem sharing how I feel. Sure, feelings change. Perhaps that is where you are seeing a discrepancy.

I tried to explain this incident the best I could without causing potential harm to another person. It's probably confusing, and I hope you'll forgive me for being so darn cryptic with that incident. Sharing it with you would probably be beneficial for me, but I really don't want to do that and cause harm to someone who really is not to blame at all.

But, ask me anything else and I'll be happy to share honestly about it. I've got no walls up with you. It would serve me no purpose. I don't feel the need to protect myself from you. I don't perceive you as a threat at all.

I wish I could explain it better.

Today was a pretty rough day. I finally worked up the nerve to call my "Uncle", I guess that's what he is. I got voice mail and was too chicken to leave a message. It seemed rather impersonal to do so when I've never even met him or spoken with him. I really am so very worried about my mother and her family.

I also had a weird exchange with a friend last night, that resulted in getting my feelings hurt, and that's contributing to my feelings today.

I took it out on Patriot a bit this morning.

Also got an e-mail from OW, as promised by her about her baby. She sent a picture and everything. This is all pretty rough to deal with.

Spent a good bit of time this evening in the closet, as Pep suggested...can't seem to stop crying.

It's been a rough day. I wasn't kidding when I said I am really just beat down.

So many failings and flaws, and I'm trying my butt off and feel like I'm getting nowhere. Any small progress seems to be met with another issue. It's kind of overwhelming.

I'm trying like ******, but gosh...could one person have more issues? Where to begin?

Not sending out invites to a pity party. Not feeling so much pity, in particular. Just rock bottom. Everywhere I look, I seem to have so many character flaws.

I won't give up, though. I'll keep working.

Just don't have much to offer today.

I really do wish I could explain the other situation to you.

I don't even know what else to say.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 09:02 AM
Froz, have you considered the fact that maybe you're... "ok as is?"

Well, Is there something you see here that I am actually doing right? Any effort on my part that I point out is quickly met with "Froz, you are lying".
froz ~

I don't think you are lying. I think that you are resisting acknowledgement of the truth on many levels because it is painful and overwhelming.

I think that our own thoughts, our own wounded selves, become very very adept at protecting ourselves from truth, because at some point in our lives, usually in childhood, the truth was too painful, too big, too scary to cope with. The coping mechanisms we learn in childhood are quite destructive in our adult lives.

This is what I was pointing out above. Everytime someone starts to get close to a 'truth' you quickly dance away and shut down.

Now, no more contact with OW ok? You know there is no OC. There is NO reason for you to see her, talk to her, communicate with her in anyway.

No contact means: NO CONTACT for Patriot, AND YOU.

Contact with OW puts YOU back at day 1 too.

So many failings and flaws, and I'm trying my butt off and feel like I'm getting nowhere. Any small progress seems to be met with another issue. It's kind of overwhelming.

This is because you are still attempting to force/change your world around you to your own sense of what reality should be. You are quite powerful in your own mind. You are still under the belief that you can control this.

(Btw, I don't recall Pep suggesting that you hide in the closet dear. She was simply describing her own rock bottom when she finally admitted that just maybe, she couldn't fix it all and that maybe God had to take over - but I'll let her speak for herself.)

You can't. Your belief that you can causes you to keep smacking into reality and you keep coming away bruised, sore and hurt.

You are NOT flawed and failed.

STOP with the self flagellation!! This is unloving and this is very very harmful to you.

Go back to that mirror and say I love you Froz - if it works for Dorry it can work for you! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 01:05 PM
Okay, enough is enough.

I am not under the belief that I can control this, any more than I am under the belief that I can control what you think or assume about me.

Everytime someone starts to get close to a 'truth' you quickly dance away and shut down.

I have not "danced away". I carefully listen to each point you make. Some I agree with and some I do not. The fact that may I disagree with some of your points does not mean that I am in denial.

I have explored each and every point you have made. I have responded to each and every thing you have posted. I am not dancing away, nor am I shutting down. I have been here the entire time...listening, agreeing with some points, and exploring and trying to apply them. That is hardly the behavior of someone who is "dancing away".

I don't think you are lying.

You may very well not think that I am lying. However, that is NOT what you said.

You said:

This is a lie.


Yes you do, your lies are all over this thread.

(Btw, I don't recall Pep suggesting that you hide in the closet dear. She was simply describing her own rock bottom when she finally admitted that just maybe, she couldn't fix it all and that maybe God had to take over - but I'll let her speak for herself.)

No need for Pep to defend herself. I heard what she said. I took it upon myself to view it as a suggestion and try it. I take responsibility for that. I'm perfectly aware that she didn't tell me to do that.

You are NOT flawed and failed.

Really??? The focus of this entire thread has been about what I'm doing wrong and what my character flaws are. I'm willing to work on them or I wouldn't be here, but let's not deny the fact that I have some flaws and some failings.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 01:12 PM
(Btw, I don't recall Pep suggesting that you hide in the closet dear. She was simply describing her own rock bottom when she finally admitted that just maybe, she couldn't fix it all and that maybe God had to take over - but I'll let her speak for herself.)

that's correct ... I was going to say as much, but BR said it for me. Thanks.
Froz ~

That you believe lies (untruths) about yourself does not mean that you are a liar (ie telling deliberate, knowing, falsehoods).

Are you deliberately misrepresenting yourself? No.

But you can't fix what you can't or won't acknowledge.

I absolutely will not assist you in tearing yourself down as "flawed" and "failed".

Yes, we all flaws and warts and ugly bits. But that doesn't = unlovable, undeserving and unworthy, which is what you want to make it mean.
Froz ~

The only "flaw" that I see, is your unwillingness to love yourself.

Once you learn that, the rest will follow.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 01:55 PM
Here is something to focus on.

How about ways I can make my wife feel important to me. Anyone have any ideas?

I have a tendency to lead her to believe that I am more important to me than she is. Maybe I am attacking things wrong. But there is one fact. I WANT to be the source of her greatest happiness. I currently am not. What can I do?

I realize that she may have issues with other things that I deal with, like abandonment from biological mother, physically abusive ex-husband, childmolesting ex-husband and other things.

She has gotten 'The Primal Wound' and I think she aims to read it. Maybe it will help.

That said, she currently has an Ex-cheating still-husband. I am here and I want to support her in any way I can. Give me ideas how.

And, so that it has been said. Per my discussion with SH, guess what he told me. I am responsible for my actions. A simple statement that I am sure someone will say 'No Sh*t', but there is more to it than that. Affair-proofing our marriage is about awareness, acceptance and action, right?

I am aware that my top five needs are 'weaknesses' and if not guarded correctly can lead me down the path of an A again. I am AWARE that I have these needs and I am AWARE that, if not guarded by me, they can be weaknesses. (if you paid attention just then, there is a little bit of "why" in there.)

Now, I ACCEPT that it is my responsibility to only allow access to these five needs to my wife and that if I see one of those needs getting met by someone else, even in the smallest way, then that contact must halt immediately and I am required to tell my wife. I ACCEPT that I am a human being driven by selfish desires, wants and needs. I have already accepted that I am solely responsible for make the decision to have an A. That happened a while back.

So guard my needs(which protects my marriage and makes it affair-proof) and never use the lack of my needs getting filled as reason to hurt her again. It is my responsibility(because I have made it mine by choosing to love her and marry her) to try to fill her needs. Being the giver. And it is my responsibility to try filling her needs regardless of her filling mine(limiting the taker).

Now, actions. What are they. It was mentioned that I might have some High-Functioning ADD. How do you find out? What are the steps to rule that out or in? What are ways I can show my wife I think she is important? I went back to college. She is supportive but it takes away time from her and I, so she doesn't like it. It was a selfish desire for me to get the college thing going again. Does that make it an LB? I am not doing it to get away from froz. I am doing it because I want a masters degree. But she doesn't care, really if I have that degree, although she has stated she is very proud of me. How can I show her she is important?

She is a great woman and she is trying very hard. I recognize that.

I used to wonder why there weren't more couples posting here. Husbands and wives hashing it out online here. I really don't wonder now. It is difficult. It is hard to see folk "gang up" on your spouse.( I think everyone means well and that I have a perception of things because I am close to the situation and I want to protect her) It is also hard to blast your feelings out here, when you might run the risk of your spouse hearing it for the first time online in front of all you guys.... when it would be way more appropriate said in the privacy of home.

Anyway, just thoughts. One good thing I could think of was the method Froz and I devised to deal with elephants was employed by me last night. Something came up. After it came up it felt uncomfortable, and so I asked "is such and such an elephant and we need to talk about it?" I hope she saw that. Not because I want the single incedent praise, but because I am trying to evoke new patterns of behavior on my part so her perception of me changes. Because I want to make her happy and safe.

Froz. If you read this(which you will) I love you very much. No matter what happens, I am going to honor you by fulfilling my commitments to you, loving and accepting you, and protecting you from further harm. I hope you are able to trust me a little more each day. I pray that God will take some of you pain away each day until it is as gone as it can be and you can be happy.

Don't let the enemy split us apart. Marriage is of God, and therefore, the enemy will do anything in his power to break us up.

The enemy's power is suggestion. Don't listen to him.

Listen to God. He loves you and wants you to be happy.

Have a good day.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 02:03 PM
Froz ~

The only "flaw" that I see, is your unwillingness to love yourself.

Once you learn that, the rest will follow.

This one I want you to pay attention to, wife.

Please love yourself. Love yourself and know in your mind you are a great person. If someone rejects you, it is their loss, because no matter what they do, you are still a great person.

Please love yourself.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 02:45 PM
Good morning Froz

But, it's unfair of him to complain that he feels so pressured (to do what, I'm not sure) when he is unwilling to "decompress".

If you want your husband to express his feelings openly, try not to characterize his feelings as "complaining" or as "unfair". Feelings by definition cannot be characterized as unfair. Feelings just ~are~ .... they are internal to him and cannot be measured for fairness to others.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 03:21 PM
Perhaps 'complain' was the wrong choice of words.

Pretty soon you'll have me well-schooled in the English language. That was helpful.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 03:24 PM
Perhaps 'complain' was the wrong choice of words.

Pretty soon you'll have me well-schooled in the English language. That was helpful.

Your choice of words is not the issue ... you said what you meant to say.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 04:54 PM
Direct hit! You tryin' to sink my battleship? If so, you win. I don't need you to tear me to shreds. As you so kindly put it, I do a fine job of that myself.
Patriot ~

I am aware that my top five needs are 'weaknesses' and if not guarded correctly can lead me down the path of an A again.

Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 05:53 PM
yes. Weaknesses.

As long as I am not hungry, I will be choosy were I eat.

When I am starving, I might eat anything off of any sort of surface.

Ask a homeless person if eating out of the trash is repulsive. I bet some might say it isn't. Not like you and I would say it was.

Just an example, and not to be seen as MY reason why.

Would you rather a different word?
No, don't start with semantics!!

I don't think your needs are weaknesses.

There is nothing wrong with needs, I don't think you should assign any concept of something being bad or wrong or weak about having needs.

What you choose to do when you don't have them filled...well thats something you have to address. I suspect Gimble can help you better than I with that aspect.

Your sense of entitlement, your selfishness in making the choice to have an affair...THOSE are weaknesses.

But needs? No way. Give yourself permission to have needs. Are your needs healthy? That could be a question you need to address also.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 07:11 PM

This thread moves so fast it's overwhelming! And it's not even about ME!!

Froz you said -


SH actually did broach the subject with me. We didn't discuss it thoroughly.


And I'm happy to say when he finally was able to accomplish understanding my feelings regarding his affair - it was a huge turning-point for me, and helped me find real peace.


That sounds like it would be beneficial, but I don't expect it anymore. If it happens...great. I'll be pleasantly surprised. If it doesn't, I'll just have to accept it.

By the way, I don't think I've ever told you that I appreciate your responses and the manner in which you share your experiences with me.

Sometimes I don't respond to something you've said to me, because it is usually information and food for thought, as opposed to questions. I just wanted to tell you that I listen to you, what you say is helpful, and I appreciate it.

Thank you very much.

Froz, I appreciate being thanked for all the obvious reasons; but in addition - it helps me to know if what I'm posting is helping. Sometimes I think we project ourselves onto other's situations and we're way off base! Other times we're right on target. You're the only one who knows what's on or off target.

I'll come back later when I have more time to post because I have some additional thoughts...but sometimes it's all I can do to read this thread just to keep up!! Hang in there...
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 07:24 PM
Well I can't resist responding to Patriot -

ENs are not weaknesses - the affair exposed your weakness to having affairs. It's probably something SH talked to you about during the coaching session. You, my husband, and other WSs have a weakness for affairs.

SH's goal is to coach you to learn how to "affair-proof" your marriage and help you address your weakness so you don't go down that path in the future.

Everyone has weaknesses, and some of those weaknesses become addictions like, drugs, alcohol, affairs etc.

ENs are vitally important. We all have them; it's just that when we're uneducated about them that they can cause problems. Because if we don't address them, they become very powerful.

You were asking earlier what you can do to help Froz feel loved. You become an expert and meeting her top ENs, exactly the way SHE wants them met.

It's that simple, however it isn't easy. Because her job is to communicate to your what her ENs are, HOW she wants you to meet them; and give you feedback on how you're doing.

Also as you go through recovery top ENs shift in importance as they are getting met. So it's her job to communicate to you as her top ENs shift in importance.

She'll learn to do the same for you. Have you both finished SH's homework assignment regarding the EN questionnaire? If I recall correctly each of you were to write down specifically how you like your top ENs to be met.

This is a great exercise that helps you get in touch with a deeper level of self awareness - and takes some courage to be vulnerable enough to share them with each other.

You're at a fragile state of recovery - both of you; be gentle with yourselves and each other. Don't be afraid to put marriage building discussions aside at times and just have fun!
Posted By: Gimble Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/09/05 10:22 PM
Hi, Patriot.

How about ways I can make my wife feel important to me. Anyone have any ideas?

By choosing to make it so. You choose, your emotions follow. Do it often enough, and you will find that you don't really have to choose anymore.

Also, needs are not weaknesses unless you choose to let them be. I choose to not do certain things, regardless of the state of my needs. It makes life so much easier when *all* my needs are met, but that is asking an awful lot out of life and my wife. I will settle for some of them met, and keep the unmet ones in check.

I recommend that you and Frozen pack the kids off for the weekend. Close all the blinds/drapes whatever, and get naked. I bet that you can't spend an entire day naked together. Give it a try. I dare both of you. You might be surprised what you learn, and it will help both of you understand something about your relationship.

All the best,
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/10/05 02:41 AM
HA! I read your "groping" thread first. I had a sneaking suspicion this was the thread where it originated!

You may find it hard to believe, but we do the naked thing pretty often. Granted, it is challenging with teenagers around (and NOWHERE to ship them off to), but we lock our bedroom suite and hang out in the buff quite often.

I agree with all your points on the other thread about sex, such as: lots of women like gropes .

I'll take my groping any way I can get it...while taking pot roast out of the oven, juvenile AND sophmoric. But I do have a good grope deserves another.
Posted By: Gimble Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/10/05 05:38 AM
Hi, Frozen.

You may find it hard to believe, but we do the naked thing pretty often.

I believe you. It's hard to stay mad when you're both naked <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

On a serious note, I really admire you and Patriot working at your marriage so hard, both publicly and privately. It took me and my wife a long time to really work at our marriage once the early challenges had settled down. We have a great relationship, and it was worth every bit of work that went into it to get it where it is today.

You and Patriot have an early start, and even though you are facing similar challenges, you are choosing to work through it now. I think that ultimately, say ten years from now, you will both look back with pride at what you have done, and see - lives NOT wasted.

God bless,
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/11/05 01:35 AM
Thanks Gimble,

Your encouraging words give us hope. It's nice to hear that there can be such a wonderful reward for hard work.

We appreciate you and your interest in our marriage. We are always grateful for your level-headed feedback. You continue to be such a steadfast blessing to us.

All our best to your and your wife,

Patriot and Frozen
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/12/05 10:38 PM
Way off the Recovery topic...

I spent the ENTIRE day with my wonderful DS 15.5. That .5 is quite important, because that means that, as of today, he became eligible to obtain his driver's permit.

So we went to the testing facility. This kid of mine (mommy bragging moment) is so unbelievably intelligent. I was amazed when he walked back out to the waiting room a mere 5 minutes after walking in to take his test. Yes, it took him less than five minutes! Of course, he passed. This kid is really a genius (he really, really is...not just saying that because I'm his mom - I promise!). I'm so proud of him.

On to the tag agency, where he officially obtained his permit. We were all the way on the other side of town because it was the only testing facility open on Monday. It happened to be near Patriot's work, so we stopped by there so he could show him his permit. We also stopped by my family's business so he could show my brother and my dad.

He literally drove all over town today and he did great! We also talked quite a bit, which is such a rare thing for this kid. It's so difficult sometimes to find ways to spend time with a 15 year-old boy. With DD17 it's a snap, because there are tons of girlie things we can do together. It's not so easy with a boy his age. He's into games, but his intelligence far surpassed mine some time ago and I am no longer able to play the kinds of games he now plays.

He was such a great driver! He really did do an excellent job and it only took me a couple of minutes to really relax with him in the driver's seat.

The very best part was when we arrived home and he pulled into the garage. When we got out of the car, he said to me "So on a scale of 1-10, what would you give me?".

My heart actually leaped!!!! This kid cares what I think! He values my opinion! He wants me to be proud of him! I really had forgotten that. Teenagers do such an effective job sometimes of convincing you that your opinion doesn't really matter (because they are soooooo independent, and don't really need you except for money or food).

I gave him a 9, and I truly meant it. The one point deduction was based solely on lack of experience.

I have the greatest children!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 12:33 PM
Wow, Recovery is hard!

I failed my husband miserably yesterday.

I received a phone call from Patriot's sister yesterday, letting me know that his Grandfather had passed away.

I had absolutely no idea what to do. I've never been in that position before. I tried to guess what I would want, but then he isn't me and the truth was I didn't know what I would want, anyway.

So, I took it to NCWalker. Thank God for NCWalker. He saved my sanity twice yesterday.

He advised me to immediately go to Patriot's place of work and tell him in person and to be a rock for Patriot, even if he responded with anger. So I did.

He didn't respond with anger, just shock. Patriot left work and tended to family matters all day. I accompanied him on some of these errands, but I had work appointments scheduled for the afternoon. He told me to keep my appointments, but I wish I would not have listened to him. I really regret that.

He, along with some family members had to inform his Grandmother of his Grandfather's passing and even though Patriot had other family members present, I should have been there beside him. I know that must have been difficult and I would have wanted him there with me.

The day was extremely long and I was busy at work. It was an emotionally draining day for me, too, though I know it was much more so for him. I worried about him all day long.
After the time he spent with his Grandmother and some of his other family members, he then had to come change a flat tire for me at work...of all the luck.

I was dying for the day to be over and for both of us to be able to come home and unplug. Instead, I arrived home, changed clothes and Patriot informed me we were leaving to go back to visit his Grandmother. I thought the day was over and I really wasn't feeling too strong at this point. Instead of mustering the strength he needed, I was grouchy that he hadn't informed me of this prior to arriving home. I told him I was willing to go and changed back into appropriate clothes and prepared to leave, but I was grouchy and distant. I felt like I didn't have anything left to give him.

We began discussing it in the car and it was just making things worse, even turning into a bit of an argument as we arrived at his Grandmother's. Just before I got out of the car, I received a phone call from about perfect timing.

He "screwed my head on straight", as he put it. What he really did was lend me just the amount of strength I needed to go in and be supportive for Patriot and deal with the situation.

I feel horrible that I wasted an opportunity to be strong for him. I can't even honestly say that, if put in the same situation again, I would be able to respond differently.

Recovery is hard all by itself without difficult life situations to deal with.

I am struggling with a strong sense of entitlement and have been very distant with him lately. For as strong as everyone seems to think I am (including myself on occassion), I just don't feel like I have the strength to put much more into this. This selfish streak feels uncomfortable and I hate it. Distancing myself from him does feel comfortable and I hate that, too.

I am very disappointed in myself that I was unable to set that down yesterday. I did it for most of the day, but I stumbled grandly at the end.

I know I can't make up for yesterday, but what can I do for the next few days to be supportive for him, even when I feel like I got nothin'?
Posted By: Bob_Pure Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 12:43 PM

Squids mom has been very slowing rotting from cancer all the time since d-day. Her diagnosis was undoubtedly a trigger of Squid's affair.

I know how you feel about 'difficult life situations' getting in the way, but Froz I have managed a year of support for Squid AND managed a lot of real recovery during that time.

Please don't just recognise your lack of support for Pat at this sad time - BE SUPPORTIVE. Its your job, just like it is mine.

I know how hard it is - imagine doing it for 15 months - but it will pay dividends in strengthening your relationship.

{{{ froz & pat }}}
Posted By: realtor* Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 12:45 PM
Ok Frozen hving been the one who took care of MIL until she passed 48 hrs plus. He will need help making funeral arrangements - go with him. Also have food at the house to feed everyone. Take additional pressure off of the family. Stand beside him give him a shoulder to cry on or lean on. Help him all you can. Make phone calls, flowers, clothes -his suit ready ect. Clothes for children and yourself. Coffe lots of coffee, mild, sugar ect. My H family beer no coffee. No sleep for me for days. No talk now about GF's things -that will come in time. Take care of GM -H will appreciate that alone. Listen to her she will cry so much. It is hard and you will cry with her. Do not let anyone make decisions regarding where GM is going to live for awhile yet. She needs time. My H family put Dad in Nursing home with a week. Put house up for sale it was to soon. You can do it. I know you can. I did it while H was in his A and I did it for MIL. and only MIL.
Posted By: realtor* Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 12:53 PM
OH yeah -get i portant papers out. Get 5 long copies of death certificate and 3 of short ones. These need to be mailed to any banks, life insurance ect. Don't just take over as there is other family and don't be to pushy just be informative if need be. I stayed in back ground but had to step in many times. When you see the confused look on peoples faces that is when you speak up and ask if they need help and offer it if they say yes. That is how I handled it. I cleaned Dad's house for him. Sat with him for hours and just listened and held his hand. He was lost with out her. If I think of anything else I let you know. Take care - sorry for Patriots and your loss.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 01:01 PM
I have managed a year of support for Squid AND managed a lot of real recovery during that time.

How? Do you have any specific suggestions for things that have helped you do this for Squid?


The family has already taken care of funeral arrangments. His Grandmother is already in a nursing home. Also, my work schedule prevents me from being there sometimes physically, as was the case yesterday. I'm self-employed, so I can't just call in to work. Also, if I don't work I don't get paid, and that will put further stress on Patriot, and with the funeral being on Saturday (a busy day at a hair salon), we will take quite a hit from that loss of income.

I don't have many appointments scheduled today and have some free time. I would be glad to spend some time with his Grandmother today. She never remembers who I am, as her short-term memory is pretty much gone. Incidentally, she and I have the exact same name, now that Patriot and I are married. She always laughs when I tell her that.

She did request a bottle of Jack Daniel's last night (doctor's orders, she said!).

Any other suggestions for things I could do today to help would be greatly appreciated.

I don't want to be too pushy, either, or put my presence where it isn't wanted. I am a new member of this family and don't have them "feeled" out quite yet. I want to do what will help, not hinder.
Posted By: Bob_Pure Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 01:15 PM
How? Do you have any specific suggestions for things that have helped you do this for Squid?

I took the initiative - volunteered to muster the kids to visit Nan when it wasnt our 'turn', dealing with family issues on my own part rather than just supporting Squid to do so;

Raising unspeakable subjects so Squid could unburden her thoughts and sadness on me witout my complaining or judging

Used analogies from my own experiences losing my own Mom and dad to trigger self-realization in squid of what she could do for the best.

Be non-judgmental when she vented about things - when she needed to say things to defuse the sitation but only to me;

Deal with telling the kids and keeping them informed so Squid didn't need to feel that sadness alone

Did NOT treat HER tragedy as MY tragedy. I LOVE nan but she's not my Mom, she's Squid's. I deliberately stayed functional above the sadness.

Any of that make any sense ? Not sure how much is appropriate to a sudded death, but maybe some is.

All blessings

Staying REALLy close to Squid and bad situation allowed me to pick my times for R discussion. I managed 'enough' to get us this far, but not as much s is desireable. that will come when Nan has passed.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 01:32 PM

Thanks. You are a strong dude, that's for sure.

Some of the suggestions you shared don't apply to our situation - such as the kids. We are still relatively newly wed. My children are teenagers and don't know Patriot's family well. Heck, I don't even know them all that well! It would be easier to know how I could be of any assistance if I did.

I have very little experience with death, really, so I can't share anything like that to help him.

Did NOT treat HER tragedy as MY tragedy. I LOVE nan but she's not my Mom, she's Squid's. I deliberately stayed functional above the sadness.

This is an excellent suggestion.

Thanks, again.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 01:55 PM
I appreciate the care and concern for my feelings in all of this. It is truly comforting.

I am not an emotional wreck over this. I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but I am not new to death in my family. Not even close. I have learned over time that life is a great and wonderful blessing, and that it is quite fragile.

My grandfather was a good man. He was a very good model for the men in his family. Had I only applied a fraction of his style to my life, I wouldn't even be here. And that, I must carry.

The family has taken care of all the arrangements. My grandparents were planners and they had it all setup prior to now, anyway. No one is dealing with 'what are we going to do' or anything of that nature. Comforting, actually, that you can simply focus on grief and rememberance.

I have the utmost respect for the dead and nothing fires me up more than those who disrespect it, not that anyone has done that here.

Beyond that, I really have nothing constructive to say, so I will stop. Thanks to those that have been supportive during this time.

To my wife. You have done a fine job thus far. Stop worring about what you must do and how you must be. I will inform you of what I need and want. And if I don't inform you, then I must not have needed it or wanted it all that badly.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/15/05 03:34 PM
It's hard to stay mad when you're both naked <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

I know Gimble .... coz you're both either amorous or giggling ....

the mad face <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> just looks ridiculous on a naked body .... That face looks more like a lower primate without clothing !!!!!!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/19/05 03:37 PM
Tough weekend.

I sorely miss that time just before the A. I wasn't a WS then. So, that is a saddening recollection. The chance I had and missed. The chance to make a different choice.

Sure wasn't worth it.

Anyway, this weekend we were able to talk a bit and I think we are going to scale back on how much needs to get done. That's not explaining it very well, but instead of trying to juggle 500 balls, we are going to handle a few balls and then once those are handled and satisfaction is somewhat reached, move on to the next few.

Focus more on getting some things fixed, instead of just blast after blast at each other that is getting us not very far.

I have expected my wife, to a degree, to be further along than she is in the healing business. She isn't. It doesn't feel safe to move forward for her, and I am certainly not helping with pressure.

I am rather amazed at how inept I truly am with communication and relationships. Sucks, really.

Well, I have believed something from early on in this process. I know it to be true. I will not give up on her, but, I will not place expectations on her either. If she does not move forward at all, or at my pace, that is fine.

I would rather be with her than anyone else. Regardless.

So, my focus is on removing actions and words that transmit expectation. Kind of abstract for me, but it is at least a named problem, and therefore, workable.

Anyway, just wanted to write a little something in our journal.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/19/05 06:42 PM
Kind of abstract for me

Then let's work it out until it is no longer abstract. No need to make it any more complicated than it has to be. No need to do any guesswork when I have the answers and am completely willing to share them.

500 balls were getting pretty tough to juggle, I'll admit.

So now we each have one. What was mine???? Oh yeah! I'm supposed to refrain from "punishing" behavior when...when? I guess mine is kind of abstract, too. I'm sure punishing behavior is something I would want to refrain from at all times, but I wish I could remember specifically when it was I was supposed to do this. Maybe you could help me out.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/20/05 04:23 AM
I feel very blessed right now to have my husband's steadfast love and just his presence in my life feels like such a gift. He is such a beautiful person.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/20/05 02:31 PM
Thank you for such a kind remark. It is nice to wake up to that.

Thank you. You are the most special person in the world.
Posted By: CSue Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/20/05 02:37 PM

Just guessing here...but maybe refrain from punishing behavior when Patriot is being open & honest (the time when one feel particularily vulnerable).
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/20/05 04:09 PM
Learning to do that would serve me well in protecting him and also in getting the need for honesty met.

It's hard sometimes. We both seem to struggle with putting something honest out there on the table and then allowing the other to have feelings about it. We often have to remind each other..."Stop! I can have feelings." Which is usually met with a reluctant "Okay", just because it feels uncomfortable to allow the other person to have feelings about something without wanting to change it.

I have a strong desire to do some work today. I don't like where I've been sitting and I'm ready to get up and move forward a bit.

I've been absorbing BrambleRose's Detachment With Love post for the last few days. There is so much information in it that I identify with. It aptly names most of my struggles with relationships and with myself.

So, I'm just gonna put it out there, and see what happens...if only just to see it in print and pick it apart for myself until I figure it out.

Detachment with Love

We cannot "Live and Let Live" if we do not attend to our own responsibilities instead of focusing on the responsibilities of others. To keep the focus on ourselves, we need to learn to "detach with love".

We learn how to cope with the infidelity of those we love and to detach from the behavior, not necessarily the person. Infidelity is a family dysfunction. This means family members are deeply affected, physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially and intellectually, even though they themselves are not unfaithful.

I want to learn to detach with love. I know how to detach without love. I want to detach with it. This puts a name to something I was thinking about this morning while I was drying my hair (good thinking time)...I was thinking about what I wanted to give Patriot. What I came up with was freedom. I want to give him freedom. I want him to feel free to be himself, free to make the choices he wants without fear of retribution from me, free to feel, free in his own house...just plain free. I want to unravel my clutchy tentacles off of him and let him choose to love me, if that is what he wants to do. I want to love him without the condition that he love me back. I think my tentacles have been choking him for a very long time. It hurts to write that, but it's true.

It is time for me to really look and work at the things that are my responsibility without being angry at him because they are now my responsibility. I chose to marry him and in doing so, I chose this responsibility. MY CHOICE! I can hardly call it work, when I've been griping the whole time about having to do it and how it's not my fault, so why should I have to do it. The truth is, it doesn't really matter whose fault it is at this point. I still have my responsibilities and I want to tend to them instead of shoving blame on him.

The stress of living with active infidelity can have numerous effects:

Physical - We may develop health problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, stomach aches, ulcers, panic attacks, insomnia, and heart problems.

Geez, I blame this man for everything. I have wanted him to feel guilty because of my physical decline. I think so he would see how badly he hurt me and it would prevent him, somehow, from doing it again...aka punishment.

The truth is I take HORRIBLE care of myself. I either starve myself or binge...mostly starve. I smoke like a freaking freight train (I started back on D-Day after having quit for almost a year, which of course he felt guilty for), I take way too many pills to numb the pain. I take chances with my health. It's no wonder I feel so crappy! Patriot, you did not make me this way. I did it myself. I chose it for myself and I'm sorry that I took pleasure in your guilt. I'm sorry that I tried to control you through guilt. I will take better care of myself, too.

Emotional - We may feel angry, resentful, lonely, guilty, or depressed.

Okay, well I obviously identify.

Social - In relating to others, we may be distant, aloof, embarrassed, withfrawn, aggressive, arrogant, self righteous, judgemental, or controlling.

You forgot selfish. I hate how selfish I have become. I identify with all of those qualities. I have been so distant from EVERYONE this past 10 months. I wonder what they think??? They probably think I can't stand them and that I don't even care. How do I stop being all those things?

Intellectual - We may find it difficult to concentrate, make decisions, comprehend what we are hearing and reading.

Another tribute to selfishness. I don't care about anything. Everything seems less important in comparison to my pain. Everyone's issues are less important. Me, me, me, me, me. Yuck!

Spiritual - Our outlook on life may become bitter, despairing, helpless, hopeless, or lacking in trust or faith.

That kind of speaks for itself.

Responsibility - The first key in detaching is to begin taking responsibility for our own behavior. We can no longer stumble through our lives blaming others for the way we feel and holding them accountable for whether we are happy or not. No one can make us feel anything. It is our reactions to the behavior that causes our anger, resentment, pain and disappointment. When we blame others for our own negative reactions, we hand over all our personal power to that person and we loose ourselves.

Well, then it is no wonder I am lost. The first time I read this, I thought I did take responsibility on occassion. I don't. I make him responsible and then I blame him for not meeting my expectations. I thought I had stopped, but I have not. I think I may be learning, but still at the very early stages. I want to do master this because I want to unwrap him from my tentacles and set him free.

Acceptance - Acceptance is the next key. We need to look at the reality of what has happened in the past and what is happening now. Many of us stumble in the beginning over the incorrect thought that acceptance means approval. Acceptance does not mean that we feel ok about current or past circumstances, it only means that we stop trying to change what we have no power over. We have no power over the past or the wayward spouse.

Even with acceptance, we need to grieve the losses caused by infidelity in our families and in our lives. Dreams have faded, bubbles have burst. Acceptance gives us two things - acceptance of our feelings and also acceptance of the fact that we cannot change the other person - healing from our loss and disillusion is an inside job.

I have been handling the first portion pretty well - accepting my feelings. The last part speaks loudly to me..."acceptance of the fact that we cannot change the other person - healing from our loss and disillusion is an inside job." I have been making it out outside job. No wonder he feels like a big ole failure all the time! This is going to be hard. Again, though, I really want to set him free of this responsibility. That's a tough one to even say or try to own. As I say it, I'm scared that if I set him free of the responsibility, then he won't even try...still attempting to control it. This one will need much attention.

The Three C's

Detaching with love is easier when we remember the three C's - we did not cause the infidelity in another, we cannot control the infidelity or the wayward spouse, we cannot cure the infidelity or the wayward spouse.

Cause - Infidelity is an addiction. Just as we cannot cause someone to develop diabetes, cancer, or any other disease, we do not have the power to cause anyone else to become addicted. Every addicted person blames others for their addiction and their use - this is their denial and their disease. Accepting that blame becomes our prison.

Control - Despite our best intentions and efforts, controlling other people does not work. Relationships cannot grow and intimacy cannot develop if one person is controlling the other. We only have control over ourselves and how we respond to situations, other people and their behavior. Trying to control other peoples behavior may temporarily make us feel better and give us an illusion of being in control - but in the long run, it does not work.

Cure - Only the wayward spouse can seek help for his/her addiction. No matter what we do, the treatment for the addiction is not ours to hand out.

Trying to control does give the illusion. I can also attest that it does not work. I'm afraid that if I don't make him, he either won't know how or just plain won't love me and accept me. I'm afraid to let it go. I want to. I don't want love that I had to twist out of someone.

Words that stand in the way of detaching:

What if??
Yes, but...
I can't...
I'll try...


The main reason most of us ask why is because we believe with a little more knowledge and a few more details, we can "control" the situation and or person. Asking "why" only wastes our energy - it rarely changes anything.

What if??

What if's keep us from living in the reality of the moment and also keep us from admitting we are powerless. When we are in the past with the "whys" and the future with the "what ifs" we loose today. Today is the only day we have.

Yes, but...

When we "yes but.." we are not listening to what others have to say. We are being self centered and self absorbed, and in essence saying we are so unique that what has worked for countless others will not work in our situation. Each time we "yes but" we are cooking up excuses inside our heads and our minds are closed.

I can't..

This is our biggest lie to ourselves. The truth is not that we can't, but that we won't. It is where we let fear have control over our lives.

I'll try.

The saying, "to try is to lie" refers to how easily we fall into making excuses. If we say, "I'll try" we lack commitment. "I'll try" allows us to bide our time while looking for an excuse not to do whatever we have said we'll try.

It IS a horrible waste of energy. I just last night played THE longest game of WHAT IF. I usually do it all by myself, but this time I roped Patriot in on it, too. I haven't wanted to admit I was powerless. I have squandered day after day by living in the past or the future.


HOW do we detach?

H - Honesty with ourselves and others.

O - Openness to hearing new ideas and breaking old ways of thinking and behaving.

W - Willingness to take risks and try something different.

Detaching with love does not mean that we stop caring. It simply means that we quit trying to control someone else and their behavior. We stop creating comfortable environments for unacceptable behavior. We stop lying to ourselves, we accept the reality of who the person is instead of focusing on who they "could" be.

This sounds very difficult. I'm not sure that I'm clear on how creating comfortable environments for unacceptable behavior applies, but I get the feeling it probably does and I just don't want to see it. This all sounds very hard, but I want it.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/21/05 04:27 PM
Well, I really focused yesterday on not living in the past or the future. Not living in the past was not as difficult as I thought it would be (at least it wasn't yesterday, not to say that there won't be days where it is very difficult), but living in the future was harder than I thought.

There were actually a couple of times I started to project ahead and had to stop and remind myself that "today is about today only." Maybe there will be other days I can look at some future plans, but I really wanted yesterday to just be about yesterday.

I had a good talk with Patriot yesterday about the current jobs we are focusing on right now.

One thing that came up was how my punishing behavior reinforces his conflict-avoidance behavior. His conflict-avoidance behavior then reinforces my punishing behavior. It's like a vicious, circular machine that moves us constantly in the wrong direction!

It occured to me that the reverse could be true. The less I practice controlling, punishing behavior, the less likely he would be to conflict-avoid. If we work together, each taking care of our own responsibilities, we could actually move this circular machine into a different direction...towards Recovery together, and even down a path that we aid each other in personal Recovery, as well.

I really hope so.

Tonight, Mr. Patriot is taking me out to dinner. I am very all dressed up, polished my nails, got my hair did and everything! I am looking quite forward to it.

It was thoughtful of him to let me know in advance, too. He knows how I like to prepare. Half the fun is in the preparation and the anticipation is great, too.

I am hoping we can talk about some of our future plans together. It would be nice to have something to look forward to on that front, as well.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/22/05 05:01 PM
The date was nice. Dinner was nice.

All in all, it was a great night. There were times last night when we were laughing so hard we could barely talk. It felt nice, kind of reminiscent of what I liked so well about us when we first met.

We used to laugh so much, of course because we are both so hilariously witty and funny (maybe only to each other)!

We used to say that if we were a reality show, NO ONE would get it because our life together is comprised of so many inside jokes that no one else would even think it was funny.

He is hilarious and I love the way he makes me laugh. Even through some of the really, really bad parts of Recovery, one of us would make a sarcastic, funny remark that would make the other one laugh.

There is a connection between Patriot and I that is extremely rare and very special. I know it's real. Other people see it, too. I don't mean the girls at my salon who think Patriot and I are two lovey-dovey newlyweds. It may look that way to them, but they don't have all the facts and their recognition doesn't feel real. People here have recognized it, and they DO have all the facts. They have so many facts, it couldn't BE more real.

There is something very special between us and I want it. I want him. I want this marriage. We may not be fully Recovered, but we are already a success story. We are just a "work in progress", and I hope that we always are.

Last night did have its uncomfortable moments towards then end. I still trigger so badly sometimes. I don't quite know yet how to achieve the best balance between sharing how I feel with him or making him feel guilty or controlling him.

There were a couple of times when something came up and he could tell I was upset and he asked me about it. I felt ill-equipped to communicate it to him because I didn't want to make a mistake, so I just said "I don't know the right way to tell you!"

I'm working really hard and I don't want to screw it up! I have already impeded our progress enough! I can accept a few mistakes on my part, but I really want to break the pattern I've created for myself and I don't want to continue it without realizing it, or simply switch methods of achieving the same things.

I want to do what is productive. I want to do what is right.

Sometimes I really don't know what "right" looks like.

I am so dying to make progress. I am dying to be able to say "we are Recovered", instead of "recover-ing". I am dying to NOT live in misery.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/27/05 01:32 PM
I dug up my old book The Language of Letting Go, as per the suggestion of BrambleRose to Faithful Follower. Of course, it applies to me, too.

Today's reading:

September 27th

Temporary Setbacks

Sometimes, after we begin recovery, things in our life seem to get worse for a time. Our finances, our relationships, or our health may seem to deteriorate.

This is temporary; this is a normal part of recovery and healing. It may be the way things will be for a time, but not for long.

Keep working at recovery, and the trend will reverse. Before too long, things, and us, will be better than they were before.

This time, the foundation will be solid.

God, help me trust You and recovery, even when I have setbacks. Help me remember that the problems are temporary, and when they are solved, I will be on more solid ground.

I guess I need to say that prayer over and over today, because I am thinking today that all of that sounds like a bunch of BS.

I am very angry today. I don't know what to do with it exactly, besides just feel it. It feels horrible. I do know that I don't want to spew it at Patriot. So I'm not going to - just not sure what else to do with it.

Get it out?

Okay, I went for a very brisk walk. At one point, I felt so angry I even cried, but just momentarily. Talking about it now, though, is going to make me cry again so I'll just say it.

I'm angry.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/27/05 05:05 PM
I hate that you're angry. I was shooting for happy... Your feelings are important to me and I want to know how I can best support you. I am grateful to you for your love and forgiveness.

Meaningless words, perhaps.... but true nonetheless.

I don't know exactly what to say, but I do know that being sensitive to your needs and supporting you is what I want to do. I hope your day gets better.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/27/05 05:52 PM
I actually wasn't addressing you. It did not escape me that you would read what I posted, but I guess I just didn't realize it would affect you that way.

As I stated to you in an e-mail, my discontent does not mean that you are failing in some way.

You are not failing me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/27/05 06:49 PM
It's kind of a new concept, isn't being angry (or anything else) and not blaming you?

Weird...I didn't even have to try. I just automatically knew it wasn't your fault.

I have hopes that you will get used to it.
hey ~ I guess I'm working too much and I just missed all these posts.

Anger has to come out or it festers inside your soul, eating you from the inside out.

I'm glad you are angry. Take it out, let it rage (walk, run, write, scream, cry - privately), and then put it back in its box til tomorrow.

Learning not to control each other's emotions is a big huge step. That's part of detachment. Loving and respecting my spouse enough to "allow" him to have emotions that may scare me or make me uncomfortable was hard. Recognizing that I was not responsible for his emotions was difficult for me to do. I had been raised to believe that other's emotions were my fault.

I learned that I have to be a good wife. That means I hold myself accountable for being a loving, good wife. I may do my best to meet my husband's emotional needs, but that does not mean I am responsible for his emotions. Part of being a good wife means recognizing that my husband will never experience "bad" emotions.

I am dying to NOT live in misery.

well, silly, make a decision.

In life, pain is a given you can't avoid. Misery is a CHOICE of lifestyle.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/28/05 12:30 PM
well, silly, make a decision.

In life, pain is a given you can't avoid. Misery is a CHOICE of lifestyle.

So I've heard. I was actually directly referring to your sig. line when I said that.

I did make a choice. I am not miserable.

I could, however, do without some of the pain of late.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/28/05 01:02 PM
New and difficult things to adjust to ....are these new ways to react to situations. I am trained one way, and then unlearning that to make room for the new way feels like la la land. Like I am floating out in the universe unprotected by anything.

Anyway, tonight is the big night(tickets to a musical) and I am really looking forward to it. I am pretty sure she is too. So, I got the RC thing covered tonight...:P

I still have a few attitudes and responses to certain situations to relook at. But, it is a pretty big transition period at home right now, because of the 'she can have feelings and it isn't my fault' thing.

In the time I have been here at MB, I have learned quite a bit.

Anyway, ramble over...
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/28/05 01:04 PM
Like I am floating out in the universe unprotected by anything.

What do you mean? Could you clarify?
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/28/05 01:38 PM
floating around... like when something changes, you have to change your reaction to it.

The old habitual response is no longer valid... but the old habitual response is 'safe' because it is the usual. The routine. When something changes(like your dealing with your feelings in such a way that I am not blamed for them) then it feels different because I had a patented response to the old behavior from you. Now your behavior is different, and so I must change as well.

It is the fact of change that makes you feel 'out there'. Old habits were routine. Routine was 'safe'(I use the term safe loosely). Change of behavior is just different.... because I need repetitions at it to see what works and does not work with the new behavior from you.

Does any of this make sense?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/28/05 01:43 PM
Yes, I suppose it was the use of the word 'unprotected' that I was curious about. I see what you mean now.

I realize there is an adjustment period, but my hope was that my behavior would enable you to feel safer. Are you missing the safety of my tentacles, perhaps??? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/28/05 01:45 PM
Like I am floating out in the universe unprotected by anything.

like tentacles!!!

Are you finding freedom scary?
Oh my. I had to giggle when I read this.

Patriot: Now your behavior is different, and so I must change as well.

Right from the horse's mouth! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Now Froz!! are you willing to take back all those temper tantrums that we were beating on you and not Patriot? You think there might have been a method to our madness??
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/28/05 05:08 PM
I'm not ABLE to take back the temper tantrums, so no point focusing on that. I wish I could have understood sooner, but the fact is that I didn't. I understand, somewhat, now and that is what matters. Also, obviously, if I can get "it", anyone can.

Things are very tense at our house right now. With perceptions having shifted, things have become uncomfortable and neither of us really knows how to respond appropriately or communicate effectively to the other.

I have learned some things NOT to do, but feel ill-informed on what TO DO.

Yesterday SUCKED! It just plain sucked all the way around. There was a point where I thought I could turn it around with a positive attitude, but outside forces and emotions took over and it just blew!

Today didn't start off too great, either. Again, I'm trying to turn it around by not allowing my perception to run amok. I am struggling. I can't even sort it out right here, much less in my head. I guess I'll envision (since mental pictures seem to be so effective) the analogy of the tangled bunch of necklaces that Pep mentioned to Faithful Follower. Most women can sure identify with that scenario! Pep said to pick a chain and start unravelling.

One chain:

Patriot seems very uncomfortable with my taking responsibility for my feelings. I think he LIKES to feel guilty or feel he is failing at something. The fact that I have taken that away from him seems to leave him at a loss in how to respond. I understand he needs time to adjust.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...I have needs, too. It always seems as though what he needs takes precedence. We do things at his pace. Often, by the time he is up to a certain task it's too late.

Example: I never properly received from him either details about his A or corrections of lies he told me post D-Day. He wasn't up to the task. He didn't feel safe. I feel that some of this is necessary for proper healing of our M, but now I am scared and don't feel safe to go back and directly face some of that. It is very painful. I would rather have had my pain in one huge stab, rather than a bunch of painful little cuts, but I couldn't control that. So, I feel as though I either deal with things as they are or I must take one for the team. I always seem to be taking one for the team, in order that he may feel safe.

Another example:

Last night I really needed him. Some of my crappy day had nothing to do with him and some of it did. I was dying to have someone just say, "Tell me all about it".

I didn't want to just dump it on him if he wasn't a willing participant. I talked to him on the phone before he got home, and he was venting about some frustrations with a professor at school so it didn't seem like a good time.

Then, he got home and I knew he needed to unwind for a minute (again, his need taking precedence). So, mine went on the back burner for a bit longer.

Then, he said he wanted to do a little bit of studying. I did tell him that I wanted to talk about my day, but I was afraid of making him feel uncomfortable. He had a scared rabbit look on his face, so I didn't proceed.

In the end, he did talk to me and I shared with him the one thing crappy about my day that had nothing to do with him. He was supportive, but I hated having to hold back to protect him. I also hated that I had to go to him, once again. I don't mind informing him of my needs. It would just be really nice if he took the initiative because he wanted to. It would be nice to feel wanted and accepted, even when things aren't necessarily comfortable.

I hate playing "Happy Home" when it isn't all happy. It feels way too much like before the A, and it gives me the heebie jeebies.

He has told me before that he only likes it when things are pleasant. Of course, I would rather things be pleasant, too, but sometimes they just aren't. He seems to want to pretend that they still are, even when they aren't, and I prefer to address issues so they can be dealt with and removed. Yet, I have no desire to force him to do this nor do I desire to make him feel incredibly uncomfortable. I hate the scared rabbit look.

I don't think he likes being free.

I don't like feeling less important.

I don't like feeling like I am last on the priority list.

I don't like dealing with the painful aftermath of his A and all that comes with that, while he gets to feel safe and protected, and free to pretend like things are fine.

Why do I have to carry the whole burden alone when I wasn't the one who had an A?

That might be two or three tangled chains, but they were the ones that were sticking out.
Things are very tense at our house right now. With perceptions having shifted, things have become uncomfortable and neither of us really knows how to respond appropriately or communicate effectively to the other.

I have learned some things NOT to do, but feel ill-informed on what TO DO.

Time, practice and patience with yourself and your spouse is the cure here.

Allow yourself and Patriot the freedom to screw it up. No one gets it perfectly.

Yesterday SUCKED! It just plain sucked all the way around. There was a point where I thought I could turn it around with a positive attitude, but outside forces and emotions took over and it just blew! you don't bear any resonsiblity here? Yesterday just grabbed you around the throat, held you down against your will and had its way with ya?

If your emotions and "outside forces" take over, its only because you allowed it to happen. You make a choice to go 'there'.

Today didn't start off too great, either. Again, I'm trying to turn it around by not allowing my perception to run amok. I am struggling. I can't even sort it out right here, much less in my head.

This really is a power struggle. I know you won't really get it now that I have said it, but this is a symptom of you trying to wrastle "today" under your control, fueled by anger and resentment.

I guess I'll envision (since mental pictures seem to be so effective) the analogy of the tangled bunch of necklaces that Pep mentioned to Faithful Follower. Most women can sure identify with that scenario! Pep said to pick a chain and start unravelling.

yep, and a very good suggestion. Most of our motivations aren't exactly black and white, cut and dry.

One chain:

Patriot seems very uncomfortable with my taking responsibility for my feelings.
Anything new in a relationship is uncomfortable ~ pretty normal on his part.

I think he LIKES to feel guilty or feel he is failing at something.

Careful. DJ here, big time.

The fact that I have taken that away from him seems to leave him at a loss in how to respond. I understand he needs time to adjust.

Patriot, like alot of men, is likely a fixer. If it is "about him" then he can do something about it. What is probably the issue for him (and I am guessing, he'd have confirm this) is that he sees you in distress, and doesn't have a clue what 'to do'. If you told him Billy Bob down the street was ticking you off, he could march off and defend your honor or whatever it is guys do, and come back feeling proud that he had fixed the problem for his sweetie.

But "I'm sad, angry, depressed, having a crappy day" and "no honey, you can't do anyting about it to make it right" is a hard thing for any guy to deal with.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...I have needs, too. It always seems as though what he needs takes precedence. We do things at his pace. Often, by the time he is up to a certain task it's too late.

Ok. Warning. Get off this pity pot. Your needs do NOT take precendence any more than his do. But the kicker don't have the right to have your needs met at his expense.

Example: I never properly received from him either details about his A or corrections of lies he told me post D-Day. He wasn't up to the task. He didn't feel safe.

And his mistake, as he has communicated - as he now 'gets it' that he should have told you everything up front. I was under the impression that he is willing to offer up those details if you request them - or am I wrong?

I feel that some of this is necessary for proper healing of our M,...

Yes, probably true.

...but now I am scared and don't feel safe to go back and directly face some of that. It is very painful. I would rather have had my pain in one huge stab, rather than a bunch of painful little cuts, but I couldn't control that.

So now, it is YOU who are choosing not to go there, and holding him to blame for it?

So, I feel as though I either deal with things as they are or I must take one for the team. I always seem to be taking one for the team, in order that he may feel safe.

Froz ~ this is your choice. The past can't be changed. He didn't understand how much you needed this to heal. Now he does. But that just isn't good enough for you. You want him to go back and fix this, and he just can't.

If you want the details, ask, instead of fuming over WHY you didn't get the details on your terms a few months ago. If you choose not to get the details, then get over it already because this is just not productive for marital recovery.

Last night I really needed him. Some of my crappy day had nothing to do with him and some of it did. I was dying to have someone just say, "Tell me all about it".

Fair enough.

But let me point out, that girlfriends are important for marital sanity. Girlfriends are for venting and dumping...truely.

I didn't want to just dump it on him if he wasn't a willing participant. I talked to him on the phone before he got home, and he was venting about some frustrations with a professor at school so it didn't seem like a good time.

"It didn't seem like a good time". So you chose for him? Did you say directly: Honey I had a really crappy day and I really need to talk about it? Because what you wrote here says to me that you made that choice for him,and then were resentful about it later - and he had NOTHING to do with the decision that you took control of.

Then, he got home and I knew he needed to unwind for a minute (again, his need taking precedence). So, mine went on the back burner for a bit longer.

You knew how?

Then, he said he wanted to do a little bit of studying. I did tell him that I wanted to talk about my day, but I was afraid of making him feel uncomfortable. He had a scared rabbit look on his face, so I didn't proceed.

Did he say - no don't proceed, I refuse to listen?

Or you decided he couldn't handle it (big time DJ)?

Frankly hon, I'd be scared too. You've got him drawn and quartered before he's had a chance to say word, and he knows it.

In the end, he did talk to me and I shared with him the one thing crappy about my day that had nothing to do with him. He was supportive, but I hated having to hold back to protect him.

Did he ask you to protect him? Or was this more of you deciding for him what he can or can't handle?

I also hated that I had to go to him, once again. I don't mind informing him of my needs. It would just be really nice if he took the initiative because he wanted to.

Part of honesty and openness means that you are RESPONSIBLE for asking for what you need, instead of EXPECTING the other person to guess.

Yes it would be nice to have a mind-reading partner, but thats fantasy land dear.

It would be nice to feel wanted and accepted, even when things aren't necessarily comfortable.

This is your problem Froz. Your husband DOES want you and DOES accept you. You won't let him show you.

I hate playing "Happy Home" when it isn't all happy. It feels way too much like before the A, and it gives me the heebie jeebies.

I LOVE what Dr Phil says about "If you only deal with problems in a relationship, then you have a Problem Relationship".

You NEED to have "happy home" moments in order to build a happy home.

He has told me before that he only likes it when things are pleasant.

well duh. me too. But I know alot of people who thrive on crisis and drama, and absolutely refuse to have a pleasant experience. Why? lots of reasons. I've tried to explore some of your reasons for this behavior on this thread.

Of course, I would rather things be pleasant, too, but sometimes they just aren't.

Well if I go back and read what you ahve said in this post and others, you don't think pleasant should happen at all unless your relationship is fixed. That's a life sentence Froz, because ALL relationships are a process. If they stop processing you've got stagnant and DEAD.

He seems to want to pretend ...


I don't get even the slightest sense that your husband is pretending ANYTHING.

...that they still are, even when they aren't, and I prefer to address issues so they can be dealt with and removed.

Your rule is:

No fun/no happiness/no joy unless problems are fixed (according to my demands).

As a result:

If Patriot looks happy/joyous/or fun - then he is lying.

This is what you are saying 100%.

Yet, I have no desire to force him to do this nor do I desire to make him feel incredibly uncomfortable. I hate the scared rabbit look.

Stop being responsible for his feelings and stop controlling the situation.

My God. He walks in the door at night, and you say: Patriot, I'm going to tell you about my day and you better not feel anything but gratitude for a chance to meet my needs!

I don't think he likes being free.

I don't like feeling less important.

So stop choosing to make yourself less important. You choose to put your needs last and then blame him for your choice. This is your problem.

I don't like feeling like I am last on the priority list.

Again, you put yourself there. You don't give him the opportunity to put you higher.

I don't like dealing with the painful aftermath of his A and all that comes with that, while he gets to feel safe and protected, and free to pretend like things are fine.

DJ. And again, you set up this situation.

Why do I have to carry the whole burden alone when I wasn't the one who had an A?

You don't have to. You choose to.

That might be two or three tangled chains, but they were the ones that were sticking out.

Well once again dear, I've probably spanked your rear end pretty hard.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/29/05 08:03 AM
Quote you don't bear any resonsiblity here? Yesterday just grabbed you around the throat, held you down against your will and had its way with ya?


If your emotions and "outside forces" take over, its only because you allowed it to happen. You make a choice to go 'there'.

Yeah? Well...even I can only maintain a Polly Sunshine attitude for just so long.

Most of our motivations aren't exactly black and white, cut and dry.

I don't know what you mean.

Anything new in a relationship is uncomfortable ~ pretty normal on his part.

Isn't everything normal on his part?

Patriot, like alot of men, is likely a fixer. If it is "about him" then he can do something about it. What is probably the issue for him (and I am guessing, he'd have confirm this) is that he sees you in distress, and doesn't have a clue what 'to do'. If you told him Billy Bob down the street was ticking you off, he could march off and defend your honor or whatever it is guys do, and come back feeling proud that he had fixed the problem for his sweetie.

But "I'm sad, angry, depressed, having a crappy day" and "no honey, you can't do anyting about it to make it right" is a hard thing for any guy to deal with.

I'm sick of everything being "about him". The above statement kind of says..."Poor thing, poor Patriot." Everything he does is so understandable.

Shall I tell you what is a hard thing for any woman to deal with, or does that even matter?

Ok. Warning. Get off this pity pot. Your needs do NOT take precendence any more than his do. But the kicker don't have the right to have your needs met at his expense.

Okay so since he is a Fixer, he is entitled to throw his pity party. You know what? Since everything IS always about him, it always IS at his expense. When will it stop being at his expense? His needs take precedence, mine don't.

Perhaps I should take the same attitude. After all, you think it never comes at my expense to meet his needs? There isn't room in this M for two selfish people who make everything all about them, therefore I should just "take the hit".

And his mistake, as he has communicated - as he now 'gets it' that he should have told you everything up front. I was under the impression that he is willing to offer up those details if you request them - or am I wrong?

Oh, he begrudgingly says he is willing to do that it's no longer at his expense, but my own. Sorry I'm not jumping at the opportunity - like it's some kind of pleasure cruise for me. You capitulate that it's probably the best thing for the M. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the best thing for me, personally.

As far as I'm concerned, he can keep his secrets. If he is content with having his walls up, then fine. Of course, this behavior by him should be perfectly understandable. Yet another occassion where I either settle for the walls, or do it at my expense. I'm tired of adjusting everything I need around his timeframe.

I'm sick of basing everything on HIS protection. He is the one who had an A. When do I get protection? Only after he feels safe?

He didn't understand how much you needed this to heal. Now he does. But that just isn't good enough for you. You want him to go back and fix this, and he just can't.

If you want the details, ask, instead of fuming over WHY you didn't get the details on your terms a few months ago.

It was an example.

If you choose not to get the details, then get over it already because this is just not productive for marital recovery.

I don't care to have marital recovery if it is constantly going to be at my expense, and never at his.

But let me point out, that girlfriends are important for marital sanity. Girlfriends are for venting and dumping...truely.

WHAT girlfriends? None of them know of this situation. What a choice...I either impose further humiliation on myself by telling them the whole story or I choke one down "for the team".

"It didn't seem like a good time". So you chose for him? Did you say directly: Honey I had a really crappy day and I really need to talk about it? Because what you wrote here says to me that you made that choice for him,and then were resentful about it later - and he had NOTHING to do with the decision that you took control of.

I did try to be considerate of him with reference to my timing, but yes - I did say it directly.

Did he say - no don't proceed, I refuse to listen?

No, he did not say that. He ignored me.


Then, he got home and I knew he needed to unwind for a minute (again, his need taking precedence). So, mine went on the back burner for a bit longer.


You knew how?

I knew because he told me.

Frankly hon, I'd be scared too. You've got him drawn and quartered before he's had a chance to say word, and he knows it.

Poor guy. Where does he have me? You may say that I am responsible for where he has me, but then why does that also make me responsible for where HE is??? Do I need to be responsible for both of our feelings?

Did he ask you to protect him? Or was this more of you deciding for him what he can or can't handle?

You're giving me mixed messages here. You are telling me not to take something if it is at his expense, yet if I just take it, I am also wrong.

But I know alot of people who thrive on crisis and drama, and absolutely refuse to have a pleasant experience. Why? lots of reasons. I've tried to explore some of your reasons for this behavior on this thread.

If you are implying that I thrive on crisis and're way off base. I don't enjoy it. There is not some sick payoff in it for me. I do accept, though, that life does not always have pleasant experiences. I am not afraid to work through them. I do not hold the belief that ignoring them will make them disappear.

Part of honesty and openness means that you are RESPONSIBLE for asking for what you need, instead of EXPECTING the other person to guess.

Yes it would be nice to have a mind-reading partner, but thats fantasy land dear.

I already stated that I don't expect him to be a mind-reader. I have told him many times that it would be nice if he took the initiative, instead of it always being my responsibility.

This is your problem Froz. Your husband DOES want you and DOES accept you. You won't let him show you.

Not true. I will let him show me. Unfortunately, he only shows me when I am feeling good. As soon as an issue comes up, he takes it away.

I don't get even the slightest sense that your husband is pretending ANYTHING.

Do you not? You don't live with him.

Your rule is:

No fun/no happiness/no joy unless problems are fixed (according to my demands).

As a result:

If Patriot looks happy/joyous/or fun - then he is lying.

This is what you are saying 100%.

That is not what I am saying. There are many times when I allow the happy, joyous fun to continue, even where there are issues to deal with.

If he looks happy/joyous/fun and he isn't - he is not being real.

So stop choosing to make yourself less important. You choose to put your needs last and then blame him for your choice. This is your problem.

Really? If I choose to put his needs second, it will be called 'punishment' or controlling.


Why do I have to carry the whole burden alone when I wasn't the one who had an A?


You don't have to. You choose to.

I don't choose to. I chose to help. I do not choose to do it alone.

Well once again dear, I've probably spanked your rear end pretty hard.

Oh well.
Froz ~

Your needs should never be first.

His needs should never be first.

If one of you 'wins' the other 'loses'.

Do you want your husband, the man you love, to lose?

When I read your post yesterday, I was very careful to check when you said you communicated your needs to talk to your husband.

You were pretty clear that you didn't tell him until long after you had already pre-decided for him what he was willing to do. And then you were angry at him for a choice you didn't give him.

THIS behavior is YOU putting your needs last. This is NOT Patriot's selfishness.

No you should NOT do things that cause HARM to Patriot. That does NOT mean that if Patriot looks tired you can't talk to him about your feelings.

YES you should POJA. POJA means that you state openly and honestly what you need. And so should Patriot. And then the 2 of you should negotatiate a plan that meets both needs EQUALLY.

Maybe he says, I need to unwind, can we talk in an hour? If I can decompress, I'll be a better listener. You say, NO, I need to talk right NOW. And then he can say something like, OK, can we put a timelimit on the conversation? I can listen and converse with you if we limit it to 15 minutes. Can you tell him in 15 minutes? If you can, then agree! Or come up with another plan and ask what he thinks, and be willing to accept his answer.

But to insist, that when he walks in the door, that he drop everything and give you what you need, at his own expense, is harmful to your marriage.

I'm not saying this is what should be, I'm just trying to describe negotiation where both needs are respected.

You are not respectful of Patriot. Quite disrespectful in fact.

Now, I'm late for work. I can't respond more in depth til tonight.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/29/05 07:02 PM
Do you want your husband, the man you love, to lose?

No. I don't want that at all. I want it NOT to always be such a sacrifice for him to meet my needs. I want us both to win. I don't want to lose, either.

When I read your post yesterday, I was very careful to check when you said you communicated your needs to talk to your husband.

You were pretty clear that you didn't tell him until long after you had already pre-decided for him what he was willing to do. And then you were angry at him for a choice you didn't give him.

I didn't communicate it very well to you. I may not have communicated it to him very well, either.

The way it actually went down was probably somewhere in the middle. Initially, I did not directly ask for what I needed. I was still holding out for the "Tell me all about it" hope. When I didn't get that, I slowly let him know. Maybe I did it too slowly...I don't know. I'm pretty sure he knew what I needed.

He must have, because he did leave his homework to come talk to me. Yes, I probably did decide what he could and couldn't handle. I was trying to be considerate by not dumping it all on him.

I took his cues. I told him a little bit, but let him know there was more to my bad day. I waited for him to ask to see if it was safe for him for me to proceed. He didn't look safe. He didn't act like he felt safe, either. I needed him, but I didn't want to put him in a bad position. I didn't want to dump everything on him, punish him, or make him feel guilty.

I understand what you mean about me putting my needs last.

I also understand what you mean about negotiation.

I can also somewhat see how my lack of definitive boundaries, lack of taking responsibility, and presence of expecations have made the last two days pretty bad for me. Unfortunately, I don't have a very clear perspective. I still feel smack dab in the middle of it.

I am also afraid to get out of the middle of it because now I have become angry and expressed that in a manner that you say (probably correctly) has been disrespectful to Patriot. If I get out of the corner I have backed MYSELF into, I will be forced to admit my failures. If I acknowledge them I become vulnerable. I also will feel obligated to make the necessary changes if I recognize the ways I was wrong.

I already feel vulnerable enough because I needed something from him. Also because I have given too much lately, without appropriately setting boundaries and I feel unprotected. I realize that I failed to protect myself. I am angry with myself for that.

So, for the sake of putting something in print to gain perspective (and spankings from you, of course):

The Last Two Days


I went for a walk...triggers everywhere. I have removed, as has Patriot, most things that trigger me from my house. I can't control outside stimuli, however. I will head you off at the pass in case you are going to tell me that I can control my reactions to outside stimuli. Sure, to a degree I can control my reactions to them, but it is VERY PAINFUL. Sometimes it is just too painful to ignore.

So, I came back from the walk even angrier. I tried my best to apply the new concepts I have learned. I didn't blame Patriot for my anger. I took responsibility for it, and then I went to work, still maintaining my Polly Sunshine attitude. Patriot is very pleased when I am happy. I also feel better when I am happy. I was trying to make my attitude a choice, though it was becoming more difficult than the previous few days.

Work was slow and boring. I had one client at 10:30 am, and not another until 4:30 pm...not your ideal schedule, but hey - money is money. So, I made the best of the situation. I decided to give some attention to some of the girls at work. I also decided it would be a great idea to clean and get some things done at the salon because I had no clients scheduled thus far for Wednesday.

I arranged that on purpose. Every once in awhile, if early in the week I have no clients on a particular day, I can condense them into the rest of the week and take an extra day off. I decided I would take care of all my responsibilities on Tuesday and actually take Wednesday off for a Me Day. I really thought this Me Day would be a good exercise in meeting some of my own needs and setting boundaries.

So, work and cleaning at work being boring, I decided to call a friend. That did not go well at all. We had a disagreement, so I decided to set a boundary and remove myself from the situation. I told her I wanted to get off the phone. So I did. It was pretty upsetting.

Patriot and I often communicate via e-mail throughout the day. I remained positive in my e-mails to him. I shared a ramble of some thoughts with him in one e-mail. It was really long. I found it minorly irritating that he did not receive it. My work account does not save sent e-mails, so I could not resend it.

One of the thoughts I shared with him in this ramble was me thinking about his sister who has a baby due soon, which led me to wonder if anyone was having a baby shower for her, which led me to wonder if I should throw one for her, which led me to remember (I know...I think way too much) that I swore I would never throw another one for anyone after the last one, which led me to wonder if her friend would throw one for her, which led me to great worry.

I worried because this friend, we'll call her Cinnamon, was someone who Patriot was involved with just prior to our relationship. It's a really long story, so I won't go much into specifics, other than to say that I am very jealous of Cinnamon because Patriot pursued her for more than a year, even though she was not really interested in a relationship with him. He chased her. I am jealous of that.

I don't like Cinnamon. I don't understand why he chased her. Cinnamon is not pretty, she is overweight, and she was very mean to Patriot (way meaner than me...the mean thing is new for me, remember?). I have no idea why he would choose Cinnamon over me. He did.

I have always felt like second choice because Patriot started dating me only because Cinnamon did not want a relationship.

Also, Patriot's sister just happens to be one of the very few people who know about the A. It was very poor judgment on my part to share this with her, but it was very early after D-Day and I regret it immensely because Patriot's sister is very unreliable and not trustworthy. She has a big mouth. She and Cinnamon were on the outs and had not been in touch for quite some time, or I probably wouldn't have told her at all.

Since then, she and Cinnamon have reconciled. I am terrified that his sister told Cinnamon everything. That is why I was worried that Cinnamon might throw her a baby shower.

I told Patriot in the e-mail that I was worried about that, and then I told him it was silly, worrying about something that hasn't even happened. I remembered what you said about living in the past or the future and I put it out of my head and stopped worrying about it.


A couple of hours later, Patriot's aunt called me at work to tell me that Patriot's grandmother had received a baby shower invitation that she believed was meant for me (his grandmother and I have the same name, now that we are married). His aunt said the baby shower was for Patriot's sister. I asked her who the hostess was (which, of course I already knew). Of course, it is Cinnamon.

You said there are no coincidences. Was that a case of self-fulfilling prophecy? Perhaps it was just the law of probability. Either way, what are the chances that I worry about this and then a couple of hours later, it happens?

Now my day really is crap. I do not want to face Cinnamon, who already knows I got Patriot by default and possibly also thinks that he only married me because he cheated on me. This baby shower is not exactly a scenario in which I feel I can hold my head up high.

It was a pretty overwhelming day. You already know the part about me wanting to dump it all on Patriot and how that went.

Despite that, I still knew that I could control my reactions and Polly Sunshine was a little cloudy, but still present. Also, I had Me Day to look forward to (now much needed).


Me Day was going to be all about ME and whatever I wanted to do to relax. I told the girls at work in advance. I told Patriot in advance. I told myself in advance. My plans for Me Day were: to not have to look presentable until very late in the day, stay home and get a little housework done, begin a scrapbook of pictures from Patriot's childhood. We had theater tickets for the evening, too.

So I got up Wednesday morning, with Me Day to look forward to - all planned out nice and neat.

Before Me Day could commence, Patriot asked if I would trade cars with him (something he knows I seriously dislike because I love my car) so I could take his car to have the oil changed. He told me I had the option to say no.

I failed to set an appropriate boundary. I said yes. I said yes because I would have felt guilty and selfish when I had all day to do it.

I know that is my fault, and I owned it. I rarely respond well with short notice. Heck, I rarely respond well AT ALL, even WITH notice! Anyway, I owned it. I set boundaries for future situations such as that one by e-mailing Patriot and telling him that in the future I would appreciate advance notice when he needed his oil changed.

He felt guilty. Polly Sunshine told him all the right things - it was already done, no sense beating yourself up over it, etc...He told me the oil change was no big deal and I should put it off for another day. I agreed, without feeling guilty this time.

Next I received a phone call from one of the girls at work (who apparently missed the message that I was taking a Me Day). She asked if I was coming in to work. I said no. She said she was hoping that I would be because her sister is getting married this weekend and she wanted me to color her hair and such, but oh well.

After I got off the phone with her, I really wasn't in the mood for Me Day anymore. I made the CHOICE to scrap it and move to plan B. Plan B was to decide whether or not I really wanted to go up to work and color this girl's hair. I decided that I did. I was starting to feel bad at home and I wasn't getting any of the things accomplished that I'd wanted Me Day to be about.

So, plan B...I did go to work and do her hair. She was appreciative and it was nice visiting with her and feeling as though I were helping her during a very busy time for her. She helped me through the busy time of my own sister's wedding and it was nice to have the opportunity to return the favor. Plan B also included taking Patriot's car to get the oil changed, since I was getting out of the house anyway. So I did, without feeling resentful for it. I knew it was my choice.

I sent several very nice, positive, loving e-mails to Patriot throughout the day. It felt good (I thought) to take responsibility for my own choices and feelings. It also felt good to own abandoning Me Day. It made me feel as though I were somewhat flexible, since I had made the choice and also chose to make the best of the circumstances.

So I decided to come home and make everything perfect for Patriot before going to the theater. I felt giving. My plan was to have the house in perfect order, cook a perfect dinner, and be ready for the theater in a perfect amount of time, which would please him immensely because he hates it when I am late. I devised a time schedule to accomplish all of these tasks in a relatively short time frame. It seemed do-able.

Of course, life interfered again. It was not as do-able as I thought. The house did not get perfectly clean in the alotted time, due to teenagers needing attention. Also, I allowed my son to throw another task in. I also needed something from the grocery store to accomplish the perfect dinner. I thought I could still do it all, if maybe I had a little help from Patriot. Polly Sunshine decided to call him and ask for his help.

Patriot was not sunshiny at all. He ranted and raved about how wound up he was. He let me know how stressed he was over school because he did not study the night before, because he spent that time talking to me instead. In an instant, Polly Sunshine turned into Frozen Solid.

I lost it. I no longer cared what we had for dinner. I wasn't even going to cook dinner. I didn't care that the house wasn't perfectly clean. I wasn't going to do it. I would be ready for the theater on time, but I no longer cared about any of the other things.

Patriot went to the store. Patriot took my son to accomplish his task. Patriot cooked dinner. I guess one would think that was nice of him. I did not. It was not what I wanted, and also it kept him busy so he did not have to talk to me.

I was ready on time for the theater and we went. He did try to talk to me some, but I was still Frozen Solid, except when I cried at the theater during the parts of the play when the guy proposed and also when they cheated on each other.

I was very distant last night and he avoided me when we got home. I woke up in the middle of the night and cried for about two hours. I was mean to him and wouldn't let him touch me. I am not proud of that, but glad I did not do the even meaner things I was thinking of.

I am not Frozen Solid anymore, but I am not Polly Sunshine, either. I am more like Slushy...not the good kind of slushy like a snow-cone, but the bad kind of a parking lot gets after snow starts to melt, all black with tar or oil or whatever.
*yaaawn* Good morning Froz.

I hate Polly Sunshine. Polly Sunshine is fake, forced and controlled.

People with plastic smiley faces and white knuckles make me very uncomfortable.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 09/30/05 03:19 PM
No, she isn't! Polly Sunshine chooses to be happy! Polly makes lemons out of lemonade!

She is much nicer to be around than Frozen Solid, or Snowcone Slushy, and Parking Lot Slushy...they just let their emotions rule them, with no choice of how they feel in the matter.
Hi Froz ~

I'm sorry I'm so late in responding to you...the last few days have been chaotic as I was getting ready to leave on a business trip. I'm sitting in a hotel in Switzerland right now, fighting jet lag.

Couple of things struck me about your post:

I have always felt like second choice because Patriot started dating me only because Cinnamon did not want a relationship.

This is a disrespectful judgement.

So what if she was his first choice. You were his BEST choice.

You are just bound and determined to find ways to make yourself less arent you?

Now my day really is crap. I do not want to face Cinnamon, who already knows I got Patriot by default and possibly also thinks that he only married me because he cheated on me. This baby shower is not exactly a scenario in which I feel I can hold my head up high.

This again dear, is in your head.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned was that "What other people think of me is none of my business."

Your marriage is none of her business. What she thinks about you or your marriage is none of your business.


Patriot did something to be ashamed of.

You did not.

Isolation from others because you are afraid of what people think is harmful and hurtful to you. Why are you punishing yourself for what Patriot did?

I think you can hold your head very high.

Now, I'm off to dinner, will check back in if I don't get too lost in this city! (I wandered around lost for hours the first time I was here, I am always careful now!)
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/03/05 08:19 PM

I hope you are having a great time in Switzerland, even if it is a business trip.

This is a disrespectful judgement.

So what if she was his first choice. You were his BEST choice.

You are just bound and determined to find ways to make yourself less arent you?

I do seem to be bound and determined. I don't know why that is. I guess I look for ways or reasons that someone thinks I might be less than. If I don't find any, then that means I'm okay, but if I do...well, I usually do. It's not so much that I feel I have to be perfect, but if someone else takes an action that I could perceive as them thinking I am not worthy, then I feel unworthy.

I also wish I could stop making disrespectful judgements. I didn't realize that was one. I just thought it was my opinion. Where do you draw the line between the two?

Patriot did something to be ashamed of.

You did not.

Isolation from others because you are afraid of what people think is harmful and hurtful to you. Why are you punishing yourself for what Patriot did?

Because I think it was because I wasn't good enough. I am afraid for people to know that.

I think you can hold your head very high.

I don't. I am very ashamed that I am in this situation - for many reasons. I listed one above. Another is that I have made such bad choices in men. I'm not saying that Patriot is a bad choice, but we did not get married under your ideal circumstances.

At that point, I really thought I had my crap together FINALLY! I started out with nothing - a single mother at 18 on welfare, which was a pretty big awakening considering the very sheltered and financially privileged life I had led up to that time.

I made poor choices in relationships and in life that caused my daughter, and the son who came two years later, so much turmoil and grief. Slowly, personally and professionally, I became more self-aware and more responsible until I thought I had arrived at a place where I was at least somewhat normal, and a little wiser for the wear.

I worked hard to become a responsible mother, and a successful business owner. I also worked hard to be a good person and to grow and learn from my mistakes. I think my parents were actually proud of my success, and that I had finally found a man that they were very proud to have as a son-in-law. It was nice, for a time, to not always be the screwed up one.

I would have/still would do anything to keep from going back to that place, or having anyone say "Well, there goes Frozen again...some things never change. Too bad she has to drag her children along with her in her screwed-up life."
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/03/05 08:24 PM
Because I think it was because I wasn't good enough. I am afraid for people to know that.

Well I guess that means I'm not good enough either. My husband cheated.... geezzzzeeee ... all this time I thought I was good enough ... now come to find out ....


<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

we are both good enough you idiot <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/03/05 08:40 PM
Well I guess that means I'm not good enough either. My husband cheated.... geezzzzeeee ... all this time I thought I was good enough ... now come to find out ....

I didn't say that the reason someone cheats is because their partner isn't good enough. I said that was the reason it happened to me. Logically, I am sure this is not true. However, on an emotional level, I suspect I think that it's very true.

Also, that saying that my mother always taught me about if one person tells you that you have a tail...

If all the actions of several people (all the major relationships in my life) are telling me that there is something wrong with me and that I am completely expendable and replaceable, I figured I should turn around and see if I really did have a tail.
Dear dear Froz.

Ditto Pepperbabe. I guess I'm 'not enough' too. <SNORT>

When your self-worth and SELF LOVE is based on what other people will never ever match up.

This is why, what "they" think is absolutely NONE of your business. You can't control it, and thinking/worrying about it is a poison to your soul.

"They" don't have to live your life.

You have to look at yourself in the mirror every single day of your life. YOU have to live with YOU and you can't get away. So don'tcha think just MAYBE what you think about you is more important? Don'cha think that MAYBE you should make your decisions based on what YOU think is good for YOU rather than what other people think is good for you?

Why are "they" more knowledable about how to live your life than you are?

Stop living your life to please other people, and start living it to please you.

Priorities needs some adjusting hun! This is why I told you to get up every morning and say I LOVE YOU to yourself in the mirror.

How do you stop making judgements about Patriot?

Stop making up your own ideas about what he thinks and why.

UNLESS he says to you: Hey Hunny, I just married you cuz Cinnomon turned me down and you were just the runner up for the wife position - then you better not think it darn it.

He undoubtably considers you his BEST choice, or he wouldnt be there with you every day.

So, that means you are making up tall tales in your head, that suit YOUR version of reality...the version where you look constantly for affirmation of your belief that you realy aren't enough.

This goes back to what both Pepperband and I had said to you earlier...that your choice in men had more to do with what you believed about yourself and what you "really" deserve. In your mind, in your deepest darkest corners of your soul, a tape plays in your mind that says you just don't deserve a man who treats you well.

Proof of that is now you have a man who is willing to do so, and you just won't let him. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
and btw....its cold, rainey, humid and miserable here in switzerland.

But I just came back from a lovely Italian restaurant, after a 3 hour dinner, lingering over wine, veal, pasta and cream puffs and espressos...

My hotel over looks a lovely park.
So....if three people came up to you on the street and told you the sky was GREEN - but you looked at the sky and saw BLUE...would you decide that YOU were wrong?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/03/05 09:15 PM
Proof of that is now you have a man who is willing to do so, and you just won't let him.

I'm working on it.

But I just came back from a lovely Italian restaurant, after a 3 hour dinner, lingering over wine, veal, pasta and cream puffs and espressos...

My hotel over looks a lovely park.

That doesn't sound so miserable. In fact, in sounds heavenly.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/03/05 09:16 PM
So....if three people came up to you on the street and told you the sky was GREEN - but you looked at the sky and saw BLUE...would you decide that YOU were wrong?

I would if I never knew what blue looked like.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 03:57 AM
rough night. I am being punished right now. I screwed up. And as is customary, I am being punished.

I received an email a few days ago from a girl I dated around 5 years ago. The relationship was around 6 months... maybe. The email was sent to my yahoo account... my junk email account. I did absolutely nothing to get the email. No contacting her. Nothing. What was sent to me was a forward of a forward of a forward(you get the idea) of some email saying 'God bless the troops' or some crap like that. Nothing in the email addressed specifically to me. No talking to me directly. Only a forwarded forward. I did open it because I wondered what the ****** this girl was emailing me for(we did not break on the greatest terms). I see the crap and so I close it. I assessed at the time that it was meaningless, I had done nothing wrong and that was that. Wrong. I did not inform frozen of it immediately and when she found it, which I fully expected her to because I don't hide any emails now, she was hit by the 'why didn't he tell me about this' bug. She has also plainly stated that she is uncomfortable on all counts when I am dealing with a female and that I am to inform her immediately so she knows and is not blindsided. I have agreed. I want to hide nothing. I have nothing to hide. Well, she saw the email, felt blindsided because I didn't tell her about it, and now she is pissed.

Also, if having to deal with that wasn't bad enough(which to be selfish, it was... but the fact is... she asked me to do something, I agreed and then I didn't do what I agreed to... so of course I understand he having the [censored] over it. Geez.. I am pissed at me for not keeping closer watch on all my actions... and I actually like me....oh well)... anyway.. I scheduled a lunch with a former boss turned friend from a previous job and upon showing up to meet, he had invited another previous work collegue (the 3 of us worked on a project for the INS along with a 4th that NO ONE likes) and I didn't know she would be there. Come to find out, in an email this morning my friend had CCed her on the email and I didn't see it... so I didn't know. Also, he used language that implied some special place for meeting for lunch..."our place". And when I worked with this female, she was always flirtatious with everyone. So add this all up, and frozen is pissed again.

I ate lunch. The 3 of us talked about work and life. I got back to work and the first thing I did was email frozen about the surprise lunch guest and that I was not aware, thinking I was doing the right thing. No. The fact this female was CCed on the email makes it hard to believe I did not know she would be there. The fact that I did not inform about the email from the ex-GF also hurts my case. Both instances project that I am not interested enough in protecting my wife.

The way I feel right now, I would rather just not ever have anyone contact me again. Never email me. Never call me. Never talk to me. It is just safer that way.

I agreed to the stipulations that I am in trouble for now. SO I am wrong. plain and simple. Not the first time something like this has happened.

Which brings me to another thought. One of the biggest reasons I don't post much on this thread is because if I talk about my feelings, thoughts or actions it ends up being "me talking about me or being selfish" and 'not thinking about froz'. The fact is, I have nothing to hide. I want nothing to hide. I trust that I will not be a WS again. I know she does not have the same level of trust in me that I do. That is an error. Stop trusting myself so much and using that as reason to rationalize my actions.

I have no idea if any of this makes sense. I want to open up to froz. I do, often, and talk to her about things I normally would not or would just blow off in past times. Oh well. I deserve no praise. I put myself here. I telegraphed to frozen that she is worthless by having an A. She believes it.

Any talk of my feelings seems to be me being selfish. What about her protection? What about her hurt? What about her pain? Talk of how I feel doesn't seem to be a good idea because it is always about how I feel. i.e., selfish. And selfish behavior is a component that lead to my A. I mean who has an A if they are considering their spouse(or fiance at the time) That is a mistake too. Specifing that she and I were not married during my A also is wrong(although not cheating during marriage seems like a positive and I would like to hold on to ANY positive I might have) because it projects that cheating while not being married might be less painful than cheating while married. I don't think like that.. but what does it matter.

I get rediculed for talking of my feelings and being selfish. I get rediculed for not talking about my feelings and continuing behavior that 'made my A possible'. And I just sit here like half-a-man an take the insults, redicule and snide remarks.

You know what. If I was her, I would be pissed to. If she cheated on me I would be livid. I would probably be like Bob and talk about beating the OM to death. ******, I might even do it. I am finding it harder and harder to not destroy something around the house these days.. and I feel like I have all this coming. No telling what I would do if I was the victim here.

Just yesterday was great. We talked. We stated we felt close(a real feat in our house right now) and we really loved each other... the verb. And in 24 hours, I am sitting at my computer wanting to scream, but afraid to do it. Seeing all the pros and cons of any action I take and not seeing any great decisions. Everything is a less or two evils choice. I either talk about my feelings be completely open about everything and take all the redicule that comes with that. Or I be closed up, and hide... and be rediculed for that.

What is happening is I am learning to be more open(I am not lying about anything these days... whoopty do.. I know) and still making a error here and there and not disclosing everything(like the email that I did not solicit from a girl I no longer like and haven't for a long time) and I am trying to learn better ways to meet her needs.

This whole post probably reads like a festering wimpy [censored] trying to get some feelings out and I really don't care. I have, for so long, not talked about how I truly felt that it is so natural to just swallow my feelings and move on. I have learned over the last 11 months that I really don't know how to communicate my thoughts very well in verbal or written form.

I have changed behaviors. I have established boundaries in my life that I did not used to have. I have applied principles learned here and even tried to help others. Oh yeah... that makes it uncomfortable to post here as well. This perception to some folk that I am some conflict causing trouble maker. That sucks. Kind of hard to use this forum as a release for feelings when ther eare people that judge you or people that you judge. Like I don't want them reading my weak thoughts and I don't want to show people what an absolute failure I feel like. Or how much dignity I don't have because my wife can simply say one sentence and I am a worthless peice of crap. Great one, that... because the person who gave her the power to shred me was me. Being the low-life that I was has full empowered her to resent me, be angry with me, and think that from an email I didn't ask for and from a lunch guest I didn't invite, I am falling back into old patterns.

I gave everyone the power to scrutinize my actions to the point of destruction. I made horrible choices and though I really though I was sly at the time, wow have I royally effed up. My mother would be so proud. pfft.

Again, about me and just being selfish. Fact is, I have a wife in the other room that I placed in ******, told by my actions that she wasn't worth a crap to me, and exposed her to the pain(not even a good enough word for it) of OW, possible OC, STDs, emotional trauma that she will never forget, mind-movies that will never go away, and expectations she thinks she will never attain.

What a guy I am. What a pity party I have thrown. Wow... what do I do?

God I love her. She is everything to me. Why can't I show her that? How could I be so ill-equipped to be a grown-up when I have been on my own and independent for so long?

I don't even know where to stop this post....

I am not even going to re-read this post to make sure I didn't say anything too bad...or whatever. I will just defend anything not agreed with with 'I don't know', because I truly don't know.

this is sad.
Patriot ~ I think you harm yourself by not posting here. I think you ought to start your own separate thread, I think some of the male FWSes can help you through some of what you are going through.

Perhaps the 2 of you can come to agreement that there will be no reprisals for writing about feelings on MB?

Frozen ~ reprisals are a method of control, motivated by fear. Patriot does need to feel safe. Yes, I know, he needs to make you feel safe too ~ and he's made a couple of mistakes. But that does not lessen your obligation to him. I have to say reading Patriot's post above made me cringe. Why?

Because I heard my husband's voice and saw my own behavior towards him.

No one lovebusted their way into safety and recovery.

Now, I'm late to work. Today the sun is out in Swizterland!!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 06:57 AM
Yesterday was a good talk. We were feeling close and it was so nice, for a change. He talked about his feelings. I noticed that every time he did, he seemed to worry that he was being selfish by doing so. I told him that I can understand why he is hestitant to do so, because in the past I have invalidated his feelings by telling him that he was selfish for even thinking about HIS feelings. I know now that was wrong. Even though I am no longer participating in that behavior, I made the comment last night that I don't even have to do it for him anymore. I have him trained to do it for me!

As I said to him last night - he has a right to have feelings, good or bad, and having feelings doesn't make him selfish. Tonight I did not tell him he didn't have the right to have feelings and that having them doesn't make him selfish.

What I told him tonight was that I feel unprotected. I am so tired of these situations coming up at all. I am angry. He always seems to have the defense, "well, I didn't know". Why didn't he know? We have had this conversation many times before. I do not like the fact that a situation presents itself and he makes what he calls a "risk assessment". He determines that it's not a big deal, and I shouldn't be informed. He decides FOR me.

The e-mail from an old girlfriend is something he couldn't control. However, it would have felt much less threatening if I had heard it from him. Instead, I check his e-mail and find it myself. It doesn't feel like no big deal when I consistently have to stumble across these things myself, rather than being informed by him - protection from being blindsided by having to discover it on my own.

There was no reprisal from me for sharing his feelings. I am angry, however, that this is a situation that comes up over and over again.

Frozen ~ reprisals are a method of control, motivated by fear. Patriot does need to feel safe. Yes, I know, he needs to make you feel safe too ~ and he's made a couple of mistakes. But that does not lessen your obligation to him.

I am so sick of his safety taking priority over mine. We basically have an entire thread here - all filled with comments about things I am doing wrong. I take responsibility for those things.

Yet, Patriot posts something (about him) and it's not about HIM, it's more of what I am doing wrong. It's "oh well, Patriot, you made a couple of mistakes".

It's "Froz, you must take responsibility for your feelings and actions...oh and by the way, be sure to take responsibility for Patriot's feelings and actions, too."

No one lovebusted their way into safety and recovery.

No one withheld information or lied their way into safety and recovery, either.

Why am I responsible for both our feelings? Why is it always "poor Patriot", even when the mistake lies with him?
I took the heat for my actions and focused on my behavior. Why do you not hold him to that same standard? Why is it always about me and what I am doing wrong?
Froz ~ honestly? Because I am talking to you, not to Patriot. My focus is to help you be the best wife you can be. I can not help Patriot be a better husband ~ he needs to help from somewhere else.

And because, truely, I think that Patriot is not the biggest threat to the success of your marriage. You are.

You are not being asked to take responsibility for Patriot's feelings. You are being asked to take responsibility for YOUR behaviors that are not protecting of Patriot.

You are still in a "win-lose" approach to safety and needs. I very much feel that you need him to lose in order to feel that the playing field has been leveled.

you guys really really really need to talk to Steve Harley. The point in recovery is for both of you to win, and no one to be 'first'. My problem is that "first" is being defined, decided and chosen by you. And this is supremely against the POJA.

Patriot's perception is that he is not "allowed" by you, to discuss his feelings without reprisal for being selfish, or for feelings that hurt you.

As long as this continues, there will continue to be wall between you, preventing intimacy and emotional closeness.

You need to address this. This is your responsibility. It is not your responsibility to change his feelings, it is your responsibility to look at your actions, and figure out what you are doing that is lovebusting him and stop it.

Patriot is learning new habits, and I see his growth, just as we have seen some in you. Sometimes he makes mistakes. I don't read anywhere by either of you, that Patriot was even remotely motivated by a desire to deceive you or betray you.

That I call a mistake. He made a judgement call about what was important to communicate with you, and it was the wrong decision.

Hiding things from you is not a mistake. He didn't do that.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 12:12 PM
And because, truely, I think that Patriot is not the biggest threat to the success of your marriage. You are.

Really??? Interesting...

And speaking of Steve Harley...what is it possibly going to accomplish to talk to him if we don't do what he says?

He told both of us that I was not allowed to heal properly. He failed to mention to me what was the proper way. I stated as much after our session with him in a post.

As it turns out, he DID tell Patriot some thing he could do to help me heal properly. He neglected to tell me that. He also neglected to actually do it.

Win or lose? From where I sit, losing is inevitable for me in this M. Healing IN this M seems an impossibility, unless I depend on me to protect myself, meet my own needs, heal myself and the M, busy myself with meeting his needs and making sure he is safe, and try my best to avoid LB'ing while doing all of the above things.

If I need to take the blame for the failure of Recovery, so be it. I can do that and half of the above tasks all on my own.

As long as this continues, there will continue to be wall between you, preventing intimacy and emotional closeness.

That wall is built of much more than Patriot not being "allowed" to discuss his feelings with me.

Hiding things from you is not a mistake. He didn't do that.

He does it every day.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 12:26 PM
I don't read anywhere by either of you, that Patriot was even remotely motivated by a desire to deceive you or betray you.

The A wasn't motivated by a desire to deceive or betray me either. It was about him and what he needed or wanted...still pretty painful.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 01:21 PM
That is not true. I did mention what Dr. Harley told me on the phone. He said explain the why, validate it(get you to accept it) and make a plan. The plan was to be made by both you and I in terms of how we could protect our marriage and meet each others needs.

"The A wasn't motivated by a desire to deceive or betray me either."

this line sucks because it is a small taste of me dealing with "no matter what I do positive, it can be framed and erased by my past"

And I do not hide things from you everyday. That is certainly an indictment you have no proof of. everyday? Like I am just living a secret life right now? Secret lives have A's right? Where is the plan A? Plan B? Anything. My point is you are pissed and your all or nothing approach to facts/answers does not become any more valid when you are pissy. Most things in life are just not black and white. There is always more to the story.

Your feedback on my progress is vastly different in 48 hours. Not two days ago, I was doing a fine job, we were close and you felt great about things. Now that anger has taken over, you are saying things that imply I am living a secret life again and telling me you want nothing to do with recovery.

meh... I shouldn't be responding directly to my wife I guess... like carring a fight out on the internet. What a bunch of childish behavior I have going right now. Sorry for that.

Anger and resentment. What a healthy diet to sustain a marriage on.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 01:55 PM
We don't have to carry out a fight on the internet. I do not wish to fight. I'm not angry even angry right now.

You did misunderstand some things I said, though. I will clarify them.

"The A wasn't motivated by a desire to deceive or betray me either."

this line sucks because it is a small taste of me dealing with "no matter what I do positive, it can be framed and erased by my past"

That isn't at all what I meant. What I was trying to say was that you have the ability to hurt me, regardless of the fact that your actions may not be motivated by a desire to do so. I am not trying to erase anything positive you have done. If that statement still reads that way even after my explanation, then I apologize. That is not at all what I think.

That is not true. I did mention what Dr. Harley told me on the phone. He said explain the why, validate it(get you to accept it) and make a plan. The plan was to be made by both you and I in terms of how we could protect our marriage and meet each others needs. did tell me the above. You also posted it. You didn't say that doing that was an action towards my healing. I even said in a post after our conversation with Dr. Harley, and after you shared the above with me about your conversation with him, that Dr. Harley told me I did not heal properly, and that he didn't tell me HOW to do that. So, obviously, I didn't get that that's what would help accomplish proper healing for me.

And I do not hide things from you everyday. That is certainly an indictment you have no proof of. everyday? Like I am just living a secret life right now? Secret lives have A's right? Where is the plan A? Plan B? Anything. My point is you are pissed and your all or nothing approach to facts/answers does not become any more valid when you are pissy. Most things in life are just not black and white. There is always more to the story.

Most things in life do not seem to be black and white. That is true. So then why do you jump to the conclusion that I am implying you have a secret life right now? I think your past is secret. That is what I was saying is being hidden from me.

Your feedback on my progress is vastly different in 48 hours. Not two days ago, I was doing a fine job, we were close and you felt great about things.

I didn't mean to take away any progress you have made. It is just frustrating to continue to have to jump over hurdles that I thought had already been cleared. I am also sorry for my behavior last night. I'm sorry that my actions made you feel punished. I really needed some space after I initially told you my feelings about the two events yesterday. I shared my feelings about them. I asked for space because my emotions and anger were taking over, and because the conversation was no longer becoming productive.

I am not sure why you stayed in the room, regardless of my request. That does not excuse my behavior or some of the hateful things I said. I should have just told you I needed some space and then left the room myself, rather than lead the conversation down the ugly path it took.

Again, I apologize that I allowed my anger to control my actions.

Anger and resentment. What a healthy diet to sustain a marriage on.

I am really hoping that anger and resentment are not the only elements of our marriage "diet".
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 04:03 PM
I stayed in the room because the strongest love language we have is physical touch...and though I was not touching you, co-location became a proxy for touch.

It was stupid. I should have left when you told me too.

yet again, another instance of me not listening to what you want and deciding for you what I needed to do.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 04:04 PM
Are you calling me an idiot?

If so, please don't.

If you are calling my husband an idiot, please don't do that, either.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 04:13 PM
I wasn't calling you an idiot.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/05/05 04:14 PM
If you are calling my husband an idiot, please don't do that, either.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/07/05 08:17 PM
Patriot just left for the weekend for a business trip.

I feel sad and lonely and worried and anxious, and scared and worried, and lonely, too.

Even when he is here, the distance between us feels so great. Now it feels just enormous and I'm worried that his absence will make things worse.

I hate to be one of those whiners they are talking about over on that other thread, but I sure do feel sad.
Hi Froz ~

I'm finally back in the US ~ Everytime I come back from Europe, as I walk through Customs, I just feel such a sense of joy at being HOME. I am so glad to be an American. This was my 4th trip this year, and landing on American soil still makes me giddy! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


I want to back up a wee bit and talk to you about a couple of things.

And speaking of Steve Harley...what is it possibly going to accomplish to talk to him if we don't do what he says?

Well I think that you have some interesting interpretations of what Steve Harley said. One session is NOT enough, you need to keep going back and asking him for clarification. When you start getting off the right path, he can guide you back. What is clear to me is that both of you do not get what POJA is. You need to keep talking to Steve until you have figured that part out.

He told both of us that I was not allowed to heal properly.

Yes....I agree you haven't healed, and its a major impediment to your recovery. Not allowed though? I went back to read what you originally posted about your session with Steve.

This is why I think you need to get back on the phone with him ASAP.

I suspect, but you should clarify, that "You haven't healed" is probably what he said, as opposed to "You weren't allowed to heal" with the implication that somehow Patriot is at fault.

He failed to mention to me what was the proper way. I stated as much after our session with him in a post.

Yes you did, thats obvious to all of us MB board members too. This is why you need to go back and talk to SH again.

But I can tell you, and so can many other women on this board, that healing is something you have to do for yourself. Ask any woman on this board who never reconciled with the WS, and yet, has gone on to become happy, healthy and whole. Marital recovery is what you both do. Personal recovery is what YOU do and doesn't require the other person to be involved. Personal recovery is a prerequisite for marital recovery.

As it turns out, he DID tell Patriot some thing he could do to help me heal properly. He neglected to tell me that. He also neglected to actually do it.

If SH had wanted you to know/hear everything he says to Patriot, he'd not have private conversations.

As for 'neglecting' to do it.

I beg to differ.

Both of you are learning. Both of you are trying adjust to each other.

SH's role is to help you both fine tune your actions.

If Patriot's interpretation of SH's instructions are not hitting the mark, then you need to be talking to SH so he can help Patriot tweak things.

But you sitting around sulking because you have an idea in your mind of what Patriot should do, and feeling that he ignored SH because YOUR preconceptions aren't being fulfilled is really destructive to recovery.

Win or lose? From where I sit, losing is inevitable for me in this M.

As long as you define winning the way you have defined it, you are right. As long as you constantly approach your recovery as a competition, as long as your needs include Patriot's loss, then yes, you are correct.

Healing IN this M seems an impossibility, unless I depend on me to protect myself, meet my own needs, heal myself and the M, busy myself with meeting his needs and making sure he is safe, and try my best to avoid LB'ing while doing all of the above things.

I don't even know where to start with untwisting this statement.

You can heal in this marriage. You need to redefine alot of your expectations and learn some new behaviors.

You expect (and demand) Patriot to heal you, and that is just so unrealistic. Especially because as I have repeatedly pointed out, a lot of your hurts, alot of the wounds you have, were there before Patriot.

Many of the filters through which you see yourself, your marriage, your recovery and your husband, are warped, false filters of fear, pain and hurt that started so long ago.

This is why I asked you to explore the beginnings of the filters, the "truths" through which you define and experience the world.

By acknowleding that some of these "truths" no longer work for you, you will learn and grow, and heal. It is completely impossible for Patriot to do ANY of that work for you.

I watch your anger and resentment grow, because of what you perceive is his neglect of your needs...and it breaks my heart. Much of your pain and anger truely is self-inflicted. You treat yourself far worse than you imagine Patriot does.

I feel sad and lonely and worried and anxious, and scared and worried, and lonely, too.

This is a good statement.

What about this is making you sad, worried, scared and anxious?

The short answer of course, is "Fear".

So talk about your fears Froz. Fears need to be hauled out into sunlight, where they wither away, pathetic and small.

I'm worried that his absence will make things worse.

And maybe, instead of allowing your fear to dictate your could choose to turn his absence into an opporunity to do some housekeeping on you!!

I hate to be one of those whiners they are talking about over on that other thread, but I sure do feel sad.

I don't think you are a whiner.

I think you are a slow learner.

So was I - and that's really OK.
Even when he is here, the distance between us feels so great. Now it feels just enormous and I'm worried that his absence will make things worse.

Hmmm...this worry sounds terribly familiar in your life. How did it help you the first time? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/08/05 10:43 PM
I'm finally back in the US

Glad you made it home safely!

Also very grateful that you responded, because I feel SO DARN LOST!!!!

What is clear to me is that both of you do not get what POJA is.

I thought we had that one figured out. It seemed pretty basic. Where do you see this?

I suspect, but you should clarify, that "You haven't healed" is probably what he said, as opposed to "You weren't allowed to heal" with the implication that somehow Patriot is at fault.

You're right. It does read that way. I've thought about why I worded it that way and you're's no accident that I did. I do have some major resentment based on the perception that Patriot's actions throughout Recovery have been to primarily protect himself first, then maybe me.

Marital recovery is what you both do. Personal recovery is what YOU do and doesn't require the other person to be involved. Personal recovery is a prerequisite for marital recovery.

I understand. Sometimes it seems like it would be so much easier to achieve some sort of recovery on a personal level if I didn't have the worry of marital recovery to deal with.

I am so frustrated with the sense that I feel like if I share anything negative, or talk about any problems, or do anything other than pretend like everything is okay, then I am causing Patriot major grief, frustration, anxiety, or unhappiness. I feel very pressured to be "normal".

As for 'neglecting' to do it.

I beg to differ.

Maybe I am perceiving this wrong, but SH told Patriot to do some things, share some stuff about the "why's" and he has yet to do it.

But you sitting around sulking because you have an idea in your mind of what Patriot should do, and feeling that he ignored SH because YOUR preconceptions aren't being fulfilled is really destructive to recovery.

I am so frustrated! I must look like the most ungrateful, whiny, lazy BS on this forum. The truth is that I WANT very badly to heal. I want to have that great, better than ever marriage. I want Patriot to be happy. I want to be happy, too. I am trying so hard, yet sometimes I just don't know any other way to BE! I'm listening. I'm learning (maybe), I'm trying to apply the things people suggest.

Everything I try feels so futile! I'm sure Patriot probably feels the same way.

One thing that I find so frustrating is trying to figure out how to share with him if I am upset about something, or something that makes me unhappy. I try not saying anything about it at all and just owning my feelings without blaming him, but no matter what I say or how I say it, he feels like a failure anyway. I try wording what I say very carefully, but he is still so frustrated that I am upset at all that he gets defensive or mad at me or mad at himself. I've tried a few other tactics, too, but they all seem to have the same result - distance.

As long as you define winning the way you have defined it, you are right. As long as you constantly approach your recovery as a competition, as long as your needs include Patriot's loss, then yes, you are correct.

I don't know another way to approach it! It sure seems as though, in order for both of us to have our needs met, someone is going to have to do something they don't want to do or give up something they want, or act in a way that is completely unnatural for them. It does make it feel as though one of us has to lose if anyone is to win. I don't know how we can both win!

This is why I asked you to explore the beginnings of the filters, the "truths" through which you define and experience the world.

By acknowleding that some of these "truths" no longer work for you, you will learn and grow, and heal. It is completely impossible for Patriot to do ANY of that work for you.

This hurts so much!!! I don't know how to totally change my thinking! I am also so scared that I can't do it - really scared and very, very sad.

My mother has told me this my whole life. I have heard it from others, too. I am so afraid to acknowledge it and it makes me sad because it has always been a big fear - that my mother was right - something REALLY IS WRONG WITH ME! I feel doomed because I don't know how to fix it.

I watch your anger and resentment grow, because of what you perceive is his neglect of your needs...and it breaks my heart. Much of your pain and anger truely is self-inflicted. You treat yourself far worse than you imagine Patriot does.

It breaks my heart, too. Hmmmm...someone breaking their OWN heart - what a pathetic scenario. I feel like the most screwed up person on the planet.

So talk about your fears Froz. Fears need to be hauled out into sunlight, where they wither away, pathetic and small.

I'm afraid that I really am the most screwed up person on the planet.

I'm afraid that I am inadequate and unable to fix it. I'm afraid that I can't do it. It sounds so impossible to just completely change the way I have perceived everything my entire life.

I'm afraid that Patriot and I are just incompatible.

I'm afraid that he won't have the patience to wait the lifetime it will probably take for me to fix this, if I even can.

I'm afraid that he is lying to me. I'm afraid that he will say things that are untrue or embellish them just to make me happy.

I'm afraid to act normal because when things start to feel normal it feels like before - during the A - when I really did act happy and it looks so much like before that I'm afraid I will be blind again to the truth and be blindsided or never know what's really going on at all. I was so completely fooled.

I'm afraid of being hurt again.

I'm afraid I don't have what it takes to do this - Recovery (personal or marital, especially marital).

I don't think you are a whiner.

I think you are a slow learner.

So was I - and that's really OK.

Thanks for saying that. I feel like everyone probably thinks I'm a whiner, or one of those "unhelpable" people who just thrives on crisis or loves to live in the pain.

I DON'T!!!!! I am so dying to get out of this stuck place. I just don't know any other way to be.

I have a potential situation on the horizon that I don't know how to deal with.

Last night I talked to Patriot on the phone (he's still out of town). He had the opportunity to go to dinner with some co-workers, one of them being young, giggly, and female. He called to ask "permission" (which is irritating). So he worded it differently and asked if I was comfortable with it. I told him that I honestly WAS NOT comfortable with it - for a variety of reasons, but that I hate feeling like I am keeping him in a cage.

He said the most wonderful thing. He said that he wouldn't feel he was sacrificing anything if he stayed behind and talked to me on the phone instead. He said that he doesn't feel like he's in a cage, but that he doesn't mind missing out on certain things right now until we grow along in Recovery.

That felt nice. It felt like he understood and was willing to be patient. It also made me feel very important to him.

Today he called. I asked him what he was doing for lunch today. Apparently, he had already had lunch. He seemed to be avoiding the topic of who he had lunch with. He had lunch with the very same co-workers (including the female) that he opted not to dine with last night in order to protect me.

I don't understand this. I am wondering why he even bothered to "protect" me last night if he was just going to eat with them today. What was the point???

I was at work when he told me this and I was unable to talk, which is probably a good thing. He knew I was upset, though, because I was quiet - mostly due to a lack of knowing how to appropriately express my feelings to him without punishing him. I told him I would call him back when I had a break.

I've tried to call him a couple of times, but he doesn't answer now, which worries me.

I also still haven't come up with a way to constructively respond. I have no idea what to say.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/08/05 10:44 PM
Hmmm...this worry sounds terribly familiar in your life. How did it help you the first time?

I'm not sure what you mean.
[color:"purple"]BR: What is clear to me is that both of you do not get what POJA is.[/color]

Froz: I thought we had that one figured out. It seemed pretty basic. Where do you see this?

Everywhere. Your "first/last", "win/lose" approach to meeting ENs is a huge clue!

[color:"purple"]BR: I suspect, but you should clarify, that "You haven't healed" is probably what he said, as opposed to "You weren't allowed to heal" with the implication that somehow Patriot is at fault.[/color]

Froz: You're right. It does read that way. I've thought about why I worded it that way and you're's no accident that I did. I do have some major resentment based on the perception that Patriot's actions throughout Recovery have been to primarily protect himself first, then maybe me.[/color]

This is because you are still feeling sorry for yourself (victimhood), and using alot of disrespectful judgements.

I decided for me, that a good rule was ~ especially at first ~ was that if he didn't directly tell me that he thought it, then I could not assume it.

[color:" purple"]BR: Marital recovery is what you both do. Personal recovery is what YOU do and doesn't require the other person to be involved. Personal recovery is a prerequisite for marital recovery.[/color]

Froz: I understand. Sometimes it seems like it would be so much easier to achieve some sort of recovery on a personal level if I didn't have the worry of marital recovery to deal with.

Aaaah, yes, if you weren't married, you could rewrite Patriot to suit your way of personally coping, without that nasty Real Patriot getting in the way and intruding on your little fantasy!

My dear, personal recovery has to be your priority. This doesn't mean that your marital recovery can't ALSO take place or that the two contradict or conflict with each other. But you certainly can't have marital recovery at personal recovery's expense.

In my opinion, and thats all it is, is that you are spinning your wheels trying to achieve marital recovery. Why?

Well...I think you arent personally recovered enough to participate in marital recovery. (Just like SH said already).

I think you are using marital recovery to distract you from personal recovery. If you keep busy trying to control Patriot, you don't have to look too closely in the mirror, because THAT is difficult and painfully too close to YOU.

The result is you are trying to FORCE your will on your marriage and Patriot, and are growing increasingly angry and frustrated.

I am so frustrated with the sense that I feel like if I share anything negative, or talk about any problems, or do anything other than pretend like everything is okay, then I am causing Patriot major grief, frustration, anxiety, or unhappiness. I feel very pressured to be "normal".

You feel, ie assume ....

Has Patriot said he feels these things?

If this is the case...its time to POJA.

I truely think you need Steve Harley to help you negotiate communication. If you can't communicate, you have no marriage. This is too important to just make assumptions and lovebust over.

Maybe I am perceiving this wrong, but SH told Patriot to do some things, share some stuff about the "why's" and he has yet to do it.

Ok. I seem to recall that Patriot has said he is willing to talk about whys...but you have decided that you don't want to know.

You do NOT get to resent him for not volunteering what you have explicitly said you do not want to deal with.

Again, this goes back to needing a POJA about communication. When, how and what are you going to discuss? You both need to agree and then act. You are going to need Steve to hammer this out the first time. Thats the point of Steve, you havent learned how to do it without lovebusting each other. So you make your demands to Steve and let him guide you in a manner that protects BOTH of you.

Everything I try feels so futile! I'm sure Patriot probably feels the same way.

Because you are still trying to be in charge. Because you are in a competition, and you have not surrendered your will.

One thing that I find so frustrating is trying to figure out how to share with him if I am upset about something, or something that makes me unhappy. I try not saying anything about it at all and just owning my feelings without blaming him, but no matter what I say or how I say it, he feels like a failure anyway. I try wording what I say very carefully, but he is still so frustrated that I am upset at all that he gets defensive or mad at me or mad at himself. I've tried a few other tactics, too, but they all seem to have the same result - distance.

Ok. Well, I can tell you that eventually, I learned to stop trying to control the outcome, and to stop expecting a specific response to what I share with my husband.

If I am honest, do not use DJs or angry outbursts...and I am not picking a really bad moment to do it in...then how he feels about it is NOT my responsibility.

For example. My husband hates that I believe he has problem with alcohol. He does not want to hear that I worry about his health, that I fear his early death, that I think it damages his ability to be emotionally plugged in to me and the kids.

But I tell him. Do I harangue him and spend alot of time in his face about it? No. Most of the time, I let it be, but I also do not avoid communicating about it either. He doesn't like it. My responsiblity to him is to be honest about what I think and feel and to tell him what hurts me. What he chooses to do about it is his responsibility. I let go of the expectation of a specific outcome (ie that he will say OH, you are brillliant BR, let me join AA tonight!). Since I don't expect a specific outcome, there is nothing to be angry about later.

[color:" purple"]BR: As long as you define winning the way you have defined it, you are right. As long as you constantly approach your recovery as a competition, as long as your needs include Patriot's loss, then yes, you are correct. [/color]

Froz: I don't know another way to approach it!

You do it with a POJA.

It sure seems as though, in order for both of us to have our needs met, someone is going to have to do something they don't want to do or give up something they want, or act in a way that is completely unnatural for them.

If either of you do something you don't want to do, or give up what you are NOT following POJA.

It does make it feel as though one of us has to lose if anyone is to win. I don't know how we can both win!


Have I made my point yet? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

[color:" purple"]BR: This is why I asked you to explore the beginnings of the filters, the "truths" through which you define and experience the world.

By acknowleding that some of these "truths" no longer work for you, you will learn and grow, and heal. It is completely impossible for Patriot to do ANY of that work for you.[/color]

Froz: This hurts so much!!! I don't know how to totally change my thinking!

You make a decision.

I am also so scared that I can't do it - really scared and very, very sad.

This is where your truths about what you believe about yourself are lacking, and holding you back.

This is what you MUST address Froz, before you can be happy and whole with a partner.

My mother has told me this my whole life. I have heard it from others, too. I am so afraid to acknowledge it and it makes me sad because it has always been a big fear - that my mother was right - something REALLY IS WRONG WITH ME! I feel doomed because I don't know how to fix it.

I know this is a real fear on your part. But I have to snicker. I think you and I would probably get along pretty well in real life. Too bad your salon isn't around the corner, I'd probably come in all the time and spend way too much on wild red hair color! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> I think you are perfectly normal and pretty cool.

One think you'll learn as you learn to take down your walls and really emotinally plug into people is that we ALL have these nasty ugly fears and secrets. Some of us have just learned to turn on the lights more often, and let the daylight of reality guide our judgements, rather than be ruled by those things that go bump in night.

It's a choice.

Just because your mother said it doesn't make it true. Can we admit that she is probably a hurt, broken person herself, who spoke from her OWN hurts and fears?

I'm afraid that I really am the most screwed up person on the planet.

Now that deserves a cyber spankin. #1 rule. Do NOT run yourself down. Thinking you are the most screwed up person on the planet is pretty darn self-centered.

You are worse than...Hitler? Stalin? Jeffery Dahlmer? How about the child abusers, the pedophiles, the murderers....wife beaters, robbers, car jackers, .... on and on and on....


I'm afraid that I am inadequate and unable to fix it. I'm afraid that I can't do it. It sounds so impossible to just completely change the way I have perceived everything my entire life.

Well you are right. You can't fix it all.

However, God ~ the God of your understanding ~ can.

The only thing you have to do is be willing to let Him.

Now, isn't that easier? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

I'm afraid that Patriot and I are just incompatible.

Oh bollocks. Of course you aren't compatible right now. You are both in a powerstruggle and lovebusting each other all over your marriage. But that doesn't mean you can't be compatible. You wouldn't have been attracted to each other and gotten married without some sort of spark there somewhere! That spark can become a flame.

Compatibility is built. Soul mates are created.



I'm afraid that he won't have the patience to wait the lifetime it will probably take for me to fix this, if I even can.


Your key to recovery is to stop saying I.

You just aren't that powerful.

I'm afraid that he is lying to me. I'm afraid that he will say things that are untrue or embellish them just to make me happy.

When I learned to believe in ME (personal recovery), my happiness no longer depended on believing in my husband (marital recovery).

When I was able to let go and trust that IF the worst came true (that he was lying) that I would be OK, and go on to be happy joyous and free with or without him....then things fell into place. My fear no longer dictated my trust.

I'm afraid to act normal because when things start to feel normal it feels like before - during the A - when I really did act happy and it looks so much like before that I'm afraid I will be blind again to the truth and be blindsided or never know what's really going on at all. I was so completely fooled.

I like what Dr Phil says about if in your relationship, you only deal with problems, that you will have a problem relationship.

You MUST have normal happy times in order to heal. You need to practice normal and happy!

I get your fear, but what you need to tell your fear is: What is different between then and now?

Then, you did not have the protections that you have now. You were NOT fully aware of Patriot's weaknesses. You did NOT put protections in place that you have now.

I'm afraid of being hurt again.

So am I.

What I had to learn was that I can not control other people and that sometimes other people WILL choose to hurt me. And that I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself regardless.

But if I allow my fear to isolate me from people, I will miss SO many neat wonderful beautiful people and life experiences.

For a perfect example: Last week when I was in Switzerland, I was invited to a party by a business colleague that I used to work with. Now I only knew this person through work, not socially, so this was a little, ok, alot scary for me.

I managed to navigate the town tram system to find the restaurant, managed to communicate well enough at a florist shop for a armload of flowers as a gift...and then stepped into the party. OH DEAR. It was PACKED, barely breathing room only, and I didn't know ANYONE. I don't speak German either!

I stood there, being pummeled by the crowd, almost panicked, looking for SOMEONE or something I knew. I felt stupid, completely foolish, standing there by myself in a packed hot restaurant of complete strangers speaking a foreign language. All these beautifully, impeccabily dressed, confident strangers, all who knew each other and belonged. My fear immediately reminded me that I did NOT deserve to associate with such perfect people.

My fear was screaming at me - GET OUT NOW. You are too stupid, pathetic, you are too fat, you are dressed too plainly, no one wants to know you, there are so many people here no one will care if you are here or not, you were invited out of pity, the party hostess won't even notice you didn't show up....

My mind was gibbering in fear.

I took a deep breath and said back to my fear: SHUT UP. I would not have been invited if she and her husband didn't want me to come.

Ignoring the fear, I shoved my way through the crowd to find the restuarant owner (my friend's husband) and gave him the flowers. His face was genuinely pleased to see me (holy moley he even remembered who I was!).

Next thing I knew....I heard a voice behind me say (in English!): BR!! OMG, what are YOU doing here? We didn't know you were in the country! And I turned to find a friendly familiar face, someone I knew, and next thing I knew, I was standing in a group of people who all knew me, someone was retrieving a glass of wine for me, and all were thrilled that I had arrived.

I had such a lovely evening. For the first time, I heard someone play a "weena", its an old Indian instrument, and I loved it. I had some very hot, very delicious Indian food, had lovely conversations, and met some wonderful people. I had my picture taken with complete strangers and introduced myself afterwards.

It was a lovely, wonderful evening. Had I listened to my fear, I would have missed that wonderful experience.

My intuitions, guided and riddled by fear, would have ensured that I had a normal boring isolated evening in my hotel room.

As you can tell, I still have voices and fears that tell me that I am "not good enough". I just learned to have enough self love and self respect to talk back to the fear and shut it down.

Its a choice.

I'm afraid I don't have what it takes to do this - Recovery (personal or marital, especially marital).

The only thing you have to have is the willingness to turn over control of recovery to a Higher Power (God as you understand Him).

Last night I talked to Patriot on the phone (he's still out of town). He had the opportunity to go to dinner with some co-workers, one of them being young, giggly, and female. He called to ask "permission" (which is irritating). So he worded it differently and asked if I was comfortable with it. I told him that I honestly WAS NOT comfortable with it - for a variety of reasons, but that I hate feeling like I am keeping him in a cage.

He said the most wonderful thing. He said that he wouldn't feel he was sacrificing anything if he stayed behind and talked to me on the phone instead. He said that he doesn't feel like he's in a cage, but that he doesn't mind missing out on certain things right now until we grow along in Recovery.

That felt nice. It felt like he understood and was willing to be patient. It also made me feel very important to him.


Good job for both of you.

You both won.

Today he called. I asked him what he was doing for lunch today. Apparently, he had already had lunch. He seemed to be avoiding the topic of who he had lunch with. He had lunch with the very same co-workers (including the female) that he opted not to dine with last night in order to protect me.

I don't understand this. I am wondering why he even bothered to "protect" me last night if he was just going to eat with them today. What was the point???


This is where you guys need to really sit down and communicate.

I suspect that Patriot is probably under quite a bit of pressure to do group stuff with coworkers.

I know that its pretty easy to bow out of dinners with coworkers. Lunch is much harder.

You guys should be talking about this. You both need to come up with a solution that doesn't leave him in an awkward position at work, but leaves you feeling safe. The reality of the work place is that he is going to constantly be in group situations that include women. Long term, he can't just avoid all groups with women. You both need to get creative here.

You both need to win here, and I think why this keeps coming up is because you don't have a plan right now that involves a win for him too. Thats why you keep feeling like a jailer, because right now, its a win for you at his expense.

I strongly recommend you hammer this out with Steve's help.
If I remember correctly, you were concerned about this BEFORE you married him...and it was a factor IN marrying him.

You were afraid that the distance (his going overseas) would make the healing from his affair impossible...and that you would drift apart. You acted on that fear and married him when you were NOT healed from his affair. It did not help your situation to go ahead and marry him...nor has it made dealing with the affair any easier. are now reacting with worry of his absence yet again. It didn't bode well isn't going to bode well now. Your fears and your worries prompt you to do things without thought. Don't let that happen.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/11/05 12:24 AM
Everywhere. Your "first/last", "win/lose" approach to meeting ENs is a huge clue!

Due in part to things you have said, and a difficult but necessary and productive conversation I had with Patriot just now, I do see what you mean. I think perhaps our POJA techniques need some POJA'ing.

We made a large step towards this tonight in our conversation. It needs further tweaking, but right now I feel pretty confident about it getting accomplished.

This is because you are still feeling sorry for yourself (victimhood), and using alot of disrespectful judgements.

While I believe I am in the beginning stages of letting go of the victimhood, I am slowly starting to recognize when I am using a lot of DJ's. Of course, acknowledgement of the behavior is a first step. I can sometimes do it AFTER the fact, so I believe it is just a matter of time that I realize it in the moment, and soon after will follow recognizing it BEFORE I do it.

I think I have made some progress as of late, where this is concerned. I am pleased with that. I am a slow learner. I always have been. Usually once I learn it, I am able to master it. It gets a little frustrating moving at a snail's pace, but tonight I see progress on my part and that feels very good. I will be patient with myself on this as I continue to keep my eyes open for this behavior. I will try to become more aware and put a little extra focus on it, not only for the purpose of not DJ'ing Patriot, but because I suspect that spouting it out is detrimental to my personal recovery and mastering this would go a long way in rewiring some of my perceptions.

Aaaah, yes, if you weren't married, you could rewrite Patriot to suit your way of personally coping, without that nasty Real Patriot getting in the way and intruding on your little fantasy!

While the above has certainly been completely accurate in the past, I have made some progress in this area.

When I said that it would be easier without the pressure of marital recovery to deal with, I meant more that if I were not in a relationship, it would be less complicated and easier to focus selfishly on myself and personal recovery of not only Patriot's A, but my past issues as well. The fact is, I am married and I have his feelings to consider also.

I worry about taking the time out from marital recovery in order to focus more on personal recovery, because I do care very much about his feelings and I worry that breaking off to do that would create further distance. I am married, so I need to learn to find time to give both aspects the attention that they deserve.

I think you are using marital recovery to distract you from personal recovery. If you keep busy trying to control Patriot, you don't have to look too closely in the mirror, because THAT is difficult and painfully too close to YOU.

I will begrudgingly admit that this is true. I am terrified of looking to closely in the mirror, based on the fear that I fear that if I try, I will inevitably fail. I fear I will fail. I need to focus on some of these things, instead of making Patriot responsible for marital recovery and my own personal recovery, as well.

Well...I think you arent personally recovered enough to participate in marital recovery. (Just like SH said already).

Right again. No wonder so many of my efforts have been counterproductive. The truth is that I have time. I have time for both. If I spent some more time focused on personal recovery, I suspect that some of the pieces of marital recovery will fall into place more easily. Although, I do believe that I am sticking my foot out a little, testing the waters towards personal recovery. I am willing, though sometimes struggling, to grasp some of the things you have been patient enough to continue to explain and point out to me. It's a start.

Ok. Well, I can tell you that eventually, I learned to stop trying to control the outcome, and to stop expecting a specific response to what I share with my husband.

If I am honest, do not use DJs or angry outbursts...and I am not picking a really bad moment to do it in...then how he feels about it is NOT my responsibility.

I see what you mean. I have made some significant progress in this area, but still have a ways to go. Patriot and I both seem to have a hard time allowing the other person to have feelings. We are working on that, and have made some progress.

You feel, ie assume ....

Has Patriot said he feels these things?

If this is the case...its time to POJA.

What you said here is directly applicable to the conversation we had tonight. I believe it is the key solution to it, actually.

Ok. I seem to recall that Patriot has said he is willing to talk about whys...but you have decided that you don't want to know.

You do NOT get to resent him for not volunteering what you have explicitly said you do not want to deal with.

This is perhaps miscommunication. I said I didn't want to know details of the A right now. I am okay with talking about the "why's". Perhaps Patriot misunderstood the difference between the two subjects in my mind, which I then perceived as a failure to do so on his part. I will clarify this with him, and maybe we can POJA a method and time for doing this when he is comfortable with it. I hope that makes sense.

Because you are still trying to be in charge. Because you are in a competition, and you have not surrendered your will.

Made some significant progress on this one tonight that I'm feeling very positive about.

Since I don't expect a specific outcome, there is nothing to be angry about later.

I learned this lesson a little bit tonight and actually saw a better way of looking at it and have some ideas to fine tune it with Patriot (through POJA, of course).


Have I made my point yet?

Who is Steve??? (just kidding)

We both expressed a desire to do this tonight. Finances could be a problem. I would like to talk to Patriot about forming a financial plan to accomplish this. We both agreed that it would be a good idea. Hopefully, we can POJA and brainstorm together to find a way to accomplish it.

Froz: This hurts so much!!! I don't know how to totally change my thinking!


You make a decision.

It sounds SO much easier to do when you say it!

This is where your truths about what you believe about yourself are lacking, and holding you back.

This is what you MUST address Froz, before you can be happy and whole with a partner.

I see that this is vital. Where to begin???

I know this is a real fear on your part. But I have to snicker. I think you and I would probably get along pretty well in real life. Too bad your salon isn't around the corner, I'd probably come in all the time and spend way too much on wild red hair color!

It is one of my biggest sore spots - always has been. Is your snickering due to the fact that you can relate?

Do you really have wild red hair??? Maybe I am around the corner. As I recall, I don't believe you've told me where you live. I know I haven't told you, but maybe Patriot has mentioned it.

I haven't mentioned it out of another fear - a fear of Pep and Melody!!!! ( a little clue, in case you didn't catch it!)

If you don't have wild red hair, I am confident that I could achieve the look you desire. I am VERY talented at what I do, and I love my work. See? I don't bash myself ALL the time!

I think you are perfectly normal and pretty cool.

That is wonderful of you to say. It made me smile really, really big!!!! Thanks for saying that.

Just because your mother said it doesn't make it true. Can we admit that she is probably a hurt, broken person herself, who spoke from her OWN hurts and fears?

Yes, I will capitulate that is true, although it appears in this case that she was right, as she often is. It is sometimes difficult to accept what she says, because she is more logical, when I was and still am one who needs nurturing. It helps me to understand things better and still feel loved. I don't say that to be mean, but my mother has never been very nurturing. She uses a much tougher approach, when I so would have loved for her to nurture me and just once have taken me onto her lap and held me and told me she loved me. I don't even remember ever receiving that, even as as young child.

Tough love certainly has it's place, and her tough love has helped me many times. It would have been nice, though, to have had her show love to me in a nurturing way, too. No one in my family is very affectionate or touchy.

It has enabled me to be very aware of interacting with my own children in that way. Even though my daughter is going to be 18 soon, I often hold her in my lap and rock her when she is sad.

Patriot fills this need for me often, too. I find his touch and his especially his voice, when it is soft, to be so soothing that I have made the specific request that if I am ever comatose, he will comfort me with his voice. He has the most soothing, comforting voice.

Now that deserves a cyber spankin. #1 rule. Do NOT run yourself down. Thinking you are the most screwed up person on the planet is pretty darn self-centered.

I must have secretly wanted that cyber spanking because I knew you would say that.

Well you are right. You can't fix it all.

However, God ~ the God of your understanding ~ can.

The only thing you have to do is be willing to let Him.

Now, isn't that easier?

No. I know that I have a lot of work to do. I am sure God will help, but will he do the work for me? I'm afraid I can't change my perceptions.

Your key to recovery is to stop saying I.

You just aren't that powerful.

Yes I am! You said that I am the biggest threat to the success of my marriage. I don't want to be.

When I was able to let go and trust that IF the worst came true (that he was lying) that I would be OK, and go on to be happy joyous and free with or without him....then things fell into place. My fear no longer dictated my trust.

I will have to think on this one.

This is where you guys need to really sit down and communicate.

I suspect that Patriot is probably under quite a bit of pressure to do group stuff with coworkers.

We actually did sit down and talk about it last night. During our discussion, Patriot admitted that he knew before he went that it would hurt me, but did it anyway.

For some odd reason, that felt good to me. I guess in the past he has told me or acted like he didn't know it would, which made me wonder if I was crazy, or if it was my warped perception acting up again.

He said that he did it because he wanted to feel normal. THAT I can understand. THAT I can accept. Why??? Because it's real. His reason offered me a way for his actions to be interpreted by me as simply his being human, instead of him not loving me. At least that's how it felt at the time.
I was proud of him for owning his true feelings and actions instead of trying to package it up all nice and pretty for me.

I was proud of myself, too, for not LB'ing the heck out of him and for being accepting.

Of course, that was last night. For some reason, this morning I got mad at him and didn't practice those behaviors.

I was angry that what he wants always seems to be something different from what I want, so it's the win/lose situation that no one ever really wins at, except him as long as I don't LB him.

I don't understand why he seems to view spending time with me as giving, yet my spending time with him is taking on my part. It makes me feel rejected and angry.

edited to add: I wrote part of this last night and part just now, so if it doesn't flow, that's why.

Also, I am not ignoring the advice you've given about SH. That isn't entirely up to me.
Good morning Froz ~ heehee, I do not have wild red hair. Part of my recovery was learning to be a bodacious succulant wild woman. Part of my homework was red hair color and purple toenails.

As a side note, I usually do my hair myself and make a MESS of it. Me and a box of Feria hair color is a BAD combination! SO. I am plain old brunette. But when I first started personal recovery, it was such a freedom flag! Turns out my husband loves when my hair is red too. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

I live in NJ, the land of traffic jams. My 18 mile commute to the office takes me an hour and a half in the morning.

Anyway, it does sound like you are making some progress.

I've a meeting starting in 30 minutes, so I can't respond more now...but..

I don't understand why he seems to view spending time with me as giving, yet my spending time with him is taking on my part. It makes me feel rejected and angry.

Because it sounds to me very likely, that TIME is a love language for you. This is not as important to him. When he spends time with you, its because he loves you and is giving to you. Not needing time from you is NOT a rejection dear, he just needs something else from you.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/11/05 12:32 PM
But when I first started personal recovery, it was such a freedom flag!

Other than the red hair (which I already have), how did you start personal recovery?

I live in NJ, the land of traffic jams. My 18 mile commute to the office takes me an hour and a half in the morning.

You're right...we don't live anywhere near each other. It takes me about 18 minutes to drive 18 miles in the morning. I also have a bit of a need for speed, though.

Anyway, it does sound like you are making some progress.

It may have been fleeting. The distance is back.

Not needing time from you is NOT a rejection dear, he just needs something else from you.

What? He doesn't seem to need much from me besides lunch and clean underwear. I overslept a little this morning and he made his own lunch, so I guess it's lucky for me I did laundry this weekend.

The other things he needs from me I can't provide, such as to pretend that the A never happened and to never be upset or bothered by it, and always, always be HAPPY and never talk about anything negative.

The whole "not needed" thing is very frustrating, too. We call it "pursuit" around here. Of course he hates that word. The most frustrating thing about it is that I have witnessed him giving that to Cinnamon extensively and to OW, too. In my language (however messed up and broken), that translates to: I don't want you as much as I wanted them. I WANTED them badly. I chose you because you are a logical choice and because I didn't want to be alone.

I feel like doing something destructive today. I know that wouldn't serve anyone well, but things are already not so great and besides, everything he does, regardless of whether he knows it will hurt me beforehand, is always to be completely forgiven. Why don't I have the same freedom?

I guess I do have the freedom, but when I make a mistake, I am destructive. When he makes a mistake, it's written off as "he is just learning."

Not feeling so great this morning that he chose normal over my protection.

Also not caring much this morning about marital recovery. Wishing I could get MY needs met.Why does it seem like I have to totally rewire my system of emotional needs in order to be fulfilled and to make him happy?

Sidenote: Home hair color can be a huge mess, and can often have distrastous results. A good hairdresser is worth the investment.

...and PURPLE toenails??? BRAMBLEROSE, you wild woman, you!!!
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/11/05 04:29 PM
I have to say that the last few days have been good. I initiated a conversation because there was an "elephant in the room" about something that happened over the weekend. I feel good about that because the old patriot would rather sit and hope the elephant would go away. I have been told numerous times by frozen that the only way an elephant truly goes away is to deal with it. Talk about it. So I took the initiative and talked about it. So I guess I can learn something new that is MB.

It was a very productive conversation. The discussion started about a number of things, but ended up focusing on the dinner with coworkers I passed on followed by the lunch with coworkers that I participated in. She couldn't see the difference. Minus a few minor details that are subject to debate based on what side of the conversation your on, they really aren't different. I know that. I honestly just want to be normal. I want to have a normal marriage with a normal set of circumstances to deal with. It felt normal to go have lunch with coworkers in the middle of the day. It was a work day. I just wanted to feel normal. That is obviously selfish. I also took away the opportunity for frozen to actually 'ok' this lunch by not asking her. If I would have discussed it with her prior to the event and told her that 1) I want to feel normal and 2) This is something I would really like to do then maybe she would have said ok. So, something else I have to add to the toolbox is 'it is ok for me to ask for something I want'. Maybe that sounds odd, but as a FWS, I certainly have ridden the line of I don't have a right to ask for anything. That, however, has not stopped me from taking things from time to time. So, ask. Discuss. Whatever you want to call it. POJA it.

POJA. I understand the idea. I understand what it is about, how it looks, what it would feel like and why it's a great practice. I have one very logical problem with it. Let's say I want something(lunch with the coworkers). Let's further say she wants nothing to do with agreeing to that. So I want lunch with them. She does not want me to go. She is standing her ground. I am standing my ground. I think it is a valid want and harmless. She thinks it is potential for big problems and does not want me to go. What do you do? I am sure most folks would tell me to pass on lunch and explain that I need to protect her in all of this. And I agree that she needs protection. But is the only way to protect her is to remove myself from life outside of the home? Maybe stating it that way is offensive? I don't know. I just want to be normal. So, what do you do when both sides of a POJA just can't meet in the middle? I mean isn't it fact that all people will not always agree? I think it is also fact that my wife and I will not always agree? Ok... so after we POJA and agree to something, what do you do about the fact that I feel guilty for getting what I want? Or, what do you do about her getting what she wants and feeling like I am just giving in and it isn't what I truly want? She does this a lot by the way. I agree to something and she is convinced that I am only agreeing because I want to avoid the conflict of it.

Of course, that was last night. For some reason, this morning I got mad at him and didn't practice those behaviors.

so you have no idea why? Or do you? I am very curious what the reasoning for this is. I spend time with you. I wanted to. I talk to you. I work with you on a project at the home. We have the silliest time at the grocery store just being playful. And then all that is gone? Like it didn't happen? And now the distance is back? I did not put the wall up, nor did I do anything in the last 24 hours that made you unprotected or protected me over you. So...why?

I was angry that what he wants always seems to be something different from what I want, so it's the win/lose situation that no one ever really wins at, except him as long as I don't LB him.

So I win as long as you don't LB me?

I don't understand why he seems to view spending time with me as giving, yet my spending time with him is taking on my part. It makes me feel rejected and angry.

For the last time. I do not view spending time with you as giving. It is not some gift you should be happy about and shut up. I like spending time with you. I like spending time doing my own thing too. I do not see it as some extraordinary gift to you if I spend time with you. I do, however, find it very pleasurable to spend time with you and do something fun, interesting or productive. From time to time, I like the fights too. Making up is fun. Getting frustrations out helps also.

I dislike the fact that if you believe something to be true, you will ask and not accept any answer accept the one you have already pre-determined. That is probably a discussion for you and I to have at home. Just letting you know.

I dislike that you are distant, angry and not caring about protecting me right now, based on some feeling that, when asked this morning, you said you didn't know. I know we didn't have the time to talk about anything this morning, due to me going to work, but you sould have at least told me what was wrong.

What do I need besides lunch and underwear? What a crappy remark to make. I love you and if you choose to accept it, then great. If not, then what a waste.

The other things he needs from me I can't provide, such as to pretend that the A never happened and to never be upset or bothered by it, and always, always be HAPPY and never talk about anything negative.

This is crap. I never said this. You will blame actions saying this, but that is crap too. I never said I needed this, have stated that I DON'T want that and you still pin it on me like it is what I want. I don't want it. I never asked you to forget anything. I never asked you to always be happy. To be happy once in a while is a far cry from all the time. Never be bothered by it?? More crap. I am bothered by it. I always will be. Does that mean I through my life down the tubes over something I can't even change? I am bothered when I think of it right now... but I am not doing that anymore and I am learning ways to be a much better man and maintain it. You seem to pin expectation on yourself and label it as 'from patriot' I don't expect you to do anything other than honor your commitments and our vows. Beyond that, I can want all day for things for you... THAT does not make them expectations.

Sure I want you to be happy. What kind of terd husband wants their wife to be miserable.

Sure I want your pain to go away. Again... I don't want you to just be in pain.

I hypothesize that BSs rewrite history too. When they are angry, hurt or the like, I think they will re-write progress into nothingness and make remarks that project the idea of no learning on the part of the WS. I need to work out the language of it... but I think BSs re-write history too. You can't just act like a great discussion that things were learned from never happened.

I own what I did. It was horribly destructive. But we are in recovery. It may not go perfectly everyday, but we are in it, nonetheless.

I imagine this post will come off as angry. I am not. I am concerned about the habit now of progress made and understandings reached, followed by a downturn in attitude fueled by negative thoughts. I want our marriage to work. And though I am not meeting the level of pursuit you believe you should be getting, does that in and of itself mean I am not pursuing? You continue to compare our relationship and what you want in it to two relationships(with cinnamon and ow) that were either not healthy, wrong and destructive, emotionally abusive and/or mistakes.

How are we doing compared to a healthy relationship? That is the yardstick I want to use. A healthy relationship. that is what we are trying to get to.

I love you and hope you have a good day. Please don't give up on me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/11/05 08:55 PM
I honestly just want to be normal. I want to have a normal marriage with a normal set of circumstances to deal with.

I would like for you to have those things, too - just not necessarily at my expense.

If I would have discussed it with her prior to the event and told her that 1) I want to feel normal and 2) This is something I would really like to do then maybe she would have said ok.

Quite possibly, if it had been presented to my that way, my giver would have kicked in. It would have been a nice way for me to feel giving and to still have been able to have felt protected by being given the choice.

I have one very logical problem with it. Let's say I want something(lunch with the coworkers). Let's further say she wants nothing to do with agreeing to that. So I want lunch with them. She does not want me to go. She is standing her ground. I am standing my ground. I think it is a valid want and harmless. She thinks it is potential for big problems and does not want me to go. What do you do? I am sure most folks would tell me to pass on lunch and explain that I need to protect her in all of this. And I agree that she needs protection. But is the only way to protect her is to remove myself from life outside of the home? Maybe stating it that way is offensive? I don't know. I just want to be normal. So, what do you do when both sides of a POJA just can't meet in the middle?

I don't even know what to say about this. Are you arguing the effectiveness of POJA because you feel like you will always lose?

Ok... so after we POJA and agree to something, what do you do about the fact that I feel guilty for getting what I want? Or, what do you do about her getting what she wants and feeling like I am just giving in and it isn't what I truly want? She does this a lot by the way. I agree to something and she is convinced that I am only agreeing because I want to avoid the conflict of it.

I understand the first portion of this statement. It does always seem like the things we want are never the same.

The second part of it is a little irritating. That whole "she does this a lot, by the way" thing...thinking that you agree only because you want to avoid the conflict of it...I do that A LOT? Do you really need to wonder why???

so you have no idea why?

You sound disbelieving! Have you ever known me to be upset about something and NOT tell you why, if I knew???

If I said I didn't know it was because I didn't know.

We have the silliest time at the grocery store just being playful. And then all that is gone? Like it didn't happen? And now the distance is back? I did not put the wall up, nor did I do anything in the last 24 hours that made you unprotected or protected me over you. So...why?

It is not gone. I remember it, too. It happened.

Yes, the distance is back. You didn't put the wall up? That's debatable. So, you haven't done anything in the last 24 hours to make me unprotected? So the instant you stop UNprotecting me, I should automatically feel protected??? How is it that you are not seeing expectations here?

So I win as long as you don't LB me?


I dislike that you are distant, angry and not caring about protecting me right now, based on some feeling that, when asked this morning, you said you didn't know.

I didn't say those feelings were present based on that.

What do I need besides lunch and underwear? What a crappy remark to make. I love you and if you choose to accept it, then great. If not, then what a waste.

Those are the things you complain about sometimes if they are not provided. If that isn't true, then tell me...what DO you need? Not want, but NEED?

This is crap. I never said this. You will blame actions saying this, but that is crap too. I never said I needed this, have stated that I DON'T want that and you still pin it on me like it is what I want. I don't want it. I never asked you to forget anything. I never asked you to always be happy. To be happy once in a while is a far cry from all the time. Never be bothered by it?? More crap. I am bothered by it. I always will be. Does that mean I through my life down the tubes over something I can't even change? I am bothered when I think of it right now... but I am not doing that anymore and I am learning ways to be a much better man and maintain it. You seem to pin expectation on yourself and label it as 'from patriot' I don't expect you to do anything other than honor your commitments and our vows. Beyond that, I can want all day for things for you... THAT does not make them expectations.

I disagree with this whole statement. I'll point just one thing out from it. You say that to expect me to be happy just once in awhile is your expectation and that that isn't too much to ask.

Scroll up, love. I was happy yesterday at the grocery store. You said so yourself. Now you are mad because I am not happy anymore. No expectation???

I'll maybe come back to this later.

I'm already concerned that this is one huge LB back and forth.

Maybe someone will respond and tell us what the heck we are doing wrong.
hi to both of you ~

Just a quick note to let you know that I have read this. I'm just completely utterly overwhelmed with work for a few days.

I think the point you are both missing is POJA means that you both have to be ENTHUSIASTIC about the solution.

You should not stop negotiating at the point that Pat says "I want to go to lunch with the team" and Froz says "No way I don't like that".

Clearly, Patriot is NOT ENTHUSIASTIC about staying behind while the coworkers go to lunch. So you don't have a POJA, because if you stop now, Patriot loses and Froz wins. This is bad bad bad for the health of your marriage.

So you don't stop the negotiation there. You have to come up with an answer that you both can really get on board with.

You guys did that the other night with both of you being enthusiastic about Patriot missing dinner, but talking on the phone to Froz instead. THAT was a POJA, because you both 'won'.

Anytime either of you is "winning" at the other's expense, you are in dangerous territory. You both seem to be really power struggling, both of your takers are out in full force. Then you guys go to the other extreme, which is just as bad, when the giver comes out and gives while ignoring the taker.

You are NOT supposed to be sacrificing for the other. You are supposed to be negotiating enthusiasm.

You do not have a Joint Agreement if either taker or giver is unhappy for either of you.

So when Froz says, "I dont want Pat to go to lunch", if you are both stopping there, with Froz feeling guilty for winning while Patriot is resentful for've stopped negotiating too soon.

As long as one of you is feeling like the loser, you both need to committ to negotiating.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/13/05 12:55 PM
As long as one of you is feeling like the loser, you both need to committ to negotiating.

You are right. We don't negotiate. Usually, one or the other just unenthusiastically gives in and becomes resentful, while the other feels guilty for getting what they wanted.

We are either all Taker or all Giver, without negotiation.

We had a discussion the other night about MB principles and the fact that, while we both thought we understood them, we weren't and haven't been following them.

We have kind of just been doing our own thing - doing it our way - which obviously is NOT working.

We pulled out that notebook we made together so very long ago - the one where I printed every single page of all the principles, articles, and questionnaires from this site and Patriot organized them with tabs in a binder.

We stopped working on it shortly after that. We haven't even filled out all the questionnaires! Can you guess which one we neglected to fill out? Of course it was the LB Questionnaire!

We read together the other night some of the sections about LB's.

Steve Harley said things like "If you do THIS..., the end result will be THAT".

Well, guess what? We have THAT!!!

SH has clearly spelled things out for us, a path to Recovery, and we haven't been following it.

IMO, it's lucky for us that we had a lot of love for each other to begin with, or we would probably have zero love for each other now.

As is it, our banks are pretty close to being overdrawn.

I proposed a do-over to Patriot yesterday. A real do-over, holding no mistakes thus far in Recovery against the other.

I later recanted, or I guess doubted would be a better word.

I have a lot of fear where this is concerned.

I'm scared to stick my neck out there again. I keep getting my head chopped off. I feel as though I am at the point where there can be no more room for mistakes.

You spoke of negotiation...

My top EN is honesty. I believe that I can tackle just about anything if it is the truth, not to say that it isn't sometimes difficult. But, at least when I have the truth, I'm not running around wasting my efforts, thinking I'm dealing with one thing when it's really another. What a huge waste of time and effort.

Getting the truth out of Patriot is not easy. He will often be dishonest about even the smallest things.

Hypothetical Example:

Frozen: Are sandwiches okay for you for lunch today, or would you rather have a salad?

Patriot: The sandwiches are fine (because he thinks he is being considerate because the salad is harder to make).

So I make him the sandwiches, when he would have rather had the salad.

I don't find this to be considerate. I don't appreciate when he makes a decision for me based on what he thinks I want to do or not do. He thinks he's being considerate and protecting me with this falsehood.

By doing this, he is allowing me to think I am meeting his needs, when I am not. I do not see why it is so difficult to say

Patriot: I'd rather have a salad, but if it would be easier for you to make, the sandwiches would be fine.

I could then respond with...

Frozen: I am running a little short on time this morning. If you could help me make the salad, it would save me some time.


Frozen: If you don't mind the sandwiches today, I will allow extra time in the morning and make you a salad tomorrow.


Frozen: Guess what? I already have the salad stuff chopped up, so it will be just as easy to make as the sandwiches, so if it's salad you want, salad you shall have!

This is just an example of how he has often prevented or disallowed me to meet his needs in the past by being dishonest about them.

It often happens on something much more significant than what I make him for lunch.

As we were reading the LB section, the portion of Selfish Demands was so word for word ME, that as I was reading aloud, I just figured I might as well start inserting my name in there, so I did. He agreed that it was an accurate assessment.

I don't know how to get what I want or need from him without demanding.

The obvious answer is just to ask. Well, that is usually where I begin, before demanding.

So, what do I do if he: forgets, ignores, I just go without???

I don't want to selfishly demand, but I don't want to go without, as I have often done in the past.

These are the doubts I have about this Do-over.

I'm afraid he won't do it.

I'm afraid I CAN'T do it.

We have also consistently violated the Four Rules.

This is what I wrote to Patriot yesterday:

[color:"red"]The Rule of Care – meet your spouse’s most important emotional needs

The Rule of Protection – avoid being the cause of your spouse’s unhappiness

The Rule of Honesty – Radical honesty: reveal to your spouse as much information about yourself as you know; your thoughts, feelings, habits, likes, dislikes, personal history, daily activities and plans for the future.

The Rule of Time – Take time to give your spouse your undivided attention

Dr Harley says that when love bank accounts are in the negative, couples often feel uncomfortable being in the same room. That sounded frighteningly familiar.

He also says that when couples are not in love (and let’s face it – we may love each other, but we certainly don’t treat each other like two people in love), these rules are very hard to follow, because the Taker resists at every turn (which has been happening for us, I believe). But if these rules can be followed long enough for love to be restored, the Taker gives way to the Giver, and the rules become very easy to follow. In fact, when in love, spouses find them to be very logical and natural.

That sounds nice.

That sounds to me like the bridge between some of the things we have both stated, such as

-we are incompatible

-we can’t meet each other’s needs without someone having to lose

A bridge sounds nice. Loving each other and it being real sounds nice, too (the verb).

I offer up for agreement (joint, of course), delving into these basic principles that we preach, but have neglected to follow.

I mean to really study and practice them until they are habit. I offer that we give each other a fresh start at Recovery – a real do-over, holding none of the mistakes against each other that we have both made in Recovery and starting over at this, hopefully more diligently and a little wiser, knowing now what doesn’t work and not operating on the belief that we are so “made” for each other that our love will be enough to get us through. It is true that our love has gotten us this far and we are still together, but Patriot…WE ARE BOTH MISERABLE!!!!

I propose R-Day: a day that we start over and really begin Recovery, not OUR way, but the MB way, because our way has not been working and I love you and value you too much to continue to participate in destroying our love for each other and putting our marriage at risk. Your are way too important to me, and I don’t want to lose you.

It sounded good on paper, but I am afraid of trying. I am afraid of either not being able to do my part, or that I will do my part and he won't do his, and then I will be so angry. I guess my REAL fear is that if we try this and it doesn't work because one or the other of us doesn't do it right, then it really will be over and we will have both lost. I am afraid of losing him.
Hi Froz ~ sounds to me like you are both making some progress in awareness of what is wrong between you both.

Didn't I say just a few dozen times before that you were trying to have it your way?

I'm glad you are beginnning to recognize the destructive behaviors and attitudes that are risking your marriage!

I am afraid of not being able to do my part...

This is not a test of skill ~ its about making a choice and following through.

Will you make mistakes? Yes. So does that mean you shouldn't bother? I guess you could choose to only do those things that you know you are guaranteed not to screw up...but then...aaah well...anger would be your best friend in life.

...or that I will do my part and he won't do his, ...

Ok...not only do you want a guarantee that you will do it want a guarantee from him in advance too?

...and then I will be so angry.

*gasp* Oh no! Not angry!

Because of course you never feel that now....

I guess my REAL fear is that if we try this and it doesn't work because one or the other of us doesn't do it right, then it really will be over and we will have both lost.

Exactly what is it that you think you have right now that you are not willing to risk for a great happy fulfilling marriage?

You still won't do anything but your way...

Let me remind you...from my Detachment with Love thread:

[color:" blue"]What if??

What if's keep us from living in the reality of the moment and also keep us from admitting we are powerless. When we are in the past with the "whys" and the future with the "what ifs" we loose today. Today is the only day we have. [/color]
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/14/05 03:18 AM
sounds to me like you are both making some progress in awareness of what is wrong between you both.

Where do you get that we are both making progress? You are only talking to me. You pretty much have a one-sided story here.

This is not a test of skill ~ its about making a choice and following through.

Sure, I can make a choice for me and follow through...does it mean that in the end I will achieve my goal? No, it doesn't. It doesn't because there are two people involved in my marriage and I can only control one of them.

I can choose and follow through all I want, that doesn't mean that my marriage will be successful.

Will you make mistakes? Yes. So does that mean you shouldn't bother? I guess you could choose to only do those things that you know you are guaranteed not to screw up...but then...aaah well...anger would be your best friend in life.

Does it mean I SHOULDN'T bother? No. It means do I really WANT to bother.

Well, I am certainly doing my share of screwing up, for sure. As for anger being my friend? I don't know about that.

Ok...not only do you want a guarantee that you will do it want a guarantee from him in advance too?

Nope, not initially. But where do you draw the line between mistakes and boundaries? I told Patriot initially that I would allow room for mistakes, but that violating the Policy of Radical Honesty was a definitive boundary.

When he violated it, others here had sympathy for him and told me to cut him a break because he was trying and he "so obviously loved me" and "why would I be willing to throw that away when so many other BS's would just give anything to have their WS's trying?"

This is a boundary that I have allowed the line to be moved several times. So, what do you do when it is continually broken...walk away? Give up?

*gasp* Oh no! Not angry!

Because of course you never feel that now....

Yes, I do, and I'm quite tired of it, frankly.

Exactly what is it that you think you have right now that you are not willing to risk for a great happy fulfilling marriage?

What do I have? Less pain than I could have if I stick my neck out and open myself up completely. I have pain, but it can be worse. Things can always get worse. I'm just not sure how much worse is acceptable.

You still won't do anything but your way...

Is this your current assessment, or an assessment of the past. It sounds like a current one because you used the word "still". I never said "won't". What I am wondering is "should".

What if??

What if's keep us from living in the reality of the moment and also keep us from admitting we are powerless. When we are in the past with the "whys" and the future with the "what ifs" we loose today. Today is the only day we have.

I understand your point. I am pondering right now boundaries and what are acceptable losses.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/14/05 11:29 PM
I saw on Faithful Follower's thread that she quoted something from the book The Language of Letting Go.

It prompted me to open my copy because I was curious if what she cited was today's reading, or a random reading from another day. I fully expected it to be today's reading.

It wasn't.

FF, you know how you said you open up the book and it is exactly what you need to hear?

How spooky is this...

Controlling Versus Trust

There was a time in my life when I felt so afraid of and overwhelmed by the very act of living that I actually wanted to make out a schedule for each day of my life for the next five years. I wanted to include all the chores I had to do, when I would do them, even when I would schedule relaxation. I wanted to get some order into what felt overwhelming. I wanted to feel like I was in control.

- Anonymous

Controlling is a direct response to our fear, panic, and sense of helplessness. It is a direct response to feeling overwhelmed, and to distrust.

We may not trust ourselves, God, the Plan, the Universe, or the process of life. Instead of trusting, we revert to control.

We can approach this need to control by dealing with our fear. We deal with fear by trusting - ourselves, God, the love and support of the Universe, the Plan, and this process we call life and recovery.

We can trust that when things don't work out the way we want, God has something better planned.

We can trust ourselves to get where we need to go, say what we need to say, do what we need to do, know what we need to know, be who we need to be, and become all we can become, when we are intended to do that, when we are ready, and when the time is right.

We can trust God and the Universe to give us all the direction we need.

We can trust ourselves to listen, and respond, accordingly.

We can trust that all we need on this journey shall come to us. We will not get all we need for the entire journey today. We shall receive today's supplies today, and tomorrow's supplies tomorrow. We were never intended to carry supplies for the entire journey. The burden would be too heavy, and the way was intended to be light.

Trust in yourself. We do not have to plan, control, and schedule all things. The schedule and plan have been written. All we need to do is show up.

The way will become clear and the supplies will be amply and clearly provided, one day at a time. Trust, my friend, in today.

Today, I will trust that I will receive all I need to to get me through today. I will trust that the same shall happen tomorrow.

The beginning of that stood out to me - the part about planning and scheduling everything, including chores and relaxation.

I am so much worse than that description. I have a Pocket PC and actually have all my tasks in it, all separated by category. I don't schedule relaxation, though. I only allow myself to do that if all my chores are done.

What a control freak!!!

My first reaction after reading that was defensiveness. What's wrong with being organized? My second thought is - nothing. Nothing is wrong with being organized. It's true, though. I do it for the sense of control it provides me.

I've always been a little weird about other people reading my lists. They are very personal. The reason I don't want people to read them is because I often have tasks on my list that I fear other people will think are weird, because I schedule EVERYTHING! Sometimes my daily calendar will look like this:

5:30 Wake up
5:45 Make breakfast and lunch
6:15 Go for walk
7:00 Take shower

You get the idea...

I guess I was afraid for people to know how controlling I was.

Hmmmm...controlling versus trust.

The desire to control is a lack of trust (just seeing how it sounds).

The second thing that stands out to me is this...

"We can trust ourselves to get where we need to go, say what we need to say, do what we need to do, know what we need to know, be who we need to be, and become all we can become, when we are intended to do that, when we are ready, and when the time is right."

I am not ready just yet.
The time is not right.
I'll have to think about it. Maybe tomorrow it will feel right.

Sidenote: I read the wonderful things that Patriot and others said about me over on that other thread. I am WAY to chicken to actually go over there, but I just wanted to say thank you. Those were very nice things you said about me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/14/05 11:34 PM
Okay, being the control freak that I am and fearing what is ahead, I looked forward to the next few days in the book. The topics were:

Letting Go of Chaos
Being Honest with Ourselves (it gets worse)
Feelings and Surrender
Throwing Out the Rule Book (omg!)
Our Good Points (can this GET any worse???)
Detaching with Love (it can ALWAYS get worse)

Yikes! That's way too much growing for one week!
hiya Froz ~ sorry I disappeared for a few days.

Work has really become nuts, and I am still really very bad with knowing where to draw boundaries.

I am a workaholic. Really. Bleah.

My boss came back from maternity leave and the first thing she did was yell at me for working too much. I think God probably gave me my boss for a reason, because too many bosses would be happy to reap the benefits of my destructive behavior.

Anyway, enough about me.

My dear, control freaks are all about fear and the illusion that if they just get organized and control everything right, that bad things won't happen.

Of course, bad things happen anway becuase control is an illusion.

But this makes for a very angry control freak.

So what I get from reading your post is that you are trying to weigh the odds, and if you don't get a guarantee of a good outcome, you aren't going to bother.

Fear is lack of faith in God.

How are you doing hun?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/22/05 12:15 PM
No apology necessary! I, too have been very busy - busy with work this week and very reflective and haven't had a whole lot to say or contribute in a verbal manner. I've been spending some time thinking about things - specifically pondering what it is that keeps me feeling stuck.

I've also had some rather interesting conversations with Patriot over the last few days. We have really been exploring the POJA concept and the ways we have been applying this theory in Recovery. We haven't done much of that. We thought we had, but only in small, irrelevant things - almost like a joke.

The problems I see thus far with applying this concept to its full capacity are:

Struggle with negotiation.
The win/lose mentality

I was discussing with Patriot his question a few days back regarding what to do when both sides seem to be so opposing that he found it difficult to see a compromise or room for negotiation.

It suddenly occured to me that what we want SEEMS like they are on opposite sides of the spectrum, but really they are not.

I made the comment in an e-mail yesterday that I hate the nights when he has school.

He responding with "I am thinking of scrapping the whole school idea."

I got to thinking about it...

Is that really what I want...for him NOT to go to school? No, that isn't really what I want. Sometimes it seems so black and white, but really it isn't.

I DO want him to go to school. It something he really wants and I love him. I want him to be happy and to better himself, educationally. So, while he perceived that what I wanted is for him NOT to go to school, that isn't really what I want at all.

What I want is to feel like I matter, that I am a priority. I want to know that I am not lowest on the list, behind what he wants for himself. I want to be considered, at the very least. By the same token, I don’t want dishonesty. I don’t want him to do something with or for me that he doesn’t want to do. He is often dishonest about things like this. The end result is that I wind up questioning or disbelieving EVERYTHING because I fear he isn’t being honest about what he wants. If he is honest, that is where acceptance on my part comes in. I need to learn to not always take it so personally.

I believe that there is a way to accomplish both. Our desires are not always contradictory. We simply need to negotiate so that both of us can be satisfied with the outcome. We weren't digging deep enough.

I wrote all of the above a couple of days ago. We have been applying some of this since then.

The dishonesty is a big problem for me. It's bigger than I even originally thought.

I feel askew - never knowing what's real and what's not - not even trusting myself to discern between the two, and never really knowing exactly what I'm up against.

We also had a talk about DETAILS - not a talk about them, but a talk about talking about them. I told him that it's not that I am unwilling to talk about them. I am unwilling to be his target while he is practicing talking about them. It's too painful for me. I also would prefer it in one big dose - no more short doses of pain. When he is ready to do it for real, and be completely honest, I'll do it. I'm sick of that wall. I want it to come down, but I'm not willing to continue to "practice" at it anymore, the way we've done it in the past.

I do feel stuck. I often feel like he comes to me for all the answers, which leaves me feeling like his teacher or his mother. I don't have all the answers for all his personal struggles. I'm not even objective enough to really help him, I don't think.

I am stuck, and more than a little frustrated with him and with myself for the position that we are in.

I was thinking about the couples here at MB who have chosen to rebuild their marriages and have been successful.

It seems to me like those couples are trying to get back something they once had, and build upon that foundation and improve upon it.

Patriot and I don't have a foundation. We aren't trying to REbuild. We are trying to build something out of nothing.

I'm not feeling too great this morning. Today is the aforementioned "Cinnamon Baby Shower". Also, I'm thinking about D-Day anniversary, which is exactly three weeks from today. I don't feel as though we have made much progress. I dread that anniversary. That was such a horrible day.

I don't know what else to say.
I don't know Froz ~ I am glad I don't have what I used to have. I am glad that I am not the person I used to be. That was a destructive path for my marriage and for me personally.

My husband and I have something totally different than what we had pre-A. We had to unlearn bad habits and learn new ways of relating in recovery. So you could say that we had to tear up the foundation and start over.

You don't have to unlearn bad marital habits because you didn't have them. So from where I sit, you are ahead of the curve.

My question to you is ~ why do you keep looking for reasons why you can't recover?

There is absolutely no reason why you can't. So stop finding excuses not to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

And I know you don't want to hear it, but you must work at safety for Patriot ~ so that he can be honest with you. No you aren't responsible for his honesty ~ that's his choice, but you can make this infinitely more difficult, or you can make this easier.

So, how do you go about making things safe for him? The answer is in your own personal recovery.

Punishing anger and resentment on your part are seriously high barriers to honesty on his part.

I know what you mean about honesty ~ it's my most important emotional need, and I bet it is yours too. Again, it comes down to trust in yourself. I do not rely on my husband's honesty to root me in reality. I rely with confidence on my OWN instincts, perceptions and intelligence.

I did figure out that being secure within myself, trusting myself, respecting myself, were all the keys to being safe for my husband to be honest.

How I felt about ME (and this is why you NEED personal recovery) truely made a difference. You see, being secure and confident and believing in my own selfworth, made my husband's honesty about his feelings far less scarey.

When I depended on his feelings to tell me how I felt about myself, his negative feelings were devastating to me.

As I grew in self confidence, I was secure enough to let him have his feelings, and be ok within myself.

Thats where we need to head with you.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/23/05 04:14 AM
why do you keep looking for reasons why you can't recover?

I guess because I am looking for some way that our situation differs from others' situations here to explain why we're not achieving that "better than ever" marriage.

So from where I sit, you are ahead of the curve.

Really??? It sure doesn't feel that way! I guess some could say, as Patriot has, "at least there hasn't been infidelity in your marriage".

To that I say, SO WHAT! So he didn't break promises to God...he broke promises to ME! We lived as though we were married before - it definitely wasn't a dating relationship. We both had just as much invested in this relationship as a married couple - part of each others families, children, finances, a home...

It hurts just as badly. I guess I just thought that at least people who were married for a while before the A had some good memories. I don't have many good memories or things to hold on to now. Everything that I thought was good is now tainted in some way by the A, or by his dishonesty.

There is absolutely no reason why you can't. So stop finding excuses not to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

I'm really working now. I have been all along, yet there still exists this enormous WALL! There still exists all these nauseating thoughts and times when I just want to run away and I wonder why I chose to be here. I wonder why he chose to be here. Love? It's not as simple as that, I don't think.

I wonder if this is just the same old behavior, on my part, of choosing someone who has treated me badly. What if the reasons aren't good enough? What if the reasons are unhealthy reasons and we were already just doomed from the start???

So, how do you go about making things safe for him? The answer is in your own personal recovery.

Punishing anger and resentment on your part are seriously high barriers to honesty on his part.

I struggle with this one. I have let go of most of the punishing behavior. But, if he is honest with me about something and I am anything but thrilled with it, he still FEELS punished. I can't tackle that one. I can't NOT have feelings about something. I don't even have to act on those feelings and he still feels punished. Sometimes just him saying the words to me feels like punishment to him - the actual facing of the conflict. I don't know how to fix that.

As I grew in self confidence, I was secure enough to let him have his feelings, and be ok within myself.

Thats where we need to head with you.

My first reaction is to say that that sounds like a pipe dream. My second is to wonder - if I'm so "healthy", what do I need him for?

Yes, honesty and openness is my #1 EN.

Sometimes I am so sick of Recovery and dealing with this crap and all that comes along with it.

I also get pretty weary - feeling like if we are ever to get there, I have to lead us there. He is a willing participant, for sure. But I don't have all the answers and I can't force him to be honest, or face things, or even be cognitive about his actions.

The baby shower wasn't so bad. I just did it. I just went and acted politely and when it was time, I left. No big deal. It also occurred to me this morning that she might even feel less than confident because I was going to be there.

Last week, I met the new girlfriend of my first ex-husband. The abusive, alcoholic/addict ex-husband. He actually sent her (two weeks into their relationship) to deliver his child support for him - to my work (Where does he find these women???).

One of the girls at work later told me "I bet she felt pretty awful when she met you - seeing how beautiful and classy you are. I certainly wouldn't want to be in her shoes, standing beside you for comparison." I was floored! I can't believe anyone would actually think that. I certainly don't FEEL that way.

It occurred to me that it is possible that Cinnamon may feel that way, for all I know. So, I just let go of the inferior feeling and just dealt. I also didn't want Patriot to be sitting at home, fretting all day, wondering what kind of mood his wife would be in when she got home.

Why do women COMPARE so much? I see them do it all the time, "I saw OW and I was much prettier than her, so that makes it all okay", or something along those lines. It doesn't make it all okay for me. I don't even know that I am or that it even matters. Men don't always choose women for looks. Why do women do that??? Do men do that?

why do you keep looking for reasons why you can't recover?

I'm afraid we don't have what it takes to get it done. I'm afraid that if we ever did have a chance, we've long since blown it. I don't want to start all over in Recovery a year later, because we did it so wrong the first time.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/24/05 05:11 PM
Interesting thing happened to me today. I was given a gift from a female coworker. That's not it. The interesting thing is I told Froz about it immediately. Well... my terms of immediately. I knew she was at a Dr. appt so I emailed the info to her along with a statement in an attempt to reassure her that I did not try to initiate anything and that she(froz) is who I love and want to be with.

(aside) commitment is something froz and I have. Tons of it. THAT is why she and I will make it. Commitment.

Anyway, froz calls me a little while later and asks me what I need from the store(commissary... yay!). I tell her. And then on the phone I think about telling her about the gift. I think I already told her... no need doing it now. And that doesn't feel right. She was on the phone right now. Immediate felt like right then. Let her know what she is dealing with so she doesn't have some nice conversation with me and then get home to an email to be upset about(or not) and then wonder why I didn't tell her when I was talking to her.

It felt right to be OPEN(my biggest failing of openness and honesty). So I told her. I expected she would not like it. She did not seem to like it much but she did not punish me. I didn't do anything really. I didn't try to hide it either.

Why would I hide a gift from a female co-worker if I had nothing to hide? To not get in trouble. I have no credibility. I don't want the stress of something I didn't even instigate. TO PROTECT ME.

wrong answer. I must protect my wife so she knows what she is up against. Dr. Harley talks about instincts and habits. Mine(one of many) has been to protect me. That leaves froz unprotected.

The truth, no matter, protects her.

This whole event today(seemingly small, I guess) really got me thinking about the 'usual' relationship trait I learned from watching my parents and reinforced by SO MANY friends was the idea of not disclosing something if it really didn't matter.

Of course, who judges what matters? And can you be absolutely sure that in your non-disclosing mode you will disclose the right things? And why hide the truth from your spouse? Don't they deserve it? Yes, they do. I deserve it. So does she.

I deserve no pat on the back for this. I just wanted to talk about the fact that it crossed my mind to not tell her at all to "stay away from getting into trouble". I short circuited a behavior and replaced it with the correct one. That is what I am supposed to be doing. And now that I have done it, I know I can do it.

I could expound on this more, but I have to go shortly. Maybe I come back to this later and explain it not like a damn child.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/24/05 05:34 PM
I am proud of you for being cognitive about your actions and for recognizing a behavioral pattern and short-circuiting it. It takes a lot of effort, self-awareness, and decisive action to change a habit - particularly a lifetime habit.

Thank you very much for protecting me with the truth and allowing me the opportunity to decide how I feel about it. The fact that you shared that honesty makes the gift mean so much less. It kind of makes me feel as though YOU AND I are the ones who share the secret, the intimacy, and that feels like a shield of protection against the rest of the world.

Thank you for that protection.

As for how I feel about the gift - I don't like it, of course. I don't like that this woman felt comfortable enough with you to give you any gift, however meaningless.

I do understand that you have a way of making people feel comfortable. You made me feel comfortable enough to share things with you early on - before we even began our relationship - and that "way" you have is one of the many things I love about you.

Sometimes I wish I could hide you away from the rest of the world, so no one else will see how cute, funny, smart, attractive, and special you are. I want to do that so that no one will try to take you away from me. Logically, I know I can't do that. YOU are the only one who can take YOU away from me.

I cherish you. I value you. You are worth very, very much to me. Please continue to protect me from losing you with your honesty, and by continuing to allow access to your needs only to me.

Thank you again for not taking away my right to decide how I feel about this. Thank you for allowing me to make that decision.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/24/05 07:34 PM
Hmmm...I went for a walk and I've been thinking quite a bit about honesty and how important it is to me.

I was thinking about the fact that it is almost a year post D-Day and that I am just now getting some willing doses of it. That has made Recovery more difficult, undeniably. But, by the same token, there are many things I've done that have made Recovery more difficult. There are also many things I've done that have made it more difficult for Patriot to give me honesty. Given that it was difficult for him in the first place, some of my actions haven't made it any easier.

I still believe honesty should be a given, no matter what the reaction from me, but I didn't need to make it any harder than it had to be.

I was thinking about this statement I made...

I'm afraid we don't have what it takes to get it done. I'm afraid that if we ever did have a chance, we've long since blown it. I don't want to start all over in Recovery a year later, because we did it so wrong the first time.

Even though it is almost a year, a really rough year, later - is it worth it? Has it been worth it? Is it worth the risk, no matter how long it takes?

There is really no question in my mind. I didn't even really have to weigh it long. It is completely worth it. It's worth it no matter how long it takes. Even if we crawl at a snail's pace, it's worth it. What I really mean is that PATRIOT is worth it.

Even IF in the end we are unsuccessful with Recovery, just the thought of Patriot overcoming the habits of conflict-avoidance that protected him as a child, but have caused him so much pain as an adult, would be worth it.

I know that sounds kind of weird, but I really do mean it. If things didn't work out between us and all I took away from this M was the knowledge that he had learned to overcome these habits and could have a happy, healthy relationship and life, that knowledge would give me satisfaction. I really don't want him to hurt himself.
Hi Pat ~
I deserve no pat on the back for this.

Why not?

Celebrate the successes. Truely.

The attitude that someone does not deserve praise for doing what they are "supposed to do" is really just bunk. Everyone deserves praise and encouragement and cheers when they accomplish cool stuff ~ like learning that honesty with Froz is not so bad, and actually, kinda nice! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

This whole event today(seemingly small, I guess) really got me thinking about the 'usual' relationship trait I learned from watching my parents and reinforced by SO MANY friends was the idea of not disclosing something if it really didn't matter.

I haven't dragged you out to talk about your family and the 'truths' you learned as a child. But it certainly deserves examination by you. Do those truths you learned growing up serve you as an adult? If not, toss them out.

I also grew up in a house of secrets.

I learned in recovery that: We are only as sick as our secrets.

Of course, who judges what matters? And can you be absolutely sure that in your non-disclosing mode you will disclose the right things? And why hide the truth from your spouse? Don't they deserve it? Yes, they do. I deserve it. So does she.

Well...along the line of sick secrets: Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Wouldn't you rather share all the icky and cool parts of your self and be loved for the whole you, instead of just the parts you choose to share?
BR: why do you keep looking for reasons why you can't recover?

Froz: I guess because I am looking for some way that our situation differs from others' situations here to explain why we're not achieving that "better than ever" marriage.

Aaaah. Looking for that loophole?

I tried that.

There are no shortcuts.

You have to do the work to get that 'better than ever'.

And I'll repeat myself...

BR: There is absolutely no reason why you can't. So stop finding excuses not to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

I'm really working now.

Nah, you are still hoping theres a way to get your way. It's ok, I had to look for myself too. The problem with needing to 'see' for myself was that I put myself through alot of unnecessary pain.

I'm hard headed.

I have been all along, yet there still exists this enormous WALL!

That wall is YOU. You have a whole life history of pain and hurt and anger that needs to be dealt with before you can recover. It's going to hurt, but then you will heal. None of it has to do with Patriot. He's your excuse to keep from focusing on you. If you can blame him for the misery you have right now, you don't have to address YOU.

There still exists all these nauseating thoughts and times when I just want to run away and I wonder why I chose to be here.

You know why.

I wonder why he chose to be here. Love? It's not as simple as that, I don't think.

Why don't you ask him and accept what he says? Then accept what he says instead of rejecting his words and coming up with your own analysis?

I wonder if this is just the same old behavior, on my part, of choosing someone who has treated me badly.

He isn't treating you badly now is he?

Froz, I choose a man who was not the best man for me. The who-I-was that chose my husband is not who-I-am today. I can't do anything about the who-I-was except examine my motivations, learn, and move forward.

You've grown and changed. Your reasons for staying now are not necessarily the reasons you choose to get married.

Does it matter?

What matters is that you have chosen.

Now suit up, and get out there on the field and get to work.

What if the reasons aren't good enough? What if the reasons are unhealthy reasons and we were already just doomed from the start???

Perfectionism and victimization all in one sentence. Damn yer good girlfriend! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

From my Detachment with Love thread...

What if??

What if's keep us from living in the reality of the moment and also keep us from admitting we are powerless. When we are in the past with the "whys" and the future with the "what ifs" we loose today. Today is the only day we have.

BR: So, how do you go about making things safe for him? The answer is in your own personal recovery.

Punishing anger and resentment on your part are seriously high barriers to honesty on his part.

Froz: I struggle with this one. I have let go of most of the punishing behavior. But, if he is honest with me about something and I am anything but thrilled with it, he still FEELS punished.

Stop right there.

Stop trying to control the outcome (eg His feelings).

He has to be honest, and so do you. If you do not punish him for his honesty, and you tell him honestly, without LBs what your reaction to his information is, then you have been the wife you are supposed to be. Period. His reaction to your reaction is not yours to control.

I can't tackle that one. I can't NOT have feelings about something. I don't even have to act on those feelings and he still feels punished. Sometimes just him saying the words to me feels like punishment to him - the actual facing of the conflict. I don't know how to fix that.

You can't fix that. You are powerless over 'that'.

You can fix you. You can be the wife you should be. And let God take care of the rest.

The thing about God is, if you are meddling and fixing...he respects you enough to stay out of your way. He'll patiently stand to the side and let you wear yourself out trying to do-it-yourself.

He only steps in when you sit back down on the bench and let go long enough for him to do what was His job in the first place!

BR: As I grew in self confidence, I was secure enough to let him have his feelings, and be ok within myself.

Thats where we need to head with you.

Froz: My first reaction is to say that that sounds like a pipe dream.

All I can say is:

I can't..

This is our biggest lie to ourselves. The truth is not that we can't, but that we won't. It is where we let fear have control over our lives.

Froz: My second is to wonder - if I'm so "healthy", what do I need him for?


How do I respond to this?

Healthy people are the ones with emotionally satisfying relationships. It takes 2 healthy people to have that.


I guess what bothers me is the implication that you "need" Patriot to fill some hole in you. And that if there is no hole then, you don't need him.

Unholey people are necessary for good relationships.

(Yes, its late and I'm really tired. My jokes are really stupid. Whats worse is I giggled when Iwrote that.)

You shouldn't need Patriot to fill a hole. Thats why I keep bugging you to fix yourself. A good relationship is built on 2 people sharing their own happiness with each other. They don't make happiness by plugging each others holes.

I also get pretty weary - feeling like if we are ever to get there, I have to lead us there.

Pretty arrogant on your part, dont you think?

He is a willing participant, for sure. But I don't have all the answers and I can't force him to be honest, or face things, or even be cognitive about his actions.

Nope, you can't. Thats what I've been trying to tell you. You are worn out and weary from pounding your head and powerstruggling over something you just don't have any control over.

If you'd stop trying to straighten Patriot up, you'd have alot of free time to look at you!

I'm afraid we don't have what it takes to get it done. I'm afraid that if we ever did have a chance, we've long since blown it. I don't want to start all over in Recovery a year later, because we did it so wrong the first time.

There is no one keeping timer running...

~ Progress...not perfection.
I just had to respond to this:

Even IF in the end we are unsuccessful with Recovery, just the thought of Patriot overcoming the habits of conflict-avoidance that protected him as a child, but have caused him so much pain as an adult, would be worth it.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

Spoken like a virtuous martyr.

So you are going through all this pain and suffering just so he can 'see the light' and be a better man?
Oh and one more commment before I go to sleep...

If you are not honest with Patriot about how you feel when he is honest with you....

Then he will never ever have the accurate information he needs to judge for himself what he has to do to protect you.

If you keep withholding information about you from him, because of your need to control his reaction, then you are doing nothing but participating in the downward spiral of negativity in your marriage.

It's like this.

My husband loves to cook.

Sometimes, I hate how he cooks things.

Now, he wants praise for his cooking, and doesn't want to hear that I do not like something.

Which is more loving and protective of our marriage?

A. A white lie: Oh honey, this is delicious, I love it! (hubby walks away beaming with pride, determined to cook it repeatedly for me because I like it and he loves me.....and I get to sit through repeat dinners that I hate, and resent him for it)


B. Honesty: Honey, thank you for cooking dinner, I am so glad I didn't have to. Even though I prefer my dinner cooked a different way, I feel loved when you put effort into helping me. I would really love this dish cooked ...
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 04:34 PM
How did I miss all of this????

I've been waiting days for a response. I didn't see it.

How did I miss that?

Too bad I didn't see it before, because now I feel desperate.

I can't do this anymore.

I have been hurting for a very long time…instead, it seems like his focus is being placed on his comfort and his protection, and at his pace.

I’m not his mother.

I’m not his teacher.

I’m not a professional, and I can’t “fix” him. I can’t even fix me, particularly when I am trying so hard to fix him.
I can’t make him understand.

I can’t make him bare his soul to me.

I’m tired of being lonely.
I’m tired of hurting.
I want to heal and I fear that I can’t do it in this marriage - too many distractions.

I don't know what the [censored] to do.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 04:36 PM
I really can't do this anymore. I'm going for a walk.
Posted By: mimi_here Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 04:38 PM
How long have you been in Recovery?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 05:18 PM
Almost a year.
Posted By: mimi_here Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 05:39 PM
It's taken a full two years for my FWH to get completely out of the fog...

What's going on?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 05:43 PM
Okay BR,

There are no shortcuts

I'm not looking for a loophole. I'm trying to figure out why it isn't happening for us.

you are still hoping theres a way to get your way. It's ok, I had to look for myself too. The problem with needing to 'see' for myself was that I put myself through alot of unnecessary pain.

Am I? What is "my way"? I just want to be happily married to Patriot. I want him to be happily married to me.

I know that my perceptions often leave me with pain that may be unnecessary - but am I crazy???? Being betrayed hurts - am I perceiving this wrong???

I'm hard headed.

Obviously I am beyond hard headed. Perhaps I am just plain stupid, because you are telling me and I'm obviously not getting it. You must be the most patient woman on the planet.

That wall is YOU.

I'm not the wall. I'm being open - being a vessell. I may be hindering Recovery, but I'm not hindering intimacy.

You have a whole life history of pain and hurt and anger that needs to be dealt with before you can recover. It's going to hurt, but then you will heal. None of it has to do with Patriot. He's your excuse to keep from focusing on you. If you can blame him for the misery you have right now, you don't have to address YOU.

I'm not blaming him for the entirety of it. He did have a hand in hurting me, but he's not responsible for all of my pain. I know that. I told him that. I'm telling him now.

I realize it has to be dealt with before I can Recover, but how am I supposed to function in a healthy manner in this M in the meantime? I don't see how. I am wondering if I should leave until we can both sort out our personal issues.

I don't feel safe enough to drop my attention from the marital Recovery to focus on personal Recovery.

Why don't you ask him and accept what he says? Then accept what he says instead of rejecting his words and coming up with your own analysis?

Because I don't trust him to be honest with me or with himself. If I do just simply accept what he says as truth, and it isn't truth, I will be the one who hurts.

He isn't treating you badly now is he?

I feel neglected, unsafe, and completely unprotected.

You've grown and changed.

I disagree.

Perfectionism and victimization all in one sentence. Damn yer good girlfriend!

See? I'm so good at it, I don't even have to try. I am hopeless. Why do you bother?

Stop trying to control the outcome (eg His feelings).

He has to be honest, and so do you. If you do not punish him for his honesty, and you tell him honestly, without LBs what your reaction to his information is, then you have been the wife you are supposed to be. Period. His reaction to your reaction is not yours to control.

He doesn't HAVE to be honest. So, I do my part...big deal. That doesn't mean he will do his. So just let go and let him do his part? What if he doesn't? If he doesn't, then I will be the one to hurt. How can I protect myself from his dishonesty or lack of openness? I don't trust him to protect me.

You can't fix that. You are powerless over 'that'.

You can fix you. You can be the wife you should be. And let God take care of the rest.

The thing about God is, if you are meddling and fixing...he respects you enough to stay out of your way. He'll patiently stand to the side and let you wear yourself out trying to do-it-yourself.

I don't trust Him to protect me, either.


I also get pretty weary - feeling like if we are ever to get there, I have to lead us there.


Pretty arrogant on your part, dont you think?

Probably. If I don't lead, Patriot will walk around acting as though nothing ever happened so he can be "normal". The end result of that is...well you see where that got us.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 05:47 PM
What's going on?

I think each of us have too many negative behaviors we brought to this relationship and it is hindering progress. I am wondering if we shouldn't separate until we can grow up.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 05:51 PM
Somehow, my marriage feels like it is imploding today.

A couple of my co-workers(male) were re-enlisting today for the last time before they will retire. They decided that they wanted to go to Hooters for lunch. I was invited a few days ago to this, and immediately told froz about it. The few days have passed and she and I did not negotiated it fully so I opted not to go. Her fear was that female co-workers would be there and that because she was not invited(the co-worker that invited me let me know that his wife would not be there and that his work life and home life are just separate). I figured that It was because of scantly clad waitresses at first, but after she talked to me about it, I understood.

We had our chance to discuss it last night, but I blew that by getting caught up in a completely useless thread. So did she.

So then today comes and I am not feeling good anyway because I have been chastized by a mod, twice, a regular, numerous times, and froz reminds me, right at bedtime, the chance I missed yesterday to talk to her and work on getting elephants out. Also a bounced check due to some oversight and a bunch of broken dishes due to my clumsiness. And the angry outbursts I had because of these thing(though I did not focus them at her, because she saw them, that was enough to make them LBs).

So today we are talking via email and I am trying to negotiate or work it out and then the time comes and we don';t have it resolved yet.

So I opt out. I saw going to hooters and female co-workers being there and not having fully negotiated this situation with my wife as too much risk and I did not want it. She was not comfortable. And neither was I. So I don't go. Seems like a logical enough answer??

I guess not. Froz tells me that I made the decision for her. The discussion tends to seem like she thinks I was not being open and honest about my desire to go and so I have lied again.

It seems like the only way to prove I was not lying in this situation was to go, regardless. Because I think she is SURE I wanted to go regardless of what she thought. And that is not true. Had I wanted to go and not cared for what she thought, I would not have told her immediately and I would not have been so tied in knots over it because on one hand it was supportive of a co-worker and I am here for a number of hours in the day, but overridding that was that was the fact that my wife is more important than these guys, I will be with her forever and I care more for her than I do them or my desire to go to Hooters with the guys.

So as we tried to negotiate things via email(I am working so I can't call) the time came and they were leaving... so I decided that I would cut back to fundamentals for this instance.

I do not want to go more than I want to protect my wife. And without her enthusiastic approval of my choice, then protecting her wins. Thats what I applied today. If the wife is not invited, I won't go there to simply participate in excluding her. If we negotiate it, then that would be different. We tried and didn't get it done in time. Due to half-a## trying... but you learn from this.

I was open and honest. I made the COGNATIVE choice to protect my wife OVER selfish desires. I make the DISTINCT effort to not talk to any female co-workers about my marriage or life in an intimate way. I remain on alert for any flirtations or temptations just so I can simply stop them in their tracks.

I am so aware of the risks that I was oblivious to before and I cognatively avoid the risks I do not have to accept(not perfectly) and yet it does not seem to make things better. She has done so much work and really applied things like removing LBs and helping me to converse with her.

We talked to days ago about talking about past history. Heither one of us is looking forward to it. It has to be done. She said explicitly that she did not want to be a test bed. I needed to get it all out the first time(no lying and have everything I can remember ready) so I have been spending time writing things down to pull thoughts together so I can be prepared as possible. I figured a few days to a week. Then I would be ready with the whole story. My why. What happened when. As much as I can remember. I am trying to make sure I have the fact collected together so she does not get tested on. I am trying to prepare.

It upsets me that she wanted to talk to me about something last night and did not initiate it. OR remind me to talk about something. I thik a very detrimental idea towards MB is keeping score in a fashion to say "I will not do more than you" Somedays, I will be the stronger player. Some days, she will. Keeping score is a very bad thing that feed entitlement. That is my solid thought on it. I hate keeping score. It sucks.

Im done for now. What a humiliating deal. Humiliate my wife and then not be able to fix anything. And keep screwing things up. what a life.
Posted By: mimi_here Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 05:52 PM
I kind of disagree with the need to analyse the past.

Both my H and I have many issues.

We have worked on creating a NEW MARRIAGE...

Focusing on the good that we had..that kept us together...
Hi guys ~ Froz, email me ok?

Mimi is right - sheesh the one year mark was rocky for us too. Froz, don't make the mistake of looking at couples who are years into recovery and thinking yours is bad.

Separating is not going to heal your marriage. Steve Harley was pretty emphatic that marital recovery is greatly hindered while living under different roofs.

I don't think you 2 should be having the 'details' talk right now, because in the current state you are both in, there is noway that this conversation will have a beneficial outcome.

CALL STEVE HARLEY. Yes I know, he's expensive.

How much is your marriage worth?

How much does separation and divorce cost?

Patriot, from what you wrote, I think you did exactly right. For what its worth, I remember my husband's time in the Navy, and it is very much an atmosphere that can be easily destructive to marriages. It's one of many reasons he got out. We couldn't handle it as a couple.
Posted By: Mulan Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 07:25 PM
***because she was not invited(the co-worker that invited me let me know that his wife would not be there and that his work life and home life are just separate). ***

And this is okay with you. My first thought is "Geez, no wonder Froz and Pat are struggling so much."

You could not say, "Co-worker, that's a lousy way to run a marriage and a lousy way to treat your wife."

You could not say, "I don't want to hang around with men who treat their wives that way and deliberately cut them out of half their lives."

You could not say, "I'M going out to celebrate the re-enlistment at a place where all of our wives are welcome. After all, the re-up sure as h*ll affects them, too. Now, do you all want to go to Hooters and stare at boobs with this loser, or do you want to go with ME and OUR WIVES to celebrate with lunch/dinner at a fun place where we can ALL enjoy ourselves together?"

Just a suggestion. It's worth what you paid for it.

I guess not. Froz tells me that I made the decision for her all honesty, I think that situations like this are what resulted in that one MC telling you that you are screwed.

Call me stupid, but EVERY decision that a person makes does not HAVE to be POJAed for heaven's sake.

There is way too much micromanaging going on there IMHO.

Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 07:51 PM
His remarks were not ok with me. His ways are not mine. I am not going to choose to exclude her from my life on purpose. I do not hang around with him either. That I have to work in the same section with him is totally out of my control. That I not participate in like behaviors or agree with him IS within my control.

I did not chastize him for his behavior. I am sensitive to the fact that a large number of folks know nothing about MB or what kind of ideals are professed here. I am also sensitive to the fact that he is a grown man and it is not my business to save him. Do you think I should confront him with what I believe? I am sure it would be a strong thing to do, but for what reasoning? I am willing to listen and learn something on this idea because right now I am just running under the idea that to keep things level, I will not intrude in his life and he can not intrude in mine.

I am 32. These guys are 40ish or more. Set in their ways and not going to listen to 'some whipper-snapper' on things. That is how I see it. I am full able to NOT be like them. I have to work with them and they do not try to influence me to hurt my wife. Personal life issues are not discussed up here, nor would I want them to be.

That said, please let me know what you think I should do. Should I tell this co-worker that I think his ideas are bunk? I assume you work and know what co-worker relationships are like(and I don't mean the ones that lead to affairs) so I really want to know what you would do in my case. And why?

I'm in the military and on deployment, so I really don't have quitting as an option. Also, based on my MOS, there is not another section I can move to, although I think that is an extreme answer to not an extreme problem. My opinion. I am truly interested in yours.

What I paid for it. Nothing. And got something. So worth more than I paid for it. Thank you for taking the time
after I was appearently insulting to you. I truly appreciate it.

Also, for what it is worth, there seems to be a general idea that infidelity runs rampant in the military. I disagree. Infidelity is not running rampant where I work right now. It was in the civilian job were I used to work. As a mtter of fact, I know of not once case of infidelity up here. At my last job, I know a a few within 6 months of being there. The military as a whole is a very professional organization, in my experience. Where that goes out the window, however is on overseas deployments. infidelity in the military during an overseas deployment is probably higher than the median.That could be a whole topic by itself, but I will say that with the principles from here it would a challenge easily overcome. From 98-99 I was on a one year tour to Korea, married at the time, and knew nothing of MB. I, not once, engaged in an affair while I was there. Sadly, my wife then hit me with wanting a divorce 2 days into my mid-tour leave. I went back to Korea to finish my tour thinking my marriage was over and that I was as good as single. Still no inappropriate relationships with women. So it is doable. And I think even MORE doable and just about guaranteed if you have a MB foundation. Just an additional thought.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 08:20 PM
I didn't know what to do with myself, so I went to sleep. I dreamed that I was at OW's house. She was acting like nothing bad ever happened and I was helping her decorate her new baby's room. I actually had some very good ideas, now that I think about it.

Then I noticed that the diamond in my wedding ring was missing. I was searching everywhere for it and she was basically not paying attention to it.

I wonder what that means.

Oh well, I'm awake now and I checked first thing - the diamond is still in my ring. Thank goodness, as it was Patriot's real mother's ring. Maybe I should have the prongs tightened.

I wasn't upset about the Hooters incident, btw.

I was worried that Patriot wasn't being honest about what he wanted and I was bothered that it seemed like he avoided negotiating it.


He lost. I don't feel like I won. I really didn't mind if he went.

He played that game by himself because I didn't get to participate much in the negotiation.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 08:22 PM
Quote all honesty, I think that situations like this are what resulted in that one MC telling you that you are screwed.


That MC told Patriot he was screwed because he was married to me.
Well Patriot ~ for what its worth, I don't usually offer advice or opinion on other's life choices unless I am asked. I don't think you should have confronted the other guy.

Froz ~ Patriot erred on the side of your protection. Not sure he erred at all...but if thats how you see it, fine. Rather than hurt you, he chose to protect you.

Why are you seeing this as a failure?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 08:35 PM
I'm glad that if he erred, it was on the side of my protection.

I don't desire for him to lose, however.

I already said that incident wasn't a big deal to me. I am not upset about that. He just thinks I am.
Well...given the way you are posting today, I'd think so too.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/27/05 08:44 PM
Coincidental, really.

The Hooters thing was irrelevant to me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/30/05 05:12 PM
Patriot and I had an interesting talk Friday night.

He skipped class and came home, which was nice of him to do.
This talk was unlike any of the others we have had before. The content was similar, but the method was something totally new - it was him.

For some reason, he wasn't scared of me. For some reason, he was able to set down his feelings of guilt and focus on me.

A couple of times I LB'd him with some angry outbursts, and possibly some DJ's. Instead of donning his scared rabbit look, he came back at me with strength. That's how he looked to me - strong and confident. He was honest and vulnerable. His vulnerability looked strong to me. It made me feel protected that he could do that.

He took control of the conversation by listening and being patient with me and really hearing me.

I felt supported.

It was a nice change.

He even moved the conversation towards talking about some of the things he thought I needed to think about for my personal healing.

He told me that separation was unacceptable to him and he wouldn't agree to it.

For a little while, I felt connected to him.

Now, the distance has been back the last couple of days. Maybe I'm just thinking about things...I don't know. I know the distance is my fault.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/31/05 06:08 PM
I ask that MB folk pray for my wife and I. It is 2 weeks until DDay anniversary(although I can think of no good reason to treat it like an anniversary.. like it should be celebrated.. other than it is one year of no A down, forever to go.) She is having a hard time. We are having a hard time. Life is a hectic, busy thing and for the few things that I have addressed in our situation, we have so much more to do.

She is getting worse I think. I was watching a football game on the TV last night and fell asleep. This was after she and I had watched a movie together that really creeped her out, and she seemed to want it to creep me out. It didn't and that felt like something that put a wall up. I find out later that she wanted to talk to me(she told me this morning) and that she feels more and more comfortable with the distance. She said it felt better to sleep alone.

I am rambling because I don't know what to say but I felt like talking. I wonder at what point is it giving up hope or accepting the truth of the end. I really don't want to lose her.

Sure feels like I don't have any say in the matter. Pray for her. Pray for us. I still stand on hope, but it sure feels lonely.
Posted By: mimi_here Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/31/05 06:50 PM
What was the movie?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/31/05 07:01 PM
The movie was The Jacket.

It really wasn't relevant to anything. I didn't desire for him to be creeped out by the movie. I just found it odd because it was something I had described to him before - and then seeing it in a movie, almost exactly as I had described, was odd. It has absolutely nothing to do with infidelity, or with our current situation.

Again, I didn't have some wish that he be equally as creeped out by it as I was. I just found it odd that he didn't think it was weird, since I had described this movie to him months before seeing it.

It is NOT what I am struggling with, and I had no expectation whatsoever that he find it odd, also.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the current state of things.

I have no idea why he thinks it does, or why he even mentioned it.
Posted By: mimi_here Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/31/05 07:04 PM

Sounds like he's struggling to figure out the explanation for your current behavior....making an assumption that it is about the movie....
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/31/05 08:16 PM
I don't know why he mentioned it.

He knows exactly what I am struggling with, and the reason for my current behavior (which really isn't anything new - I've been pretty consistently roller coastering).

Perhaps he was just rambling, as he mentioned, and threw the movie thing in there as part of that. I don't know.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 10/31/05 11:46 PM
Posted By: dorry Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/01/05 12:06 AM

Just like us FWS's have pasts - you do to - and guess what - as people tell me, including you <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> It's in the past - as are your misdeeds. They are not who you are today - just like I am not a FWW today.

Definataly not the cool cats we are today <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I think of ya lots ya know!! Hang in there
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/01/05 12:41 AM
I know they are in the past. I know the things I did in the past are not who I am. They weren't who I was then, and they definitely aren't who I am now.

Maybe I was trying to make myself feel worse than I already do...I don't know. Your thread just got me thinking about things I've done that I am not so proud of.

I have made amends for these things. I have apologized to my mother, as an adult, for some of the things I did as a teenager - specifically those two things.

I have never told my children that I did that. I make amends to them daily by trying to be the best mother I can be. I made a lot of parenting mistakes. Of course, everyone does, as no one is perfect, but I really made some big ones. I wish that I hadn't been so young and ill-equipped as a mother when my children were younger.

But then if I hadn't had my children young, I wouldn't have been able to have them at all because I had cancer in my early 20's.

I'm still wondering why I felt the desire to share those things. I'm thinking of deleting it - not out of embarrassment - but I'm just wondering what the point of that was.

BTW, you are one cool character. You are quite a lady.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/03/05 06:58 PM
Last night frozen and I talked about the 'why' I had an affair. Then she left hurt and destroyed. She came back and we talked about details. She asked questions and I answered them to the absolute best of my ability. I did not lie.

we talked all night. I got an hour of sleep or so. I don't think she got any.

I don't even know precisely what I feel right at this moment other than disgust for myself. Disgust for my life. Disgust for my existance.

I feel horrible right now. This is close to unbearable for me. I am sure it is unbearable for her. I have no idea how she is at work today.

Can I ever recover? Can she? Can we. I want to do everything the MB way and with focus on her healing. She is the victim.

I don't even know what to say right now. I brought this on myself. It wasn't worth it.

I don't even like posting right now because this board is full of BSs that hate me and what I have done. BSs that think I should simply deal with what I have done because I choose to do it.

I can't say anything constructive right now. I just really need someone to talk to. Anyone.

I hurt so badly right now and I can't do that because it is selfish and I need to be strong for her. She has a horrible husband.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/03/05 07:02 PM
I don't even like posting right now because this board is full of BSs that hate me and what I have done.

I don't hate you ... that would be like hating my own beloved husband ...

I think you acted like an idiot in the past ... but I see so much growing and tons of potential ...

hang in there

you have a fan club ... I am going to say that if I hated YOU I'd have to hate Frozen's heart ... and how could I say that???

You are both imperfect ... but maybe perfect for each other
don't even like posting right now because this board is full of BSs that hate me and what I have done. BSs that think I should simply deal with what I have done because I choose to do it.

I can't say anything constructive right now. I just really need someone to talk to. Anyone.

I hurt so badly right now and I can't do that because it is selfish and I need to be strong for her. She has a horrible husband.
Pat, first I am soooo proud of you! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I know it was a struggle and painful to face what you did but you did it!! I have much confidence that you and froz will recover, especially now that it is all out. The walls can come down now.

I don't hate you. I have admiration for how hard you and froz have worked at this. Any BS that gets angry with you is justifiably angry at their own WS. You just need to let those things roll off your back. The only one that really matters is your lovely bride. {{Pat/Froz}}
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/04/05 06:24 PM
the bad day continues. I have so much I need to talk about.

One thing that I want input on is how long does someone think a WS should not move forward with their life? Meaning let the past go for themselves personally. I have been remorseful for the past year. I have turned away from this sin. I have distanced myself, timewise, from this betrayal. Should I still feel horrible about myself? Should I still be riddled with guilt to the point of no action because I am frozen with it? I have not been a cheater for a year. Why can't I feel good about that and me?

I recall sometime back I used the term psycho for BSs in the toolkit. Someone on here made a point to get me to change it to 'wounded animal'. I remember being irritated because they kept repeting it in posts and bolding it... like it was being tossed in my face repeatedly.

NOTHING has been more true. She is like a wounded animal. She cries and whines in pain and then lashes out in furious anger and bites. This cycle has continued for sometime now.

I know she can not move away from my A until she is ready. I am ready. For me and me alone, I am ready. I am not THAT man anymore. You are what you are? I am not crap anymore. People talk of personal recovery. In my personal recovery journey I am ready. I do not think I should be lashed out at because I have a differing timeline on personal recovery.

I feel controlled. I hate it. I can't do anything right. And I am expected to swallow my feelings lest I make it about me. Then when I react in a way that swallows my feelings, I am hiding myself, and therefore causeing distance. I can't do anything right. I used to still be afraid and lie about things. Now, I just can't do anything right and instead of being afraid, I am pissed.

I have more on this, but I have to go.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/04/05 06:40 PM
WEBSTERS: Regret - sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair
Patriot, let me very gently remind you that a lot of this is still new to Froz. You had the full picture but she was missing the pieces, KWIM? Now is the time that froz will begin to heal and will be able to work through her pain. You just can't know how hard it is to swirl around and around because you know some pieces of information are missing. Give her some time to catch up with you. You are doing fine, truly you are.

I know she can not move away from my A until she is ready. I am ready.

Unfortunately some NEVER move away from it. Some people stay ensconced in their own personal ****** of victimhood. The people around them suffer right along with them, they make sure of it. Naturally I have no way of knowing if that is happening there...I just think you need to be made aware that it does exist.

Now, I just can't do anything right and instead of being afraid, I am pissed.

Yep, I've been watching all this play out and I've wondered when you were going to hit "pissed".

A year is quite a long time to still be punishing someone for their affair...ESPECIALLY when the WS is remorseful and committed to their partner, and their actions have shown that. It might be a good idea to take personal stock of what you have done SINCE the affair (to right your wrongs) and when you are sure that you have done everything within your power, it might be time to rethink where you are. Some people never forgive in the true sense of the word..their mouth says they have but their actions say something different.


P.S. This is simply MY opinion...and I am not trying to say whether your marriage will, should, could make it. I am making comment to you as I would any other individual that posts on this forum. Your W being a poster is irrelevant to me in regards to my response to you.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/05/05 03:50 AM
One thing that I want input on is how long does someone think a WS should not move forward with their life? Meaning let the past go for themselves personally.

How long? I could be mistaken, but that reads as though you think something or someone is stopping you from doing this. Who or what is it? If that is what you want, what is stopping you?

I have turned away from this sin. I have distanced myself, timewise, from this betrayal. Should I still feel horrible about myself? Should I still be riddled with guilt to the point of no action because I am frozen with it?

Do you think you should still feel horrible about yourself? You have turned away from your sin and have the distance of time from your betrayal. Given that, why do you still feel bad about yourself?

Is it because I still feel bad? Is that what you are waiting for? Are you waiting for me to be happy so that you can feel good?

I recall sometime back I used the term psycho for BSs in the toolkit. Someone on here made a point to get me to change it to 'wounded animal'. I remember being irritated because they kept repeting it in posts and bolding it... like it was being tossed in my face repeatedly.

Why did you find it irritating?

I know she can not move away from my A until she is ready. I am ready. For me and me alone, I am ready. I am not THAT man anymore.

If you are ready, what is it that is stopping you? If you are not THAT man anymore, who are you? Who said you were that man today? It sounds like YOU say that. It sounds like as long as I am hurt, you will continue to feel like that man.

I do not think I should be lashed out at because I have a differing timeline on personal recovery.

How are you being lashed out for this?

I feel controlled.

To do what?

I can't do anything right.

What is "right". What is it exactly that you are trying to accomplish? I certainly never said you couldn't do anything right. It reads like you are trying to accomplish something and are frustrated that no matter what you do, you aren't achieving it. What are you trying to achieve?

And I am expected to swallow my feelings lest I make it about me.

Who expects that of you? I don't. If you are suggesting that I am expecting that, why would I plead to hear your feelings?

Now, I just can't do anything right and instead of being afraid, I am pissed.

What are you pissed about?

Committed (or anyone else who shares these opinions):

Yep, I've been watching all this play out and I've wondered when you were going to hit "pissed".

This reads as though Patriot's being fully "pissed" was expected. Why would you expect him to be so pissed?

A year is quite a long time to still be punishing someone for their affair...ESPECIALLY when the WS is remorseful and committed to their partner, and their actions have shown that.

What is it that you (or anyone) perceives as punishing behavior on my part...because I am still hurting?

A year IS a long time. A year is a long time to be hurting. A year is a long time to wait for the truth. A year is a long time to feel unsafe. A year is a long time to feel pressured and unaccepted for not healing on someone else's timeline.

Unfortunately some NEVER move away from it. Some people stay ensconced in their own personal ****** of victimhood. The people around them suffer right along with them, they make sure of it. Naturally I have no way of knowing if that is happening there...I just think you need to be made aware that it does exist.

You may not "know" that this is what is happening here, but it's being suggested as a possibility. I'll just head that off at the pass by saying...

Writing me off already?

You do have a way of knowing. You don't have to guess. I'll tell you what is happening here. I may not be able to speak for what is happening with Patriot, but I can speak for what is happening with me.

You are what you are.

This is what I am:

I am a woman who felt rejected at birth. I am a woman who felt rejected as a child, a teenager, and as an adult. I am a woman who has been betrayed - sometimes perceived betrayal, sometimes actual, undeniable betrayal. I am a woman who has always felt unaccepted for simply being who I am.

Each time any of these actions occured, I felt knocked down and I picked myself up, continuing to believe there was something better and I moved forward. After this last blow, I finally felt knocked OUT. I'm not finding it easy to pick myself up and continue believing in something better. I am working at it, but I'm definitely finding it more difficult.

I am what I am.

It took many blows to knock me out - a great many, actually. Patriot's was not the only one. His was just the last one - the one that happened to knock me out. Perhaps if any of the other blows hadn't occured, I'd have one more I could have taken - I don't know.

What I am is a woman who now, if it's going to be possible to pick myself up, will need to go back and heal from every single one of those hits. All of my pain is not about Patriot.

I need to heal.

I need to feel safe before I proceed with marital Recovery. I have stated that one of the things that would help me to feel safe is complete Radical Honesty. I am just now beginning to receive it.

I need time to achieve personal Recovery, because as I said, I have much, much more to recover from personally than this betrayal.

Some things that would help me to achieve personal Recovery are: patience, understanding, support, comfort, suggestions, and NO FURTHER DAMAGE. A safe environment in which to do this would also help me.

Being allowed to feel without being ridiculed would help me. Being allowed to have my own feelings about things without making Patriot feel like a failure because I am not happy would help me.

I could really use the help. I will continue to try on my own, but help would be very much appreciated.

That is who I am RIGHT NOW.

Anyone can choose to accept me for who I am right now, or they can write me off as unhelpable, or a hopeless cause, or someone who is "living in the past", or refusing to move forward, or any other judgments along those lines.

None of those things are going to change who I am right now.

I am what I am.

I'm working on being someone else, but this is who I am right now.

Patriot, if you are hanging around because you are waiting for me to be something or someone else so you can feel good about yourself, you are looking in the wrong place.

I can't give you that any more than you can hand over a box of "healing" to me. That is your own journey, not mine. We can make our personal journeys side by side or we can make them apart.

Mine may take longer than yours. I have waited a year for the beginning of openness from you. Can you wait for me? If that is something you can't do, I would like to know as soon as possible. I really have no desire to have further things to heal from, nor do I wish to be blind-sided if you decide one day that you can't accept me for who I am.
You 2 need to stop talking to each other on the board...this is not helpful.

Patriot ~ your wife is hitting bottom. As I have said to her in the past, I will say to you now. Her pain, her anger, her hurt, are really not about you. How about applying "Detachment with Love" to yourself and her?

As FF pointed out, Frozen is only just now getting answers that you resisted giving her...and later she avoided asking for...

In terms of marital recovery, the 'answers' have put her back at D Day.

This doesn't mean you can't recover. This means, I think, that it's likely you WILL recover.

She does not have a horrible husband, in fact I think she has the husband she needs.

Becareful though. I know you love Froz. It tears you up to see her pain, and as a ENTJ type of guy, you want to just charge in and set everything right for her.

You can't.

It's easy to attempt to make this about you, because if you can make it about you, you can control it and fix it.

You can't. And that you can't does not make you a failure or a horrible husband.

This is something she has to do for herself right now.

Detach with love - put your oxygen mask on, and care for your own spiritual and emotional health, so that you can be the husband she deserves, and the man you deserve to be.
Detach with love - put your oxygen mask on, and care for your own spiritual and emotional health, so that you can be the husband she deserves, and the man you deserve to be.
This is one of the wisest things I have ever read on this board. I hope you are listening, Pat. {{Pat/Froz}} Love you both.
This reads as though Patriot's being fully "pissed" was expected. Why would you expect him to be so pissed?

Because it *seems* that no matter what he does or doesn't do it doesn't sit well with you. The hooters incident for example. I think he used terribly good judgment on that one.

The last time that he went to lunch with coworkers it wasn't well received because there was *women* in that group. Women in the cars....women at the table possibly. There was going to be women at this lunch also. Not only would there be women coworkers, there was going to be women in scanty attire serving lunch...and let's be real, interacting in a manner to ensure some good tips too.

So, since a POJA wasn't meeting the timeline of needing to depart for this lunch, he opted out. That still wasn't suitable to you because you deemed it to be taking the decision away from you. terribly confusing would that be?? the risk of being judgmental, I state that you WOULD have been mad had he gone. There was only 2 options available to him and he was in a damned if he did and it appears damned if he didn't situation.

It is as if you were upset because he took something away for you to be upset about. I've done that before...and when it was pointed out I realized..OMG, that's EXACTLY what I was doing.

You wanna look for things to get mad about because it validates the anger and bitterness you continue to cling to. When he removed that by NOT going, you still got upset...and used the "took my decision-making power" away from me by NOT going.

In all honesty I would have been overjoyed that the man used his head, placed me first and foremost in his thoughts and actions...and he would have been reaping the reward of that. Did he get that?

As far as victimhood...we are only victims so long, and then we become volunteers.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/05/05 08:45 PM
Because it *seems* that no matter what he does or doesn't do it doesn't sit well with you.

A more accurate assessment would be to say that no matter what he does I am not happy.

That is because it isn't all about him. I have much more to heal from than just this. I've already acknowledged that.

And wow, did you make some serious judgments about me regarding the Hooters incident! You even went so far as to tell me how I would or wouldn't have felt. When did you become the expert on my emotions or my motives? You didn't even have the facts just made assumptions.

The truth of the situation was that there WAS time for a POJA. My concern about the situation had more to do with worrying about behaviors on Patriot's part that led him to have an A in the first place, and I felt fearful because of that.

I was upset because I perceived that he was conflict-avoiding by not discussing it in the first place. He had time...he just waited until the last minute. We were also really trying to practice the POJA concept at the time, and I viewed this as something that really wasn't a huge deal and would have been an issue that may have been good practice for us.

I was appreciative that he made the decision he did out of a desire to protect me, but my concern was that in making the decision without me, he may not have been protecting his OWN needs - another behavior that helped enable the A.

I don't need your permission or approval to feel the way I feel.

Judge away...
Posted By: AskMe Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 12:30 PM
Can I ask what the Hooters incident was about?

My wife and I actually had several counselling sessions dedicated to Hooters. In the end I realized Hooters was not the issue it was the point I was trying to get across.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 01:06 PM
Basically, as I said above...Patriot had an opportunity to go to lunch at Hooters with some fellow Army men to celebrate these two mens reenlistment.

He mentioned this to me a day or two ahead of time and said we could negotiate it.

At the time, we were really discussing and exploring POJA, but hadn't had a real opportunity to practice it.

Patriot is a self-admitted conflict avoider. He basically waited until it was almost time for everyone to leave for the lunch. I think he found himself at a loss for what would be the best decision to make at the last minute, so he did opt not to go. I think he was very frustrated with himself for not knowing what to do.

I use the words "I think" because I can't really speak for him and am trying to give you a full picture as best I can without the story being completely one-sided.

At the last minute, feeling pressured, he opted not to go.

I wasn't angry about the situation, but I was disappointed that an opportunity for us to practice our POJA skills had been lost. This scared me for two reasons:

1. I perceived that he did have time to POJA it. It appeared as though he avoided discussing the topic with me because he perceived it as a conflict.

2. I was concerned that "I won" in his mind. That would mean that he didn't get to do something he wanted to do, and may have been considering me without considering his own needs or what he wanted to do.

Before and during his A, he lied to me about what he wanted. He gave me everything I wanted, and just told me it was what he wanted to do. So he did what he wanted to do behind my back.

I care about what he wants. I wanted to negotiate so we could both win.

That he may have been exhibiting the very same behaviors that he practiced before and during the A made me feel fearful.

I hope that answers your question. Patriot is free to make any corrections to the story.

Hooters was not the issue to me, either.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 02:19 PM
Ok, I take it Hooters is a place that is somewhat off limits, but considering this was a special occasion it might have been acceptable for him to participate in having lunch with his friends.

And what I heard was there seemed to be reluctance to talk about this and that at the last moment Patriot decided not to go and you felt he didn't give you a chance to work out a POJA. That maybe he needed to have discussed this sooned, but waiting to the last minute didn't give you that option. Now you are concerned he feels you won the arguement and that he is just giving in, which is his past way of dealing with conflict.

Did I get that right?
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 02:22 PM
No corrections needed. Not that I noticed, anyway.

I am not pissed today. Saying that because I was feeling that way the other day. Pissed was a little strong, actually. I find myself in moments of frustration that I can't get out of. Fork in the road. Both options don't seem to work. That is frustrating. Thats how I feel sometimes.

Anyway, I have things I heed to pay attention to. As long as Slushy doesn't feel safe, there will be distance. I will talk more about this later, because work calls.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 02:38 PM
And what I heard was there seemed to be reluctance to talk about this and that at the last moment Patriot decided not to go and you felt he didn't give you a chance to work out a POJA. That maybe he needed to have discussed this sooned, but waiting to the last minute didn't give you that option. Now you are concerned he feels you won the arguement and that he is just giving in, which is his past way of dealing with conflict.

Did I get that right?

You got it pretty much right. The funny thing is, I never yelled at him or LB'd him after his decision. All I told him was that it would have been a good opportunity to practice our POJA skills, particularly since it wasn't a real serious issue for me.

After I said that, he was the one who viewed it as a big issue, in feeling like he failed me because he didn't do it "exactly" the way I would have wanted. Just my opinion, but I think his frustration was really more about himself and indecisiveness leading to feeling pressured at the last minute about what to decide and fearing that he would "fail me" somehow.

I really didn't mind if he went to Hooter's. I have never told him that it's a place that is off limits. It's not a strip club, it's a restaurant. Sure, the waitresses may be scantily clad, but I see women just as scantily clad at the grocery store these days!

I fear co-worker relationships more than waitresses. Unless, of course, he starts eating lunch at the same place every day. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

My concerns were more about the things you stated above. It felt like we were repeating the same patterns.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 03:02 PM
Indecisiveness, over analyzing and procratinating can be symptoms of an anxiety disorder. I just want to mention that because the description of the situation above sounds so similar to the ways in which I have handled conflict in the past. I found that I had OCD anxiety and it made me very indecisive and over analyze everything. I had a hard time trying to discuss anything with my wife for fear of her reaction and then I would start analyzing how she might respond in my mind. I would build thinks up some much in my mind that I was overwhelmed before I even talked to her. Now that I'm on medication for the OCD that doesn't happen and I seem to be able to discuss things more openly. It may not even relate to Patriot, but I thought I would at least mention it.

And Froz I see where you are coming from, you want to make sure there is openness. After all, intimacy is being able to be open and honest yet feeling safe and secure in marriage. And if that openess is closing down, there is a fear that somewhere he will need to be open elsewhere with someone.

And for Patriot if he is reluctant about openning up, then continue to foster the communication. It will take the both of you working together.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 03:15 PM
That's some very good feedback Askme. Thank you.

I never considered Patriot having OCD. I'm also not Patriot, so I can't speak for him, but I do live with the man and this:

I had a hard time trying to discuss anything with my wife for fear of her reaction and then I would start analyzing how she might respond in my mind. I would build thinks up some much in my mind that I was overwhelmed before I even talked to her.

Sounds so on target he could have written it himself!

I do want the openness from him. Honesty and openness is my #1 EN, with conversation as #2, which may explain some things.

And if that openess is closing down, there is a fear that somewhere he will need to be open elsewhere with someone.

Terror is more like it, since this is exactly what happened before. Also, I do want to meet his needs and the things he wants are important to me. I can't accomplish that if he isn't honest or open about what those things are. If what I wanted was to simply control him and have everything my way, why would I be concerned at all with what he wants?

I will admit that I haven't always made it easier for him to do that, particularly during Recovery - allowing emotions, particularly anger and fear to motivate me.

But sometimes, he will be reluctant to be open with me if he thinks I will even have the slightest negative feeling about it. He has said that sometimes it's not the way I will react that he is avoiding as much as it is just the confrontation of the conversation itself.

I don't know how to help with that one, other than just to continue trying not to LB him when he is honest or open. I can't avoid having any emotion about it at all, though.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 03:58 PM
Froz I'm going to guess that you have the more outward personallity and that Patriot probably tends to be a bit more reserved than yourself. You can tell if I guessed right.

Terror is a strong emotion. You follow it by saying you want to meet his needs. I think you are frustrated. You feel overwhelmed with this feeling of terror, you want to do something to control the terror, not control Patriot, but the emotion, and so you are willing to take a positive action, but you can't because you feel Patriot isn't opening up to you. Which of course if the frustration comes out doesn't help Patriot to open up. You are trying to do the right things, you just can't......

I had to come back and change the way I ended my last sentence....when I said you just can't....I mean YOU just can' takes two. But you two have come a long way in communication. Stay with it, the more you do, the more you learn.

Two hurdles to overcome, Patriot needs to open up and learn to expose his feelings more, and if he is having to learn to expose, Froz you need to learn to help him foster his emotions.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 04:13 PM
Later on, when I have Harley's book with me ... I will plagiarize his grocery store POJA test run he recommends.

I think Pat would like to continue to sacrifice for Froz instead of POJA .... and that is a problem that can be easily fixed WITH the genius Harley grocery store POJA practice ! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Have you noticed how far Froz and Pat have come ???

Good work guys!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 05:07 PM
Froz I'm going to guess that you have the more outward personallity and that Patriot probably tends to be a bit more reserved than yourself. You can tell if I guessed right.

You didn't guess right...sorry.

I couldn't be more introverted. I'm the quiet, soft-spoken, bookwormy type, who feels out of place in crowds and I get very nervous meeting new people.

Patriot is the outgoing one. He is confident in social situations. He is a natural leader and a "take charge" kind of guy. He is funny, witty and everyone always likes him and feels comfortable around him almost immediately. I think his secret dream is to be a stand-up comic. He LOVES to be the center of attention, captivating everyone with his wit, humor and charm. I have to admit he is almost always successful at it, probably because he really is witty, funny, and charming.

As far as the usage of the word "terror", that comes from my childhood and many, many instances of feeling betrayed or abandoned.

You feel overwhelmed with this feeling of terror, you want to do something to control the terror, not control Patriot, but the emotion, and so you are willing to take a positive action, but you can't because you feel Patriot isn't opening up to you. Which of course if the frustration comes out doesn't help Patriot to open up. You are trying to do the right things

Terror is overwhelming. That is exactly how I feel - terrified. I do try to control it. But, don't be fooled just because I am speaking in a manner that sounds positive today. I have not always been willing to take a positive action. In fact, most often I take negative actions. It's not about Patriot, but again about my childhood. I test his commitment over and over again and use the outcome to validate my feelings of worthlessness and of feeling unlovable. Patriot is the one who has earned the right to feel frustrated - not me.

Pep -

The grocery store POJA sounds like a much better practice scenario than Hooters!

But, I fear that Patriot might feel a little outmatched in the grocery store. I am the master grocery store shopper. I'm completely organized with a prepared list on my Pocket PC, with check marks by the items I have coupons for. I go every week and have a whole system.

When he goes with me, I remind him of the grocery store motto in the parking lot and have him repeat it back to me..."In and out - nobody gets hurt".

I hate grocery shopping and I want to get the heck out of there as quickly as possible.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 05:14 PM
no ... it's a practice run ... no actual buying takes place ... you'll see....

have fun with it !

the objective is not to buy food, the objective is to practice POJA in a non-threatening environment (unlike the Hooters LOL)
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 05:17 PM
Well, I am the more outgoing one, but sheesh, slushinator... you didn't have to go making it sound like I would put some high-powered CEO out of a job.

Something I wish I had when I was growing up. A more open talking relationship with my parents. I think those skills being built then would help me now in being able to talk about my feelings. I was an introvert at home, because home was a percieved warzone. Not safe for the patriot.

I feel that I have so much on my plate that it is impossible to do anything.

I really need to look into the OCD thing mentioned earlier... although at a first pass, I think I obsess over things in a 'disorder' like fashion, but I don't wash my hands 400 times a day.. hmmm....
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 05:28 PM
Something I wish I had when I was growing up. A more open talking relationship with my parents. I think those skills being built then would help me now in being able to talk about my feelings.

You didn't have an environment safe enough to develop those skills. I think you learned the CA thing because, at the time, you NEEDED it. It protected you then. Now you are an adult, and it harms you.

I feel that I have so much on my plate that it is impossible to do anything.

What's on your plate?

I really need to look into the OCD thing mentioned earlier... although at a first pass, I think I obsess over things in a 'disorder' like fashion, but I don't wash my hands 400 times a day.. hmmm....

Did you relate to Askme's statement the way I thought you would?

Well, I am the more outgoing one, but sheesh, slushinator... you didn't have to go making it sound like I would put some high-powered CEO out of a job.

Slushinator? You are silly (and 7 days).

I didn't say anything that wasn't true, and you know it. It's okay to admit the things you are good at.

I admitted I was a master grocery shopper!
Posted By: AskMe Re: Patriot & Frozen...A Recovery Journal - 11/07/05 06:06 PM
Patriot you don't have to wash your hands 400 times to have OCD, you can have the obcessive part of OCD without the compulsive part.

Here are some of the things I did:

I would go shopping for something important I would obcess over it by comparing cost, features, etc. I might go in 3 or 4 stores, look at it for days before I would finally purchase the item. My wife on the other hand would walk in, take a look and say that's what I want and walk out with it.

I would tend to get locked up one thought, especially when I got into an arguement and just hang onto that thought.

I didn't like change in midstream. If my wife called with plans for the evening and I got home and she had changed plans it would upset me. I was obcessed that it wasn't what we agreed to.

I would get locked into passed events and couldn't let them go until they were resolved.

All of those are in some way tied into OCD. As my anxiety went up more things would come out. I would start cleaning house. I would find myself starting to buy more things and saving them just in case I needed them. At extreme levels of anxiety my sexual addiction triggered and I felt compelled to act out.

If you want to take a test you can go to and find out if any of the categories apply to you.
Most high-powered CEOs are often ENTJs.
Posted By: Pepperband don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 04:37 AM
Go to a grocery store together

for about 15 minutes select items for you cart together (the object is to fill the cart in 15 minutes)

only items that you are both enthusiastic about buying get to go into the cart

this is "pretend" buying and is only for the purpose of practice POJA ~~ buy your actual groceries your usual way another time~~

Harley recommends this exercise so you can practice making decisions without serious consequences

if either of you wants to place an item in the cart that the other is not enthusiastic about ...negotiate with your partner to try to create enthusiasm

not allowed:


be sure to remain cheerful as you discuss each item

you may find that a test of an item's value to the reluctant partner will often have favorable results ... as in : "try it, you'll like it"

but if the trial offer fails to convince, accept defeat graciously

avoid making bargains that lets you have one item that your partner doesn't like in exchange for your partner having an item you don't like

make sure that each item is chosen with enthusiastic agreement, or it dosen't end up in the cart

~~~ this is not the day you actually do your grocery shipping ~~~~

if you fail to fill the cart in 15 minutes ... put everything back and try again another day

the eventual filling of the cart symbolizes the compatable lifestyle that you will build together by following the rules of POJA

this may take several visits to complete the task in the 15 minutes allowed ... but you will have already learned some of the items you are both enthusiastic about from your first test run ... and you build from there with each POJA effort
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 02:27 PM
I don't understand this exercise.

It would seem to me that you would need to negotiate for something that you either wanted or didn't want.

I really don't care what he buys from the grocery store. I don't think he really cares what I want from the store, either.

It sounds like we would both be walking up and down the aisles, saying...

Froz: I want this item
Patriot: Okay
Patriot: I think I want this item
Froz: Okay

Am I supposed to make up some reason why I don't want to get a particular item?

Sorry I'm so dense, but I'm just not getting it.
Posted By: jlseagull Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 02:40 PM
You are not dense, froz. I thought the exact same thing when I read it. I would have to pretend like I care, cause it really wouldn't matter to me. And I know H wouldn't care...he won't even tell me the big stuff he cares about, I know that even if he cared about groceries, he wouldn't say.
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 03:43 PM
$100 bottle of Dom Perignon...
$240 2oz Beluga caviar
$95 roll of filet mignon
$78 7oz black summer truffles

hmmmmm, wonder if that is what I'm negotiating over?
Posted By: patriot92 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 03:45 PM
how about the idea that one brand tastes better than the other? maybe one is more expensive. those are things that can be negotiated.

I have a problem. It is embarrassing and I can't believe I am going to say this. This morning, I was trying to have sex with my wife. After a few minutes, I ask what is wrong, because she is not being herself. She says, "I thought this is the way you like it" meaning the way OW did it. Then she repeats a line that I told her OW would use.

I told her this information because she asked. How we did things, what was said and so on. The truth I had been half-hiding because it was not safe and I did not trust her to be able to handle the evils I was a part of.

I have no idea how to be supportive right now. I was stunned this morning. I did not know what to do. What do you do? It is a fact that I am a FWS. Can't change that. I understand that she is hurt from this. Hurt to hear the things that were done. Things that were said. It was a filthy A, period.

How do I support her? How do I provide safety for her when I am so shocked by the remarks and the usage of information in such a fashion? Like she was 'trying' to be OW because that is what I want.

It is not what I want. Not now. Not ever. I do not want OW. I don't even want to see her across a crowded parking lot. I certainly don't want my wife trying to 'act' like her.

I want to say I am not trying to get my wife in trouble around her. I want to know what to do to support her. How do I approach this? What can I say? What can I do? I was totally not prepared for this, so please help me do the right things.

Posted By: Pepperband Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 03:56 PM
I give up <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 03:58 PM
I read the above and I was thinking, here is wife who listened to what she thought a husband wanted and was trying to please him.

Then I heard a husband who is reminded of the past and is repulsed by the reminder of his actions.

A thoughtful wife, reminders of the past......

Patriot this is something you take time later and talk with froz about. And it kindly with her. In her attempt, she was trying to be what she thought you wanted. Her mistake and YOUR mistake is there needs to be more discussion on what you do want. Man a wife that wants to do that for her husband, if you could open up and talk and she would listen.......just imagine.
Posted By: committedandlovi Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 04:00 PM
Reminds me of what my Grandfather used to say...

There is none so blind as those that refuse to see.


P.S. Pep, just wanted to tell you that your "vessel" analogy a few months back lead me to places that I never thought of before. Thank you for it.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 04:01 PM
I give up <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />

why? I need help and ideas. She is just human and very hurt. She feels rejected all the time. She is just human.

I don't even know how to interpret your remark. Are you serious? Like this is some failing of hers? She is hurt after a LONG line of hurt in life.

does this chaos ever stop??
Posted By: committedandlovi Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 04:05 PM
I read the above and I was thinking, here is wife who listened to what she thought a husband wanted and was trying to please him.

Oh my...and here I was thinking that it was a way of zinging him. Seems that his fears of telling all were founded.

Just goes to show how people see things differently.

Posted By: Pepperband Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 04:07 PM
I give up <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />

My ideas are too small <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: faithful follower Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 04:07 PM
Pat, it is not unusal for the BS to try to "replace" the OP because they think that is what the WS wanted. You really do need to have a gentle, open conversation with Froz about what your wants and needs are as well as how evil and vile you view your R with the XOW. Please be sure to reassure her that how you two make love is pleasing to you.

Posted By: jlseagull Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 04:19 PM
I thought that Pep was talking about the grocery thing when she said that she gives up!

I wasn't sure whether froz was being sarcastic or not. That was hard to tell from what Pat said. I agree with Askme though, if she was trying to please, well Pat, Open up and froz, Listen!! It sounds simple, although I know it's not. You guys could have it so good.

$100 bottle of Dom Perignon...
$240 2oz Beluga caviar
$95 roll of filet mignon
$78 7oz black summer truffles

Ask, You must not shop anywhere near the same places I shop! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 04:44 PM
You know, its the messages you are playing your heads. Froz is dealing with fear..terror, and so her terror is because she isn't sure Patriot is opening up to her, she takes what he has said about the OW and applies it to her life trying to please him. So the message in her head was if he enjoyed it with the OW, he will enjoy with me.

Patriot was playing the message, I told Froz my intimate feelings about the OW they are now reminders of my affair and she used them, how dare her.

Actually the inbetween communication should have been, Patriot was that something you were looking for from me? And that would be a difficult question to answer, and a difficult one to hear.....but what an intimacy builder! Learning to be that open and honest would move you two so close and it's apparent that is possible.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 05:20 PM
Froz ~ it is what is the differences in you, what is uniquely YOU is what Patriot loves.

If I were to start acting like my husband's OW - he'd drop me like a hot potato.

(((hugs))) That was an unloving gesture to you, hun, don't ever do that to you again!!

Pat ~ it really helped me alot ~ when my husband told me that what he missed and loved about me was that I was real and totally different than OW. The OW in our case, had probably about 10 grand of plastic surgery done while she was trying to hang on to my husband. I remember him wrapping his arms around me early on and telling me just how sexy that 'real' was - sagging body and all. It truely helped me get over some of my fear of not being 'enough'.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 05:23 PM
And Froz hun, don't tell me for even a second you and Pat would get nothing over POJA in a grocery store.

You have stated several times how well you shop, how organized, and how you know EXACTLY how to do it.

You mean to tell me you have zero emotional attachment to grocery items picked your way?

Turn over grocery shopping to Pat for a month and then tell me how you have no problem with his shoppin! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: patriot92 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 05:39 PM
She is more than enough. My wife has a great body. She has a great personality. She is funny and sarcastic. She has depth and honesty. She has every GOOD quality a man could want.

I didn't see it before because I had problems of my own. Hurt in relationships. I don't trust people to be able to deal with the truth. I have made a huge mistake.

We watched Titanic last night. How ******* fitting is that. I am not giving up, but I have never dealt with something so difficult in my life.

sometimes the world feels like it is closing in on me.

I can't get away from work and she is sitting at home. alone. with all this pain. I worry all the time.

wtf happened to me?
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 05:52 PM
Hurt in relationships. I don't trust people to be able to deal with the truth.

This is big issue we deal with in our sexual addiction group. Most of the time the lack of trust is due to imagined issues in the mind. One dog takes a bite at you as a child and for the rest of your life you don't trust dogs. A single issue can build up imagines issues in the mind that lead to mistrust. Take for instance the issue this morning. I think it was a genuine attempt to be loving, misguided, but genuine. But in your mind Patriot I'm sure your mind went to mistrust that your confidence was betrayed. You need to stop and examine the messages you are playing in head....most of them are built off of past experiences which create a false reality in your mind. Stop and ask what is really going on. Is a wife making love to you trying to hurt you? Wouldn't you think that would be degrading to her to do so? If you stop and examine the reality for a moment you realize the message in your mind doesn't match the truth of the moment.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 06:04 PM
I do not think she did it out of a desire to please me. Misguided or not, I have made no secret that I do not want to be with OW and that merely seeing her across the mall or something is unwanted. I never want to see her again. I certainly don't want anything that is like her.
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 06:39 PM
Did you discuss it with Froz? Maybe in her mind she was trying to please and in your mind she wasn't. Two people coming from two different emotional realities.

Talk with her lovingly and patiently and you might be surprised.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 06:42 PM
I must admit it is a bit of a shock to read about a sexual encounter between myself and my husband in a public forum.

Does everyone wish to know what position we were in, too?

committed -

I don't know what the source is of your obvious dislike, disdain, or disapproval of me, nor do I care.

If you have something helpful to say - say it. However, if your intent is to continue to hop on here and take stabs at me, or criticize me...let me assure you I've got it covered. I can do that all by myself. No assistance is needed from you, where that is concerned. It's taken care of.

Pep -

Your ideas aren't too small. My problems are just too large.

JL -

They don't carry that stuff where I shop, either.

BR -

If I were to start acting like my husband's OW - he'd drop me like a hot potato.

Did he ever try to 'coach' you to do something OW did, and lie to you when you asked if he was requesting it because it was something she did?

I find that to be a confusing mixed message. He doesn't want me to act like her as long I am aware I am doing it. If I don't know - that's acceptable.

And Froz hun, don't tell me for even a second you and Pat would get nothing over POJA in a grocery store.

I didn't say that. I was just trying to understand the exercise.

You mean to tell me you have zero emotional attachment to grocery items picked your way?

I have zero attachment to grocery items, nor how they are picked.

I do it the way I do it in order to be efficient. If he wants to do it, he can do it any way he cares to.

I don't care about groceries. I don't care about what we have for dinner. I don't care about his running shoes. I don't care whether Patriot has a better job or a better education - his job status and current education level are fine with me. I don't care what we do next week, much less next year. I don't care if we have a secure financial future.

I care about right this minute.

I care about survival and safety.

I should not have let him hope I could do more than I could. I have too many issues to even function in a relationship. My feeble attempts to do so are only making things worse.

I care that he feels this way:

sometimes the world feels like it is closing in on me.

AskMe -

Patriot's right. It was not done out of a desire to please him. It was done because I wanted to distance myself from him because I felt rejected. So, I guess committedandlovingit was right - I don't deserve honesty.
Posted By: committedandlovi Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 06:57 PM
I must admit it is a bit of a shock to read about a sexual encounter between myself and my husband in a public forum.

Does everyone wish to know what position we were in, too?

It is not like we were peeking in your window...patriot opened the door and people are just responding to him. I don't see where anyone is asking anything as intrusive as that.

I have no disdain, dislike, nor disapproval of you. I must admit that I have a intolerance for people who *seemingly* refuse to see what is blatantly placed in front of them. It seems that you continuously want to blame it on being a slow learner and when someone points you in the right direction you want to look around the very thing they are pointing at.

So, it would be best if I just simply remove myself from your postings and stumblings about. My words serve no purpose other than to distract your from your task at hand, which is to stop what you are doing because it is not working.


Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 07:03 PM
Froz, all I see is the words of someone hurting.....what you deserve and what you received are two different things. You didn't deserve the pain you feel.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 07:08 PM
It is not like we were peeking in your window...patriot opened the door and people are just responding to him. I don't see where anyone is asking anything as intrusive as that.

I wasn't aware the door or the window were open, so forgive me if I feel a bit shocked.

As for what anyone is was sarcasm. You're familiar with it.

I have no disdain, dislike, nor disapproval of you. I must admit that I have a intolerance for people who *seemingly* refuse to see what is blatantly placed in front of them.

Okay, so we'll call it intolerance if that is your wish.

Either way, you obviously do not understand me or you wouldn't have such an intolerance for me.

What you see at blatantly refusing is not the case at all. You simply don't understand, perhaps because you are blatantly refusing to listen.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:00 PM
AskMe -

This is what happened.

Yesterday Patriot said that he couldn't wait to get home from work and talk to me.

As soon as he got home, we went to the store. He was looking at men's stuff. I didn't want to look at men's stuff, so I went to look at women's stuff. If Patriot wanted me to stay by his side, he would have asked - since we are radically honest and open now.

I am fine with looking at women's stuff. Patriot comes to find me and he has a pair of running shoes that he wants to purchase. I asked him what was wrong with the running shoes he has (they are fairly new). He immediately sets the shoes down and doesn't want to purchase them any more.

So, I have to allow him to feel safe to communicate, right? I tell him that I have no problem at all with his purchasing the shoes. I asked him for the exact information I wanted to know, which was why he didn't like the shoes he had.

He said they weren't completely comfortable. That was all I wanted to know. He was indecisive about the shoes after that. I told him it was simple...I didn't have a problem with his purchase. If he wanted the shoes and he didn't have a problem with purchasing them, then he should feel free to get them.

I said all of this in a soft voice, in a "hey, let's just work on our communication skills here" kind of way.

In the car, we explored it. I told him that I didn't like that he assumed that I asked my question because I did not approve of his purchase. I have NEVER, NOT ONE TIME shown any disapproval over anything he wanted to spend money on. All he has to do is want it and that's reason enough for me, so it's not as if I've trained him to respond this way.

I asked the question because I truly wanted to know what was wrong with his current running shoes.

I don't understand why he put the shoes back. I don't understand why, if he was thinking I was concerned about the cost, he didn't just ask me if I was concerned with know, negotiate, both being honest about what we want. Instead, he continues to sacrifice, which isn't honesty and openness and prevents me from meeting his needs.

He also told me in the car that he was worried, when I walked off to look at women's stuff, that I would think that he didn't want to spend time with me.

I don't understand this either. I was the one who walked away. If he was worried about what I was thinking, why couldn't he just ask me?

I told him that I was fine with looking at different things or I wouldn't have walked away. I asked him if he was fine with me walking away. He said that he wasn't. He would have liked for me to stay and look with him.

So, now he has not only decided he would react based on what he thought I might be thinking instead of asking me, he also didn't ask me for something he wanted.

We still weren't fighting. It wasn't a heated discussion.

But then we arrived home, and it was no longer discussed. I watched a movie and he sat next to me for awhile...not discussing - avoiding.

He had also mentioned in the car that he had some homework he wanted to get done when we got home.

I didn't know he had homework he wanted to get done. I was still thinking he was dying to get home from work to talk to me, yet here he is...not talking to me.

I felt rejected, unsafe, distant, and like I never really know exactly what it is I'm dealing with, askew, ungrounded, distrustful and I went to sleep.

This morning, immediately upon awakening, he wants to have sex. I guess we are ignoring everything that happened the night before. I feel used - like maybe I am good enough to have sex with, but not good enough to be honest and open with, and not good enough to provide the safety of knowing what is really there, not good enough to be really intimate with.

I'm also thinking if he will do this about running shoes, he'll definitely do it about something more significant. I was uncomfortable.

So I made him uncomfortable.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:13 PM
I told you thaat I was bothered about spending the money. I was obsessing over it. I told you that.

Avoiding? You didn't say anything either. I just wanted to look something up for a minute on the homework.

sorry. I guess I shouldn't be talking to you on a forum.
Posted By: jlseagull Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:18 PM
Okay, Everybody take what I say with a grain of salt, or even the whole shaker...

I see Pat and froz both trying. I see words they say taken in the wrong context when those words are typed (we all do that or have that done to us sometimes). It has seemed to me that a lot of poeple are pretty hard on froz, when if Pat wasn't here, at MB, we might see things totally different. Maybe froz needs a good (or bad) kick in the butt sometimes, but it seems as if everyone really thinks that froz is the one holding back recovery...Maybe somewhat this is true, but we only see what we are shown here. Maybe froz needs not to be rushed. And not just because of her painful past, although maybe she needs some "extra" time. But I don't like the fact that froz is called out "because"of her past. (That is a personal trigger for me and I feel I should jump to my "sister's" defense. Probably my bad. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />)

I cannot remember how long these guys have been in recovery but maybe everybody is rushing froz. So she made a sarcastic remark because she felt a trigger, I don't see that as being the big deal that Pat is making it. Of course I wasn't sure how to read it either at first and I asked if it was sarcasm. Other than posting about it here before you asked her, how did you handle it Pat?

froz has been hurt beyond your (and her) wildest nightmares, Pat. And while I know that you acknowledge this, these triggers are going to happen.

And even though you make it no secret that you do not want the OW or to be anywhere near her, Pat, at one time you did choose her above froz, at least that is the way froz sees and feels it. And I heard Dr. Harley say yesterday on his radio program that , if she feels it that strongly, that makes it real enough.

Did he ever try to 'coach' you to do something OW did, and lie to you when you asked if he was requesting it because it was something she did?

Did he really do this, froz? I can see why you would be hurt and angry.

You know, I really like Pat, and maybe I just tend to side with froz cause I am a woman, or cause Pat reminds me a little of my CA H (but you seem much better,Pat, of course you're not my H)...I just always have seen MB as a great concept, but I can't imagine a life where no spouse ever made any LBs or AO..or used sarcasm (my personal favorite). Which reminds me, froz, no I don't want to know your postion, unless it's something I can learn from <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />!! I laughed when I read that remark,sarcasm or not - funny. And a perfectly normal response (to me) for someone surprised when reading about their own sexual encounter. But no worries, it doesn't shock, offend, or sting my delicate senses to read about that stuff. I find it great when people can be open about it.

And Pep is right (of course), Call the Harleys. Have you tried them or is it too expensive? I forget, are you guys in MC, or both in IC or anything?


I know that some might take offense at my post, even if I ask them ot not do so. So sorry if I offended anyone, I wasn't attacking anyone, just my $0.02 (maybe it's not worth all that even).
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:21 PM
Patriot believe it or not I have been on that same shopping trip, picked up that same pair of shoes, heard that same comment about why do I need the shoes, and put the shoes back up. All because I was obcessing over money and I don't even control the money in the house. I hand mine all over to the wife and she worries about it. In my mind I perceived something that wasn't there. It it possible in your worry about money it Froz's comment triggered something else emotionally in your mind? I know it did for me when my wife asked me the question.
Posted By: jlseagull Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:25 PM
Sorry, I type slow, and try to weigh my words, so that response did not in any way pertain to the "running shoes" incident.

So, Pat, did you ever talk to froz about whatever it was that you couldn't wait to get home for?
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:28 PM
Froz, when you are hurting, it doesn't help to hurt the other person back, it just causes more pain. It reinfects the wound and keeps it from healing.

I wish both of you could just sit back and know that each is feeling a different pain. You both need comforting, but you are having a hard time comforting each other because you both are in pain. Can you think about taking a time out from life for a while and just comfort each other for a while. Just understand that each other is hurting differently, accept it, and let each other hurt and comfort the other. Just hug and cry on each other a while.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:33 PM
I couldn't wait to get home to be with her. Yesterdays discussions were happy-sounding and nice. She sounded positive. If she states that she was not any of these things yesterday, she acted like it and that is what I thought I was dealing with. As it got closer to the time when I was coming home, she started to worry about what I was doing and get anxious. This is a common occurance now. Happy when I am away. Not when I am home becuase I am in her face now.

Anyway, by the time I got home, the distance was obvious. We went to the clothing store and little by little my confidence was chipped away that we would have a decent evening. And then I didn't know what to do.

I love her so much and I can't get her to feel it.

this is killing me.

by hiding the truth, I enabled myself to do very evil things. Now that they are out, she can't deal with it. What I mean by that is because I 'knew' no one would know, I did very evil things. Horrible. Now that I have to be honest about these things, the utter shock at what I was capable of is a nightmare.

i hurt so badly. i feel sick.
Posted By: jlseagull Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:34 PM
well, we did that over a 4wheeler. He said that he wanted a 4wheeler but they were very expensive. I asked if we could find a used one, NOT because I was worried about money because he was. And he got angry and said he just wouldn't get one then, Eventually we one..and I dont' resent it at all. As a matter of fact, I use it more often (for farm work).
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:45 PM
by hiding the truth, I enabled myself to do very evil things. Now that they are out, she can't deal with it. What I mean by that is because I 'knew' no one would know, I did very evil things. Horrible. Now that I have to be honest about these things, the utter shock at what I was capable of is a nightmare.
What any of us do in out sinful state shocks anyone. Pat are you trying to deal with Froz's stuff? Let her stuff go. You said she can't deal with it, don't worry if she can or can't deal with it. Stop worrying about your evil and what you did. Hey, you want to match evil.....I bet you can't match mine. I think you would be a powdered donut to me. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

Seriously, focus on the healing for you. Let Froz focus on her healing and each of you let go of the other. You are killing the other trying to figure out what is going on in each other's brain.

P.S. I care about you all. Even though I don't know you, I can feel your pain in your words.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 08:54 PM
I told you thaat I was bothered about spending the money. I was obsessing over it. I told you that.

You also told me that you were worried about what I was thinking, and that you were worried I was feeling rejected because we were shopping separately, and that you would have rather me shopped with you.

If I wouldn't have pried, I would know none of those things right now. What else is there that I forgot to pry about?

I didn't discuss it with you after we got home. I get tired of prying it out of you. I would really rather just be able to relax and know that you will provide it, even if I don't think to ask. It's very stressful, running around trying to figure out what's really going on all the time. My energies would probably be better spent on healing. I am too busy trying to protect myself from further damage.

Why does it feel like you hide from me? It feels like rejection and it hurts - a bunch. It feels like your protection is more important. If it is a matter of protecting you first, leaving me completely unprotected, on the off-chance that maybe it will be safe for me in the end - I won't do it. I'm way too scared.

sorry. I guess I shouldn't be talking to you on a forum.

That's okay. It's better than not talking at all. Besides, you already told them about our sex life. What do we have left to hide? Maybe we should tell them which position. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 09:02 PM
Maybe we should tell them which position.

Hey sex addicts like me always want to know that kind of stuff!!! Just kidding....I try to avoid that stuff these days. It gets my mind going places it shouldn't.

You know one thing about writing out thoughts is sometimes you find out more than you do by talking. Have you thought about leaving notes to each other?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 09:53 PM
As it got closer to the time when I was coming home, she started to worry about what I was doing and get anxious. This is a common occurance now. Happy when I am away. Not when I am home becuase I am in her face now.

That is not true. I told you I felt scared and insecure and I THEN wanted to know where you were - not the other way around. I also told you that I didn't know why I was feeling that way, but it wasn't about anything you did or didn't do. You asked me if it was because I was anxious about you coming home. I said no. That was the truth.

Anyway, by the time I got home, the distance was obvious. We went to the clothing store and little by little my confidence was chipped away that we would have a decent evening. And then I didn't know what to do.

I wasn't distant. I felt scared and insecure and I asked you for exactly what I needed, remember? I told you that I needed your help to distract me from it. I reassured you again that it wasn't your fault.

Froz, when you are hurting, it doesn't help to hurt the other person back, it just causes more pain. It reinfects the wound and keeps it from healing.

I was wrong.

Sometimes it does feel like it helps. If I reject him, then he can't reject me.

JL -

Did he really do this, froz? I can see why you would be hurt and angry.

Yes, he really did that. It did hurt. It hurt worse that he tricked me into doing it by telling me that it wasn't because she did it that way.

I have felt tricked on other occassions, when I asked him if I could feel "safe" to do something sexually (something he didn't share with her) and he told me it was safe - only to find out months later that he lied.

It's been a year. This Saturday is D-Day anniversary day.
I just last week got a details discussion out of him. It was pretty brief.

I have gotten so many different stories and contradictions that I don't know what is real. So yes, I am scared.

I know that I make mistakes. I don't expect him to be perfect. I know I have done things to slow Recovery for us - things like blaming him for the way I feel, blaming him for all of my past hurt. I initially did think that all of my hurt was about him. I see that it isn't now.

I know that I have lashed out at him before.

Yeah, I think sometimes people here get frustrated with me. Maybe they have the impression that I am over here bashing him all the time, thwarting all his hard efforts, while poor Patriot is left quivering in the corner.

I can assure you that's not true. I will admit to doing more than my fair share of LB's, but most of the time I am kind, affectionate, and loving towards him.

Maybe they get frustrated because they see how many other WS's are still engaging in their A's, or refusing to take responsibility or other things like that, and they hear Patriot and how hard he is trying (and I'm not denying that he is trying - I know he is), and I end up sounding ungrateful. I am grateful. There is one thing he hasn't waffled on, and that is his commitment. I'm very grateful for that, and also for the efforts he makes.

I am much more verbal than Patriot is. I post more often and am very open about how I feel. There are a lot of times that his words don't match his actions. People hear his words, but they don't see his actions. They see me get on here and post about his actions after the fact, and maybe that lends to the situation looking like I am bashing him all the time.

Or maybe I am just a mean, stubborn, destructive person.

Either way, I very much appreciate your understanding. I hate feeling misunderstood. Thanks for that.
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/08/05 10:25 PM
It's been 2 1/2 years for me and my wife occasionally goes into a panic when she hasn't heard from me. I might just be in a prolonged series of meetings at work, but to her it's a possibility I have escaped from work to possibly fall back into my old habits. For her it's a moment of real terror until she sees the callerid from work and then she knows where I am. For the BS the terror lasts, and it's real and hard to overcome at times. And I have learned patience, and understanding and to say I'm sorry, I should have called to let you know where I was. And they she settles down and says it's ok, she was just wound up not knowing where I was.

Occasionally I respond back the wrong way. Like this past week, it's been difficult for me. My college age daughter had to be put into the hospital for a psychotic breakdown. Mainly it was due to her ADD medication and pot she smoked trying to medicate emotions. She was molested as a child by my father-in-law. And even though my daughter has been through years of counseling she is still in pain over what happened. How do you reconcile a loving grandfather with years of molestation? She never has been able to.

And so during this breakdown, my wife and I took two paths emotionally. My wife took a path trying to protect her emotions due to my affairs and the hurt she has felt from her father for what he did to our daughter and our daughters continued desire to make wrong choices. For me I was emotionally trying to protect our daughter and I was striking out in anger once again at my father-in-law, but using the wife as the person to sound my anger at. I had to finally say, we have the same problem, our daughter who is hurting, but we are facing the pain totally different. We had to recognize that each of us felt different about the pain and how we were handling it. We had to learn to comfort the other even though neither of us could accept the others pain. We had to agree to disagree, but agree that our daughter's care came first.

There are many mistakes to be made along the way in recovery. But you don't want to keep hurting the other. I realized I hurt my wife when I lashed out at her and I had to stop and apologize. I knew immediately what I had done and why I did it. I let my fear take over and I wanted control back and it was the best way I could interrupt the moment. It was definitely a LB.

And I'm confused between Froz and Pat, Pat is suppose to be the extrovert and Froz the introvert, but you two seem to play the reversed roles when you are writing. Wait....I'm an introvert too...anybody guess that? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 12:43 AM

I have a lot to say about your last post.

First, I am an introvert. Patriot is an extrovert. It is easier for me, probably because I am female, to express my emotions than it is for Patriot to do so. I am more emotional and it is often easier for me to identify my emotions than it is for him.

It also much easier for me to be a little more extroverted when I am writing. I am much more comfortable expressing myself to people in that manner than in person.

If we all actually met in a real room, instead of a virtual one...I would respond by being quiet and only speaking when spoken to until I felt comfortable, if I ever did at all. I would then only do so in small groups of people. I would also be incredibly nervous. Whatever your mental picture is of me, I would be rather surprised if it were accurate.

Patriot, on the other hand, would respond by walking confidently into the room, approaching all of you and making jokes. He probably wouldn't be nervous at all. I was not exaggerating about his wit, humor, and intelligence, nor about his natural way of putting people at ease.

You'd probably be very surprised to see us interact in real life - with each other and with other people.

As far as accountability on Patriot's part goes...initially in Recovery this was not an easy habit for him to adjust to. He has made the adjustment to my satisfaction. There are times when he happens to be unavailable, but I don't expect him to be perfect and I am not angry anymore when he isn't perfect at it.

Yesterday, I was not worried about his being accountable. I was just feeling anxious and scared - all on my own - having nothing to do with him. I wanted to talk to him because I was having a moment and I find his voice to be reassuring. He was reachable. He was accountable.

He does an excellent job at being accountable now and I am completely satisfied, more than satisfied, with the way he does this. He has even once stopped at a pay phone at the side of the road, even though he was running late to class, because his cell phone was dead and he didn't want me to worry in case I tried to call him. So, if he forgets to turn his cell phone off silent mode after he has been in a meeting and I have tried to call him during this time, as was the case this past Saturday, I am completely understanding. That kind of thing happens.

I think it is wonderful that you and your wife were able to find a way to comfort the other, despite your different methods of handling your pain, in order to help your daughter.

There are many mistakes to be made along the way in recovery. But you don't want to keep hurting the other. I realized I hurt my wife when I lashed out at her and I had to stop and apologize. I knew immediately what I had done and why I did it. I let my fear take over and I wanted control back and it was the best way I could interrupt the moment. It was definitely a LB.

I identify with this. I have made some improvements, but nowhere near what is an acceptable level for me because I truly don't want to hurt him and I don't want to cause damage to our marriage, nor do I want to hinder progress. Any tacticts you have discovered to deal with this situation that have been helpful to you would be greatly appreciated.

What I said this morning was snotty. For what it's worth (maybe nothing), the damage it caused was far greater than my intent. I was really surprised that he was so freaked out by it. It was still snotty and unneccessary. I'm not proud of it.

She was molested as a child by my father-in-law. And even though my daughter has been through years of counseling she is still in pain over what happened. How do you reconcile a loving grandfather with years of molestation? She never has been able to.

I am very saddened to hear this. I know exactly what it feels like to watch your innocent daughter struggle and hurt and act out over something so painful and unimaginable and not only not know what to do to help her, but to struggle with your own feelings of betrayal and of guilt for not "saving" her from it happening in the first place.

I don't know how much you've read of my past, but I have a daughter, almost 18, and a senior in high school. She was molested by my last husband, from the time she was 12 until she was 14, until she finally told me.

The aftermath of that was horrible for both of us. I was shocked. This man is not her father, and I felt guilty for even bringing him into her life. She had been acting out before she told me. I thought it was normal teenage stuff. After she told me, and he was gone pretty much instantly, her acting out became even worse. It was a nightmare. She snuck out. She ran away. She began cutting on her arms. She was literally flunking out of school. She was extremely suicidal. She isolated herself from her childhood friends because she felt different from them, and instead chose friends that made bad decisions.

There were times that I kept her out of school and made her go to work with me, or made her sleep with me because I was too afraid to let her out of my sight, for fear of what she would do to herself.

You said that your daughter has not been able to reconcile this.

You asked:

How do you reconcile a loving grandfather with years of molestation?

I'll tell you what my daughter's behavior is like now. She is bright, sunny, confident and ambitious. She makes straight A's. School has only been in session for three months and she has received postcards in the mail from two different teachers, commenting on what a wonderful person she is and what a pleasure it is to know her and to teach her. Where she was withdrawn before, she is now the Art Club President of her school.

I once had a conversation with her in which I shared with her how incredibly guilty I felt for bringing this man into her life, and for not knowing what was going on so I could protect her. She actually reassured me. She said "I'm not sorry. It was painful to go through, but I'm not sorry. All of my experiences - good and bad - have led me to be the person I am today, and I like who I am."

So I called her just now on her cell phone. I asked her your do you reconcile that?

She said she just finally realized that no one could do it for her. She said that a good counselor helped. She had to go through a couple of crappy ones to find the right one, but she has a good one now. She also has a book and workbook that she said has been helpful. She didn't know the title offhand, but she said she would get it for me when she gets home. I'll let you know what it is.

I'm so sorry your family has had to deal with this painful situation, and I'm so sorry that your daughter is hurting so much. My heart and my prayers go out to you and your family.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 02:41 AM
Froz ~ I watched Dr. Phil today ~ talking to newlywed couples on the brink of divorce.

One couple had both had affairs, she before the ceremony, and he afterwards...

And Dr. Phil said to them about their decision to get married (to paraphrase):

Sometimes, its not about making the right decision...its about making the decision right.
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 01:46 PM
Froz, thank you for any prayers. The molestation of my daughter went on from the age of 4 until the age of 12. My inlaws lived close by and my kids enjoyed going to their house. My father-in-law did fun things with them, it's what my daughter enjoyed about him. He played basketball, yard games, bb guns, boating, fishing, you name it, he did it with them. But for my daughter he had a dark side we didn't know about and there was a price to playing the games. The lesson she learned in life is "you play the game to get what you want". A sad lesson to learn and that is how she acts out, by playing along and being two people, one should be the person she was meant to be, and the other a rebellous person expressing her anger and covering it up. She has worked with counselors. I know she has done some workbooks, but if you have others I would appreciate whatever you can share.

The sad part is this also caused my sexual addiction to kick into high drive. My SA is triggered by high levels of anxiety. My father-in-law refused to admit his guilt for over a year. Instead he and my mother-in-law blamed me and said it must have been me and that my daughter was blaming him because obviously she couldn't blame me because she lived with me. It was twisted thinking on their part. The more the battle ensued between us, the more the tension grew between my wife and myself. I finally started using internet chat and reaching out to other women looking for compassion and sympathy for my situation. Then it became not only that, but also more sexual oriented and I started having affairs. In a two year period I had 18 physical affairs and around 30 envolvements with women. And my addiction was escalating. I felt out of control. I'm a Christian and it didn't match with my belief system, which fits really well with the addiction model. You fall into the trap of shame, which leads to more anxiety, which triggers the need to act out.

I can say God put an end to my affairs. On here I can't say how, but in one day I felt my freedom, my finances, my family, my job were all going to be taken from me. I broke down and even went to a mental hospital for the evening. The next day I was getting help at our church, I found a counselor and the problems that were there the day before somehow went away. All I can say is God put me to my knees and kept me there long enough to realize what I had done and it changed me. In my SA I was addicted even to "M" (you know the thing you do single handed) which robs you of intimacy with your wife. Even that desire disappeared and I haven't done it even once in 2 1/2 years.

I guess I wanted to say that part to say genuine changes can take place in a person. My wife still doesn't quite believe all the changes. She still worries I can fall back into old habits. And I understand those fears. It's why I do everything possible to reassure her. When she askes how do I know I won't, I remind her of the positive steps I have taken. I tell her about our counseling. I remind her that I participate every Monday in an accountability group. I remind her that I am accountable to others. And I even share the part about the "M". All of that shows her the change in me and settles her mind. She needs reminders and that is natural. And as time goes on she doesn't need the reminders as often.

When it comes to arguements, you know when you are in the midst of one. If you are like me, you feel it. It overwhelms me and I just feel it take over. That is when I have to call a time out. I have now learned to stop when I make the wrong comment. When I do that I know I am out of control. It is time to take a checkpoint and apologize. If I was really good I would have stopped before I said the wrong thing, but sometimes we slip. So when we do, at least stop, don't keep going and make it worst.

Another thing, if you know an arguement is hot, have an agreement that you can call a time out between the two of you. Have a word or phase you can say. A friend of mine just says TOO HOT and they quit arguing. They wait until later and then come back to discuss the issue. Sometimes you need to let the emotions get out of the picture.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing your story. Thanks to the both of you for your willingness to share with others. I know the both of you hurt, but keep going and don't give up. Remember each of you is having their own pain and I'll be praying for you.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 02:29 PM

I was just getting ready to post to you when I read your post.

First, thank you for your time and for sharing your story. Your family has been through quite a lot.

The book my daughter recommended is:

The Courage to Heal - A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis

There is also a workbook that is a companion to it.

She also recommends Allies In Healing: When the Person You Love was Sexually Abused as a Child

Does your daughter still see her grandfather? That would be a difficult situation to deal with.

I think it was helpful that my daughter never saw her abuser again. The moment she told me I kicked into shock mode and before I even asked her too many questions, I told her to go upstairs and pack a bag for school the next day and to tell her brother to do the same and I took them both to my parents house before I confronted him. He, of course, lied.

I called the police the next morning, but that was a big disappointment. It is a difficult thing to prove, made even more difficult by the fact that children have a hard time remembering things sequentially. They are often reluctant to tell the entire store all at once because they are ashamed and because their abusers have trained them to keep secrets, so it winds up looking like they are constantly changing their story, thus lacking credibility.

When it comes to arguements, you know when you are in the midst of one. If you are like me, you feel it. It overwhelms me and I just feel it take over. That is when I have to call a time out. I have now learned to stop when I make the wrong comment. When I do that I know I am out of control. It is time to take a checkpoint and apologize. If I was really good I would have stopped before I said the wrong thing, but sometimes we slip. So when we do, at least stop, don't keep going and make it worst.

Yes, I can relate. I have a phrase I say, too. It's "I need to stop talking right now."

I can't think of a single time Patriot has honored that request. It's hard for him because he wants to fix it and gain resolution.

Hey, I just thought of something! How come the phone never rings during THOSE times - saved by the bell? It only seems to ring incessantly when we are having a productive conversation.

I wish we could put life on hold for just a little bit so we could reconnect.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing your story. Thanks to the both of you for your willingness to share with others. I know the both of you hurt, but keep going and don't give up. Remember each of you is having their own pain and I'll be praying for you.

No, thank YOU.
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 05:42 PM
We don't have the Allies In Healing: When the Person You Love was Sexually Abused as a Child book, but we did have the other one. So I'll look into getting that one.

To answer you question about whether she sees her grandfather, she does and it's her choice to do so. If it had been my choice.....well I would have probably done what my wife was probably thinking when she found about my affairs multiplied by 10. Like I said, my daughter loved her grandfather and enjoyed doing things with him, she just hated the dark side of what he was doing.

We went through a lot of counseling dealing with the father-in-law issues. It's a shame he didn't get as much counseling as I did. Although it was reported, and the police notified, nothing happened; different states, different laws. My daughter didn't want my father-in-law to go to jail and she didn't want to testify against him. My wife also didn't want him to go to jail. So everything was dropped. The counselor who saw him said as far as he could tell this was an isolated case and he was not at risk for it to reoccur as long as the immediate family was aware, which they are. So I had to accept that I needed to either live with anger or forgive so my family could move on. The forgiveness part was tough. I had to let go of a lot of anger, not to mention that anger was haunting me in my SA issues. I finally let go and I made peace with my inlaws, although I still occasionally regress back to anger over the issues around my father-in-law. It's hard to completely forget what happened.

Our daughter usually wants to visit with my father-in-law, unless she is dealing with some emotional issue, then it's usually my mother-in-law that she doesn't want to be around. Somehow my mother-in-law triggers more of her emotions about my father-in-law. I guess it's a reminder that she was suppose to be safe and she wasn't.

I feel for you Froz, if you have had to deal with the same type of issues, and also the issues of an affair you have been through a lot. Its the same emotional distress my wife has been through. My wife says I don't understand her pain and she is probably right. But I know the pain of bretrayal by a father-in-law who I considered to be as close as a dad, and he took something more precious than gold or silver to me and damaged it.

How can you tell the difference between a Marriage Builder introvert and a Marriage Builder extrovert? When the extrovert is talking to you they look at your shoes, when an introvert is talking to you they look at their shoes.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 05:55 PM
I feel for you Froz, if you have had to deal with the same type of issues, and also the issues of an affair you have been through a lot.

Now, don't go feeding my sense of victimization. I'm trying to cut back.
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 06:27 PM
Ok, don't want to feed the parts that don't need feeding. It's like I tell my daughter, you were a victim up until the point you didn't know or were helpless. After that you own full responsibility for your actions. The hurt and pain may be there, but you own your actions.

Have you thought about your defense mechanisms? You obviously showed one the other morning. My wife has one where she never lets her guard down when it comes to anything related to affairs. I mentioned someone who was put out of their house by their wife because of their affair, and immediately my wife says they deserved it, "whatever they did". She is reenforcing to me that affairs are not acceptable.

And I hope Pat noticed he isn't too bad after all stacked up to the things I have done. I give a testimony at our church from time to time. I just want people to know there is hope for change.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 07:22 PM
I was reading this morning about relationships, regarding doing your part and not the other person's part. Sometimes I do both mine and Patriot's part. Sometimes I just do his part. His looks like easier work.

Either way, not only can I not do his part for him...if I try, I am preventing him from the opportunity to do his part. Sometimes I even get mad at him because I CHOSE to do his part!

The control freak in me, driven by fear, is still right now whispering in my ear, telling me that reminding him isn't doing his part and that's okay. It isn't okay, and it's stopping me from doing my part.

I am so insanely, desperately sad right now and I am so tired of feeling this way. I honestly wish I would just die, but that isn't up to me. It can't be up to me because I have children. Sometimes I think God gave me my children to keep me alive.

So, just for me, regardless of whether anyone is listening right now...I'm going to work on some of my part. I might as well start at the beginning.

Something I was reading...

If there were a real death of a mother shortly after birth, at some point, the child’s father would tell the child that mommy died and it is so sad that this happened to you and you must hurt, let me comfort you and ease your pain and I know you must be angry, let me help you... and there would be pictures and stories and a grave to visit, and grieving, and eventually the child would find out that mommy didn’t die on purpose. This child would be given respect.

[color:"blue"]There is no one to blame that I did not receive this. My adoptive parents did not know what I needed, so how could they instictively know how to give it. They were only 22 years old when they adopted me. They were young and human and I know they did the very best they could.

I was reading in another book about how people expect that adoption doesn't affect the baby much because the baby doesn't remember.

It stated that people's personalities develop in the first three years of their lives, yet they don't remember that. So, how could one think that just because adopted babies don't have the actual memory of being taken from their mother, they aren't seriously affected by this.

It also goes on to say something about how it is better for the baby to be immediately handed over to the adoptive parents so the baby can try to bond with them. If this is not done immediately, the baby feels abandoned (because it has been). The fact that the baby has no memory of it does not lessen the feelings of abandonment.

There were 16 days between the time I was taken from my mother and the time I was handed to my adoptive parents. I wonder what I, as a baby, must have been thinking. I wonder how I felt. I probably felt just like I do now...abandoned.

There are 16 days of my life that are unaccounted for. There are no pictures of this time. I don't really know what I was doing.

All I know about those 16 days is what my adoptive parents told me - that the nuns took care of me. I wonder which nuns? I wonder how they took care of me? Did I miss them when I was taken away from them? I wonder if they liked me or if I was just left in some crib and had only my physical needs taken care of? I'm sure I'll never know, but I do wonder. I never wondered before. [/color]

Instead for the child whose mother surrenders her to adoption, the child suffers the psychological death of her mother. But she is told that she is special and chosen and lucky. She is supposed to forget that there was another mother. Make believe this is your only family, make believe that all is well. “As if” it is your own. The message is that it is a good thing your mother is not there for you, is dead for you. You are not allowed to be sad about it, acknowledge the pain, anger or sadness, perhaps even to yourself. You are not allowed to mourn the loss of your own mother.

[color:"blue"]I did not know I was grieving, much less that I not feel like I was allowed to grieve. I don't feel like I was. It makes my family very uncomfortable for me to talk about being adopted, and especially about my birth family.

I have always had questions about things. Even just this past summer, in July I think, I asked my Dad some questions about how they came to adopt me. He answered them, but it was very obvious that he was uncomfortable. My sisters were both in the room and they were looking away, like they were trying to avoid participating in the conversation. I felt weird. [/color]

The grief gets stuck in your body and keeping in pain is destructive. (So is keeping in anger and sadness). The child has to go into a kind of shock and go numb. You can’t really live that way, but you can pretend. We adoptees are great pretenders. This child gets no respect.

[color:"blue"]Destructive? No kidding. [/color]

What would happen if your mother died today and you were told you couldn’t cry, you couldn’t go to the funeral and you had to make believe she never existed. What would happen to you? Take a moment and think about it.

[color:"blue"]Ohhhh! Ohhhhh! Pick me! (raising hand) I know this one...The grief gets stuck in your body and it's confusing and painful and destructive.[/color]

Isn’t that what happened to most people in adoption in some way?

[color:"blue"]I would say yes. [/color]

It occurs to me that if we really had respect for the mother and the child we would do all we could to preserve the sanctity of that relationship and not separate them at all. If the mother and child could not possibly stay together, then giving her respect when she lost her child, the mother’s family and friends would have gathered around and said to her, “I am so sorry you couldn’t keep your baby. You must be sad, let me comfort you. I know you hurt, let me ease your pain. I know you must be angry, let me help you.” Then there would be grieving and acknowledgment of what really happened.

[color:"blue"]I don't know what it was like for her, but I suspect that she did not feel allowed to grieve either. [/color]

If the mother and child could not possibly stay together, then giving the adoptee respect when she lost her mother, the new family would say, “You must be sad you lost your first family, it’s okay to cry about it. I’m sad too, you must hurt. Let me comfort you, you must be angry, let me help you, be with you and hold you.”

[color:"blue"]That would have been nice. [/color]

If adoptive parents got respect, they would have gotten complete information on their adopted child and the truth about the effects on their child of losing the first family. The adoption agency and others would have acknowledged the sadness of infertility or inability to have a child on one’s own. Their pain and anger would have been acknowledged and they would have been encouraged to grieve the child they couldn’t have on their own.

[color:"blue"]My parents didn't have to grieve for long. They found out they were pregnant with my sister when I was about 4 months old. [/color]

Ignoring the realities of adoption increases the pain and hurt. How can anyone function well if they’re told that what is true isn’t and what isn’t true is?

[color:"blue"]It is painful. No wonder I'm so confused. [/color]

For example, what if I lose my leg in an accident right after birth? And they tell me I didn’t lose my leg right after I was born, I was mistaken. But it hurts, mommy, and yet it still feels like something is missing. And I keep stumbling around as if I had only one leg (they wouldn’t lie about that would they?) and I don’t know why I’m having trouble managing as a two-legged person...

[color:"blue"]I identify strongly with this analogy. I told my parents that it hurt and that I thought my leg was gone. They told me I was crazy. I was also teased, mocked, shamed, unaccepted and eventually further abandoned because I had trouble managing as a two-legged person. That hurt pretty bad. [/color]

Our society doesn’t want to acknowledge what has happened to all of us, to give us respect. Truth be told, I lost more than a leg, I lost my mother. Wait, I got a prosthesis, a new mother, a substitute. Why doesn’t it work just as well? Why does it still hurt? Of course our first mothers lost a baby... but they got no replacement, no substitute.

Respect is truth, no secrets, absolute honesty. We can all deal with the truth.

Have we in adoption had our eyes wide shut? Isn’t it time they were wide open?

Well, how can we give ourselves the respect we never got? By learning to experience our feelings. By learning to make “I” statements about our experience.

By learning to say I feel sad because______, I feel angry because_______, I hurt because_______ (fill in the blank). When we say these things out loud for the first time and get validated for the first time, our feelings become real in a way they can never be if unexpressed. Once our feelings become real, we can start to understand why we feel what we feel and once we understand why we feel what we feel, we can start to change the way our experience affects us today.

[color:"blue"]I feel sad because I lost my mother. I am angry because she gave me away. I hurt because I miss her. [/color]

We can respect ourselves by expressing our anger at what happened to us. Having anger about something that happened to us and expressing it does not make us angry people. We need to express it. If we don’t talk our anger out, we will surely act it out or act it in, in either case, it is destructive. It is poison and will poison our lives and relationships unless we release it.

[color:"blue"]I feel even more angry because she rejected me as an adult. [/color]

We can respect ourselves by expressing our sadness. Feeling sad about something sad that happened does not make us cry babies or wimps. We need to express it. Keeping our pain in is destructive. It is poison and it will poison our lives and our relationships unless we release it.

[color:"blue"]I feel sad because I don't know if she loves me. [/color]

The only way that I know of to be truly happy is to give ourselves the respect of feeling all of our feelings. If we don’t feel the bad ones, we cannot feel the good ones.

Those around us often try to minimize our losses, our experience. We must not buy into that. We can respect ourselves by acknowledging the true extent of the effects on us of the events at the beginning. If we don’t acknowledge the full extent of our wounds, we cannot heal. Only by acknowledging the truth can we begin to heal from our wounds. If I am in an accident and go to the ER and they don’t examine my wounds, don’t clean the depths of my wounds and get the dirt or poison out, I will get an infection, the wound may heal superficially, but the infection is there nevertheless and I will pay a price. Only when I respect myself and take the risk of opening that wound again and clean it out will I be able to truly heal.

[color:"blue"]I have many, many infected wounds. I thought they had healed when I met Patriot, but it was superficial. They were still very much infected and when Patriot wounded me, I felt (feel) the pain of all of those other infected wounds and I am VERY angry with him for doing that.

Superficial healing felt MUCH better than the pain of the infections I felt before he came along. Superficial healing felt MUCH better than opening those wounds now.

I realize that people are trying to help me open those wounds and clean them out. I'm only screaming and fighting because it hurts so bad.[/color]

Healing involves a lot of pain, but the alternative... I guess we have all lived it. We need to give ourselves the respect to climb the mountain of pain that leads to healing. The mountain is steep, but climbable. There are many crevices on the way up, but each crevice still puts you closer to the top. We are all here in this adoptive family to help each other, nurture each other, support each other, share with each other and learn from each other on this road to respect and healing.

[color:"blue"]I'm not convinced I can climb it. I hate the crevices and I think they suck. I know this sounds crazy, and probably has something to do with the victimization feelings, but I do think it...

I think that Patriot should have to carry me up the mountain...crevices and all. Sure, he's not to blame for the other wounds, but I was content with superficial healing until he had to go and reopen all of those. I didn't ask for any of those other wounds. I didn't want them. I didn't want this one.

I am obviously very, very mad at him for taking away the first bit of superficial healing I had ever had. It really did feel so much better than before and better than now.[/color]
Posted By: mimi_here Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 07:28 PM

Are you or have you been in psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy certainly helped me with healing my EARLY CHILDHOOD WOUNDS.....
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 07:38 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by 'psychotherapy'.

My parents did take me to counselors and psychologists and psychiatrists as a child. They thought I had some kind of problem because I thought my leg was missing. Ha ha.
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 07:40 PM
The ISTJ in me has to go sit and think about that commentary on life.
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 07:46 PM
Hey, my mom put me in some type of psychological study where I was interviewed by college grads for their PHD work in psychology. I was only a kid and had to respond to questions and take tests. I was in rooms with 2 way mirrors. Mom says she doesn't remember it, but I think she did it for the money. Mom was single and didn't have much back then and they probably paid her for the study. I was scared most of the time I was there.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 07:51 PM
The INFP needs to think about it too.

Here is something scary...that's only the beginning!

I feel horrible today - and very lonely. I don't even want to go to work. I have two appointments today, but not for another hour and a half or so.
Posted By: mimi_here Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:00 PM
I mean a counselor or therapist for your depression TODAY. I don't mean in your childhood.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:03 PM
Oh! When you said 'have you been' I thought you mean EVER! Sorry.

No. Patriot and I saw some MC's for awhile, but we couldn't seem to find the right one.

Believe it or not, I have a difficult time feeling understood. (that was a joke)
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:06 PM
Did you read my devotion I wrote in the prayer section today? It was about being alone.
Posted By: mimi_here Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:09 PM
I think it would be helpful for you to see an experienced individual counselor or therapist to help you sort all of these personal issues out...

Then you can openly talk about these issues to someone and learn ways to fight your depression..

You won't feel so alone...
Posted By: mimi_here Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:10 PM
Is Patriot in the military?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:11 PM
Yes, Mimi. He is being all he can be. (that was another joke - you're a tough audience)
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:12 PM
Okay. I will take that advice, Mimi.

Can someone hold me accountable for that, please? I have said that I would do this in the past and I have not done it.

I have no excuse. It's free in the military.

I will have an appointment by day's end.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:14 PM

I just read your devotional. It was exactly how I feel. I said a prayer for my own peace and relief from my fear.

Is it rude to pray for yourself???
Posted By: mimi_here Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:15 PM
Call Tricare for a list of reputable psychotherapists....
Posted By: AskMe Re: don't try this at Hooters ! - 11/09/05 08:22 PM
You can pray for yourself any time you need to. He listens as a "perfect" father listening to a child. David in the Bible was constantly praying to God for his emotional needs. And God was always there to meet David's needs.
Posted By: frozen1229 1 year down, maybe 50 or so to go... - 11/14/05 05:23 PM
D-Day anniversary came and went without much fuss.

For the most part it felt like any other day, until the evening. As it drew closer to the time the previous year that everything changed for me, I grew more and more anxious.

We were at dinner and drinks with friends. I didn't drink. If alcohol is a depressant, I need to stay far, far away from it. I threw myself into a near-panic state in my mind (all by myself - my fault), remembering the events as they happened that night and feeling emotions about the events and my actions.

I feel ashamed about the way I reacted. I wish I would been "in shock" more gracefully. I wish I hadn't said "I hate you", or lashed out because of my own pain - not just that night, but many nights and many days. But those things are said and done and I can't change any of it. I would rather take the shame and regret of my previous actions and put them to good use, rather than stew in my own guilt. The only good use I can think to put them to is to learn from them and stop repeating them.

It would have been nice to be comforted or to somehow feel like I wasn't going through it alone, but Patriot was tired. I was at a loss for what to do at that time. He already stated that he was tired, and he was visibly falling asleep. I decided that it would be a selfish demand to wake him up, as I've done so many times before. Instead, I got my comfort from writing and praying.

I have been thinking about basic concepts and have really been focusing on Disrespectful Judgments. I've been such a master at making them, I often don't realize I'm doing it. I'm trying to sit back and think before I speak. It's difficult, but doable.

I've also been thinking about Detachment with Love and punishing behavior on my part. I focused this entire weekend on allowing Patriot to be and do what he wanted, without punishing behavior from me. I think I was somewhat successful. I don't know if he felt punished or not, but I did not engage in behaviors that were punishing.

That was not an easy task to accomplish. We spent the weekend together, yet alone. We were either in separate rooms, or not really speaking and in the same room. I was not angry with him for it, and I was not waiting for him to come talk to me. In the past, I have done both. The few times I approached him, he seemed irritable, so I didn't push.

Instead I spent the weekend thinking about me, instead of focusing on him. Patriot can't solve my problems, and it isn't fair to expect him to.

I'm thinking about ways to solve my problems on my own, so that he can be free to solve his own.

Thanks for listening.
Posted By: AskMe Re: 1 year down, maybe 50 or so to go... - 11/14/05 09:02 PM
Matthew 11
28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: 1 year down, maybe 50 or so to go... - 11/27/05 05:09 AM
Today was a really, really good day.

Recovering together looks likely. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: mimi_here Re: 1 year down, maybe 50 or so to go... - 11/27/05 06:57 PM
So happy to hear this news, Frozen...

Posted By: BrambleRose Re: 1 year down, maybe 50 or so to go... - 11/29/05 04:14 AM
hmmmmm had been wondering where you disappeared to...
Posted By: frozen1229 Recovering - 11/29/05 01:08 PM
Oh, we've been busy working on this great idea we came up with...stopping LB's and meeting each other's EN's.
Posted By: mimi_here Re: Recovering - 11/29/05 01:58 PM
Oh, we've been busy working on this great idea we came up with...stopping LB's and meeting each other's EN's.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 11/29/05 02:20 PM

...and so difficult to explain, too. That's why I haven't really posted lately. I don't really know how to explain it. I don't know how it began or how it seems to be growing.

I've spent the last couple of weeks really working on DJ's, my primary form of LB'ing. I've also been working and thinking really hard about distorted thinking, which is where I believe is the source of my DJ's lies.

By this past Saturday, I really thought I had made some real progress on stopping withdrawals in this area and I wanted to move on to actually meeting some EN's, so I had a long talk with Patriot in which I asked and LISTENED to which things really hit the target the most to meet his top 5 EN's.

It was such a rewarding conversation. I learned a great deal about him and what makes him the happiest and how I could accomplish it most efficiently. It was GREAT information and I am so appreciative that he took the time to share it with me.

He expressed some fear about telling me when it was too much, and how he could let me know.

I reassured him that I really do want to know and gave him some ideas of how to tell me in ways that would not hurt my feelings. I think he feels better about it now.

Patriot has been working very hard at one thing, in particular...HONESTY AND OPENNESS. Oddly, it is the easiest method to withdraw my love units, my #1 EN, and also the area that seems to be the most difficult for him to practice.

Without my protection of him, it makes it almost impossible for him to give it to me, so I have been really working on protecting him in this area.

We had the most wonderful weekend together. It was so wonderful that I didn't want to let it go and go back to the routine of daily life. I wish we could have frozen time and stayed that way for just a while longer.

I was actually really depressed about it yesterday, going back to real life. I tried to make myself get out and do things, but eventually I had to come back home. I felt really low about it and I couldn't fight the urge to just get in bed and stay there, so I did.

When Patriot got home, instead of being angry or upset that I was depressed, he brought his laptop and homework in the bedroom and just sat on the bed with me and let me sleep. He stayed right by my side and it was very comforting.

It's so senseless, really, the ways that I have been working against him to get my needs met.

Does that make ANY sense at all???
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 11/29/05 02:46 PM
Does that make ANY sense at all???

It only needs to make sense to you. The important thing is if you can learn from it and what you can do with it.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 11/29/05 03:01 PM
Sure it makes sense.

You made a decision to drop the entitlement to lovebust your husband, and when you decided to stop being right, you started being happy <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 11/29/05 03:07 PM

Why didn't you tell me to do this before now??? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 11/29/05 03:12 PM

You had your fingers stuck in your ears and were singing LALALALALA!!

I told you it was as easy as making a decision! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 11/29/05 03:16 PM
What?! You don't like my singing???

My husband is a very special person and I am lucky he has been so patient with me.

Also, my fingers weren't stuck in my ears. I heard you the whole time. I just wasn't ready to apply it. I was too busy hurting.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/06/05 11:35 PM
I'm not doing so well today - emotionally or with Recovery. I was working very hard at eliminating LB's. I have not been working so hard at that the last couple of days. I haven't necessarily been putting forth effort to specifically withdraw units, but I haven't been putting forth effort NOT to, either.

I feel lonely and unimportant.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/06/05 11:46 PM
I feel lonely and unimportant.
{{Froz}} I know those feelings well. Changing behavior especially working at it as hard as you are can be lonely business. Do something nice for yourself and ask Pat for a hug.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/06/05 11:49 PM
I can't because he isn't here. He has been very busy with school and stuff.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/06/05 11:58 PM
Have you two been working on spending time together? What else can you do for yourself?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 12:08 AM
Well, I have told him how I feel. Up to now, I have been allowing him to respond without being angry with him.

Today I started to feel really neglected and desperate and I let him know that, too.

Of course, now he wants to talk when he gets home.

Obviously, just sitting here typing this to you, I've identified that I've been LB'ing again because it works. It gets his attention.

This is not how I wanted it. Now it feels like he is only doing it to please me, and I also don't feel like I deserve it because I got angry with him and LB'd.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 12:33 AM
froz, cut yourself some slack ok? We all slip. You two really need more time together and not be so busy!
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 02:46 AM

Patriot is not responsible for your happiness.

He's responsible for meeting ENs...yes.

But YOU are responsible for your happiness.

When my husband spent a year and a half, working out of state, I only say him for a day and a half every week.

I found other ways to entertain myself while he wasnt around. The best thing I ever did for myself was learn to be "OK" with aloneness.

Living with yourself and no one else around to distract can be a bit....disturbing.

But it can be motivation for alot of cool growth!
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 05:31 AM
She is asleep now. It has been so long since I have posted..

Things had started looking up, it seemed. She and I were talking a little more about productive things. Productive ideas. Stopping LBs and meeting ENs. Real discussion on it and how to do it. Then a few days passes by and life starts back up with making you busy and next thing you know, neglect pops back up and that is it.

I really have a very difficult time dealing with the 'failing my wife' concept. Or lack thereof. She tells me about her feelings, which she should so I know the radicle truth, and I then take this information and feel sorry for myself. Wallow in a little bit of guilt and tell her I am sorry and that I feel like a failure. And then the productive dialogue stops. She hates it when I call myself a failure. I hate feeling like one.

I told her tonight that sometimes I am mentally beat down and think destructive thoughts about our marriage because she LB's me. It is the truth. After a certain amount of ridicule, it breaks you. From that, she thinks the only reason I am still married to her is because I don't want to be alone. She has seen me be in a bad relationship just to not be alone, she says. If you recall Cinnamon, she was the last very destructive relationship prior to this marriage. Froz knew her and saw some of what I went through because of her. She is convinced that the puppy-dog-like loyalty I had for Cinnamon is all I have for her right now. Kick me all you want, but I will stay not because I love you but because I do not want to be alone.

Sure seems like a ton of bricks to deal with just to not be alone. For as selfish as I seem to be sometimes, I sure am willing to give up my ticket to a life of 'anything I want without regard to anyone' for some reason. Truth is, I didn't have a fraction of the relationship knowledge then that I do know. And I learn more all the time. I was in no way prepared to be in a relationship with Cinnamon, regardless of the fact that she was in worse shape than I was at the time. When Froz and I began our relationship, I was not prepared, knowledge-wise, then either. Now I am prepared enough to operate in most relationship areas without catastrophic results. Or so my maybe naive self thinks. All I can do is be as cognative as I can possible be and try to keep my eyes open to the truth.

I still suck at communication. And I am easy to anger because of the repetition of failure on my part in so many areas. I have a short fuse on so many things, and I know it stresses her out and withdrawls units, but sometimes I just want to lash out because nothing seems to get better. I told her today I think she erases progress. Not unlike a WS erases history, I think a BS can erase the future, if that makes any sense. But as I say that, I think about all the crap the WS has dropped on the BS, and I wonder if I should even speak in the presense of anyone here.

I will never be trustworthy. That is not a statement said out of self-pity. It feels so true. I will never be trustworthy. I will always be doubted, questioned and eye-balled. I caused so many problems in honesty that I wonder if I will ever see trust in the light of day again.

What a depressing situation that I, a grown man... or so I thought, have place my wife and I in. I have lied on purpose, missed how to communicate the truth even when it is EXACTLY what I want to communicate, and destroyed a human being to the point that she is on pills, cries daily and doubts the very worth of her soul.

I wonder why I quantify everything in failure? Hmmmmmm. I just want healing. Progress. Love.

I just want my wife and I want her to know that I want her. I wish she would believe me. She speculates on so many things and formulates opinions based on these 'facts'.

Please deal with what is truly in front of you. Not what is not even in the shadows. And if one is inclined to say they don't trust their own judgment, I understand that. Doesn't absolve you from answering for your actions. Not truly being Satan didn't absolve me from mine....

I have not idea what I am babbling about. I hate this pain I have caused and that I feel. It just never goes away. It is always poking me saying, 'remember me? You have no character'

My wife is miserable and I want to change it. Nothing seems to work. My steadfastness will hold out, but that certainly doesn't make the future feel better...
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 11:29 AM
Patriot ~ I do not think it is fair, nor appropriate, for either of you to define yourself by your past behavior.

Froz believes that she is not worthy of being loved, and so she needs to believe that you 'just don't want to be alone' or that you are the same person that dated Cinnamon, because it promotes and proves to her that she is indeed not worthy.

Just because she says it or thinks it, does not make it true. Her disrespectful judgements should NOT be given power by you, to shape your thoughts.

You are giving Froz far too much power to define who you are and what you think about yourself.

And additionally, holy moley you are just not that powerful. You did NOT cause the mess that your wife is in. She was in it long before she met you. Yes, you certainly made it worse, but you just did not destroy Froz.

It is easy to blame you. You are physically present. It is much harder for her to unravel years of pain and hurts. Your betrayeal certainly complicated things, but it is not the sole source of her pain and anger and her self loathing. It helps no one if you are a willing volunteer to be the target of the anger, hurt and blame that belongs somewhere else.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 01:19 PM
Oh wow, here we go again. Patriot gets on here and defines himself as a victim. If that was a pre-emptive strike, it was unnecessary. I had no plans to strike. Yesterday we had a conversation about his strong need to "look" like the good guy. I didn't know he had plans to accomplish it by painting me to be the bad guy.

I erase progress? Where is this tremendous progress he speaks of? I didn't read it in his post.

I really don't appreciate either of you making so many judgments about me.

Also, this...

I told her tonight that sometimes I am mentally beat down and think destructive thoughts about our marriage because she LB's me. not at all what Patriot said.

What he said, verbatim, is "Sometimes I wonder if I am here because I love you or because I just don't want to be alone".

Also, I did not tell him this...

Just because she says it or thinks it, does not make it true. Her disrespectful judgements should NOT be given power by you, to shape your thoughts.

You are giving Froz far too much power to define who you are and what you think about yourself.

He surmised that one on his own.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 01:29 PM
Yes Froz, you are both in a power struggle of victimhood.

Exactly what judgements were made about you?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 01:43 PM
Well, to start with...

Yes Froz, you are both in a power struggle of victimhood.

I am not struggling for victimhood. I would just like an accurate portrait of last night's conversation. What he said hurt me because it is something I have feared. That doesn't mean I am reverting back to victimhood. It means it hurt my feelings.

This is also a judgment:

Froz believes that she is not worthy of being loved, and so she needs to believe that you 'just don't want to be alone' or that you are the same person that dated Cinnamon, because it promotes and proves to her that she is indeed not worthy

I don't "need" to believe that.

This may not be a judgment, but it also isn't true:

It helps no one if you are a willing volunteer to be the target of the anger, hurt and blame that belongs somewhere else.

I did not blame him last night, nor was he a target. He blamed himself. I am not responsible for how he feels.

His judgments:

From that, she thinks the only reason I am still married to her is because I don't want to be alone.

It is not "from that". I heard what he said. The actual comment is above.

She is convinced that the puppy-dog-like loyalty I had for Cinnamon is all I have for her right now.

I also never said that.

The picture he paints of the situation is far from accurate, in my opinion.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 01:54 PM
I have not defined myself as a victim. No pre-emptive strike. I have not painted you as the bad guy.

"Sometimes I wonder if I am here because I love you or because I just don't want to be alone".

I did say that. To explain, this is merely a statement of self-doubt. I tried to explain that last night, although unsuccessfully. Listening to you tell me what you believe about my intentions wears me down sometimes and makes me doubt. I think that is a completely human response. If I told you everyday that your hair was ugly, I am pretty sure it would not take long for you to believe it.

Telling someone something negative about themselves is dangerous, because they just might believe it someday.

Anyway, not that I mean to have our arguments and discussions play out on a forum like the Springer Show or something, but I really wish you would listen to the positive things I say and understand that the statement I made above was made in a moment of self-doubt, but that I don't believe it to be the gospel.

Why do you get the 'luxury' of doubt and negativity? If I have a moment, even the briefest of one, of doubt, am I not simply being human?

btw, I am really sorry if you think my post dragged you through the mud. It is not at all my intention. I was only wanting to talk about my feelings. I did not mean to blame you for them.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 02:19 PM
Why do you get the 'luxury' of doubt and negativity? If I have a moment, even the briefest of one, of doubt, am I not simply being human?

I do not claim to corner the market, though I don't enjoy bearing the label of negativity, even if it is true.

To answer your question, yes it is simply being human. I would just ask to be presented with the truth, however unappealing I may find it. Last night was the first I have heard of these doubts. Your original post was different from what you told me last night, so I find myself struggling to determine what the truth is. I would very much appreciate your openness on the matter.

If it is true that you sometimes believe that you are here because you simply don't want to be alone, I would like to know that so that I know what I have to work with.

Either way, I am not leaving. If that is how you feel, but I have your committment, love can be learned. It isn't necessarily a pre-requisite for marriage. I would just like to know what I am up against.

Either way, you have my love and my commitment.

I am really sorry if you think my post dragged you through the mud. It is not at all my intention. I was only wanting to talk about my feelings. I did not mean to blame you for them.

Your apology is accepted.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/07/05 03:20 PM
I will try to say this without being disrespectful...I like you both very much and can relate to much of what Froz is going through pain, anger and lonliness wise. Remember I was a WS first and then a BS at least twice over. That is my disclaimer. So here goes...

You both have many hurts to heal but you have each other. You love each other and you want to be married to each other. That is huge. As BR said, it will take a long time for Froz to work through the hurts of her lifetime and Pat has hurts and issues to work through too. But look at each other and see what you have!

No matter what my H has done to me and I to him, I love him. I wanted to continue being married and heal the hurts we each caused. He doesn't. He would prefer to not be accountable to anyone or have to be honest with me. I am facing a new life. It may be a better life, I don't know since my crystal ball is broken (LOL). I am broken and hurt and trying so hard to detach and love myself. It is very hard when the person you love doesn't believe you are worth the effort. So be thankful you two that you both believe the other worth the effort and pain of recovery.

{{froz and pat}}
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 03:46 PM
Froz, you ok?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 04:03 PM
I'm a bit confused, and not feeling that "loving feeling" so much, but I'm okay. Thanks for asking, FF.

How are you?
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 04:17 PM
I'm always confused, you are doing well just to be a bit confused. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 04:39 PM
Doing ok, thanks. My DD has the flu. Why are you confused?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 05:01 PM
I guess I am confused about the way things are in my M and how to get things resolved. We seemed to be really making some progress and now we seem stuck.

I'm confused about my role and what I am supposed to be doing, or what I am doing wrong.

For instance, this morning Patriot got angry with me because he asked me if I really do love him. I told him that I haven't been feeling very loving lately. I didn't say it angrily or hatefully. He asked a question and I didn't want to lie.

He asked why I didn't feel very loving. I told him I didn't really know, but that maybe it was unmet needs (isn't that what the principles say?).

He assumed it was Conversation (#2), and he got angry, slammed something, and yelled at me. (It's really #1, Honesty and Openness that's taking the hit, but that may be my Distorted Thinking at work, somewhat...which is another confusion all in itself entirely)

He wanted to know why I didn't say anything about it.

I find this very confusing, because I have said something. I have been saying something.

I don't want to be controlling or demanding to get my needs met, so I let him know and then I wait. I don't want to force him, anyway.

Last night, I asked him what his plans were for the evening. He said he didn't have any plans. So I thought I would focus on my part - meeting his needs. So I met two of his needs.

I am confused. Did I do something wrong? Is there something I could have done that would have been a better way? How far am I supposed to go with letting him know my needs and where is that fine line between asking and demanding?

Back to the Honesty & Openness/Distorted Thinking thing -

Is it lack of openness if he tells me he feels a certain way and then changes it if I get upset? It feels like it is. In working towards changing my Distorted Thinking, I am trying to deal in facts and not feelings.

If someone changes the facts, am I just supposed to roll with it and accept it? What if it is a fact that the person struggles with conflict-avoiding? Then would it not be naive of me to just roll with it and accept it if he changes his story at a moment of conflict?

I know he struggles with facing conflict and I don't want to add fuel to the fire where this is concerned. I know I can't fix it for him, but I want to be as helpful as I can possibly be. By the same token, I want to be able to be honest about how I feel.

If what he tells me hurts me, I would like to be allowed to have feelings about it without him feeling like it's necessary to change it, or more specifically, to change what he initially said to conform to something that wouldn't hurt my feelings or make him feel like "the bad guy".

Okay, so that may be more than just a 'little' confused. Thanks for asking about me, FF. It meant a lot to me. I've been feeling very alone lately and it was nice of you to think of me. I really appreciate that you did.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 05:43 PM
For instance, this morning Patriot got angry with me because he asked me if I really do love him. I told him that I haven't been feeling very loving lately. I didn't say it angrily or hatefully. He asked a question and I didn't want to lie.

I see the question and the answer in two completely different spectrums. And maybe that was part of the trigger for his anger, but I also recognize this as a difference in communication styles.

It sounds like Pat was asking a basic question, do you really love me? Most people want the answer, yes. Feelings flow from one minute to the next. If I'm angry at the moment, I don't feel very loving, but I can still love a person. I think he needed the confirmation of being loved.

On the other hand Froz you were in a mood where you weren't feeling very loving and that is what you were trying to express. So you took his question and used it as an opportunity to express your feelings.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 06:01 PM
Well, honestly, I'm not sure what you are seeing as a trigger for his anger.

I thought he explained what made him angry when he said "Why didn't you tell me". But that's for him to say, not me.

So you took his question and used it as an opportunity to express your feelings.

No, I didn't. He initiated the conversation. He asked the question. Actually, I didn't particularly want to express my feelings on the matter, but I felt it would be wrong to not tell him how I honestly felt at the moment, since he did ask.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 06:45 PM
I'm confused about my role and what I am supposed to be doing, or what I am doing wrong.
What specifically about your role confuses you?
For instance, this morning Patriot got angry with me because he asked me if I really do love him. I told him that I haven't been feeling very loving lately. I didn't say it angrily or hatefully. He asked a question and I didn't want to lie.
I believe this was a miscommunication more than anything. Perhpaps in the future you can say "I love you but am not feeling very loving toward you right now. Then explain why.
He assumed it was Conversation (#2), and he got angry, slammed something, and yelled at me. (It's really #1, Honesty and Openness that's taking the hit, but that may be my Distorted Thinking at work, somewhat...which is another confusion all in itself entirely)
Why would he get angry if it is conversation? Because he is so busy he cannot meed this need and he got defensive? Froz, did you ever get that book I suggested? Safe Haven Marriage ?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 07:27 PM
What specifically about your role confuses you?

Did I do something wrong? Is there something I could have done that would have been a better way? How far am I supposed to go with letting him know my needs and where is that fine line between asking and demanding? Also, am I supposed to remind him all the time? Isn't that demanding?

I believe this was a miscommunication more than anything. Perhpaps in the future you can say "I love you but am not feeling very loving toward you right now. Then explain why.

I don't see the miscommunication. I did say "I'm not feeling very loving". He asked and I didn't really know why, so I guessed, based on what I've learned about loving feelings and EN's.

Why would he get angry if it is conversation?

That's really a question for him but if I had to guess, it would either be because it makes him feel like a failure or because we spent last night meeting his needs and missed the opportunity for meeting mine because he thinks I didn't tell him. I have been telling him. I asked him last night what he wanted to do and he said he didn't have any plans.

Am I supposed to say to that "Oh, you don't have plans. I know...we could meet some of my needs?" I guess that's what I mean by 'my role'. I guess I thought/think it is my job only to let him know. I have let him know. How many times do I have to tell him before it turns into a demand? Is there not to be some initiative on his part? Should he not be free to do what he chooses? I don't want to choose for him, but I don't want him to be angry with me because I didn't choose for him, either.

Because he is so busy he cannot meed this need and he got defensive?

First of all, I don't think he is that busy. Yes, he works and goes to school. I am fortunate enough to have a flexible schedule, and I schedule my work around his free time. For instance, if I have clients that want to come in the evening, I always make sure it is on a Tuesday or Thursday because those are the evenings he goes to school. I try never to work late on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday because it takes time away from him.

The time we have available together is:

Monday 4:45-bedtime
Tuesday 7:15-bedtime
Wednesday 4:45-bedtime
Thursday 7:15-bedtime
Friday 4:45-bedtime
Saturday varies due to my work schedule, but I usually get off work anywhere from 12:00-4:00
Sunday we have all day together

Also, he has drill one weekend a month so he is gone on Saturday from about 7:00 am to 4:00 pm and the same on Sunday.

It might seem weird that I told you all of that, but I wanted to present you with facts and let you derive your own interpretation from them, since being busy is a matter of anyone's perspective.

I am completely willing and able to build my schedule around his, since mine is more flexible and I can dictate when I work and when I don't.

did you ever get that book I suggested? Safe Haven Marriage ?

No, but only because I have three others I am working on right now. Should I drop those and make this one a priority? If you recommend it that highly, I would be willing to.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 07:51 PM
What other books are you working on? I only ask because I think this book will be helpful for both of you.

I think, froz, that perception about asking and demanding is personal. You may ask Pat what his perception between the two are and how best for you to communicate to him when your needs are not being met. The thread that Pep started called Willard Harley jr. is a smart man is great reading.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 12/08/05 08:04 PM
So you took his question and used it as an opportunity to express your feelings.

No, I didn't. He initiated the conversation. He asked the question. Actually, I didn't particularly want to express my feelings on the matter, but I felt it would be wrong to not tell him how I honestly felt at the moment, since he did ask.

See, maybe I'm missing something. All I thought he asked was a question and that was the extent of the conversation. And the extent of the question was, "do you really love me?"

The point I was making is that genuine love for a person is not based on how you feel at a flexible moment in time. Love is constant and if my wife asked me do I really love her even if I am in a bad mood, I should be able to say, YES. Now if I don't love her, then I have a really bad problem that I need to address. So I was trying to say that if the extent of the conversation was just his question, then I think he wanted to hear YES, I LOVE YOU and he was triggered when he didn't hear that.

Now how you felt at the moment is valid. You may not be in a loving mood. But the love for a person is not just based on the feelings of a moment. Just think of a first date, it can be wonderful and great and you can think you are in love and the next date you can find out the guy is a complete and total jerk. You were never in love, hence we have all heard the term puppy love. Or I can be in true love with a person, or love my family, and be really angry at the moment and not feel a bit of love for them at that second, but if something tragic struck right at that very second, I guarantee my love for them would kick in.

So what I was trying to convey is I think Pat wanted to hear that you loved him, but you have feelings that were going on that made you feel unloving at the moment. You wanted to express those feelings and you did. It was two people, two different messsages, needing two different things.

But as I said earlier, I'm always confused too.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/09/05 12:50 AM
What other books are you working on?

The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns, MD

Love Must Be Tough by Dr. James Dobson

Receiving Love - Transform Your Relationship by Letting Yourself Be Loved by some other two people with initials behind their names.

I understand what you mean about perception being relative. I will ask him tonight.

I will also read the thread you mentioned.

Thank you very much.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/09/05 12:56 AM
Froz, when you are finished with your books (the Dobson book is excellent) let me know and I will send you my copy of the book. I have no use for it.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/09/05 01:44 PM
I looked up the book you recommended online. It looks interesting and applicable. I forwarded a link to Patriot to see what he thought of it. Thank you very much.

I might get it sooner, rather than later, so hang on to your copy. You never know when you might need yours.
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Gimble Re: Recovering - 12/09/05 10:38 PM
Hi, Frozen.

For instance, this morning Patriot got angry with me because he asked me if I really do love him. I told him that I haven't been feeling very loving lately. I didn't say it angrily or hatefully. He asked a question and I didn't want to lie.

Don't forget that love is a choice, Frozen.

He asked the question from an emotional need he had at the time, or maybe he just needed some assurance that you hadn't changed your mind about him. Maybe he just wanted to know he was still valuable to you.

Unless you have chosen not to love him, then your answer should have been an unconditional response to the choice you have made to love him. So "Yes" would have been the appropriate answer.

Patriot's anger was an immature response to the wrong answer from you.

I want to remind both of you, that radical honesty is very dangerous when it comes to revealing emotional content. How you feel may change second to second. On the other hand, what you choose or have chosen to do or be, demands radical honesty.

God bless,
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/11/05 12:58 AM

I so love hearing from you! Thank you for your input.

I've been thinking hard about what you said. I suppose this would be yet another negative by-productive of my being so emotional. I wonder...are there any good things about it???

I did ask Patriot what he was looking for with his question. He said he was looking for reassurance.

Unless you have chosen not to love him, then your answer should have been an unconditional response to the choice you have made to love him. So "Yes" would have been the appropriate answer.

I see precisely what you mean. It's very important to me to be completely honest. I assumed incorrectly that he was asking me how my love bank balance was doing, since I thought he already knew that I have chosen to love him. It seemed so clear to me at the time.

I understand that emotions ebb and flow. Obviously, since you can read back a few posts and see how not 10 days ago I was mushy gushy with love for him. So given that, I will know next time how to respond to him.

I do love him. I never said I didn't. I just told him that I wasn't feeling very loving. Of course, if I'd asked the same question, that would have been what I'd wanted to know so I responded accordingly. Now I know.

Sometimes I really hate being such an emotional creature. It isn't always a lot of fun to FEEL everything so hard, or to define everything in terms of feelings. I really am working hard at some of the things you told me in the past about the difference between fact and feeling and a lot of that directly ties into Distorted Thinking patterns.

Tomorrow is our first wedding anniversary.

I wonder how much progress we have really made in a year. Of course, any progress is better than none and I know we have made some, both individually and as a couple.

My analytical/examine the process side has me wondering tonight exactly what it is that keeps us together. Logically, it is that we both choose, I know. But WHY do we choose??? I wonder...
Posted By: Gimble Re: Recovering - 12/11/05 07:32 AM
Hi, Frozen.

Thanks for the kind words.

Tomorrow is our first wedding anniversary.


I wonder how much progress we have really made in a year.

Let me tell you in highly technical terms; A WHOLE BUNCH! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
I still remember some of your and Patriot's first posts. You have made serious progress. I think you both should be very proud of the progress you have made, progress that can only occur with the right amount of bold determination tempered with humility. Bravo!

Sometimes I really hate being such an emotional creature. It isn't always a lot of fun to FEEL everything so hard, or to define everything in terms of feelings. I really am working hard at some of the things you told me in the past about the difference between fact and feeling and a lot of that directly ties into Distorted Thinking patterns.

It is very hard work to learn an entirely new way to think. I think you have come very far in a short period of time, and under the stress of a difficult situation at that. The positive side is that what you have learned will help you deal with other serious life issues as they come along.

But WHY do we choose??? I wonder...

You choose because you have already chosen, and to choose otherwise would not be wise, only wasteful and destructive.

Set your mind on a proper path, and your heart and emotions will follow.

God bless,
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 07:06 AM
Okay, our anniversary didn't turn out to be a very good day.

I'm so confused as to what to do with this situation.

We did go to a movie this morning - Pride and Prejudice. Patriot didn't enjoy the movie much. I thought it was good.

I gave him a card and a small gift on the way home. It made him feel guilty and like he was a failure, and he ran out at the last minute and got a card and a small gift, too.

He spent the remainder of the day watching football or on the computer. He later came to me and said that he wanted to spend time with me. He said he wanted to help me put the Christmas lights on the tree, but he seemed distracted by the football game and it was really kind of a one person job. I offered to finish doing it alone, but he insisted on doing it. I did appreciate it, as the tree branches were cutting up my hands and arms and he did a nice job.

I cooked dinner and later we ate a small portion of the top of our wedding cake.

We did discuss the anniversary thing. Patriot said that it just wasn't all that important to him. That hurts and it makes me sad that it doesn't matter all that much. It makes me sad that I spent the majority of the day alone.
Posted By: Gimble Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 07:20 AM
Hi, Frozen.

Did Patriot understand how important the day was to you?

My wife and I forget our anniversary most years. Really. We just aren't big "special day" type of people. There is nothing at all wrong with having days you celebrate, but it is something that you should discuss with your husband. Knowing what days are important to you, and what you expect on that day ,or not, is definitely information he needs to know. If anniversaries and Valentines day and birthdays are all very important to you, then you should let Patriot know what you like and how you like it. There is no way that he will 'just know'.

We celebrate birthdays a little, Thanksgiving and Christmas are a big deal. Most other days are just days to us. No one gets upset. I like to get a cake and a small gift for my birthday. My wife is less specific about hers. My daughter likes her birthday celebrated about the same as mine.

God bless,
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 07:43 AM
I am not a big holiday person. This one was special because it was our first anniversary and because of everything we've been through this year.

Yes, I did tell him it was important to me. He offered to buy me jewelry and I declined. I told him I was way more interested in his time and maybe a little romance.

Towards the end of the day, when he seemed so distant, I tried to talk to him about it. He said he felt like a failure. I asked him if he had even really tried to meet my need. He said no. I asked him why. He said it didn't really matter to him.

I'm really struggling here between fact and emotion. These seem like facts to me that have resulted in emotions on my part. I feel very unimportant to him. This was not a lack of communication on my part. How do I derive from his actions that I am important to him?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 07:44 AM
Also, before today he said that our first anniversary was important to him, too. I am very confused.
Posted By: Gimble Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 08:01 AM
Hi, Frozen.

Did you see the original Dr. Dolittle movie? If so, do you remember the Pushme-Pullyou creature?

Do you see any corollary to your marriage?

What do you think you and Patriot could do to minimize that effect in your relationship?

God bless,
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 08:06 AM
No, I didn't see that one, so I'm not seeing the corollary.

I really think I'm doing what I can, here. I try to give him his space. I am working very hard at elmininating LB's and I have had extensive conversations with him about the most effective ways I can meet his needs.

I feel like the best gift I can give him on any given day is just to leave him alone.

I'm really trying to avoid Distorted Thinking. Is it unrealistic to expect to see some evidence of his words aligning with his actions? Is it crazy to want to see some initiative or action on his part that I am important to him, other than the simple fact that he is here?
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 02:57 PM
I'm really trying to avoid Distorted Thinking. Is it unrealistic to expect to see some evidence of his words aligning with his actions? Is it crazy to want to see some initiative or action on his part that I am important to him, other than the simple fact that he is here?
No, it is not distorted thinking. However, is it possible that Pat saw yesterday (happy belated anniversary) as a reminder of how he failed you?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 03:28 PM
Who knows?

I can't guess what's in his brain. All I know is what he told me...that it wasn't that important to him and the reason was because he was lazy (that's what he said).
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 04:15 PM
I did not see yesterday as a reminder of how I failed her.

She does not like surprises. I am OCD about money. I freeze like a deer in the headlights when I have to 'think' of something to do for her. I spend too much time wondering what to do so she will be happy, but not do it 'fake'. I harbor resentment towards her for LBing me. Having said that, I completely understand why she did it. I understand why ANY bs would do it all the time. As I explained to froz last night, though, I completely understand the enemy killing me on the battlefield, but I certainly am pissed that he did. She is not to be ridiculed for LBing me. I must be honest a say that I have resentment for her because of the LBs, but it is MY responsibility to forgive her because she has recognized her transgression against me and turns away form it. She tries so hard for such little payout from me.

I must deal with my resentment issue. That is a large hinderance, I think, for me.

Yesterday was failure via inaction. Indecision. I have made the jump from inaction and indecision to unimportant, as I thought she would. Makes sense to me. If I didn't act or I couldn't decide, then I guess it wasn't all that important to me. That is making a decision for her and doesn't reflect the truth.

She is important to me. Her happiness is important to me. Spending time with her is important to me. I want that time to be enjoyable. Maybe that is my flaw. My mistake right now.

I have been a party to so much unenjoyable time that at the very look of it, I back away and don't know what to do. She wants a strong man and that surely isn't it in action there.

I spend too much time trying to look like the good guy... geez. I just keep making the same mistakes over and over. I am no longer engaged in an A and don't have one even close on the horizon, but I certainly am not strengthening my marriage these days.

I need to change my attitude. I had a train of thought starting this post, but it has changed. I need to change my attitude and stop seeing everything as failure. All I do is try to fight down feelings of failure and inadequacy. She has ful right to her emotions and feelings and she no longer attacks me with it. She is so much further along on her road than I am on mine. But I can catch up.

Talking does me no good here. Why? Because I never do anything. So the only thing you get out of me is how I hurt because of her. Never anything about how I feel. Never anything about what I am doing or not. Just how she is mean.

She is not mean. Emotional, yes. Not mean. Not evil. Where am I going with this....

I don't know.

Action is what I need to do. Meet a need. Not just talk about it.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 05:08 PM
I need to change my attitude. I had a train of thought starting this post, but it has changed. I need to change my attitude and stop seeing everything as failure. All I do is try to fight down feelings of failure and inadequacy. She has ful right to her emotions and feelings and she no longer attacks me with it. She is so much further along on her road than I am on mine. But I can catch up.

Talking does me no good here. Why? Because I never do anything. So the only thing you get out of me is how I hurt because of her. Never anything about how I feel. Never anything about what I am doing or not. Just how she is mean.

She is not mean. Emotional, yes. Not mean. Not evil. Where am I going with this....

I don't know.

Action is what I need to do. Meet a need. Not just talk about it.
First off...{{{Patriot}}} I do believe it is natural for you to be in different places in your recovery process. Good for you for coming to the realization that you need to change. That is the first step. Have you ever counseled with Harley? If not, perhaps the best anniversary gift you could give Froz is to set up an appt.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 12/12/05 05:31 PM
I actually think counseling with SH on the specifics of today would be very productive. There is the "tools for dealing with infidelity" side of MB, and then there is the 'Make your marraige better" side of MB. I would like to start looking at the latter. That does not mean I want to forget the former...
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/13/05 02:05 PM
Last night was great.

Patriot sat and talked with me about a variety of things, to include meeting my needs.

Our discussion got emotional (I mean I did) a couple of times, but I loved the way Patriot kept us on track. I like it when he is firm, but honest. In the past he has often been too flexible, which sometimes can seem wishy-washy. I like it when he is decisive about what he wants, thinks, and feels, even when that decision is that he doesn't know. I love his honesty. I like the way he has learned to deliver it - open, but still caring.

I often deliver my honesty with an edge of brutality to it. I would like to learn to do it more like Patriot. A balance is good.

We talked about Patriot's resentment towards me for LB'ing him. I tried to justify it and in doing so I was attempting to take away his right to his own feelings. I liked the gentle way he reminded me.

When we communicate, I love the way we do it. It is quite often very funny, even during the more serious moments. We find something funny about almost everything. It feels like our own inside joke and I like it. I especially like when he laughs at something I say when I don't know I'm being funny, or when I'm being sarcastic and it amuses him. When I do that, he kind of tips his head back and laughs really hard and really long. I love it when he does that. It's one of my favorite moments about him.

We both have a very sarcastic sense of humor. I like that, too. Of course, sarcasm can be a double-edged sword.

Speaking of swords, Patriot laughed at me last night when I compared his A, and my LB'ing reaction to it to someone sneaking up behind their best friend and stabbing them clean through with a sword, like a shish-ka-bob to someone screaming irrationally while waving a butter knife.

I'm not sure why he thought that was so funny. He said it was a sharp butter knife. I told him it was plastic.

It wasn't plastic. I know some of the things I have said have hurt him very much. I know that my tongue is often razor sharp. He seems to think it makes it worse that my intent was to hurt him. It does. It is cruel to hurt someone you love out of your own pain. It is indeed a very cruel way to respond.

It isn't fair of me to think of it as a butter knife when it feels so sharp to him. I will just listen when he tells me it hurts and continue to refrain from doing it.

I feel very grateful this morning. I feel grateful that we still have love for each other, despite what we each have done in our attempts to destroy it. I am grateful that I have a husband who is kind and caring and desires to meet my needs. I'm grateful that he finds my sarcasm humorous. I'm grateful that he likes me. I am grateful that he wants me. I am filled up with gratefulness that he continues to choose me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/13/05 02:14 PM
Also, we are planning a do-over on our anniversary. I am very excited about a day to just enjoy each other because I think our being married for a year is something to celebrate. I feel like celebrating our marriage.

It doesn't matter to me that we didn't do it on the actual day of our anniversary. It will still feel like a celebration, just like it still feels like Christmas even though we celebrate it on Christmas Eve.

I love our traditions and rituals. Speaking of celebrating...Patriot, do you remember how we celebrate paying off a debt? Do we have any debts that are to be paid off soon? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/13/05 06:39 PM
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/15/05 02:07 PM
I purchased the book that you recommended yesterday...Safe Haven Marriage. I perused the jacket and the table of contents and it looks very interesting and also very applicable. I'm hoping that Patriot and I can read it together. Thanks for the tip!

Things are still good on the homefront. I do believe this is the longest stretch of "good" we've had thus far. I think sometimes we wait for the other shoe to drop during these times.

My hope is that these stretches will last longer and become the rule, rather than the exception as we learn more strategies and ways of dealing and communicating with each other and learn to actually apply them. That has been the difficult part...learning to apply them.

I found it easy enough, in the beginning to understand the concept of what a lovebuster was. It hasn't been as easy to recognize the ways that I withdraw love units and to identify exactly when I was doing it.

I have been thinking more and more about some of my behavior. I never realized just how much I was harming those that I love with my behavior. I thought I was the only one I was hurting. I want to learn to care for other people. I want to learn to truly care for myself.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/15/05 02:54 PM
Glad you got the book, our wonderful MC gave me her copy. The C we did with her is based on that book. A warning made me cry at times because my H's behavior toward me was so bad then. Of course I didn't know he was actively back in his A either. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
My hope is that these stretches will last longer and become the rule, rather than the exception as we learn more strategies and ways of dealing and communicating with each other and learn to actually apply them. That has been the difficult part...learning to apply them.
I do believe knowledge and desire will drive this for you both and you will succeed. You have the tools and are learning how to use them. Very proud of you both!
have been thinking more and more about some of my behavior. I never realized just how much I was harming those that I love with my behavior. I thought I was the only one I was hurting. I want to learn to care for other people. I want to learn to truly care for myself.
I know exactly what you mean. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/15/05 03:00 PM
A warning made me cry at times because my H's behavior toward me was so bad then. Of course I didn't know he was actively back in his A either.

I hope it doesn't make me cry, too.

It makes zero sense to me why someone would bother to go to MC when they are actively participating in an A! HELLOOOOOOO people!!!!!

I'm sorry you were deceived in such a manner, Faithful.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 12/15/05 03:35 PM
It makes zero sense to me why someone would bother to go to MC when they are actively participating in an A! HELLOOOOOOO people!!!!!

It makes perfect sense to me. They think they are there trying to fix the other person. They think they don't have a problem even in the midst of the affair.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/15/05 03:59 PM
I see what you are saying. I'll change that to...

That kind of sense is not very logical.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/15/05 08:50 PM
In my case, my H thought he could keep us both by doing this.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/15/05 08:55 PM
How very thoughtful of him!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/20/05 02:13 PM
My husband is a strong, kind, caring, patient man. He is gentle with me and he truly listens to me and offers his support in any way he can.

When he gets frustrated with me (and I can be VERY frustrating), he calmly asks for a moment and he sets his defenses down so he can lovingly respond to me.

He gives me almost all of his free time. He doesn't pick and choose the things he wants to do for me. He listens and chooses to do the things that matter the most.

He has made caring for me his highest priority. He makes me feel safe.

He treats me like precious cargo when we go someplace. He keeps a protective hand on my elbow when we walk and he always drops me off at the door because he knows I get cold easily. When he picks me up at the door, he jumps out of the car and runs around to my side to open the door for me.

I love his strength and his gentleness. I remember who he used to be when I first met him and I found his child-like manner endearing, but in place of those qualities is now a very, very strong man whom I admire and can rely upon.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/26/05 07:12 PM
I don't think this is ever really going to get better for me.

I can't forget. I can't move past this. Everything feels tainted. I am not having a bad day. No matter how much I try to maintain a positive attitude, everything ugly is lurking just below the surface.

It still feels as though there is nothing in life to look forward to - as if all the joy has been sucked out of everything.

I feel trapped.

I would never have imagined that I could ever be this unhappy for such a very long time frame. The more time passes, the more it seems like this will go on forever.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 03:48 AM
I've spent the last couple of days really thinking about my last post and what it is that led me to feel that way.

Let me first preface by saying that I very often feel misunderstood here. There are many factors that probably contribute to that.

One of them is that I am sometimes honest to a fault, meaning that I can sometimes be brutal in my delivery where a little finesse could be in order. My intent is to simply be honest, but the end result is that I wind up being disrespectful.

Another contributing factor may be that sometimes it is very important to Patriot how a situation "looks", which may not always give an accurate portrayal of how things really are. After such an instance, I may respond based on my emotions and the end result of that is that, often times, I appear erratic or unreasonable.

Patriot has been exploring some of his past decisions and the difference between "looking" like the good guy and making choices that reflect actually behaving like the person he wants to be.

There are times when his desire to look like the good guy has painted me out to be the bad guy.

All of that sounds defensive, and maybe it is. I started to backspace twice, for fear of being disrespectful or sounding even more erratic, but I am going to leave it as is because I want to be real.

The truth is I just really hate to be misunderstood.

With that having been said, I write here for myself - to get my feelings out. Sure, I could write this as a Word document, keep it to myself and still accomplish getting my feelings out, but sometimes I get really great feedback that enables me to grow as a person, a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a friend. So I will continue to write for myself and if anyone picks up on something that helps me, I will consider it a double blessing that I was able to both get my feelings out and to learn at the same time. I love multi-tasking.

So, on with the emotional erraticism (ha ha)...

I feel so confused.

I love Patriot very much. Often times, over the course of our relationship, I have not felt very valued by him. There are a lot of times that I still feel that way, based not on past actions, but on current ones.

I have communicated to him the actions that lead to those feelings. Why am I receiving that message in the first place? Is my perception really that warped? Would someone else in the same situation not feel the same way? I feel like I can't even trust my own judgement sometimes, but I know I am not crazy.

For example, one day Patriot was at work. He left something at home that he wanted. He told me as much on the telephone and I said something like, "I'm not busy. I could bring it to you and that way I would get to see you, too."

He didn't want me to bring it to him because he did not want to spend the money on gas. In an attempt to ascertain precisely what we were dealing with, I asked him approximately how much it would cost for me to drive to his work. He said it was about five dollars.

That is an example that is low on the scale of feeling unvalued or unimportant. His affair would probably be the other extreme. There are many examples that fall in between, dating back to the beginning of our relationship.

I did not misunderstand the Five Dollars Incident. I asked him about it and he confirmed. He also said that he wants to show me actions that do make me feel valued. How can that be accomplished if the five dollars really is important to him? I don't want him to hide how he truly feels, but I would like to feel valued, too.

I don't want him to change his response to suit my feelings. I would just like for him to desire to see me more than he desires to save five bucks. But if that is what he wants - it's what he wants.

I have been thinking about why it feels so difficult to move past his affair. What I have arrived at so far is that his affair hurt me very much and that he would risk losing me made me feel very unimportant and unvalued. There are many times still that his actions send me that same message, though to my knowledge he is being faithful.

There have been times when his actions did make me feel valued and during those times, I noticed that the affair mattered much less to me than what I had at the time. Based on that, I have arrived at the conclusion that I don't really care so much HOW we get there, just as long as we DO.

Last week I asked Patriot if he loved me more now than he did before or during the A. He said no. He said he loved me all along.

Today we had a talk and he told me that he did not love me before. I asked him when he began to love me. He said it was shortly after D-Day.

That was big news to me and came as a bit of a shock. We were engaged to be married and he didn't love me? We had been living together for three years and he didn't love me? He said that he did care about me and he liked me, but he was not in love with me. I wondered why he was here. He said it was because I was the logical choice. Logical choice - meaning that I treated him well, doted on him and adored him, took care of him in domestic ways, contributed greatly to his finances, etc...

I feel very deceived. He told me that he loved me. There were times when his actions told me that he didn't. When I asked him about those actions, he told me that I was basically crazy, or that it was my low self-esteem that wouldn't allow me to see that he loved me.

Now we are married and, come to find out, my intuition was correct. I'm not sure what to make of that. I find it very confusing.

Throughout Recovery, Patriot has found it very difficult to be honest with me. There have been many times he has told me, "This is the real truth and I will be honest from now on". Later, that story changes and the honesty starting point begins all over again. That has happened enough times that I have a lot of difficulty believing I am getting the truth. Lying to me and betraying me by having an A for the better part of our unmarried relationship was a big enough obstacle for trust without further lying or deceit during Recovery.

To have him tell me last week that he loved me all along and to then have him tell me today that he didn't begin to love me until right around the time we got married last year felt like the story changing again. It is very confusing, not to mention that it is painful that the man that I have loved with all my heart for the last four years didn't love me back until just recently. Also, it very often doesn't "feel" like he loves me now, so how do I even know he does?

This is so difficult sometimes - most times. I am angry with myself for being so easily duped. I am angry with myself for getting married a month after D-Day. That was not a very wise decision at the time. I have placed myself in quite a predicament. I do want to honor the committment I have made, but I would also like to feel valued and important for more than my domestic and financial contributions. I would like to be valued for who I am, not what I have for someone to take. I realize that walking away isn't necessarily going to make me feel valued and important, but sometimes I think it would be a relief just to STOP feeling unvalued and unimportant.

I'm done rambling.

I sure hope I haven't DJ'd. I was trying really hard not to.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 04:35 AM
I feel very deceived. He told me that he loved me. There were times when his actions told me that he didn't. When I asked him about those actions, he told me that I was basically crazy, or that it was my low self-esteem that wouldn't allow me to see that he loved me.

Now we are married and, come to find out, my intuition was correct. I'm not sure what to make of that. I find it very confusing.
{{{froz}}}, I think it was very brave of Pat to finally be honest with his feelings. I am not patting him on the back for this just pointing out that his trouble with honesty seems to be slowly getting better. Does he have a reason to not trust you with his feelings or has avoidance been his MO his entire life?

If you have not done so, please call the Harleys.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 04:52 AM

It's always good to hear from you. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Yes, Patriot has been and is making a tremendous effort where honesty is concerned.

Does he have a reason to not trust you with his feelings or has avoidance been his MO his entire life?

That's a tough question for me to answer, as he is the only one who can really say he does or doesn't have a reason NOT to trust me with his feelings.

I will say that when he has shared his feelings with me in the past, I have sometimes been hurt by them and expressed that to him - sometimes constructively, sometimes not so constructively, but either way I try to show him that I accept him and he has said that he feels very accepted by me before.

I do know for a fact that conflict-avoidance has been his MO his entire life, so maybe it has very little to do with me.

I would like the opportunity to be trusted with his true feelings.

Honesty & Openness, which is sometimes difficult for him, ironically happens to be my #1 EN.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 04:54 AM
If you have not done so, please call the Harleys.

That is not a financial decision I can make independently.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 02:44 PM
I know Froz, I was addressing that to BOTH of you. There is so much hope in your sitch, IMVHO.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 10:03 PM
Well FF,

Where is this hope you speak of? It isn't as though, like most other couples in Recovery, we have a history of love to fall back on. We don't even really HAVE a history that isn't based on something false. Is this hope based on the idea that he could learn to love me or somehow make it "look" like he does? That somehow seems a little insulting.

The reality is that he used me. I was a single mother in the middle of a crisis (you know...the previous marriage and the crisis with my daughter) and he moved in with me because it was convenient. That is not a DJ. He actually told me that. It benefitted him financially and he had someone to dote on him and eagerly do his laundry and such.

He pretended to love me back for three long years before we married. Now he says that he didn't begin to love me until less than a month before we got married - oddly when he was faced with being abandoned as a result of his actions. Staying in a relationship simply to not be alone is a behavior that is not new to him. How can I be so sure that that isn't the case now - particularly given some of the very rough spots we've had this past year in Recovery?

I have no idea what to believe. I don't like being used - for a warm body, money, clean laundry, etc...

I am actually much more angry with myself for falling for all of that. One would think that with my history in relationships, I would have learned more before now.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 10:15 PM
have no idea what to believe. I don't like being used - for a warm body, money, clean laundry, etc...

I am actually much more angry with myself for falling for all of that. One would think that with my history in relationships, I would have learned more before now.
Well froz... I understand in many ways what you are saying. My H used me and did not love me for a very long time in our M. It is NOT a good feeling nor does it help ones self esteem. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> However..and again this is just my opinion and only worth the paper it is written so to speak..what I see is Patriot's walls coming down. I see a vulnerabilty in him that wasn't there before. I see caring in him that wasn't there before. Perhaps all these events and the potential of losing YOU have opened his eyes and his heart to his love for you. I get the feeling Pat does not love easily. Is that a justification for lying to you? No. But we all have to start somewhere. Even people in arranged marriages can eventually fall in love. I know you love Pat and now Pat knows he loves you. Isn't that what the whole love bank theory is about? I believe your security will eventually come in knowing that you are loveable. You are valuable. You are a treasure. That is where I see hope.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 10:35 PM
Perhaps all these events and the potential of losing YOU have opened his eyes and his heart to his love for you.

Perhaps the thought of being alone is his motivator and it really has nothing to do with me at all, other than the fact that it's not so easy to find someone willing to love and accept you through anything you throw at them.

I realize that, even in arranged marriages, two people can fall in love. That isn't the kind of love I thought I had and it definitely isn't what I was presented with when I got married. "I can learn to love you because you love me so much" was never what I wanted.

All I wanted was to be shiny enough to just one person to stand out above all others - not for my housekeeping skills or my cooking, but for who I was inside.

It is not very validating that the value I have to others is as a punching bag, the mother of someone's next victim, and now a convenient domestic person. I'm more than a little beat down after this past year and I am finding it difficult to see the value I have considering that everyone just wants something from me.

Obviously, I'm feeling a little sorry for myself. This just sucks, and it hurts, and I am so mad at myself because I placed myself willingly in this situation when, in looking back, there have been many signs that should have made it obvious I did not mean all that much to him.

I used to ask him why he loved me. He always said "Because you love me so much." Obviously that didn't go over so well with me. All I have done now is condition him to change his responses. That isn't love.

I didn't want the whole "Lab Rat Theory" of taking two perfect strangers and having them meet each others EN's to see if they will eventually fall in love. Besides, I was not a perfect stranger to him. He already knew me and he didn't love me.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 10:41 PM
sigh...I really wish I could help. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> I know you are hurt. I know you are broken. Perhaps that is why I feel an sisterhood of sorts with you because I am too. Froz, I am not sure I would know what healthy love was like if it bit me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 12/28/05 10:46 PM
Froz, I am not sure I would know what healthy love was like if it bit me.

That is funny, in a not-so-funny kind of way. I can sure relate. Just a guess, here, but I don't think it bites - not the healthy version, anyway. But what do I know?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/04/06 04:02 PM
Geez, I just re-read the above posts by me (don't do it). I sure do turn into my very unpleasant alter ego, Negafroz, sometimes. Nobody likes a Negafroz...including me.

I think people much prefer just regular Froz, and perhaps even Slushy.

I am a combo today...half just regular Froz/half Slushy.

Something Faithful Follower said above stood out to me...

Perhaps all these events and the potential of losing YOU have opened his eyes and his heart to his love for you.

Maybe so, FF...maybe so.

I am so proud of him sometimes. It is SO HARD for people to change, yet he works so dilligently at overcoming behavioral patterns he's had throughout his entire life. I truly admire that. I admire that so much more, even, that someone who always makes the right choices in life.

Changing IS hard, and I suspect that he isn't changing for himself. What it looks like is that he is trying to change for me - so he won't hurt me any more, and so he can love me in a way that makes me feel loved the most.

It touches me in a way so deep that it makes me want to cry and it makes me want to kick myself for every single time I was SO HARD on him - in word OR just in thought.

My husband, the giver.

This is not something I have seen from him before. I have seen him give for recognition. I have seen him give to avoid conflict, or even to boost his self-esteem.

This is different.

Do you know what he did???

Remember our 1st Anniversary a few weeks ago? We went to see the movie Pride and Prejudice and ended up distant the rest of the day.

I liked the movie. He didn't understand it.

Now he is going to read the book.

I actually can't think of anything more romantic. Even if he never actually reads it...I don't care. The simple fact that he had the desire speaks to me.

He took several vacation days through Christmas and New Year's. I loved it. I loved seeing him all the time and waking up each day with "what are we going to do together today."

We watched movies, we played games (something we both love), we worked puzzles, we talked...I wonder if that's what it will be like when (or if) we both retire (only 30 or so years away).

He went back to work yesterday. I miss him. Next week he starts school again, and his class schedule is even more time-consuming than last semester. I am afraid of the potential distance that may come with that. It's too hard to get rid of it.

His first day back to work yesterday, he spent making me a booklet of gift certificates. Okay, this does not look like something an individual made. It looks better than something you would buy at a store - way better. This man is definitely not lacking in presentation.

The certificates are good for basically any request. They are all blank, have no expiration date, and have a redemption value not to exceed $00.01 (he has a sense of humor, too).

I love this man. I have always loved him. I used to love him for who he was. It is something entirely new to love him for the way he makes me feel.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/04/06 04:25 PM
I love this man. I have always loved him. I used to love him for who he was. It is something entirely new to love him for the way he makes me feel.
Hey Slushy! You made me melt with that quote! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Ah, froz what I wouldn't give to have a man try to change for his love of me. Hold on to those times when you feel lonely while he is at school. I think you will need them.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/04/06 05:14 PM
Hey Slushy!

I love it when you call me that!

Heck, I love it when I AM that!

I do have a couple of things I am struggling with personally that I am hoping someone can give me some insight with.

Unfortunately, I have to go to work now. I have recently learned there is a mysterious connection between time and clocks (or something like that).
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 01:31 PM

How did I pass the 1,000th post mark without even noticing?

Nothing earth shattering seems to have happened. Do I not get a button, or even a "I survived a year past D-Day" t-shirt?
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 02:09 PM
I'll be glad to brand the number 1000 as a commemorative mark on you somewhere. It's the new lost cost way of doing things. And I'm only hot pokers for me.

Happy New Year Frozzy
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 02:55 PM
Yikes! No branding for me!

I was hoping maybe for the Marriage Builders Board Game - the Home Edition.

Oh wait, I think I already have it...

His Needs/Her Needs
Surviving An Affair
5 Steps to Romantic Love

Happy New Year to you, too, AskMe
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 03:08 PM
Hey Slushy, ever notice how many posts I have?? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 03:22 PM
Holy heck, FF!!!

That should earn you a coffee mug, at the very least!

btw, Slushy got a bit chilly. She's out for the day.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 03:29 PM
Oh? Are we back to slighty frozen or hard as rock frozen? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Wanna talk? I have a couple minutes.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 04:12 PM
No big deal, really, just slightly frozen.

I am just frustrated. I discussed some of my obstacles with Patriot, as opposed to doing it here. I sent an e-mail about it to him yesterday, as that seems to be a much less confrontational method for him.

In the e-mail, I told him that I struggle with acceptance of the A because there is still so much that I don't know. I did not attack him at all in the e-mail.

He responded, but didn't really address anything specifically. A short time later, I called him from the store because I was picking something up for him and needed further instructions. He sounded really odd on the phone and I asked him if something was wrong. He sat there for a few minutes, before telling me that he was edgy about my e-mail. He said he was afraid that the positive way we've been interacting with each other lately was going to disappear as a result of talking about the A.

I reassured him in the e-mail a dozen times that I wasn't angry with him and that there would be no punishment, that I was just sharing with him how I felt. I told him the same on the phone.

He sent me an e-mail later in the afternoon, saying that he wanted to discuss the discomfort during our phone call when we both got home that evening. He wanted to go elephant hunting, I guess.

After we got home, he pretty much ignored me for the duration of the evening. I went to bed alone. Today, it's as if nothing happened.

I'm still not angry with him, and I understand and know that he is doing the best he can. I am still frustrated with the situation. This isn't easy for me, either, and he was the one who chose to have an A. If not for that, we wouldn't have an A to discuss.

Like I said, a little frustration, but I'll live.

Thanks for asking.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 04:21 PM
I think the email way of discussing the infomation is good. I have done that with my wife before. It takes some of the emotion out of dialog. There can still be tension, but not as much as if you are sitting face to face.

For example the other morning my wife and I were in the car together and she asked me a question related back to all my affairs, which I always answer honestly when she asks. Well she asked something I had told her in the counselors office, but she either wasn't listening, or didn't hear due to the shock of the moment. Anyway when I told her she went off on me. I had to say, wait a minute. I have told you this before. I know it's hurtful and painful, but it's not fair for you to be cussing at me when I'm being honest about something I have told you before. It makes it really hard to open up and keep talking.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 07:32 PM
Yes, that would be frustrating. Is there anything else you can do to reassure pat that you won't be angry when you get the details you are needing?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 07:49 PM
I honestly don't know what else I could do. I am just guessing, but I don't think it really has anything to do with me or any fear of how I may react.

I think this is his issue and waging another guess, I'd say maybe the fear is based more on just facing something bad, in itself, or maybe fear of abandonment. I don't really know.

The more I think about it, the more frustrated I get because it seems like all along, throughout Recovery, I have had to endure things that were uncomfortable, so that he could be more comfortable. That seems rather backwards to me.

Why should things have to be harder for me so they can be easier for him? I didn't create this mess.

Sometimes it seems like there is a cap on Recovery and even intimacy for us. Everything seems to end up right back at this point and it does frustrate me.

The elephants are his - not mine. I have a very difficult time understanding conflict avoidance in a marriage. In my head I think, "If I can't talk about it, then I shouldn't do it". It actually makes me MORE uncomfortable for the distance to be present.

I am definitely not an elephant lover. It really irritates me when someone else invites them in, feeds them, and even breeds them in my living space. I want these stinking elephants gone.


Froz the Wild Huntress of Elephants
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 09:50 PM
I am definitely not an elephant lover. It really irritates me when someone else invites them in, feeds them, and even breeds them in my living space. I want these stinking elephants gone.


Froz the Wild Huntress of Elephants
I like the way you put it!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 11:13 PM
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 11:23 PM
OK froz, calm down. I am glad you got that out. First you need to remember that though this affects you this is really Patriot's problem. How about if you give him a deadline to get the facts together and give it to you all at once. Do you prefer a face to face or is email or a letter acceptable? What can you do to assure him that once you have the truth these back and forth sessions will be done and you can move forward?
Posted By: Tom Joad Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 11:32 PM
Hey Frozen,

I looked back and did find that I had sent some of your posts to my STBX last year. Just wanted to let you know, and congratulations on your 1000+ posts. whew
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 11:43 PM
Yikes, Tom,

I didn't know you were going to quote me...I had intended to delete my venting, so as not to LB or have Patriot read something I said that was the "un-edited version". I had hoped to edit the really rude parts out so I could present him with a version that was honest, but a little more rational and devoid of LB's.
Posted By: Tom Joad Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 11:44 PM
Was that a "rumplestilskin"?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/06/06 11:45 PM
I should have scrolled down...


I saved your post for reading later this evening.

He is home now. Thank you!
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/10/06 01:54 AM

I've been studying the heck out of the Buyer/Renter thread. I don't know why I didn't see your suggestion before. I was surprised to see the bump by you on it.

I learned a thing or two, but I'm more confused than before. I kept changing my mind..."I'm a Buyer. No! I'm a renter!"...that kind of thing.

Some of the highlights -

Buyer is willing to demonstrate an extraordinary sense of care by making permanent changes in his or her own behavior and lifestyle to make the romantic relationship mutually fulfilling. Solutions to problems are long-term solutions and must work well for both partners because the romantic relationship is viewed as exclusive and permanent. It's like a person who buys a house for life with a willingness to make repairs that accomodate changing needs, painting the walls, installing new carper, replacing the roof, and even doing some remodeling so that it can be comfortable and useful

In the past, I think I have been a Buyer in Giver mode. I was willing to do all that remodeling single-handedly so he could take it easy in his La-Z-Boy (Freeloader in Taking mode).

Harley says that the Buyer/Buyer agreement CAN BE restored when the affair has finally ended.

BUT .... you ~knew~ there was gonna be a but didn't you?

this does not usually work if the unfaithful partner was NEVER a Buyer

That scares me. I don't know if that applies to us or not.

yes... because of the Renter's tendency to think that sacrifice is good for the relationship ... which is bullocky

Here I start to think that after D-Day, Patriot turned into a Renter.

just for fun ... what is your 'sign' ?

I'm sure it will come as no shock that I am a Capricorn. You know...the GOAT .

So when can a buyer sell or get their $$ back? Or is this a non-refundable purchase?

I must have missed the answer to that question.

" In fact your Giver is willing to see YOU suffer even to the point of deep depression as long as you continue to care about others.

Your Taker is willing to see others suffer if it means you are happy or are prevented from suffering. "

"Because each of them ignores someone's feelings, they are both shortsighted. They fail to understand that you and others should be cared for and protected simultaneously, so that no one suffers"

If you are willing to sacrifice your needs for the relationship, you are no longer a Buyer.

This is interesting stuff. This is where I start to think maybe I am a Renter.

{{Pep}} You are one heck of a friend and a very patient lady. I am quite a block head

I don't reach out to block heads ... too annoying

This is where I start to think I am a block head.

The Buyers approach to problem solving.

Byers don't try to control each other.

Buyers don't make demands.

Buyers don't show disrespect or lose their temper.

They solve their problems by negotiating solutions that are win/win.

This is where I am positive I am not a Buyer.

You are dependent when what you recive is not balanced by what you give in return.

How can we create a dependent spouse? When we are in the early/Renter romantic stages of a relationship, we tend to give and give and give ~~~> sacrifical giving. And all that giving creates a DEPENDENCY in our spouse. All that giving creates EXPECTATIONS that are unrealistic in a long-term romantic relationship.

Giving without wanting anything in return ~~~> the Giver is running wild and unchecked.

What does that create in the other spouse? Their Taker is given free reign. "gimme gimme gimme"

This sets up opportunity for abusive relationships where one spouse is giver heavy and the other is Taker heavy.

No balance. No give-take. The GIVER is the one who creates this ... by sacrificing and essentially training their spouses' Taker that there are no limits to how much sacrificing their spouse might submit to.

Control Once you reach a point where you have your spouse depending on you , you are now in a position to control your spouse.

While our Giver sets up dependency by encouraging us to give unconditionally, our Taker has no such generous motives.

Our Taker will not be denied ! Now that your spouse is dependant on you, your Taker wants to control what the spouse must do in order to payback for all the sacrificing !!!

So if my Giver-gone-wild has set up my spouse to become dependant on me ... what happends to my Taker side? My Taker begins to feel that this situation is terribly unfair, and starts to grumble and complain ... and then make demands, start fights and generally tries to control my spouse... and I might even run off and have an affair "Because I have done so much for this marriage and never get anything in return ... it's MY TURN to do something just for me"

Me, except for the run off and have the affair part. Maybe just run off.

"How do you feel about what I would like to do?"

Decisions are to be made considering each other's feelings.

POJA forces you to be considerate especially when you don't feel like it

OK .... you've asked THE question "How would you feel about ...."

and this gets negotiation started ... and you realize the goal is enthusiastic agreement ... how do you arrive at that goal?

Hmmm...Every time I think we are practicing POJA, I learn that we are not. Why does POJA continue to elude us?

I think I learn the answer later in Pep's thread. I'll get back to that.

I shall now go through all the posts on this site and identify the members & their spouses as Buyers, Renters and Freeloaders.

A notable and very funny comment made by Mulan. It cracked me up (until it occurred to me that she might have taken a look at some of my posts...yikes).

Resist one type of solution that your Giver and Taker may suggest --- the I'll let you do what you want this time if you let me do what I want next time solution <~~~ That's the RENTER'S SOLUTION that encourages you to alternate sacrificing for each other.

aka "I'll let you do what you want this time if you pay attention to me."

MY error in POJA.

Radical Honesty pretty much knocks conflict avoiders out !!!

.... now to apply it to POJA .... hmmmmm

emotional honesty ... I don't think a couple can be successful in POJA negotiations without emotional honesty.

How can one POJA with an emotionally dishonest partner?

.... lest we forget ... a conflict avoider is emotionally dishonest ...


How would you feel about this .....

Patriot's stumbling block to POJA.

Do you think conflict avoidance ie emotional dishonesty sets the stage for other levels of dishonesty in a person?

The answer, from the book Conflict Avoiders and the Women Who Love Them (joking), the answer is YES! YES! YES!

So...I remain stumped (in true Goat-like fashion).

I will say that I think Patriot is rapidly moving up the ranks towards Buyer. He is willing to change EVERYTHING, and do any remodeling he can and even some he can't. I just don't understand why.

Sometimes I think that our situation has too many elements about it that are just too complex.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/10/06 04:00 AM
On a positive note, I've just learned that Patriot and I are compatible, according to the Chinese being a Rooster and he being an Ox!

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 04:13 PM
Rough day. I feel like I just continually mess up. I feel like Dr. Jerkyl (not a typo) and Mr. Hyde...

One part of me is saying: No wonder he runs from you. No wonder he cheated on you. You are horrible.

The other part: You wouldn't be so horrible if he hadn't treated you so badly. He should have just been honest.

...and back and forth.

More than once this week I have had fantasies while driving of just driving on and not stopping until I run out of gas. I think I have nearly a full tank right now, so I could get pretty far. I just want to keep driving and forget about any responsibilities I have.

I feel like I'm cracking. Patriot is going to e-mail me some details sometime today...don't know when it's coming. I feel like I'm waiting for the axe to fall and it's hard. On one hand I don't want there to be secrets between us, and on the other it is so difficult to hear and I want to close my eyes and make it all go away.

Can someone help me today?
Posted By: top rope Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 04:20 PM
Don't want to have another post to you Blow up on me I'll just send you out a Brotherly Hug (((({{{{Froz}}}})))) ....and Tell you that many of us Understand.
Hang in there. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 04:22 PM
Blow up? Geez, I hope you aren't saying I said something mean to you. I guess I just give everyone a thorough tongue-lashing. What the heck is wrong with me?

Thank you very much for the hug, top rope. I really do appreciate it.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:21 PM
Froz I'm always willing to help you or Pat with anything. Just yell at me if there is anything I can do. (((FROZ)))
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:28 PM
Froz, I am here if you need a shoulder. You did really good with your assessment of the buyer, renter, freeloader thing. BTW, in M's with addictions it is generally renter - renter and they can still thrive. Not everyone is capable of being a buyer but it sounds like Pat is working toward it.

My email addy is if you need me
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:30 PM
Thank you, AskMe.

I've received one e-mail from him. It had quite a bit of information in it.

I am afraid that I will do something incorrectly. I'm not sure how to respond - to each individual e-mail that I will probably be receiving throughout the day, or to the information as a whole when he gets home this evening. We are having company for dinner.

I have to go to work in just a little bit.

This is hard. It's a little more painful that I had imagined it would be. I thought after all this time, and knowing some of this stuff, I would be a little more immune, but I am not.

It helps that you and toprope posted to me. I don't really have any other support system, as no one knows anything about our situation. It helps just to even "virtually" have someone there. Thank you very much.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:33 PM

I really DO need a friend today. Maybe this was a bad idea and would have been better done on a day when I didn't have to go to work and we weren't having company for dinner. I just didn't want to put it off any longer if he was willing to do it.

I will e-mail you, if it's alright.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:33 PM
*edited to remove email address*
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:36 PM
Froz, at least you can keep your mind active with work and company. Let the emails come, look for obvious things and look for the detail later.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:37 PM
Froz, be prepared to feel like you took several steps back to DDAY. It is a NORMAL, hear me, NORMAL reaction. I think pondering the information and putting together any questions and comments. Maybe you could discuss after your company leaves.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:42 PM
froz, anytime email me
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:43 PM
I didn't want to go back to D-Day. That is what it feels like.

I have already responded to two e-mails with some questions.

I e-mailed you.

I don't want to talk after company leaves because I am afraid I will do or say something wrong. I don't even know what to say.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:46 PM
When you don't know what to say, don't say anything. Just say you need time to think and process your thoughts. You may even need time to talk with someone to help work out your thoughts. That way you can get the emotions out first.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 05:57 PM
Okay. Thank you.
Posted By: top rope Re: Recovering - 01/12/06 06:19 PM
Sorry I just had to peek back.

Please know that although this Can Help you Long Term will be a set back in the short.
that's Just the way this type of information, combined with Emotions work.

That is Why I Always SO STRONGLY Encourage Any and ALL newbies to get the Details out of the way As EARLY early On in the process as Possible.

Delaying asking and then getting your questions answered (although NOT fatal) Harmful by making you seem Set back.

In reality,
all you've been doing is trying to recover .....backwards.
Your making gains .......but don't even KNOW What your recovering From.

Cause Most BS are going to Ask sooner or Later.

Putting it off does little except to waste a lot of the time, energy and diligence people are putting into their marriages.

Much of the effort of trust and connection is once again broken, when Facts are reveled --- OUT of ORDER (like this).

Facts are just facts:
Be they about times, places, people, feelings, whathaveyou.

But most BS NEED to know what they are (to one degree or another) order to properly cope and deal with them.

So Ideally,
Get them out of the way Early on, so they are NOT the Unknown & Unspoken elephant in the room ....Cutting you OFF from your spouse by their enormity.

So as to you Froz:
Guess what??
There NEVER will be a GOOD time to do this.
Pat's willing NOW you better take advantage of it while the offer is there.

So keep your mouth (and your keyboard silent) can always Respond later, AFTER you have a chance to PROCESS some of this info.
Cause NO Doubt a lot of it WILL be hard to take. Just a sad fact.
Very Sorry you've had to wait sooooo long just to get to this point.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/16/06 07:35 PM
^bump^ how are ya, froz?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/16/06 08:15 PM
Funny...I just jumped on here for a sec because I wanted to see how YOU were.

I am okay...up and down, but a lot of ups this weekend. It seemed to be either really high ups and really low downs.

We had a couple of really heated discussions. It makes me so very angry when he calls me negative or NegaFroz. I am going to refrain from calling myself that from now on.

It started out as a joke, but I am beginning to take it a little personally, because I don't believe it IS true.

Sure, I have some low moments - even hopeless ones - but, as I explained to him earlier this morning...

This is a very difficult situation - it's been the hardest thing I've had to deal with in my life, partly because it just IS hard and partly because of the timing and because it came AFTER all the other hard stuff I've been through. So, given that, it probably makes it feel even more difficult and it is a large contributing factor to why I've really struggled so much.

Anyway, I told him that it is a difficult situation and no matter what obstacles there have been, I have remained faithful, loyal, open to looking at myself and making adjustments, open to working toward making our marriage better and striving for both our happiness. That doesn't sound like NegaFroz to me.

There are times when I feel hopeless and feel like giving up, but I have always kept trying.

So has he.

Sometimes I feel kind of bad for him. I feel bad because I see how he struggles and I do see that he really tries - even when his efforts don't bear much fruit. I greatly admire his persistence and the other night I called him "The Little Engine That Could".

He struggles SO MUCH with conflict avoidance. He used it so much as a defense mechanism during his childhood that it seems to have become like second nature for him and it's often difficult for him to even recognize when he is practicing it.

How do you stop it when you don't even know you're doing it???

It becomes even more difficult to stop it when I react to it. It makes me feel very unsafe when he conflict avoids and sometimes I am able to react with patience and just try to point it out to him. Other times - if I am feeling particularly unsafe about it - I react with very strong emotion, which only serves to reinforce his instinct of conflict avoidance.

I think it is often the case that our bad habits feed off of each other. I have got to work harder to control my emotional reactions. When I am able to do that, it makes him feel safer and it is easier for him to listen when I point out conflict avoidance to him in a loving, patient manner.

It may sound rude to point it out to him, but he seems to really appreciate the help. I know that I want him to point out to me if I am acting disrespectfully, which is a problem of mine.

I wish that he would post more often. The feedback that I have gotten from doing so has been so helpful for me.

I told him that I believe that if he wouldn't worry so much about sounding a certain way in his posts or saying the "right things" when inside, his mindset is really different from what he is saying, that people here could aid him in working through thought processes that create obstacles for him. It is hard to get any real answers if you aren't being completely open about your thoughts and feelings.

Also, a lot of times he looks to me for the answers - particularly with the conflict avoidance issue - and the truth is that I can't fix it for him. I will be glad to help him however I can, but it is sometimes difficult for me to relate to because conflict avoidance is not something I identify strongly with. In fact, I sometimes find it very difficult to understand.

The other thing he really seems to want to work in is selfishness. That is also hard for me to help him with because it's difficult to point out to someone without making them feel defensive.

The best I've been able to do so far is to point out when he isn't being very sensitive to my feelings.

We are both off work today, and he went to have lunch with a friend. I spent some time today with one of my friends. Last I talked to him, he said he had some thoughts and was very motivated today to WORK, meaning MB work. I am extremely anxious to know what he has in mind and what he's been thinking about.

Anyway, how are YOU???

If I haven't told you lately, I sure do appreciate you.

If anyone else is listening, I really appreciate EVERYONE here. I don't know how I would have fared this past year without all of you.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/16/06 08:28 PM
I am ok, thanks for asking. Dealing with some issues of my own and finding out that triggers hit me really hard to the point of a physical reaction.

No, you are NOT are hurt froz sometimes and slushy other times. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

I am anxious to hear what you two work on today. I think it is great you can gently point out his CA tendancies without it being an LB. The selfish stuff I think is tough because he is just going to need to get to a point of recognizing what is motivating him. Has he read Love Busters?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/17/06 02:05 PM
Dealing with some issues of my own and finding out that triggers hit me really hard to the point of a physical reaction.

What a horrible feeling I know that is. YUCK! I think it is my least favorite feeling in the whole world. I would rather eat broccoli, touch a dead mouse, listen to my ex-husband speak, study Mathematics, and be slapped in the face every day.

I will say that those feelings lessen with time, fortunately.

No, you are NOT are hurt froz sometimes and slushy other times.

Thanks for that! Jokes are funny, but labels are not.

I think it is great you can gently point out his CA tendancies without it being an LB.

I think it is great that he is willing and open to listening because he wants to learn better coping skills. I think it is great that he desires help in overcoming this obstacle.

Has he read Love Busters?

No, he hasn't. He read HNHN and I read LB and then we were supposed to switch, which brings me to...

I am anxious to hear what you two work on today.

As it turns out, my MAN had a PLAN!!! That's what he wanted to talk about...a plan to jolt us out of a rut and give us focus.

I am impressed with his planning skills and the time, effort and research he put into it.

I am GRATEFUL for his leadership.

We have both noticed that when we focus our attentions on learning it seems to make the best use of our time, as opposed to the HOURS and HOURS of open discussion that seem to cause negative feelings and assist us in running in circles, getting absolutely nowhere but hurt.

His plan...

STUDY TIME! Two hours every Thursday evening of MB study, beginning with discussion and implementation of articles based on the principles. Articles are to be printed and handed out on Sunday for review together the following Thursday.

He proposed a reinstatement of Date Night - every Friday. There hasn't been much RC going on around here for a while. I get to pick first.

We also discussed setting specific time aside each week for reading together. We still haven't finished Safe Haven Marriage and there are many other books that would be beneficial for us to read and learn.

Part of his plan included a specific method for dealing with anger appropriately. Our attempt at one of us asking for a break has been unsuccessful, as neither wants to take a break because we have some crazy desire to DELVE further into it to gain resolution. It definitely seems to hinder productivity.

The NEW plan is...a 30 minute mandatory break to set down anger when it begins to turn into projection.

Another thing he discussed is learning how to deal with resentment, though we didn't necessarily have a "plan" for doing that. I know that Dr. Harley covers it in some of his articles, so I hope that it can become addressed in that fashion.

Oddly enough, if you recall, we discussed some pretty heavy details on Thursday. It was difficult for me to deal with and I did need some time to process. I spent a little bit of the weekend hurting over them. But, we had a GREAT weekend together. I mean REALLY great!

We watched the Godfather trilogy, and I proclaim Patriot's "Godfather voice" to be his best impersonation EVER. I enjoyed watching it with him. We met lots and lots of other needs, <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> and last night we took note of each other's love banks. We each had scores that were drastically improved from the last few times we took note of them (last week).

A little loving sarcasm for my husband here (he said he likes it)...

Hmmm, is HONESTY working for ya???

Serious note: Remember when we had that talk and you asked me where was the payoff in honesty?

Here is my answer...

Sometimes it DOESN'T feel good to be honest. Sometimes it hurts to give it and it also hurts to receive it. Sometimes the payoff isn't obvious at first, and you can't possibly see what fruit it could bear right away, but there is still a payoff and THIS is it -


Intimacy that is real.

I love you very, very much and I am so grateful for your honesty, your perserverance and willingness to learn, your leadership and your protection.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 01/17/06 02:53 PM
Serious note: Remember when we had that talk and you asked me where was the payoff in honesty?

Here is my answer...

Sometimes it DOESN'T feel good to be honest. Sometimes it hurts to give it and it also hurts to receive it. Sometimes the payoff isn't obvious at first, and you can't possibly see what fruit it could bear right away, but there is still a payoff and THIS is it -


Intimacy that is real
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> That is the best thing I have read in a while! I am so proud of both of you. Froz, you just gave me something to send to my H. Check out the thread I am about to start.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 01/17/06 09:11 PM
Yeah, I just may have to hang up my rolling pin for awhile.

If things keep going this way, I might have to look into putting it away permanently and maybe getting it bronzed. Just a joke - never know when you're gonna get someone riled up (except for Patriot - he knows when I'm kidding).

Check out the thread I am about to start.

Just saw that. I'm thrilled that things seem to be looking up and I have high hopes for your situation.

Keeping you in my prayers...
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/07/06 12:27 PM
Orchid: Ok, so now you have options you are aware of. U 2 are sooo near recovery U can almost taste it

Is this true?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/07/06 09:02 PM
I've been lost in my head today.

I think it's time for me to push forward a little. I've spent some time letting some stuff sink in and learning how to practice some of what I've learned. I've also spent some time pushing Patriot, and resisting him, too.

I no longer have any excuses. I've grasped a lot of what I've learned - enough to focus more on practicing it until it becomes habit, and honestly, Patriot doesn't really need me to fix him. He's doing just fine.

Maybe his accomplishments are challenging me to do better. I can either grow along with him or...I don't have an "or". I just want to grow along with him.

I'm suddenly terrified of that unknown "or". Hmmmm....

I find myself afraid quite an awful lot lately.

I'm afraid of being close to him. I'm even afraid of being close to myself. I'm not okay with me, not even a little bit. I find myself emotionally scampering away from him often, for fear of feeling rejected or some other thing. I feel afraid to ask for what I need from him, too. I don't know why.

I'm so proud of him and all that he has accomplished.

I would like to be proud of myself, too, but I'm not. He's done most, if not all, of the work. All I do is try to be nice. I'm not even successful at that sometimes.

I'm so sick of feeling eaten up with resentment. I'm tired of looking up and recognizing yet another way that I'm a big 'ol control freak.

I have been terribly disillusioned about myself for quite some time now. I thought before that I was so fragile and deserving of protection. It is difficult for me to recognize the ways that I hurt people I care about. I struggle even more with recognizing the ways I hurt myself.

That makes me very sad to say or to even think about. I've spent an awful lot of time trying to control the things and people around me that hurt me. I have no idea how to begin to stop hurting myself.

Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/07/06 10:36 PM
Froz, Dr. Laura fan or not...I was listening to her today a bit. She has a new book out "Bad Childhood, Good Life: How to Blossom and Thrive in Spite of an Unhappy Childhood"

Sounds like a book you may want to look into. Also just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. {{froz}}
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/07/06 11:29 PM

Thanks for the book recommendation, your support, and your thoughts.

I checked it out on and it looks applicable and interesting. I read the table of contents and an excerpt.
I was also pleased see the jacket and discover that Dr. Laura has gotten herself a new hairdo since her last book.

I think I'll pass it on to my daughter when I finish it (the book, not the hairdo).
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/07/06 11:31 PM
I think I'll pass it on to my daughter when I finish it (the book, not the hairdo).
I LOVE your sense of humor <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/07/06 11:46 PM
Thanks FF, but I was being dead serious!!!

It wouldn't be a flattering hairstyle for an 18 year-old. It does look WAY better on Dr. Laura than her last do...professionally speaking, of course.

Don't you think?

Dr. Laura - Before

Dr. Laura - After
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/08/06 12:20 AM
Much better, I agree
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/08/06 12:28 AM
Miss Faithful,

"I promise that my personal tragedy will NOT interfere with my ability to do good hay-ur."

Get it???

Steel Magnolias, in case you didn't.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 02/08/06 02:32 AM
Froz, my hair needs help.
Posted By: tqt Re: Recovering - 02/08/06 03:16 AM
I would like to be proud of myself, too, but I'm not.
Hey Froz... why not?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/08/06 08:39 AM
Froz, my hair needs help.

The first step is admitting that it is a problem. Go on...
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/08/06 08:44 AM
Hey Froz... why not?

I can't say that I am where I would like to have been by now, with regards to Recovery.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/10/06 06:38 PM
I have LB'd, LB'd, LB'd and screwed up royally.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/10/06 08:01 PM
Email if you want to talk privately or do you want to work through it here? I am the Queen of LB's. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/10/06 08:46 PM
Either way, it doesn't matter.

I just felt the need to tell on myself since Patriot wouldn't do it. I told him he ought to throw me to the I could get thwacked with as many 2X4's as anyone and everyone could send my way. I deserve it. You wouldn't even believe how I act sometimes if I told you.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/10/06 09:31 PM
You wouldn't even believe how I act sometimes if I told you.
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> Me too.

Ok, I am around if you wanna talk. What do you think you could have done differently instead of LB? My prob is once I start I quickly escalate and I turn into a screaming, cussing witch. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/11/06 02:45 AM
What do you think you could have done differently instead of LB?

One of the ways I have learned to respond differently is to just state how I feel and leave it at that.

You know, good old "I feel _______, when you _______, because_________."

Sometimes, though, I feel more desperate than that. It accomplishes absolutely nothing for me to act that way, except perhaps even MORE desperation and included Patriot in that desperation, too.

Looking back on how desperate and how very, very resentful I felt, I don't know. Stating how I feel seems to be do-able in most situations, but I don't know another way to respond in those desperate moments.

My prob is once I start I quickly escalate and I turn into a screaming, cussing witch.

What I did was text message him mean things like some kind of wild banshee while he was at school because I felt alone and rejected. I was asleep when he got home, so the next day I continued my onslaught via e-mail the entire day while he was at work.

I don't know what else to say. You know what I want to say, but bashing myself probably wouldn't be any more productive, so I'll refrain, though it's difficult.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/11/06 03:32 AM
Looking back on how desperate and how very, very resentful I felt, I don't know. Stating how I feel seems to be do-able in most situations, but I don't know another way to respond in those desperate moments.
No, the I feel's won't work when you get that desperate. What can you do for YOU at that very moment to distract and self soothe. I am trying to learn this too. Perhaps we can learn together. I assume you have apologized to Pat. How did he take it?
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/11/06 03:34 AM
What I did was text message him mean things like some kind of wild banshee while he was at school because I felt alone and rejected.
Banshee..good descriptive that is me and once it starts whooo boy tough to stop. I'm doing better though. Only a couple of quick angry moments and a couple curse words in over a week. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/11/06 03:55 AM
self soothe

I don't know. I have to figure out some way to do this or I am not going to make it.

How did he take it?

He just did...take it, that is.

Once it stopped (today), and he was away from me, he did tell me in an e-mail that he felt consumed with rage and even screamed while he was alone in his car.

He's completely justified.

However, the anger and rage seemed to magically dissipate when he was around me and he suddenly says he has no negative feelings towards me.

Sick as it sounds, I actually advised him, in future situations such as these (should they occur), to say to me "When you are willing to be respectful, I will respond to you. While you continue to be disrespectful, I will not".

Posted By: tqt Re: Recovering - 02/11/06 04:10 AM
froz, I just gotta say...
you're pretty hard on yourself... you know that?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/11/06 08:44 AM
Wow, and I was refraining!
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/11/06 04:04 PM
Sick as it sounds, I actually advised him, in future situations such as these (should they occur), to say to me "When you are willing to be respectful, I will respond to you. While you continue to be disrespectful, I will not".
Acutally that is not sick, that will likely work to shut you down. Let's talk about self soothing a bit. One of the things that work for me is to get away from the sit a bit to cool down and I have to stay away from MB or I get even angrier. I think that is because there is so much pain here it just adds to my rage. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> I have found that finding something to make me laugh helps. What works for you?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/11/06 10:19 PM
It doesn't sound sick?

It kinda seemed to me like making him responsible for controlling me. My mindset when I said it was that I wanted him to protect himself, even when I wasn't (protecting him). Obviously, it would be better if I would just do it myself, but at the time I just wanted the job done in any way.

As far as self-soothing goes, when in doubt and you don't have the answers...there's always GOOGLE!

Found this...

Self-soothing is taking deliberate steps to calm oneself while facing a stressful situation. Often this can involve traditional stress management techniques such as relaxation, deep breathing or healthy self-talk.

Besides just the goal of outwardly handling a situation appropriately, self-soothing has a deeper purpose that can be different from traditional stress management: to calm oneself enough in the anxious situation in order to do the self-confronting.

What is self-confronting (I didn't exactly know)?

The idea here is to ask yourself why you are upset and learn what this tells you about yourself. Specifically, what is your growth issue in this situation? One example of this can be, "Am I depending on someone else to validate my sense of self-worth?", "Do I have my sense of myself too heavily invested in this situation, so that when it changes I may lose myself?".

Once you've identified where you need to grow, the next step is to figure out what the "hard thing" is that you need to do to grow, and make yourself do it. Make yourself respond to the situation in accordance with your core values and beliefs and depend on those for your self validation.

Example 1: Joan
Joan has a supervisor, Al, who is driving her nuts. Al is frequently in a bad mood and when he comes into the office, Joan's stomach knots up and she feels herself get tense all over. It has gone on long enough that Joan is noticing that she doesn't sleep as well. She is tired when she gets up in the morning and on top of it, is starting to hate going into a job that she used to enjoy. It has just happened again, and Joan decides that enough is enough. [Joan has reached "critical mass", the point at which she really decides that she has to do something about the situation, but isn't sure what.]

Self Soothing:
Joan mentally takes a step back
Closes her eyes
Takes a deep breath
Self Confronting:
Joan asks herself some questions that seem at first to be silly:

Q: Why do I get uptight when he walks into the room?
A: I'm bracing for a possible attack.
Q: Why am I afraid of a possible attack?
A: Because I don't like being made to feel that I'm stupid or a bad child.
Q: Do I need him to validate that I'm not stupid or that I am competent?

Joan mulls this one over for a few minutes and decides...

A: NO! Although he is my supervisor and he does evaluate me as such, he doesn't get to decide in my mind whether or not I'm stupid or competent. I know that I am competent. Further, I know that I am a good worker whether he thinks so or not.

Conclusion: Joan decides that her view of herself is not as dependent on her boss' opinion as she thought, and sees herself in a new light. As a part of this new view of herself, she decides that she needs to ask Al to not treat her rudely anymore.

Self Soothing:
Joan talks to herself in her mind:
"I am a competent worker even if he doesn't agree!"
"I don't have to make his problem my problem."
"I can get through this as a mature adult."

Self Confronting:
[Out loud] "Al, I need to talk with you about something..."

Comments on the example:

We don't know where the situation will go from here. Joan doesn't know, and there are no guarantees for any of us. The main point here is that Joan took her resiliency and maturity up a notch by doing two things:

Deciding not to depend as much on what others think of her for her self image
Standing up for herself where she might not have before.
While Joan confronts Al and follows up on this, she will initially feel a lot of anxiety. In time, however, Joan will begin to feel herself less vulnerable to the stress of the situation. Al may never change, and Joan may eventually leave the position. But with her view of herself being different, Joan will feel more freedom of choice about how to respond.

Alternate Scenarios

There are many other questions Joan could have asked herself that would have gone in many different directions. For example, if Joan has a history of working with people who are angry around her, she might confront herself about whether or not she contributes to the problem. In acting on this possibility she might make herself vulnerable and ask Al if she does anything to feed this pattern of conflict.

Example 2: Jorge
Jorge's department has lost several workers. As a result, he finds that he is doing the work of three people. His supervisor, however, is still expecting him to get all of his work done on time. To compensate, Jorge is coming in earlier, skipping lunch and staying later. But he's starting to wear out and is becoming resentful of his supervisor and others who don't seem to recognize the load he's managing or to care. What he thought was a temporary situation is becoming routine life, and Jorge's resiliency is being depleted.

Self Soothing:
Reminds himself that not meeting unreasonable deadlines is not a true reflection of his character
Reminds himself that he decides what his integrity is based on, not other people
Reminds himself that he is diligent in his work
Reminds himself that he will leave the job before he loses his sense of himself.
Self Confronting:
Jorge realizes that he is letting his work consume him; he needs to start taking back his life:
Starts taking his lunch break again, and leaves the building completely
Goes back to his old, normal schedule (40 hours, no more)
Closes his door when he has to focus and not get distracted
Decides that he needs to remind his superiors that this situation cannot continue indefinitely because of what its costing him and the department
Begins to think of solutions he can suggest and timelines for implementation
Adjusts his self-expectations back to a reasonable level while maintaining his attitude as a team player.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/12/06 01:55 AM
Good stuff froz. Much like Pep has asked FL to do..identify what is causing her anxiety at the moment she is feeling it. Finding our triggers I suppose
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/13/06 08:37 PM

Patriot is out of town until Wednesday and to keep thoughts occupied, I decided to do some home improvement projects that have been on my list.

I'm REALLY good at painting, faux finishing, and wall texturing, but my brilliant self thought to surprise him by taking the accoustic texture off the ceiling and re-texturing and painting it and re-painting the living room.


I don't even know what to do now. I have about 1/4 of the accoustic crap off the ceiling in the living room. Most of it is on me! I'm not kidding - I am sitting here covered in it. Chunks of it are hanging from my hair and my face.

I hope he doesn't read this, but you are supposed to wet the ceiling, so I got the garden hose and put a sprayer attachment on it and brought it in the house and went to town.

I don't even want to go back in that nightmare of a living room.

He's going to be surprised, alright!

I wish I had some help. I should have waited to do this when he was here to help me.

I feel like crawling back into bed. I don't even care if I get this stuff all over the sheets.

I'm never going to make it through the next two days. I wish he were home.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/13/06 11:03 PM
Froz, tell me you are wearing a respirator while working with that stuff? Some of it has abestos in it. Hopefully this does not. Get a dry/vet vaccuum and clean up the mess. You will make it through and truly I am impressed you took on such a big project.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/14/06 01:52 AM
I didn't wear a respirator, but the stuff was really, really wet (garden hose, remember).

I hope I didn't breathe in a bunch of yucky stuff, because I'm asthmatic.

I really bit off more than I could chew, as is customary. I called Patriot and he talked some sense into me. I am going to leave the living room, as is, until he gets home to help me. The only thing bad about that is that I really, really, really wanted to surprise him.

I talked to Patriot for a while, went to the gym, sat in the sauna and went to the grocery store and I am feeling much better now.

I was reading a book I purchased some time ago while I was in the sauna. It's called Receiving Love . It talks a lot about Imago Relationship Therapy, though I don't know if it is a good method or not. I haven't even gotten very far in it, but so far my name is figuratively written in just about every sentence. It would be nice if it made a difference for me.

I am so mentally and physically exhausted tonight.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/27/06 01:18 PM
Sometimes this feels like such a sinking ship, like it was doomed before it even started. No matter what we try, it always seems to end up right back to this big hopeless spot.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/27/06 03:11 PM
Missed you. So did he help you fix the livingroom? What's up? Want to vent or talk?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/27/06 03:30 PM
It is very nice to hear that I was missed...thank you for that.

He did more than help fix the living room. He did it all while I was at work.

I did clean up the mess. It took about a week. He helped me a lot, even when he was very sick last week with strep throat. He's feeling better now, though we are really having a rough couple of days.

As far as talking, I just feel so unbelievably alone and afraid.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 02/28/06 03:19 PM
Froz, sorry had a really, really busy day at work. I always look for your posts but have been remiss in keeping up with you.

Email if you want to talk off the boards. Still busy but hopefully not as bad today.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 02/28/06 11:39 PM
No need to apologize for having a life. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

I understand.

Things have been pretty rocky. I won't go into specifics, as I don't wish to speak more freely than Patriot is comfortable with.

Sometimes it's difficult when your FWH posts here, too. Not that I wish he wouldn't read or post here. In fact, I wish he would post more often so he could get support and/or feedback. I'm just saying it sometimes makes things complicated because I have to be more cautious about what I say.

We just never seem to get past a certain point in Recovery and sometimes it just feels like we are closer to the beginning, instead of a year + post D-Day.

There was an incident. It hurt me a lot and hurt even more that I perceive that he hid it from me. He may hold a different opinion about it - I don't know.

It makes me feel so terrified, and I am so torn between feeling like I want to reassure him and feeling like I want to hide from him so he won't hurt me anymore.

What he did hurt me and in addition, the dishonesty hurts me VERY MUCH! It hurts me to my very core and makes me feel so unsafe. It also makes me feel rejected because it feels as though he doesn't trust me enough to show me who he really is.

We are supposed to have MB study tonight. I guess we will, but I don't really see the point. I am too afraid to let myself be close to him and it makes me angry and I don't want to learn how I can better protect HIM and make him feel safer, much less meet his needs.

I just want to heal and I'm so tired of being stuck.

Thanks for the ear. I do appreciate it.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 12:05 AM
What he did hurt me and in addition, the dishonesty hurts me VERY MUCH! It hurts me to my very core and makes me feel so unsafe. It also makes me feel rejected because it feels as though he doesn't trust me enough to show me who he really is.
I so totally relate to the above statement. The dishonesty hurts so much and does so much damage. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> I really don't know what to say except I think Pat has some walls that still need to come down. I have such hope for you two.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 12:27 AM
It feels nice to talk to you.

I feel very, very lonely.

Thank you for always talking to me.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 05:18 AM
You are a very special person little slushy, don't you know that? I enjoy talking to you. Funny how some things in life have a common thread. The lonliness has echoed in my life for a long time too. That is one of the reasons I like this place and my other cyber friends. I can "talk" them anytime and then I am not so alone.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 04:01 PM
Thanks for the compliment. I want to argue with you, but I won't. I'll just say thank you for saying that.

How do you know when it's time to just leave?
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 04:16 PM
How do you know when it's time to just leave?
Not sure, but I think it is when you know in your heart you have done and tried everything. You can't make those decisions when your emotions are on the down swing..I think you need to make them when you are thinking clearly not reacting. Does that make sense? How is your love bank balance? Are you two talking about this?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 04:35 PM
Does that make sense?


How is your love bank balance?

Honesty & Openness is #1 and it's pretty low. Conversation (#2) feels rather low, too. We did talk some last night for MB Study Night. We read from a book and had conversations on it, but the time went too fast for me and then he fell asleep.

Are you two talking about this?

I'm not sure what you mean. Talking about the incident? Talking about how I feel? Talking about honesty?

We did discuss the incident. He knows how I am feeling. As far as honesty and openness go, I guess all he could really do was say "From now on...", which I have heard many times.

I want to be understanding and I want to be patient. I do understand why it is difficult for him, but it still hurts me very much. It makes it almost impossible to trust him or believe anything he says.

If he won't protect me, when is it acceptable to take measures to protect myself? How can I protect myself in a marriage and still be a "vessel"? They seem like conflicting concepts.

I'm really not sure what to do.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 05:41 PM
Proverbs 25:4 Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth [the material for] a vessel for the silversmith [to work up].

2 Timothy 2:21 So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 06:36 PM
Does he feel "safe" being honest with you? I know that throws it back on you and I don't mean to but that came up in our MC many times that I wasn't "safe". I can understand why to some extent he felt that way since I had my AO's and DJ's down pat but now it has become a way of life and he is having trouble changing back into a honest and open person. Of course it doesn't help when your S calls you a liar! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 06:59 PM
Does he feel "safe" being honest with you?

I'm not sure how you meant that, but it doesn't sound to me like it throws the responsibility back on me. I could be the safest person on earth and still not get honesty or openness from him.

Or, I could just be me...

It is driving me insane to try to be safe. It has escalated to the point that I don't even want to ask him to do a simple favor for me, for fear that he will do it when he doesn't really want to.

I don't even ask him to eat out because even if he seems to enthusiastically agree, a week later he will be angry that we said we were going to save money and then didn't.

I can't be responsible for his honesty or even his openness. Doesn't there come a point when, no matter how I respond, he should just DO it?

I know I don't always respond perfectly when he is open, though I have made improvements (I really have, and you know I wouldn't give myself credit), but he seems to fear ANY negative emotion on my part - even when expressed appropriately.

I feel like, in order to make him feel safe, I have to stop being open and hide how I really feel.

If he doesn't want to make me sad, he can just withhold what he really thinks or how he feels from me, if he thinks it will make me sad (just an example)...thereby keeping me from being sad.

I know that I can't control it. I would like to just let go of this responsibility, but I am the one who will continue to be hurt as a result of his dishonesty.

For all I know, it could be really making him angry that I keep using the word "dishonesty". I think it makes him angry that I lump even lack of openness into the Dishonesty Category, but to me - hiding things is being dishonest.

Here's the really scary, scary part...these things I've discovered...they are just the things I've DISCOVERED! Think of all the things I HAVEN'T!

I am tired of being afraid.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 07:15 PM
***I am tired of being afraid.***

You made some really good points above. To agree to something like going out to eat and then hold it against you later is damaging. It leaves you unable to trust if you can't read him. My H got so good at lying that I can't even trust my gut anymore.

Sounds to me like right now Patriot needs to decide where he stands. Witholding information is another form of deceit. It is lying by ommission. It leaves you feeling unsafe and uncertain about what else you don't know and about what else you may find.

Have you ever gotten around to scheduling time with the Harleys?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 08:48 PM
Sounds to me like right now Patriot needs to decide where he stands.

This is the part where I start to feel torn.

I understand how difficult it is for him and I see how hard he does try. We are talking about a lifetime pattern, here. One in which he was taught very early on that he must hide what he truly thinks and feels in order to feel safe.

Still hurts me, though.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 09:04 PM
So what is he doing to change this lifetime pattern?
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 09:36 PM
I don't know if it's Patriot who should decide where he stands...I'm sure he does but its neither here nor there.

One of the reasons I pushed you so hard Slushy, is because you have to choose what you want for your life.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/01/06 09:42 PM
Glad you are here, BR. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/02/06 01:06 AM
I'm glad, too.

I really, really need help. The incident on Monday seems like a pretty big red flag to me, but I feel so screwed up, I don't even feel like I can trust my own judgment.

One of the reasons I pushed you so hard Slushy, is because you have to choose what you want for your life.

I don't mind being pushed. I have learned so much from you, even if I seemed slow...I DID hear you.

I don't understand what you mean by choosing. Do you mean make a decision and commit? Do you mean set boundaries? Do you mean leave and stop letting men treat me bad?

I am terrified and I feel pretty desperate. This is different than before. I feel like I have to do something soon. I can't live like this anymore.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 03/02/06 01:56 AM
it can mean all of those things.

What I hoped for you, was to see you grow enough, to love and respect yourself enough, that you could see clearly and own your own issues, and not play victim anymore.

Then you can make choices about your life. Fear is a very bad state of mind to make choices in. In fact fear based decisions usually carry a guarantee of the self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you are afraid, be still, focus on you, not on him, and work on your fears.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/02/06 02:43 AM
What I hoped for you, was to see you grow enough, to love and respect yourself enough, that you could see clearly and own your own issues, and not play victim anymore.

You say that in the past tense. Have I disappointed you?

Am I still playing victim? Am I not owning my own issues? I really thought I had made significant progress.

Fear is a very bad state of mind to make choices in.

I understand.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 03/02/06 10:44 PM
if you do this to Patriot, im not surprised he is still holding back.

NOT that it is ok for him to do because it IS NOT.


Put yourself in the shoes of other people in your life.

Imagine them attempting to communicate with you...only to be wrestled to the floor and pinned under a microscope while you twist, turn and pry every last bit of meaning and nuance from what they said!


I think you have made progress. You haven't disappointed me, geez. You are who you are, and this is where you are at.

Have you made enough progress? No.

But then again, neither have I. Thats what life is about, growing, learning and changing.

My problem here is that you have gotten stuck and your marriage probably doesn't have alot of time.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/03/06 02:08 AM
Imagine them attempting to communicate with you...only to be wrestled to the floor and pinned under a microscope while you twist, turn and pry every last bit of meaning and nuance from what they said!

Hmmm...sorry about that. You have been such a valuable learning source for me and I am just eager to really understand.

My problem here is that you have gotten stuck and your marriage probably doesn't have alot of time.

I'm a little reluctant to further ask questions, but...

Is there anything you might recommend that I could do or work on that would be helpful?

I am willing to do the work, and I will not be combative or stonewalling.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/03/06 06:53 PM
How are you today, slushy?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/03/06 07:58 PM
I'm okay. Thank you for asking.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/05/06 12:01 AM
Have you ever gotten around to scheduling time with the Harleys?

Patriot scheduled an appointment two days ago. We have an appointment set for Wednesday morning.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/05/06 12:54 AM
Hooray! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Tell Patriot I said I am very happy to hear this.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/07/06 04:03 PM
I know I don't always respond perfectly when he is open, though I have made improvements (I really have, and you know I wouldn't give myself credit)

I've been thinking about this statement.

I have made improvements where this is concerned. Then again, he has made improvements with honesty and openness, too. There is still room for more improvement on both parts.

Perhaps the two really are directly related. This is not to say that I am responsible for his behavior, but maybe I am getting out of it what I am putting into it. It definitely doesn't make a lot of sense to ever behave in a manner that is counter-productive to getting what I would like.

Just some updates:

I am in the process of studying Imago Relationship Therapy. I am completely fascinated with it. It discusses a lot of the things BrambleRose has shared with me before, like there being a reason we choose the partners we choose (which always puzzled me).

I find the concepts unbelievably interesting. In a very condensed version, it talks about how you choose a partner who possesses the very traits that wounded you as a child, in an attempt to heal.

If you learn to understand that the defenses your partner uses are a result of his own childhood wounds, and also aspects of yourself that you have disowned and rejected, you begin to develop compassion towards him. This helps you learn to love and accept him as he is.

Through practicing love and acceptance of your partner, you simultaneously practice love and acceptance of yourself and thus halt the practice of self-rejection.

That is a broad overview, but I will tell you that it is making a very big difference for me.

Also, we have an appointment with Dr. Harley in the morning.

And...Patriot is taking my children and I on a vacation, to commence this Sunday morning. I am looking forward to it very much.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/07/06 05:24 PM
Dear Slushy <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I love hearing about your progress and the above posts tells me you have made a lot. That is why I asked you if he felt "safe" being honest because I don't make my H feel safe though I am working on that aspect of myself. Where do you study the Imago Relationship Therapy? Sounds very intriguing to me.

A vacation??? What's that? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> Been so long since we had one. Good progress for both of you. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 03/07/06 05:44 PM
Perhaps the two really are directly related. This is not to say that I am responsible for his behavior, but maybe I am getting out of it what I am putting into it. It definitely doesn't make a lot of sense to ever behave in a manner that is counter-productive to getting what I would like.

Posted By: AskMe Re: Recovering - 03/07/06 06:47 PM
Perhaps the two really are directly related. This is not to say that I am responsible for his behavior, but maybe I am getting out of it what I am putting into it. It definitely doesn't make a lot of sense to ever behave in a manner that is counter-productive to getting what I would like.


I believe dysfunctions match like a key fitting into a lock. There are behaviors that match with behaviors of the spouse that we are attracted to almost as if a magnet pulled us there.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/09/06 03:01 AM
Today hasn't been the greatest. We had the appointment with Dr. Harley this morning, and I've been feeling a little disappointed all day.

We learned some things, but towards the end of the session he talked about healing and mentioned that there were steps he would like Patriot to take to 'heal the wound' of the A and that he would talk him through them and be continued.

It felt a little like having a carrot dangled in front of my face and then yanked away. I've been a little bummed about it all day.

Now I am more than bummed, because my DD18 just told me she would like to talk to me about something and then laid it on me...

She just got off the phone with her father and he said that if she would come for Spring Break, he would buy her an airline ticket.

Spring Break is when we are going on our first family vacation !

I've never taken my kids on a vacation before. Being a young mother (and a self-employed one), I never could afford to do this.

She doesn't even KNOW her father - the Junior Prom date who ditched me after I got pregnant and then joined the Army right after we graduated high school. He has lived out of state ever since and has seen her three times in her eighteen years that she remembers - and once that she doesn't remember. That doesn't even count the times he has told her he would come see her and then stood her up without even calling.

What she said...

He said he would pay for my airline ticket and everything and this may be the only opportunity I have to get to know him, and I know that you guys will always be there for me.

I understand how she feels and I am glad to see her get the opportunity, but I am so sad for me. I don't feel like it would be the right thing to exert authority and tell her she can't go. It's her decision and she desperately wants my approval because she knows how disappointed I will be.

His timing just really sucks. I'm not liking him very much right now. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: believer Re: Recovering - 03/09/06 03:36 AM
Frozen - I think her seeing her father is much more important than a family vacation, although I understand your disappointment. When my son was 18, he announced that he was going to go live with his dad, who had never spent more than 5 minutes with son in his whole life. I was floored!!!!

Anyway, I let him go, and sure enough, back he came in 5 months. It is just part of what kids need to do.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/09/06 03:18 PM
{{Froz}} I understand but you will be there for your DD always and she KNOWS that. How awesome is it that she has so much confidence in her R with you. Go enjoy your family vacation anyway.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/09/06 03:19 PM
Oh is the follow up with Harley just for Pat?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/09/06 04:35 PM
Thanks Believer and FF.

Patriot and I told her last night that we supported her decision. She hugged us both and thanked us for understanding.

I do understand, but selfishly I wanted the four of us to spend this time together. It was a big deal to me, especially since I've never been able to take them on a vacation before.

We are going to go anyway. DS, who will be 16 (too many milestones lately) on Saturday, still wants to go. It's usually pretty difficult to find things to do at home to spend time with him, so perhaps the one-on-one time will be nice. Make that TWO-on-one, with Patriot.

Hey! You know what always happens when I am alone with DS and Patriot? It's TWO-on-one, them against me! They like to pick on me and tease me. For some reason, they find it amusing.

Oh is the follow up with Harley just for Pat?

I didn't get the impression that it was just for Patriot, but I guess it's possible I could be asked to step out of the room.

Also, on the subject of Imago.

Dr. Harley said that it contradicts MB principles, in that Imago operates on the belief that we choose our partners based on similar characteristics of our parents and childhood wounds. MB states that we choose our partners based on who fills our love bank.

I believe in MB principles and I have faith in them, but I don't see that all of Imago contradicts MB principles and I am not going to toss out Imago study just yet.

I am finding a lot of it very helpful, particularly the parts that address childhood wounds, the messages we tell ourselves based on what we have learned from our caretakers, and the defenses we develop that prevent us from receiving, to name a few.

The books are full of pretty in-depth exercises to help develop self-awareness. To answer your question, the particular book I am studying is called Receiving Love by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt. They have several books and a website, too.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/10/06 12:35 AM

How are you doing?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/27/06 09:58 PM
Things seem to have taken a different direction, as of late.

Patriot suddenly seems to be interested in taking an active role in Recovery. As a matter of fact, the way he is acting, one would think it was his biggest priority.

Of course, I can be a bit of a skeptic - I feel I have valid reasons to be skeptical. Without my even mentioning it, he reassured me that the changes he is making wouldn't fall by the wayside for other things.

He is devoting an enormous amount of time to Recovery talk, marriage building talk, and meeting my EN's. He is even taking the semester off this summer from school.

I have no idea what is actually responsible for the changes he is making, although I'm extremely curious. I did ask him. All he said was that he "was tired of sucking".

These are all positive efforts. They don't go unnoticed and are very much appreciated by me.

I do have concerns about our situation. Is there a point where things are just unrecoverable? Heck...for all I know, maybe they never were!

I've read information on here that discusses even Dr. Harley's stance on infidelity pre-marriage (among other situations, too) and it sounds as though he completely advises against it...

I haven't read, though, what he feels will be the outcome of such situations and why he advises against them. Does he believe it will happen again? Does he believe it is just too difficult to Recover from? I don't know.

I am somewhat discouraged to read such information. Add to that the fact that we have both made detrimental errors, and that I have also read here that Recovery can't even begin until the details of the A have been discussed. So, here we are - going on almost 1 1/2 years of "Recovery" and we haven't really even begun???

Patriot has expressed a willingness, just lately, to discuss these things. I made the decision not to, for right now. I don't want not doing it to hinder us in any way, but until I hear from Steve Harley himself that he really recommends our doing so - I AM NOT going back to D-DAY AGAIN!!! Once was a time to many, not to mention several times. It's just too much, and my love bank has been in the red for quite some time now.

I remember a very long time ago, some MB members really tried to get me to take a look at the reason why I married him, despite D-Day a month before our wedding date. I've been thinking about this quite a lot lately. Before, I listed such reasons as: I loved him so much, we had already built a life together, etc...

Now I think the answer is really quite simple. I was just completely and totally in denial and thought that if I could pretend as though it weren't true, maybe it wouldn't be.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/27/06 11:11 PM
Hiya slushy! Wow, good changes on the part of Patriot and I totally get why you feel a bit cynical. Give it some time. He knows he has to show you the changes are for good.

As for the details, if you don't want them you don't have to get them. It is up to YOU as the BS to decide.

BTW, I have lived on the river called denial for a looong time.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/27/06 11:13 PM

How are you doing?
Sorry, totally missed that <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> Doing ok. Anger comes and goes and my lack of really giving a crap comes and goes but all in all..
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/27/06 11:22 PM
As for the details, if you don't want them you don't have to get them. It is up to YOU as the BS to decide.

Ahhh, but I do want to know.

I just don't want to go through it again unless it's going to count, meaning no lies, no hiding. I don't want to die that "death of a thousand cuts" again, only to discover it wasn't the real death, but this time it, wait...THIS time it is.

BTW, I have lived on the river called denial for a looong time.

Yeah? You'd think we'd have run into each other before now, hanging out in 'de same neck of the woods. I guess it's a big neighborhood. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 03/28/06 02:22 AM
Hi Froz ~

Just a theory I have about you ~

I think you are afraid of intimacy.

I think that you chose Patriot because you didn't have to be truely real and intimate with him.

Now he's stepping up, which means you might have to let down your walls and make yourself truely vulnerable...and you are frantically looking for the exit.

Are you going to let your childhood past run your adult present?

Pretty sneaky to attempt to quote a Harley on a reason you shouldn't engage in your marriage, but it won't fly with me.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/28/06 02:42 AM
I think you are afraid of intimacy.

Of course I am afraid of being intimate with him. Getting too close to that fire has gotten me burned before.

I am not seeing that I chose him for that reason initially. I was being real and intimate with him, and was not aware that he was not being open with me.

Now he's stepping up, which means you might have to let down your walls and make yourself truely vulnerable...and you are frantically looking for the exit.

I am not looking for an exit. In fact, I have finally stopped vascilating between leaving and staying.

Also, the path he chooses remains to be seen. We are talking about less than a week here. It is a step in the right direction, but I have thought that before, too, so I intend to wait and see what happens.

I wasn't using the comment about the Harley's as an excuse to exit - it was mentioned because it is something I have read lately that caused me to be concerned that this would be even more difficult that I thought, or that somehow our chances of achieving Recovery were lessened.

Your comment about my childhood is a good point. I'm working on it.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 03/28/06 02:52 AM
your chances at recovery are no less than anyone else's.

you and Patriot can have a good marriage if you both chose it.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/28/06 03:02 AM
Reading that is very reassuring. Thank you.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 03/28/06 01:14 PM
Could it be that the Harley's hold that belief because, in those situations, it isn't likely that the WS/FWS will choose it or make the necessary changes?
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 03/28/06 02:52 PM
Froz, I think it is more along the lines of why marry someone who already cheated on you? Obviously every situation is different and you DID marry Patriot. I agree with BR that you have as much chance as anyone at recovery.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 04/14/06 12:57 PM
I am so tired.

Patriot asked me to have a talk with him this evening after we get off work - I think to discuss Recovery again and where we want to be and how to get there.

I have had little to say where that's concerned lately because I'm just tired - mentally and physically.

I don't know what either of us could say that we haven't already said before. I have doubts that either of us is going to have some huge AHA Moment and suddenly something is going to change.

I feel like the best I can strive for is contentment and I have learned, for the most part, how to achieve that. I just release my expectations of him and focus on myself. When I do that, it works. I feel a sense of contentment. It doesn't bring me closer to him, but it sure feels better than all the conflict.

That's what he said he wanted - a "normal" life.

I'm tired of even hoping for something different. Each time I really have hope about this, it feels all the more disappointing when we don't achieve it.

I've been raging all week, pretty much.

I feel ignored a lot of the time. I feel unimportant.

It hurts me when I perceive that he ignores me. It hurts me to feel like I don't come first in his life. It takes a lot of effort on my part to not react to it. I've been making the effort to NOT do it for a while now.

Lately I have stopped because it seems like, regardless of how I respond, the end result is still the same. Also, it gets his attention. He isn't ignoring me anymore. He isn't walking around pretending like everything is roses. It calls him to action. Nothing else does.

Yesterday he said this to me -

Your rage and anger is extremely frightening to me and is what draws me to call you strong. Having such strong and stubborn command looks empowered to me.

That makes sense to me. I can understand now how that could make me look strong to him. It isn't that way from my vantage point.

This is what I said in response to him -

It may LOOK strong to you, but it isn’t. Maybe it just looks strong to you because you don’t respond the same way. Do you not realize that what is behind the stubborn, strong lashing out-ness is my fear? It’s not command. It’s fear. I do it when I feel abandoned, wronged, or related feelings. So it is extremely frightening to you. I experience the same fear when you withdraw that you do when I rage, which makes you withdraw more and thus begins the dance between us.

I do not want to have a talk about how everything is going to be different this time. I do not want some formulated plan of how we are going to "get it done" when it's not going to be carried out.

Remind me again, please, why his way of responding is better than mine. His coping mechanism hurts me just as badly as mine hurts him. Remind me again why I have to go first. He's the one who made the decision to have an A, thus making these things much more difficult.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 04/28/06 02:06 PM
We've had some real breakthoughs. I think maybe we're on the verge of really applying what we've learned and are beginning to work together to Recover, instead of constantly hurting each other with our defense mechanisms.

Maybe, just maybe, we'll get there after all.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 04/28/06 02:12 PM
Yep, I felt that coming. I can see the change in Pat's attitude lately. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/01/06 08:47 PM
I keep hitting a barrier and I can't seem to push through it. No matter how well things go, it always comes back to this.

I'll probably do a horrible job of explaining myself.

This is probably the greatest reason healing has been difficult for me. The A "took away" my specialness. It gave me the message that I am completely replaceable, and the fact that he often cast me aside, opting for her company instead (while I was home, unaware, cooking his dinner and folding his laundry) made dealing with feeling inferior next to impossible for me. He would rather have been with her than with me - and I was actually NICE then! I was happy and silly and fun - not like now. So, you see, if I were at my best then, and he wanted to be with her more, well...He would probably say that he didn't want to be with her more, but the way I see it, he could have been with me if he'd have preferred it. After all, I was at home waiting for him.

So, he chooses me now? Why doesn't that matter that much to me? I wanted to be important all along.

This is so incredibly painful.

Why does it feel like for as long as I remain with him, I will feel "unspecial"?

I knew I would do a horrible job of explaining. I can't seem to find the right words.
Posted By: Mulan Re: Recovering - 05/01/06 09:06 PM
froz - it doesn't matter whether you were at your best or not while your husband was out playing with some OW.

What matters is that HE was not at HIS best while he was doing that.

Does that make sense?

And is he at his "best" now?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/01/06 09:21 PM
Thanks for the response, Mulan.

What matters is that HE was not at HIS best while he was doing that.

Yeah, that makes sense. I understand what you are saying. But, then why do I still feel so un-special to him? Some may chalk it up to low-self esteem, but it feels like more than that to me.

I obviously had low self-esteem before the A and I did feel special to him.

And is he at his "best" now?

I'm not sure what you are asking me. Are you asking if he is doing better?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 03:28 PM

What a myth!

There is no RECOVERY from a year and a half long lie.

There are those who are able to put it behind them and

there are those who try and fail.

I am failing.

I have been told from almost Day 1...stop beating him over the head with his A. He made a mistake.

Okay. I hear you.

It's ridiculous that I still hurt this much???

I was told it was ridiculous from the begininning. When was it EVER okay to hurt this much? I can't think of anything more painful than this. Why am I not allowed to hurt? How long am I allowed to hurt before anyone else decides I'm being ridiculous or exaggerating or beating Patriot over the head with his past?

Poor Patriot.

All he's trying to do is be a better guy.

His intentional "mistake" destroyed me. I live every day with the knowledge of what he did, the images through my mind every time he touches me. A thousand times a day I see or hear something that reminds me of how he wanted her and not me.

Okay, so he wanted her. But he wants me now. Is that supposed to be some sort of consolation? It's not. I don't know WHY he wants me. Marrying me was his chance to "do the right thing". Offering to marry me after his A was his way of making it up to me. "Sorry I hurt you, but I'll marry you now, even though I didn't want you before and then we'll just make the best of things". That's not what I wanted.

I wanted to be his everything. I wanted to be the one he couldn't resist, not the one he chose - for logical reasons.

That is my life. Sure, I chose it. I didn't have to marry him. Know what? When I did, I sure thought that was the end of lies and the last of deceit. I thought it was an end to hurting me. It wasn't.

When he hurts me, I am only "allowed" to calmly state how I feel, lest it be labeled attacking him. And then, I have to "get over" that pain, too. If I hurt too long, it punishes him. I must always be very careful to protect him from my LB's.

Where is my protection? Where has it been this entire time?

So, Recovery is...

I live in the filth he WANTED so badly and then decided it was my responsibility to try to overcome - all while he throws rocks at me to slow my climb.

He lives in the warm sunshine of his Former status. After all - he can't be expected to live with his "mistake" forever, CAN HE????

That's marital Recovery.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 04:04 PM
Froz, I pulled this quote from Mr.Goodstuff off of Myrta's thread on the recovery board. I think every BS in recovery should read it.
Perhaps what you both fail to realize is that recovery is not something that you chase. It is, instead, the result of the many other things that you do. Kind and thoughtful gestures, certain smiles without reason, sympathetic ears all combine to provide you both with happiness.

I suspect that you and Stanley will again find your common ground, as the risk you both take on this slippery slope is not worth the result it will produce. It would be a tragedy to allow this forgone result to occur if you stay on the path of disrespect and resentment.

(How is the sex life going? So many misunderstands stem from the disconnection between man and woman in the bedroom.)

If Stanley is anything like me and I suspect he is very much like me, then let me present this thought for your consideration. As I go through this path of recovery I find that most days things go very well between Mrs. G and I. However, there are some days when my mind fills with images and thoughts of those terrible days so long ago. I can’t seem to help but to privately blame my wife for those thoughts. I typically bury those feelings inside, as I believe that they do not represent my present state of life with my wife. I think she is true and committed to the marriage but still whenever I bury those feeling they leave a small tad of resentment. Over time those feelings add up and the resentment builds until it manifests itself by my lashing out at Mrs. G. Myrta, it is almost like I have a fear of recovery. I am afraid that a full recovery will allow me to forget the pain that I felt so long ago. You might think that that is a good thing and indeed you might suggest that it should be celebrated and not feared. I am afraid that if I forget that pain then I will diminish the importance that that event played in my life. Remember what I said at the beginning of this post, “Sometime the heart won’t listen to what the brain is saying.”

Stanley may feel embarrassed over some of the hateful things he has said to you. He may regret how he conducted himself and may even despise his words and actions, but Myrta, your post if filled with terrible thoughts and destructive messages. Your post will feed his suspicions and his fears, resentment feeding resentment. You both force each other into a corner from which no one can emerge.

I have a motto that I think may be wise advice to “commitments of the heart and marriage”.

“Take no offensive stand nor offer no defense.”

What this means is that in a committed relationship such as marriage both partners will be best served by lying their souls bare for the other. “Easy to say but hard to do.” When it works it provides great rewards and healing and it ALWAYS works when both spouses are practicing it.

Mr. G
Posted By: moveforward Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 05:55 PM
Hey my friend,
I'm sorry you are in a bad spot. I have been so wrapped up with work, I have neglected checking up on someone who means a lot to me.
I'll be praying for you.
You know how to find me.
love ya, girl
Posted By: MrsWondering Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 06:35 PM
all while he throws rocks at me to slow my climb.


Can you give specific examples of what you mean by this? And also, can you give specifics of what he must do, if there is anything, to help you to heal? You've said that you don't have enough of the details to heal, and then you've also said that the details would hurt you too much...forgive me for saying so, but that seems a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, wouldn't you agree? Perhaps I am missing some information...I am not trying to be insulting, I'm just trying to understand...

I haven't kept up with your entire thread here, so forgive me if these are "DER" questions <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />, but have you ever had LovingAnyway or JustLearning post to you guys? I think that you might gain from both of those posters...Put a shout out to LA, if you haven't interacted with her, she's a really neat lady...

Froz, I think that IC is the way to go for you, and sorry if this offends you, but I think that that counseling needs to encompass far more than the affair...I say this from a truly caring perspective, not to tell you to "get over it"...I just know that there is stuff from before that is coloring your vision of all else in your life, make sense?

Thinking of you guys...

Mrs. W
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 08:30 PM
Can you give specific examples of what you mean by this?


He wanted to Recover together. He said it could be "better than ever". I told him I didn't think I could do it. I told him I didn't think I would get over it. He refused to believe me.

He lied to me - over and over again. I asked him detail questions. He would answer. I would ask him the same question a couple of months later, only to receive a different answer. This happened so many times, I don't even know which questions to ask now. I couldn't sort out what is real in my head now even if I DID have the truth.

Not to mention that lots of time has passed now and he likely wouldn't even remember a lot of the details I had questions about.

Patriot received lots of understanding where this is concerned. "No wonder he doesn't tell her the truth! She gets too upset!"

An odd thing to me is that a lot of the lies he told were actually no better than the truth.

Does he really think it matters to me if he had sex with her 100 times at the same hotel or 100 times at different hotels? One is no less hurtful than the other. So why lie? Just to torture me? Just to confuse me?

There are also things like this:

Patriot was out of town on a business trip. I spoke with him on the telephone before dinnertime. I was uncomfortable and afraid, not just because of the business trip itself, but also because he wanted to go to dinner with two co-workers, one of them female.

He told me it was not that important to him and that if it would put my mind at ease, he would opt out. I felt better. I felt safer.

Until I asked him later what he did for dinner. He went to dinner with the co-workers anyway.

All throughout Recovery he has desired a 'normal life'. No drama.

I did not create this drama. He did. There were no dramatics before the A. So, he goes and creates some drama and then criticizes me because there is conflict???

He hid something from me a few weeks ago. He snooped around on my DD18's computer and found something she wrote, saying that she was pregnant. He knew this information would be very upsetting to me. I was at work when he found it.

When I got home, not only did he NOT tell me about it. He actually pretended everything was fine, so I wouldn't suspect anything was wrong. He acted happy and silly, playing around for a few hours. Then he decided to tell me.

The information turned out to be a silly joke - she wasn't and is not pregnant. Initially, he was angry with HER for starting it all and putting him in a bad position.

His ability to totally act like nothing is wrong to deceive me because he fears an upsetting situation makes me feel terror.

I know that something could happen, or be happening, that could destroy me and I would never, ever be able to suspect a thing.

How am I supposed to believe anything? How am I supposed to be able to distinguish between what is real and what isn't?

You've said that you don't have enough of the details to heal, and then you've also said that the details would hurt you too much...forgive me for saying so, but that seems a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, wouldn't you agree?

I never said that I don't have enough details to heal. I know I didn't say that because I never knew HOW to heal.

I did say that, at this point, I am too afraid to hear the rest of it. I don't want to go back to D-Day.

I wanted him to be honest from the beginning. I wanted him to want to be close to me enough to tear down his wall of secrets on his own.

So, yes. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. For that he illicits sympathy from you? He had a million chances to do it. He chose not to. So now, it is what it is.

I am not angry with him because he doesn't do it. I am angry that he DIDN'T. It is unfair of me to be upset with him that he didn't do it?

Why is the concern so focused on what is fair to him? When has Recovery ever been fair?

It seems it's all about my 'taking one for the team' to protect him. It's all about making it 'safe' for him. Do you know how many times he hurt me and I consoled him, comforted him and offered him understanding? What did that get me? More hurt?

Punishing behavior? WHY? Because I hurt? It punishes him because I hurt?

It's not exactly a picinic for me, either.

I.C. - fine. I am not against it. I have found it very difficult to find a good one, but I will keep trying. It's kind of humiliating in the process to keep repeating the story over and over again, but okay.

Here's the deal. I can't get over it. I have tried. I honestly have.
Posted By: Mulan Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 09:16 PM
***Patriot was out of town on a business trip. I spoke with him on the telephone before dinnertime. I was uncomfortable and afraid, not just because of the business trip itself, but also because he wanted to go to dinner with two co-workers, one of them female.

***He told me it was not that important to him and that if it would put my mind at ease, he would opt out. I felt better. I felt safer.

***Until I asked him later what he did for dinner. He went to dinner with the co-workers anyway.***

Nobody can hope to be married to someone who thinks it's fine to keep secrets. Nobody except a hopeless doormat, and you are anything but that.

It sounds to me like this is the heart of the problem - that your husband still chooses to keep secrets and decide *for* you what you need to know and what you don't.

It doesn't matter if he's keeping secrets about something small or something big. He does NOT have the right to keep secrets from his wife. Why not? Because everything he does affects his wife personally and profoundly, and she has the right to decide whether she wants to be part of those things or not. Deliberately keeping her in the dark about these things keeps her utterly powerless to make decisions about her own life.

That's not okay.

And don't tell me you are "protecting" fragile little Froz by deceiving her. I'll call bullsh*t on that right now. People who do this are protecting no one but themselves.

Anyone who decides they have a right to keep secrets from their spouse is NOT being a partner. They are being a tyrant and a dictator. No woman wants to be married to a tyrant and a dictator.

This does not mean Patriot is a bad evil guy. My husband is not a bad evil guy either. But somewhere, probably because of the way he was brought up, my husband got into the habit of using deception, word play, and outright lies to keep people out of the way so he could do what he wanted without anyone bugging him about it. It sounds to me like Patriot does the same thing.

It doesn't matter WHY someone does this. What matters is that it is impossible for ANYONE to have a close and intimate relationship with a person who chooses to be deliberately deceptive. Trust is vital in any sort of physical or emotional intimacy, and there is no greater destroyer of trust than secrets and deception.

Patriot: Here's your Dr. Phil moment for the day. Just be honest, dude. Stop playing word games and being deceptive and misleading and secretive. Stop telling your wife what you think she wants to hear. How's that workin' for ya?

If you're on a business trip and you want to go to dinner with a female coworker, don't keep that a secret from your wife. Tell your wife the truth up front and then let HER decide if she wants to be with a guy who does that or not. Got it?



Patriot, dude, keeping secrets is for four-year-olds who are trying to hide what they're doing from mommy. It's also for pussies. Telling the whole truth is for Men. So Man Up and Be Truthful. That's all your wife wants.

Ya wanna flame me, go right ahead. But I've been living for 25 years with a guy who does exactly the same thing. And now I know exactly why Froz is only feeling worse and not better.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 09:22 PM
I second what Mulan said.

This has been an issue from day one.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 09:29 PM
In his defense, some of these things are things that happened some time ago. The incident regarding my DD18 happened maybe 3-4 weeks ago.

He has been working hard to overcome these things and has made significant progress. He makes mistakes, and they hurt me a lot, but he keeps plugging along and continues to try.

I honestly don't know what the problem is exactly. There was not some new thing that happened these past few days that triggered my feelings as of late.

I don't know what it is. It's very possible that it is just me. I just feel like I can never get over the initial thing itself - that he ever even desired someone else.

It hurts too much and I just can't seem to stomach it. It makes me feel like crap. It makes me feel so worthless.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 09:44 PM

It is nothing new for you to come and rant and then immediately come to his defense..that's pretty much from day one too.

You say you just feel you can never get over it..but my question is and has always been..why do you feel you have to/should?

I believe that there are some people in the world who have to look into the abyss..who have to their hands along the darkness. I'm one of them.

If I can't even bear to LOOK at the hatefull ugliness how am I supposed to LIVE with it as a constant in my life?

I firmly believe that you would be well advised to have a nice long truthfull look at your own motivations..your own truths..even the ugly ones..and decide with an honest and accurate picture in your mind of who you both you want to be married to this man? Are you willing to do this dance for the rest of your ever?

Pause there..and don't say I want to be BUT..not under these circumstances...and then lose the point. What that really means is..I want the GOOD things..the things I like..but those things come with the rest of the package and you already know that.

The point know the history, you know who he know yourself [right?] know whether or not what ACTUALLY exsists as your marriage is good KNOW what you think about it.


Posted By: bigkahuna Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 09:45 PM
((((Frozen)))) and ((((Patriot))))
Posted By: Mulan Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 10:04 PM
Please stop backing down and pussyfooting and apologizing every time you make a stand. It's very, very confusing for all concerned. Did you mean what you said or didn't you???

Noodle is exactly right. Stop apologizing for asking for what you want. You will never get a drop of it that way.

Froz - do you want Patriot to be honest and up front with you at all times?

Or do you want him to "protect" you by deciding what you need to know and what you don't?

This is very important. Nobody can use POJA when one party doesn't know what's going on.

Do you want Radical Honesty from your spouse? It sounds to me like both of you are scared to death of it.

I know you can't answer for him, but girl, this is important - Do You Want Radical Honesty From Your Husband At All Times?
Posted By: Mulan Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 10:13 PM
P.S. In your initial post today, you seemed to think you were asking for too much.

As someone who has lived for a very long time with a man who chooses to keep secrets, let me tell you something: IMHO, you are not asking for nearly enough.
Posted By: imanotherone Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 10:42 PM
Froz-I understand the "push me-pull me" mentality you have here. On one side, (it sounds like) you're really angry and needing to vent. On the other side, when folks say, "yeah, your situation really sucks," you start to back down.

Don't know much about your childhood, but was it OK to tell mom/dad that you were mad about something, or were you supposed to either "turn the other cheek" or "look at the bright side?" If so, you might be programmed to naturally feel uncomfortable being just plain pissed.

Clearly, you had a very rough start to your M, and you've devoted lots of energy into it. Why? Is it b/c you love patriot more than anything? or is it b/c you don't like to fail? I'm having similar conflicts in my attempts at recovery, so thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 10:48 PM
I think you really need an honest answer to IANOs's a more concise version of my own line of thinking.
Posted By: NCWalker Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 10:59 PM

Here is some help in demon fighting. I have read what Patriot did, and I agree with the sentiments of those who have posted before me. It was really a childish thing to be dishonest. But see the rest of this. I just want to get you thinking on how to beat down these "negative vibes" and get you working on being joyful. We have posted about this long ago.

He wanted to Recover together. He said it could be "better than ever". I told him I didn't think I could do it. I told him I didn't think I would get over it. He refused to believe me.

Better than ever is a little silly, in my book. It can only get better every day. His refusing to believe is partly faith and probably partly stubborness. Here is your positive spin... He COULD go ahead and do it again, I mean, really, if he is going to go through the pain of dealing with you, he might as well... Is he? No.

Facts are, EVERYONE is capable of causing this pain. Patriot has now done it to you. And he now knows what pain it caused you. There are three types of men you could be married to:

1 - The guy who hasn't done it (but MAY, even unexpectedly, when it really hurts).
2 - The guy who has and has learned from it.
3 - The guy who has and has NOT learned from it, guaranteeing you another A.

That's it. There is no guy and I mean no guy who will NEVER do it. Enough of the right circumstances fall into place, and it is possible for EVERYONE.

The safest guy is #2. Your pain is another reason NOT to. He KNOWS what it does to you now.

He lied to me - over and over again.

Not to mention that lots of time has passed now and he likely wouldn't even remember a lot of the details I had questions about.

Froze, time to let that go. STUPID STUPID STUPID on Pat's part. REALLY stupid. But he is/was bigtime CA at the time. That is HARD to get out of your system. That is a hard demon to beat.

You are never going to get all the details you want. As you said, too much time has passed. AND, I would bet his "fling" just wasn't that meaningful to him at the time. He probably saw it as "something to do" and not some important event. (Which does NOT imply he doesn't think it is unimportant with YOU.)

Forget about them. What do you hope to accomplish at this point? Would be nice for you to have all the loose ends in your mind tied up. Isn't going to happen. So what now? Are you "seeking peace and pursuing it?" You really need to ask yourself at this point what they all REALLY mean. Is there any detail that could possibly come out that would make you quit on him at this point? WARNING - EXTREME EXAMPLE: Say for instance, he brought the OW into the house and had your DS film them... Would that be "it" for you? Make a list of what would be "it" and ask him if anything on the list ocurred. If not, let the rest go.

Patriot received lots of understanding where this is concerned. "No wonder he doesn't tell her the truth! She gets too upset!"

From who? He should be smacked around for lying. EVERY time.

Does he really think it matters to me if he had sex with her 100 times at the same hotel or 100 times at different hotels? One is no less hurtful than the other. So why lie? Just to torture me? Just to confuse me?

Conflict avoidance. Pat doesn't strike me as malicious. A yes to any of your "just tos" above implies that. You don't want to go there. You need to actively put thoughts like that out of your head.

It's funny, Froze, how people handle expectations. It seems we never can "force" people in our minds to meet our good expectations, but it is pretty easy to make them fit our bad ones.

Patriot was out of town on a business trip. I spoke with him on the telephone before dinnertime. I was

...snip ...

Until I asked him later what he did for dinner. He went to dinner with the co-workers anyway.

Hold his feet to the fire on this one. If that is what happened, then that is WRONG WRONG WRONG. And in no way close to right. You can tell him I said so. And if he wants to argue about it, fine. Have him call me. He gave that stuff up. In fact, a spouse should just not do that. You uncomfortableness is justified.

But this is a CURRENT issue. It is SEPARATE from the A, albeit the conditions that make you feel uncomfortable are a RESULT of the affair. It should not enter in the current discussion any more than "Pat, do you need me to explain WHY that would make me uncomfortable?!??!!"

If he got up on the stupid side of the bed that day, well he did. Decision time for you, Froze. Is that IT now?

I did not create this drama. He did. There were no dramatics before the A. So, he goes and creates some drama and then criticizes me because there is conflict???

Would need to hear his side of this...sorry.

He hid something from me a few weeks ago.


When I got home, not only did he NOT tell me about it.


Then he decided to tell me.


His ability to totally act like nothing is wrong to deceive me because he fears an upsetting situation makes me feel terror.

I understand the sentiment. But I am not one of these "tell as soon as possible" folks. There is an OPPORTUNE time to tell somebody distressing news. Just so long as that is NOT used as an excuse to NOT tell.

He may have been waiting for you to "unwind" after work. To clear your head so the two of you could approach a possibly difficult situation rationally. I can't fault him for that. I understand when you say it scares you because it seems that it is easy for him to hide things. Well, that's where YOUR trust comes in. He can't NOT be able to hide things from you. (Really, hide his feelings when professionalism demands it). There are positives and negatives to every personality trait. (Which is what this is). And there are bunches of negatives that go with being unable to contain those feelings. He would be hard pressed to hold down a professional job if he could not do that to some degree.

How am I supposed to believe anything? How am I supposed to be able to distinguish between what is real and what isn't?

To the first question - how do you believe anything? It is a choice you make. You choose to believe someone or not believe them. Verification of the situation is a statistical thing, based on what you are supposed to swallow. If my youngest son comes in and says "Dad, I ran 12 miles at recess today!!!" I kind of dismiss that off as exaggeration. When he says he has done his homework, I used to always verify. But he doesn't lie about that, so I don't feel the need to verify any more. You believe by making a CHOICE to. All that verification can do is make you feel more comfortable in your choice. But the belief itself is still a conscious choice.

As to the second, well, if you can verify what he says, then you can distinguish real from not real. If you can't, that's why we have words like "trust" and "faith."

Bottom line, Froze, is this:

You must risk your heart EACH and EVERY time you trust him.

That is NO DIFFERENT than everybody else in every other relationship. It would be no different if God himself picked you a perfect husband.

Now on Patriot's side of things, because of what he has done, he needs to be extra careful to "grow" your trust. No question there. But I am trying to answer YOU and how YOU believe.

Try this, instead of blowing up at him when he does something like that and yelling and screaming, give him a little sarcasm followed by the silent treatment. Something like "Boy, you really tended the garden of trust with THAT one..." Then be real non-chalant. He is CA, remember. Do you want to be right and vindicated, or do you want results?

And before you answer that, remember that most people who enter affairs are making the "feel good" choice to be right and/or vindicated. The results of your daily choices may be different, but is the CHOICE that different? Chose results and seek peace. MUCH greater chances of success long term with that tact.

I wanted him to be honest from the beginning. I wanted him to want to be close to me enough to tear down his wall of secrets on his own.

So, yes. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. For that he illicits sympathy from you? He had a million chances to do it. He chose not to. So now, it is what it is.

He should have been honest from the beginning. Absolutely. He PROBABLY wants to be honest about it now. But it is unlikely he can keep everything straight. And you are right. It is what it is.

I am not angry with him because he doesn't do it. I am angry that he DIDN'T. It is unfair of me to be upset with him that he didn't do it?

Goofy question, froze. People hinge all this stuff in life about "fairness." We get that in our heads when we are little and "they" try and make it fair for us. That isn't reality. In fact, fairness has little to do with anything.

Take this to the bank. And this really, personally, scares the he!! out of me when people start talking about "fair" and "unfair" in the way we use these words. What is scary to me is that you can't even begin to use the word "fair" WITHOUT drawing a comparison between the characteristics or merits of two individuals. It really only has bearing in a situation where there is an agreed upon set of rules by all parties and one of them breaches the agreement. Like in a sporting event.

But that isn't life.

Remove Patriot. Remove the kids. Remove your family. Only consider FROZE. Is being upset over a wrong to the extent that it is debilitating the kind of person you want to be? Is that Christlike? Is that like one of your heroes? Elenor Roosevelt or Spiderman or someone like that? Is that the kind of person you want to be? Not someone who doesn't get upset - someone who lets it EAT at them until it ruins them... Is that who you want to be? Screw the circumstances, it is choice time here....

Is that who YOU want to be????

You cannot steer anyone else's ship. You can only ram them, or avoid them. And even then, it is not always your choice. Who does Froze want to be???

Speaking as a Christian, I pretty much dust off good old James 4:7. When I start NOT being the NCWalker who I want to be, I literally stop what I am doing, get alone, and REJECT those feelings with an act of will. And I KEEP doing that until they are gone. And they go. The ONLY time it hasn't worked for me is when I didn't want it bad enough. Dang it. I STEER MY OWN SHIP. I REFUSE to allow the ship to steer me. That is the mindset you need. That is how you get control. And it gets easier with practice.

Who do you want to be? Figure that out, and then BE it.

Why is the concern so focused on what is fair to him? When has Recovery ever been fair?

I agree 100%. Why WOULD anyone be concerned if what you do is FAIR for Patriot? It is pretty simple, really. You make sure you are being the best you can be. For you will answer for that.

Then you make a judgement call. You accept him. Or you don't. He pretty much is what he is. If you are waiting for HUGE STRIDES, stop. Best you can hope for is for him to unlearn some bad habits a few at a time. EVERYTHING ELSE is a blessing. NOT an expectation.

It seems it's all about my 'taking one for the team' to protect him. It's all about making it 'safe' for him.

That's a bunch of bull. It's all about trying to exhibit the Fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self-control, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness.

Or Franklin's 13 virtues to live by. Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, Humility.

Or pick a mantra.

It's all about being the best Froze you can be.

Do you know how many times he hurt me and I consoled him, comforted him and offered him understanding?

More than he deserved.

What did that get me? More hurt?


And it also got you the satisfaction that you can look in the mirror, and be happy that you have the personal fortitude to set someone else's needs ahead of your own and operate wholly with concern for another soul.

Your point? Or is that not enough for you? If it isn't, you need to go live by yourself. Because if you EXPECT any more than that, then I expect you will be disappointed a lot.

It punishes him because I hurt?

Not all the time. When we are walking in the fruits (see above) we are generally walking self-lessly. If he is walking strongly in them, I would say yes, it punishes him when you hurt, even if he is not the cause of it. If he isn't (and walking selfishly) then I would doubt it. It probably doesn't bother him very much that you hurt. Works that way for ALL of us. Patriot is no exception.

It's not exactly a picinic for me, either.

Did you expect a picnic? Seriously, what did you expect when you started down the forgiveness road? Forget the little, daily ups and downs ... in general, take a hard look at your relationship with him. Are BOTH of you better people in your individual choices AND to each other than you were 6 months ago? A year ago? I'd personally give a lot to be in a relationship that was like that. Regardless of what I had to suffer to "get on that road."

The "affair" mistake about a relationship is the "let's see if THIS one (relationship) will fit..." mentality. That is selfish. That is the root of probably every choice to have an affair.

BOTH of you need to have the servant's heart mentality. If you have that, you have everything.

Stop and think of it this way, Froze. If he became everything you wanted, would you THEN be happy? Doubt it. Because THEN there would be another goal. (There always is). Shift your mindset to one of happiness over the steps that the two of you are taking. My gosh, you do it for your kids, why not your spouse? When DD took her first steps, she wasn't running any marathons then. Why did that make you happy? She frankly was closer to NOT walking than walking. As evidenced by the fact that those first steps were probably two or three then she fell again. And you were ecs-freakin-static, weren't you?

Case in point... Patriot conflict avoids, gets some sense that your daughter might be preggers, and waits a bit to tell you, BUT HE DOES TELL YOU. How is that really different than the daughters first steps? Were you ecs-freaking-static with him?

CHANGE your mindset. Put it in perspective. James 4:7 the feelings that cause this strife in you.

By all means, hang him from the yardarm for going out with the mixed company if it bothered you. I'll lend you the rope. But don't forget, he TOLD. Let him know he done good on that one, too.

Here's the deal. I can't get over it. I have tried. I honestly have.

What do you mean by "get over it?"

"Feel as if it never happened?" - Not gonna happen.

"Trust him completely?" - Well, you shouldn't anyway. Even if he NEVER had the A. We must protect ourselves. But it is a game of balance. If we protect ourselves TOO much, we will find ourselves alone. A natural ocurrence. Is that what you want?

"Be happy around him?" - Well, word that one a different way. Lets try "Never be unhappy around him." Isn't that the same thing? Is it possible?

Froze. For all you are going through, at least you know your demons. There is something to be said for that. My situation wound up with the relationship ending. Am I free from the demons? Heck no. They are just different.

You have to choose. You and Pat have decided to be a little merchant fleet. And you are sailing together. And the winds are going to blow you on a collision course. And you are going to collide now and again. And you have to think REALLY hard with a clear head. If Pat seems to be spending way too much energy protecting his ship, and not enough protecting yours, well my advice would be sign on with a different fleet. But you have to be REALLY careful when you make that choice. Nobody here can make that one for you. Because if you are wrong, there are a WHOLE lot of things you have to re-learn when you sign on with a different fleet.

My heart goes out to you, it really does. You are really being plagued by demons here. Patriot is only a door. If you closed it, they would get in another way, through another door. What you need to do is work on learning how to beat them. Only then, will they leave you alone.

Posted By: MrsWondering Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 11:27 PM
So, yes. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. For that he illicits sympathy from you? He had a million chances to do it. He chose not to. So now, it is what it is.


I never said that Patriot had my sympathies...To be honest with you, you both have my empathy...I know that this is NOT an easy road...

I've told you both before that recovery must be worked in tandem...It's not something that either of you should be keeping score on, doing so is a waste of time, happiness & energy...You are either both "all in" or you're not, as you said, it is what it is...

Mrs. W
Posted By: bigkahuna Re: Recovering - 05/30/06 11:32 PM
NCW - that was a fantastic post.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 12:48 AM

It is nothing new for you to come and rant and then immediately come to his defense..that's pretty much from day one too.

Yeah, I know. You're right. My only explanation for that is that while I know he hurts me and I get angry, I do love him and don't wish to see him hurt.

I was also trying to be fair to him and I didn't want to give the impression that all of these things were things he did last week.

You say you just feel you can never get over it..but my question is and has always been..why do you feel you have to/should?

That question threw me for a loop. Why do I feel I have to/should? I guess that was the impression I got here and from others. I guess it seems like the general consensus that those BS's who don't do that are just making their FWS's suffer or beating them over the head with the A - that sort of thing, if that makes any sense.

and decide with an honest and accurate picture in your mind of who you both you want to be married to this man? Are you willing to do this dance for the rest of your ever?

Right now, yes. Until I have confirmation of whatever it is my gut is telling me (that something is wrong and off kilter), the answer is yes.

For the rest of my ever? No. Maybe that makes me a renter or a freeloader or something - I don't know. When I signed up for Recovery, I didn't know there were going to be more lies and more deceit. THAT I cannot take much more of. From the beginning, lack of honesty was a deal-breaker. Yet, here I still am. Why? Partly because of things others have said - that changing is a process and that sort of thing, which makes me wonder if I wasn't being realistic when I expected complete Radical Honesty from D-Day forward.

Thanks for your words, Noodle. I will further ponder them.


Please stop backing down and pussyfooting and apologizing every time you make a stand. It's very, very confusing for all concerned. Did you mean what you said or didn't you???

Didn't mean to confuse. I did mean what I said - no question about that. Like I explained to Noodle, I defended him because I didn't want to make it sound like all those things happened in the last few days.

Stop apologizing for asking for what you want. You will never get a drop of it that way.

I have also been chastised here and told that I would never get a drop of it by ranting.

Froz - do you want Patriot to be honest and up front with you at all times?

Yes, ma'am. More than I could say.

Or do you want him to "protect" you by deciding what you need to know and what you don't?

It doesn't "protect" me at all. It protects himself.

Do you want Radical Honesty from your spouse? It sounds to me like both of you are scared to death of it

Yes, I do. Sure, the truth is hard to hear sometimes. I am not scared to death of it.

I know you can't answer for him, but girl, this is important - Do You Want Radical Honesty From Your Husband At All Times?

Yes. Very much.

P.S. In your initial post today, you seemed to think you were asking for too much.

I don't think I am asking for too much. I think that others here think I am asking for too much or am too hard on Patriot.

iao -

Don't know much about your childhood, but was it OK to tell mom/dad that you were mad about something, or were you supposed to either "turn the other cheek" or "look at the bright side?" If so, you might be programmed to naturally feel uncomfortable being just plain pissed.

My Just Plain Pissed Shoes fit just fine. They are well-worn and broken in.

If my parents tried to give me the message it wasn't okay to be angry, they failed. I have no issue with expressing anger.

I have FEAR that MB members will throttle me for expressing it because they have done so in the past. It didn't feel good to me, so I'm a little bit skittish of putting it all out there now.

Clearly, you had a very rough start to your M, and you've devoted lots of energy into it. Why? Is it b/c you love patriot more than anything? or is it b/c you don't like to fail?

Why? Good question.

I do it because of the things people have told me here. Things like, "You're either all in or all out."

I do it because I really do want to have a successful marriage.

I want to have a successful marriage with THIS MAN because he has things to offer me that no one else ever has.

I'm not afraid of failure. I do it all the time.

Better than ever is a little silly, in my book. It can only get better every day.

Not true. There have been plenty of days it has gotten worse.

There are three types of men you could be married to:

1 - The guy who hasn't done it (but MAY, even unexpectedly, when it really hurts).
2 - The guy who has and has learned from it.
3 - The guy who has and has NOT learned from it, guaranteeing you another A.

That's it. There is no guy and I mean no guy who will NEVER do it.

I find this to be odd logic. Even if you are correct, that doesn't mean that there is not a guy who wouldn't do it TO ME.

You are never going to get all the details you want. As you said, too much time has passed. AND, I would bet his "fling" just wasn't that meaningful to him at the time. He probably saw it as "something to do" and not some important event. (Which does NOT imply he doesn't think it is unimportant with YOU.)

I'll bet he breathed a sigh of relief when he read that, perhaps thinking I would take your advice and let him off the hook. No go, Mr. Walker.

BULL, if it wasn't meaningful to him! He doesn't remember JACK when it comes to things about me, but he can tell you in vivid detail every sex act they performed and in what order of their first encounter. He can tell you what color bathing suit she wore when she took him to the Bahamas and exactly how good he thought she looked in it. Hardly sounds UN-meaningful to me.

Would be nice for you to have all the loose ends in your mind tied up. Isn't going to happen.

Only because he chose not to afford me that peace of mind, for fear that it would make HIM uncomfortable. He even gave me the excuse that he didn't want to answer my questions because I might ask them for too long.

Patriot received lots of understanding where this is concerned. "No wonder he doesn't tell her the truth! She gets too upset!"


From who? He should be smacked around for lying. EVERY time.

From lots. Smacked around? Hardly. If he received anything, it was more like a "Tsk, Tsk, Patriot. You'll do better next time, Pal."

Even Patriot himself posted a couple of times, begging for 2X4's. He remains unscathed.

Maybe that's the secret! If you BEG for them, you can escape them. I'll have to think about that.

Conflict avoidance. Pat doesn't strike me as malicious. A yes to any of your "just tos" above implies that. You don't want to go there. You need to actively put thoughts like that out of your head.

Maybe his intent is not malicious. Most of the time, it seems as though the pain his actions would cause me has been irrelevant or not considered by him. I almost think that's worse because it means I didn't even matter enough to cross his mind.

OPPORTUNE time to tell somebody distressing news. Just so long as that is NOT used as an excuse to NOT tell.

He may have been waiting for you to "unwind" after work. To clear your head so the two of you could approach a possibly difficult situation rationally. I can't fault him for that. I understand when you say it scares you because it seems that it is easy for him to hide things. Well, that's where YOUR trust comes in. He can't NOT be able to hide things from you. (Really, hide his feelings when professionalism demands it). There are positives and negatives to every personality trait. (Which is what this is). And there are bunches of negatives that go with being unable to contain those feelings. He would be hard pressed to hold down a professional job if he could not do that to some degree.

Waiting for an opportune time is one thing, NC. Fine that he didn't tell me over the phone, when he immediately came across the information. I was at work. It would likely have interfered with my ability to do my job.

This is different. He chose not to tell me, not out of concern for ME. He was afraid for himself. He withheld the information to protect himself. How do I know?

Because after I got home, he STILL didn't tell me, but instead consciously chose to deceive me by acting happy and like everything was fine "so I wouldn't suspect anything". That is what he told me.

To the first question - how do you believe anything? It is a choice you make. You choose to believe someone or not believe them.

Maybe I should have said - How do I know what is real. I don't want to CHOOSE to believe something that may or may not be the truth. I just want to know what's really there.

You cannot steer anyone else's ship. You can only ram them, or avoid them. And even then, it is not always your choice. Who does Froze want to be???

Froz wants to be protected by the man who says he loves her.

Did you expect a picnic? Seriously, what did you expect when you started down the forgiveness road? Forget the little, daily ups and downs ... in general, take a hard look at your relationship with him. Are BOTH of you better people in your individual choices AND to each other than you were 6 months ago? A year ago? I'd personally give a lot to be in a relationship that was like that. Regardless of what I had to suffer to "get on that road."

I did not expect a picnic. I expected honesty, though.
I don't think our marriage is better off than it was 6 months ago. I really don't. We've both done some damage since then.

I'd personally give a lot to be in a relationship that was like that. Regardless of what I had to suffer to "get on that road.

This is the reason I believe I catch a lot of flak here. Because a lot of BS's didn't get the chance at Recovery. Why doesn't Froz appreciate it and be glad for what she gets?
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 01:28 AM

It is nothing new for you to come and rant and then immediately come to his defense..that's pretty much from day one too.

Yeah, I know. You're right. My only explanation for that is that while I know he hurts me and I get angry, I do love him and don't wish to see him hurt.'s ok for you to take a shot at him..but no one else gets to..gotcha.

I was also trying to be fair to him and I didn't want to give the impression that all of these things were things he did last week.

I never assumed any particular timeline..doesn't seem relevent to me..unless it was ancient history.

You say you just feel you can never get over it..but my question is and has always been..why do you feel you have to/should?

That question threw me for a loop. Why do I feel I have to/should? I guess that was the impression I got here and from others. I guess it seems like the general consensus that those BS's who don't do that are just making their FWS's suffer or beating them over the head with the A - that sort of thing, if that makes any sense. really depends on who you talk to. There are a lot of diverse opinions on this issue at MB..and an awful lot of members. What relevence does general consensus have on your life and your marriage in any case? They are entitled to their opinion..but that doesn't mean you have to agree.

and decide with an honest and accurate picture in your mind of who you both you want to be married to this man? Are you willing to do this dance for the rest of your ever?

Right now, yes. Until I have confirmation of whatever it is my gut is telling me (that something is wrong and off kilter), the answer is yes.

So you have a suspicion that wasn't really voiced..something breathing new life into old resentments..makes sense..what do you suspect? Can you articulate it or is it a genralized fear?

For the rest of my ever? No. Maybe that makes me a renter or a freeloader or something - I don't know. When I signed up for Recovery, I didn't know there were going to be more lies and more deceit. THAT I cannot take much more of. From the beginning, lack of honesty was a deal-breaker. Yet, here I still am. Why? Partly because of things others have said - that changing is a process and that sort of thing, which makes me wonder if I wasn't being realistic when I expected complete Radical Honesty from D-Day forward.

Lack of honesty was not a deal breaker..because he has been dishonest on several occasions and here you still are as you said. What is more that honesty or lack of it is and will continue to be hurtfull to you. I don't see any evidence that your trust has increased measurably from where it was when you began to post. Perhaps it has even decreased..because he promised you that things would be *good* and hasn't been able to deliver. You are still riddled with fear and insecurity. Honesty is a lifelong issue for isn't specific to his A..this is something that probably will be an issue to one degree or another throughout your marriage together. If you have allowed something to be included in your life that is truly unacceptable to you because of what people on a message board have told you..then you have done yourself a great disservice.

I'm not telling you to get a divorce..I have no opinion on that honestly I think you could go either way..

What I am telling you is that Froz had better start making her own decisions or she is headed for dark times.

I"ll get back to you later..I'm gonna catch a few zzzzs before work..but I want to talk about a few other things you have mentioned when I have time to give it the consideration it desereves.

Thanks for your words, Noodle. I will further ponder them.


Please stop backing down and pussyfooting and apologizing every time you make a stand. It's very, very confusing for all concerned. Did you mean what you said or didn't you???

Didn't mean to confuse. I did mean what I said - no question about that. Like I explained to Noodle, I defended him because I didn't want to make it sound like all those things happened in the last few days.

Stop apologizing for asking for what you want. You will never get a drop of it that way.

I have also been chastised here and told that I would never get a drop of it by ranting.

Froz - do you want Patriot to be honest and up front with you at all times?

Yes, ma'am. More than I could say.

Or do you want him to "protect" you by deciding what you need to know and what you don't?

It doesn't "protect" me at all. It protects himself.

Do you want Radical Honesty from your spouse? It sounds to me like both of you are scared to death of it

Yes, I do. Sure, the truth is hard to hear sometimes. I am not scared to death of it.

I know you can't answer for him, but girl, this is important - Do You Want Radical Honesty From Your Husband At All Times?

Yes. Very much.

P.S. In your initial post today, you seemed to think you were asking for too much.

I don't think I am asking for too much. I think that others here think I am asking for too much or am too hard on Patriot.

iao -

Don't know much about your childhood, but was it OK to tell mom/dad that you were mad about something, or were you supposed to either "turn the other cheek" or "look at the bright side?" If so, you might be programmed to naturally feel uncomfortable being just plain pissed.

My Just Plain Pissed Shoes fit just fine. They are well-worn and broken in.

If my parents tried to give me the message it wasn't okay to be angry, they failed. I have no issue with expressing anger.

I have FEAR that MB members will throttle me for expressing it because they have done so in the past. It didn't feel good to me, so I'm a little bit skittish of putting it all out there now.

Clearly, you had a very rough start to your M, and you've devoted lots of energy into it. Why? Is it b/c you love patriot more than anything? or is it b/c you don't like to fail?

Why? Good question.

I do it because of the things people have told me here. Things like, "You're either all in or all out."

I do it because I really do want to have a successful marriage.

I want to have a successful marriage with THIS MAN because he has things to offer me that no one else ever has.

I'm not afraid of failure. I do it all the time.

Better than ever is a little silly, in my book. It can only get better every day.

Not true. There have been plenty of days it has gotten worse.

There are three types of men you could be married to:

1 - The guy who hasn't done it (but MAY, even unexpectedly, when it really hurts).
2 - The guy who has and has learned from it.
3 - The guy who has and has NOT learned from it, guaranteeing you another A.

That's it. There is no guy and I mean no guy who will NEVER do it.

I find this to be odd logic. Even if you are correct, that doesn't mean that there is not a guy who wouldn't do it TO ME.

You are never going to get all the details you want. As you said, too much time has passed. AND, I would bet his "fling" just wasn't that meaningful to him at the time. He probably saw it as "something to do" and not some important event. (Which does NOT imply he doesn't think it is unimportant with YOU.)

I'll bet he breathed a sigh of relief when he read that, perhaps thinking I would take your advice and let him off the hook. No go, Mr. Walker.

BULL, if it wasn't meaningful to him! He doesn't remember JACK when it comes to things about me, but he can tell you in vivid detail every sex act they performed and in what order of their first encounter. He can tell you what color bathing suit she wore when she took him to the Bahamas and exactly how good he thought she looked in it. Hardly sounds UN-meaningful to me.

Would be nice for you to have all the loose ends in your mind tied up. Isn't going to happen.

Only because he chose not to afford me that peace of mind, for fear that it would make HIM uncomfortable. He even gave me the excuse that he didn't want to answer my questions because I might ask them for too long.

Patriot received lots of understanding where this is concerned. "No wonder he doesn't tell her the truth! She gets too upset!"


From who? He should be smacked around for lying. EVERY time.

From lots. Smacked around? Hardly. If he received anything, it was more like a "Tsk, Tsk, Patriot. You'll do better next time, Pal."

Even Patriot himself posted a couple of times, begging for 2X4's. He remains unscathed.

Maybe that's the secret! If you BEG for them, you can escape them. I'll have to think about that.

Conflict avoidance. Pat doesn't strike me as malicious. A yes to any of your "just tos" above implies that. You don't want to go there. You need to actively put thoughts like that out of your head.

Maybe his intent is not malicious. Most of the time, it seems as though the pain his actions would cause me has been irrelevant or not considered by him. I almost think that's worse because it means I didn't even matter enough to cross his mind.

OPPORTUNE time to tell somebody distressing news. Just so long as that is NOT used as an excuse to NOT tell.

He may have been waiting for you to "unwind" after work. To clear your head so the two of you could approach a possibly difficult situation rationally. I can't fault him for that. I understand when you say it scares you because it seems that it is easy for him to hide things. Well, that's where YOUR trust comes in. He can't NOT be able to hide things from you. (Really, hide his feelings when professionalism demands it). There are positives and negatives to every personality trait. (Which is what this is). And there are bunches of negatives that go with being unable to contain those feelings. He would be hard pressed to hold down a professional job if he could not do that to some degree.

Waiting for an opportune time is one thing, NC. Fine that he didn't tell me over the phone, when he immediately came across the information. I was at work. It would likely have interfered with my ability to do my job.

This is different. He chose not to tell me, not out of concern for ME. He was afraid for himself. He withheld the information to protect himself. How do I know?

Because after I got home, he STILL didn't tell me, but instead consciously chose to deceive me by acting happy and like everything was fine "so I wouldn't suspect anything". That is what he told me.

To the first question - how do you believe anything? It is a choice you make. You choose to believe someone or not believe them.

Maybe I should have said - How do I know what is real. I don't want to CHOOSE to believe something that may or may not be the truth. I just want to know what's really there.

You cannot steer anyone else's ship. You can only ram them, or avoid them. And even then, it is not always your choice. Who does Froze want to be???

Froz wants to be protected by the man who says he loves her.

Did you expect a picnic? Seriously, what did you expect when you started down the forgiveness road? Forget the little, daily ups and downs ... in general, take a hard look at your relationship with him. Are BOTH of you better people in your individual choices AND to each other than you were 6 months ago? A year ago? I'd personally give a lot to be in a relationship that was like that. Regardless of what I had to suffer to "get on that road."

I did not expect a picnic. I expected honesty, though.
I don't think our marriage is better off than it was 6 months ago. I really don't. We've both done some damage since then.

I'd personally give a lot to be in a relationship that was like that. Regardless of what I had to suffer to "get on that road.

This is the reason I believe I catch a lot of flak here. Because a lot of BS's didn't get the chance at Recovery. Why doesn't Froz appreciate it and be glad for what she gets?
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 03:46 AM
I had a very long post with a quote or two and some really sharp reponses in it, but at this point, I am just a bit too tired to finish it. Maybe tomorrow when I can focus on it better.

Thanks to the three sauce ladies. It's nice to have friends.

Mulan, I am not going to flame you. I really apologize that I ever did before.

noodle, thanks for taking the time to respond. I appreciate your thoughts as intellectual and something I can stick a fork into, not that everyone else that posts is a bum-idiot.

walker, I will talk to you soon bud.

I guess this is a pointless post, but I suppose it shows that I have read this stuff. Maybe you can believe that I will ponder it as well.

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 11:35 AM
[quote} What relevence does general consensus have on your life and your marriage in any case? They are entitled to their opinion..but that doesn't mean you have to agree. [/quote]

My mother always told me that if one person tells you that you have a tail, it can be dismissed. If two or more people tell you, you might ought to turn around and take a look.
I guess I was trying to apply that logic.

So you have a suspicion that wasn't really voiced..something breathing new life into old resentments..makes sense..what do you suspect? Can you articulate it or is it a genralized fear?

It's just a generalized fear that seemingly came out of nowhere - a very strong feeling that something is not right.

this is something that probably will be an issue to one degree or another throughout your marriage together.

I really, really hope not. That would be a very big problem.

If you have allowed something to be included in your life that is truly unacceptable to you because of what people on a message board have told you..then you have done yourself a great disservice.

I have learned much from the people here at MB. I listen to what others say. From time to time, I even take their advice. I took that specific advice at the time because it made sense to me that learning and growing was a process and that I would need to allow room for mistakes. Maybe I should have walked out the door at the first sign of dishonesty. If that were the case, I doubt we would have even been married for a week.

I'm not telling you to get a divorce..I have no opinion on that honestly I think you could go either way..

I appreciate your honesty. I like straight shooters who don't dance around the issue.

What I am telling you is that Froz had better start making her own decisions or she is headed for dark times.

I'm not sure what you mean. I'm still the decision-maker in my head. I consider others' opinions, but decisions are made by me.

That's kind of confusing. Which am I? The wimpy doormat or the contrary headstrong one, who can't seem to shut her mouth?

I don't want dark times. I've seen dark times. I've seen more of them than sunny times. I'm sick of living in the dark.
Posted By: Dealan-de Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 02:12 PM
I've seen more of them than sunny times.

I dunno that I've ever posted to you before, Frozen...but I know your story and I've sent flare prayers up for you and your h.

The above comment is the most telling thing I think you've said in all of the past few posts. Read it again. When it's that bad, it's time to DO SOMETHING!

I'm not saying D...but hon...YOU KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU. I'd never tell you to definately divorce or definately work on it....because you know what you CAN and WILL stand for in your life.

When the scales of good vs. bad tips so far in the negative, and all you can see is that more negative is coming down the pike....what do you do?

I'm so sorry for the pain you're in. I've lived it too....
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 02:23 PM
Listen to your gut, Froz. What is it telling you? {{frozen}}
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 02:50 PM
When it's that bad, it's time to DO SOMETHING!


Listen to your gut, Froz. What is it telling you?

I don't know that my gut and I speak the same language.

It sounds like it is telling me that everything may not be as it seems. Is that paranoia? Very possibly. Is it based on something that is really going on? I don't know.

I just know that I got really, really afraid all of a sudden - seemingly out of nowhere - and I reacted to it. I don't know why.
Posted By: Dealan-de Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 04:22 PM
Sounds like a panic attack.


What makes you happy F? Start with the small stuff for yourself....FOR YOU! You are important....You're good, you're kind, you've worked so hard......what do you do for YOU?
Posted By: Mulan Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 04:52 PM
***Froz wants to be protected by the man who says he loves her.***

Do you think your husband Gets It that the way to protect you is with the MB concept of Radical Honesty?

Do you think he Gets It that keeping secrets from you only protects *him* and *his* friends and coworkers, and leaves *you* twisting in the wind totally unprotected?

Radical Honesty takes courage on everyone's part. He needs to find the courage to be honest with you in all things instead of hiding behind secrets. And you, of course, would need the courage to deal with what you are told no matter what it is.

POJA is one of the best things to help any spouse feel safe. But it is impossible to use POJA when one spouse prefers hide behind secrets instead. You can't POJA something when one of you doesn't even know about it.

IMO, Radical Honesty that takes the place of secrets would help you more than anything. That's what I hear you saying you want.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 06:51 PM
Do you think your husband Gets It that the way to protect you is with the MB concept of Radical Honesty?

I think he is getting there. He really has made great strides where this is concerned. He has worked really, really hard.

I don't know what is wrong with me the last few days. I don't know why I suddenly feel so afraid.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 07:28 PM
I suppose I will respond to all of this now.

I wonder what the general concensus is on my honesty... Not good from what I have gathered. What am I dishonest about? Well, shortly after DDay and prior to me becoming quite well versed in and agreeing with MB principles(of which I still have to study, meaning I know I am not finished) I was dishonest about details of the A. I fully admit that after Dday, I did not want to face my mistake. I did not want to talk about it. I did not want to discuss it. I apologize for the hurt that has caused, but I was not at all mature or knowledgeable enough to take that step previously. Ugly as that might be, it is the truth and I won't dance around it. I sugarcoated things. I went silent and focused only on my own shame and not her pain. I was a horrible FWS. All of this is true.

Then a time came when I was strong enough to stand up and say yes I did it. Around that time, froz no longer was interested in hearing it. There have been a few times I have asked to talk about the details to clear things up and I have been told no. Other times I have been told I wanted my secrets, so now I get to keep them and piss off.

I feel like I have been in the situation of 'this is what you can do to help us recover.... but I am not going to let you'. I certainly understand that recapping details is NOT going to be a fun experience and that it is going to hurt frozen. I am not stupid. I do want this marriage to work. But, by all accounts I have read... and I have read a number of them... studied PORH and other things... we HAVE to go through it all to her satisfaction so she feels she has all she needs to know.

I have been willing. But, it seems that not only can I be blamed for my big mistakes in recovery, I can also be blamed for her lack of willingness to talk about these issues now.

Here... how would you handle this issue?

Me: Frozen, can we talk about details.
Frozen: yes.
Me: what are your questions?
Frozen: tell me about the first time you met her in a hotel.
Me: well... detail... detail.... detail....

...where do I go from here? Ignore her and carry on? What? I fabricated this example but I think it is a really good sample of what happens when we talk attempt past honesty.

Possibly this is a really mean thing to do and for that I am sorry, but my marriage is important to me and I want to do ANYTHING I can to make it work.... which means I put it all out there and let her choose.

She has stated that as long as I am honest, there are no deal breakers. It is no secret that I had an affair. It is no secret that affairs are nasty, filthy, vile things. Ok... so what do I do?

Also, what am I supposed to do if I say, I would like to talk about the A and she flat out says no? Talk about it anyway and claim the PORH amendment?

Certainly doesn't seem like care to me. Doesn't a caring, MB like husband consider the spouse before just going off and purging himself?

I understand she is the BS in all of this, but I exist too. This is my marriage too. Is it ok for me to be ridiculed and hated daily? Is it ok for me to try and get shot down... and then treated like I didn't try. Maybe for me it was a stellar try. Who gets to judge HOW my try made ME feel?

The pregnant daughter instance is so much deeper than what has been explained. Lost in the shuffle of "He is a lying [censored]" is the fact that I told her the same day I found out. Not 18 months later. Not weeks later. Same day. Same with the business dinner. It was selfish and a horrible thing to do, but still info she had on the same day. Does that not matter? If it does not, then oh well. I suppose I need to readjust my thinking. And I am willing to dance on my head for this woman if it is what she wants, but I need to know it is not a mistake. So, the prego story goes... I decided to snoop on my step daughter's(being more active in family commitment and parenting) myspace account. hacking it was a joke and then I have access to all she has written. I am reading through and I see that she just found out she is pregnant and that she hopes she doesn't mess the kid up. It was believable. I freaked out. Frozen had this daughter when she was just a little older than the daughter is right now.. so this is a touchy subject already. Then there is the fact that DD is on the verge of graduating high school and will be going off into the world really soon and that comes with challenges already save being pregnant too. It was just a really bad thing. I called frozen twice at work and was DYING to tell her, but I didn't because she was at work and I did not want to incapacitate her in her professional environment. Then I did snooping to find out when was the last period... dropping odd questions to DD about hings trying to get the info I wnated without letting her know I had some really disturbing info on her. Why? She is CLASSIC CA also. Lies often. After about an hour of this crap I was in such a frenzy inside, I didn't know what to do. I felt alone because I was home alone. Frozen was at work. Then, of course, it creeped in that all of this recent potential nightmare would somehow come back on me and get me in trouble. Now, I am much further than frenzy. I am pretty much freaking out. I have no one to talk to, which is typical, because I have no friends that I am really connected with. This being a product of seperating myself from just about everything to be available for my wife. not her fault. Just true. So then I wonder how to break it to her. I imagine that she is under so much stress anyway because of our crappy marriage that this kind of thing is exactly what runs people to suicide. Everyday I hear how horribly sad and hurt she is. How she wishes she was gone. How could I...

So I tried to fathom a way to talk to her about it and not have my current nightmare of her popping that last fuse and losing it. It was really a horrible day for me. I mean terrible. And then she came home and I had nothing figured out. Here is where the mistakes start. I act like everything is ok, because she is highly intune with my emotional visually. She can 'see' when something is wrong with me. Sometimes she 'sees' something and there isn't anything, which is a whole other issue since I am the big liar, nothing I say can assauge intuition... So I did not want her to 'see' this yet because I was not ready. It was an attempt to protect her with a better presentation. It was an attempt to protect me from her wrath, which maybe you think is just really stupid, but I am here to tell you, she is redheaded and I love her to death, but she can fire off words that cut to the bone. Belittle me if you want, but I am a reasoner. I have yet to find a way to reason with her when she is that angry. Not to mention the fact that anytime I might have a valid point, my affair gets brought up and thats the end of that. So... in the end, I just could not hold on to it any more, like it was brimming out of the top of my head, and I rushed to her while she was in the bathroom and said, "I just can't hide this from you anymore...."

My mistakes.
-Telling her I was hiding something from her. There I am trying to come up with some better presentation and THAT is what I end up with? wow... nice.
-Thinking I needed to protect me. I didn't DO anything, yet based on the climate in the household, I was sure this would get me in trouble. Sefl-fulfilling prophecy.
- Not joining her. The correct answer to all of this was, wait until she got home, tell her immediately that I had some very disturbing information about her daughter and that no matter what it was, she and I could work through it as long as we worked together. Join her. Let her now I was on HER side.

I learned. Prior to then I had been really been a non-active stepdad. Another mistake I was trying to correct. What a day.

It made her feel unprotected and unsafe. I understand that. I am so sorry for that. I really was trying and screwed up. The biggest issue was I could hide something from her without her even knowing... act like all was well... just like I did during my affair. Big mistake.

So, that issue and some, not all, things dealing with past honesty make up the all the dishonesty. There have been some emotional issues seen as dishonesty, but I think interpretation is skewed on them. Telling her I was fine with something when I wasn't 100% fine with it, but in truth didn't really care all that much either. Like what's for dinner for example. I might have wanted spaghetti. She is going to make roast. I say ok. Later on she finds out I would have rather had spaghetti and that gets classified as dishonesty. Fact is, I just wanted to eat. Meat or meatsauce and noodles. Whatever.

I admit my mistakes. I admit I make them. I face the fact that I have issues from way back that can potentially hurt her and I. I read the principles, read posts and think some of you are idiots and some of you are brilliant. I participate when I feel I can. I know I hurt her. I know I made this horrible mistake(and it was a horrible mistake... I want nothing to do with the man that made those mistakes anymore).

I certainly do not want 'poor patriot' remarks. I just want understanding. And maybe someone's answer because they have been through the same thing or something like it. Open my eyes, if you think I need it.

if any of this is seen as an attack, please let me know. I have tried to speak in truth and from how I percieve things. Maybe I am really missing the point on something. If so, I want to know. I am so willing to change my thought process because I do not want to continue on with issues.

Recovery is a difficult ordeal. Funny thing is, life does not stop for recovery... so overall, you just do the best you can. maybe you get dragged for a while, but I figure you just keep trying until you get back up.
Posted By: Mulan Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 07:50 PM
***Here... how would you handle this issue?

***Me: Frozen, can we talk about details.
Frozen: yes.
Me: what are your questions?
Frozen: tell me about the first time you met her in a hotel.
Me: well... detail... detail.... detail....

Patriot: "I hear how hurt you are. I hear the pain in your voice. I am so sorry I hurt you the way I did. I don't ever want that to happen to you again. YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE HURT. I am sure that I would be deeply hurt, too, if this had happened to me. Please let me hold you and try to make you feel better. I am here for you and always will be."

Just a suggestion.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 08:14 PM
I don't know what is wrong with me the last few days. I don't know why I suddenly feel so afraid.

the closer one gets to the true intimacy of recovery ... the more nervous one gets

push through your anxiety
about recovery of full intimacy & trust

it's harder for you
... just because of your past

in this regard, you are rather like Finally-Learning's Ghost (whatever she calls herself now)... the closer to intimacy she gets, the more she pushes against it

but do it anyway

know this

the closer you get to your goal ... some survival/vigilence instincts will try to sabotage your recovery

you can do it

Posted By: MrsWondering Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 08:31 PM
I appreciate your honesty. I like straight shooters who don't dance around the issue.

Ok Froz, I'm banking on the above being true...and yet somehow I'm still afraid to give my honest opinion, but I'm gonna do it anyway...please remember, that's all that it is, my opinion-which, btw, does NOT change how much I honestly like you both...

Ok, and Mr. W and I have discussed this at great length...I've said some of this to you before, but Froz, many times I walk on eggshells where you are does Mr. W, and I suspect others do as well...I'm just SO afraid that you are going to "flame me" for my honest opinion...I have to believe that Patriot feels the same way to some extent which has been the reason for some of his dishonesty...

BUT PATRIOT, THE CO-WORKER DINNER THING WAS BAD...Mr. W and I said that this looks to us like you didn't really ask her you just told her what you were going to do in the form of a question...I'm sure you can see why this was a BIG NO GO! Dude, on top of everything you were out of town for crying outloud...You are a smart man Forrest...Don't do that EVER again, K? DER!

Ok, and this is as honest as it gets Froz...I'd tell you this if you were my VERY BEST FRIEND...I could not and would not be able to live under these conditions...If what Patriot said in his above post is true and he is making a VALID point and then you throw the affair at him, well NOPE, I couldn't do it...I would have to move on...Sorry to be blunt, but that's my truth...I would still know that my affair was MY CHOSEN MISTAKE, but I also would know that I was truly remorseful, had been reading and posting on MB, had read the Harley books and was trying to the greatest of my abilities to make amends...And most importantly I would KNOW that just because I made that wrong choice did NOT devalue me completely as a person...that I did NOT deserve to continuously suffer based on that mistake, and that I would have to, albeit sadly, preserve what self worth that I had and leave the marriage...I would KNOW that I could not be 100% responsible for someone else's happiness or their misery...

Further, and I'm pretty sure that this has been said here before (so I think that you should look at your tail here-I loved that, btw), but anyway, it is also part of my opinion, so I'm gonna state it FWIW...I may regret doing this...But here goes...You were NOT MARRIED at the time that this infidelity occured...OK, I get that that doesn't change how much it hurts you, I honestly do, Mr. W was repeatedly unfaithful to me when we dated...and some stuff never even came out until AFTER my I get that, really I do-I've made a concious decision NOT to revisit those painful memories and to move forward from here...BUT, you KNEW before you married him and I submit that on the day that you took your vows to him you were CHOOSING to forgive him(that doesn't mean bury it-just get through it-TOGETHER) least that's how it would appear...NOW, I believe that you have to CHOOSE to see how lucky that you really are...Your MARRIAGE has suffered NO INFIDELITY...Your VOWS were NOT BROKEN...CHOOSE to see how lucky you are to be able to apply MB principles in FULL to your marriage...I WISH SO MUCH THAT I COULD GO BACK AND DO THAT...and you CAN, but it is a CHOICE...what will you CHOOSE? Will you CHOOSE happiness? Because, it IS a CHOICE, btw...

There, I've finally said it-to me it's been the elephant in the room...that's all I've got...Again, I REALLY think so much of both of you...I find you both to be so intelligent and funny and if we lived closer I truly believe that we would be friends...Froz, you may not think so after this post, but I submit to you that a true friend will be 100% honest with you, and based on what information that I have this is what I see...honest as I can get...But, true to form, I am a people pleaser, and it will KILL me if you hate me, but I felt that I had to get this out there...I do care, honestly, I do...about both of you...I care about your marriage, and would like to be a friend to it...

Mrs. W
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 05/31/06 10:25 PM
Froz ~ isn't it "Odd" that I checked in here today to update myself on your thread.

I read your posts this morning, and honestly, yeah I've got a spanking to hand you.

You are so not a victim here. Patriot has already made some of the points that I had been planning to make to you all day (needed to get off work first).

I agree 150% with Pep that this whole "fear" of yours is all about your fear of intimacy - Patriot has been wonderful lately hasn't he? You know how I know?

You had to dreg up issues that are months old - the one new issue you brought up was so totally NOT an issue - that its glaringly obvious that Patriot's been a good man to you and it scares you to death.

Anyway, I'm going to post more, but I need to get some dinner for my family.

See ya in a bit.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 06/01/06 12:03 AM
Ok so, this morning I went back a few pages to update myself on what was going on with you.

Warning: I'm going to be pretty brutal. I hope you read this with the realization that I am hard because I do truely want you to grow to happy joyous and free one day, ok?

First I read this:

This is probably the greatest reason healing has been difficult for me. The A "took away" my specialness. It gave me the message that I am completely replaceable, and the fact that he often cast me aside, opting for her company instead (while I was home, unaware, cooking his dinner and folding his laundry) made dealing with feeling inferior next to impossible for me. He would rather have been with her than with me - and I was actually NICE then! I was happy and silly and fun - not like now. So, you see, if I were at my best then, and he wanted to be with her more, well...He would probably say that he didn't want to be with her more, but the way I see it, he could have been with me if he'd have preferred it. After all, I was at home waiting for him.

So, he chooses me now? Why doesn't that matter that much to me? I wanted to be important all along.

This is so incredibly painful.

Why does it feel like for as long as I remain with him, I will feel "unspecial"?

It feels that way - because you are still attempting to force, drag, squeeze, coerce your self worth from your husband (where it is not to be found) instead of looking inside of you.

He can not fill that void in your soul--he can not comfort that little girl who was abandoned at birth. The grown woman who is Froz needs to stop ignoring that little girl's cries of fear, hurt and abandonment; stop what she is doing, and wrap her arms around that little one, and tell her that she is good enough to be loved. Tell her that she IS loved.

You are responsible for you, step up and own it Froz.

I am the wonderful, smart, loving, hard working woman that is me, even if my husband cheats on me again and again and again (which he hasn't but am I making my point?) If my self worth was built on what other people thought about me, I'd have committed suicide a long long time ago. In fact I nearly did.

You have given Patriot power over your self worth that he just doesn't have.

Your self-worth is to be found inside you. Did I not tell you months and months ago to start a relationship with YOU and learning to love and respect YOU?

What Patriot does, says, thinks, does not equal TRUTH about who you are - unless you choose to make it your truth.

Patriot is not doing this to you. Patriot has not done this to you. You are doing this to you.

I have been told from almost Day 1...stop beating him over the head with his A. He made a mistake.

Baloney with cheese on top. That is NOT what has been said to you.

You have been told from Day 1 that his choice to betray you is his.

You have been told from Day 1 that your choice to marry him anyway was yours.

You have been told from Day 1 that your choice to stay in this relationship and recover was yours.

You have been told from Day 1 that recovery is not about being right.

You have been told from Day 1 that his affair did not give you the right to lovebust.

You have been told from Day 1, that your choice to marry him 1 month post D-day, and your desire to recover would require behavior modifications. There is what works, and what does not. Your behavior has been filled with what does not work. When you get called on it by those of us who have been there and done that, you pout and cry "Not fair, look at me, poor me!"

It's ridiculous that I still hurt this much???

I was told it was ridiculous from the begininning. When was it EVER okay to hurt this much? I can't think of anything more painful than this. Why am I not allowed to hurt? How long am I allowed to hurt before anyone else decides I'm being ridiculous or exaggerating or beating Patriot over the head with his past?

Really. So all of us betrayed spouses told you to just get over it?

Froz, that line of crap may fly elsewhere, but not with me.

You may hurt as long as you wish to (and you have been told this over and over). What you can not do, if you wish to remain married to Patriot, is lovebust and punish him every day of his life.

You do not get a "Lovebust Freely" card with your hurt and pain.

His intentional "mistake" destroyed me. I live every day with the knowledge of what he did, the images through my mind every time he touches me. A thousand times a day I see or hear something that reminds me of how he wanted her and not me.

You choose to live every day with that pain and those images. Instead of living in the present, with a faithful man who loves you, you chose to live with the unfaithful fiance from the past.

If this is what your daily experience is while married to him, why are you there? Why on earth do you choose to stay and make both of you miserable?

What is the pay-off Froz? People do not do what does not work, so in some way, this is working for you.

What do you think this is teaching your children?

I can think of 2 lessons they are learning.

1. forgiveness when hurting others is impossible to achieve
2. attempts to repair and redeem oneself should be treated with contempt

But I'm not done yet. Reading on...

He wanted to Recover together. He said it could be "better than ever". I told him I didn't think I could do it. I told him I didn't think I would get over it. He refused to believe me.

He refused to belive you that recovery was impossible so now its all his fault?!?!?!

Lets see. He forced you to try recovery? And you knew all along it would fail (of course its failing, you are good at sabotage) so its all his fault for believing that you were his best choice, his life choice, and that he could be old and happy with you?

Get off the pity pot!

Patriot received lots of understanding where this is concerned. "No wonder he doesn't tell her the truth! She gets too upset!"

That is NOT what has been said to you and frankly, I'm pretty horrified at your misrepresentation of the months and months of support and help you have been given on these boards.

Your husband is a conflict avoider. He has to relearn and overcome a lifetime of habits that are destructive to relationships. He is not perfect and he makes mistakes. Your job as his wife is to avoid enabling his bad behavior.

Everytime you lovebust him as his reward for honesty - you enable his conflict avoidance tendencies.

Your job as his wife is NOT to punish him for his bad behaivor. Your job is NOT to mete out justice and consequences, you are not his judge, jailor or his God.

Your job as your own best friend is to decide what you will live with and draw boundaries.

Yours is not the responsiblity to remake others to your liking.

Bringing up the lunch issue from months ago was a low blow.

He did something wrong. He actually did come clean the same day.

The three R's have been very present. (responsiblity, remorse and reparation). There has never been a repeat. (or I'm sure you would not have had to go back months to find offenses). You don't get to beat him up over this, I'm sorry. The way you "spun" this post, it sounds like he's a pretty slippery guy living in the shadows of dishonesty on the edge of infidelity every day.

You certainly got a few people who don't know you or your story as well as I do to chastise him a bit. Did that make you feel better? Does vengence and revenge make you into someone you like?

You can choose to withhold forgiveness. That's your right.

He can choose to remove himself from abuse. That's his right.

He hid something from me a few weeks ago. He snooped around on my DD18's computer and found something she wrote, saying that she was pregnant. He knew this information would be very upsetting to me. I was at work when he found it.

When I got home, not only did he NOT tell me about it. He actually pretended everything was fine, so I wouldn't suspect anything was wrong. He acted happy and silly, playing around for a few hours. Then he decided to tell me.

This totall crap Froz and you know it. I didn't need to read Patriot's self-defense post to know exactly what was going through his mind.

His CA is his form of protection. Just like your Rage is yours.

His CA was screaming at him to protect himself.

He won that battle with himself, at the end of the day, he chose YOU and YOUR DAUGHTERS SAFETY over his own.

And he's paying for it isn't he?

I am horrified that you are castigating the man who is taking proactive steps to protect your daughter from harm (snooping on myspace) and you are acting as if HE IS THE PROBLEM.


Why not deal with that instead of why he "hid and lied" to you for a whole 4 or 5 hours while trying to figure out how to approach you without a nuculear meltdown?

THIS man is loving your daughter like the real father she does not have. Instead your focus is on a few hours while he dealt with his own shock and fear.

INCREDIBLY self centered on your part dont you think?

It seems it's all about my 'taking one for the team' to protect him. It's all about making it 'safe' for him. Do you know how many times he hurt me and I consoled him, comforted him and offered him understanding? What did that get me? More hurt?

Crap, crap and crap.

You chose to be his wife. Now stand up and act like one instead of a whiny child.

Now, its time to grow up Froz, now or never.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Recovering - 06/01/06 01:14 AM
this ought to be interesting.....

note to Froz

whining & lovebusting are not part of recovery


OK ~~~> THIS juicy stuff comes from a post by HurtingDeeply on a recovery thread....

[color:"red"] Just remember the 4 parts of the MB methodology:

1. The Rule of Protection (no lovebusters).
2. The Rule of Care (meeting EN’s).
3. The Rule of Honesty (complete, using POJA to negotiate)
4. The Rule of Time (15 hours/week together time)


my comment about this was:

"this uncomplicated recipe really does make some nice soul food"

so here's your recipe Froz

I guarantee

in case you cannot hear me ... I'll yell...


if you both consistently live by the 4 rules of marriage in 6 months from now you will be the happiest you have ever been in your life.

if either you decide to not live by these rules because ... then divorce each other ...don't kill each other's love and spirit inch by inch with marital sadism

Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 06/01/06 03:51 AM
"I hear how hurt you are. I hear the pain in your voice. I am so sorry I hurt you the way I did. I don't ever want that to happen to you again. YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE HURT. I am sure that I would be deeply hurt, too, if this had happened to me. Please let me hold you and try to make you feel better. I am here for you and always will be."

Mulan, that really does sound nice.


You have an uncanny ability to see right into me. Am I someone you used to know? You told me once a long time ago, if I remember correctly, that I remind you of someone.

There are three MB members that I hate to disappoint and whose approval, when I receive it, is something of value to me.

You are one. BrambleRose and Gimble are the others.

The things you say make me feel angry sometimes. Sometimes the things you say make me laugh. Sometimes the things you say make me feel proud. Sometimes the things you say make me feel special.

Today was my most favorite of all.

What you said made me feel understood, comforted, encouraged, and nurtured.

I needed it so much.

Thank you.

I want to address Mrs. Wondering and BrambleRose, but I am out of steam right now and want to give your posts the attention they deserve.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 06/01/06 12:32 PM
I hope you read this with the realization that I am hard because I do truely want you to grow to happy joyous and free one day, ok?


It feels that way - because you are still attempting to force, drag, squeeze, coerce your self worth from your husband (where it is not to be found) instead of looking inside of you.

Point conceded. I have no idea how to do it another way.

When you get called on it by those of us who have been there and done that, you pout and cry "Not fair, look at me, poor me!"

Also conceded.

What you can not do, if you wish to remain married to Patriot, is lovebust and punish him every day of his life.

Even if I don't LB him, just the fact that I hurt punishes him.

You choose to live every day with that pain and those images. Instead of living in the present, with a faithful man who loves you, you chose to live with the unfaithful fiance from the past.

I don't CHOOSE it. It just doesn't go away.

If this is what your daily experience is while married to him, why are you there? Why on earth do you choose to stay and make both of you miserable?

Because people said that you can heal from an A. I stay because I hope it gets better.

What do you think this is teaching your children?

I can think of 2 lessons they are learning.

1. forgiveness when hurting others is impossible to achieve
2. attempts to repair and redeem oneself should be treated with contempt

I have no idea what it is teaching my children because they don't know about the A. Sure, I know they're not stupid, and they must sense something, but they don't know why. Also, we don't argue in front of them.

Everytime you lovebust him as his reward for honesty - you enable his conflict avoidance tendencies

Of course he only tells you the bad things. If you think that is how I react all the time, you have the wrong impression.

He makes me sound like some kind of psycho red-headed lunatic, rollin pin in tow. If I'm really like that, why do you suppose HE stays? What's HIS payoff?

Bringing up the lunch issue from months ago was a low blow.

He did something wrong. He actually did come clean the same day.

I was asked for examples.

I am so sick of hearing how he did something wrong, but I should not be hurt, but grateful it wasn't worse.

I don't see anyone around here telling him "At least she stopped LB'ing you before the end of the day"!

That is so invalidating.

I am horrified that you are castigating the man who is taking proactive steps to protect your daughter from harm (snooping on myspace) and you are acting as if HE IS THE PROBLEM.

This is EVEN MORE invalidating. You called it crap! It shouldn't hurt me? It shouldn't hurt me because he's trying to protect me?

I never had a problem at all, and appreciate, that he was checking up on her. That isn't MY PROBLEM.

MY PROBLEM is that for several hours after I got home, he INTENTIONALLY DECEIVED me...on PURPOSE he acted like everything was wonderful to keep me from suspecting that something was wrong. He hid information from me. He hid his feelings from me. He let me think that everything was safe and fine and there wasn't anything out there to get me and then he slammed me with it when I was least expecting of it and unprotected.

I get so sick of everyone jumping to his defense and invalidating my feelings. Like I have no right to hurt over that. If I do have the right, they want to tell me how much hurt is appropriate and for how long, too.

Sure, you may say that I have the right to hurt, but not to LB him.


I didn't.

I did NOT LB him that time.

I stated how I felt and I thanked him for his apology.

Now, let's say I HAD LB'd him for several hours. When he was hurt by it, would you tell him - "she stopped LB'ing you in the SAME DAY!"

I doubt it.


I did know and I read it periodically. This information was not ON her Myspace. It was in the mailbox portion of it. I do not have the password.

Also, she is 18 and moving soon. I will need to realize healthy boundaries and the difference between parenting my child and parenting my adult child and what is concern and protection and what is intrusive and invading her privacy.

I do not at all disagree with what Patriot did. I am appreciate of it, in fact. After all, right now she does still live in our house.

INCREDIBLY self centered on your part dont you think?

Sometimes it feels like Patriot can do very little wrong in others' eyes. If HE does, it seems understandable and justified.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 06/01/06 12:41 PM
I'm just SO afraid that you are going to "flame me" for my honest opinion...I have to believe that Patriot feels the same way to some extent which has been the reason for some of his dishonesty...

This sounds like blaming me for his dishonesty, or at the very least telling him it's understandable.

could not and would not be able to live under these conditions...If what Patriot said in his above post is true and he is making a VALID point and then you throw the affair at him, well NOPE, I couldn't do it...I would have to move on...Sorry to be blunt, but that's my truth...I would still know that my affair was MY CHOSEN MISTAKE, but I also would know that I was truly remorseful, had been reading and posting on MB, had read the Harley books and was trying to the greatest of my abilities to make amends...And most importantly I would KNOW that just because I made that wrong choice did NOT devalue me completely as a person...that I did NOT deserve to continuously suffer based on that mistake, and that I would have to, albeit sadly, preserve what self worth that I had and leave the marriage...I would KNOW that I could not be 100% responsible for someone else's happiness or their misery...

He has the choice to leave.

You were NOT MARRIED at the time that this infidelity occured

Sorry. I don't see it that way. We lived together - shared a life, a home, finances and had made promises to each other. The only thing he didn't break was a promise he made to God.

He made the same promises to me long before we ever married and it hurt just as badly when he betrayed them, whether we were married or not.

I am glad that he didn't also break a promise to God in the process, but the fact that he didn't doesn't LESSEN my pain, it only keeps it from being greater.

I am not angry with you. I'm sorry if it's difficult to understand. You have a right to your opinion and I thank you for being honest with me about it.
Posted By: Eagle15 Re: Recovering - 06/01/06 12:51 PM

Have you read the Owning your own villagers thread??? LA has been working there with me and she helped me alot. You might try going through the exercise she does over there, if for no other reason, "It is very interesting and will make you think real hard about who you are."

It might just help.

Good Luck to you and Patriot! Hang in there it will get better, really it will!
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/01/06 08:58 PM

Maybe this will help..maybe not..but it did help me back in the day [suprising I didn't post about it..seems that during the times of most change I seem to be so busy and consumed that I forget the computor exists].

I meant every word that I said with regard to having a look into your own darkness.

One of the things that held me back from the next step to explain..waiting for clarity?

Waiting for things to be in stark contrast.

Waiting for The know..the one that will make things Better.

I was waiting for things to be SO bad that I couldn't stay..or SO much improved that I wouldn't WANT to leave..and it didn't work..because some parts of me wanted both all of the time.

It sucked..but not enough for me to really honestly be willing to walk away.

It was good..but not enough to erase the bad.

Also..we didn't really change in a big way. We are still the same people with the same issues we have always had. I think that REAL a [painfully] slow process..not visible to the eye..but it subtly changes your trajectory if that makes sense. Not a 180..but rather 1 millionth of a 1 degree of a turn. Which leaves you without your AHA!

Posting now so it doesn't bump me [which it has been doing and I don't know why]..more later
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/01/06 09:18 PM

So..really the person I had to deal with was myself.

H still had and has personality traits and habits that leave me feeling insecure.

These are not affair related though..they are part of his makeup and not going to change. Really I think they make me nervous because I can't identify with's not *the* alien..but it's alien to me.

That is how I [with much distance and no personal investment] would now look at an incident such as the one you described with your daughter.

Was it manipulative? Sure. If he wants to dispute that I'm willing to go 'round the mountain with him. Trying to *prep* you so to speak rather than allowing you to walk in *cold* and find him distraught and worried and maybe angry and not knowing what he was going to do or what he should do..which ironically would have probably been the best possible method when dealing WITH YOU because of it's transparency.

He isn't a transparent man and probably never will be..even if he is an honest one.

You will probably not ever be able to judge his mood or discern his motives. He has a lot of filters between himself and the makes him hard to know.

Regret about his A isn't going to change that. It's bigger than CA.

That issue of beating you to the punch..running ahead and saying..YES! I'm wrong! Whip me! IS also manipulative. You know see live with is part of being conflict averse..skipping the conflict and taking the wind out of your sails by acknowledging ahead of the lynch mob. Inviting the lynch mob. Probably having beers with the lynch mob before the night is out.

Aw shucks.

The flip side is that they continue to ask forgiveness and not permission. It's a fits together.

These traits are a part of your man. They are part of who he is. He may learn new skills and change some of his habits..but he will never completely eradicate these things and why should he? A lot of the time they work! People with good people skills are manipulative by nature. They know how to spin.

Now that we have acknowledged and validated your gripes..are you ready to have a look at yourself?

What are your dark areas?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 02:00 AM
Wow, Noodle. You are REALLY good at validation!

I really, really, really like feeling understood.

These traits are a part of your man. They are part of who he is. He may learn new skills and change some of his habits..but he will never completely eradicate these things and why should he?

That makes me nervous because I fear that you are correct. I don't know if that is something that can be acceptable for me forever.

Transparency is extremely important to me.

Every single time in my life that the "other shoe" dropped, which usually equated to a situation of extreme crisis - not the kind of crisis where you go to work and then come home and your life is kind of stressful, but the kind of crisis where, in an instant, you HAVE no home.

I thought things were fine one minute. The next, my whole life changed and I didn't know where I would live, had no money, no vehicle, no job (since I didn't have transportation any longer), and no idea how I would eat - all because of information someone else had about my life that I did not, and they didn't bother to share with me. All because others tricked me and led me to believe everything was a way that it wasn't at all.

This happened to me numerous times when I was young.

I can't live like that.

I need to have some measure of control over my own life, or at the very least have as much information as possible about my own life so I can be as prepared as possible if it changes.

Now that we have acknowledged and validated your gripes..are you ready to have a look at yourself?

Yes. Thank you for the comfortable lead-in.

What are your dark areas?

I really, really want to answer this question, but I'm not precisely clear on what you mean. I want to be. I looked back at your posts and there were a couple of times you mentioned the word "dark".

I would appreciate it so much if you could clarify for me.

Thanks, Noodle.
Posted By: BrambleRose Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 04:05 PM
Hi Froz ~

BR: What you can not do, if you wish to remain married to Patriot, is lovebust and punish him every day of his life.
Froz: Even if I don't LB him, just the fact that I hurt punishes him.

Your pain, your emotions, you feelings are all yours to have for as long as you want, whenever you want.

Patriot can choose to be bothered and hurt, or not, by your feelings.

You are not responsible for his feelings. You, as his wife, are responsible for meeting healthy reasonable emotional needs and protecting him from lovebusting action.

That you hurt and it 'punishes' him is really his issue and his problem, not yours.

I'm not busting your chops over your feelings. I'm busting your chops over your choices of lovebusting behavior which you wrap in victimized justification.

BR: You choose to live every day with that pain and those images. Instead of living in the present, with a faithful man who loves you, you chose to live with the unfaithful fiance from the past.

Froz: I don't CHOOSE it. It just doesn't go away.

Oh but you do. I used to be where you are at, and I used to cry and scream at my AlAnon sponsor because I would ask her how to let go, how to make the pain stop and she's simply say: "Make a decision".

That response drove me nuts. *I* didn't choose the pain!! My horrible alcoholic cheating husband did this to me!!!!

It took time, and practice, and a God box, but I learned that I did have the power and control to choose to do something else when the pain started to kick in.

She was right, as I am now.

You are choosing to live in the pain of your past instead of the present. Your present is experienced through filters of painful past that do not really apply to the here and now.

It's your choice to objectively examine those past truths with external guidance and determine if those truths really serve you in the here and now. This is not something you should do alone in your own head.

BR: If this is what your daily experience is while married to him, why are you there? Why on earth do you choose to stay and make both of you miserable?

Froz: Because people said that you can heal from an A. I stay because I hope it gets better.

Then own your responsibility for staying. Stop 'hoping' for some magic event and start owning your choices and behaviors. Do not blame him for your choice to stay and the consequences of such. Recovery can not happen if you are both not willing to step up to ownership of your own stuff.

I have no idea what it is teaching my children because they don't know about the A. Sure, I know they're not stupid, and they must sense something, but they don't know why. Also, we don't argue in front of them.

Ok..well...I don't believe they don't know, and havent seen you fight. I don't believe that the 2 of you are perpetually loving and cheerful in front of them.

If you think they don't experience the tensions...and if you think they don't know...ask them. I think you'll be surprised.

But ok, lets suspend reality for a second and say they don't know. They see you treating your new husband like what? For no reason?

What do you think that does to their perceptions of relationships?

BR: Everytime you lovebust him as his reward for honesty - you enable his conflict avoidance tendencies

Froz:Of course he only tells you the bad things. If you think that is how I react all the time, you have the wrong impression.

Uh. Where did I say I thought anything of the sort?

Lovebusting is lovebusting if done 1% of the time. Damage is not measured by how many times you do it.

Besides, your response sounds rather childish don't you think? If Patriot never EVER posted on MB, we'd still be having this conversation. You tattle on yourself all the time my dear. I don't need him to tell me.

Froz:He makes me sound like some kind of psycho red-headed lunatic, rollin pin in tow. If I'm really like that, why do you suppose HE stays? What's HIS payoff?

I am talking to you, not him. You are the one who has the power to transform your life into one that is happy joyous and free. Patriot has zero power to do that for you.

You can not fix what you don't acknowledge (thank you Dr. Phil!). So lets go back to talking about you instead of your husband.

I think one of your payoffs is that while he is the bad one, you can justify your focus on him instead of your scary parts.

BR: Bringing up the lunch issue from months ago was a low blow. He did something wrong. He actually did come clean the same day.

Froz: I was asked for examples.

I am so sick of hearing how he did something wrong, but I should not be hurt, but grateful it wasn't worse.

I don't see anyone around here telling him "At least she stopped LB'ing you before the end of the day"!

That is so invalidating.

Yes you were asked for examples. You could have given examples of current behavior. You instead chose to bring up the past.

I did NOT say you should not be hurt, and that you should be grateful it was not worse. Go back and reread what I wrote, not what you twisted it into meaning in your own head!

If Patriot had a pattern of lying to you about his lunch companions, and had done nothing to rectify this issue in your marriage - it would have been a valid example.

My problem with you is that yes, he did something wrong - and with in the same 24 hours took action to rectify it. The three Rs were present in his follow up behavior. He took responsibility, expressed remorse and understanding that what he did was wrong, and has since, never repeated the action and has in fact been honest and POJAd about his lunch companions since then.

I don't know about you and Patriot, but me and my husband are human beings. We both screw up and do things that hurt each other. We don't always get it right the first time. We both have hurts and fears and scars from our past that affect how we interact with the present. We have both worked hard at learning how to take responsbility, apologize, and change our behavior. Part of intimacy is recognizing and accepting that the other person has warts and faults, and part of intimacy is the ability to forgive your spouse when in response to a love busting behavior, the three Rs are applied, swiftly and without hesitation.

Patriot met those criteria. What else do you want from him? He can't take back the lie, all he can do is say he is sorry and do everything he can to change that.

This is why you have been told over and over that you hold the bar far too high for a normal person to reasonably jump over. It does not mean that you should not be hurt when he screws up. It just means that at some point Froz, you have to recognize when it is safe to let go of the pain and drop your walls. Patriot is outside waving a white flag of surrender, but you, crounched inside your Fortress of Fear and Pain, you see a shotgun in his hands instead.

You can still be hurt about it if you want to. It is your choice to hang on to that pain and withhold forgiveness. But it is not a valid example of how evil Patriot is in the PRESENT.

That is so invalidating.

This is you throwing a temper tantrum that Patriot is not being punished for hurting your feelings. You want him judged so you can be right (and a victim).

Your need for external validation is a bottomless pit Froz, and I won't feed the beast by giving you false platitudes that your choices are even slightly good for you right now.

The person that you should be seeking validation from you is YOU. You don't need approval from me. You don't need approval from Pepperband or Gimble. What you need my dear is to own your own choices and to take some responsibility.

This is EVEN MORE invalidating. You called it crap! It shouldn't hurt me? It shouldn't hurt me because he's trying to protect me?

I never had a problem at all, and appreciate, that he was checking up on her. That isn't MY PROBLEM.

MY PROBLEM is that for several hours after I got home, he INTENTIONALLY DECEIVED me...on PURPOSE he acted like everything was wonderful to keep me from suspecting that something was wrong. He hid information from me. He hid his feelings from me. He let me think that everything was safe and fine and there wasn't anything out there to get me and then he slammed me with it when I was least expecting of it and unprotected.

It hurts you because you have made his behavior all about you. Thats why I said precisely, 'Self centered'.

Your husband did not lie and deceive you.

He did his job as protector of you and your family by checking on your daughter and discovering a serious problem. Rather than immediately fly off the handle and create panic for you while you were at work, he followed up to get all the facts. He knew he had to tell you.

His own past, his own fears, hurts and old coping mechanisms came rushing out to his defense. He struggled with it. He was panicked and his instincts were screaming manipulate, hide, protect. And in the end, YOU and YOUR SAFETY WON. Rather than protect himself from the nuculear meltdown that he was terrified of, ignoring his fear, he chose to TELL YOU. Thats called courage - doing what is right, even when scared to death. He wasn't lying to you, he was struggling in his own soul with his past and his present.

But of course, because he was human, and didn't tell you on your perfect timeline, he's still wrong. He's damned if he does or damned if he doesn't. If he had called you at work with only half the facts and told you RIGHT THAT SECOND would you have been expecting it? I mean really Froz - do you sit at work expecting devastating news about your daughter? There is NO good way to share that kind of information even for someone who is GOOD at communicating. Your husband is clumsy, and he is human. He is JUST LIKE YOU - he is struggling with his own hurts and fears and trying to learn new behaviors that just aren't intuitive. He is fighting his own demons, and really, those demons have NOTHING to do with you and your self worth.

Stop making everything he does about you.

And truely it is NOT about you, its about your daughter. My point was not that you arent supervising your daughter, but why aren't you in a immediate action mode to care for her? An 18 year old girl, with her history as a victim of sexual abuse, posting about sexual activity and pregnancy is not a red flag? Why is your energy focused on his wrongs committed upon youself instead of Oh my God what can I do to help my hurting, innocent (real victim) daughter?

I get so sick of everyone jumping to his defense and invalidating my feelings. Like I have no right to hurt over that. If I do have the right, they want to tell me how much hurt is appropriate and for how long, too.

Your feelings don't match reality - that is what everyone is saying to you. No one is telling you how long. Thats your right to decide. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. You say you want recovery...the problem is you want recovery on your terms, in your way (sound familiar?). You can't have it that way. There's a narrow road to recovery and you keep taking side paths that don't lead to your goal, and you are ticked off that anyone LOVES AND CARES about you enough to point that out!

Lets see.

If I was standing in the middle of a busy intersection - but I "felt" that I was really standing safely on the sidewalk - would you attempt to tell me I was wrong? Or would you validate me?

Will being right make you happy? Is your need to be right and for Patriot to be wrong and chastised really that much greater than your desire to have a happy marriage with him?

Why do you feel that recovery is impossible if he doesn't lose?

Because hun, thats what you are asking for, you want him to suffer as much as you have in order to make yourself feel better.

Where is your duty to protect him? When you chose to marry him, you committed to protecting him. That is your responsibility. That was your choice. Own it.

You can play tit for tat. Thats a choice you can make. The consequence however, is that you will not be married.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 04:50 PM
You don't need approval from Pepperband



saying you do might seem like you are complimenting me

but I do not see it that way at all
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 07:29 PM


Maybe this will help..maybe not..but it did help me back in the day [suprising I didn't post about it..seems that during the times of most change I seem to be so busy and consumed that I forget the computor exists].

First I want to say thank you for reaching out to my wife and talking to her. Actually, thank you to any and all people that do. Regardless of public, or not, opinion… I am generally a happy person, content with things going on in my life and I value an amount of normalcy and optimism. Tension has always been an enemy of mine and I unfortunately did learn some shady tactics attempting to make tension remove itself from my life. But, I also learned some healthy, caring ones. I admit, however, that shady tactics, like sugarcoating, outright lying and subversion produce much quicker results. In survival mode, usually the shortest distance between two points wins, in my experience. That said, I don’t see it as license to do it. I am just saying that I see the roadbump that way and that I then make the choice to NOT negotiate the obstacle using the easy wrong. I have made mistakes where this is concerned. I imagine, we all have our demons for one reason or another. I am working on mine.

One of the things that held me back from the next step to explain..waiting for clarity?

Waiting for things to be in stark contrast.

Waiting for The know..the one that will make things Better.

I was waiting for things to be SO bad that I couldn't stay..or SO much improved that I wouldn't WANT to leave..and it didn't work..because some parts of me wanted both all of the time.

It sucked..but not enough for me to really honestly be willing to walk away.

It was good..but not enough to erase the bad.

I will focus on one word here. Waiting. That is not an action word. How is waiting going to get anything done? Not to insult you, and maybe there is more to this explanation, but how can anyone wait and think it will change anything? Waiting never fixed anything that was broken. Waiting allows things that work, work. Why focus on this? I hear this word a lot. Waiting. Waiting for me. Waiting for this or that. I just don’t see waiting as an action. Something you can stand behind and say “well.. I did this” and derive some sense of accomplishment for doing one’s part. I would extend that in a marriage, you often have to do more than your part.

I follow that idea with this. For a time in my relationship with frozen, I was not doing my part. I was destroying. I admit that. Now, a time came when a decision was made based on the facts at hand and WE decided that WE wanted to work on this marriage. In my mind, regardless of my faults, she BOUGHT the relationship back. She reclaimed responsibility in it. The window from DDay to this decision was her time to drop the whole thing like a hot potato and send me packing with all responsibility of the relationship failure squarely on MY shoulders. 100% all mine. Once she bought the relationship back, she accepted responsibility for the outcome again. Why bring this up? Because buying the relationship back and then waiting doesn’t sound like following words with action. “Waiting” so one can say I did something and it still failed all because of you. Waiting isn’t doing anything.

Also..we didn't really change in a big way. We are still the same people with the same issues we have always had. I think that REAL a [painfully] slow process..not visible to the eye..but it subtly changes your trajectory if that makes sense. Not a 180..but rather 1 millionth of a 1 degree of a turn. Which leaves you without your AHA!

Is changing in a big way required? This passage also sounds familiar to me because it speaks of wanting the ‘AHA!’ moment and not getting it. Why must there be an AHA! moment? Does the lack of one mean recovery has not occurred? Who decides this standard? I must tell you there has never been a discussion in my house about lack of an AHA moment being a boundary. A showstopper, if you will. Maybe I am being sarcastic a bit, but I do truly want to understand this. What if the A was a bad moral decision and not a deep seeded character flaw? Will there still be significant change to notice? Also… something that occurred to me, relative to regaining trust, is that the only way to seemingly regain trust is to NOT be dishonest. Not the presence of honesty, because if honesty exists, how do you know? Check emails? Be accountable? These investigation tactic only produce “lack of dishonesty with the possibility of you being smarter and using other means” responses in my home. Dishonesty you can put your teeth into. Dishonesty triggers this AHA in my mind. I caught you! AHA! Yet, I have no recollection of AHA, you told the truth. It seems the long road to truth is history. A timeframe, of significant value, with the absence of dishonesty becomes honesty. THAT certainly does not sound like it has an AHA attached to it… much like you described the subtle changes above.

So..really the person I had to deal with was myself.

Such a short powerful statement. Only person you can control is you. I decide what MY boundaries are. All of that. I think this is linked to the other portions I have quoted from you above, but I am not certain how. Can you explain? Does it mean you saw that waiting was getting nothing done? (my thinking from above that I am open to change because I truly want to grow… meaning I wonder if it means that… but I don’t KNOW it means that)

H still had and has personality traits and habits that leave me feeling insecure.

These are not affair related though..they are part of his makeup and not going to change. Really I think they make me nervous because I can't identify with's not *the* alien..but it's alien to me.

And how did you best address THIS issue? Not everything frozen dislikes about me means I am going to hurt her. Maybe I burp all the time and this is an annoying habit. It does not mean I will cheat on her. I don’t know exactly my point, but I am very curious how you have dealt with this kind of situation. This seems like a good learning point.

That is how I [with much distance and no personal investment] would now look at an incident such as the one you described with your daughter.

I admit I am confused here a little. How would you look at this instance? That it was just my nasty habits making themselves seen again? If so, is this boundary crossing?

Was it manipulative? Sure. If he wants to dispute that I'm willing to go 'round the mountain with him. Trying to *prep* you so to speak rather than allowing you to walk in *cold* and find him distraught and worried and maybe angry and not knowing what he was going to do or what he should do..which ironically would have probably been the best possible method when dealing WITH YOU because of it's transparency.

Manipulative? How? In my mind, being manipulative contains an amount of deviousness gain to it. I was trying to be a caring husband, truly. I did not choose the best action. Was it the worst action? No. NOT telling her at all and then just waiting to see if in a few months an 18 yo girl started walking around with an unexplainable pot belly and then telling her, or not and killing intimacy with my silence, was the worst. I did not do that. But, I did not choose the best either. Certainly not a black and white issue.

He isn't a transparent man and probably never will be..even if he is an honest one.

I admit that I am not a complete open book. I say that with the standard, in my mind, being ANY AND ALL things that run through my head become verbalized immediately. Now, lets look at that a minute. I would look like an autistic child if I did that. Short example. I have prayed to God, eyes closed, and while I was ‘speaking’ to God in my head have had evil thoughts run through my head. Flashes of killings from movies. The latest news on TV. Worries of money. Random words, filthy or not. Sometimes chaotic thoughts. Sometimes not. All within the confines of me talking to God. Like it was background noise in my head. Am I supposed to regurgitate ALL of this ALL the time? I talked about football and other sports today with co-workers. Do I cover that? My point, now that I have probably labeled myself the next serial-killer waiting to happen, is that I don’t know about you… but my mind sometimes runs multiple threads hundreds of times in a mere second. And sometimes it does not. Am I supposed to sit her down and talk about all of it? THAT these things happen in my head, I have told her… but the content every single time? Does that make me not transparent? I do have lots of filters? I imagine you work in a professional environment… You have to have filters. If you put it all out there all the time, what would that look like? Imagine this. I watched a rape on a tv program one time. Pick a movie… they have these scenes. Then, my imagination runs and places me in the movie in my mind doing that offense. Do you go telling everyone that? I don’t think so. Do I tell my wife that? If the event or thought was meaningful, then yes. And for me, that is the barometer. Meaningful. Yes, I have LIED about my affair before. Of course I was trying to hide. I did not want her to know. ******, at the time I wanted her to shut up. Anyway I could. But, I don’t apply this idea to everyday life. An affair is not everyday life for me. It is over for me and I am not doing it again. Everything else I do regularly IS everyday life, and if it is meaningful, I tell her.

Now that I have put that out there, I ask that you comment on it with the understanding that I AM willing to listen and learn. Whatever I need to do to provide love, safety and connection with frozen. That is what I desire. I know I don’t have all the answers.

You will probably not ever be able to judge his mood or discern his motives. He has a lot of filters between himself and the makes him hard to know.

I mentioned filters above. Am I hard to know? Or am I hard to trust. And am I hard to trust because I carried on a big fat lie for 18 months or because I am a pathological liar? Am I the kind of man that would tell her the sun is NOT up at noon during the day when right there it is?

Regret about his A isn't going to change that. It's bigger than CA.

Fearing, yet again I will make clear my lack of intelligence, can you explain this remark too?

That issue of beating you to the punch..running ahead and saying..YES! I'm wrong! Whip me! IS also manipulative. You know see live with is part of being conflict averse..skipping the conflict and taking the wind out of your sails by acknowledging ahead of the lynch mob. Inviting the lynch mob. Probably having beers with the lynch mob before the night is out.

Or… maybe… I am trying to get to a better me the only way I know how. Again, I am wondering how this is manipulative. Is it a requirement that I get beating on for a prescribed amount of time before the ‘teach patriot’ portion of the discussion can begin? In my home, Froz thinks that due to my charm or other attribute, people just like me. And because she ‘puts it all out there’ she is chastised. Now, I empathize with her totally because I have been places in my life where I did not feel accepted or liked. I have sometimes asked and begged to get hit because I wanted her to feel better that it was not her getting hit… but the truth is I STILL wanted to learn something and I trust in my ability to brush things off if I don’t like the way they were said to me. Possibly an odd form of protection for her, but I saw it as protection nonetheless. Getting the focus on me for a moment so she could take a beating breather. BUT… the underlying idea for me was STILL to learn and grow… and if I could remove the pain of 2X4s from her for a moment… bonus. So two things here… I think the latter is clear but the former might not be. Is it wrong to admit YES! I am WRONG!!! If I truly FEEL like I was wrong? I don’t make it a habit to go around and take blame that is not mine…regardless of popular opinion. One of the reasons I am bad at validation sometimes is because if I FEEL you are wrong, I just can’t back you up. For those of you that think I am the most dishonest person you know… that ought to sound odd. I just can not stand up and say YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!! when I feel you aren’t. I am learning that frozen’s feelings are real TO HER, but it is a hard step actually, because I want so badly to say THAT IS NOT HOW I SEE IT first, instead of telling her that I understand her feelings are real to her, and that I imagine it feels such and such and THEN bringing my opinion into it.

The flip side is that they continue to ask forgiveness and not permission. It's a fits together.

It is a lie to say I have not done this in my life. I, however, do NOT think it is a pattern. I don’t do this by default. If frozen thinks I am wrong on this statement then I need to hear it from her and then I am VERY willing to correct that. Currently, I don’t think it is default behavior.

These traits are a part of your man. They are part of who he is. He may learn new skills and change some of his habits..but he will never completely eradicate these things and why should he? A lot of the time they work! People with good people skills are manipulative by nature. They know how to spin.

How have I shown I have good people skills? Just a curious question. I agree with the idea though because a lawyer that lies all day probably has a hard time NOT doing it at home at night. But I think that an extreme case. Can one not be just nice to people and it not be seen as CA, or fake, or a lie?

The truth is I am willing to listen to opinions and make intelligent choices about those opinions. Your time will not be wasted, I believe. If you point something out and I, being open to any idea and have been for a long time, see it as valid, I will certainly give it the consideration it deserves.

I do want to learn. I do want to grow. And I do want THIS marriage.

Thanks for your time… and I kind of apologize for this being quite long….
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 09:38 PM

Another LOOONG post declared invalid and *poof* can do.

I'll have to do it point by point patient with me.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 09:45 PM


Maybe this will help..maybe not..but it did help me back in the day [suprising I didn't post about it..seems that during the times of most change I seem to be so busy and consumed that I forget the computor exists].

First I want to say thank you for reaching out to my wife and talking to her. Actually, thank you to any and all people that do. Regardless of public, or not, opinion… I am generally a happy person, content with things going on in my life and I value an amount of normalcy and optimism. Tension has always been an enemy of mine and I unfortunately did learn some shady tactics attempting to make tension remove itself from my life. But, I also learned some healthy, caring ones. I admit, however, that shady tactics, like sugarcoating, outright lying and subversion produce much quicker results. In survival mode, usually the shortest distance between two points wins, in my experience. That said, I don’t see it as license to do it. I am just saying that I see the roadbump that way and that I then make the choice to NOT negotiate the obstacle using the easy wrong. I have made mistakes where this is concerned. I imagine, we all have our demons for one reason or another. I am working on mine.

One of the things that held me back from the next step to explain..waiting for clarity?

Waiting for things to be in stark contrast.

Waiting for The know..the one that will make things Better.

I was waiting for things to be SO bad that I couldn't stay..or SO much improved that I wouldn't WANT to leave..and it didn't work..because some parts of me wanted both all of the time.

It sucked..but not enough for me to really honestly be willing to walk away.

It was good..but not enough to erase the bad.

I will focus on one word here. Waiting. That is not an action word. How is waiting going to get anything done?


Not to insult you, and maybe there is more to this explanation, but how can anyone wait and think it will change anything? Waiting never fixed anything that was broken. Waiting allows things that work, work. Why focus on this? I hear this word a lot. Waiting. Waiting for me. Waiting for this or that. I just don’t see waiting as an action. Something you can stand behind and say “well.. I did this” and derive some sense of accomplishment for doing one’s part. I would extend that in a marriage, you often have to do more than your part.

I may be misreading you here..but it seems you missed the part of the post in front that said that waiting was what held me back?

I follow that idea with this. For a time in my relationship with frozen, I was not doing my part. I was destroying. I admit that. Now, a time came when a decision was made based on the facts at hand and WE decided that WE wanted to work on this marriage. In my mind, regardless of my faults, she BOUGHT the relationship back. She reclaimed responsibility in it. The window from DDay to this decision was her time to drop the whole thing like a hot potato and send me packing with all responsibility of the relationship failure squarely on MY shoulders. 100% all mine. Once she bought the relationship back, she accepted responsibility for the outcome again. Why bring this up? Because buying the relationship back and then waiting doesn’t sound like following words with action. “Waiting” so one can say I did something and it still failed all because of you. Waiting isn’t doing anything.

An admirable approach..but not the one Frozen took. She didn't commit to this Patriot. She rode in weak and reluctant on your tide. In order for recovery to happen..these are some things she will perhaps commit to..but they are by no means past tense.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 09:52 PM

Also..we didn't really change in a big way. We are still the same people with the same issues we have always had. I think that REAL a [painfully] slow process..not visible to the eye..but it subtly changes your trajectory if that makes sense. Not a 180..but rather 1 millionth of a 1 degree of a turn. Which leaves you without your AHA!

Is changing in a big way required?

I certainly don't think so.

This passage also sounds familiar to me because it speaks of wanting the ‘AHA!’ moment and not getting it. Why must there be an AHA! moment? Does the lack of one mean recovery has not occurred?

Waiting for one means recovery has not occured.

Who decides this standard?

Apparently Frozen does.

I must tell you there has never been a discussion in my house about lack of an AHA moment being a boundary. A showstopper, if you will. Maybe I am being sarcastic a bit, but I do truly want to understand this. What if the A was a bad moral decision and not a deep seeded character flaw?

What if it was both working together?

Will there still be significant change to notice? Also… something that occurred to me, relative to regaining trust, is that the only way to seemingly regain trust is to NOT be dishonest.

I disagree..I think that in order for a person to regain the ability to trust they have to perceive themselves as being able to survive another blow. If they don't believe this then regardless of the actions on the part of the other person they can't afford to take the risk.

Not the presence of honesty, because if honesty exists, how do you know? Check emails? Be accountable? These investigation tactic only produce “lack of dishonesty with the possibility of you being smarter and using other means” responses in my home. way to fly.

Dishonesty you can put your teeth into. Dishonesty triggers this AHA in my mind. I caught you! AHA!


Yet, I have no recollection of AHA, you told the truth.

They come..but very much in retrospect..they do not have the immediate gratification quality that produces the AHA!

It seems the long road to truth is history. A timeframe, of significant value, with the absence of dishonesty becomes honesty. THAT certainly does not sound like it has an AHA attached to it… much like you described the subtle changes above.

Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 10:04 PM
So..really the person I had to deal with was myself.

Such a short powerful statement. Only person you can control is you. I decide what MY boundaries are. All of that. I think this is linked to the other portions I have quoted from you above, but I am not certain how. Can you explain? Does it mean you saw that waiting was getting nothing done? (my thinking from above that I am open to change because I truly want to grow… meaning I wonder if it means that… but I don’t KNOW it means that)

It means that my issues in recovery were about ME and not about H or his A.

H still had and has personality traits and habits that leave me feeling insecure.

These are not affair related though..they are part of his makeup and not going to change. Really I think they make me nervous because I can't identify with's not *the* alien..but it's alien to me.

And how did you best address THIS issue? Not everything frozen dislikes about me means I am going to hurt her. Maybe I burp all the time and this is an annoying habit. It does not mean I will cheat on her. I don’t know exactly my point, but I am very curious how you have dealt with this kind of situation. This seems like a good learning point.

It comes down to being hale and hardy enough to believe that I can afford the risk. I no longer take his affair personally. Honestly it doesn't even hurt anymore. I don't feel threatened beyond what I am willing to tolerate by personality traits that I believe *could* contribute to another A [notice I did not say behavior]..and even if we do not make it as a couple in the long scheme of things I will not regard my time as having been wasted. It takes a lot of work to get to this one could do it for me or even help. With that frame of mind..I could care less if he burps or farts or leaves his towel on the floor.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 10:36 PM

Another LOOONG post declared invalid and *poof* can do.

I'll have to do it point by point patient with me.

Here is your foolproof solution. SInce this has happened to you more than once, I will extend it without being requested.

Microsoft word (or your other favorite word processing program) is your friend. I simply cut and paste all from MB I wish to quote into the document. Then I use tags to quote it like [ quote ] without the spaces and [ /quote ] without spaces to end it.

And then I go to town.

Just an idear. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

Thanks for the responses. I am letting some of it sink in for a minute... Just want to make sure I 'get it'.

Get back to you in a few.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 10:56 PM

Another LOOONG post declared invalid and *poof* can do.

I'll have to do it point by point patient with me.

Here is your foolproof solution. SInce this has happened to you more than once, I will extend it without being requested.

You offered hope..

Microsoft word (or your other favorite word processing program) is your friend. I simply cut and paste all from MB I wish to quote into the document. Then I use tags to quote it like [ quote ] without the spaces and [ /quote ] without spaces to end it.

Then started speaking greek. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />

And then I go to town.

Just an idear. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

Thanks for the responses. I am letting some of it sink in for a minute... Just want to make sure I 'get it'.

Get back to you in a few.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 10:58 PM
I'll finish up after the kids are asleep..hard to concentrate with one dangling off of each arm.
Posted By: dorry Re: Recovering - 06/02/06 11:49 PM

If you are reading along - Noodle is making some very good's where Sprint had to get to as well in order for us to really recover, and me as well. and we still work at it each day.

Would you like me to ask him as a favor to talk to you?

Patriot - would you be okay with it - I think if Sprint is willing to - he might be able to really help Froz out.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 12:54 AM
Shall I try again? This assistance? Or are you pulling my chain and you have it under control? I am ever the IT professional and I CAN NOT have poor souls wandering the dark, dank streets under the information superhighway without understanding the power of the 'right' click.

You see.... I had to learn that there was no spoon.... (really stupid Matrix joke...)
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 01:16 AM
No..sadly serious.

Seriously sad when it come to computor....stuff.
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 01:20 AM
Ok. You ever used Microsoft Word? Do you have it?

I imagine you do. If you have an Apple, then all bets are off... I am no Apple wiz.

Open word and type your post in that. then just highlight all of it, right click, select cut, open the window you have MB in and right click with the pointer in the area you would normally type your post and select paste.

That should be about it. If you truly didn't need this help, then I am an idiot. Just trying to help.
Posted By: dorry Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 01:21 AM
You can do the same with a notepad on an apple <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 01:35 AM

That is how I [with much distance and no personal investment] would now look at an incident such as the one you described with your daughter.

I admit I am confused here a little. How would you look at this instance? That it was just my nasty habits making themselves seen again? If so, is this boundary crossing?

As a personality clash. You have these tools in your toolbox that allow you to chose how and when you will respond. That isn't a bad thing by the way. It's a neutral skill. *However* have USED these skills to deceive her in the past..Froz doesn't trust herself to be able to distinguish between the tool itself and its application. Make sense?

Was it manipulative? Sure. If he wants to dispute that I'm willing to go 'round the mountain with him. Trying to *prep* you so to speak rather than allowing you to walk in *cold* and find him distraught and worried and maybe angry and not knowing what he was going to do or what he should do..which ironically would have probably been the best possible method when dealing WITH YOU because of it's transparency.

Manipulative? How?

It is manipulative because you have an agenda..and the ability to mold or manipulate the environment to suite that agenda. You have an ability to predict that if you do X..Y will be the result..since Y is the desired result you do X. It makes sense..but still leaves Froz feeling played..and she was.

In my mind, being manipulative contains an amount of deviousness gain to it.

Free your mind and absorb the true definition of the word. See how very well it fits.

I was trying to be a caring husband, truly. I did not choose the best action. Was it the worst action? No. NOT telling her at all and then just waiting to see if in a few months an 18 yo girl started walking around with an unexplainable pot belly and then telling her, or not and killing intimacy with my silence, was the worst. I did not do that. But, I did not choose the best either. Certainly not a black and white issue.

I think your intent is irrelevent with regard to this issue. Froz objects to the freaks her out.

He isn't a transparent man and probably never will be..even if he is an honest one.

I admit that I am not a complete open book. I say that with the standard, in my mind, being ANY AND ALL things that run through my head become verbalized immediately. Now, lets look at that a minute. I would look like an autistic child if I did that. Short example. I have prayed to God, eyes closed, and while I was ‘speaking’ to God in my head have had evil thoughts run through my head. Flashes of killings from movies. The latest news on TV. Worries of money. Random words, filthy or not. Sometimes chaotic thoughts. Sometimes not. All within the confines of me talking to God. Like it was background noise in my head. Am I supposed to regurgitate ALL of this ALL the time? I talked about football and other sports today with co-workers. Do I cover that? My point, now that I have probably labeled myself the next serial-killer waiting to happen, is that I don’t know about you… but my mind sometimes runs multiple threads hundreds of times in a mere second. And sometimes it does not. Am I supposed to sit her down and talk about all of it? THAT these things happen in my head, I have told her… but the content every single time? Does that make me not transparent? I do have lots of filters? I imagine you work in a professional environment… You have to have filters. If you put it all out there all the time, what would that look like? Imagine this. I watched a rape on a tv program one time. Pick a movie… they have these scenes. Then, my imagination runs and places me in the movie in my mind doing that offense. Do you go telling everyone that? I don’t think so. Do I tell my wife that? If the event or thought was meaningful, then yes. And for me, that is the barometer. Meaningful. Yes, I have LIED about my affair before. Of course I was trying to hide. I did not want her to know. ******, at the time I wanted her to shut up. Anyway I could. But, I don’t apply this idea to everyday life. An affair is not everyday life for me. It is over for me and I am not doing it again. Everything else I do regularly IS everyday life, and if it is meaningful, I tell her.

Now that I have put that out there, I ask that you comment on it with the understanding that I AM willing to listen and learn. Whatever I need to do to provide love, safety and connection with frozen. That is what I desire. I know I don’t have all the answers.

I easily recognize these traits because we share a lot of them. I'm treading on familiar ground here Patriot. The point is not the good uses or need for filters..the point is that they make you unreadable. When Froz is upset..everyone knows it. She's aren't..this gives you an advantage..she knows it.

You will probably not ever be able to judge his mood or discern his motives. He has a lot of filters between himself and the makes him hard to know.

I mentioned filters above. Am I hard to know? Or am I hard to trust. And am I hard to trust because I carried on a big fat lie for 18 months or because I am a pathological liar? Am I the kind of man that would tell her the sun is NOT up at noon during the day when right there it is?

Being hard to know makes you hard to trust. This aspect of your personality gives you a lot in life..but it takes from you also. It will damage your ability to have genuine first response relationship knowledge..because you are always one step ahead of the game. By the time everyone else has the memo you have already processed it and found the angle you think is the best option. She can't judge your reactions because by the time she sees them they have already been processed.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 01:57 AM

Regret about his A isn't going to change that. It's bigger than CA.

Fearing, yet again I will make clear my lack of intelligence, can you explain this remark too?

You regret having an affair. This regret does not change your basic nature or proclivities.

That issue of beating you to the punch..running ahead and saying..YES! I'm wrong! Whip me! IS also manipulative. You know see live with is part of being conflict averse..skipping the conflict and taking the wind out of your sails by acknowledging ahead of the lynch mob. Inviting the lynch mob. Probably having beers with the lynch mob before the night is out.

Or… maybe… I am trying to get to a better me the only way I know how. Again, I am wondering how this is manipulative.

Is admission of wrong a bad thing? Of course not. Can it be used manipulatively? Absolutely. I don't see what appeasement of the crowd has to do with getting to a better you. I think it has more to do with protecting your investments in the crowd. Protecting your reputation.

My question in the face of such swift and absolute certainty that you took a wrong turn would be..did you know before hand? I'll bet that more often than not you had a clue. It would make me doubt your sincerity honestly..but that has ever been the case for me with the forgiveness and not permission own personal bias.

I do think that people with your particular set of skills can begin to count on their ability to dodge the bullet. After have a better than average ability to predict what needs to come from order to achieve desired outcome. What people need to see from you. It can be a form of cake eating if taken to an extreme..which I'm not suggesting in your situation as it currently stands..but I'll bet it did play a role during your A. Again..what Frozen will *feel* is the familiarity of the dynamic..she can not identify personally with the trait.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 02:22 AM
Is it a requirement that I get beating on for a prescribed amount of time before the ‘teach patriot’ portion of the discussion can begin?

Nope, and the fact that you see the formula lends more weight for me that I'm not completely barking up the wrong tree.

In my home, Froz thinks that due to my charm or other attribute, people just like me. And because she ‘puts it all out there’ she is chastised.

As I have said..she doesn't have these skills.

Now, I empathize with her totally because I have been places in my life where I did not feel accepted or liked. I have sometimes asked and begged to get hit because I wanted her to feel better that it was not her getting hit… but the truth is I STILL wanted to learn something and I trust in my ability to brush things off if I don’t like the way they were said to me. Possibly an odd form of protection for her, but I saw it as protection nonetheless. Getting the focus on me for a moment so she could take a beating breather. BUT… the underlying idea for me was STILL to learn and grow… and if I could remove the pain of 2X4s from her for a moment… bonus. So two things here… I think the latter is clear but the former might not be.

I disagree with this sentiment. I believe that in "saving" Frozen by stepping in and taking the reigns you are actually invalidating her enormously. She is a big girl and can defend her own assertions..or make apology as she sees fit. Trying to reduce her struggle makes her less than you..makes her feel weak..and vulnerable. Just the opposite of what would help her to be able to say YES or NO to the marriage. I think that your CA extends to those around you. I think you can't stand to watch her suffer and struggle and are in essence trying to get her to the end zone for your OWN relief.

Is it wrong to admit YES! I am WRONG!!! If I truly FEEL like I was wrong? I don’t make it a habit to go around and take blame that is not mine…regardless of popular opinion. One of the reasons I am bad at validation sometimes is because if I FEEL you are wrong, I just can’t back you up. For those of you that think I am the most dishonest person you know… that ought to sound odd. I just can not stand up and say YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!! when I feel you aren’t. I am learning that frozen’s feelings are real TO HER, but it is a hard step actually, because I want so badly to say THAT IS NOT HOW I SEE IT first, instead of telling her that I understand her feelings are real to her, and that I imagine it feels such and such and THEN bringing my opinion into it.

You and Frozen may have a very hard time seeing things from each others perspective because you just process information differently. You could look at the same scenario and pick out different aspects of it as being the important ones. The point don't have to just have to respect.

The flip side is that they continue to ask forgiveness and not permission. It's a fits together.

It is a lie to say I have not done this in my life. I, however, do NOT think it is a pattern. I don’t do this by default. If frozen thinks I am wrong on this statement then I need to hear it from her and then I am VERY willing to correct that. Currently, I don’t think it is default behavior.

I did not mean to imply a pattern as in consistent behavior from you..I worded that badly..what I mean to convey is that because one end of the stick is firmly in your grasp..the other end is very easy to slide down to.

These traits are a part of your man. They are part of who he is. He may learn new skills and change some of his habits..but he will never completely eradicate these things and why should he? A lot of the time they work! People with good people skills are manipulative by nature. They know how to spin.

How have I shown I have good people skills?


Just a curious question. I agree with the idea though because a lawyer that lies all day probably has a hard time NOT doing it at home at night. But I think that an extreme case. Can one not be just nice to people and it not be seen as CA, or fake, or a lie?

There is nothing nice about rearranging things to your liking or to your benefit. Tell me..when you see Frozen post a rant..why do you feel the need to post your defense? Especially if doing so further agitates her? Do you feel nervous with the loss of control..someone might give her advice you don't like? Some anonymous message board geek might think less of you? What?

I've told you before that I get the feeling control is very important to you. I really think your near compulsion to step in has cost you greatly. That choice point you mentioned with Frozen on Dday? That choice never happened. Here you are years later..still in that space and trying to push past without having taken that step. You so want this marriage recovery to be a given..I understand that..but until Frozen takes back those reigns she will be stuck and fearfull ever more resentfull because she will feel she is in the marriage out of weakness and will not be able to find her strength and she will hate YOU because she feels that way. She has her own row to hoe and the sooner the better.

The truth is I am willing to listen to opinions and make intelligent choices about those opinions. Your time will not be wasted, I believe. If you point something out and I, being open to any idea and have been for a long time, see it as valid, I will certainly give it the consideration it deserves.

I do want to learn. I do want to grow. And I do want THIS marriage.

Thanks for your time… and I kind of apologize for this being quite long…. [/quote]
Posted By: patriot92 Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 05:13 PM
Going back thru your string of 5-6 posts on the subject here, in the beginning we seem to agree that waiting is not going to get the job done here. Sitting around for the Big Bang is not going to make it materialize when that very Big Bang requires the waiters efforts and input.

An admirable approach..but not the one Frozen took. She didn't commit to this Patriot. She rode in weak and reluctant on your tide. In order for recovery to happen..these are some things she will perhaps commit to..but they are by no means past tense.

Is changing in a big way required?

I certainly don't think so.

This passage also sounds familiar to me because it speaks of wanting the ‘AHA!’ moment and not getting it. Why must there be an AHA! moment? Does the lack of one mean recovery has not occurred?

Waiting for one means recovery has not occured.

But it sure would be nice if there was an AHA! moment. Then everyone could be happy and satisfied.

Who decides this standard?

Apparently Frozen does.

And I will state again, there has been no discussion about this very standard in my home. If an AHA! moment was required, it would have been really good info to have in the beginning.

What if the A was a bad moral decision and not a deep seeded character flaw?

What if it was both working together?

If is both working together does that imply a big change will be noticed? Again… if an AHA! is required for recovery, then it needs to be negotiated for. Just like anything else. That is my stand on it. If I don’t magically come up with something she wants but never asked for…HOW can I be held accountable for that failure… like “you should have known” . Fact is, I didn’t know.

I disagree..I think that in order for a person to regain the ability to trust they have to perceive themselves as being able to survive another blow. If they don't believe this then regardless of the actions on the part of the other person they can't afford to take the risk.

THIS is a really big statement and something I think is hindering us currently. Big time. She does not think she can survive another blow. She has told me this. More on this later…. As I am starting to get a little fired up over it. Kind of a rough morning anyway.

It means that my issues in recovery were about ME and not about H or his A.
How did you make this step when all the while you could simply blame him for even putting you there? How did you overcome the instinct to blame him for victimizing you?
It comes down to being hale and hardy enough to believe that I can afford the risk. I no longer take his affair personally. Honestly it doesn't even hurt anymore. I don't feel threatened beyond what I am willing to tolerate by personality traits that I believe *could* contribute to another A [notice I did not say behavior]..and even if we do not make it as a couple in the long scheme of things I will not regard my time as having been wasted. It takes a lot of work to get to this one could do it for me or even help. With that frame of mind..I could care less if he burps or farts or leaves his towel on the floor.

Well.. maybe no one could help you overcome it and you just had to keep doing whatever on your own… I am still curious about answers to the questions just above here.

As a personality clash. You have these tools in your toolbox that allow you to chose how and when you will respond. That isn't a bad thing by the way. It's a neutral skill. *However* have USED these skills to deceive her in the past..Froz doesn't trust herself to be able to distinguish between the tool itself and its application. Make sense?

Perfect sense, actually. The reality of it is if she sees the tool, I get a punishment for it. If I use the tool, I get a punishment for it. One of these situations is just and right… and one is not. And frankly, it is tiresome to keep being punished for simply having a tool. Everyone has the capability to murder. Everyone. If you think you don’t, you are lying to yourself and I want to be no where near you. Given that, simply being able to murder does not give just cause to lock you up or even ridicule and castigation. Think Minority Report. Sure.. Tom Cruise movie… blah blah… but the idea of the entire picture was punishment prior to proof. Just, really, for having the tool.
It is manipulative because you have an agenda..and the ability to mold or manipulate the environment to suite that agenda. You have an ability to predict that if you do X..Y will be the result..since Y is the desired result you do X. It makes sense..but still leaves Froz feeling played..and she was.
I have an agenda? Pardon my GASP but I align that word with politicians. What is my agenda? Is an agenda something as innocuous as I wish to be married to frozen1229 so I mold and manipulate the environment to effect that goal? Even mold and manipulate have poor connotations to me. Molding clay is beautiful and art… but molding your environment sounds covert and double-sided. What is my perceived agenda? I want a real recovery and f having an agenda is slowing that down… then I want to try something else.

Free your mind and absorb the true definition of the word. See how very well it fits.

1. To move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner: She manipulated the lights to get just the effect she wanted.
2. To influence or manage shrewdly or deviously: He manipulated public opinion in his favor.
3. To tamper with or falsify for personal gain: tried to manipulate stock prices.
4. Medicine. To handle and move in an examination or for therapeutic purposes: manipulate a joint; manipulate the position of a fetus during delivery.
I simply looked it up and as I had guessed, it is about half and half. Of 4 definitions, there are 2 good and 2 bad. Maybe 2 good, 1 either way and 1 bad. It still has a negative connotation to me. To manipulate… I manipulated her. I just don’t like that way it sounds. I guess maybe I have done it, but I am unsure how. I did not have some plan for this. I just want to have a life that is not crap.

I think your intent is irrelevent with regard to this issue. Froz objects to the freaks her out.
100% agree. The method freaked her out. I wish I would have done better. I did not. I still think there is more to be seen about the incident as a whole, but if the FOCUS is me and how I handled it, then so be it.

I easily recognize these traits because we share a lot of them. I'm treading on familiar ground here Patriot. The point is not the good uses or need for filters..the point is that they make you unreadable. When Froz is upset..everyone knows it. She's aren't..this gives you an advantage..she knows it.
I may have an advantage is certain areas, but the recovery one, I do not. Not being reactive has cause numerous fights. Not being reactive has made it look like I did not care. I am unsure how to change this specific facet of me.

Being hard to know makes you hard to trust. This aspect of your personality gives you a lot in life..but it takes from you also. It will damage your ability to have genuine first response relationship knowledge..because you are always one step ahead of the game. By the time everyone else has the memo you have already processed it and found the angle you think is the best option. She can't judge your reactions because by the time she sees them they have already been processed.

I have no idea how to deal with this one. I see it as an issue, but what do I do?

You regret having an affair. This regret does not change your basic nature or proclivities.
Sure, but if I regret and make changes, then doesn’t this lessen my propensity to do such harm again? Is safety not found in that? Is it even possible for me to change enough or do enough to make anyone comfortable that I won’t do this again? I imagine not… we are a society of ‘once a something always a something’. Murderers will ALWAYS be murderers. Rapists will ALWAYS be rapists. And cheaters will ALWAYS be cheaters. I foresee a time that once I have ‘paid my debt to society’ that I will still be discriminated against, in some fashion, just like the majority of folks who have committed crimes. I am sure no one here would want to own such an accusation from a lowly person like myself, but that is bunk.

Is admission of wrong a bad thing? Of course not. Can it be used manipulatively? Absolutely. I don't see what appeasement of the crowd has to do with getting to a better you. I think it has more to do with protecting your investments in the crowd. Protecting your reputation.

My question in the face of such swift and absolute certainty that you took a wrong turn would be..did you know before hand? I'll bet that more often than not you had a clue. It would make me doubt your sincerity honestly..but that has ever been the case for me with the forgiveness and not permission own personal bias.

I do think that people with your particular set of skills can begin to count on their ability to dodge the bullet. After have a better than average ability to predict what needs to come from order to achieve desired outcome. What people need to see from you. It can be a form of cake eating if taken to an extreme..which I'm not suggesting in your situation as it currently stands..but I'll bet it did play a role during your A. Again..what Frozen will *feel* is the familiarity of the dynamic..she can not identify personally with the trait.

First.. I had to laugh at protecting my reputation. How in the ****** do I even have one here that isn’t tainted beyond belief? I am a big fat cheater to all the BSs here.
Did I know before hand? Well that depends on the situation. During recovery, it has seemed that I learn very quickly after the fact. I do something. Froz has a violent reaction to it. I figure out really quickly that I should not have done that. Are there other times you are talking about? Like just before and during my A? Well, yes I knew I was doing something wrong. The degree of damage and pain and suffering that would ensue?? I had no effing idea. None. For all the BSs out there that think we stupid idiot WSs KNOW what we are doing and what the consequences WILL be are fooling themselves. Sure, I knew I was doing something wrong. That the damage and pain would be like WHAT I AM LIVING RIGHT NOW? No. no clue. Not once.

There is just much more to this specific topic than I cover here. Or you for that matter. That said, ok.. I agree that I have skills as you describe. What now? I feel like this is so doomed and I might as well start getting used to the idea. That recovery is a myth. Everyday I continue to make a mistake or to, in her terms. She wants to spend time with me, I want to do the yard work… so therefore I don’t want her. Just like when I was in the A. Ugh… what the heck do I do?

Nope, and the fact that you see the formula lends more weight for me that I'm not completely barking up the wrong tree.

The formula? You don’t have to be the Head Waitress at IHOP to see a healthy pattern for responding to errors. Sometimes I am confused if you are pointing out something as an error… or just something to watch. Or just a thing to point out. And… I must admit that I have a mindset right this minute that is not helping. I need to be getting things done around the house, I feel behind, and yet… here I am. Typing away on something that in the end will mean what? What will happen here? What is to be achieved? I mean I wonder how many people come to MB for support and in a short amount of time it is just a Springer Addiction.

I disagree with this sentiment. I believe that in "saving" Frozen by stepping in and taking the reigns you are actually invalidating her enormously. She is a big girl and can defend her own assertions..or make apology as she sees fit. Trying to reduce her struggle makes her less than you..makes her feel weak..and vulnerable. Just the opposite of what would help her to be able to say YES or NO to the marriage. I think that your CA extends to those around you. I think you can't stand to watch her suffer and struggle and are in essence trying to get her to the end zone for your OWN relief.
Well… the truth is I invalidate her all the time, so I am sure you are right. What do I do to fix this?

You and Frozen may have a very hard time seeing things from each others perspective because you just process information differently. You could look at the same scenario and pick out different aspects of it as being the important ones. The point don't have to just have to respect.
Sounds to me like accept the differences people inherently have. I know this is something she and I need to work on.

How have I shown I have good people skills?


Not DO I. How. What are they.

There is nothing nice about rearranging things to your liking or to your benefit. Tell me..when you see Frozen post a rant..why do you feel the need to post your defense? Especially if doing so further agitates her? Do you feel nervous with the loss of control..someone might give her advice you don't like? Some anonymous message board geek might think less of you? What?

I've told you before that I get the feeling control is very important to you. I really think your near compulsion to step in has cost you greatly. That choice point you mentioned with Frozen on Dday? That choice never happened. Here you are years later..still in that space and trying to push past without having taken that step. You so want this marriage recovery to be a given..I understand that..but until Frozen takes back those reigns she will be stuck and fearfull ever more resentfull because she will feel she is in the marriage out of weakness and will not be able to find her strength and she will hate YOU because she feels that way. She has her own row to hoe and the sooner the better.

Why do I defend her? I live with her. I SEE her reactions. It tears my heart out to see advice given to her that makes her upset and cry. I already believe she is mere inches away from psychotic behavior due to a meltdown(which could possibly be because I ‘see’ her reactions and think ‘holy sh1t she is freaking out here.. shes going to blow a gasket) so I try to step in and buttress her. What else am I supposed to do? It does not seem to be a husbandly action to say, You got yourself into this, now get yourself out. I will concede that I have not helped recovery with this tactic, but what was I supposed to do? Just sit while she cries? I am a fixer. I want to fix things. Which, come to find out in my marriage and on this board in most cases, being a fixer is really a very bad hindrance to recovery and a borderline character flaw.

This is emotionally draining me right now and the day is not even half over. Frankly, the whole morning up to now has not been great. We still have our same problems and our same wrong solutions. Today, nothing is getting better.

I certainly think I picked the wrong point in my life to stop smoking.
Posted By: MrsWondering Re: Recovering - 06/03/06 05:57 PM
I haven't read through all of the posts here...only a bit about the AHA moments...My wish? My hope? My prayer for Frozen is that she would have an AHA moment in the form of KNOWING with all her heart and soul that she is, was and always will be infinitely better than the OW...Patriot KNOWS that...I so want Frozen to KNOW that...Heck, even I KNOW that's true...

Prayers Guys...Still thinking of you two...

Mrs. W
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 06/05/06 03:16 PM
Your pain, your emotions, you feelings are all yours to have for as long as you want, whenever you want.

Patriot can choose to be bothered and hurt, or not, by your feelings.

You are not responsible for his feelings. You, as his wife, are responsible for meeting healthy reasonable emotional needs and protecting him from lovebusting action.
Okay. This makes it clearer for me.

That you hurt and it 'punishes' him is really his issue and his problem, not yours.

Then why does it seem like what he does or could do when he feels this way is/can become my problem?

Oh but you do. I used to be where you are at, and I used to cry and scream at my AlAnon sponsor because I would ask her how to let go, how to make the pain stop and she's simply say: "Make a decision".

And then what? They all lived happily ever after?

What am I supposed to do when it hurts the next time?
What am I supposed to do when my head is filled with filthy images, discomfort and hopelessness?

Do not blame him for your choice to stay

Maybe I did this in the beginning. I don't see how I am doing it now.


I have no idea what it is teaching my children because they don't know about the A. Sure, I know they're not stupid, and they must sense something, but they don't know why. Also, we don't argue in front of them.


Ok..well...I don't believe they don't know, and havent seen you fight. I don't believe that the 2 of you are perpetually loving and cheerful in front of them.

If you think they don't experience the tensions...and if you think they don't know...ask them. I think you'll be surprised.

But ok, lets suspend reality for a second and say they don't know. They see you treating your new husband like what? For no reason?

We are either loving and cheerful or just quiet and polite in front of them.

I am quite sure they sense when there is tension.


BR: Everytime you lovebust him as his reward for honesty - you enable his conflict avoidance tendencies

Froz:Of course he only tells you the bad things. If you think that is how I react all the time, you have the wrong impression.


Uh. Where did I say I thought anything of the sort?

I didn't make an accusation. I said "if".

Lovebusting is lovebusting if done 1% of the time. Damage is not measured by how many times you do it.

Yet, I sure got the impression that you said, with regards to Patriot, it is made better or worse by the amount of in, "at least he told you in the same day."

You tattle on yourself all the time my dear. I don't need him to tell me.

I know I do. I don't have anything to hide from you. What would that accomplish? I just meant that because when he posts, it is generally reporting what I did wrong, it can give the impression that I pretty much walk around LB'ing him most of the time. Maybe that's what he thinks.


Froz:He makes me sound like some kind of psycho red-headed lunatic, rollin pin in tow. If I'm really like that, why do you suppose HE stays? What's HIS payoff?


I am talking to you, not him.

I guess I was talking to him.

You are the one who has the power to transform your life into one that is happy joyous and free. Patriot has zero power to do that for you.

While he can sure do things that make that more difficult sometimes, I know you are right.

I have no idea how to do that. I never have. It's much harder now and feels impossible to me most of the time.

Joyous, happy, free?

Let me change the above to ALL of the time. That feels impossible ALL of the time.

I've tried to follow others' suggestions, "Find something you enjoy doing", etc...


None of it fills the hole. It feels like my soul is dead and I'm just finding things to pass the time until life is over.

I think one of your payoffs is that while he is the bad one, you can justify your focus on him instead of your scary parts.

Maybe it is.

Still hurts and terrifies me when he does something to make me feel unsafe.

My scary parts? Which parts of me are NOT scary???

I think Noodle mentioned something about those, but referred to them as "dark". I don't know if the two of you are talking about the same thing or not, but I'm not completely clear on the definition.

My problem with you is that yes, he did something wrong - and with in the same 24 hours took action to rectify it. The three Rs were present in his follow up behavior. He took responsibility, expressed remorse and understanding that what he did was wrong, and has since, never repeated the action and has in fact been honest and POJAd about his lunch companions since then.

Never repeated the action? Yes, he has. Most of the things he does are patterns. That they are does make it hurt more for me. It hurts a whole lot worse to be repeatedly punched in the same spot than it does to be punched in various places, where you might have time to recover before the next blow.

I suspect that might be irrelevant to you. I don't mean that sarcastically, just that I hear you when you say you are talking to me about me, not necessarily about him.

Matters to me, though.

Everytime you lovebust him as his reward for honesty - you enable his conflict avoidance tendencies

And by the same token, every time he lovebusts me (a product of his conflict-avoidance tendencies), it enables my fear - the reaction to it being lovebusting to him.

This is why you have been told over and over that you hold the bar far too high for a normal person to reasonably jump over. It does not mean that you should not be hurt when he screws up. It just means that at some point Froz, you have to recognize when it is safe to let go of the pain and drop your walls. Patriot is outside waving a white flag of surrender, but you, crounched inside your Fortress of Fear and Pain, you see a shotgun in his hands instead.

I don't see it that way.

YOU see the white flag. I know from experience that the white flag means that it is just the break between times that he will hurt me - not just any random place, but those places in me that are the MOST vulnerable.

Others just see the white flag. My Patriot - ever the good guy.

Others see me react when I hurt.

"When will she ever get over this?"
"Can't she just stop griping at him, already?
"He made a mistake, and she's going to make him pay for it forever. That's not fair. He's doing all he can."

I feel that way too, sometimes...until the next time he hurts me.

I'm not making him pay for that one giant wound he inflicted.

I'm reacting to having my giant wound (on top of the wounds that I already had before I met him) continually, pin-pricked by him on a regular basis.

Your need for external validation is a bottomless pit Froz, and I won't feed the beast by giving you false platitudes that your choices are even slightly good for you right now.

How do you suppose I got that way? My entire life I've been told I didn't have a right to feel the way I felt. I shouldn't want the things I want. I was wrong just to BE who I was, unless it aligned with who everyone else in my family was (which it rarely ever did).

Is it so wrong for it to feel precious to me when I receive validation or understanding? It isn't a requirement that they tell me my feelings, actions or statements are correct, but isn't it possible to understand why I have them? Isn't there SOMEONE out there who might feel the same in the same circumstances?

Is it wrong to have respect and admiration for certain people and for it to feel good when one of those people tells me I did a good job with something or even just offers me encouragement?

I honestly didn't mean to offend anyone, and Pepperband certainly made it clear she didn't view it as a compliment. You can bet I won't be making that mistake again with her. Ouch!

With regards to the incident with my daughter...

Your husband did not lie and deceive you.

Yes, he did. He told me he intentionally tried to deceive me.

His own past, his own fears, hurts and old coping mechanisms came rushing out to his defense. He struggled with it. He was panicked and his instincts were screaming manipulate, hide, protect.

...and this is why. I understand that is why. It doesn't make it any less hurtful that he used his coping mechanisms to poke my wounds any less than it would hurt him if I use my coping mechanisms to react to him as a result of a situation.

Yet, it sounds like he is receiving accolades for it.

Lovebusting is lovebusting if done 1% of the time. Damage is not measured by how many times you do it.

But it sounds like you are measuring it by how many hours he was deceitful.

If he had called you at work with only half the facts and told you RIGHT THAT SECOND would you have been expecting it? I mean really Froz - do you sit at work expecting devastating news about your daughter? There is NO good way to share that kind of information even for someone who is GOOD at communicating.

I know that. How hard is it to figure out that the point at which you should tell is the point when you start having to be deceitful with someone SPECIFICALLY so they will NOT figure out the truth?

What you don't know about the situation is that my very first response was to address my daughter and take care of that end of things.

My second response was to reassure Patriot, because I knew he was battling his own demons and fears. I spent that entire night comforting and reassuring HIM.

My third was to be hurt, because he deceived me again in order to protect himself.

What else do you want from him? He can't take back the lie, all he can do is say he is sorry and do everything he can to change that.

I want him to stop doing it. "I'm sorry" loses some of it's meaning after a while.

Your feelings don't match reality - that is what everyone is saying to you.

I think that is wrong to say to anyone.

If I was standing in the middle of a busy intersection - but I "felt" that I was really standing safely on the sidewalk - would you attempt to tell me I was wrong? Or would you validate me?

I would say to you...

BrambleRose, if I hear you correctly, you are telling me that you feel safe standing where you are? I can see how you would think about it that way and how that makes sense to you. Every time you move from the spot you're in, you get hit by oncoming traffic? Oh, well I can imagine that WOULD be a scary feeling!

Will being right make you happy? Is your need to be right and for Patriot to be wrong and chastised really that much greater than your desire to have a happy marriage with him?

I don't have a need to be right. I don't have a need for Patriot to be wrong.

I am frustrated because everyone seems to understand why Patriot feels the way he does and receives empathy for his feelings, actions and position, while I keep getting the message that my feelings are irrational and don't match reality.

Why do you feel that recovery is impossible if he doesn't lose?

I don't. I feel that Recovery is impossible if we each continue to use the same coping skills we've used throughout our lives.

Coincidentally (or not), the behaviors we each use in employing these coping skills are precisely what the other fears the very most and what hurts the deepest.

thats what you are asking for, you want him to suffer as much as you have in order to make yourself feel better.

Not true, and I can back it up.

I've already explained to you what I want.

What bothers me is that he keeps GETTING what I desperately want.

If what I wanted was for him to just "lose" and for everyone to just thrash him at every turn, why would I defend him at the mere sight of it?

Where is your duty to protect him? When you chose to marry him, you committed to protecting him.

I understand that.

I just want his protection in return - not what anyone else tells me SHOULD make me feel protected, but what actually does make me feel protected.

THAT is what I want on my own terms.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 06/12/06 01:55 PM
I'm interested in any information regarding Personal Recovery that anyone may be so kind as to share.

Noodle (if you are reading),

I have been thinking a lot the past few days about things you said to me and to Patriot. I identify with a lot of the things you said to me and to Patriot about me and I recognize a lot of the things you described about Patriot.

Somewhere in the midst of all of it (I searched and searched and couldn't find it), you said something about my not feeling able to afford to take another hit (or something like that). I identify with that completely.

Somehow, I need to get back to zero - need to get my head above ground. I need to be able to afford to take a hit, not just in my marriage, but anywhere.

Lately, I notice that what would have felt like a small hit before, suddenly feels like an enormous blow.

I'm thinking that maybe personal recovery might be of some great benefit.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 06/13/06 05:08 PM
Bumping, hoping to get thoughts on Personal Recovery.
Posted By: healingbird Re: Recovering - 06/13/06 05:26 PM
Frozen -

I'm not completely familiar with your thread, though I've read it from time to time.

I don't know if this will help, as my wife and I are in the very early stages of recovery, assuming we've even started (I believe we have). I look at the process of recovery as 3 separate, but linked, recoveries.

My personal recovery.
My wife's personal recovery.
Our marital recovery.

I think, in many ways, especially early on, the personal recovery is more important. Simply because as you become a healthy, better you, you are able to put that much more positive into the marital recovery. And as your spouse does his personal recovery, he's able to contribute to the marital recovery as well.

I think IC plays a huge role in personal recovery. As you learn more about yourself, what makes you you, you are a stronger person, and able to take whatever "hits" life throws your way. Doesn't mean they won't hurt, but you are better able to deal with them.

I can't give you a whole lot of advice on personal recovery, since I'm just starting mine. But I do think it is critically important - both to yourself, and to your marriage.

You might want to talk with LovingAnyway - she's got lots of great advice (based on personal experience) that is readily applicable to personal recovery.

I wish you and Patriot continued success.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 06/13/06 10:24 PM

Have you ever heard anyone say something to the effect can't save a drowning man if YOU are also drowning?

I'm not suggesting that is the case for Patriot..but the point remains true.

If you are struggling just to keep your nose above the water..then that is ALL you can focus aren't available for anything can't be..because if you stop kicking and focus somewhere'll drown.

And where's the fun in that?

I was very suprised and I'll bet that you will be how many of THE recovery issues..were MY recovery issues.

Personal issues that predated H and that he could do ZILCH to help me with.

Something that I have noticed and I think I addressed to Patriot is his need to jump in and save..and I notice also that often this is rewarded AND resented by you at the same time.

Rewarded because he can offer temporary relief..but resented because ultimately it makes you dependent and weak just puts one more obstacle between you and yourself and somewhere I think you "get" that.

Don't allow Patriot to BE an obstacle. It asks him to do and be MORE than any person is capable of and further breaks down your recovery.

This is one of those weird compatabilities in which some of the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly..but destructively.

About not being able to take another hit and about even small hits having greater impact than your rational mind thinks they should...

Think of it this way.

Think of a bank account.

Think of a time in your life when that account was in the red just as a general policy. Maybe when you were young and not earning much money..maybe not making wise choices..whatever scenario works for you.

During that time..ever problem was a CRISIS!

Something falls off the car and needs to be fixed?

Maybe that means you can't pay your rent. Or buy groceries.

Maybe it means that even if you used ALL of your money you STILL couldn't fix it.

So now you are screwed.

You can't fix the car you can't afford another one and now you can't get to work..or anywhere else..the entropy affects all aspects of your life.

This is a prime example of how one neutral problem can cause breakdown way beyond what you would anticipate UNLESS you are in that dire position.

Now think have a nice fat buffer in your account.

Something falls off the car.

You write a check..there is no crisis.

Ideally you would have your account to such a degree of health that NOTHING falls off of the car because you have diligently MAINTAINED the wellbeing of your transportation.

Being in those last two positions is being in a place of peace.

Being in the first is being in a place of constant anxiety and fear and dread..jumping at shadows because you know that no matter how small the problem simply do not have the assets to cover the damage.

I see you in the first category..and I think that until you get out of that place..every effort you make in your recovery will fail.

My advice would be to put the marriage on the back burner for now..honestly you are doing more harm than good in your present state anyway so you have nothing to lose in dropping the rope for a period of time.

I suggest that you get into IC and get very focussed on getting YOU healthy and strong.

Get to a place where you CAN afford to take a risk.

Get to a place where you aren't afraid to trust your judgements.

Get to a place where you can defend and enforce boundaries for yourself..without becoming abusive in the process. As an are responsible for removing yourself from any situation that is turning YOU into a monster.

Get to a place where Frozen is making her own decisions..and taking responsibility fo them rather than reluctantly allowing herself to be moved along but always with one foot out the door and a heart full of resentment.

There is going to come a time when you will decide for yourself..for the first time really..whether or not to reinvest in this marriage.

Until you are personally recoverred I don't believe that you are in a position to make that choice. don't trust your own judgements..and can't take a risk wholeheartedly..and continue to allow unhealthy dynamics..and just be generally caught like a fish in the net thrashing and straining first toward your marriage and then away from it but in vain ..because you are not the person steering the ship. You aren't going anywhere but into the pot.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 07/05/06 01:44 PM
How did I miss this post by noodle?

If you are struggling just to keep your nose above the water..then that is ALL you can focus aren't available for anything can't be..because if you stop kicking and focus somewhere'll drown.

That makes sense.

I have no idea where to even begin to do this. I also don't know how to act on a daily basis around him. There is SO MUCH distance between us - more even than in the early days of Recovery - at least that's how it feels. I suspect he would say the same.

The push/pull battle of trying to achieve some sort of level of intimacy (that I have wanted) and a level of peace (which he wants) is exhausting. But what is the alternative? If neither of us even try, where will that leave us - at opposite ends of the house, or in the same room, feeling uncomfortable around each other?

I was very suprised and I'll bet that you will be how many of THE recovery issues..were MY recovery issues.

Personal issues that predated H and that he could do ZILCH to help me with.

I see them.

The harder I look at them, the more they remind me of my childhood. A lot of his actions illicit the exact same feelings in me that I felt as a child. My response to them is almost identical.

Something that I have noticed and I think I addressed to Patriot is his need to jump in and save..and I notice also that often this is rewarded AND resented by you at the same time.

I see this. I do get it. I wonder how you knew I would.

I understand your car analogy. Thank you for taking the time to put it into such easy to follow terms.

Get to a place where Frozen is making her own decisions..and taking responsibility fo them rather than reluctantly allowing herself to be moved along but always with one foot out the door and a heart full of resentment

That is precisely how I feel.

Who is steering the ship?

My advice would be to put the marriage on the back burner for now..honestly you are doing more harm than good in your present state anyway so you have nothing to lose in dropping the rope for a period of time.

Again, if I drop the should I behave around him on a daily basis. It seems as though when I do drop the rope, he grabs it and starts yanking the heck out of it. If I don't respond at all, he perceives that I am pushing him away. Maybe I am, but I still don't know what to do about it.

What is wrong with me? Why can't I do this? Why can't I just feel and be like other people?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 07/05/06 04:57 PM
If I were to "get emotionally healthy"...if that is a possibility...wouldn't it be doubtful that it could be done in time to save my marriage?

When you use the term "unhealthy dynamics", wouldn't that mean that in order for us to have a healthy marriage, we would both need to be that way?

Seems like such a longshot that we would both be able to do that in time to save our marriage - even if we are both willing and capable and I don't even know that both of us are.

If I were able to do that, then I am afraid that I would lose him.

One person can't have a healthy relationship with an unhealthy person, can they?

After all, healthy people don't marry someone a month after D-Day, do they?

That means that if I were healthy - I would have left.
Posted By: MrWondering Re: Recovering - 07/06/06 01:48 AM
Hello Frozen;

I read an article in Time magazine a few months ago which discussed a new type of controversial therapy being explored by Pyschologist and author, Steven Hayes.

Reading this thread and our recent discussions have brought that article back to the forefront of my mind.

Steven Hayes has developed a controversial new therapy called ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). From my cursory review it states that Cognitive Behavior Therapy has it wrong. You don't have to recognize and "get over" negative feelings because to deny yourself those feelings has the opposite makes you obsess over them. Instead this theory has you embrace your pain...recognize it and learn to be happy with the pain.

He paraphrases that it's easier to move on with your life and find peace and happiness if you pick up the ball and chain and carry it with you as opposed to dragging it along behind you.

Anyway...thought I'd provide a link to the article which includes the titles to some of his books. I think this may be good individual recovery for you as it acknowledges your feelings and doesn't tell you to just "get over it". Perhaps you can be happy AND still have negative "feelings". <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

[color:"blue"] Link to Time Article on Steven Hayes - ACT therapy - Embrace the Pain [/color]

Best wishes to you and Patriot,

Mr. Wondering

p.s.-you must still get that book "A Rich Man's Sectet". has it for less than the price of a value meal.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 07/07/06 09:55 PM
Thanks, Mr. Wondering.

I printed the article and have been studying it for the past couple of days.

It sounds really interesting. I don't completely get why it is so controversial or exactly how it contradicts Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Do you?

A lot of it sounds similar to me, such as these concepts:

- Thoughts bring about feelings. If you want to change your feelings, change your thoughts.

- Feelings are not facts.

From what I could tell (it sure was spoken in a lot of Therapist-ese, which made it a little difficult to comprehend), the idea of "embracing the pain" seems logical to me, rather than denying that it exists and trying to convince yourself otherwise.

It seems to speak more of accepting painful circumstances, looking for meaningful things in life, despite them and living in accordance with your own moral standards.

I one-der <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />...

My initial thoughts, applied to my situation, without completely knowing more about this type of therapy, are:

What if a circumstance is UN-acceptable???

I guess one doesn't really have a choice sometimes, like say if someone's burden is a serious illness and learning to cope with that. It can be unacceptable all day long. That still isn't going to cure it.

I have been thinking a lot lately about what exactly my burden's are - the root of them.

I haven't put an exact name to them yet, but I see a connection with them all.

They are ALL based the fear of being unwanted and unneccessary - the FEELING ITSELF of feeling unwanted and unneccessary.

THAT is my wound.

It's not necessarily about abandonment.

I could be okay with the fact that my birth mother gave me up for adoption, if only I knew that it wasn't because she didn't WANT me, but maybe because she was just young (19), had no money or family support, etc...

But if that were the case, why won't she talk to me now? Why is it perfectly acceptable to her to live the rest of her life without seeing me? Doesn't that mean she doesn't need me (the unnecessary part)...doesn't want me?

My adoptive family, too. My parents adopted me, already having one child (a boy, which is why they wanted a girl) because they thought they couldn't have more children. My mother got pregnant 3 months later and had a daughter and then another 4 years after that.

Again, I perceived that that made me unnecessary, partly because I always thought that they would have given me back, if they could.

When I began to act out as a teenager, my mother used to threaten that she would make me a ward of the state. She said that a lot, actually. I didn't even know what it meant, exactly, just that it sounded to me like "giving me back".

Even though they never did that - I always thought it was because it would make them look bad if they did - they did manage to ship me off a couple of times to drug rehab.

I found that particularly odd, given that I never used drugs. They believed that I didn't, so I'm not really sure why they did it. They even went on family vacations while I was gone.

I know how it made me feel...unwanted and unnecessary.

Speed forward to Patriot and his A.

Nothing speaks unwanted like an A.

One of the most painful things about D-Day for me is that he just seemed to accept that I was going to leave. He didn't even try.

I think after a while that night, I said something like, "You're not even going to TRY to fight for me?".

Then he said something like "You would consider staying?", or something along those lines, so here we are.

It is so painful to me that he was just going to let me go without even trying.

The A = unwanted
Letting me go = unnecessary

One time, early in Recovery, I told him that I was going to leave. He didn't sound thrilled about it, but he said okay and wanted to make sure I left him with a vehicle.

Again, unnecessary.

Is it wrong that it is so unacceptable to me for it to be so ACCEPTABLE to him if I am gone?

It's not just in those extreme examples, but even on a daily basis that this is an issue for me.

If we spend time apart, he seems to completely accept it. It seems okay with him, even if it is a changable situation.

Sometimes I think he gets the message from it that it isn't okay with me for us to spend time apart. It really isn't that.

It's just...does he have to be THAT okay with being without me?

Just thought ramblings, here. I apologize if they are all over the place and/or confusing.

Thanks again so much for the information.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 07/09/06 12:05 AM

I think I may just have come to understand why it is that I "get" where you are at and I think you express it extremely well.

I have always thought that there should be an island for unwanted or leftover children..sounds so cruel to say, right...probably not to anyone who has *lived* the alternative though.

Being unwelcome in your own "home" [if that word has any meaning for you whatsoever]..being expendable, extraneous is so much crueler than ACTUALLY giving you away to some other fate. There comes a point in which the TRHEAT of being fully rejected and put out of the home seems less a threat than a much wished for promise.

I have WATCHED people set themselves up this way.

Perhaps they go in with unrealistic expectations that never come to fruit [they blame the kid]..or they wanted a baby but those puppies [cute] turn into dogs [not so much] sooner than you'd think.

Maybe they were young..or not ready because of some other issue..or whatever..the result is that would be KINDER to take that kid out into the backyard and shoot them than it is to force them to live out your bad decisions and regrets.

Difference being that I took Patriots route and became detached and nigh unreachable.

I couldn't be rejected because no one ever had me in the first place.

I looked at Hs A as just more confirmation that people behave like dogs oftener than not and that self protection was the only way to go.

Trouble is that the lack of real intimacy is more akin to waiting for my body to catch up already and die like the rest of me than it is like "living".

I now think that perception is only half right..I do still think that people behave like dogs more often than not..but I also think that self protection doesn't reward me any more or cost me any less than risk does.

Better rejected than a bystander in my own life...heck..pain is no stranger..I can *do*'s the other part of the equation that eluded me for so long.

It's really *good* to see the connections don't you think?

It brings that perception you need and want so badly.

I'm sure you aren't done yet and frankly I'm excited for you that you've begun that necessary journey.

I agree with Mr W that a person can absolutely have negative feelings about aspects of their lives and still be happy.

I don't think that "over it" is necessarily a healthy goal in every situation..sometimes I think that in the rush to be done feeling PAIN we dismiss and discard..then wonder why we seem to have lost ourselves.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 07/09/06 03:11 AM
I think I may just have come to understand why it is that I "get" where you are at and I think you express it extremely well.

Understanding AND praise? A valuable commodity to me.

Being unwelcome in your own "home" [if that word has any meaning for you whatsoever]..being expendable, extraneous is so much crueler than ACTUALLY giving you away to some other fate. There comes a point in which the TRHEAT of being fully rejected and put out of the home seems less a threat than a much wished for promise.

I know PRECISELY what you are saying. Is it actually more cruel? I don't know. Maybe that's different for different people.

For me? I can't think of anything more torturous, really, than the thought of accepting a life without experiencing that "much wished for promise".

I think I would do anything to get it, to include marrying the only person who ever showed me anything close to it, despite what he did.

THAT is why I did it. That's why I married him.

It's also the root of my anger.

I thought I had it, that much wished for promise.

I didn't.

I felt/feel so angry because my perception is that HE let me have a taste of it and then yanked it away in a single moment. HE tricked me, letting me believe that I had it, when it was really an illusion. HE gave me hope that I could marry him and it would still be possible, because he'd read online that your relationship could be "better than ever" after an A.

Maybe it can. It sure seems to be the case for some people, but oh, what a catch-22 that seems to have become! Following that hope sometimes seems to have actually prevented me from ever actually feeling it (if it exists).

It is such an uphill battle to try to gain a sense of feeling wanted, when his very choice to have an A tells me that I wasn't. He was reluctant to marry me until D-Day, then suddenly changed his tune and later told me he married me because he had hurt me so badly, he wanted to make things right.

I think maybe he thought that sounded like "wanting" me.

It didn't to me.

It sounded like being trapped in the EXACT SAME CIRCUMSTANCES as my childhood - being kept around out of a sense of duty and to avoid looking bad to the outside world.

I respond to it the way I did the first time around - with anger and resentment at the people who seemingly can't or won't give me what I need and feeling tricked, slighted and trapped.

I've read that people choose a mate who most resembles a parent, usually the most problematic relationship.

I kind of figured that, in some way, Patriot must resemble my mother to me. It makes sense, given that my relationship with her was VERY problematic.

I have racked my brain, trying to see that connection. At one point, I even thought maybe I didn't fit that mold and instead chose someone like my father, who posesses some pretty strong passive-agressive conflict-avoiding tendencies.

I was wrong.

It occurs to me that my relationship with Patriot is identical to my relationship with my mother.

A brief description of my mother -

Outgoing. Very independent. Extremely logical - to the point that she views emotion as being irrational and a weakness.

Sounds like someone I know.

I spent my entire childhood just trying to get her to FEEL something for me, hoping she would tell me that her decision to adopt me had anything to do with emotion, rather than pure logic.

I wanted her to understand and accept me, want me, miss me when I was gone, feel for me...I wanted to know that I mattered and that I wasn't expendable.

I have given up trying to get that from her.

Only now I spend my efforts trying to get those same things from Patriot.

Enter the Power Struggle.

Me: FEEL for me
Him: Stop FEELING so much

A battle of emotion vs. logic

I think neither will win.

Things have gotten so bad around here. It's so bad that we are each a step away from not even caring what happens and the cycle of either conflict or huge distance is pretty much a constant now.

I have no idea how to resolve it. I don't think he does either.

A standoff? I can't stop feeling any more than he can stop thinking.
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 07/09/06 03:20 AM

I still suggest dropping marriage building efforts for the time being [at the risk of being lynched] and instead focussing on IC.

I bet he would support this..he needs to go also for his very own set of issues.

None of this is comforting and I know that..because there is no way out but through..whether that will result in a marriage or a divorce I really wouldn't even speculate..but I do think that it's worthwhile..even crucial regardless..don't you?

In a whole person..emotion and logic are both necessary elements..the reason that you are at odds is because of the imbalance..and I am sure that you already realize that a large part of the polarization is defense mechanism related at its core.
Posted By: moveforward Re: Recovering - 07/09/06 03:22 AM
I keep seeing how you guys seem to figure out the problem yet you don't seem to know how to get past it. Kind of like ramming over and over into a concrete wall?

Are you going to seek counseling?

As much as some and or all of us want to help you- we are not really equipped to do that.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 07/09/06 04:12 AM
I still suggest dropping marriage building efforts for the time being [at the risk of being lynched] and instead focussing on IC.

I understand what you are saying and it makes sense to me.
It's kind of weird though, in that I don't know how I am supposed to act around him, like am I just supposed to be politely indifferent to his efforts? Are we supposed to try to meet each other's EN's?

but I do think that it's worthwhile..even crucial regardless..don't you?

I do.

Oh, yes. I see the defense mechanisms.


I made an appointment yesterday. I will see an IC on Tuesday. I'm a little bit nervous because it is a man.

I'm afraid that because he is a man, he will think I am illogical and irrational. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: noodle Re: Recovering - 07/10/06 08:52 PM
How to react around him?

Hmm..well..what are you doing now?

I can only relate my own experience..when considering reconciliation..I put the "non" in noncommittal.

I think it takes the pressure off.

Do you still enjoy Patriots company? Do you LIKE to spend time with him?

If so..I'd just do whatever you usually would..with no strings and try not to have any serious discussions at all.

The two of you have been tying yourselves in knots for a couple of years now and it has been fruitless.

So I'd recommend just stop.

None of the problems or issues that you have will be solved overnight..and there is nothing..not one thing that you or he can do to MAKE the other person ripe prematurely so you might as well relax and just coast awhile.

I think it is the committment part of MBing that is chafing you..not the suggestion that it might not be a good idea to be reasonably nice to each other..spend some time together..and try not to actively damage the other..right?

Also, it might help to deal with this sense of urgency that you have. It exists only in your mind. There is no statute of limitations..except the point at which Patriot is no longer willing to wait for an answer and makes his own decision. Which frankly..the current plan has done nothing but hasten..because you have been spinning your wheels and the resntment and disappointment grows as you continue to hold out and he continues to not be able to deliver the great happy ending he [wrongly] thought he could.

I have thought for a long time that one of your big holdouts was the fear that you made the decision to marry anyway from an unhealthy place and now you feel stuck.

Feeling stuck will warp anything and everything because you will naturally fight against it..but pulling away doesn't HAVE to mean pulling away from Patriot just means pulling away from that unhealthy place and having the understanding that you are NOT stuck..the door is there and has always been there..when you are strong and well you can make an honest choice about whether or not to walk through it or shut it..THAT would be the time that MBing would be most helpfull IMO.

I think that it would be hard for Patriot....*but* he can plainly see that it isn't working no matter how nice the concept of MB is..because you are noncommittal to the projected outcome.

I actually SAID to my H..I do not TRUST my perceptions right now..I don't trust my I'm not making any.

I think that this helps quite a lot in regard to the other persons ability to accept that your future together is not a given without the belief that there is something they should be doing or could be doing to control the situation.'s about YOU and your distrust of your judgement and your distrust in your decision and that you can't fully get behind one decision or the other until that is remedied.

Frankly..even if he were superman from Dday onward it would not change your reaction one iota would it? Might even get yer goat, no?

I hope your initial visit goes smoothly..I had a male DR and loved working with him..where the rubber met the road his gender didn't matter a whit..he was good at what he did and I was helped tremedously.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 07/10/06 10:07 PM
How to react around him?

Hmm..well..what are you doing now?

A cycle of "normal life" - being pleasant to each other, trying to meet EN's, study marriage stuff and possible solutions to our issues and feeling some measure of closeness.

This lasts for a very short period of time (a day - two at the most) and then distance sets in, honestly probably more on my end. I don't know why.

I never know what to do about it. Sometimes I try to talk to him about it. When I do, he usually gets angry with himself and experiences feelings of failure, or anger with me for upsetting the peace.

Then I withdraw more, feeling like I am afraid to say anything because it will only make the situation worse or because I am afraid if I start talking, I will start spewing venom.

I suspect that inside he may want to withdraw himself, maybe to avoid the inevitable fight that will ensue, but I think that because he is trying to be so mindful of not being a conflict-avoider, he tries to identify the "elephant in the room".

So then, I tell him what's going on inside me. Sometimes I am successful in doing it without LB'ing. Sometimes, I am not.

Sometimes, we rage and rage at each other because we are both trying so hard to find resolution and getting more and more frustrated that we can't.

That's what I'm doing now, as far as interactions with Patriot go.

Do you still enjoy Patriots company? Do you LIKE to spend time with him?

When the distance isn't there. When it is, it's very uncomfortable and awkward.

When the "normal life" thing sets in, I feel very panicked because it feels like before - during the A.

We used to have fun together. Doing just about anything together was enjoyable because we had such a fun, playful, teasing manner with each other - lots of laughing, joking around and affection.

It still blows my mind to think about what a farce it all was and for such a long time.

When we are close now, I am afraid it is all a farce, just like before.

I think it is the committment part of MBing that is chafing you..not the suggestion that it might not be a good idea to be reasonably nice to each other..spend some time together..and try not to actively damage the other..right?

I don't know. I seem to be having some trouble answering that, maybe it's lack of perspective.

Also, it might help to deal with this sense of urgency that you have. It exists only in your mind. There is no statute of limitations..except the point at which Patriot is no longer willing to wait for an answer and makes his own decision.

That is the statute of limitations I worry about.

I have thought for a long time that one of your big holdouts was the fear that you made the decision to marry anyway from an unhealthy place and now you feel stuck.

The fear that I did? Isn't it a fact that I did (make the decision from an unhealthy place)?

Feeling stuck will warp anything and everything because you will naturally fight against it..but pulling away doesn't HAVE to mean pulling away from Patriot just means pulling away from that unhealthy place

How do you pull away from an unhealthy place?

when you are strong and well you can make an honest choice about whether or not to walk through it or shut it..THAT would be the time that MBing would be most helpfull IMO.

It makes sense that MB'ing would be most helpful then.

I think it makes him very fearful and angry that I waver.

When I am strong and did I get so UN-well? Am I really more screwed up than I think or than others here? Sometimes I worry about that when no one knows what to say to me.

I think that it would be hard for Patriot....

How so? Is there anything I can do to make it easier for him during the interim?

Frankly..even if he were superman from Dday onward it would not change your reaction one iota would it? Might even get yer goat, no?

I don't know. It sure feels like it would have helped, had he not have added more hurts to the pile.

I hope your initial visit goes smoothly..I had a male DR and loved working with him..where the rubber met the road his gender didn't matter a whit..he was good at what he did and I was helped tremedously.

Thank you, and thank you for your response. I've been thinking that maybe having a male IC could be useful in learning to balance emotion/logic, like you mentioned.

I sure am nervous, though.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 08/07/06 03:56 PM
I have thought for a long time that one of your big holdouts was the fear that you made the decision to marry anyway from an unhealthy place and now you feel stuck.

There is no FEAR that I made the decision to marry Patriot from an unhealthy place. That seems like a FACT to me. I made the decision for unhealthy reasons.

Does there even exist a healthy reason to make the decision to marry someone whom you found out a month before your wedding day had been unfaithful to your for 1 1/2 years?

I actually SAID to my H..I do not TRUST my perceptions right now..I don't trust my I'm not making any.

I obviously do NOT trust my perceptions or my decisions.

I can't tell if he is lying to me. My sensors don't seem to work properly anymore. Sometimes they scream loudly to me and then I am told that I am wrong.

I can't tell when he is being genuine. Logic tells me to pay attention to his actions, rather than his words. That is not a very good guide when dealing with someone who has conflict-avoidance difficulties and is motivated by approval or avoidance of disapproval.

How in the world do you know if they are doing something just to gain your approval???

If an approval addict wants to gain your approval, they can simply say whatever it is they know you want to hear, but does that make it genuine?

If you are open with them about what you want, it seems like it only gives them ammunition with which to deceive you so they can gain approval.

If they aren't honest about foggy thoughts, for fear you will disapprove - how are they to be overcome?

For the past month, I have been in IC.

I like him (the IC), but 50 minutes sure does go by quickly and progress is slow.

We have addressed such things as:

NegaFroz and why she exists.
Separation Anxiety
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

I feel very afraid today.

I am afraid that Recovery is unrealistic for us because:

everyone, including Dr. Harley and every other expert says you should not marry if there has been infidelity prior to your marriage.

There are reasons they do not think these marriages will work.

Sure, people can defy odds, but neither of our coping skills are the greatest in the first place, so it seems very unlikely we would be the exception in this case.

To believe otherwise seems foolish, naive, and like maybe I am making yet another unhealthy decision.

I am afraid that fog is being masked over by a desire to gain approval for doing the right thing. Doing the right thing is good, but do the reasons matter? Just because someone DOES the right thing doesn't mean that the thinking behind the behavior has changed, does it?

I can be patient. I'm still here. I just wish I knew if we are running in circles or even headed in the right direction.

There is something missing here that I can't quite put my finger on. I don't know why there doesn't seem to be any intimacy in our marriage.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 09/11/06 05:04 PM
Patriot left for two weeks to go do Army training to further his career.

This is difficult for me.

It's difficult because I feel abandoned. It's also difficult because even before the A, I struggled with abandonment issues and the last time he left for two weeks for the Army, he told me the training was three days longer than it really was and went to the Bahamas with OW.

During that three days, he didn't answer his cell phone and didn't call me. It was like torture. When he did finally call me three days later, he told me he was in some field doing Army exercises and couldn't call me.

During that time, I gave and gave because I loved him and I wanted to be supportive. Obviously, if I had known the truth, I wouldn't have been so giving.

I actually gave up the use of the one vehicle we had at the time and walked 3 or so miles to work in the blazing sun because he preferred to drive, rather than fly (turns out he needed the vehicle to drive to a different city than he was in so he could meet OW at the airport there to go on their trip). I even reassured him that the kids and I would be fine before he left, when he said he felt bad about taking the vehicle from me.

Last night he called to tell me he is leaving his hotel room to go do Army exercises for...guess how long - 3 days.

This is scary and uncomfortable. It feels like re-living a painful situation.

I am angry about being in this position, without having been given choices.

I feel manipulated by the method he used to get what he wanted. The Army training was not an order. It was a choice. It was presented to me as though it were an order.

After he'd already signed up for it and there was no way to get out of it, I found out that there were also options as far as when he could go and he made that decision because he wanted to accomplish this class before January.

It is very possible that if I had known about all of the facts before the decision was made and he had told me that it was something he really wanted and why, my Giver would have kicked in and ideas could have been formed to help me to feel more comfortable.

Now that he is ensured of getting what he wants (because he's already gone), he seems to want to try to help me to feel more comfortable.

I resent that because it seems like it enables him to still cause damage and then come in like the 'good guy' and make it easier and more comfortable for me while I suffer because of damage he caused in the first place.

I don't like using my Giver when I didn't have a choice. I don't like feeling like I have no control over decisions that affect my life or feeling tricked and duped so he can get what he wants.

I don't like that this kind of behavior happens a lot and that I am, once again, being asked to sit here and wait, just try to get through it and be understanding because NOW he is sorry that he did something and at this point there isn't anything he can do about damage he already caused - then or now.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 10/05/06 12:27 AM
Well, lots of things are changing in me, Patriot and our marriage. It seems like it happened all of a sudden, but I suspect it’s really more a matter of several months of progress paying off.

I can’t precisely remember which MB member it was who, a year or so back, suggested to me that I was afraid of intimacy. I think it may have been Pep. Of course, I vehemently denied this.

I just didn’t see it then. The idea didn’t make sense to me at the time because I knew that I so craved that level of intimacy with Patriot.

I really did crave it. That is true. I was also terrified of it – terrified enough to take steps to make sure I wouldn’t get it.

So, let me take another stab at the million dollar question I’ve been asking myself for close to 2 years now…

Why did I marry Patriot a month after D-Day?

Because he was exactly what I was looking for and the A did nothing to change that.

He fit the bill.

He had all the qualities that I still love about him now – so smart, funny, witty, sexy…and the icing on the cake: EMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLE

And the best part about that for me was that I got to blame HIM for the lack of intimacy and confirm to myself that the reason he was rejecting me was because I wasn’t good enough – just as I have done with my birth mother.

I’ve been wearing my pain and anger like a shroud – a barrier to protect me anytime he tried to get too close.

I have set up hurdle after hurdle, hoop after hoop and this brave man, who has his own fears and childhood wounds, just continues to persevere and jumps over and through them all.

I have begged, screamed, blamed, cried and pleaded for him to be emotionally available to me. Well, finally here he is. He has stripped everything away. He’s worked hard to manage his own issues and everything I TOLD him was the reason we lacked intimacy in our marriage – dishonesty, conflict-avoidance, passive-aggressiveness, fear, boundaries…

He’s managing it all and now he stands before me – willing, able and vulnerable. He amazes me.

He’s called my bluff and suddenly I am left to face what was really my issue all along – my own fear.

I’ve tried so hard to reconcile with myself the choice I made to marry Patriot because I knew it was an unhealthy decision at the time and I did it anyway. I have felt so trapped here because I never really felt like I had a choice. Sometimes I would even blurt out to him, “I don’t want to be here.”

I DO want to be here. It’s scary and I know that someday I will inevitably experience the loss of him and it terrifies me to think about – more loss in my life - but I’m going to choose to live my life with him anyway because I don’t want to miss this. I don’t want to shove this gift away, simply because I know that I won’t get to keep it forever.

One more thing – that nonsense about he and I having nothing to rebuild because we never had anything real in the first place and our relationship isn’t special…load of crap. I bet you guys knew that all along.
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 10/05/06 01:20 AM
{{froz}} I am sooo proud of you!

ahem..<<I bet you guys knew that all along. >> Why do you think we believed in you?
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: Recovering - 10/05/06 04:07 PM
Thank you.

In case I haven't mentioned it to anyone today...

I am MADLY in love with Patriot!
Posted By: faithful follower Re: Recovering - 10/05/06 04:39 PM
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