Marriage Builders
Posted By: white_dove777 It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 03:10 AM
Hello everyone,

I gave birth to a healthy baby girl August 22nd 8:42pm 7lbs 2oz. Easy delivery. She is beautiful. Husband is still depolyed will be back early November.
Posted By: Dealan-de Re: It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 03:12 AM

I'm so happy for you (and frankly jealous of your easy birthing!).

- Kimmy
Posted By: believer Re: It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 03:13 AM
And her name is.............

That is great. Only a little over 2 more months.
LOL @ believer...

Her name is:
Jacinda (means beautiful in Greek)
Ann (My mother and MIL middle name)
Posted By: believer Re: It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 03:20 AM
Jacinda is a lovely name, and unusual. Is she sleeping all night yet?
Heck no..not yet. Things have been so hectic having family visit and dealing with a 2 year old, I haven't been able to even attempt to get her on a schedule yet.
Posted By: frozen1229 Re: It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 04:30 AM

I'm sure she is beautiful. Jacinda is a beautiful name.

Congratulations White Dove!

They only stay babies a short time. Enjoy the precious blessing from god.
Congratulations! Now take care of you, too.
Posted By: Orchid Re: It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 11:04 AM
Congratulations WD on your new 'tax deduction'. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Bob_Pure Re: It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 11:32 AM
I love babies !

All blessings !
Posted By: dorry Re: It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 02:14 PM
Congrats whitedove!!!!!!!!
Posted By: aussie2 Re: It's a baby girl!!! -- White_Dove777 - 09/04/05 03:06 PM
Thats great White Dove

We just have a new baby too, a boy and I'm being deployed again this week to Afghanistan.

All the wives of serving men deserve medals I reckon.

Bet your H will be so happy to get home!!

Take care. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Thank you so much:
Frozen, kdsheartbreak, Faithful Follower, Orchid, Bobpure, Dorry and Aussie2.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was miserable. At the same time I found out that my H had cheated on me throughout our entire courtship, he was in FOG (don't know if I'm using the word right). H felt like since the A occured before we were married, he "technically" didn't do anything wrong. Of course the thought entered my mind on several occasions not to go through with pregnancy.

I prayed and asked God what He would want me to do. He answered my prayers and then some. We have been in a positive uphill recovery since March. Recently I got an email from him saying that he was looking at our D pictures thinking that she would have never been if I didn't find it in my heart to forgive him and that he will never take me and the sacrifices I've made for granted.

My H for the first time in his life has a real relationship with God through Jesus. We are finally on the same page, he is being honest about his feelings and going the extra mile to make our M one that is strong and based on godly principles. So far we are a testimony of a M gone from bad to great!

Thanks to MB forum and marriage information we have been able to get from point A to point B.
WhiteDove--Many blessings!! My oldest DD (24) was born on that day, too! If she's anything like my daughter, she should have been named Helen Joy, because those are the two things she's been. Wouldn't trade either DD for anything.
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