Marriage Builders
Posted By: BigDog'sWife I'm spending the weekend with his GF! - 03/17/00 08:01 PM
It's finally here....our state bowling tourney. I've been a part of the tourney for 8 years. This year I was told I wasn't allowed to bowl. 1. My ex is the president of the club. 2. His girlfriend is bowling. Needless to say I'm not happy. So several of my friends said I should go anyway...for the party. So I am! I got my room, bought a new outfit and she is just going to have to deal with me!! I shouldn't be so revengeful...but I've had it!! She doesn't even know me, except I'm the ex.....that is why she hate's me....and maybe it's because she is about 100 pound overweight! I know that was mean...I've been lurking and trying to keep up with everyone. I pray for you all nightly and hope your lives move on.
Posted By: sobeit Re: I'm spending the weekend with his GF! - 03/17/00 09:34 PM
BigDogsWife: Go ahead and have a good time. Don't worry I didn't take the weight thing seriously. Let me know how it went. Have a great weekend!
He can’t keep you from bowling just because he wants to. It’s an organization with rules. I’d press the issue with the league.<P>------------------<BR>Prayers & God Bless!<BR>Chris<BR>For relationship info check out <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Marriage & Relationship Resources</A>
Posted By: NSR Re: I'm spending the weekend with his GF! - 03/18/00 01:13 PM
BigDog'sWife,<P>I'm proud of you...<BR>You have every right to do with your life what you want... [Linked Image from]<P>Go for that 300!<P>Jim I'm the fool!! In retorspect I now see that I was set-up!! It was horrible and people (my so-called friends) were downright nasty to me. These are the same people that invited me and urged me to show up. I don't think they ever expected me to do that. Ex's gf threatened to 'take me out' and say nasty stuff about me. I left in tears and now thing that this was a major LB. I did speak to the police about the threats and they suggested I calle ex and see if he thinks she is really capable of harming me and if so then file a police report. But by filing a report I think that would be another LB. Why are people so mean?
Posted By: No_Trust Re: I'm spending the weekend with his GF! - 03/20/00 02:35 PM
Oh my gosh, BDW. I was hoping that things would turn out differently at this bowling tournament.<P>It sounds that your so-called-friends, really aren't your friends at all. How cruel they are.<P>You did the right thing by going to the police. At least it is documented.<P>Do something nice & special for yourself because you deserve it. Take care of you. You will be okay. Vent here when you have to. Your friends at MB are here.<P>Hugs.....
Posted By: NSR Re: I'm spending the weekend with his GF! - 03/20/00 03:02 PM
BigDog'sWife,<P>I'm so sorry everything turned out so bad...<P>Please know we (here) still care... [Linked Image from]<P>Those who you thaought were your friends... may have shown themselves in their true colors... stay away from them and their hurt!<P>I'm praying for you... [Linked Image from]<P>Jim
Posted By: yes_dup194 Re: I'm spending the weekend with his GF! - 03/20/00 03:20 PM
BDW,<BR>Just don't let ow sit on you [Linked Image from] Seriously, hang in there. I know this weekend was not what you wanted it to be . You had every right to be at the tourney. Don't beat yourself up over that. If you behaved in a way that you are not ashamed of, do not appologize. If you did something appologize for that. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Posted By: sobeit Re: I'm spending the weekend with his GF! - 03/20/00 07:44 PM
BDW: I am so sorry that happened to you. I can't be of much help to you today, but I will say a prayer for you. Don't worry about the OB oh I mean OW! She has major problems if she has to threaten you. Try not to let him or her bother you. Maybe this is the hint for you to move on with your life and make a fresh start with people that will benefit you. You deserve positive input, good friends who will be there for you.(now that you know who your friends are) Those folks are definitely not worth your time or your tears. So "Hold your head up"(Argent)!!! and move ahead to better times ahead.
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