Marriage Builders
Posted By: Leilana Hey, Resilient! - 08/18/00 10:46 PM
Once again, I'm getting called into work soon! I can't get a break here but wanted to at least give you a tidbit on your profile.<P>You are a Sagittarius/(wood) Horse.<BR>Your H is a Leo/(wood) Horse.<P>As far as compatablity, you aren't the most harmonius (duh!) You were initially attracted by your similarities and are able to cement a solid friendship but whenever two likes attract, there is a danger of boredom and lack of excitement that may smother this hardworking (your signiture horse trait) couple. You will need to agree to slough off convention and allow each to remain free to go your own way. (I don't think this astrologist is a Harley principle follower)<P>You are both open minded so you will need an extra dose of flexiblity to function as a productive team. However, the hot-headed, headstrong, wiffulness of two Horses can threaten your marriage with discord. <P>As both of you are gamblers, financial instability can also weaken the marriage. Hire and accountant and try to keep your social life active. The influence of softer, more gentle souls, will improve the double Horse "entente" (I don't know what this means but it sounded important).<P>Individualism is not always the best ingredient to ensure the success of a team. The Horse couple's tempestuous sex life will reflect excessive egocentricity on both sides which may cause the eventual demise of this otherwise effective and hardy couple.<P>Sounds like mine and my H's profile--it also reflects alot of work but it can be done. Don't let it discourage you. Maybe it helps explain some things so you're not banging your head against the wall so much.<P>Gotta go--btw, your ow is a "dog"-but you already knew that! And their profile is encouraging for you! I'll try to come back and write it out--meeting my "rabbit" for lunch. BTW, I'm a snake!LOL
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 12:16 AM
Back after lunch w/ hubby. [Linked Image from]<P>Horse with Dog:<P>If this pair hires a nanny, housekeeper, a laundress, and a cook, they can probably establish a very sound love relationship.<P>Neither one is into that scene. They are both too effective, active, project-oriented type people to deal with day to day, stay-at-home drudgery. <P>Horses are characteristically profligate w/ money. They take chances with it others would not. This risky trait fills the nervous Dog with fear. The Horse hates to be reminded of profligacy but the sarcastic Dog cannot keep quiet for long. Fights-yes, I said FIGHTS, ensue. [Linked Image from]<P>(Unfortunately) this is a good sexual match. They are mutually honorable (?!) people w/ a refined sense of social conscience and loyalty. <P>So that is what you are up against. Know your opponent. Beat her at her own game. <P>Let me see how far I can get w/ your profile now.<P>L
Posted By: crazy or what? Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 12:56 AM
Leilana- Can you tell me how compatible my H and I are? I am a sagittarius H is a aquarius.<P>Thanks,<P>JIll
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 01:28 AM
Jill,<P>Will be happy to for anyone who asks but it may take me awhile. Going off to work now and you know how the weekends are... <P>I need to know your exact birthdates Month/day/year. It's a mixture of western and chinese astrology. <P>Forgive me if I'm so slow in responding. <P>Mahalo, <P>L
Posted By: crazy or what? Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 01:31 AM
L- No problem. My B-date is 11-23-64<BR>H-2-01-60
Posted By: hopeful1771 Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 02:27 AM
Leilana - <P>This should be interesting. My birthday is January 7, 1971. My H's (Empty Shell) birthday is September 27, 1962
Posted By: MF Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 03:17 AM
Leilana,<BR>Now you are in trouble!! [Linked Image from] I love to know about my H and myself. it's ok to take time as long as you want to..<BR>My b-day: Jan. 5, 1968<BR>My H's: April 18, 1962<P>I really appreciate it!<BR>Thanks,<BR>Meg
Posted By: Leelee Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 02:27 PM
Leilana,<BR>This sounds so interesting!! If you wouldn't mind my birthday is 4-15-73 and H's is 10-5-74. Thank you so much can't wait to read it, if you rather email me my address is thank you!
Posted By: Resilient Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 03:50 PM
So cool, Thanks a bunch Leilana!<P>That can't be true of OW and H regarding any kind of social conscience. Yeah, maybe their sex is good BUT neither of them have morals or standards. They both just fly by the seat of their pants when it comes to their hormones. OW threatened many times to have men, any man, come over and DO her while my H was still living at home. She felt she owned my H and making him jealous by having sex w/other men (his friends included) would get him to move out, and you know what, he did. <P>Now THATS Honorable and loyal and shows an extreme degree of social conscience, don't you think??? (major sarcasm)<P>Jo <P>But thanks for the reading, Leilana.<p>[This message has been edited by Resilient (edited August 19, 2000).]
Posted By: Not Giving Up Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/20/00 05:44 AM
Resilient. So sorry for using your post but.....<BR>Leilana I'd like to join in. I'm very interested in this sort of thing. My birthday is 5/7/65 and my husbands is 8/8/67.I'm not going anywhere soon and am really looking forward to what you have to say.Thanks.
Posted By: yes_dup104 Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 09:43 PM
Leilana:<P>I really liked your response about "Male Betrayers". You seem like you have been around MB a while so I would like your input about my H. I have been suspicous for a long while have tried to catch him to no avail. <BR>(FYI I am Pisces 3/9/62 he is Cancer 7/12/54)<P>I am confident that I have not been fulfilling his EN... and want to improve things. Can you start Plan A w/o the A in the open? FYI he seems to have shifted his communication style from being irritated by my not aggreeing all the time to just going along as though my opinion doesn't matter. <BR>HIS EN is for me to agree with think his ideas... period... no disagreement. <P>I hope I am not asking too much of you? <P>Jackee<BR>PS Can I assume you live in Hawaii (Spelling)<P>
Posted By: rrunrr Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/19/00 09:52 PM
How about two people born one day apart??<BR>Not that I may agree with it, but someone said we're poison.<BR>rrunrr<BR>
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/20/00 01:44 AM
Hey Jo, here you are:<P>Sagittarius/(Wood)Horse:<P>Those born in your year 1954 (not nec. sagittarian):Kathleen Turner, John Travolta, Dennis Quaid, Harvey Feinstein, Patrick Swayze, Shari Belafonte, Kevin Costner<P>Work like a horse...<BR>You are never tired. The idea of sitting in a room without doing something causes you unbearable moral pain. You work till you drop. You are active and energetic and vital. Horse people are DOERS. And whatever you set your mind to do you do it well. You make it look effortless. You collect accolades wherever you go. You find 99% self worth in your work. You are an achiever who relishes your goals. You fear failure and have an exaggerated fear of looking ridiculous. You are a solid citizen. <P> You are super intelligent! You are funloving, elegant and glib. But you have no intuition. If you are wise you will learn the trick of true human understanding by listening thru the gentler hearts of those you can trust to feel and intuit in your stead. <P>You can lead a horse to water...<BR>You are exceptionally stubborn and willful!<P>You are extremely productive, pragmatic and yet caring. You may give/give of yourself to charities but only those that help people pull themselves up by their bootstraps to finally take charge of their lives. If there is no hope for progress, you just won't give a dime.<P>You appear outlandish in speech and action but you are oddly conservative at heart. You are verbally outraeous and outspoken and often out of line! (Open mouth, insert foot--is my fire horse girlfriend's motto!)But you still long to "belong" so will end up spending much of your life learning to control your outbursts. <P>Your childhood and young adulthood was feisty, turbulent, and stormy. You were probably talented in alot of sports activities. Maturity and family obligations come late to you--usually after 30. In young adulthood, you are prone to "bag out" early on your family to seek adventure and hone your skills. But it is often the runaway Horse chld who ends up at forty or forty-five, caring for old parents.<BR>You are essentially loving, forgiving, caring.<P>Your eyes are usually clear, lively and mobile with a little provocative twinkle. You are incapable of having a poker face. Your face is just too expressive. You have a frank stare often accompanied with a knowing grin that usually wins people over to your way of thinking. YOur smile is winning andyour voice is mellifluous, resonant and cheerful. You can talk the pants (?!) off anyone.<P>You are not the mainstream idea of femininity yet yor have an active, lusty sex life and are atractive to men. [Linked Image from] You are probably a member of the mile high club--you often insist on odd or novel positions and are attracted to arcanely adventruous escapades. But you may be accused of lacking romance and warmth.<P>In romance, you may dream of a prince charming but oddly are often attracted to men you can handle and even squash. Or who will at least take care of the details of home and family while you are busy doing your work. Your mission comes first. Everyone else will have to revolve around YOU. You are driven. What you need is a patient, serious, nose to the grindstone partner to share in your life.<P>You may be prone to affairs if you are having a difficult chapter in your relationship or have a nagging sense of inadequacy in sex and love! <BR> <BR>Because of your work till you drop ethic and your love on control, you must also beware of nervous collapse. <P>Oh my gosh! I could go on and on--that's why I couldn't get started--there is just so much to say about you! You need your own forum! Profiles are usually time consuming and difficult but I just didn't know where to start! But it was fun. <P>If I left out any areas you might have a question in, let me know, Jo. I'd also be interested in knowing how off the mark some things were. Or maybe I could clarify something for you... <P>Aloha, <P>Leilana
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/20/00 02:20 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by crazy or what?:<BR><B>L- No problem. My B-date is 11-23-64<BR>H-2-01-60</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Crazy,<P>Wow! I'm so jealous! What a great additional reason to fight for and hang onto your marriage! [Linked Image from]<P>Rat (H) with Dragon (you):<P>An absolutley delicious marriage! The Chinses claim it as one of their best-arranged unions. The restless Rat will be warmed bythe heat of the dashing Dragon and the Dragon will bask in the Rat's generous applause. These two will complement eachother beautifully. Guaranteed bliss.<P>With the strong-willed Dragon around, the Rat will be happy to give up total control: anxieties slowly subside, bringing peace and comfort. The Dragon is so emotionally effusive that the burdein of worry will be taken off the poor little Rat's shoulders. Bigger and bolder, the Dragon will carry the weight of the loving Rat's turmoil. The Rat will not feel competitive about the Dragon's positon of strength in this couple, happy to stand in the shadows of a fervent friend/mate.<P>The Dragon and Rat team will feel like king and queen. In the Rat's eyes, the Dragon does no wrong. All the better for the lucky Dragon who loves to preen. The dazzling Dragon is so bright and exciting the the Rat's usual hearty appetite for sex may be overwhelmed. Despite his wisdom, the proud Dragon may fail to see the problem and a bruised ego will make him or her believe the Rat to be either disinterested or incompetent. A relaxed, rational discussion will clear the air and in no time, the Dragon's conversational fireworks will reignite the Rat's temporarily diminished sensuality.<P>Oooh la la! [Linked Image from]<P>Under Aquarius/Rat: If you love one, don't fence him in. But do tie him down. Sounds contradictory but think of him as a morning glory: To thrive, their feet must be firmly planted in the shade and their heads constantly exposed to the brightest sunlight. That's how you have to treat your Aquariius/Rat. Let him feel free but keep the lines drawn taut and don't take any nonsense. Your Rat will love you all the more for caring. (I don't get it but maybe you will!) <P>If you want to go deeper--look up Suzanne White's "New Astrology" (Combines western with chinese) or "The New Chinese Astrology" books. You are a Wood/Dragon. H is a Metal/Rat. <P>Aloha,<P>Leilana
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/20/00 02:41 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hopeful1771:<BR><B>Leilana - <P>This should be interesting. My birthday is January 7, 1971. My H's (Empty Shell) birthday is September 27, 1962</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Very interesting, hopeful. Hope you enjoy this.<P>You are a Capricorn born in a Dog (metal)year and your H is a Libra born in a Tiger (water)year:<P>Tiger with Dog: Harmony incarnate. Dogs and Tigers just plain get along. They have common causes and common philosophies. But they are very different. The Tiger is optimistic, the Dog pessimistic. But each helps the other to overcome basic character defects. <P>The Chinese call this pairing a happy alliance of muscle and heart. The Tiger has the strength to put the Dog's ideals acrosss to the public. The disqueiet Dog keeps watch and prevents the Tiger from leaping into the wrong frays. They are, simply, a great couple. <P>In bed, the Tiger usually takes the lead, which is felicitous for the tense, nervous Dog who needs to be thawed out before engaging in any heavy sexual activity. With time, this couple learns to blend eroticism with affection to achieve physical fulfillment. It is rare that such a marriage ends in divorce.<P>I love compatibilities like this!!<P>Under Libra/Tiger's: They make excellent mates. Sweet natured and sentimental. Can be vulnerable--so don't be too harsh. Enchanting, dashing and romantic, they can also be rash and argumentative. But are fun to fight with! They know how to dress and decorate lavishly. (And spend!) If you want to keep this person in your home, you must provide him with permanent opportunities for creating a splash. This person wants notoriety in his own circle and even in a cosmic way. You will best please him by staying out of the path, never making disobligin comments and secretly, skillfully, advising your loved one to keep his mouthiness in check.<P>You like? [Linked Image from]<P>Aloha,<P>Leilana
Posted By: MEDIC238 Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/20/00 03:28 AM
Hey Leilana<P>Where are you finding this info? I have a strange facination with this kind of stuff.<P>Somehow, I think with my Bday, I would come up as the rat's behind! [Linked Image from]<P>Just wondered. Into the paranormal and astrology world.<P>Tim
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/20/00 04:38 AM
<BR>Not Giving Up & Jackee--gotta go into work again--just wanted to give you a heads up.<BR>Leelee--check your box, yours in the email. [Linked Image from]<P>rrunrr--Hey, Dude--I haven't a clue--some people nail you down to the day and time of your birth and that may make a difference. I have a friend who is an unemployed lesbian TWIN of a millionaire boy-toy fashion model so go figure!! <P>Everyone has free will to make their own choices and deal with life's obtacles.<P>I thought a few things on my profile were just plain wacko until this whole A thing happened. The way I am predisposed to act to a certain situation can be totally different from the way I SHOULD act to get to where I want to be. <P>Cool, huh? <P>Medic--Howzit!! Rat's okole! Hey--you got your mojo back!! Good for you!! <P> Suzanne White--"The New Astrology" or "The New Chinese Astrology"--is where all this info comes from. So what is your birthdate?<P>I xeroxed and sent a profile to OW on her and her H just to see if it could help shed any light on their situation. Haven't really heard from her since. Ooops. My bad.<P><BR>Perhaps she wanted the compatibility profile on her with my H...Funny thing is, since I've read it, it's a tempting thought. [Linked Image from] <P>a hui ho,<P>L
Posted By: MEDIC238 Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/20/00 11:47 AM
Hey Leilana,<P>Boy, the weirdest stuff is happening to me!<P>I thought that Fat B@stard stole my Mojo and gave it to Dr Evil [Brian, OM] And then, I found out that Val is really a fembot. That explains a lot.<P>I never lost my Mojo, only my self esteem. I found that too, it was in my other pants pocket.<P>One day I'm going to have to live in the real world. Until then I'm happy in my own little place.<P>I think I really am a rat. Ain't that something?<P>Zippy 07/02/60<BR>Fembot 07/08/70<P>Getting better by the minute.<P>Tim
Posted By: ktgirl Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 02:55 AM
Leilana,<BR> My goodness, we have you running all over the place doing profiles!!! I showed H the profile you did on us and he loved it. We showed it to his Mom, and now she wants want on her and her H. She posted their b-days on my Betrayers thread. She's Maybell. No A there, she's just curious what you would come up with. Again, thanks for our profile. I enjoyed it so much. You are the best!!!!! [Linked Image from]
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 03:59 AM
This one's for you NGU--Hey, I'm a 10-10-65 snake, too!!:<P>You are a Taurus/(Wood)Snake<BR>Your H is a Leo/(Fire)Goat<P>Other 1965 wood (not nec. Taurus) snakes: Brook Shields, Robert Downey Jr., Charlie Sheen<P>Other 1967 fire (" " Leo) goats: Boris Becker, Keifer Sutherland, Julia Roberts<BR> <BR>Snake with Goat:<P>Charming and gracious, this pair of gentle, creative people can have the world eating out of their hands. The Goat's inherent beauty and seductive appeal, when combined wit the Snake's elegance and sensuality, forms an enviably synergistic couple. [Linked Image from]<P>Unfortunately, neither of these gloriously attractrive people is very handy with a calculator. They are both equally improvident, luxury-loving, even profligate about spending. Unpaid billls will pile up and each will call the other a spendthrift. Stalemate. Don't expect the Goat to find solutions. Snakes may overspend but they can also provide. Goats are detrermined to depend and be provided for.<P>Once again, the Snake's incurable "flirtations" slither into the equation. [The astrologist uses the terms "infidelity" and "flings" in this paragraph but I'm softening the wording--I'VE never had an affair--I just know I'm vulnerable!] Goats tend to be fickle too. But, even tho the Snake understands the Goat's occasional need for "flirtation", the more stubborn Goat hates to share his goodies and will freak out at the idea of Snakey's "sensual enticement of others". But never mind. Row are the stuff of these people's lives: both are addicted to passionate drama. Romantically this couple is sound. But when the harsh, overhead light of reality pierces the veneer of their relationship, the cracks and flaws may prove too numerous for its survival.<P>Ack! Not too bad, tho. Sounds like a good marriage to me! (I'm a 1965 snake, too!) Just make sure you guys got a good 401K and follow the Harley principles and you'll be just fine!!<P>Here's a little more on your Leo/Goat:<P>IF dependency there is (and dependency there will no doubt be), it show up in the Leo/Goat's love life. Once his conquest is made in finding a mate, it's a case of "Aha! Now I've got you!" and "Now you can take care of me."!<P>Leo/Goats are damned attractive, however, so don't be surprised if you find yourself hitched to one. If so, don't panic. With the proper care and feeding, your Leo born a Goat can become anything you desire. His imagination is vast and zany, his outlook anything but self-interested. He is the material from which you can mold a great human being. But you have to do the fashioning. As his mate, you are Dr. Frankenstein. Give your dreamy monster lots of room--and pleny of money. Hel'll take you places you never imagined existed. [Linked Image from]<P>Aloha, <P>L
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 04:14 AM
Medic--you have me howling! And you ARE a Rat!! I am so looking forward to this!<BR>Tomorrow, ok? I'm getting called into work AGAIN!! [Linked Image from]<P>Why can't I just make a living just doing compatabilities?!<P>Jackie--tomorrow? So sorry--you are next! I will refuse to be called back to work tomorrow! Thanks for being so patient--I'm not!! <P>rrunrr--did you want one, too? I'd be happy to do one for you. [Linked Image from] <P>ktgirl! I'm so happy you liked it! And I'll sell you back your video for a nominal fee!! [Linked Image from] I'll answer you MIL tomorrow--altho I'd much rather she look it up herself!--I'm going to have a hard time softening it up!! [Linked Image from] P.S. Is there a tantric web site?! You are SUCH a lucky girl!! <P>
Posted By: timtam Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 06:14 AM
Hey Leilana<P>This post looked so interesting could I join in. You now appear very busy with this. I am a very patient person and can wait forever for a reply.<P>My b-date is 14 August 56<BR>W b-date is 15 December 57<P>Would it make a difference if I am from the land down under?<P>thanks <BR>Tim<p>[This message has been edited by timtam (edited August 21, 2000).]
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 09:37 PM
Jackee,<P>Yes, Hawaii! [Linked Image from]<P>It sounds wonderful that you can Plan A without knowing for sure there is an A going on. I wish <I>I</I> had this knowledge while the A was going on. It may have shortened the lifespan of the A or saved me so much inner self anguish and doubts.<P> I think you are way ahead of the game here! I like your plan!! Go for it!!<P>You are a Pisces/(Water)Tiger<P>Your H is a Cancer/(Wood)Horse<P>Someone else here has a wood/Horse H--I listed other celebs of that type: Kevin Costner, John Travolta, Patrick Swayze, Dennis Quaid!<P>In your year of 1962--other water/Tigers are: Jody Foster, Tom Cruise, Tracy Austin, Elizabeth McGovern, Lou Diamond Phillips, Matthew Broderick.<P>Tiger with Horse:<P>Auspicious, to say the least. Both parties have unruly natures. Individually, they are independent. They might clash, but the attraction b/w them is strong and so is the mutual respect. In love, they become wilting passion flowers of vulnerability. As a loving pair, their passion knows few bounds.<P>The Tiger and the Horse are equally inventive and creative. In family matters, the Horse's conservatism curbs the Tiger's hot-headedness. They work hard together to raise a fine family in a "proper" way, yet, thanks to the Tiger's rebelliousness, the kids will get some relief from the seriousness of Horsey's approach.<P>Both are optimistic and strong. Usually, if a depression comes along, the Horse is up and the Tiger's down, or vice versa. And no boredom here: these two are active and lusty life-grabbers. Unless one learns to be practical with money, they may have financial crises. Both know how to earn and both love to spend.<P>The initial sexual attraction is volcanic and they are both imaginative and faithful<BR>enough to keep sex exciting over the long haul. [Linked Image from] <P>Sounds all good to me! As a Pisces/Tiger<BR>you are actually listed in the top compatibles for a Cancer/Horse!<P>Here's your Horse:<P>Love is what makes the Cancer/Horse's world go round. He finds out very young what he's looking for is to shower his excessive tenderness and affection on someone worthy and wonderful whom he can love for the rest of his natural life with a burning ad excessive passion.<P>What frequently happens to the C/H as he strides forth bearing this unreal mission in his huge heart and plunks it in the lap of somebody he thinks is deserving, is that the other person, the one he loves so much, is not at all on his wavelenth. "Sure, I love you. Now would you mind if I got down off this wobbly pedestal?" says the loved one. After all, being loved so earnestly and graspingly can be truly annoying. If you are constantly revered as though you were some kind of household movie star, you may quickly tire of the role you've been given. It is not always easy to live up to other people's ideals. There will be sentimental disappointments for our C/H.<P>If you love a C/H and want to be the ever-after love of his life, then put on your dancing shoes. Really. If he loves you and adores your style and has chosen you above all others for the rest of his life till death do you part, you can retire from searching for emotional stability. The C/H provides. You, as the loved one, need only to execute the steps of the daily dances with elegance and charm.<P>And there you go, Jackee--good luck in your plan--I'm rooting for you!<P>Aloha,<P>Leilana
Posted By: kam6318 Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 09:43 PM
Leilana...<BR>This looks like too much fun!! If you have time, I'd love to play too. Mine is 7-11-58; H's is 8-14-57.<P>Thanks!
Posted By: Cloudy Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 10:36 PM
Hey Leilana...Can I play too?<BR>I am very patient thanks to Plan A practice and I can see you are very busy- so whenever you can get to it...<BR>Mine is 12/31/59<BR>H is 3/9/56<BR>Thanks!
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 10:43 PM
Medic--or should I say, Mr. Powers:<P>You are a Cancer/(Metal)Rat--LOL<P>Your fembot is a Cancer/(Metal)Dog<P>A Rat born in 1960 is metal and they include: Kenneth Branagh, Daryl Hannah, Valerie Bertinelli, Sean Penn, The Duke of York and Yannic Noah (is that some tennis player?)<P>For the Dogs born in 1970 (Metal) she lists:<BR>Kirk Cameron and Andre' Agassi (again with the tennis!)<P>And here we go...this is verbatim.<P>Rat with Dog:<P>Providing the cards are played fairly, Rat and Dog can be satisfied in eachother's company. But beware of kinks: be prepared for long tedious chats, sorting thru political and social differences.<P>The materialistic Rat can find it difficult to reason with an idealistic Dog. Generous to a fault, the Dog gives money away, forgetting to save enough for the rent, and can't resist the opportunity to salvage the needy: the Dog's survival depends on being good, forgetting, in this fatal attraction to performing acts of charity, that it should begin at home. Rat, the hoarder, ravaged by anxiety, will worry about the savings, unable to understand his puppy-faced mate's desperate need to give it all away. This misunderstanding can cause the pessimistic Dog to mope. The cheerful Rat will gladly try to lift her spirits.<P>Loyal and kind, the Dog's love is unconditional, offering a gentle cradle in which to comfort the Rat's frenetic mind. The Dog is so sentimental that the Rat's raw sexual side may be neglected. If the Dog can learn to be more aggressive and the Rag less so, a decent night's frolicking is to be had. If not, I envy you the compensatory snuggling.<P>And now the Cancer/Dog in love profile:<P>The special province of Cancer/Dog people is their uncanny ability to love others. Altho harmony won't necessarily invest their every affair [sorry], you can be sure the the C/D half of any couple is the one who is making the most real effort to keep things on an even keel. [Linked Image from]<P>A snappish person, the C/D is often on edge and seems cranky when she's really just insecure about something. Her need for true affection and tenderness is imperative to her very physical health.<P>Moreover, the C/D cannot live well without loving. She must have an object for her bottomless well of emotion. Without somebody to shower with indulgence and admiratin, the C/D will be tempted to give up, lie down and die. She must be loyal and faithful to another soul and she desperately needs to feel awful if she dares betray said lover. C/D's thrive on the play b/w themselves and others in love relationships. Without it, they skulk about looking whipped and sorrowful.<P>If you love a Cancerian Dog person, you must arm yourself with patience. There will be two big problems involved in maintaining a loving rapport. On the one hand, your C/D sweetheart will seem thoroughly unavailable at times and reluctant to step down from her creativity cloud. And on the other, this lovable bundle of feelings will seem to cling to you until you choke. With C/D's it's all or nothing. <P>I read your entire profile, Medic--you are so interesting! I have a Metal Rat girlfriend--1960 born to boot! She's got a quick wit and is hilarious just as you are. Her favorite thing is to throw huge get together parties or dinners for friends and family and coworkers. She's a born networker. She's ambitious and works like a dog. She's unstoppable and in constant motion. Her lifestyle makes me exhausted!! But I love her to pieces. Just wish I could keep up with her!<P>You have got to get those Suzanne White books--there is 100 times more stuff in there. I just wish I could give it all to you here. So much of it is right on from the little I know about you and your life. You'd really get a kick out of it!<P>a hui ho,<P>Leilana
Posted By: Leilana Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 10:51 PM
timtam, Kam and Cloudy--<P>I'm so glad you guys are patient! Cause I really gotta get some sleep! (Got off of my 12 hour nite shift a few hours ago) I'll be working 12 hour day shifts for the next two days so this thread will probably be buried!<P>Maybe by Thurs. or Fri. OK? I really like doing this but it's kinda scary when the matches aren't described as being "made in heaven", you know?! Take care and until then...<P>Aloha, <P>Leilana
Posted By: MEDIC238 Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/21/00 11:42 PM
Hey Leilana!<P>Is your girlfriend available? I could drive to Hawaii in a few days. It shouldn't take that long, I drive fast.<P>Hey, thanks for the reading. Pretty weird, huh?<P>The Zipman [Linked Image from]
Posted By: rrunrr Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/22/00 12:21 AM
Okay, Leilana.<BR>But like I said before...I may not agree with it.<BR>Me: 11-17-56<BR> w: 11-16-56<BR>Not in a hurry.<BR>rrunrr<BR>
Posted By: burnedspouse Re: Hey, Resilient! - 08/22/00 01:40 AM
Leilana<P>Me too, Me too! Can i play the game too? You are very swamped, I know and you have not seen much of me yet, this would be so interesting!<P>Mine:1/31/64<BR>H's: 4/15/61<P>Now if he ever logs on, he will know it's me, ha ha ha.....<BR>Beth
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