Marriage Builders
Posted By: dani1990 Why the mind games? - 06/17/02 01:46 PM
I posted last Thurs. that H was going to see OW, which he did. The excuse he gave for going to her town (4 hrs. away) to visit other family was either a total lie or it didn't work out. He took our D, ended up at OW's parents (who don't know about A), she came over to visit (with her boyfriend and his kids...hehehe). Her boyfriend did leave later and she stayed the nite, but apparently my D was missing me and H ended up having to stay with her the whole time and didn't get any alone time with OW (what a pity). He didn't tell me this stuff, I just pieced it together from what little he told me plus tidbits from my D, who thinks she's just telling me about a fun trip she had (BTW, I would never dig for info from her, but she's 5, so she blabs everything she does).<p>Anyway, he came home Fri. nite and has been all lovey-dovey toward me ever since. Has been making comments that he has realized more and more lately how much he loves me, etc., etc. Has come home immediately after work every day and just been WAY nice and loving. <p>On the other hand, there's this concert we're planning on going to next year, and when we bought tickets, OW's dad wanted to go with us (which is not unusual, we've done stuff together before). When H ordered tickets, he ordered 4 instead of three and when I asked who else was coming, he said OW's name. AS IF! I didn't say a word after he answered; how stupid does he think I am that I would do fun stuff with her like I used to even though I know about A? What's he thinkin'?
Posted By: dani1990 Re: Why the mind games? - 06/17/02 02:43 PM
Posted By: mom of five Re: Why the mind games? - 06/17/02 02:48 PM
I dont know what to say... except.. I cant believe you didnt go find a frying pan. lol You should be commended for handling that so well.
I dont know what else to say I am in shock... But you are right to expect him to NOT say something so ridiculous. UNBELIEVABLE. <p>He was not thinking.
Posted By: Spacecase Re: Why the mind games? - 06/17/02 02:53 PM
You know, this reminds me SO much of my WW. For some unexplained reason they feel it is OK to offend thier spouse, but NOT OK to offend someone else.<p>Just that foggy sense of priorities that WSs tend to have. Incredible that they can feel like NOT putting their spouse and R first is somehow OK!
Posted By: dani1990 Re: Why the mind games? - 06/17/02 02:54 PM
mom of five,<p>Thanks...I just wonder what I'm supposed to do here. It feels so good to soak up the nice comments he's been giving me and to let him hug me and to feel loved. I really think he means all that he's saying (at least at the moment that he says it), because he's not one to "communicate" unless he really means something (in other words, he's not a "mushy" kinda guy). It makes me just want to forget all the bad. Then again, am I just being stupid and prolonging the inevitable?
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