Marriage Builders
Posted By: misst it doesnt pay to cover for friends affairs! - 02/05/02 04:26 AM
just found out today that my STBX best friend & old boss as chief of police just left the police dept today, he was pressured to find another job after covering for my H it wasnt just the affair his boss also told him the names of people in the town who reported him seeing him with MOW before work & my H went to them to shut them up while in police uniform, H also wasnt honest & kept money after it was found & turned into him, someone else was blamed for it, I feel a little better that now maybe the truth will come out, tired of all the lies about why my H left home, his latest is that he was a good husband & I threw him out. H forgets to tell people that he is living with MOW about 10 miles from here in Fl. Its a small town & most people knew the truth but it still hurts to hear to the lies.
M-17 1/2 yrs
C-12,27,7 GD
D-Mar 2002
The things you do always come back to haunt you. I hope you aren't finding any joy in this (giggle). Paybacks are a you know what.
The lies that are told do come back to haunt them all. My H told everyone that he left me because I liked to watch HGTV as a hobby, I did not go to a race with him and the guys (I went to a craft show instead-OOOHHHH! Got some good stuff at it), I did not like to golf so I would not go with him, the house needed too much work and because the dogs cost too much (you know annual check ups and shots). He told everyone that him leaving was my fault. Now he is married to OW w/ her 3 kids (wonder if they cost more than my dogs) He is always is working on the house, she sits in front of the TV 24-7 (Wonder if she ever watches HGTV?), she won't allow him to go golfing or go to the races period and the kicker...they went and got a dog......
The people who have witnessed all of this are now asking him if it was indeed all my fault or if he just thinks they are all that stupid...tee hee!!!<p>Me...well I'm too busy with working on the house, playing with my dogs, going to school, tanning, shopping, working out, shopping for other words I'm having fun..wonder what's on HGTV right now?
Yes, it is hard to find support for these manipulative people. Your have to find the strength from the knowledge that you know the truth, and that people like that eventually don't have many friends, and that the karma from living a life of deception and manipulation comes home to haunt them later in life, when their so called friends grow up.<p>Otherwise, he will live in this pit of self deception forever, and do you want to live with that?<p>my X gives my kids a false self esteem by putting everyone down. . . not by achievement, not through struggle, but the deception of self worth by finding something wrong with others. . . . like me.
when self esteem is attempted to be gained this way, the person eventually confuses his perception and reality, and then one lives a shallow life, one of repetition, devoid of growth and true happiness.<p>When my 13 yo struggled and struggled, and finally made the grade, he was ecstatic, came over to me and hugged me and cried he was so happy. That is the only way to inner happiness and peace. so continue the struggle, don't give up. . . <p>its more like a rote existance, going through the motions everyday until they retire with the only plans of going to the bar every night. . . .
my X loves to hang out with these people, her best friend during my last six months was a woman that stole a husband away from one of her best friends, because she was lonely. they worked together, were lifelong friends, these four couples, and she seduced one of them. . . this is no life to live. . . these are people who live in a cartoon life. . .<p>only a couple of one of my friends have asked me what happened, and because X is a yacker, she doesn't even shut up in movies. . . she is trying to convince the world that her perception of reality is correct. . . and that everyone should adopt it, including the kids. . . . [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] <p>so i don't worry about it, because these people fail at future relationships because they haven't learned the lessons of truth and responsibility. My Xinlaws, who lived like i just described my X, do little with their lives except rote existance. . . . year after year, day after day. . . and they retired early to do this. meanwhile my father was just forced to retire at age 78, is very active in round dancing, square dancing, chartering and sailing boats here and in the caribbean. . . <p>live your life, not other's expectations. . . .<p>good luck<p>wiftty<p>[ February 05, 2002: Message edited by: WhenIfindthetime ]</p>

<small>[ August 08, 2004, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: laura_lee ]</small>
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