Marriage Builders
Posted By: betrayed and desperate WFH? - 04/29/02 08:19 AM
It's more than 5 months after his last post.
Who knows what is happening?
Peoplepleaser maybe you?
He is sooooo good friend.
Posted By: peoplepleaser Re: WFH? - 04/30/02 12:54 AM
B&D<p>I still haven't heard from him. <p>I'm planning a business trip to a town about an hour from where he lives in about 3 weeks. If my plane gets in on time, I'm gonna ride over and see if I can catch up with him. It's a quick trip so there wont' be much time to get details but hopefully I will be able to report he is alive and well.<p>If I don't see him, I'll at least stop by the Bar he used to go to prior to his divorce and see if his friends know how he is. He said his friends that own the place make a really good steak so I know I won't waste my time even if I don't run into him. Hopefully I won't run into Teri(his ex). It might look wierd that a stranger would come 800 miles to check on "a friend". One of his son's washes dishes there so maybe he'll be of some help.<p>I'm kinda hoping he's met someone who has helped him restore his self-worth. He deserves to be happy and I pray often that he finds happiness.<p>He was a very good friend to me when I needed him last year so it just doesn't feel right for me to stop thinking about him. He is my friend and I tend to worry. <p>He may prefer not to talk about things and that's way he's staying away.( I personally like the girlfriend option better ) For all I know, he's no longer where he was but I don't see him moving far away from the boys. He loves them so much.<p>If I see him, I'll make sure to tell him that you were asking about him. send me your e-mail address and I'll pass that along too. Mine is<p>Take care of yourself.<p>PP
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