Marriage Builders
Posted By: babstr would you go public?? - 10/18/01 09:08 PM
I watch Oprah, and dr phil in particular. I am very interested in what his two cents would be to all of our mess. I am curious, if they ever had a show on this topic, would any of you be willing to go on it? <P>My H said he would kill me if I ever thought of airing our dirty laundry. I didn't know if we are in the same boat. I know sometimes that they will talk to people on the phone, but I am sure they would want some real people on the show. Sometimes I hate how society can be so judgemental when they have no idea of the pain that comes from this. Just curious.<P>babstr.
Posted By: Tina71 Re: would you go public?? - 10/18/01 09:16 PM
Babstr<BR>There is no way in the world I would ever go public. I can't even tell my own family about our situation, let alone face Dr. Phil, he can really be tough.<P>Tina
Posted By: lemonpie Re: would you go public?? - 10/18/01 09:52 PM
babstr, i agree with Tina, i could never go public. no one knows about the OW or OC but me, my dh and MIL. but i sure would be interested in knowing what Dr. Phil thinks.
Posted By: twiisty Re: would you go public?? - 10/20/01 02:29 AM
I would be interested in what Dr. Phil thinks...I have no problem going on-air, but I think my H would have a problem with that.<BR>It would be interesting.<BR>That is probably one of the reasons no one wrote books on this, as you are a jerk if you have no contact with oc and you are a jerk if you do. It's a catch 22 I suppose.<BR>Hugs,<BR>Twiisty [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: tryin4sainthood Re: would you go public?? - 10/20/01 10:16 PM
I love Dr. Phil's approach. I would be willing to go public, basically have with all who truly matter anyway. I dont think my H would be too thrilled. He doesnt care for Oprah.
Posted By: lemonpie Re: would you go public?? - 10/20/01 10:22 PM
most men don't care for Oprah, my h can't hates her and dr. phil. anyway, those who don't care if they are seen on TV should call the show or e-mail dr. phil @ i certainly would be interested in what he has to say.
Posted By: Paul Moyers Re: would you go public?? - 10/20/01 11:07 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by twiisty:<BR><STRONG>as you are a jerk if you have no contact with oc and you are a jerk if you do. It's a catch 22 I suppose.<BR>Hugs,<BR>Twiisty [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img]</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR>My OC lives with me. [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. Clarify: My XW's OC lives with me.
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