</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Spacecase:
<strong>No CSue, you're making perfect sense. Since it is best to make sure we're doing the right thing, it would be the best scenario if I could speak with Steve after his session w/my W, and I will try to do this.
If I cannot, then I may delay it one more day to try again, but probably no more than that. I suspect that if Steve hears anything that is a "surprise" or a "major change", he will try to contact me...he knows what he and I planned, and if something changes, I guess he'll let me know.
Thanks CSue, glad to have you back! How was your vacation?</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Vacation was great! Plans changed when recently replaced transmittion went out climbing Wolf Creek Pass; but the consolation vacation we "settled" for included high mountain lakes, seeing moose in the wild - moose cows,babies and bulls; seeing a wolf stalking a deer etc. Stunningly beautiful Colorado is! We were actually cold at the over 10,000 ft altitude!!
Most memoriable is when H and I were at a hot springs that has over 20 separate tubs...we were lounging quite peaceful and relaxed when we overheard the conversation next to us. A woman introduced herself to the man next to her and when she said her name IT WAS THE EXACT NAME OF THE OW!!! Both 1st and last name!
I said to H " Did you hear that?" H said yea but it's not her. Duh...think I could ever forget what she looks like and I would have certainly noticed her if it had been her. Just stunned to hear someone say her name; it's not a particularly common name either. Sheesh, can't even get away from her on vacation...LOL!
Off subject...it's unbelieveable to see the aftermath of the fires. The flash flooding damage is horrible; it's like rivers of black ash that wash down the ravines because there's no vegetation left to keep the layers from washing away.
I'm anxious to hear what the results of your W appt with SH; and also your appt with SH. I was so relieved to hear you got in to speak with him on a cancellation. CSue