Well, poo!
I for one, do NOT think I called Mrs. Toro a "whore" or anything of the sort. If anything, I think I'm being pretty understanding, even of her behavior, in my posts 2 Toro. She's a human being, and she's Toro's W. But she IS behaving VERY BADLY and is self destructing in a BIG WAY right now.
She's gone 2 her OM 2 get what she believes is missing from her M, and for the thrill of a "new love" R. It isn't REAL, though, and that's the real tragedy here. I feel very bad for her for not being able 2 see that right now. My own W did these things, though I didn't know about it until it was largely over. I love my W, and I can understand that Toro loves HIS W, even though she's doing what she's doing right now. She's got a LOT 2 lose as a consequence of her behavior. But does her OM? Heck no. He has 2 "give" very little 2 "hook" her. If she does decide 2 end her A, so what from his viewpoint? He'll have had the superficial R that he seems 2 want badly enough 2 lie 2 Toro directly when he assured him that he didn't want 2 continue his A with Mrs. Toro. No, this OM doesn't deserve even the not-so-subtle consideration of our humorous posts 2 HIM. Any of you know the black anaerobic mud in Newport Back Bay? That stuff's more pleasant 2 be around than this particular OM right now. ...but he can still redeem himself.
Assuming he's reading. I don't think he is. But he could chime in here any time and prove me wrong.
No apologies 2 OM from ol' 2long. Not until or unless he posts for discussion and changes his ways.
Plenty of apologies 2 Mrs. Toro, though, if she feels she wants them. She deserves our love, and certainly Toro's and HER FAMILY'S love. All she seems 2 think she needs now is the imitation love from her OM, who has a hidden agenda. But like I said above, I was not being disrespectful of her in my posts. You can elect 2 disagree with me if you wish.