
When she calls.......

(you) Hi... "what's up"? ( happy tone of voice)

(her) "I can't believe what your brother is doing"
( or any one of a thousand variations)

(you) "oh really?, why, what did he do?"

(her) that idiot is taking me to court and I cant believe it....

(you) wow! " that is hard to understand, but hopefully something can be worked out"

(you) "Anyway, I was just walking out the door, but I hope it works out for you.. Take care"....

Ok, this is a version of how you need to handle this first conversation... ask nothing about her and ask for nothing about getting back together or if she misses you, or whatever... you need to let her "wonder" what is up.... stay slightly mysterious, but be nice.... hang up first...

she may try to engage you in further conversation... she may not... either way.. YOU take control of the conversation and YOU end the contact first.... she will call again.. and then you will take it up a notch... hold the line... let her see that you are just fine without her.. you are a big boy and you can handle it..... This is how she will notice the changes, you do not have to point them out to her... You don't want to be rude... You are just showing her that if she wants space, then space is what you will give her...

You can not afford a LB... stick to the game plan...... Act confident... Remember pursuing does not work, so don't do it....