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good grief! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

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<small>[ February 05, 2003, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: TheCalypso ]</small>

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Thank you for your viewpoint, but I disagree wholeheartedly. I think it's beyond RUDE to come here and condemn victims for bashing their tormenters by trying to add undeserved guilt to a plate that is already full of despair and heartbreak. That is cruel beyond words and deserved a strong response. I think she was treated with much more respect than she delivered.

Nice words simply don't compensate for cruel ideas, now do they?

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<small>[ February 05, 2003, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: TheCalypso ]</small>

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Posting dictionary definitions does not support your case nor does it erase the flagrant subjectivity of your opinions. I strongly suspect that your background as an OW has wrought this gross overreaction. And I decline your bizarre request to stop posting.

If you feel strongly that you have a case, I would suggest that you take it to the moderators and let them handle it rather than trying to play moderator yourself.

The moderator of this board is: archuletan@aol.com - mbmagnolia@yahoo.com

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by MelodyLane:
it is only a natural consequence that the BS is going to hold more negative feelings towards an UNKNOWN, unapologetic person whose ONLY association is a very very negative one.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Melody, hit the nail on the head!
I believe if it walks like a duck....and looks like a duck.......and even quacks like a duck.......GEE MUST BE A DUCK!

What would you call a woman that sleeps with married men just so they'll buy her things, and pay her rent? What do you call a woman that sleeps with EVERY truck-driver that is willing when they go past her more than once?
IMHO that woman is a tramp and a home-wrecker. Does it make me feel better to call her names? yes
Is there something wrong with me calling her names? not after she put me and my kids thru he!!
If OW/OM didn't want to get their "feelings" hurt by the BS, they should KEEP THEIR HANDS TO THEMSELVES!
I teach my kids to treat others how you want them to treat you...So saying that.......thats EXACTLY how I'm treating the OW...I am showing her contempt, disrespect, dishonor and plain and simple hatred.

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<small>[ February 05, 2003, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: TheCalypso ]</small>

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Like I stated before, if you feel that I violated the rules, you should take it to the moderators rather than throwing a fit, and trying to dictate the behavior of others.

However, you and I both know that you have no case and this is all alot of smoke.

Your "points" are all amazing logical stretches that were obviously constructed by a very offended OW. It seems I have hit a nerve with you. I am sorry that the truth offends you so, but that is your issue, not mine.

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<small>[ February 05, 2003, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: TheCalypso ]</small>

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Bottom line to all this is....

Better to "bash" the OP with words than a brick.

But thats just my opinion <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

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Instead of carrying on like this, why not either just drop it or report me to the Moderators? Everyone can see for themselves that you have manufactured a case against me. Nothing was made up. My "suspicion" that she was actually an OW was presented as such and you know it. Anyone can read that for themselves. Others suspected the same thing; it is just silly to call that libel.

Instead of disrupting the forum and killing this thread with your gross overreaction, why not just drop it or contact the moderators?

Or perhaps I will just contact them to kill it since this thread has desinigrated into the temper tantrum that never ends.

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Try to be more like REBA Now that woman has class. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">If I recall correctly in one of Reba's videos for a song about infidelity, at the end she blew the boat up. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> My favorite part. Remember, you can think anything you want, acting on it, may be a problem. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

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Oh, did I mention in the video, H and OW were on the boat in when it blew. (Remember folks, you cannot do this in real life.)

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<small>[ February 05, 2003, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: TheCalypso ]</small>

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ut oh, I guess Reba wouldn't live up to her standards either. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

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I like Reba too, if you really pay attention, her songs on infidelity have an insulting tone to them, such as calling the OW a "nobody". That may have been the boat blowing up song, or was that the one where Reba sings it as a duet with another woman, one singer was the wife (Reba) and the other was the OW (don't recall who)

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That Reba song was titled "Does he love you" it was a duet with Linda Davis. Hmmmmm I never really liked that song too much. LOVE the video tho <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Wonder why??? lol

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Madly-Truly-Deeply! Ditto! I say do what makes us feel better and if it's calling the OP what they are, so be it. Those who are the OP who don't like it then they can refuse to read the post!
As for blaming my H, yes, he was just as guilty as OW. Both are guilty! The difference in him and her? He came home repentant, apologized, went before God and sought forgiveness, has made changes in his treatment of me, and his behavior.
Her? Never even said sorry! Or ask forgiveness, And yes , she needs my forgiveness! The bible says if you've harmed someone, you are to go to them and ask forgiveness, confessing your sin. If they do not forgive, then you are to take them before the church with two or more. If they still refuse, then before they whole church. The bible also says to shake the dust off your feet at unbelievers and if some come to your door preaching another belief, do not even wish them God speed!
My feelings toward the other woman is because she hadn't even the decency to say sorry when I caught them and talked to her!
As for my children, they are wonderful adults! Decent, moral, Christian adults! Their comments are if dad leaves for her or had, they'd not only never speak to him again, but would have nothing to do with her! Should any of us respect this slut? NO! She not only was trying to get my H to leave and move to another state, she actually had the gall to ask if our son would relocate!So she was trying to separate my whole life from me. But I think this side of her showed H what an idiot he'd been! While he never commented or agreed with her suggestions in emails, such as how to steal all our assets and transfer them to a state by her and even the bank to use, she continued to suggest just as if he had! She wrongly told him after our 29 yrs together that I was entitled only to half his SS. LOL Boy, did she need to read up on CA laws! He actually told her he'd never do something like that when they were together. But he never commented on it in emails in reply to her. Why? Because he could see what an evil person she was and that he had allowed himself to fall prey to as well. Yes, he had a choice and he made it when he dumped her!I'm going to now respect this woman and be civil? LOL NO way. The difference in forgiving my H and working my marriage out is he is repentant, while she is just believing she had a right to do this, while lying and cheating on her H. She was a gold digger! When she found out the assets couldn't be hers, she was disappointed big time. But at least he could see who and what she was then.
The comment that all deserve respect is like saying we must respect satan! BTW,he believes in God too!
Nobody has told Blue she must do this or that as far as I can see. They merely expressed their own opinions and why shouldn't they?
BTW, I not only vent here, I did on phone to OW as well, and she just hung on taking it. The only time she tried to fight back was when I sent all the emails to her unsuspecting H, and he kicked her A-- out! Then she ran crying to my H by phone and Emails. His feeling was she made her bed, lie in it.
NO way, no day when He-- freezes over will this person get any respect or even pity from this end.
You know, if she'd ever even said she was sorry for her part in the A, it might have given me more reason to pity her. But not!
Some here act like the OP is a victim. And that the WS is the one to blame for it all. Both are equally guilty! But the difference is my WS wants to work at rebuilding while the OW wants to destroy.
Blue, you do what feels right for you. If you wish to hand OW your H with your blessings, go for it!
I would simply ask you to consider one thing. Is teaching your children to be civil and respectful to all persons going to help them when they are faced with Drug dealers, users, alcoholics and child molesters? If not, then why not? Shall we abhor one sin and respect another who commits adultery?
I'm not suggesting your children be brats around her, simply to not be influenced by anything she might wish to impart. And she is going to have charge over them when visiting dad.
Look at the situation. She led H down the garden path and he has given over to the sin. How do you know she might not think it's ok to allow your children to experiment with drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.? Look at the truth. She has no moral values or she'd have sent H home to his family. She could refuse to break up a family. Even if he chose to divorce, she would not allow herself to be party to it. and would not have anything else to do with him. Most likely if she'd told him she was breaking it off and would not be there even if he did divorce, he might have come home and worked his marriage out!
I do have an opinion! As far as I can see, you're just handing her the keys to the family vault!
But you do what makes you feel good about you! LouLou

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lady_Terry!Touche' Wish I'd had that chance. beating the Ow to a pulp would have made me feel awesome! LOL
About H, yes he got told he has no respect either until he changed his behavior and opinions of OW!
Who the heck thought we were absolving WS by bashing OP? NO way! They both are scum to me. But I do love my H and know this is not his usual personality. There is something good in him and he got pulled away from us and mostly from God!
But I certainly didn't let him think he was a victim of hers and that he was not at fault! He got his and good. Did I care at the time, if he walked out? NO! In fact, he was told to leave and stay gone. Go to her and live with her, divorce and marry the slut. Um, seems he no longer admired her though. Seems he had suddenly realized how wonderful his wife was and what a stupid thing he'd done. Even said he'd not marry her or have her or want her if they were both single now.
Funny how they look so wonderful when it's all about fulfilling fantasies and the thrill of newness. But when he can't even respect her, why should I?
He was wrong in what he did, and it hurt badly, but she also had a choice to stay home with her H and say no!
Trash is trash. I hold myself above them both and whatever I feel like saying, I say. Yes, it does make me feel better.
You go lady_Terry. I'm all for you. LouLou

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<small>[ February 05, 2003, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: TheCalypso ]</small>

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