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Wow, what a real a**h*** he is. I imagine he and the sparrow had a big laugh over that choice of username. What was he trying to prove? Pathetic.

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The paranoid person in me things that he's trying to smoke you out and figures the easiest way to do it is to get you to say something like that -- easily traceable and definitive. Then again, I guess you've probably put enough information here that they can figure out who you are with or without that bit.

So I'm just going to say that that's one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time. Just like you -- but further down the alphabet in one place, and with a slight British accent.

I hope sparrow appreciates the irony.

Sunny Day, Sweeping The Clouds Away...

Just J --
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Gray -

I think the little tin god is feeling a tad bit inferior. After all, he won the woman - why make this "personal" about you? This is an extraordinary effort to "get to you".

My guess is he is a prideful man who knows he's a lessor man, and is obsessed with making you feel like rubble, so that he can somehow feel better about his destructive behavior.

The best revenge is living well.

Live well, Gray.

Cafe Plan B link http://forum.marriagebuilders.com/ubbt/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2182650&page=1

The ? that made recovery possible: "Which lovebuster do I do the most that hurts the worst"?

The statement that signaled my personal recovery and the turning point in our marriage recovery: "I don't need to be married that badly!"

If you're interested in saving your relationship, you'll work on it when it's convenient. If you're committed, you'll accept no excuses.
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thats just PATHETIC !!! What a sad example of humanity he must be.
I wondered if he was trying to make things difficult for you with the good ol tax office but cant see how

Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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It just shows 2 go you what I said above. He's replaced you (in his view) even HERE, by using an over-the-pond spelling of your very username here.

Frankly, if the R with sparrow is so bleedin' wonderful, you (or car4love) wouldn't be an issue whatsoever.

And so, when this little "fun at your expense" (which it isn't) game wears off, then what?

Don't fret over it. Let them do that.

-ol' 2long

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OM isn't trying to smoke me out. I'm sure they have no doubt I am who I am. I don't work that hard to conceal my identity here. Nothing to hide.

I don't think the "greycloud" thing actually has much to do with me. Trix, I wouldn't be surprised if sparrow didn't even know about it. Seems to me OM is just trying to tell car4love, "I know what you did last summer." He probably thinks it's clever.

Met two women last night. A friend introduced me to one of them - a fix-up attempt. My friend said, "Isn't she cute?" I said to the girl, "You're beautiful, but I'm not available yet." The friend said, "Oh come ON GC!" I stammered a little and got out of there... but I still enjoyed it.

KA, I love that name for him, "the little tin god".


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Good. Doesn't matter whether or not he's trying 2 "smoke you out" or make some sort of obscure reference 2 car4love.

Point being, 2 you (and car4love), none of their antics matter anymore.

I'm betting they need them 2 matter, though. And when they realize that they're not "getting your goat" anymore... ...well, then what?

But it doesn't matter! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

-ol' 2long

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I do have to say that it's always interesting when you know what you're writing is being read by the people involved in your story. I've been tempted by it -- my ex found my bio over at SYMC and ranted about it for months. I eventually updated it to reflect changing circumstances, but boy it made her mad for a while. What's sad about it is that it was completely factual -- it made me realize just how frightening the facts of her own actions were to her.

And it made me realize the things she's doing to run away from those facts -- marrying OM (two weeks from tomorrow) and refusing to get the adoption done being the biggies. Poor thing. I occasionally wonder if she'll manage to run from the consequences of her actions for the rest of her life. Then I realize. No. She won't be able to. And I just smile sadly. The poor, poor thing.

Sunny Day, Sweeping The Clouds Away...

Just J --
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Just J:

I would not CARE if my W, and EVEN RM (yes, I'm calling him Rat Meat again - I can respect his humanity, but that's pretty much it) were 2 read each and every one of my posts from February 2002 (when I came here in the most extreme pain I could ever imagine) 2 now.

Let them see what kind of man I am. I WANT them 2 know. I WANT my W 2 know "who" I am, more than anything. I don't CARE what RM thinks of me (I'd be glad 2 tell him or my W what *I* think of HIM - objective stuff, but harsh nonetheless).

But I don't believe he'll ever come here. I think my W might ask, and if she does, I'll tell. I'll point her here and let her read all she wants.

Because, we're "surviving" right now. And I know we can do better. I'm just waiting for her 2 want that.

Like many have commented here before: I don't just need her2 not want a "friendship" with RM, I need her 2 not cherish the memory of RM. If she can get there, I believe we can recover our M. If she can't, I don't need 2 recover our M.

Does that make sense?

-ol' 2long

Last edited by 2long; 04/02/05 07:34 PM.
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I'm sorry I haven't been posting on here much. I am very disappointed with the sparrow. From your description, she has been the most deluded WW/OW I've read about. She is so heavy into her "new" life and left you behind with no remorse.

I wonder, which will be worse for her, feeling remorse some time in the future, or never feeling remorse?

And including MB in the court documents? That is Soooo funny. I can see the judge looking up this *subversive* and manipulative website and finding out what it's REALLY about. Yeah...that will really hurt you (heavy, HEAVY, sarcasm). I can see the judge recommending this site for future cases he/she oversees ("I'm ordering counseling and reading this website...") Last laugh?

Thanks for the shout out.

You are an awesome guy, and I know you will be a great H, to someone who will allow you to. Sparrow is going to reap what she sows...if you know what I mean.

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
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Maybe it was the death of John Paul II made me decide to watch Kundun today. If you can say the movie has a plot, then it's about the XIV Dalai Lama growing into adulthood during the 1950s while the Chinese conquer Tibet.

As the Chinese assert their authority and bring their armies to his defenseless country, the Dalai Lama comes to accept that Tibet will be taken over, and in order to remain true to his beliefs, he gently and peacefully endures the occupation as long as possible, but ultimately he must give up his country and go into exile.

He reaches out to the rest of the world, and nobody wants to get involved. China is too powerful.

He meets with Chairman Mao and tries to be positive and generous, but finally realizes that Mao's friendliness and politeness is a mask. In the end, he sees Mao as the enemy he truly is.

I can't help but see the parallels. What's happened to the relationship that meant everything to me is wrong. The people currently dictating the direction of my life don't care about me at all. To help themselves sleep at night, and to convince others that their actions are just, they say that I'm a tyrant.

In the present, and the short term, the bad guys win. The thing I would give anything to protect and defend is being destroyed.

I'm in exile, and I have to make a life in the new country I live in now.

Cheesy metaphor done. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Divorced July 2005 "The idea that God acts in fits and starts, moving atoms around on odd occasions in competition with natural forces, is a decidedly uninspiring image of the Grand Architect." -Paul Davies
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I like it! You are starting to show the type of imagination I can relate to Gray.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, is the person I rank highest in the world today. In my book he is right there next to Jesus Christ. In fact the book "The Art of Happiness" changed my life, and got me through the worst years of my life after my parents died. Especially during the times when my so called aunts & uncles showed their true greedy colors.

I need to re-read it I think. Living up here in alcoholic paradise capital of the USA keeps me in an ugly reality (or non-reality depending on your beliefs).

I say cheese away Gray, you're good at it. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Weaver, have you read How to Practice? It's been a while since I read The Art of Happiness, but I think HTP is more fundamental.

I agree with you about HH. In the coming days, as we think about John Paul II and his victorious struggles against the Nazis and the Communists, and the risks he took to practice and teach his faith under oppression, I'll remember that the struggle of another religious leader continues, as it has for almost all his life.


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SHMI - I hope I gave proper credit to everybody from that night last June. My memory of it is a tattoo, so I doubt I forgot anybody in that holla-holla list.


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Hey Gray - you going to sleep tonight?

You are still young enought that beauty sleep does some good.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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I think I will check the library for the book you suggest Gray. I can't stomach any more relationship books. I have also been reading different books on paganism and wicca because one of my sisters and her daughter follows wicca. I love the nature part of it and respect the faith but it is not for me.

SS - on JJ's thread you said your tomato's are done late June, up here they won't be done until late August/Sept and then it is a problem with getting them in before the first frost. It's hard to do any vegetable growing around here.

Hot peppers grow really well all summer though. One year I picked a bunch of them without gloves and then cut them up for salsa my mom and I was making and spent the next two days in utter agony, I had burned my fingers and eyes so bad. LOL, can you believe it? Think I'm just going to get one of those hanging tomato baskets this year and concentrate on putting in some perenial beds.

I took out an equity line of credit and I am going to have my whole backyard turned into a patio. I have a bungalow behind my house I rent out and the space between the two houses is just perfect for a secluded patio. Going to get one of those outside fireplaces too.

And I booked a weeks vacation in Cancun for my daughter and me the first part of June.

You're lucky to have two 11 yo's. One little girl is kind of lonely for a kid. I love this age, don't you? Every year I think it is the best age, but right now she is still so dang sweet and she just loves everything. Hope HS is kind to her.

I'm taking her to Cancun now because we still get along so good and she still thinks I am pretty cool. I decided it's worth going into debt for a vacation this year because we will always have it to remember.

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Weaver, I have How to Practice on CD. For me it's worth owning.

I'm taking out a HELOC too - so I can pay off the turkey I married. Maybe I'll have enough left to do something crazy, like get myself one of these.

I'd love to do a garden this year, but it ain't happening. I'll just have to visit the farmers' market often.

Your vacation plans with DD sound great. With adolescence right around the corner, it's a good time to do it I reckon.

SS - I have terrible sleeping habits. It was one of the sparrow's gripes... I love being up at night. I hate the thought of all that time going by and not being awake to do something good with it. Stupid, I know.


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There was a story in Issac Asimov's short story mag one month about genetically altering humans so they didn't need to sleep. It was such a good story!

End of threadjack.

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

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I love to sleep. I am such a morning person, sometimes I take a nap just so I can have that fresh morning feeling twice in one day. LOL

Kimmy, you read the oddest mags, I must say.

Gray, you are such a musician! I thought when I opened that link that I would fine a big boat or something like that. Should have known it would be a Gibson Jumbo or whatever it was called. Ya goof!

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Graycloud said:
SS - I have terrible sleeping habits. It was one of the sparrow's gripes... I love being up at night. I hate the thought of all that time going by and not being awake to do something good with it. Stupid, I know.

Not only that - but tomorrow you have to go to work, but as long as you are awake TONIGHT, you control the time, you can do what you want, you can think what you want, and be what you want. When you wake up tomorrow, it's off to the salt mines.

Yeah, I know.

I'm not your mother either, sorry. It's just that I kind of care about your health, and sleep is part of that. You are important, even if you don't feel like it very often. I don't lie about things like this.

In the big scheme of things, you matter.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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