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No kidding heh, a date tonight.

That's downright serendipitous!

Hope she's like, well I hope she's like this -

Artist - Delbert McClinton

Album - Various Songs

Lyrics - Everytime I Roll The Dice

She's got a roof that don't leak, when the rain's pouring down
She's got a place I can sleep. where I'm safe and sound
She's got a lock on her door, but she gave me a key
She don't walk the floor, but she worries about me

Her love has no strings, shackles or chains
But I'm holding on for dear life
She's like rolling a seven, everytime I roll the dice

She's got a big Oldsmobile, she's got a dog that won't bite
She's got a heart I can steal, just like a thief in the night
She's got a slow burning fire, she keeps the radio low
When she gets inspired, we let the good times roll


Everytime I roll, everytime I roll, everytime I roll sing these 2
Everytime I roll the dice / lines 4 times

Have fun tonight Gray. I know the clouds might seep in now and then, but try not to let them get you down if they do.

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Not that it's all that similar, but many years ago I had 2 clean out my garage. I had 2, or I couldn't get anything done in it - couldn't even use my workbench.

So, we sold my W's 1953 Singer SM1500 sportscar without restoring it and put a whole buttload of stuff out at the curb with a big "FREE" sign with it.

By dark, the stuff at the curb was gone (including the free sign!), and I had a whole cubic ton of room 2 work on the stuff I still had.

It "hurt" for maybe a day and a half, but as soon as I was first able 2 get something done without "excavating" a place 2 work, I felt lighter than air!

Your sitch, of course, is even cooler, though it's been a helluva lot longer and harder road 2 get 2 this point. Enjoy your date 2night!

-ol' 2long

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(including the free sign!),

Now that's funny! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Hey Gray, I need to borrow your thread for a minute to get some unbiased feedback. I know you won't be using it for awhile since you are going out, so I'll take the liberty as I don't want to start my own. Thanks in advance.

As all of you know on this thread my ex has been in my life quite alot lately, doing things for me and wanting to get back together. Atleast I thought.

Well he came into town this past weekend and helped me with lots of chores around here I couldn't do myself. Then we went over to the island to have a fire, listen to music and spread some sand around that had been dropped off for a beach we are making.

He then brought up me signing off the property , as he is about to have enough to buy me out for what I put into it (the downpayment). This shocked me and hurt me more than I can say. I just didn't understand why, if he wants to be with me, he would want to buy me out.

He said it is because "you just never know" and since he is about to invest quite a bit in a foundation, etc for a home he needs to be protected. He said in a couple of years if we get married, it will be yours again anyway. I then just let it drop.

Later in the evening (well it was about 2 am) we get ready to leave and he says he would like to stop at the bar. I said I would rather not. He knows how I feel about the bars. So he said well lets just stop and I will run in and get a beer to go. I said please just run in and I'll wait in the car.

Well 15 minutes later he still was in the bar and I was becomming very anxious. Then I just got mad, laid on the horn. He comes out and was livid. He says "It's only been 5 minutes, what is wrong with you?"

Well we drove to the ferry, first yelling, then in silence. After we got to my house he parked, I walked in and he took off. He didn't show back up until about 10 am, got some of his stuff which was here and said "Five minutes, and you go psycho. I can't take you anymore" Then he drove away, back to MN I presume and I have not heard from him since.

Doesn't this seem weird? Do you think all this time he has just been conning me so I will sign off on the damn property?

I am so confused and hurt, I just don't know what to think.

I called a friend who talked to him this weekend, and she said I think he loves you very much. He just wants everything to be separate. Why don't you just take the money, give him the property and see what happens?

Well if this has all been a con, I don't want him to still have our dream, which was the island and me have nothing except a broken heart. I want him to suffer too. I can't help it.

But if I was over-reacting, then I don't want to feel that way.

I am just so confused. I don't know which way to go with my emotions.


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Ah, weaver!

That is so awful.

You know? I just called a really good MB friend (Spacecase) and we talked about *my* current position, what he did (that wasn't very MBish) and how it's 2rned out, and it really gelled in my mind what I need 2 do.

In the course of the convo it came down 2 finances. His sitch was different from mine, yours and gc's. And his choice should not be applied 2 others', so I won't mention it here (but he could if he wanted 2).

What I'm going 2 do is put the prospect of losing or gaining or my perceptions of hurting my loved ones aside and realize that my sanity has 2 come first before I can be of any help 2 any of my loved ones. *I* need 2 get a NC agreement with my W first - before I do anything else or think about anything else.

I've been stuck for a number of reasons, but not least of those is the worry over what happens 2 the house and our assets. Heck, it really is just a building.

Maybe it really is just beach sand?

-ol' 2long

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I've been stuck for a number of reasons, but not least of those is the worry over what happens 2 the house and our assets. Heck, it really is just a building.

Maybe it really is just beach sand?

Maybe. But it feels more like a dream. And as you know dreams are hard to come by, and even harder to let go.

We're going to get there you know 2long. I refuse to let my legacy be the tragic... always destined to be the tragic figure.


Depac Chopra says that love itself is a separate entity. One we have almost no control over. But as a separate entity, it comes and it goes. And when it goes, one will choose to be the "leaver" and one will choose to be "left".

I would like for once in my life to be the "leaver". I don't want to be left anymore.

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Ah, there you go!

"weaver the leaver"!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I've always felt "left", though I might prefer the term "port." ...but I like a good amber ale or a portER a lot better than port <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

-ol' 2long

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Maybe. But it feels more like a dream. And as you know dreams are hard to come by, and even harder to let go.

Ah, Weave. :: Big hug, sweetie :: I wish I had some insight into what is going on in his mind, a glimpse of his truest character. Unfortunately we have only his very contradictory actions to taunt us.

{Please correct me if I am wrong below; it's me rambling on Johnny Walker Black & Coke, but it's all I've got right now. . . the ramlings, not the drink, <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />}

Hon, I know this island has been a dream for you. I, myself, would probably pitch some serious fits (and I am not the Fit Pitchin' type) in order to keep it, as it seems like your one tangible, absolution from the hackneyed mediocrity in which most of us live. It's more than a piece of property to you, it's your asylum, your release, your innate essence, your fire exit.

Am I wrong?

Do you want to keep it to spite him? To allow him to suffer for his misdeeds, current and past? To prohibit him from attaining something he desires, after all that he has witheld from you? Or is your motive for purer reasons, the craving for something special, intimate, achingly personal to you; not at all sensation-driven?

What is the cost, for either?

Weave, what does your heart tell you?

Loving you {{{Weaver}}},


[font:Arial Black]
-- and you will find out how to
unfold your wings
as you fall.

- ray bradbury

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Do you want to keep it to spite him? To allow him to suffer for his misdeeds, current and past? To prohibit him from attaining something he desires, after all that he has witheld from you? Or is your motive for purer reasons, the craving for something special, intimate, achingly personal to you; not at all sensation-driven?

Yes. If his motives are impure, than yes. I can't help it.

I can see the island from my home. I can't leave because my DD's dad lives here. I don't want to look at the island knowing he is there, loving another on MY island. This is my town, he is not even from here.


I really like you. You are so pretty and your kids are just as cute as can be.

I am glad you are here.

Like I told 2long, we are all going to get through this.

Thank you SLH, for being here. I am having a bad time, but it will end.

I think maybe I'll just sign the whole thing over to him. Be done with it, but then I'll know that is all he wanted in the first place, and that will hurt.

I don't know what to do.

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Weaver, I don't blame you for questioning his motives I would too. He almost sounds like someone in an A from his behavior which is crazy huh? Not much advice, just MB hugs to you. {{{{weaver}}}}


me: FWW/BS 52 H: FWH/BS 49
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Oh, Weave. You love that place whether or not he wants it, am I wrong? Give yourself some credit.

You've been provoked and are justfiabley furious; hell, I can't believe you handled yourself as well as you have. I tend to become a little more hostile when I feel ppl have behaved duplicitously with me for self-seeking reasons. I am not always nice.

This all happened a few days ago. . . what interactions have you all had since then? Any?

I know you are sick to your stomach over this, but what about a Plan? I don't think signing the isle over should be it. . .not yet, anyhow.

Thank you for the compliments on myself & my monkeys. . . but I've thought the same about you, you know. Those deep luminous eyes, harboring untold mystery; that easy, sweeping smile. . . I wish we didn't live on opposite sides of the continent <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />. You a Yankee and me a Southern girl/Texan. . . We'd be great friends. If, that is, you could handle all 3 of my tomboy Monkeys hanging on you at once. . . <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

~ StillLovingHim

[font:Arial Black]
-- and you will find out how to
unfold your wings
as you fall.

- ray bradbury

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She did not show. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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Hi, weaver.

Depac Chopra says that love itself is a separate entity. One we have almost no control over. But as a separate entity, it comes and it goes. And when it goes, one will choose to be the "leaver" and one will choose to be "left".

I agree, love will come and go, but property is a girl's best friend :-)

Keep your land. At least it won't lie to you.

Let time prove your ex's grit. Maybe he does have more sand than most, or maybe he is just a sieve.

All the best,

-An affair is the embodiment of entitlement, fueled by resentment and lack of respect.
-An infidel will remain unreachable so long as their sense of entitlement exceeds their ability to reason.
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Hi, gray.

Well, that sucks.

Any idea what happened, other than she just hit a 9 out of a possible 10 on the loser scale?


-An affair is the embodiment of entitlement, fueled by resentment and lack of respect.
-An infidel will remain unreachable so long as their sense of entitlement exceeds their ability to reason.
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I would like for once in my life to be the "leaver". I don't want to be left anymore.

Some of us just aren't leavers, weaver (How long before I get sick of that? Never!).

Oh, lord. Let's swim in our misery.

I have never hurt anybody this way. I'm so tired of these selfish chickenshit people. Off with their chickenshit heads!


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I don't know. I was three minutes late. Maybe she got there at 8 on the nose and didn't see me and skedaddled.

Inauspicious beginning to the single life.

Weaver, this business with the beer and the bar and the 5/15 minutes... this was the first sign of hostility from him in how long?

What was different about that night?


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Hi Gimble, hi GC,

Here we are wallowing in despair and dejection. Luckily I was a lifeguard and am still a great swimmer.

But can I add some too?

Or have we had our fill for the day?

Gray, what the hell is wrong with that chick? Could you have gotten your wires crossed? I saw your picture too, you know. Yer a right mighty pleasing gennelmun, yo'self (: yes, ridiculous accent added:)

Her freakin loss, I say.


[font:Arial Black]
-- and you will find out how to
unfold your wings
as you fall.

- ray bradbury

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>She did not show.

She wasn't worth you then. Period. Better to know that now than to have dated her a few times, THEN found out (or worse). Now she's SEP (somebody else's problem)...I'd take that over a false friend anyday.

So what are we gonna fix next on su casa? How many elephants do you have? Tradition dictates that you have seven, all facing the front door, all GIVEN to you. I've 3 so far. Should we start you a collection?

Mi casa, I am going to rip out the flooring in the entryway, formal living/dining (it's one room) and kitchen dinette. Then I'm gonna stain it to look like tile. All the look and feel of tile, 1/4 the cost.

Busy-ness, Gray. We will be busy...life is what happens to us when we're not paying attention. So let's not look directly at it...let's not dwell on it...let's just live.

Squidges dear friend.

- Kimmy

I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?

O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

My Story

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Man o man - Poor old Gray,

What y'all don't know is she was one of TWO potiential future Mrs. Clouds. ALREADY.

He is handsome, smart, AND plays an instrument. Guys like me would be happy for his table scraps and you all are like POOR OLD GRAY.

Sorry Gray. LOTS of reasons why she missed. I say, give her a chance. What did SHE have to say about the miss? Anything you assume is just that - an assumption.

I probably jinxed you. You can take it out on me later. At least it would be some physical contact.

Ooops. Don't like where THAT'S heading, especially with Kimmy watching.

NCWalker (who is now pretty much CONVINCED there is a reason for everything)

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Sorry to butt in here, but...

Oh man, Gray.... I just read -- 2-3 days ago -- something about women not showing up for The First Date. IOW, it made it seem pretty darn M.O. these days.

Far be it from me to understand...

but I just wanted to throw out another "don't take it personally."

Yikes. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

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