Now, this is the hard part. To truly complete the recipe, you have to make it on a Friday night and you have to watch The Muppet Show, The Dukes of Hazzard, and Dallas while you eat it.
Or at least, that's how it always went in my house.
JJ - my best gf recently sent me the entire first season of Fraggle Rock. Tell me you love it too.
(Doozers are the cutest little thangs)
I think the past two days I was throwing a BF (Didja ever see White Chicks...lmao)
Here is what I wrote when above mentioned best gf innocently asked how I was doing...I know I copied some of you on it, but since dear SS asked, here 'tis:
[color:"red"] Had King ****** migraine this past weekend. Ended up in the after hours clinic for phenegern and dubain shot....for the first time in 17 years (the onset of my migraines began a month after Z was born) I looked at the needle. Now I know why my a$$ hurts. You see...when I have a headache like that I always gauge whether or not to go to the doc by asking myself, "Hey Kim...wouldja rather have your head hurt, or your tushy hurt?" When the answer gets to "Man, don't care 'bout the seatage area anymore...just shoot it and get it over with" it's time to load up to the doc's office.
Much more exciting...yesterday this happened:
I'm in a turn lane to make a right merge onto another street. There was a cute Honda Pilot in front of me...I remember when she passed me thinking, "hmmm...that's cute...wonder if it has a 3rd row seat?" And I made mental note so I could look it up on the net today.
She's ahead of me and the road is at a slight incline....we both were at a complete stop. All of a sudden she begins to roll reverse lights....just la-la-la rolling backwards....
So I lean on the horn.
She keeps rolling backwards.
So silly me...I haven't let up on the horn yet, but somehow my not so logical brain thinks she's not hearing it and if I lean harder on it, it'll up the horn I lean harder...and the horn's still going and...
She looks up into her rearview at right after she hit me. I'm all making the "what-the-eff-how-did-you-not-know-you-were-rolling-backwards-braintrust" universal signal by throwing my hands in the air and saying "Duh-DER" very snarcasticly to her when she glanced up. She makes the right and turns into the Shell station on the corner....but she turns in the drive area...not pulling thru to the parking area...and she sits there in the driveway. I had to pull around her to park.
I immediately go out and my bumper looks pretty license plate won't stay on...and she's sitting there yelling at her kid to get the h-e-double-hockey-sticks in the back seat....Red flags raise...if she was going to stay for the police why not pull all the way in...and why would her kid have to sit down and buckle up? Shore nuff, she reverses a little, and got the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of dodge.
OH NO SHE DI-INT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously...the Ohno and eyeroll were the first things that went thru my head.
And yet...da-da-dum! Because she raised the flags on the plays, I had already made note of her license plate number...(insert evil grin)
So I go into the Shell, ask them to call the po-po...give them the license #, call Nio...and w/in minutes of calling him, he had a handy dandy print out of ALL the vitals of the vehicle...names registered to, phone numbers, ADDY...and even the amount they paid for it (they got hosed).
I wasn't pissed about the's just a thing...but for crying out loud... WTF was she thinking doing something so BLATENTLY WRONG IN FRONT OF HER KIDS???????????? WTF IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD? WHERE IS HER SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY??????????????
That's what put a booger up my butt.
So later, I go pick up the Wookie...and we go over to their house....and spoke to her husband (she wasn't home yet). He was GOBSTRUCK! She had different insurance than him, so he couldn't give us her info...but he told us when she was going to be home.
How much you wanna bet she NEVER thought someone would be able to get her for this??? How much you wanna bet she was BETTING that SAPD had their dicks in their hands and didn't care enough hunt her down for a little bumper damage? How much you wanna bet she wasn't gonna tell her was a secret between her and the kid?
(scuse my French and excessively ill mannered term for male naughty bits)
And how much you wanna bet she didn't have the foresight God gave little green apples to realize that you can't go screwing people like that...How much you wanna bet she never considered that someone might hunt her a$$ down and call her on her dishonesty?
You wanna hear screwy...even after she looked at me in her rearview...even after she pulled into Shell and stopped....she told her husband she DIDN'T KNOW SHE HIT ME.
Liar, liar, pants on fire. She must spend a fortune in chonies.
Guess what? The reason the world is so screwed up and me, me, me all the time is because of people like her, her, her.
Guess what also? I could've been sleeping with la emme other than a cop. You can bet THEY also have information at their disposal...and their tactics aren't nearly as nice as ours.
You don't screw people over like that...even over little stuff...cos you know what??????????
You never know when a uniformed Wookie will show up on your doorstep and call you on it.
And I will call you on it. That whole "it takes a village thing"? It's tattooed on my soul. It not only applies to children...but to EVERYONE...and it IS my duty to call on it...."Am I my brothers keeper?"
You're damn straight.
You don't like it...don't eff up around me.
Sorry about the language. I'm still mad. And no...I'd never had "called her on it" w/out the Wookie....but Geeze....Cass...what is WRONG with people? Where did they get such over blown senses of entitlement? Where is the concern for making certain children see the best in you...where is the concern that you bring them up to be GOOD, honorable people?
I am SO angry that people no longer hold themselves accountable...I'm so disheartened about the "mes" and "I deserves"....
Your needs are JUST as important as the waitress busting her hump to put her kids through Joe Schmoe cleaning the pool...
Remember the Scarlet Letter? The good of the community came came first for everyone in the community...WHY? Because without that bit of self sacrafice the community would die.
Why are our communities suffering so now...suffering with poverty...not just monetary poverty...poverties of the souls and spirits and families....why? Because everyone has shifted from thinking of community first to "me first", to "I deserve" first.
I won't allow it Cass. It's not right and I'm saying it and I'm going to keep saying it. I will say it loud, proud and you may be certain that I'm not going to stop saying it.
Because of what Nio and I have gone though...because of what we've we've grown, I am saying enough.
Sorry. You got a dissertation on the ways and woes of the world and all you asked was how I was doing.
I'm doing well...I'm feeling a little (just a smidge) vehement today....but hey...better righteous vehemence than selfish negligence.
Oh...SS....thought of you last night...MADE SPAGHETTI PIE. Have you ever had it? Of course, I amended the recipe a bit. We're cooking the You on a Diet everything is organic, and all pastas are whole wheat...but it was UBER NUMMY.
I don't know why I don't make it more often...and get this...the majority of the ingredients were leftovers. It was like BAM! Not the Emeril kind...the kind where you think...I got this, this, this in the fridge and VOILA! Kitchen magic.
Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got 'ghetti in my tummy....
- Kimmy