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2 - is it out of escrow yet?
I hope you didn't lose your shirt - or your pants or anything.
Does your W have OOSP summer plans that you are part of?
I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Escrow's sposed 2 close in about 3 weeks!
We're now trying 2 figure out whether we can reinvest in a house for my DD and SIL.
W's going 2 OOSP as usual. DS and DD are going 2, for part of the 2ple weeks at least. I'm supposed 2 go out for the 4th.
-ol' 2long
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Tell me when you go by, and I'll wave.
I finally went to the Dino track museum. It's kind of cool. I know another place where there are tracks in the wild - I've seen some of them, and it's close to where I live.
Did you ever get there when it was open?
I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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I should be driving alone, so I'll let you know and just drop by.
Or, I could swing by in August when I head 2 Vermont.
I've never seen those tracks. It was 2hot the day we tried, so it had just closed.
-ol' 2long
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You are always welcome -
I have no idea what time of day you will go by on your way to VT, but if you ever need a place to sleep, you are welcome to stay for that too.
We will be on a cruise late June, and will be gone from the 22nd to July 2nd, but we'll be home after that.
I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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I don't know yet, either. Probably leaving LA on the 3rd of August, though. Could time it for an evening arrival, I suppose.
I don't know if the first trip I'll be heading out before the 22nd of June yet, though. I'll see, and keep you posted.
-ol' 2long
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Boy, I wish I could go on all those nature walks! There are days when I regret coming back east of the Mississippi. And the Continental Divide, for that matter.
But... here I am, south of the Mason-Dixon line. Ah well. At least I have popcorn. Someday I'll have a beautiful bed & breakfast to keep me busy, too.
For now, well, there's lots of other stuff going on in my world. There are big stressful things at work (attorneys involved stressful, which is never fun).
And there's HoFS' world. Sigh. For about half the really big stuff, I can't say anything about it, because it's private. But for those who are willing, you might say a few words to God on his behalf.
The other half of the really big stuff is that his mom took a bad fall and broke her leg and arm at the sockets of the associated joints. And then she had surgery to try to do repairs. And THEN she had a major heart attack and nearly died. She was on a ventilator for three days, and sometime in that she got a nasty infection. Because of that, her temperature, pulse, and blood pressure were all over the place, and things were really dicey (err, okay, they were dicey even before that) for a few days.
The good news is that they managed to control the infection and that doesn't seem to be a threat anymore. So now the "only" problems are the severely damaged heart... oh, and those broken bones that have become rather minor problems, by comparison.
They've been waiting to do a heart catheterization for the past ten days. She needed to be able to sit up in a chair by herself before they would do it, and she hasn't been strong enough for that (she's been in the ICU since the heart attack). Oh, and she's got a feeding tube, because she failed the "cookie test," which is where they try to see if you can swallow little bits of food or not.
So anyway, the heart catheterization is tomorrow, and we'll know more then. It's been a pretty stressful time for HoFS, as I'm sure y'all can imagine.
So back to my world. Here's a bit of an e-mail from my ex:
"...the relationship DD and [new husband] have with each other doesn't have to be any different than if he were her dad. And it is their relationship, which should be allowed to develop as it will. If she grows up feeling that [new husband] is one of her parents, even to the point of wanting to call him Dad, that's great for both of them and does no harm to anyone else."
Uhm. Right. Except that he's not her dad and lying to our kid is not exactly cool with me. Besides, legally speaking, DD HAS a father. Who is not her husband. For that matter, if we want to be accurate about it, I'm not DD's legal parent. I am a 'de facto' parent. The rights and responsibilities are different, as the rights and responsibilities of a step-parent from a legal parent.
Which makes the next sentence of my ex's e-mail particularly interesting:
"Causing DD to view him as having second-class status, by influencing the name she calls him or in any other way, is a huge dis-service to her."
Uhm. Right. That is the point at which I forwarded the whole thing to my attorney, because honestly, he and I are both second-class citizens, and my ex has been quite happy with that state of affairs for some time.
Oh, and one more bit of stuff out of my ex's e-mail, and then I'll go on to the really interesting news about her:
"How DD refers to [new husband] now is really up to her, and she should be free to choose without interference or being corrected."
I literally giggled out loud at this part. Here we have a 4 year old girl who's being given the option to call someone whatever she wants? Oh, sure, today it'll be Daddy. Tomorrow, though? "Poopoohead" is pretty likely. Want to take bets on how long this particular injunction lasts? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
More seriously, a 4 yo is not the right age to get to pick names for people. If she were 8 or 10? Sure, maybe. But at 4, well, it's very unlikely that she can make a free and informed choice about the matter, and she'll surely be influenced by what her parents call him. (So I never, ever refer to him by anything other than his given name. No matter how tempting "poopoohead" is sometimes.)
So, ready for the really interesting news?
My ex and her new husband are expecting a baby!
DD is absolutely thrilled about it. The other day, she woke up and, before saying anything else, asked me, "Mama, what books did I like when I was a baby? I want to take them to Mommy's house to read them to the new baby." She's sooooo looking forward to being a big sister. It's really pretty adorable.
Interestingly enough, I'm quite happy for her and for my ex. I'd thought I might be upset or sad, but I'm not at all. DD really needs to have a sibling, and I think it'll take some of the pressure off of her. And she won't be the center of attention anymore, which is also a good thing, I think.
Let's see. Other bits of news in my world. My parents were here for a week. They left on Friday, and on their way back to Wisconsin they stopped in Ohio (I went along) to see HoFS. They, HoFS and I, and HoFS' 3 boys all had dinner together. The boys were extraordinarily well behaved and my parents were quite taken with them. All in all, it went about as well as one could possibly hope. HoFS' oldest even made a CD of music that they liked for my parents (he played it during dinner and burned the CD when they said they liked it), which tickled them to no end.
They were very complimentary about the boys afterwards, which was really nice to hear.
Oh, and I finally finished every bit of the external repairs from last year's flood. All the stones are in, the planting is done, and now I'm left to try to keep them alive through these hot, dry spells we seem to be having. My brother is moving out of my basement (he's lived here for four years) next month, and once he moves out, then I'll really assess the basement and see what needs to be done down there. I'm hoping it's mostly cleanup and drywall repairs, but it's hard to tell for sure.
My internal world remains amazingly quiet, through all this turbulence. I spend time meditating and walking and praying. It's hard when HoFS is away or his life is stressful, but I can manage it. DD and I have wonderful quiet days when no one else is around, and my life is full and very happy.
And that's the news from Lake Maryland, where the women are strong, the men are sexy, and all the children are above average. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Sunny Day, Sweeping The Clouds Away...
Just J --
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Gee, it's quiet in here. I've got an orange, if anyone wants to share.
Sunny Day, Sweeping The Clouds Away...
Just J --
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Oh, I'd love to share !!
And....... I've got some peanuts if you want some.
I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Oh JJ, I do have some thoughts on what you have written, as I went through kind of the same with P's stepmom and the new baby did take the pressure off of P (and me). I'll share more when I get some more time as I have to leave right now.
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2day, a pretty blonde said 2 me "You rock!" <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />
...which means a lot 2 a 50-something geologist with more ailments than assets.
...but then, she cc'd all the people in my original email, so it probably didn't mean anything un2ward! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
-ol' 2long
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I think you rock.
Btw: one of the 'ologists here was wearing a t-shirt TODAY that stated:
Geologists are rock stars.
I like that one better than the one that said, "if you don't like it shove it in the karst."
- Kimmy
I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. My Story Recovered!
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Then there's
"Geologists dig plutonic relationships."
-ol' 2long
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Team In Training participants are rock stars!
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Cinders you are a star <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
...but 2long is the rock of all rocks, the man, the rock of ages (not to be confused with the aging rock, though <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />).
I need to actually work this summer while I am at work, so I am trying very hard to not log in here during business hours.
As much as I want to get my computer at home connected again, I can't. P is now grounded from TV, computer, Ipod, sony walkman, phone.
She pretty much is allowed to read, write, draw, cook and work in the yard with me.
She messed up in a major way Monday morning at school and got suspended for three days for hitting someone. She says it was a bully and she asked for it. Understand that P has never been hit by either her dad or me in her life, so why she chose to hit someone else is beyond me. I bawled all morning after the prinicpal called me and then I realized that it will just have to be a learning experience for her, one of many to come I can tell all ready.
So she spent the last two days, sweeping, mopping, polishing, cleaning the kitchen and scrubbing the bathroom. She then had to write the golden rule 100 times.
Last night she had to write me a three page, single spaced essay on how she envisioned herself in the coming years. (I should post what she wrote here if I get the time) it was a spooky, smart-arsed essay in which she jumped back and forth from Harry Potter land and school. I should have added another day to her month's grounding just for that essay...but didn't.
That kid can be so sweet and fun, and then she can be the devel's spawn. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
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The golden rule 100 times...I'm SO using that on Leo.
Devil's spawn is mine...I birthed him, so I know.
It's a good thing he's so dern cute, tho.
Otherwise, all bets would be off!
I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. My Story Recovered!
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(((Weaver))) I commend you for taking this seriously. Not all parents would.
me: FWW/BS 52 H: FWH/BS 49 DS 30 DD 21 DS 15 OCDS 8
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Thank you Faith. I have learned a lot about parenting here. I am hard on her now because I know she is at a crucial juncture, and I want her to make the best choices she can. I love that kid so much, and I don't want her to take the path's I did. The golden rule 100 times...I'm SO using that on Leo. GB told me he got caught stealing a motorcycle(by his mom who called the police) when he was a teen and the sherif made him write the same three pages 500 times. He spent many long days at the police station completing this task, in the summer no less. And GB says he never stole again, he never wanted to be in a police station again. It taught him his lesson well.
Last edited by weaver; 05/03/07 08:59 AM.
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I have a t-shirt that says, "Actually, I AM a rocket scientist."
Maybe I mentioned that shirt before.
How about the one that says, "The angle of the..." Wait. Never mind that one.
err, I'll get back to you...there's a rock over there moving into my tracking field, with a beer on it.
"Never forget that your pain means nothing to a WS." ~Mulan
"An ethical man knows it is wrong to cheat on his wife. A moral man will not actually do it." ~ Ducky
WS: They are who they are.
When an eel lunges out And it bites off your snout Thats a moray ~DS
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It's an empty. I'm waiting till I have a few to take to the recycling bin.
I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. My Story Recovered!
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