I think that an emotional affair is to much harder to deal with. My husband once told me that a woman having an affair was so much worse because she dealt with love in an emotional way rather than sexually. Well, my husband proved himself wrong. I agree with the other comments above. When you read the letters and see the adoring pictures sent from one lover to the other, it is terribly hurtful knowing that this love was not directed at you. He seems to be saying, you're not good enough to share my love with. I also think that an emotional affair/bond is much harder to break. I tried and although my soon to be ex has tried to break the habit, he is now going 2000 miles to her. We tried the moving away, but he has just traveled more and ran up his cell phone bill. I think emotional attachments are more engrained in people. Sex you can get over, but absolute adoration/emotion is extremely difficult to overcome.