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#1342794 02/25/03 08:09 AM
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Hey Y'all,

Relady , all that info about buying out house equity confused me! LOL I thought it was just a matter of agreeing on an appraised value and then me buying him out of his share in order to keep the home.

Wallace, if you aren't careful you might need more than a brake light added to your car. You might need a whole overhaul! I was thinking....<gulp> maybe a wedding would be a great time for all of us to have a Tough Love reunion. So just let us know when the date is, OK? Now Relady I'm not abandoning the cause for Wallace to use common sense, but I wonder if we're fighting a losing battle. Maybe his onstar tracking device is working overtime?!?

WGTT , hope things go well at the lawyer's today. You're right, it was a good thing you ran into the friend, whose words were able to be confirmation for you.

EC - Petvet made a good point. You do seem kind of convinced that exw will come after you. Any clues as to why?

Petvet - What does your lady friend have to say about any of your situation? Anything?

ThePits - Hope you're doing well. Anything new?

DavePR, RMA, everyone else - I hope your week goes well!

I keep thinking that I'll hear from my CPA and will have something to report about my taxes, but nothing yet. I'm doing fine, just plodding along.
There DOES seem to be a lot of new names on the boards recently. But to be honest, I'm not paying a lot of attention to other threads - there seems to be a lot of bitterness and anger in many of them and I don't need to get involved in those attitudes. I'll just stick with y'all for the most part.

#1342795 02/25/03 11:17 AM
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Hi Everyone -

PetVet - sorry for the way things went in court, but like it was said, you told the truth. Something good has to come of that. It will eventually come to an end and your reward will be a drama free life for just you and your son. How has he been doing in school?

EC - sorry for all the drama you have been going through. You know, after all is said and done you might want to look into writing your memoirs. You have led a very interesting life!

WGTT - sorry for all you are going through lately. Anything new on the intervention? It doesn't even sound like he is happy at the OW house either. It really makes you think what they are doing <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />

Avondale - I am with you on the other posts on the board. They are so filled with anger and revenge that it disturbing. Don't get me wrong, I am angry and frustrated in my situation also, but anger doesn't really get you anywhere.

Wallace - Glad you had a good birthday also.

I had to see my H on my birthday, we also christened our D on the same day. I was in a mellow mood, not expecting much. I just wanted to get through the day. He came home to get ready as his suit was home. He gave me a card from him and some flowers and a card from the kids. His card was pretty funny - he really tried hard to get one that was appropriate. It said "Happy Birthday From Far Away" and everything written inside was like he was living abroad. It made me laugh.

Overall, it was a pretty good day. The christening went well. The priest pulled us to the side and asked it we wanted to meet with him together. He was kinda taken by surprise and stammered a lot, but basically said yes. We didn't set a date/time yet though. I figured I would wait a few days then bring it up if he didn't.

The whole family went out for dinner afterwards and it was a pretty good day overall. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

The sad thing was that my BIL (husband's brother) and his wife are seperated for 5 months, but he didn't want her to come down. No infidelity, but a lot of anger on his part. I can't figure them out, but when I see them I know what I don't want. Even if my H and I don't make it I don't want it to be ugly.

Hope everyone is doing well today and Hello to anyone I missed!

#1342796 02/26/03 01:10 AM
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Hi All,

I hope you're having a wonderful day. It's raining here again. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> Who says it never rains in California?


I think The Carlton Sheets are good depending on where you are. It's a little more difficult than they lead people to believe. It takes a tremendous amount of work and discipline.


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I thought it was just a matter of agreeing on an appraised value and then me buying him out of his share in order to keep the home.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">That's it in it's 'simplest' form. LOL Where does the money come from to buy him out? You either have the money under a mattress or you get it out of your property, which means qualifying for a loan.

You're right With Wallace we're fighting a loosing battle, we may as well buy a new dress for the wedding and forget it. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Maybe his onstar tracking device is working overtime?!?
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">LOL, He's certainly not using the 'panic' portion of it.


Just set the date and let us know? By the way, are you sharing these messages with your 'ladyfriend' ? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />


Your H just doesn't know he has hit bottom yet, he will eventually. God has a way of getting the attention of those we pray for.

Take care of yourself, work on your relationship with the Lord and He will take care of the rest.

The Pits

Glad you had a great day after all. The card and flowers were a nich gesture. At least he still has somewhat of a thought process. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> That's more than we can say for a lot of WS's.


No problem, it's what I do.

Hello Everyone Else,

God Bless,

#1342797 02/26/03 01:21 AM
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Hi All,

Well I made it past what use to be my wedding anniversary yesterday. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be.


ROFL... you had me going with your last post there.

Ball and chain? LOL

After much thought... April 1st... does have a nice ring to it... LOL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

I'm keeping my options open. I'm not sure if April 1st will be the day... but you never know. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

TY... for the "Happy Birthday". I decided to start counting my birthdays backwards as of this past Saturday. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


Your exW and mine sound very much the same as far as their mindset is concerned. My exW has completely ignored all of the Court orders that were stipulated in the final "D" decree.

You reach a point where you have to make a decision... let them continue with their antics... or make a move to the Courts to put a stop to it.

I'm like you... will it gain me anything? It's hard to say... but if you don't at least try to put a stop to it... it will just continue on, and on, and on.

So I understand why you are taking the stance that you are.


I'm trying to take it slow and easy... and if you feel anything like I did after it was all said and done with... then you will probably just want to gather yourself back up, and begin getting your bearings straight.

It will take a little time... but just concentrate on healing yourself and looking after your son. You have been through a war... and you have taken some hits. Now it's time to nurse yourself back to health.


Gathering all the information for your attorney is overwhelming. It took me almost 2 months to put it all together. I have files that are almost a foot thick. It can and does work you. Keep at it... you will get through it... just take it one step at a time. You won't feel so overwhelmed that way.

Sorry to hear that your "H" is still out of it. I was skeptical all along based on what I was hearing. You will know when they want to change their ways. It won't be until he hits bottom unfortunately, and he will hit bottom... you can take that one to the bank. Then you will have to make a decision at that point as to what "YOU" want to do.


If I do decide to have that special date (and I'm not saying that I am... LOL) You will all be invited. A "Tough Love" get together... with a "Tough Love" wedding... LOL... that would be a first I believe.

How does "April Fools Day" sound to everyone? Can we all make plans that early? LOL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I don't know... I'm getting ready to buy a new car. Lets see... ummm... brakes, OnStar, gotta be able to keep track of where I am going and where I've been. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> Can you think of any options that I need to include in my new car purchase... besides a good a/c unit to cool things down. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />

I hope everyone has a great day.

Stay Strong!


ps. relady...

I'm not really sharing all of the info on here with my "lady friend"... LOL. She knows about "MB", and she sometimes visits the sight... and she knows about this thread. Who knows she may pop in here one of these days... maybe as Mrs. Wallace... LOL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

<small>[ February 26, 2003, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Wallace ]</small>

#1342798 02/25/03 02:40 PM
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Hi everyone, checking in here helps me keep my sanity. I had a BIZARE night! It started when I was exausted and had trouble getting to sleep. When I finally did, I awoke with a horrible coulgh that wouldn't quit - it was breath taking, so much that I ended up getting sick. After finally getting back to sleep, D comes in Mom, there is water pouring down from the kitchen ceiling!!!! (It's raining inside!!!) Sure enough, water is pouring out from the ceiling fan in the kitchen. As it looks like it might be slowing down, another spot starts. I am dumbfounded. D asks whats making it do that ??? No idea. And no H to take care of it. I said "Lord, I can't take any more"

This morning I woke tired and went to the attorney appointment. After we went thru everything (He was very good) we both agreed that financially I was better off NOT to file right now, and to continue doing what I have been doing and gave me a few more steps to take. This is not too hard to do as long as WH is not here.

After the attorney had figured some scenarios he said what do you think? I said it sucks that WH can act the way he has, done the damage he has and that the courts want to EQUALIZE what we each get. I don't see the equality. All in all, I wouldn't want this attorney on the opposite side.

Wallace Thanks, I didn't think he had hit a bottom at all, but my mind can play tricks on me. The call from WH's friend was a big reminder.

relady It is amazing what God can do. Enen though things are very trying, He has put people into my life at just the right time. Yesterday, I ran into a friend and prayer warrior that I hadn't seen in a while. She invited me to her house & we talked about what was going on. She suggested that I see the attorney but not do anything yet. That is exactly what has happened.

Step by step I will rebuild a new life. I know I will get thru the pain, that I will grow (and have grown) and already in so many ways the Lord has used me to help others.

I hope all are doing well


#1342799 02/25/03 02:50 PM
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> WGTT: If I were you, I would think as little as possible about your WH. It burns up too much brain power.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">You are so right.

My main focus right now is to increase my income so I can support me and the kids no matter what happens.

The pits I will end up doing an intervention on the phone, which I have no problem doing. WH has been cunning but I have heard his story a hundred times in AA and alanon.

I have only briefly scanned this thread lately as so much is going on so in time I'll catch up!

avondale Be thankful that things are going fairly smooth. I hate chaos and cant' wait to get back to a smooth routine.

What is with the weird posts on this board? Not his thread, but the alien stuff?


#1342800 02/25/03 04:56 PM
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Hi everyone, I need to get back to these posts... sorry I was away for so long. I have been selling my house and looking for a place to rent. House is now sold and I found a place. It's not much but I can at least get back on my feet.

I do have a question for all of you. My stbx still wants to remain friends and so does her bf. I just dont get it. She says she wants us to focus on our children and do whats best but yet she can commit the adultary and live with another man while not married... some example. I dont want to come on down on living together before marriage but when young children are involved and the divorce isn't even final yet, I question her motives.

Any way back to my point. I have to see her at least twice a week when I'm picking up the kids or taking them back. She will also call me at least once a week and e-mail me also. Everthing is related to our children, but it's funny that she says to "take care" and "I will talk to you later".

I just dont get it. She wants this new romantic life with OM and yet wants to talk to me about our children as parents weekly. I have realized that she has had a lot of admiration for OM for a long time even before I found out about it and he is not dissapointing her decision by leaving me. He is making everything so romantic and rosy for her that she could never think about what she has done and would never consider coming back and reconciling.

Do you think I'm banging my head against the wallfor too long by praying to God to bring us together. I dont want to give up on us but I get so fustrated when I have to see those two together just flaunting and being happy together. It makes me sick and I know that they do it in front of our kids so that they are confused also.

I just needed to vent out. I need to stay more incontact with you all. You all have had so many obsticals that you have overcome and I can sure use some good advice. I thank you all and pray that all are doing extremely well.

#1342801 02/25/03 06:55 PM
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Here's a tidbit from the attorney today that everyone may want to consider if you havn't already ................

Close ALL the old JOINT credit accounts that show up on your credit report. An X can reactivate the accounts, run up debt and you are liable if they don't pay !!!!!

There's also another angle to consider .......... your credit rating goes down when there are too many open credit accounts. I found this out recently when applying for D's car.

BTW, she got a Honda Civic (used) and it and me qualified for the 4.9% interest rate. We had applied at another car place & their rate was 18% !!! Go figure and then go shop around!


#1342802 02/26/03 10:06 AM
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Hi everyone, just a quick check in.. sounds like most everyone is doing well and moving forward. Petvet, I am very sorry to hear that things did not go as well as they should have in court but I know that you are a much stonger person now and will quickly bounce back from this. You know in your heart that you did all you could to save the marriage and you were honest throughout the process, sometimes life is just not fair, but you did your best and that is what really matters in the end.

Things are still going well with us, still trying to sell the house, still in MC, still trying to put the past in the past. It is has proven to be much more difficult that I could ever of imagined. I have heard that it takes atleast 2-3 years to recover, I think that is a conserative estimate as we are now coming up on 1 year in recovery but you stick with and it does get easier. Sorry I have not had much time to spend on these boards lately, work as been busy and I have been trying to spend more time with the family.
God bless everyone
Take care,

#1342803 02/26/03 11:37 AM
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Hi All,


I am pleased to hear that your "H" was cordial to you... bought you a card and flowers. that's better than most "WSs".

Glad that your B-day turned out well. Did all of you go out to eat dinner together? if so... I'm impressed that you and he are getting along so well under the circunstances.

Keep up the good work.


Pardon the pun... "but when it rains it pours". Where was all the water coming from?

It sounds like your attorney gave you some good advice. I would be careful of one thing though. If you are not legally seperated from your "H", you could be liable for any debt load that he may incurr by not filing for "D" or a legal seperation. You sighted the case as far as credit card debt. IMHO, I think that once you are "D", they would have a hard time making you legally responsible for any actions that your X incurred concerning future credit card debt. I ran into that... and it was put to rest immediately. They are going after my exW for it now, as we threatened to sue the issuing Bank if they did not remove my name from the obligation... which they did. But you are correct... you need to close all joint accounts.


I have a suggestion... if your legally seperated from your wife at this moment... you could request to the Courts that you would like it stipulated that there will be no OM in the presence of your children while she has visitation and site the reasons why. I'm not saying that the Courts will grant this... but it has been known to happen in the best interest of the children.

Are you and your children seeing an IC? If not, I would highly recommend that you do. I would also seek out the support of your Church, if you attend one. You need to distance you and your children from that type of behavior that your W is exhibiting.


It's good to hear from you and I'm glad that your making progress in your recovery. I agree with you that a full recovery could take up to 2 to 3 yrs.and that is a conservative estimate.

Keep up the good work and keep us updated when you get a chance.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Stay Strong!


<small>[ February 26, 2003, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Wallace ]</small>

#1342804 02/26/03 12:52 PM
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I have brought this up to my attorney about having OM restricted from being around my children, the problem my attorney said is that he has been a friend of the family(somefriend) for so long that the children would not be too upset by this. I thought that this was a lame excuse but he did tell me that if we went to court on this that we would most likely lose and that this could cause bigger problems during the divorce settlement.

I have myself and kids in IC and also GC so I can only do so much. My W says that counseling for the kids is good its just that when I cant take them do to my work schedule and ask her to take them, she says that " that's something for you and the kids" What a load of crap. She doesn't want to be embarrassed by being at any counseling that deals with divorce even if the counseling is for the kids.

I will continue to focus on myself and my kids and let her live in her own fantasy world of how life is supposed to be. One day she will come to reality but I cant say that I will be there for her.

I hope all is well with you and everyone else.

#1342805 02/26/03 04:57 PM
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Hi Gang!

Hope everyone is doing ok!! Lots of action going here......

To answer the question, what else will exw do to me?? I don't know, each time it's been a surprize, she just knows she could get away with it, she premeditates her plans based on how the last one went...if you're a success why stop...however she may be careful now that she knows I'll let OD know about her dirty work....I'll see how things play out in the next few days........

YD called me yesterday, I wasn't home, she said she really wanted to talk to me....That's a big change...YD could be having trouble, exw found out YD broke the code of silence and told me YD lies and don't believe her <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ..Did she lies?/ or did I hear something. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Take Care

#1342806 02/27/03 02:50 PM
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Hi All,

I hope everyone is having a good day.


Glad to hear that you and your children are seeing a counselor. It helps... so does getting together with other support groups. It works wonders... for both you and your children.

It's unfortunate that your "W" feels that the burden of having your children see a counselor should be your sole responsiblity... but it doesn't surprise me. They create the problem... and then I guess you can deal with it... go figure. But it is all sooooo typical.

I'm not surprised that your attorney decided not to pursue the OM restriction... considering he was a friend and all. It's that old saying, "With friends like that... who needs enemies". What did your IC say about all this?

I would still make a real effort to try to distance yourself and your children as much as possible... as best you can from your wife's antics. IMHO, it's not good for you... and it's not good for your children.


It's good to hear that your YD is opening up to you. keep up those lines of communication with her... it will do nothing but solidify your relationship with her for the long term.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Stay Strong!


<small>[ February 27, 2003, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: Wallace ]</small>

#1342807 02/27/03 02:58 PM
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Hi All -

Hope everyone is doing well. I have had an interesting couple of days and needed to run it by someone objective....

Yesterday I asked my H to pick up our son at school as I was really tired and had a headache (which I really did). He said sure and also said that since I wasn't feeling well he would pick up a pizza so that I didn't have to worry about dinner. He didn't stay over long, but it was a really nice time. He talked a lot, but not about relationship. Since the christening this past weekend it's been more plesant between us. We had a really good time on Sunday also. When we were eating dinner he mentioned that he wasn't eating much unless he passed by his Mom's house to see the kids (she lives in the same town he works and my MIL watches the kids while I work).

Well, this morning I was up pretty early and decided to make him lunch (something I used to do every morning when he was home and I miss doing it). I wasn't sure how it was going to be taken by him, he gets a little uncomfortable when I do things for him - it's a guilt thing. I packed up a lunch and dropped it off with the girls at my MIL and called him to let him know it was there. Just as I thought he was a little taken by it, but said thanks. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />

Well, I just got a voice mail at work saying thanks for the lunch and that he appreciated it. He was pretty upbeat this time. It was a good feeling. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />

What do you think? Am I reading too much into this? Aughhh, I don't want to go back on the rollercoaster again!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

#1342808 02/28/03 06:59 AM
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Hi Y'all...I haven't posted cuz I haven't had a lot to say recently. But I've been reading every day and keeping up <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I think it is great that you and your husband are getting along. Sometimes family events (like Christenings) give them cause for thought. But they also can give the betrayed spouse a sense of false hope. It was a VERY nice gesture that you did, making his lunch and sending it. VERY THOUGHTFUL. But to be honest, I wouldn't read too much into his reaction. It's better to guard your heart at this point in time. I remember being in your place (somewhat) and the let down from thinking "maybe he's changing" can be overwhelming. One gauge I used was "is this action something I would do for a good friend who stopped by?" Such as, would I offer them dinner (yes, I would) or would I type a letter for them (yes), would I offer to help them move (no), etc... So if offering a meal is something you would do as a natural act on your part, then don't feel bad about doing it. But just don't get your hopes up from his response. Only time (and continued similar responses from him) will really let you know.

Me: I got my taxes back from CPA. It is MUCH better than I thought it would be. I owe ~$1000 to Feds but am getting back ~$900 from State, so it's almost a wash! Now I just need to find out if there are withholding adjustments to make for this year. Anyway, I'm very thankful that the numbers are as low as they are!
Also, today my daughter is having lunch with her dad. She's a little apprehensive but they haven't spoken since Christmas and when he invited her, she felt she should. I know it's a good thing for them to have a relationship. I have said here before that she is very mature and sees his actions for what they are, but still I admit a little piece of me hurt when she told me they were getting together. I guess it's because I know he'll use the fact she's seeing him as a reason to think "it's all OK, she accepts my actions, etc.." even though she doesn't - and may tell him that if she's feeling bold enough.

WGTT - please tell me how to make the hearts
Catch y'all later...and if not, have a great weekend!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

#1342809 02/28/03 11:31 AM
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Thanks Avondale, you put me right back into perspective and I needed that. I know it's WAY too soon to think anything of what is going on. But you are right, if I feel ok with doing things for him then I should. I have been holding back lately, a lot. He is noticing also. Even last night when he called to talk to the kids he took a moment to ask me how I was doing. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> I was taken back, I was like someone actually cares how the MOM is doing <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> I was good, didn't make much of it, just said I am doing fine and all is ok. It was short and sweet but he hasn't asked me how I was doing in over a month!

But I have been doing well and I believe that it is because I am being guarded with my feelings. I will continue to do so. And if I feel like doing something nice for H, then I will do so. It will be my choice.

Glad to hear about your taxes, this is such a stressful time trying to figure out the best plan of action.

Hope all goes well with your daugther and lunch. It's good that she is meeting him, but it is incredibly strong of her to let him know her true feelings. Hopefully he will respect her feelings. It sounds like you raised her well!!!

Hope eveyone is doing well & have a good weekend <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

#1342810 03/01/03 01:05 AM
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Hi All,

It's Friday again. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

I'm off to a convention in Las Vegas, returning on Wednesday. There's got to be someplace I can wear my sunglasses! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />


Glad to see your taxes worked out OK. I still haven't gathered my information. I owe every year so I'm not in a hurry.


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">It's better to guard your heart at this point in time </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Avondale gave you good advice there. Sometimes when we want things so badly, we have a tendency to let our emotions play tricks on us, and we see things that aren't really there.

There is no greater hurt than that imposed on us by our out of control emotions.

God Bless

#1342811 02/28/03 02:58 PM
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Hi All,

It looks like we might just make it through another week. I'm on the countdown. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


avondale gave some excellent advice... I would guard your feelings as best you can. I would concentrate on what you want out of life at this point in time. Take this time to begin your healing... be it with or without your "H" in the picture.

I would not live my day based on the actions or lack of action taken by your "H"... it's too draining.


Got your taxes done? Glad to hear that everything is pretty much coming out as a wash. I'm still holding back on doing mine.. I've got plenty going on as it is. I'll wait till the last moment to get them done... like I usually do.

What prompted the dinner with your daughter and your "H"? I understand how you might feel... even though I have yet to experience that type of situation yet... I'm sure in time I will though, it's just a matter of time.


Going to Sin City, hey! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" /> Here... this guy has your glasses... don't forget to take them with you on your trip... you will probably need them. LOL

Have fun while your there. Are you ready for this?

Don't do anything I would'nt do!

LOL... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


How are you making out? I'm getting a little nervous... let us know when you get a chance.

EC, WGTT, Dave, RMA, and FAA...

I hope all is well and I hope that I didn't forget anyone.

Have a good weekend, and see you next month... can you believe this month is pretty well over.

Stay Strong!


#1342812 03/01/03 07:16 AM
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Hi all! Sorry, I have not been around lately. I have been busy doing taxes and some other things including making sure kid stays on track.

Avondale: I'm glad your tax situation looks pretty good. Me, a LADY FRIEND (Smiling)?

The Pits: Yes, I think all of us want a drama-stress free life; however, as long as we have to deal with WS, your life will be much drama and stress.

Other Posts: I would recommend that people stay away from posts and groups that exhibit a lot of anger because they can make one depress. Heck, life is already tough enough.

WGTT: Equalization? The courts don't really give a damn about what the other person has done. The only difference is the CS and alimony issues. Outside of that, everything is equalize. Is it fair, no, but that's what society and the law allows.

Feeling Alone: If I were you, I would go for the order anyway to keep kids from around the OM. What do you have to lose? Why would you want to be kuddly, best friends, happy go lucky with a pair of barracudas? I'm telling you guy that you are being set up for the kill. Be careful!

Dave: It was nice to hear from you again. I wish you well.

Wallace: Alright, alright, alright! Have I missed something? Marriage? O' Boy! I feel the heatwave returning.

Relady: Sweet lady, thanks for the real estate advice. Carlton Sheets? Is he not a scam artist?

EC: Have you seen any great change in your D's attitude towards you since your court date?

Me: As I said before, I have been really busy. Yes, I am still smarting from my experience in court but I am quickly getting over it. My goal is to be the best person and father I can be. I am trying to hit on all cylinders now. There's no stopping me now. Kid's mom is in for a rude awakening as far as I am concern. She will be having a number of surprises from me in the future. I am plowing ahead full force. My attorney sent me a letter saying that she felt that I was still in love with my kid's mom, well, I will be meeting with attorney real soon to set the record straight on a number of issues including what occurred in the courtroom.

And I'm gone.

#1342813 03/01/03 05:56 PM
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