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#1343114 07/29/03 06:18 AM
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Petvet Offline OP
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Hi all!

Eduard: The only thing that the OMW can do at this point if she wants, is to confront her WH about the situation. Based on her mentality and resolve will determine her next step. She may not contact you again. I agree it would be to her advantage to contact you. The big question is whether all this relvalations will end the affair.
Your WW still appears to be in the fog. If she was repentent, she would have probably communicated to you by now.

Avondale: I understand your waiting philosophy.

Me: Buddy's daughter has told her mom that she likes me. She does not like the fact that mom shares shares attention with me and her. She is very self centered and acts like a Queen. She is a arrogant kid at times. She and my son have rivalries like siblings. Both play off eachother.Buddy and I have decided to see how things go moving forward but both agree that blending these two households may not be possible in the forseeable future.


#1343115 07/29/03 05:03 PM
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Hi everyone,

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

I had written a post earlier but I lost it (haven't done that in awhile).


I like the way your allowing all that is concerned with your "H" to be put in the Lord's hands. Allow Him to lead your path and not interfering... Good Idea!


With the letter being sent... your down to damage control at this point.

I have to agree with Petvet... don't look for anything major to change for the time being. Work a good Plan A., and hold off on the Plan B. until you see things deteriorate to the point of no return.

It's as avondale stated... Plan B. is the very last thing you want to do when all else fails.


When kids are put into a situation that they feel threatened with (and add all the changes that everyone has been through), they act out in the manner of what you described. My YD did the same thing and she is 17 yrs.old... so I don't think it knows no Age limits when it comes to kids.

Give it some time... once everyone starts feeling comfortable with the situation over time... things should start getting better.

As far as mixing families is concerned... to me, it's one of the most difficult things you can attempt to do... especially at this early of a stage.

If you look at my past posts... I stated to my G/F, that I will not even consider getting married until all the kids are out on their own... which puts it at about 3 yrs.at the earliest.

So as you can all see... I won't be getting married anytime in the near future.


avondale and Petvet... I think you both bring up some very valid points concerning my G/F and her exH.

I don't think she is making it up about him calling all the time (he even went over to her house to use her computer... I was not a happy camper when I heard about that).

He called again yesterday wanting to talk to his YS (who just happens to have his own cell phone), and she did not say one word about what we had discussed.

Soooooooooo... I'm going to play this game for just a little while longer, and if she doesn't take a stance... I'm going to walk.

Funny thing happened after everything went down with my first "M". I don't put up with very much garbage anymore. I choked on it all with my first marriage... so there isn't very much room to move with any sort of circus sideshows.

I've seen the show before and I didn't care for it very much then... and I like it even less now.

Hope everyone has a good day today.

Stay Strong!


#1343116 07/31/03 09:10 AM
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Hi Everyone

Hope all is fine............

Eu - As others had said, don't expect too much in return getting the letter out. If it's an addiction the WS will just find the next person and you'll just be chasing the wind. That's what happen in my case. I was just the big bad wolf blowing down sandcastles each time I found another OM(5)total, but keep the faith, what's impossible for man is possible with God, but more than anything work on you, you'll never be perfect but renew your mind and be at peace with yourself and have patience...

Me - Check this out, the contempt filing my exww did has turned around on her. Everything she filed, that I had to give to her, she's now giving it all back because I discovered once again the Court made an error <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

She's in contempt of her own filing and she's doing everything possible to settle with me before Aug court date <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

This has been wild...That whole court session in June has turned in my favor by the hand of the Lord. I had no lawyer and they hammered me and dragged me down like scum.....

Boy, I tell you what, when you trust the Lord and are honest he shows himself strong when people unjustly do you wrong. It's amazing because I went through the "fire" the court session, but the Lord was in the mist of it and I didn't get burned coming out....Like Jesus, all the judge could say regarding that case was " I find no fault with this man". release him...

Now when I go to court in Aug the court is going to address the errors they made they're admitting to:

Relief from Judgement regarding CS arrearage and now this contempt error....

I'm just so amazed because as Arrogant and mean as that lady hearing officer/judge was, she was wrong the whole time...It's sad because this is just proof people go to prison or jail falsely accused from court error...

What's more scary is they're making errors giving people divorces, some people maynot actually be divorced because the court made an error, wouldn't that be something? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

The battle is the Lord's...........

#1343117 08/01/03 12:38 AM
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EC - that is GREAT news! Keep us posted about your court date in August. You certainly deserve a reprieve from all the grief your exww and court has put you through.

Wallace - what's new with you and g/f and her exh ?

Relady - are you back from the beach yet? Give us a report!

Petvet - I'm glad the talk with buddy's daughter went well. Hopefully things will settle down for all of your sakes.

Eduard - Any more updates about the email you sent?

Me - Nothing new, just sitting around with this horrible overcast weather! Summer is supposed to be sunny, not like this! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

#1343118 07/31/03 02:53 PM
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Hi all,


That's some really good news you have there. I'll bet your exW is trying to settle with you... I wouldn't want to be in your exW's shoes and walk into Court with that hanging over my head. Your situation gives me some hope concerning mine. I'm like you... I'm going to let the Lord deal with it... it will all come out in "His" time.


I knew relady should of taken a lap top with her. She could of sat out in the sun and got a nice tan... and told us about everything that was going on.

Hows things going on your end? My G/F said her exH is calling just about everyday... so I'm about ready to tell her to hit the road if things don't change soon.

Hope everyone is having a good day today.

Stay Strong!


#1343119 08/01/03 08:06 AM
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Petvet Offline OP
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Hi all!

EC: Good news. I hope things continue to go in your favor.

Wallace: Yep! Somethings not right. Watch out.


#1343120 08/01/03 01:08 PM
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Wow, this thread made it past 100 pages! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> And I started posting on page 28...Petvet, did you realize how long it's impact would be when you started it?

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

<small>[ August 01, 2003, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: avondale25 ]</small>

#1343121 08/01/03 05:26 PM
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Hi all,

Well I'm winding down from a very busy work week and I'm getting ready to start my weekend.

I had some very interseting news last night via my YD.

Evidently no has heard from my OD since Father's Day so my YD called her last night and they talked for I'm not sure how long.

Well anyway... my OD stated to my YD last night, that on Father's Day, my exW called my OD a number of times and left messages on her voice mail. My exW wanted her to come over to my exW's apartment and meet her new "Husband", on Father's Day of all days. To me... that's just warped and sick thinking. She should of called her on any other day to make such an annoucement... but my exW... being the sick and twisted person she is... picked Father's Day to bring it into our family. She also stated in one of her many mesages to my OD that day... to have my YD call her, because she wanted to have a relationship with her. If she wanted a relationship with her... maybe she should of paid at least one CS payment instead of nothing... no contact... nothing for almost a year and half... so much for the relationship.

IMO, that takes a lot of nerve to do such a thing... especially on Father's Day.

Needless to say my OD didn't mention a word to me about any of this. My YD had to get it out of her.

Well to make a long story short... I have ceased all contact with my OD... possibly for a very long time. I'm not going to let her go back and tell my exW about everything that me and my family are doing... especially when I know she has contact with her Mom annd tells her everything that we have going on. I asked my OD to get the apartment number of my exW... so I could give it to the child support enforcement people so they can finish up this CS mess.

To date she refuses to give me the apartment number... she says she doesn't have it, which I know is a lie.

So needless to say I am not happy with my OD.

I'm really questioning all of my relationships I have when I catch people in a lie that I have known and trusted... I'm even rethinking my relationship with my G/F.

I think I'm just going to just lay low for a couple of years until I clear out all the garbage in my life, and then maybe I might be ready to get involved with someone... I wouldn't bet on it though... I still have an ugly taste in my mouth over the whole thing.

It's like I'm reliving this whole mess all over again... I'm really getting tired of it all.

Well enough of my ranting and raving... I hope you all have a very good weekend... I know I'm going to try.

Stay Strong!


#1343122 08/03/03 02:46 PM
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Hey Wallace,

My heart goes out to you. Just be sure your GF didn't or is not using you as a rebound, as I said before a rebound is just like a drug, once it wears off, the person hardly remembers you...

Below is a message my OD sent me also some dialog between me and exww. OD wanted assistance with some college stuff but I told exw, I 'd be more than happy to help her, but it would be nice if she called or wrote sometime. I said she acts like she hates me or something, I said who would give money freely to somebody that treated you that way daily for years?..Exw secretly passed message to OD and she responds and also OD don't know what's happening with the court stuff, I replied in love and assured her I love her anyway for life.

This may give you some idea what it would be like to talk to your OD and exww, it can be draining and frustrating....


I have no hatred for you. I really don't need the money for books because I can handle it myself; however, I only said something because I wanted to see what you'd say. I must admit that my belief was correct. You said
exactly what I thought you'd say.
You were also right about one thing, I am an adult
now. The reason you don't hear from me much is because
you're still doing this mess with mom. The two of you
are going to court again for the second time in the
course of no more than a month. That is ridiculous. I
wish I didn't have to feel like I didn't want to be
bothered, but everytime I thing about why you're going
to court again is because you don't agree with what
the law told you to do, which is take care of us. In
reality the law shouldn't have to do that. I would
assume that the bible would and since you are a Christian man so
that wouldn't be a hard concept for you to grasp.
It shouldn't make a difference whether or not you live
with us. The fact that you helped create us hasn't
changed. Because you're making such a big deal about
it, it makes me feel like you regret even having us
because you fight the fact that you have to take care
of us so much. Would it make you feel better if you
didn't have to pay a dime? That's why I don't ask you
for anything. I work hard enough to take care of
myself because I don't want to deal with that.

I know that
it must hurt- being divorced from someone you've spent
quite a bit of time with, but doing what you're doing
now won't help you move on. You can take all you want
from her and be revengeful, but where does that leave
you in the end? You've spent all this time trying to
ruin someone who's already moved on and is at least
trying to be civil with you because of the things that
you both share, me and YD
This is my last attempt to tell you what's on my
mind and to talk to you with maturity. I have decided
that I want peace among all of us and if the only way
I can get that is &#8224;o back away, I'll do that. I want
you to know that me and YD still love you , but all of
this has to stop. I can't live like this anymore. If
you'd like to respond that's fine. In fact I would
appreciate it. I guess I'll hear from you soon.

My Email to exw-

I'm happy for you and your boyfriend's relationship,
I hope you guys stay together and get married soon,
I hope he's treating you well and making you happy.
Tell the girls they don't have to hide him anymore,
I'm sure he'll make a good father and friend for
them. That's great he's taking you to work and YD where she needs to go, it's only the right thing to
do, I'm glad he moved in and took over my role in helping you guys out less for me to be concerned
I guess in reallity you blessed me by going to him
and the others, it's amazing what I thought was a
bad thing turned into a blessed thing, I never
dreamed you're leaving was for all these good things
to take place. Jobs wife turned on him, Josephs
family betrayed him, mis-understood him,forsook him,
but God was only setting him up to be blessed....His pain and aloneness was only to bring the dream to pass......He went from the Pit to the Palace, ended up a wealthy man and a father figure and example unto many.

Her response:

Please make sure you quote what I say correctly. I
NEVER said he moved in, I NEVER said he was trying to
be anything other than a friend. He is not their
father. That is and will always be YOUR responsibility
regardless of how much concern you give to it.
I'm saving
that email because you can NEVER again tell me the DV was
the wrong thing.

I have to agree with you, I told you way back in the
beginning that you would see this differently later
on. That you would be so much happier after the
divorce. I'm glad you finally agree that this was the
right thing for the both of us. As difficult as it was
for the both of us, God has managed to take what was
horrible and make something good of it. And we have
nothing but great things to look forward to.

I have NEVER doubted that God would bless you
abundantly as he will everyone who seeks Him. You
could very well be the next Job. I was listening to
Joyce Meyers this morning. She said one of our biggest
problems is we get jealous when someone else is
blessed and wonder why we didn't get what they got. I
had to laugh cause I totally agree.

At this point in my life obtaining wealth is a very
low priority. God promised to supply my needs
regardless of whether it be wealth, land, houses,
etc... Whatever it is, it's promised. I've been very
blessed to be close to a man who is a millionaire. In
fact he's in town right now and I had dinner with him
last night. He's an older man... about 60 or so. It's
incredible to see and hear his take on life now that
he can do whatever he wants. He lives very humbly and
I tell you he's just blessed me beyond measure in

Those are the riches I want... knowledge and

What's funny she's 39, 60+, geezzz <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> anyway lots of stuff here, still her guilt and justification. Her BF been around since 2001 the very one that told me "My wife belong to him' and I messed up and mad death threats...

I wrote what I did above to exw because I'm trying to get over this guy, May 2004 is my YD graduation. He was at my OD graduation 2002 but I didn't see him, lucky me, but I got to get over this, so I figure why not bless her and him and free myself......She's going to try to get this guy in front of me at all cost in 2004....So I have 9 months.....If any body wants to correct me on anything I'm all ears..

Take Care

#1343123 08/03/03 09:41 PM
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Hi <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> I had to read this twice to make sure I was understanding it. I know things aren't always what they appear, but your exww sure sounds like she's got it all together.

I was very saddened when I read the email from your OD. Obviously she has so much hurt and is under a total misconception about the financial situation with you and exww. Why didn't you correct it and set her straight on that? I thought you had taken a stand and explained all that to your OD back in the winter...didn't you? Do you plan on responding to her email at all?

In your email to exww, you failed to mention what OD said at all (unless you didn't include it here). And since you didn't ask for our comments BEFORE you sent it, what would be the point of us giving you feedback? Something did stand out to me, and if you want my response I'll be glad to give it. However, if there were criticisms of your email, what would you do? Send a corrected one to your exww?

Another question...Is this older man the b/f you referred to that you were trying to "get over"? Or was that someone else? If the riches your exww wants are "knowledge and understanding", you know that there are better riches than those! She can settle for that, but those two things are NOT God's best!

And your last paragraph, you mention that you "have 9 months". You have 9 months for what? Does this date have more significance than just when YD graduates and your support ends?

Anyway, I realize this is just a lot of questions for you; maybe you can clarify some things for us. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

<small>[ August 03, 2003, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: avondale25 ]</small>

#1343124 08/03/03 09:47 PM
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Heya Avondale,

No responses from OM's W. My WW did respond to my email so I guess back to Plan A LoL. After the initial outburst from the OM's W finding out I haven't had much contact with WW and I'm trying my best to not LB, be clingy, ask any irrelevant questions or offer too much insight to my well being. She wants to meet next weekend for lunch to talk and ask a few questions "about nothing in general." So we'll see <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> I'm not expecting anything and preparing for the worst. I just pray for insight each day as to the path I'm being directed towards taking by God.

God bless!

#1343125 08/04/03 11:47 AM
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Hi Avondale,

I know this long but I want to respond to your questions about OD. Once again OD is speaking from the view point from the lie&#8217;s exww is telling her. Exww is telling OD I purposely don&#8217;t want to take care of them by correcting the court error. Exww tells OD the emancipation took place because I didn&#8217;t want to take care of her and not because she turned 18 and out of highschool. Exww is telling her all these things and the only thing my OD is seeing is the action the courts are taking so it all appears to be true, but what can you do? You have a woman purposely turning true intentions and laws against me for the Love OF Money at any cost. While OD is pain there is nothing I can do but pray and hope she comes and visits me oneday, I&#8217;m sure if I had to show her paper proof, she would change her whole heart, but I tried to not involve her, but exww treats her as a friend telling every detail but twist info rather than being a mother and try to bring healing in the matter

I did respond to OD after she wrote me;

Glad to hear from you. I understand your points however since you don&#8217;t know the truth and been told a lie, I could see why you feel the way you do. My going to court is not excessive. In Feb 2003 I went to court for the emancipation. In June 2003 I went to court because I didn&#8217;t file the right papers in Jan 2002 to reflect the time I was unemployed. During the last court session in June 2003, I discovered an error and the judge was mad at me for not finding it in prior sessions.

When the court session was over in June 2003, I thought it was done but the court sent me a letter and said they rescheduled another court date in August 2003 because of court error and they said they&#8217;ll call this session Relief from Judgment. This was there doing not mine I thought it was over, I was shocked! Also your mom filed a contempt of court thing against me over $60.00 and other things and now once again the court made an error on that also and that has to be addressed.

I want to say I think you are a wonderful person, I hope you continue to accomplish great things....

I think your mom is a wonderful mom, that's why I married her...She has a lot of good things going for her and lot of them she's buried. We may all sin at times but only when we cease and ask for Gods grace will we be set free from the matter. God loves us all and will run to our every need.

I don't look down on her, I look up to her, I'm more disappointed then anything because the road she took could have been avoided and you guys had to go down it, but if you're ok with that then I am and hope you're happy with the outcome...

As I always said I'll love you for life and you were and still are the joy of my life and my big baby from the very day you were born. You don't have to live your life avoiding me, what a waste.....One day you and me are going to have a make up time for the things we lost.....

I think you're the greatest...

Love Dad


While it does sounds like exww has it altogether that&#8217;s part of the game and lie. You have to understand she is a &#8220;Master&#8221; of Manipulation.

Her BF is currently driving her around and my kids because her car broke down this week and she didn&#8217;t have the money to get it fixed, but tells me she is saving money lots of money and is not struggling financially.

The truth about the older man? Well now she said it&#8217;s her father in town. Is he a millionaire? No! He works a part-time job to stay afloat&#8230;..It&#8217;s all part of lie and game. That&#8217;s why she said referring to me &#8220;She said one of our biggest problems is we get jealous when someone else is blessed and wonder why we didn't get what they got. I had to laugh cause I totally agree&#8221;.

While she says she laughed, it&#8217;s a lie, it&#8217;s anger and the wanting of vengeance&#8230;.This is more of &#8220;Why did I leave him and he&#8217;s prospering? Why was I so unhappy and Dv&#8217;d him and he&#8217;s moving on?. I left him in debt but he&#8217;s climbing out? It&#8217;s all resentment.

You have to remember, this is a woman who turned my brother and sisters against me until I exposed what she was doing secretly, they didn&#8217;t know she was having multiple affairs and didn&#8217;t know why I was acting they way I was, they thought I was flipping out and they turned on me. Once they found out they were mad because she nearly destroyed our family relationship. Now she is doing the same thing with my OD and YD. They see actions but don&#8217;t why, they think Dad is trying neglect them and taking there mom to court in spite. She presents one thing but another is going on&#8230;

Why mentioning of the 9 month date? That&#8217;s when I go to YD graduation, Exww&#8217;s current BF who has been in the picture since 2001 will be there, they are sex partners and he&#8217;s more than she&#8217;s referring to. They have no furniture in the house so when he comes over they&#8217;re in the bedroom&#8230;.I hate that my daughters have to see that.

As I said she is super sly, she knows just how to sound right and sound logical but she&#8217;s a snake&#8230;.My exww is no different than Bill Clinton, say all the right words, present a good image in front of everyone, but behind the scenes, living the most corrupt ultimate lie ever, Bill Clinton during his time in affairs said he listens to Billy Graham, but it&#8217;s all a form of Godliness and denying the power there of and he was so convincing. Manipulation is a form of witchcraft, it seduces it&#8217;s victim, it&#8217;s a form of control&#8230;.she has it mastered.

That&#8217;s why I was controlled by sex and weakened not to be a leader, it&#8217;s part of the control and manipulation she inflicted me with.

What you see more than anything is a woman that left her husband she went to her end and now she&#8217;s trying to back track in going back to what she had and where she came from(Not me) But as you see now she&#8217;s not making any commitment to her BF&#8230;..It&#8217;s not listed here but a lot of emails are now wanting things back that she forsook. When you wake up and realize it was all and illusion, you start remembering all that you had to the point of envy of what you lost and you want to return&#8230;..Most prodigals do

Hosea 2 &#8211;

6 Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths. 7 And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now..

This is another email I sent to exww that also prompted some of her response.


I don't want to war anymore, we fought long enough and i'm tired, let's call a truce, nobody won, ok. Yes i've made errors, who's perfect? Despite that, I still feel the divorce was wrong eventhough the adversity of it pushed me ahead in life. God does turn the bad things people do to you into good things, I couldn't see it at first and nobody can until God works a work in the matter...

I hope I don't give you an impression life's been some great big party and celebration since you left because it hasn't been, it's been painful as death, it's a process but joy slowly cometh, however I'm glad I went from marriage to singleness and found me rather than from marriage, to commitment in another relationship. Yes, I'm much stronger.

Yes, the divorce is over and as you see, I'm glad you have a boyfriend and hopefully you will marry him that would be great.

#1343126 08/04/03 04:44 PM
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EC - Thanks for sharing those additional emails. It helps explain a lot more. In the first email you posted yesterday to your exww, it sounded to me, like you were basically "writing off" not only your exww (which is fine) but also your kids, which I didn't think you meant. That's the way I read it.

But one thing I've noticed for a while now is that you very seldom -if ever- defend yourself against their false accusations. Humility in the right circumstances is a virtue. However, if you take on humility in the wrong way, it doesn't glorify God by letting yourself or your stance be walked all over on. We both know that in the end, righteousness will win, but in the meantime, doors could close, too. Just be careful, ok?

I'm glad you did write those additional things to your daughter.

Your patience and selflessness really show in your posts!

Eduard - I think it's a positive sign that your ww wants to meet with you. We've all been there, and as you realize, don't get your hopes up. But do Plan A the whole time - from choosing the place to what clothes to wear. Let us know what happens.

#1343127 08/04/03 10:08 PM
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Avondale - Thanks for the advice and encouragement, I will consider what you say. You are a real jewel in the eyes of God...

I will agree I may have been pushed over but I'm glad it's almost over. I find it interesting as I get closer to the end my exww is fighting harder, now she wants to sue me for having some Walmart dinner plates we once shared <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Price $25.00 <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> she just won't stop, these are items I listed I wanted?

I think now that she has had a chance to taste several men now she see's who I am and that I'm a nice guy, so nice she thinks she can do as she wants but right now it's only because the court is involved and hanging over my head. Once thats over, watch out. She know's my plan is to be done with her and restore my relationship with my kids......so now she's trying do and get as much possible before then.

Thank You for praying for me I know all these good things didn't happen on there own....court is in 2 weeks..I think this one will close some doors..

#1343128 08/06/03 07:17 AM
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Petvet Offline OP
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Hi all!

Avondale: To be honest with you, I have never given the longevity of this thread a thought because I am just happy its here to help people.

EC: You know, the least contact or interactions of all sorts you have with your exw, the better you are going to be. The more you try to straighten things out, the more your exw wants to come back at you. If you are not careful, you will be dealing with her outrage for the rest of your life.

Wallace: I cannot blame you. I would discontinue contact with OD as well. She has taken sides and your exw is using that to her advantage.

Eduard: As you have said, don't expect anything from your meeting with your ww. Just keep an open mind.


#1343129 08/06/03 11:43 AM
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Hey All,

I hope everyone is fine under the circumstances.

Nope, didn't drown in the ocean! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> I had a wonderful relaxing vacation. Before returning I stayed an extra few days in Ft. Lauderdale looking at property. WOW! No wonder everyone retires in Florida. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> It's beautiful, housing is affordable and especially beachfront.

And when I returned, I had finals to face. ugh!

Vacations are definitely a mind altering drug, we need more.

I'll be back later to comment on some rather interesting posts after I catch up. Just wanted you to know, I'm still here and the situation is still the same.

God Bless,

#1343130 08/06/03 03:11 PM
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Well Gang

Looks like Relady is back and she said she had some things to say later...OH BOY! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

Ok Relady here's the order to follow - <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

Go after Wallace first <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> He's ready...

Go after Petvet second because he's like a wild buck that's broken down the fence <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> He's after his doe...

Make me third because by the time you get to me, you'll be tired and wanna quit... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Then fourth go after Ed, he's new and has to be broke in by the ladies here <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Welcome back I'm glad you had fun...it's true the ocean has a way of pulling you in and wanting you to live by it, that's why there are so many snowbirds... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />

Take Care

#1343131 08/08/03 11:17 AM
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Hi All,

Well it has been a very busy and interesting week for me... so I haven't really had much time to get on-line and see how things are going with everyone.


Thank you for sharing your personal email with allof us... it gives us more of a perspective of what is going on in your life. Two weeks to go and hopefully it will be all over and you can truly move forward without any sideline activities from the exW. I'll bet your looking forward to that!

I hope everything goes your way on your Court date.


I have ceased all contact with my OD and this is the reason's why.

I have never accepted the fact that she is living with her B/F, and she went against my wishes that she finish school first and then look at the possibility of marriage after that... well she chose to do none of them.

My OS's Birthday came and went and not so much as even a telephone call to at least wish him a "Happy Birthday"... she is reminding me with her recent actions of someone who I was associated with... my exW.

My YD went to a friends apartment with some of her friends to go swimming... and lo and behold she ran into my exW and her new "H". Evidently my exW and her new "H" are apartment managers there.

They had about a one hour conversation, and my exW knew everthing there was to know that was going on in my life... compliments of my OD.

Well my YD got every piece of info she could get from my exW. We now know where she lives, works, phone numbers, etc. My YD said it was one of the most disgusting moments in her life... talking with her Mom, and seeing their apartment. There is more... but I won't bore you with all the details.

The next day I immediately got in touch with the Child Support Enforcement and gave them all the info on my exW that they needed to get this ball rolling in the right direction.

I knew my OD was telling lies about everything. So to make a long story short... I am going to cease all contact with my OD until she shows some signs of not trying to play both sides, and make a move to hopefully put her life in the right direction.

She needs to show some consideration for others and she needs to quit being so selfish and self centered.

Until she starts showing signs of doing any the above mentioned items... I'm all done with her.

My mind is made up and I'm not even going to consider whether I'm right or wrong in this particular situation... you reach a point where you just say... enough is enough, and at that point it's time to call it a day.


Glad to hear that you had a nice time at the beach. I think I could use a little of that right about now. It does sooth the senses.


Are you upset with me because of the stance I've taken? I hope not... but if you are... I would like to hear your opinion on it all.

Well I hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend.

Stay Strong!


<small>[ August 08, 2003, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: Wallace ]</small>

#1343132 08/08/03 01:21 PM
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Hi Wallace,

I truly understand your point about your OD.....At some point you realize they're your big baby but then again they're the stubborn woman also and sometime you have to seperate the two.

Your OD is going to miss her blessing and gift in her life and that is you. Another man (boyfriend or husband) can't fill the void what a father can give his child.

Ok, on a funny note <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ... In curiosity I was just searching the net to see if anybody had my name out there and I ran across exww's personal ad <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


Location: Florida
Age: 39
Marital Status: Single And Looking
Gender: Female

Wouldn't her BF love to see that! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

He is such a control freak..

Anyway I had to laugh when I saw it, because she's playing him also....When does it ever stop?? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

She told me the other day, since her car is broke, he's driving them around everywhere, cooking dinner, blah,blah,blah, it's apparent he's a sucker and she's stringing him along <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> She last updated her profile July 25th about 2 weeks ago. Hmmm together since 2001...Still looking <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ?? I wonder why?

Take Care

#1343133 08/08/03 03:00 PM
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Wallace , I know that was a hard decision to make about no contact with your OD and I'm sure you didn't do it without a lot of thought. I feel sorry for your YD, having to once again run into her mother in an awkward situation - in front of her friends, no less! It sounds like she handled it as well as possible, by getting the info you've needed for so long now. And it did prove to you that your OD was lying <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> Please keep in mind that your exww is probably feeding lies to her, too, just as in EC's case. But I think you're doing the right thing. Watch out that YD doesn't get caught in the middle now, between you and your OD. Has this development put your dilemma with g/f on hold?

EC - great use of the smileys there! LOL Sounds like your exww isn't very happy and is covering all her bases! Maybe you should look up her b/f email address and forward the info to him (anonymously, of course, by making up a fake email addy with yahoo or hotmail).

Relady - welcome back...do you have any interesting stories to tell????

Eduard Is your lunch this weekend? Let us know how it goes.

Petvet <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Have a great weekend, everyone!

<small>[ August 08, 2003, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: avondale25 ]</small>

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