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#1343514 06/18/04 06:15 PM
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To All

*chuckles* No, no one scared me away. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Just have been busy with work and other things that seem to crop up now and then.

Praying that all is well with everyone and I can see that I have a few post to catch up on and will plan to tonight or tomorrow. If not, then next week as the children and I are off to a week of Church Summer Camp starting Sunday Morning.

Which of course brings up the latest in our lives. I received an email from my boss today asking if I could travel to her town to work next week. It was only later that she remembered that I had already scheduled vacation for that week but the dilema was that an employee was retiring and I needed to learn what I could about her job and functions before she exited the door.

She understood the commitment to the children and asked if I would talk to my former to see if something could be worked out. The two older children could go and have a good week without me as they each have been for the past 5 years. The hitch was the YD. This was her first year getting to go as a pre-camper which requires a parent to be there also. I was going as camp photographer so she was really happy that she also was getting to go.

I called the former wife and explained what was going on and that my boss and I had discussed it but she wanted to know if anything could be worked out.

What about YD, if you do not go she will not be able to and I am not going.

I understand that. It was something that just came up and my boss asked if I could make the arrangements if possible.

If your job depends on it then I can understand. If not, I would like to think that you would honor your commitment to your family and children. This has been planned for some time now.

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> No...I did not respond to her comment, honor your commitment to your family and children. I just gritted my teeth and changed the subject. Why? Probably just bait to get me to respond so she can once again justify her anger and her decisions.

But am I missing something here?

I will admit I allowed an atmosphere, or contributed to it for our marriage to reach the point of disaster, BUT her with 2 boyfriends prior to her filing divorce and a new one only days later and she wants to spout about honor and commitment.

It is what it is! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Praying that all are well and I will try to get bacl tonight. Canceled cable due to fiances so had to change to a dial up ISP. It makes it rather hard to get on when you wait 10 minutes for a page to load. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

#1343515 06/20/04 06:22 AM
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Petvet, Wallace, Everlasting Compassion, Trusting

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Happy Father's Day! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

If your thoughtfulness in posting is any indication, I know you guys desire to be and ARE super dads despite the circumstances your parental route has taken. Have a great day!

#1343516 06/20/04 04:17 PM
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Hi All!

Thanks Avondale, hope your weekend is going great!

Question for anyone - Have you had a joint debt with your xspouse that you were successful in removing your name, without having to either sell the item or pay it off to get your name removed from the debt?

#1343517 06/21/04 06:07 AM
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Petvet Offline OP
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Hi all!

Avondale: Good job Madam! As far as alimony is concern, it is pretty much up to you to come up with a figure. Hit him for a percentage of his earnings. Your attorney has to have some formula for figuring this stuff out. HAVE NO MERCY! His salary should be public record if teaches at a public institution and you need to get a subpoena to get the sales figures from his recordings plus royalties. I think the sticky point with alimony is normally the length of time.

EC: Depending on the property, Quit Claim Deed will remove name from the property, but you will have to get your ex to sign the document.

Me: Had a good Father's Day.


#1343518 06/21/04 11:51 AM
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Happy Father's Day a day late! I thought of you guys yesterday and wanted to post and wish you a good day but was out all day and too spent by night to write. Anyhow I hope all you fathers had a great day. I ditto Avondale's comments about you all seeming like a caring group of dads. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

I could really use your prayers and help concerning a situation I'm currently facing. My husband is refusing to let me see his phone bills. It has been a couple of years since I've asked to see them. Because his past affairs have been long distance, phone bills have been part of the accountability and trust building process. He has always said I could see them, I just needed to ask. Well, I asked a couple of weeks ago and explained to him that I was feeling uneasy about some things and could use some reassurance that everything was okay. He told me he would think about it and let me know later. Well, his answer on Friday was a big, solid NO.

His refusal to show them to me could be one of two things.... he's guilty of yet another affair or he is just being highly inconsiderate and obstinate. Either choice isn't good. BUT what do I do with it???? I know I need boundaries here but short of filing is there anything else I can do? I've already expressed to him my great disappointment and lack of understanding in regard to his decision. He said he feels good about his decision and that he has to have his limits. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> He is extremely controlling, so this might just be yet another control issue. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Thanks for the input.


So sorry about your wifes comment. I know that had to hurt and was just so amazing based on where she has been. You were wise to not respond. I know from personal experience that taking the "bait" just leads to further exasperation. You and God both know the truth of who is committed in your relationship. And who walks with honor and integrity. Just keep telling yourself the truth of that. Hope your week away with your kids or work goes well.

#1343519 06/21/04 02:49 PM
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Hi All,

A belated "Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers... I hope you had a vey enjoyable day.

Sorry it took me so long to post... but I had a very busy week last week (we are short on people due to vacations), and I spent most of my weekend just enjoying all my kids for the most part.


Well it seems like you and your "H" are taking the best route you can in consideration of the division of property.

As far as Alimony is concerned... I think that depends on the State your in. Most States do allow for alimony... and in most cases... it is based on the percentage of earnings the other spouse makes... as well as the Judge and the way he wants to initiate the formula for allowing for alimony.

You will most likely have to be able to prove to the Judge what your "H's" earnings are and what his potential may be at this point in time.

I didn't have to pay any alimony, as I took on all the debt load, etc. So the Judge awarded her nothing in that case.

You should consult your Attorney on it... as he should be well aware of what you are capable of getting.

It appears it's just a matter of time now as far as the final outcome on your "M". I'm very sorry to hear that he is still staying the course.

Concerning your "H" wanting to get together for dinner with you and all the kids. I don't find that request very strange... IMHO, I think he is missing what he lost, as he may want to try to reconnect with you and your children so the pain of what he has lost is not as great. In other words... "have his cake and eat it too!"

I can understand your children not possibly wanting to do this. My kids, as well as most IMO would probably feel the same way.


I had joint debt with my exW... and I ended paying off all of it... that was my only way out.

What kind of debt are we talking about? That makes a difference.

To thebest of my knowledge a Quit Claim Deed will only transfer property... it will not however transfer the debt. You have to either pay the existing loan off, or refinance it in yours or her name only.

The only way to possibly remove yourself to a certain degree that I know of... is have either of the spouses involved... take claim to it... and pay it off. If the spouse doesn't pay... and it's a joint debt... then they will more than likely hold both you and her responsible.

You can get your debts incurred by both you and your exW... split up by the Judge... but if they don't pay what they are responsible for... the debtor(s) will still be responsible for the amount owed. In other words... the creditor will still seek you out if your name is on the loan... or whatever it may be.

Hope that made some sense EC.


Glad to hear that you had a good Fathers Day!


Your husbands refusal to show you his telephone bill doesn't sound real good I'm sorry to say.

If he really wants to put the "M" in good standing and earn your trust and respect... it doesn't appear that he is trying very hard IMHO.

Since he is a "Controller"... it may be that he wants to have the upper hand on this one... or it could swing the other way... he may be hiding something.

I would just keep your eyes open, and say some more prayers... things will expose themselves for what it's real worth is, in time.

Trusting Him...

I as well am sorry to hear that your "W" made that type of comment.

Is she seeing any type of IC?

Well I hope you get this worked out... it sounds like there is just not enough of you to go around.


Well I had a good weekend and a great Father's Day!

Hope everyone has a good day today.

Stay Strong!


<small>[ June 21, 2004, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Wallace ]</small>

#1343520 06/21/04 03:15 PM
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Trusting - I wonder if you’re at Church Camp after all....hope things go well with whatever the outcome was regarding your kids/wife/job situation.

Leah - I’m at a loss as to what to say. Is your husband THAT inconsiderate and controlling? I mean, to me his reaction was the epitome of both traits! You are a special woman indeed to put up with that! So let’s assume he IS having an affair. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> I think you would want concrete, solid evidence before confronting him. Have you thought about getting his phone records another way? Via internet, perhaps? Or going to his office? Or is that much snooping uncomfortable for you? How did you see the bills during previous affairs? You also said
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">He said he feels good about his decision and that he has to have his limits. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Of course he feels good about the decision, because it suits HIM. But what is this about HIS limits?? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> In the past, have you seen any counselors? What would they have said? Could you “quote them” to your husband (since he’s not listening to you)?

We’ll continue to pray that God will show positive proof to you if he IS having an affair, or to give you peace if he’s not. I’m sorry that his actions do not seem encouraging.

<small>[ June 21, 2004, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: avondale25 ]</small>

#1343521 06/21/04 07:24 PM
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Hi All,

Wallace - The debt is a joint auto loan, however exw was awarded the car as we agreed, problem is I would like to get my name off of it, but so far can't unless it's sold, refinanced, etc...

Leah - I agree with the others, you will need to get the facts and get peace. He may be a controller but you find most controllers are fearful of people when you get down to the core of them. Look at Sadam Hussen, hiding in a Rats Hole <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> How low can you go...

As you know open exposure to an affair is the best thing a BS can do.

We can be a:
Peace Keeper and set back and watch things fall apart, knowing the cause.

Or we can be a Peace Maker and bust up what's happening, eventhough it's uncomfortable and painful for all parties..

Or we can be a Truce Maker and live in a False peace knowing things were never settled and war lashes out with every word and action.......

I remember I was sleep one night, one eye opened, one eye closed, lights were out and exww was on the PC and I knew she clicked send. I then got up and asked to see her email account, now this was after guy #2. She told me she gave me all her email account names, and was open to anything I wanted to see prior, etc.... Now she refused and argued and told me I was wrong and to stay out of her private business, defensive and said she sent the email to her cousin in CA @ 1:00am, and what's my problem... Well after time went by that cousin happened to be guy #3.

I'm not saying your H is back at it again, but it sure don't look good. Get the facts...My exww said she didn't want to cooperate because "I was tracking her" as the WS call it when you connect the smell with the food source. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Sometimes that smell, is the smell of a dead rat(OM/OW) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> and it ain't pretty.....

Avondale - How are you doing these days? Are you staying encouraged?

Petvet - As I told Wallace, it's an auto loan, so a Quiting Deed Claim wouldn't work, but thanks for the info.

Trusting Him - Stay encouraged this mess does pass and there is a happy ending.

Me: Nothing new, just living life.....

A Fathers Day thought - A daddy will drop a seed in a woman and go about his business never to look back again the seed....

A Father will drop a seed in a woman and cultivate the seed and help it grow into something great and wonderful....

Oh do we need more Fathers today!

A love fact:

When you truly love someone, it will hurt you to see them hurt, it would hurt you to hurt them, it will grieve you to see them grieve.

Take Care

#1343522 06/21/04 08:17 PM
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Thanks Everyone,

I appreciate your input. One of the things that's so frustrating is the lack of ability to track anything. Because my husband has his own business, everything is under lock and key and away from any possible scrutiny. All his computer activities, correspondence, financial stuff and phone bills,etc. are sent and filed away at his place of business.

QUESTION... Do you all think it would be wrong to pursue a separation based on the lack of given accountability? It seems that I need to either accept living like this, very separate lives, with no reassurance of fidelity, or I need to pursue a divorce. Can you think of any other reasonable measures that might fall in between??? With his need for independence and freedom and his given personality, I just can't think of any other in between ground.

I'm so heartbroken for the sake of the girls. Every time I think of them I keep thinking there has to be a way to make this work. But I think I'm running out of options. <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />

Thank you all for being here. I appreciate you bunches.

#1343523 06/21/04 08:41 PM
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EC - Here’s a thought...Sell the car to your XWW for $1 (assuming you didn't want to make a ton of money off it!). That way you can get your name off and it is something she can afford. I would think she’d be agreeable to that price, and it would be taking it off your hands. She could mail you the title, you get it notarized, and send it back. Would that work? When do your daughters arrive??

Leah - Are you saying you don’t have a key to his business? If he goes out of town for the day(s) why can’t you go in there and play detective? I personally would love to do this for you. Just give me the address! I’m not kidding. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> What is his office set up (other employees, security guards, check in at gates, etc.)? I absolutely HATE that evil has crept into so many marriages, yours being just one of them. Mine is another. I remember when you first posted, you talked about your marital problems being spiritual in nature. The same is true of my marriage. Have you talked to a counselor (Harleys?) lately about this? Maybe you should talk to your minister about your husband's latest secret behavior (w/cell phone bill). I would not presume to say “leave” or “stay” without personally knowing more about your situation, but someone who is a professional might be more inclined to give an opinion.
I guess my motto is, stay as long as you can. When your grace for staying runs out, you’ll know it and if God doesn’t refill your grace container, then maybe it’s time for separation. I don’t know what your state’s laws are, but I don’t think anyone would recommend going straight from marriage to divorce. Perhaps the actual separation might “WAKE UP” your husband. We can pray for that, anyway.

<small>[ June 22, 2004, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: avondale25 ]</small>

#1343524 06/22/04 11:44 AM
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Hi all,

Avondale - Thanks for the info, but I must be missing something. The car is in her possession as agreed, the loan is joint. How can I buy the car from her and then sell it to her for $1?? How then am I free from the loan?

Leah - I wouldn't get a seperation without knowing the facts. As Avondale said it's not wise to jump to soon without trying fix all the in betweens...You must exhaust all options, and know you did constuctive things to resolve the issues, otherwise you'll feel guilty in the end, wondering if you did the right thing when things go wrong...You'll look at your kids and say, why did I leave, I should have been more patient, I reacted instead of responded, etc...

Many things in a relationship can be resolved if addressed properly....To get peace means to bring everything out in the open, however I feel in your case you need a third party involved because you cannot reason with a controlling person alone....As Avondale said, try the Harley's and see what they say.....

Hello everyone else.....

#1343525 06/22/04 11:48 AM
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EC - YOU didn't miss something , I did! I didn't realize it was a joint loan, I thought it was a joint title. Sorry for the confusion. Disregard my advice, at least this time. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

#1343526 06/22/04 08:57 PM
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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for being here and for the advice you've all offered. I've got some good news!! After another phone discussion last night, my husband called this morning to say he's decided he's going to let me see the phone bills. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> So, I guess it really was more a power play than trying to hide something.

I don't think I'll ever get to a point of truly understanding him. Even with days of knowing how upset I was, he wasn't moved until he thought he might be suffering a possible consequence. I'm afraid that unless it hurts him personally, he isn't touched by my pain. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />


You asked about a key. I have a key to the building but he doesn't like me to use it. All the files are locked up and that is where all the info. is. That is what I don't have any keys to. I've tried snooping in the past, but didn't get very far. There are employees who are there pretty much any time that I can get there. So that would definitely raise some eye brows.

We did go back to counselling but it didn't bring us any further along. The counselor we saw just wasn't much good in my opinion. I was very close to calling the Harley's. I still might check with my husband about it. It is expensive but I can't help but think we would get so much more from the experience compared to our other counselling sessions. I'm trying to remember if you called them. If so, how many times did you talk to them? Did your husband ever talk to them?

Thanks again for being a caring friend. I loved your offer of PIíng with me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


Thanks too for your counsel about not jumping on a separation. I guess after five years of trying, I don't think I could be accused of jumping without some considerable thought. It's the thought of what it would do to the girls that tears me apart.

What do you think of the whole idea of boundaries, and accountability with someone who is so controlling and unwilling to prove himself trustworthy? Where do you draw the line between trusting God with a person verses enabling their sinful behavior? AVONDALE, WALLACE, TRUSTING HIM and OTHERS please feel free to chime in too.

Thanks again everyone.

#1343527 06/24/04 01:00 PM
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Hi All,

Hope everones week is going well.


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Quote by EC:

The debt is a joint auto loan, however exw was awarded the car as we agreed, problem is I would like to get my name off of it, but so far can't unless it's sold, refinanced, etc...

</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Question... did the Judge split the debt load that you and your exW had as well as the assets, at the time of the final "D" decree? If so... who did he make responsible for the car loan... if anybody.

If the loan wasn't listed as a debt, by either of you... and the Judge did not assign the debt to either your exW or you... then you will probably have to do the following... but it's different in each State so check with the DMV to see how you go about transferring the title of the Car.

One of you will need to refinance the car loan in one of your names and pay the Bank that you owe the money to. That Bank should have title to the Car... and they most likely will tranfer title to the new bank that picks up the loan for refinancing on the car. I believe whoever takes on the loan... the Bank will release the title to... once the loan is paid off in full. It depends on the type of Bank your dealing with though.

Call the Bank and the DMV, and explain your situation to them... and between the both of them... they should be able to get you where you need to be.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Quote by Leah:

What do you think of the whole idea of boundaries, and accountability with someone who is so controlling and unwilling to prove himself trustworthy? Where do you draw the line between trusting God with a person verses enabling their sinful behavior?

</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Where do you draw the line?

When you know in your heart that you have had enough... and it is damaging you and your children IMHO. Their will be no doubt in your mind when that time arrives.

He has committed adultery... so... from the King James Version of the Bible... you are justified in leaving him.

If you in fact know he is acting sinful, and you feel you are contributing to it. Then you are going to have to set boundaries. If he doesn't live up to them... then your going to have to ask yourself... do I want to keep living like this?

Everyone is different in what they are willing to put up with. So IMHO... only you can truly answer that question.

If in fact he is cheating... I personally would call it a day.

avondale. Petvet, Trusting Him, and anyone else who I may have missed...

Hope everything is well.


Well my exW's IRS problems have started to come back to haunt me... so it's back off to Court again. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

I just wonder if it ever ends.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Stay Strong!


#1343528 06/25/04 07:04 AM
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Petvet Offline OP
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Hi all! I'm on vacation in DC and just checking my emails and such at the hotel.

EC: Can you just sell the vehicle and eliminate the debt entirely. Why don't you just ask you ex to have your name off of the title since she owns the car? Of course, this will require you communicating with her which I am not sure you want to do.

Wallace: What's up!

Avondale: Just drove though NC, pretty nice looking state. I think that's where you are from, right?

Leah: I'm keeping my mouth shut. OK, I can't I can't. Are you willing to put all your chips on the table? Your H does not have any respect for you. Ok, I think I better shut up before I get the crowd upset with me again. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />

Me: Vacationing in DC with Buddy and kids. Site seeing day.


#1343529 06/26/04 12:22 AM
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Hi All,

Well it's Friday... YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!


Glad to hear your enjoying yourself in D.C..

Lots to see and do there... so I'm sure your having a good time.

I think you should continue on with what you were going to finish saying. I personally think your on the right track with what you were going to say to Leah.


I personally wouldn't stand for anymore disrespect, lies, etc, from your "H".

If I was in your shoes... and all things considering... my spouse would really have to go the extra mile to prove to me that it would never happen again, and that they would have to make a real effort to show me that they wanted the "M" to work as badly as I did. If that didn't happen... I would call my attorney and get the "D" proceedings rolling. Sometimes there is just no sense in putting yourself and your children through that kind of torment, over, and over, and over again. It usually doesn't get better... it usually gets worse.

My G/F knows, if I even think she is up to something, and I can prove it... I would call it a day... and send her on down the road. She of course would do the very same thing to me as well.

I guess after what we have all been through... our tolerance level for stuff like that... is zero.

I never wanted it to be that way... it's just how it all turned out.

Hope everyone has a great day, and a better weekend.

Stay Strong!


#1343530 06/25/04 03:40 PM
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Petvet - Wow,- to hear from you on vacation is such an honor! I hope you’re having a great time. My daughter and her hubby are going to DC over July 4 for a belated anniversary/vacation. I’m a little bit concerned due to terrorist threats and the holiday weekend. Hey, I’m a mom, worrying comes naturally!

Leah - I know you are walking a fine line in your soul. Go where you have peace. God will direct you in what to do, and I pray it will be totally clear to you. Did you look at his phone records? Keep us posted.

EC - probably have your daughter(s) with you right now. I know you’re having a blast! Let us know if you get a chance to talk to them regarding the lies their mom told them about finances. I seem to recall that was a concern of yours over the last couple of years.

Wallace - What is with your ExW and the IRS? More stuff she didn’t pay or lied about? I’m sorry this keeps dragging out for you. I sure hope I don’t have to do that; since we’ve been filing separately since my husband left, I think that might lessen the chance of any problems for me.

Trusting - Can’t wait to hear the campfire stories. Is there any chance of repercussions from your job since you went to camp instead (I assume that’s where you have been and not due to your ignoring us)?

Not sure who else is still on this thread...so if I didn't mention your name it's cuz you haven't posted in the last week! Hope everyone has a great weekend! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />

<small>[ June 25, 2004, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: avondale25 ]</small>

#1343531 06/25/04 08:35 PM
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Hi Everyone,


Indeed it is an honor that you checked in while on vacation. I live in Virginia so you're vacationing in a great area. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" /> I hope you, Buddy and son are having a wonderful time.

Please don't hesitate to post your thoughts to me. I think I need to hear them. The title of this thread is what drew me hear initially. All you great people keep me here. I do agree there is a mighty absense of respect in this relationship. It is very sad and it obviously needs to change. I respect your opinion, so go ahead and let me have it; the good, bad and the ugly. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />


Sorry to hear your experiencing difficulties with your ex-wife and the IRS. I sure hope you can soon get that all worked out.

Thanks for your encouragement to stay strong and to exercise boundaries. I agree with all you've written. I've dealt with enough, so I am ready to have a relationship with respect. If it can not happen, I'm prepared to let go.


Thanks for praying. I will continue to seek God for truth and clarity. In case you haven't seen, you've got mail.


If you're visiting with your daughters, I hope you have a wonderful time. I'll pray for that.


I'm anxious to hear how your week at camp went. I hope it was a great time for all of you.


I have not seen any phone bills yet although my H says he plans to give them to me. He has been traveling for the majority of the week. He's currently gone again.

It continues to be challenging here. I'm praying for truth, and at this juncture am prepared to end the relationship should I find there is another involvement. At this point, I have no proof of anything, just a lot of speculation. So time will tell. Thanks for all your support. Hope everyone has a happy weekend! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

#1343532 06/26/04 01:15 PM
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Back from camp...exhausted...tons of dirty and smelly, stinky clothes that have to be washed. *frowns*

No problems with the job, unless something came up while I was out. Before leaving and after sharing with my boss what my former has said she asked if I wanted to move to her city. She seems to think that it would do my former some good for me to not be so close. But close enough that I could still have every other weekend. It is a thought.


Great week of 100 kids learning about God and His love. And about the weather and the effects of rain and then sunshine causing an abrupt rasing of the humitity to ner 100% and making life almost unbearable for the adults but having no effect on the littles ones. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

The OD and another 13 year old girl were responsible for the daily upkeep and instruction of 4 third grders. This included everything, all meals, daily cleaning of themselves and their cabin. Ensuring that they made it to all classes, recreation, Bible, crafts, FOB (flat on back)in addition to the trips to a local bell shaped pool for a Hawaian Lua (sp) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> , wild animal park, (where bears and monkeys happened to be mating, a story in itself). With the OD being on crutches this in itself was an amazing feat. And she managed all week with no complaints.

DS, he was just a camper, doing the boy thing, like most 11 year olds do. He was in another cabin with 3 boys his age and 2 counselors. I think the 4 young ones managed to keep the counselors quite busy.

YD.... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> stayed in the cabin with me every night. Because she went as a pre-camper she would be turned over to a lady after breakfast who entertained and provided for during the day. Basically the same activities as the older children but on a slower time table.

YD ws the hit of the week. Every female camper there thought she was absoutely adorable. One fo the big things at camp is a measurment of how much mail a single camper gets. *chuckles* they had to give YD a bigger mailbox as hers was always overloaded.

Being camp photographer I did get to see the kids all during the day as I rode around to all acitivties taking candid, posed and group pictures. Ouch...I think I ended up with over 30 rolls developed. I did take my bike along as I had this job once before and the walking almst got the best of me. The bike sure made it a lot easier. Espically when it rained.

The 3rd night we had a HUGE storme which killed ALL the power and of course everyone had to go to bed early, and no one complained, until 11:30 PM when the power came back on and many campers had forgotten to turn off their lights, radios and other electrical items. *chuckles* But YD and I managed to sleep through that one and only heard about the stories.

After several nights with YD she began to once again ask questions about Mommy and Daddy. Questions that I of course cannot answer. But could offer up many hugs and lots of encouragement. She usually does this after spending time alone with her, almost as if she has to come to a place where she feels confortable talking or asking questions.

Friday evening their Mother arrives, (still looking good of course) to attend the have dinner, attend the talent show and pick the children up from camp. It was pleasent to sit at the same table and actually have dinner as a family. The first one in over a year too. It sure made YD's day. She was beamimg from ear to ear seeing the two of us at the same table.

And I guess that about sums us the last seven days of my life. Now it's time for a run to the laundry mat to wash some clothes.

Praying that all is well with each and every one of you. Fathers--hope all of you had a wonderful day. Mine was good, actually very good. I had all three children and got some nice gifts from them.

#1343533 06/29/04 06:52 AM
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Hi all!

Leah: What I wanted to say is you may want to set some sort of deadline for him to get in line ,or you will evaluate your options w/o him.

Wallace: I am trying to end my IRS issue with debt with wife this month. Hopefully, moneys from her equity in the house will payoff debt. The IRs is no help at all.

Trusting Him: I may go camping with kid this weekend. Last time, we were suppose to go camping instead we stayed at the Holiday Inn. Camping is an adventure if you are not use to it.

Me: DC has too much to see in three days. Long drive but I survived.


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