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Hi, Georgia

And a very Merry Christmas to you as well.

I still think you need to pack up for a week and spend it in my workshop building something that you will need a truck to haul back <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Getting power out to your garage or shed is a must, and your new years resolution should include the purchase of really expensive new power tools - it's a moral imperative <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

God bless,

-An affair is the embodiment of entitlement, fueled by resentment and lack of respect.
-An infidel will remain unreachable so long as their sense of entitlement exceeds their ability to reason.
Formerly G.G. #1346075 12/21/05 08:38 PM
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Yep...that's Jeb in picture #1. Loafing around in the kitchen, seeing what might get dropped.

I saw that! How cute.

Love the pictures in the kitchen too!!


Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail. ~ Kinky Friedman
Susan #1346076 12/22/05 01:48 AM
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Georgia Guy,

You are amazing!

If I was half as good, I'd be.... LOL

Nice cake, kitchen, lunch, objects de art, dog, life.
I pity your XW for losing you.

I wish a very Merry Christmas to you and yours.


A guy, 50. Divorced in 2005.
_AD_ #1346077 12/22/05 12:45 PM
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Apologize to Jeb for me will you. I thought for sure that was a rug on the floor.

Er, you may have to appologize twice. we are going to the pound today to get a new cat for DS, too.

With prayers,

"Never forget that your pain means nothing to a WS." ~Mulan

"An ethical man knows it is wrong to cheat on his wife. A moral man will not actually do it." ~ Ducky

WS: They are who they are.

When an eel lunges out
And it bites off your snout
Thats a moray ~DS
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Good Morning –

Actually, I’m writing this on Monday night at 11:00 PM. I know that when I get to work tomorrow morning I will be very busy, so this message is “pre-recorded”.

First, let me say Happy New Year. Wow…2005 kinda sucked, didn’t it? 2006 will be better, I can feel it.

There is no way I can tell everything that’s happened in the last week or so. These days it seems like everyday is a new adventure, and a week’s worth becomes an amazing kaleidoscope that seems to take an unexpected twist with every passing day.


XW called the day after Christmas and left a voice mail. She was crying and said she hadn’t been feeling well and hadn’t been able to get over to her parents’ house for Christmas yet. She said she thought we needed to get the yard fixed up before we list the house and asked me to call and let her know what I wanted to do.

Of course, I didn’t call her back. However, it was another trip through h*ll for about 2 days after hearing her voice and her pain. I remember when I would have died to keep her from having to endure pain. And now…well, things have changed, haven’t they?

I talked to the realtor and surprisingly enough XW also called her. XW told her that she would be out of town until after the first of the year and she’d call her when she got back. The agent suggested that her attorney might have talked to her. Tonight I sent XW and e-mail telling her that our agent would suggest what work needed to be done to the house (if any) before prospective clients see it.

I had lunch with #2S yesterday (DIL stayed home). It sounds like xW is continuing her propensity to crash and burn with the whole family. He told me that he had a really hard time being around her at my xIL’s house. He said she doesn’t act the same; she has a very fake “everything’s just fine” sort of attitude. And…he said she tries to make passing jabs at me, but that he and #1DIL consciously tried to turn every conversation to me (GG) to talk about me in a positive light. I think he kind of enjoyed that….(I’ll not chastise him). (BTW – She did make it to her parent’s house. And, the boys and DIL’s went over as well for a few days).

He told me one very disturbing thing. I don’t know when this happened, but apparently xW took it upon herself to tell #1S that he married the wrong woman. (I know that xW “secretly” had her eyes on a young lady who ran for and won a seat as a state representative several years ago. XW thought she would make a good DIL). Anyway, xW may have sealed her fate with #1S by that comment about his wife. He is fiercely protective of his wife and no traces of CA’er anywhere in his body.

As for me, I think I’m about to rise from the ashes for CY2006. I’m still fighting the emotional roller coaster, but as long as I’m not getting seriously depressed I’m going to stay off the Lexapro. Actually, I kind of like having feelings again, even though sometimes things are a little hard to take. I cried during the “epiphany Sunday” sermon yesterday morning.

#2S took all of our family video tapes and transferred onto DVD’s. He gave me a set for Christmas. I’ve not been able to bring myself to watch even one of them, I know that I couldn’t handle it right now. However, in due time I know that will be a special gift that will mean a lot to me.

Work wise…I’m really fired up about my new job and excited about getting started. This year will easily be the biggest challenge of my career. Our biggest facility has been losing money (to the tune of 10M’s per year) for a number of years. Several folks have been tasked with turning it around…and all of them have eventually left the company “to pursue other opportunities” (wink, wink). Anyway, now it’s my turn. (I’m sure it’s off to Siberia for me if I fail!). My new boss will be here tomorrow. He and I will be working on a game plan and strategies for the year.

Tomorrow night he’s coming over here for dinner. I’m cooking a pot roast (never done that before) in my slow cooker. I’m getting all the stuff (roast, carrots, onions, potatoes, celery, onion soup mix, cream of mushroom soup) all put in my cooker tonight and sticking it in the refrigerator to have it ready to start cooking tomorrow morning. I talked to him today (Monday) and told him what I was cooking. He told me not to worry; if it doesn’t work out we can always go to Waffle House.

BTW – About 5 years ago he did the whole BS thing. He and his wife were married a long time, had 4 kids, and she decided she was tired of being married. He’s remarried now, so he’s been through this whole thing too. He met xW about 5 years ago when he was in town and we took him out to dinner.

(Note – He’s the only boss I’ve ever had that I openly pray with. He will call me before important (relatively so, anyway) meetings and we pray together).

In other news, I’ve found the coolest car and I’m REALLY excited about this. A dealer in a nearby town has a 1998 Saab Convertible with only 73K miles. I drove it home today and I’ve taken it over to a local shop specializing in Swedish imports (i.e. – Volvo & Saab). Tomorrow they’re going to check it out. If checks out okay, I’m going to buy it. If I do, I’ll attach pictures.

I already have my imagination going on this (which has an uncanny ability to turn into reality). When early spring arrives, before it gets really hot, I’d like for me and my significant other (Jeb) to tour the western states (especially the Grand Canyon). It would be WONDERFUL to do it in a convertible. Jeb and I have talked about this, and he’s concerned about his toenails and leather seats Does anyone have any suggestions or experience with a 25 pound dog in a car with leather seats? Anyway, Jeb thinks it’s a great idea and he’s ready to go right now. (If we made it to California, Jeb would be in dog heaven in a Redwood forest! Just how many trees can a Schnauzer mark?). Oh…I’ve already told him I’ll get him a pair of doggles.

Man…there is so much more that happened in the past week. I had to deal with the CASA issue on Christmas day as I got a kind of emergency phone call.

I went by Reggie’s house 3X trying to deliver a small gift for him and his Mom, but no one would ever come to the door. She’s a strange lady, but I think I probably just need to take the hint and leave them alone.

It’s midnight and I’m sitting here listening to my new stereo (that I bought myself for Christmas). Meatloaf’s “Two out of Three Ain’t Bad” is playing and I’m rattling the glass in these wavy old windows. Don’t worry; no one is home on either side (Mrs. Reese is still gone, the couple on the other side is in Utah). I’m feeding their 3 min pin’s while they’re gone.

My Landscape Design class starts Wednesday. I’ve got the book and started reading it.

So much more…but that’ll have to suffice for right now.

I’ve got to catch up on the news from all of you as I’ve been out for so long.

GOOD MORNING, MIMI….(Was there a Beamer under the tree?).


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
Me: BS 50
She: xW 50
Jeb: Mini Schnauzer
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Happy New Year GG!!

I know Aussie would want to say hello and see how you are going ...which is as good as you can in the circumstances ..in fact maybe very good is a better description <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Still nothing from Aussie or the SAS TEAMS ..all we wives know is that there were non stop battles between Xmas & New YEARS .. and no contact since early December.

So as things get tense over there, they get tense here ....good news of course is no ones had one of THOSE visits thank God.

You do amaze me GG with all that you are doing, I have trouble getting Mikey ready to go to work in the morning ..can you believe it ,....he's 6 months old already!!

Well speaking of the little bloke .... hes hungry ..AGAIN!!

Gotta go ..keep well and I'll keep you in our prayers

God bless


Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.

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Mornin' AW -

Thanks for the kind words. I know it's hard for you with Aussie's situation. I will remember to pray for both of you.

I can assure you that ANYONE with a 6 month old has trouble getting ready to go anywhere! I remember those days well...it was a lot of fun but I woouldn't do it again for all the tea in China.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
Me: BS 50
She: xW 50
Jeb: Mini Schnauzer
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Hi Phoenix! I'm glad you are back! Happy New Year, it has to be happier than 2005!

As usual you are sooooo busy, I envy you. I wish I had the energy, but I'd rather stay at home enjoying the peace and quiet...although I will make the effort and take the dog for a walk by the sea.

Welcome back.


"Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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Suggestion about the leather seats:

Pet supply catalogues (SP?) sell these covers for car seats to keep your pet comfortable and protect the seats. I remember reading, also, about pets needing to be strapped in or put into kennels while travelling, but I don't know much about that. We just put our dog into the car and let the hairs fall where they may, and hope that being in a Volvo is enough protection for her.

Suggestions for travelling with a pet: Camping, lots of people bring their dogs to campgrounds. Or, if camping is too rough for you, AAA books tell which motels allow pets.

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Well folks...I am the proud owner of a Saab convertible. It'll be in the shop a few days getting some minor stuff done, pictures will be forthcoming!!

Hi cc - my natural inclination is to sit in my Lay-Z-Boy and watch TV. However, I know that is NOT what I need, so I force myself to do the things I do. Once I get started, I get an immense amount of pleasure and fulfillment from what I do. Point is..it doesn't come naturally to me.

Bellevue - I know that I'll need to have some sort of harness to at least loosely hold Jeb in. I can see us sitting at a stop light with the top down and a cat walks by.

More later...I'm very busy today with my boss in town.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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Happy New Year, FGG. If you check out baby and children's stores that carry car seats there are some seat protectors that I use under my DS car seat on my leather seats. They are great for protecting the seat and keeping the car seat from slipping. If you put one under Jeb and then buckle him in I am sure he would be quite comfy. Congratulations on the new car!


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Good Morning -

Thanks, ff, I'll see what I can find there. I'm going see if I can get him used to wearing some sort of a harness instead of his collar so I can have something more substantial to buckle him in with.

My roast turned out great! That is a quick, easy way to cook a wonderful dinner. My boss and I had a very good visit last night. I had told him that once we left airport property all conversation about work had to cease, so we had a great evening discuss other stuff we have in common.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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She: xW 50
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I have sheep skin covers on the front seats of my Volvo. I haven't noticed any damage on the back seats from my son's Jack Russell...not that he rides with me very much though.

Glad your roast came out good and you didn't have to go get take out. I had complete confidence in your ability to make yet another tasty dinner for your guest(s).

Last edited by Trix; 01/04/06 08:24 AM.

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Oh, thank you Trix! I had forgottent that the sheepskin covers from the T-Bird are in the attic at "the house"! I don't know if they'll fit this car, but it's worth a try.

Wrong color, but we'll see how that works (when I can get back in the house).


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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While I lived in Finland a friend had a Saab and a dog that weighed over 100 pounds. He always had a blank in the back seat. Then it could be washed to keep the dog hair down.

Wishing you luck on everything that is going on. Sounds like 2006 is going to be very productive.

Can I ask you how CASA is. I am interested in knowing if it is like the Gaurdian of the Court here in England.

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Hi MoiNouvelle2 (& others)-

CASA has really gotten a bit more intense since early December and the last court hearing. I have had to get involved much more than I had anticipated. Without going into a lot of detail, it seems to me the court system and family services branches of the local government are completely broken. I can see why an organization like CASA is needed. We can bring some common sense and order into this mess and try to at least make the kids are taken care of while the "grown ups" (loosely translated) fight it out.

On the car issues, I'm anxious for warm weather. I drove around some Saturday afternoon when the temperature was 49 deg (F) and got down right chilly. I've attached a tether strap which I can hook to Jeb's collar and will keep him restrained to the area of the passenger seat. I still need to cover that seat as I'm concerned about his nails puncturing the leather.

Here's some pictures of the FGG Mobile:


In other news, I'm sending a letter to my attorney asking him to set up a teleconference with the judge as xW still hasn't even allowed the realtor in the house.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
Me: BS 50
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Hi Georgia:

I've been meaning to check in on you.

I also have the goal of continuing with my TRAVELS...

Guess what? My H and I went to the GRAND CANYON in DECEMBER...It was an undescribable and unforgettable experience...

Sounds like you are doing great...

Congratulations on your new job...

My H is continuing to bond with our OS..Sad to say, he and our YS are cordial, tolerating each other..but not fighting...Remember, my YS knows all about the A and our other son does not or at least does not want to know all about it...

The nature of the relationship between my H and YS seems to trouble me more than it does them...I'm trying to let it go..

Thanks for being there, Georgia...

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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Congradulations on the new car. I like that Saab. Isn't that the model that Seinfeld had on his show? The one that the car mechanic took because he didn't think Jerry was taking good care of it? Did you trade in your Accord or did you sell it yourself?

Last edited by Trix; 01/09/06 09:29 AM.

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Good Morning, Trix -

I didn't see that Seinfeld episode, was it a convertible? I'm going to sell the Accord myself, I still have it. If you look closely in one of the pictures you can see it sitting next door in Mrs. Reese's driveway. Her daughter said I could park it there while I'm trying to sell it.

It is a really fun car to drive. Extremely comfortable and smooth. Me and Jeb (Jeb & I ?) are definitely going to be taking some trips as soon as the weather warms up a bit.

Hi there, Mimi...

That's great that you and H went to the Grand Canyon. I've never been and would love to see it myself. I still remember when xW and I were in Albuquerque and we drove out in the desert. I'd never seen a real "mesa" before and it was beautiful out there.

The new job is a real challenge. This may be the career move that finally does me in after 25 years here. The problem area that I've been dumped into seems so insurmountable, I've not really yet begin to get a clear vision of how to manage this monster. The good news is that my boss and other guy I'll be working with closely are both Christians and we can pray together about these things. I'll be spending part of next week in the midwest working on this (and it will be VERY cold).

The landscape class has gotten off to a SLOW start. We didn't have class Thursday or Friday, so I'm hoping we'll get serious today.

Pottery starts back tomorrow night.

Next home Bible study is next Tuesday night.

On a totally unrelated matter...has anyone seen the new interviews with the wife of that miner who survived? That lady is one very, very classy act. I hope her husband knows how fortunate he is to have her. I think (apologies to Mimi) that her attitude seems to epitomize Proverbs 31.

When asked what she would do if/when her husband comes out of a coma, she replied that she would hug him and tell him that she loves and RESPECTS him.

That's right:

R-E-S-P-E-C-T (now you're going to have that song going through your head the rest of the day, and there is NOTHING you can do about it!!).

I thought that was so cool. As a coal miner, he likely may not have a lot of education, but he is working hard to take care of his family and doing all he could to make a living. And his wife "respects" him for it.

Bottle it and sell it.....

I would SO LOVED to have heard xW tell me that she "respects" me....sigh....

Anyway, slight detour there.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
Me: BS 50
She: xW 50
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Hi Georgia,

I've never posted before but I love your spirit and dog...and now your car!!

I grew up with SAABs....although they were a bit older than that model. When I was in my 20's I had a SAAB 96 called "Thumper". I loved that car even though it's impossible to find reverse!! The gear stick is on the steering column although you still have to do the "H" shape for changing gears...I know a lot of cars in the US are auto's with the gears on the steering column but this was a manual geared car (if that makes sense).

I met my husband when I had that car (I was 22) and he said he was fascinated by me driving an unusual car.

Wow...what a lovely memory thinking about SAABs has given me. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Here's a 96....probably not up your alley at all...mine was much the same as this only in dark blue...


Scroll down to see the shape of the car...LOL

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