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I know....next Friday let's all agree to wear whatever 70's fashions we still have in our closets! And....we must only speak in 70's jargon all day, no matter where we are!..

That would be so....so....COOL!!

Sorry, I've got work to do now...


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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I'm from the SF Bay Area originally, maybe that was a colloquialism that lasted only a couple of years when I was in middle school or early highschool or something. I graduated HS in '71.

I also still say neat...and cool.

One newer word that I can't abide..is...dude. Hate it. You can tell that the person saying it is usually mid-thirties.

Last edited by Trix; 01/13/06 08:11 AM.

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Trix - I agree that "dude" grates on my nerves as well.

I'm a class of '74 alumni.

I don't know if ya'll (as we say in GA) agree, but I think the 60's / 70's music is far, far, far groovier than anything since then. The "music" these kids listen to these days..oh, man..how do they STAND it?(!).

Why, back in my day...we had some really cool music..

(Excuse me while I enjoy my $0.39 cup of coffee)..

Papa Georgia

Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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A couple of thoughts/observations:

One of my YS' friends gave my H the PEACE SIGN in speaking to him the other day. "FREAKED" my H out! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Speaking of RESPECT, Georgia.. Have you heard how the young women of today describe their "dating partners".. A typical quote: "You can't get the BOYS these days to COMMIT" .

They may be right about COMMITMENT. Unlike your sons, both of our sons hate that "C" word. "PLAYER PLAY ON..." <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

PEACE!! LOL..plan to search for my tie-dyes....

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by mimi1254; 01/13/06 08:47 AM.

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More later...I'm busy sewing elastic into my size 34 leisure suit pants.....

Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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One newer word that I can't abide..is...dude. Hate it. You can tell that the person saying it is usually mid-thirties.

I think I'm gonna cry...

Ac2ally, I hate "dude" as well, but for different reasons. My nickname, from when I was about 10, was "Dood". Not "dude". It was short for "Doodleberry", a character in a book my sisters read (I don't have any brothers, but my sisters do).

And so, "forever", dude was not a copacetic term with me (even though my daughter still uses it as punc2ation in everyday speach).

That is, until the following 2uote, from "The Big Lebowski":

"The Dude abides."

or, more properly perhaps:

"Dood abides."

abide, friends,
-ol' 2long

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Hi Dood! You know, that's the first time that I can recall seeing the word "copacetic" in print. I had to study it a few moments to figure out what it was.

But...now that I know, I'm cool with it..

As a matter of fact...where I am I'm cool with everything right now. 29 degrees, light snow, and winds gusting to 40 mph.

Man...I miss Georgia!!!

Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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Hi GG,

Glad you are having such a nice time with your courses. Give Jeb a hello from me.

Regarding CASA. It seems that this role is similar to the Guardian here in England. A Guardian is appointed and their sole role is to take the interest of the child/ren into consideration and speak for the child's behalf in Court.

Everything is in a state of change here. Within Kent Education and Social Services are merging into one directorate. The national Government has dictated that all agencies should work closely together under the guidance of "Every Child Matters". This means that now Health, Education/Social Services, and Police must work in co-operation to protect children. To be honest a lot of this started off as cost saving excersise. There are a lot of programs in operation that overlap and with the multi-agency work it can streamline everything. But the benefit is that now all agencies working together causing less children to fall through the cracks. I am really impressed with the effort that people make here to protect children and the families.

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Hi MoiNouvelle2 -

Jeb is staying with his "grandparents" this week while I'm out of town, but I'll tell him when I get home (probably Friday).

The program you describe sounds a lot like CASA. From an outsiders perspective, it seems to me that it is easy for all parties involved to "forget" about the best interests of the children due to all the red tape and severe work load of the DFCS case workers (who are, btw, not well paid at all).

I would like to see A LOT of changes in this area. However, as one local juvenile court judge stated during our training: "children don't vote, and they don't have a lobby, so they usually aren't high on the politicians agenda". Unfortunately, I think that is sad but true.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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Good evening all –

I’ve been considering posting here for the last day or two, but it just seems like I don’t have a whole lot to say right now.

This trip has been very difficult for me in many ways. It’s hard to describe, but being away from home when I realize that no one is there waiting on me when I get back is very depressing. I was supposed to go home tomorrow, but I’ve rebooked my flight and I’ll not be back until late Friday night.

Last night I had dinner with my boss and his wife. His first wife decided she didn’t want to be married anymore, and he met this young (and I do mean young) lady at his church. This was the first time I had met her. I couldn’t help but notice that my boss said he is happier now than he has ever been (is there hope?).

He and I were talking about the nice homes we formerly lived in. He said something that has really resonated with me. He said he has come to realize that he was a snob. His new life (much like mine) is much more “frugal” than his previous, and I think he has recognized the change that has been foisted upon him (against his will) has been for the better. It makes me wonder if there’s not a lesson in there for me.

Tonight I had dinner with one of our engineers whom I had never met, only talked to on the phone. He has had 2 serious bouts with cancer (in his mid 50’s) but seems to have recovered okay. He told me that he has a doctor’s appointment Monday and he didn’t specify what the issue is, but he said he now has new issues that he has to deal with. I was struck by how happy he seems to be even though he’s been through all this, and I felt guilty because I am struggling so much with contentment and (near) depression right now. I sometimes feel like I’m supposed to be “Super Christian” and I shouldn’t be dealing with these issues. I noticed that he didn’t have on a wedding ring, but I didn’t want to ask if he had gotten divorced.

I suppose these solitude nights in a hotel room afford me time to think and contemplate. I’ve also been trying to spend some time preparing for the Bible study coming up Tuesday night, which I’m looking forward to. I’ve invited our associate pastor to join us and I think he will have a lot to contribute to the discussion.

Tuesday night after the Bible study I’ll be driving to Atlanta and spending the night to allow me to catch a 7:00 AM flight out to Texas. Also, I’ve been told that I’ll be spending some time in Phoenix next month.

Honestly…I’m about ready for some quality time with Jeb.

I hope all is well with my MB friends.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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We be fine, FGG!

-ol' 2long

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Thanks for your post. It may be a good thing to be reflective from afar. You are beginning to embark on a new phase in your life. It can be exciting. It is a matter of perspective, but it is perfectly understandable that you would be feeling a bit depressed or at a loss since your DV.

You do have lots to be thankful for. Your health, your wonderful sons, the new hobbies you've gotten into, your spiritual life, CASA (how you have been giving of your time to help others in need),your faithful companion Jeb, the new home you've made for yourself, finding a neat car with pretty low mileage considering the make, you new challenges with your career...lots. No one can accuse you of wasting your time, that is for sure.

God willing, you are bound to meet a fine woman when you're ready. I highly doubt you will be alone for a very long time.

My husband has been working a couple of hours away. It was supposed to be for a few months. He has been there since October and they are saying it could last until June. I go there to spend most weekends with him. It is really odd how this all came about; we weren't expecting it at all. He is working in an office environment which is different than his usually work as a contractor. I originally had a bit of fear of him being in an office after reading here about all the office romances. I imagined how he would probably love being in an environment where he could bounce off of lots of people. He is one of those likable, charming guys, with a good sense of humor, and a gift for small talk. (we are opposites)

He has been doing an excellent job of relieving my fears by keeping in contact usually several times a day, and letting me know that he is maintaining strong boundaries. He has been reassuring me with actions as well as words. I know, rationally, that if his boundaries weren't strong then it wouldn't matter where he is working. It always had to do with selfish entitlement and opportunity...

He has developed more male friendships than he has had before. Being concerned for his health, I encouraged him to walk during his breaks. He has a growing group about 8 men that now take walks during their breaks. They work 7 days a weeks for 12 hours/day for 5 days and 8 hours on weekend days. Many of them (including my H) have gained weight since they have been there. Many are far from their families who live in other states. He also may start riding his bike to and from the office.

Good to hear from you. You are an encouragement and a great example of the personal recovery path to others here.

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Trix -

Thank you so very, very much for your post. It was truly an encouragement and a blessing to me, and I needed that right now.

I know it must be hard on you with your H being away from home, and I'm glad he recognizes the importance of proper boundaries. You must appreciate his eagerness to prove his loyalty through the multiple communications with you.

It is always a problem not gaining weight when I'm on a business trip. In essence, the company tells us to eat whatever we want and they'll pay for it. I've been trying to eat sensibly (a relative term, for sure). Last night I had prime rib, a vegetable skewer (in lieu of potato), and a salad. I've continued my workouts in the hotel exercise room while I've been here.

The exercise is really beginning to pay off. In the 3 months since I've joined the Y, I've lost 2 full inches off of my chest and waist. of course, I still feel like Spongebob Squarepants. I hope to be fit for the Olympics before July when I go to Honduras.

I'm feeling better today (mentally). I had a good devotional this morning before coming to work, things are going pretty well in my new job, and Jeb is doing well.

Again, thanks for posting.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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Congradulations on making so much progress with your new weightloss and fitness program. That is exciting that you decided to go on that mission trip to Honduras. You should be quite buff by then at the rate you are going.

My H tells me that there people bring cakes and snacks into the office every day and they are all over the place. One Saturday when I was meeting him for lunch he asked me to come in the lobby of the office building for a minute. I didn't get it until I walked in and smelled BBQ. On the second floor in front of the elevators they had set up a buffet of BBQ. Two guys were having a contest of who's BBQ was better. One guy was from TX and the other from MS. Needless to say we ate lunch there that day. Last week someone brought in Chicken and Dumplings. He is getting better at resisting all the temptations that are surrounding him and making better dietary choices.

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Good evening –

I stopped by a Babies ‘R Us on the way back to the hotel. I bought one of those non-slip blankets made to put under a car seat, but of course I bought it for Jeb.

Don’t tell anyone, but I also bought Jeb a surprise while I was there. They had these really cut little “bucket” type denim hats for newborns. I suspect Jeb’s head is about the size of a newborns’ head, so I bought him one. If it fits, I’ll cut a couple of slits in it for his ever vigilant ears to protrude through. Actually, I’m not really sure how he’s going to feel about this. I never did get him the doggles.

I’ve discovered that this town has an Eddie Bauer mall, so I’m going to check it out before dinner tonight.

I’m really, really ready to go home tomorrow.


Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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Again, I say: "HAVE YOU LOST IT?"



It's time for you to get on home, my friend...

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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LOL...talk about a fish out of water! Me in a Babies R Us...I REALLY felt out of place amongst the 20 something gang of mommies and daddies in there.

I wonder what any of them would have thought if they'd have known I was shopping for my dog!(?). Probably the same thing you did...that I had totally lost it.

I can only attribute it to frozen brain cells. Even though today it's been real nice, in the 50's.

Have a good evening...


Last edited by Formerly G.G.; 01/19/06 10:55 PM.

Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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And before you say ANYTHING about the fact that I had a white chocolate raspberry cheesecake for dessert, you should know that 1/2 of my chicken marsala is in this bag right next to me!!

(At least I don't feel quite so guilty!!), and...I did work out before I went to dinner.

No deals at Eddie Bauer.

Formerly G.G. and Jeb
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You put a smile on my face. The idea of you going to a baby store for Jeb is so cute. I buy christmas and birthday gifts for my cats. I wish they lived with me here.

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I don't think you're out of your mind at all. I think this is exactly the kind of thing YOU HAVE to do at this stage. We are finding OURSELVES, being OURSELVES an we have no one to be accountable to. So feel free, be yourself and enjoy <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />


"Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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