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Neak, This is funny, but it worries me too. What if there was a fire?
I hope you have another exit?
I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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All of us are fit enough to go over with ease, except for Grandpa. Thanks to the dogs, there are several big enough 'unders' that we could get him out, too. Though really, if there were a wildland fire our best bet would probably be to keep everyone in the house (except me, out with the garden hose to defend our defensible space).
Considering that for a number of years, our local volunteer firefighters had beer in their station soda machine, I'd rather trust my own firefighting or EMT abilities than most of theirs. I can cut line better than most of those pudgy inebriates, too.
The terrain is quite variable around here. Just a mile or so away are a lot of houses with thick scrub all around them, right up to the houses, but right where I am it's all star thistles and grass. Any fires would sweep through quickly and lightly.
Thank you for your concern, SS, it is very sweet. I hope you feel a little better now, though.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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I feel A little better.
Ok, Ok, I worry too much. I admit it.
Beer in the soda machine scares me more. My son is a firefighter, that would scare him!
Carry on. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Just a quick reply because it is REALLY late in Elk, OKLAHOMA (where the coolest thing to do on a hot summer night is do cookies in the Wal-Mart parking lot--I know, because I SAW IT tonight) but I Am just SO EXCITED about neak's pregnancy! I have never been this excited about babies ever... I guess after my miscarriages, whenever I heard of someone getting pregnant, the first thought that shot through my brain was, "Oh NO! That's TERRIBLE!" but I'm excited! I'm gonna be an ex-but-not-ex-aunt!! I feel like the proud parent myself, just gloating all day, making myself wonder, "What the heck is wrong with ME?" yet enjoying the suspense and excitement. Boy, or Girl?
Threadjacking here, but I talked to Flard yesterday, and before I talked to him I was SO EXCITED to be talking to him because I've been doing the whole "no contact" thing with him and really, truly, missed him, but when I talked to him (no more than 2 minutes! just asked directions to the used bookstore in Flagstaff, Arizona) I got really really angry inside. He never knew, just like he never knew that when he would talk so flippantly of me and our marriage on the phone, the sobs would be wracking my body so hard I couldn't even speak. The anger is atrocious! Unbelievable! The pain is there, but it has turned from despair and devestation to anger. I don't hate him, I never could. I just feel like he doesn't care about me. He said some really hurtful things about dating some females down where he's at once he can say he's truly divorced--ok, I'll admit it, I got angry at that point and told him that he had no right to be so rude and heartless to slash at me like that, and he said it was "Just a joke"--he said some other things as well. Grrrr. I could go on an emotional trauma tangent, but I will spare the diatribe. I'm glad we are not in constant contact now, because I might do damage via words. In a way, this anger is a fresh reprive from the hurt.
On that note, I started giggling, because I realized what I look like. Because my parents are asleep in the other room (we are sharing a motel room tonight) I took the laptop to the bathroom and am sitting on the toilet, killing two birds with one stone.
And btw, T&L is the Queenus of multi-taskers. See how crazy it sounds on a computer screen? Well, it truly is that crazy in real life. If you ever have the priviledge to talk to her on the phone, you find out she's ironing, watching the children and making them behave, eating, and talking to you all at the same time. I called Neak several days ago (was it two? I've lost track of time!) and she said, "Hang on while I discipline DS3... it might get loud, so hold the phone away from your ear." I giggled and laughed while I heard DS3 begging for mercy and then throwing his fit. I don't know why I find it so funny when children get disciplined and throw a fit, but I do. The expressions are priceless. Somehow, when we grow up, we learn to mask our true expressions (emotions) so we don't get hurt, but children haven't, and it is too much fun to see their lives out in the open. I always wondered how my mom knew if I had done my school work or not, or if I had taken a cookie, or done something bad. Its because kids' faces are bad liars.
You know I'm tired when I'm switching from topic to topic randomly! I will sign off for tonight.
If this world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
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T&L, Oops I'm a bit behind in my responses. Saw your other post about a SE MB get-together suggesting Chattanooga, and figured out that Southern Adventist must be the university you were talking about. Nope, I live maybe 2 hours' drive from Chatanooga. -AD
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Hi AD, sorry about all the garbage you're going through. I'm sure t&l is asleep, and I will be soon too, but just wanted to say hi. Wish I had something more helpful to say, but even if I did it would probably come out unintelligibly, as I am very sleepy and getting queasier again by the minute. I really hope your WW comes to her senses.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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but I Am just SO EXCITED about neak's pregnancy! Boy, or Girl? Girl. G-I-R-L. It's going to be a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! This family has quite enough males in it already, thank you very much. There's HP, Neakbro, Flard, four little testicled grandchildren, Charred&Broiled and Salson (a young man we're temporarily giving a home to, and his 4-yr. old son, who splits his time between his dad and his mom, the Charbroiler!), Neaksis' kids biological dad, grandpa, and AJ. That's 12 guys. Then there's me, Neak, Neaksis, you, and Candle (she's a wiccan), With the two little girls that makes 7, now that Nana died and we are hopeless outnumbered in one sense, although we DO have the capes of power, which count for something after all! If this baby also comes equipped with 2 little globules of testy-tosterone, I'm running away from home. All you girls can come with me, too, it you want! Threadjacking here, but I talked to Flard yesterday I'll talk about that tomorrow, not being capable of profound, or even really shallow thought, at this point. I'm off for 3 nights while my blood pressure stabilizes and I'm going to bed now. Will it surprise you to find out I have an opinion on this, and something to say about it? No? I rather thought it wouldn't! [quote/] On that note, I started giggling, because I realized what I look like. Because my parents are asleep in the other room (we are sharing a motel room tonight) I took the laptop to the bathroom and am sitting on the toilet, killing two birds with one stone. And btw, T&L is the Queenus of multi-taskers. [/quote] Would you quit telling all my secrets? The bathroom is the only place I can be guaranteed any privacy, and that 's only because there's a lock on the door. All I can say is that when video phones become the way of phone conversation, my life is going to change forever, or else some people are going to get their horizons broadened in unexpected ways. My favorite bathroom experience was getting a call from a lawyer from quite a prestigious firm, and this while I was on the pot. We discussed a malpracice suit which he wanted me to evaulate for its merit. Let's just say I sounded much more professional to him than I appeared at the time! In case anybody's curious, I got put on some BP med that dropped my pressures from the 170s over 100s-110s to 110/80 with the first dose. I feel oddly empty without all that cranial pressure, like I'm going to implode inward because there's no internal pressure to keep me from collapsing in on myself. But it's nice (if odd) to be headache-free again. It's hard to listen to your body if you're not paying any attention to what it says! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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Oops I'm a bit behind in my responses.
[quote]Saw your other post about a SE MB get-together suggesting Chattanooga, and figured out that Southern Adventist must be the university you were talking about. Nope, I live maybe 2 hours' drive from Chatanooga. I actually meant Southern Missionary College, or whatever else they're calling it these days. The other one is in Keene TX. I'm not aware of any others in that neck of the woods. Just curious... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />. t&l
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I actually meant Southern Missionary College, or whatever else they're calling it these days. The other one is in Keene TX. I'm not aware of any others in that neck of the woods. Just curious... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />.
t&l Well maybe it's in a different neck of a different woods - or maybe you missed one, LOL. our nearby SDA college. The group Take 6 started there. -AD
Last edited by _AD_; 08/12/05 01:24 AM.
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Well maybe it's in a different neck of a different woods - or maybe you missed one, LOL. Ah, Oakwood. Didn't even have to look at your clue picture to guess it, although I'll go back and look after I post. That would explain the nice black lady and the Sabbath tract, not that such an event would be impossible anywhere else near where you live. Never actually heard Take 6 but have heard OF them, so that was a good clue, and I feel kinda silly for not remembering something I've known about since I was a kid. Silly middle-aged memory! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> No introspection today. Got a list of to-do's 100 miles long. The MD gave me a couple days off work to get my BP regulated, and even though the new med dropped it down to beautifully-normal limits the very first day, I have (for some reason) not felt that I shouldn't take all the days I was "awarded." So to relieve my stress (a hyptertension risk factor, don't you know?) I've been cleaning house and taking care of postponed business matters that drive me crazy to have undone but which I can't get to during my regular work schedule. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> I expect by Sunday night to be so relaxed that someone will have to pour me into my car in order for me to go back to work! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> "Hi, I'm nurse Susan and I'll be your puddle tonight." <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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Glad to hear you're feeling so much better. Great meds & lawn mowing right!
"The actions you speak are louder than your words!" Author unknown "Miracles are seen in light." From "A Course In Miracles".
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Glad to hear you're feeling so much better. Great meds & lawn mowing right! No lawn mowing today. Whooee, did I ever let the checkbook get screwed up, so I'm balancing it right now and logged onto the internet to visit BofA, with a quick side trip into MB en route! Neak, since you're online, you can jolly well answer the phone when I call! I got ahold of Artoson and am ready to make an, ahem, "move" on the crappy septic problem! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> It's bad enough to have an albatross around your neck, but a deliberately-flawed-construction septic is even worse! Ask Neak. She knows. It's at her house! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> Cleaning, grocery shopping, paying bills, folding how many wks. of laundry (I have no idea), vacuuming, and other stuff are taking the place of lawn mowing in Susan's Lower Your Blood Pressure System for today. The lawn mowing part will probably come Sunday, especially if I can shanghai Charred&Broiled to do it for me! In case I was too subtle for you, Neak--call me! Stand by for NEWS......................... t&l
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I'm still waiting for the rest of MS story....
(ducking just in case)
"Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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I'm still waiting for the rest of MS story....
(ducking just in case) No need to duck. It's not deliberate--just that lately all I've had time for were drive-by's...kinda like this one! To write about MS, I actually have to think, and that takes longer than a quip or a bit of rambling. Off to pick up grandkids for church, although I expect that Pukey Princess will get to stay with her mother, Queen Queasy. Such not-fond memories all this morning sickness stuff brings back to me! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> For that matter, I don't miss getting up at night with barfy juveniles, either. Getting old may not be as bad as I thought... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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Oh, t&l -
I was just reminded of a very funny story that I have to share with you, if you're offended (and I don't think you will be) I'll delete it....
It's so dang funny.
When I lived in oklahoma, it's so dang hot and humid in the summer...
Anyway there's this park that's lit at night. It's a 9 hole golf course with a walking trail that wraps around it. There are also ballparks, swings, slides, pool etc - it's a huge complex.
Anyway this walking trail is marvelous. You walk around all the attractions above, so it's interesting. It's 3 1/2 miles.
Being so dang hot there, in the heat of summer like now the only time you could stand to walk was late at night or very early in the morning.
Well it suited me to walk late at night. Back then I had 2 old english sheepdogs - so I figured no one would ever mess with me when I had those two along. They were big - the male 90+ lbs, and very protective.
Well part of the park circled around a middle school, snaked around parking lots etc - since it went around the perimeter of the golf course. So I'm at the part where the trail is between the school and the golf course.
This car pulls up - and I think teenagers parking etc and didn't pay any attention, UNTIL...this guy gets out of the car and starts walking towards me - only he's a bit ahead.
I think Hmmmmm....wonder what this is about? There's a 8' fence between us and I could tell he was pretty large, so I'm not feeling threatened exactly only I know something isn't right.
In the meantime my dogs aren't noticing a SINGLE thing! So much for protection!
Well, what isn't right is that he is STARK NAKED! I'm thinking OMG I can't believe this. And even more strange is this guy is bald...and when I mean bald I mean every inch of him is bald...no hair ANYWHERE! I start to laugh. I think I've covered in previous posts that I laugh when I'm nervous - so I'm reallly trying to control my laughing because I don't want to make him mad.
My dogs aren't reacting at all...they don't get it. So he's standing at the fence as I'm approaching, he's what I would call "busy" with himself as well!!!
I think back to all the things I've been told if ever faced with this situation rapidly going through my mental file cabinet.
One thing I was always told is that these guys are relatively "harmless" and they do this for the shock value. So I decide I'm not going to appear shocked for him.
So as I passed him by, I briefly made eye contact with him, giving him my most disgusted withering look, then keep walking - ignoring him completely.
He stands there a minute, then gets back in his car - still bald and naked and drives off!
Well, that's the end of that...sorry I felt compelled to share that but I'm in a funny frame of mind!
Why I thought of you t&l is that you remind me very much of my friend who I called after this encounter....she laughed so hard, mostly because I was so stunned at how BALD this guys's entire body was. (I was less impressed with his special parts) well partly because...well I won't go there. I just can't imagine how much time and effort it must have taken for him to shave it ALL!
Last edited by CSue; 08/13/05 12:06 PM.
"The actions you speak are louder than your words!" Author unknown "Miracles are seen in light." From "A Course In Miracles".
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Queen Queasy here, trying not to think of big, huge, bald nekkid guys. EW! The Roil Princess is much better, though feverish and docile. (If only DS4 would get sick, too. Oh, wait. Did I say that out loud?) Not to tantalize anyone or anything, but I have actually met MS. I don't think it will give anything away to say that he nearly cried, but you will have to wait to find out whether he was emotionally moved, or just relieved I wasn't his!
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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Hey, I'm coming in here in the middle of theis 'conversation and I have a question:
[color:"purple"]What happened to the list of feminine hygiene products?[/color]
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Sorry Neak about that visual!! Hope you feel better soon. I know I'ville has been dedicated to anti-nausea ideas, but if you need more I'll share mine!
Who's MS?
"The actions you speak are louder than your words!" Author unknown "Miracles are seen in light." From "A Course In Miracles".
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My Soldier.
I am always open to new, improved anti-nausea ideas, but I am finally started on B6. It has worked very well in the past, though needed a few days to build up before I noticed a big difference. In the meantime, just keep the tacos comin'!
I still can't believe your dogs didn't even bark. They should have their licenses revoked!
And Bleubelle, the feminine hygiene products are safely tucked under the sink for the next 8 months or so.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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[color:"purple"]What happened to the list of feminine hygiene products?[/color] Do you mean why this thread is called that, or are you actually looking for a list? You can find its start on the end of the posts for 7/29 and into 7/30. This thread, originally started by the apparently-dear-departed (from the thread, silly!!!) Pepperband, had undergone several title changes at her hands as subjects came and went. It had an original title, then became woman of many layers, a thread without a theme, a multitasking thread, and eventually the feminine hygiene products label it still has now, after I made a joke about Neak's shopping list one day. It was a HUGE shock to me the first time I logged on and saw it, but since then it has come to have a great deal of sentimental value, and I'd be very nostalgic for it if it went away. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> It does give this thread a certain ambiance that the other threads don't have, that's for doggone sure!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> I also mentioned prophylactics in that joke, though, so it could've been worse! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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