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I know what you mean being thankful for this site and all the new friends!
I am grateful too that I'm walking in peace hand in hand with my husband. I wish it for everyone here as well.
Here's a for instance...my husband is putting our 2 boys to bed like he does EVERY night. He reads out loud to them even though they are 11 & 12. They just love how animated he tells the stories. So I get a well deserved small break before I go to bed. I usually spend it reading here!
I received so much from the posters on this site. They saw me through ******. Then I felt strong enough to give back. Now, I'm posting for my own entertainment!!!
I still get a lot out of this site. And I love the real life stories like you and the Neakgirls post here. There is so much to celebrate, and so much to learn, and so much to mourn....
Thank you for being so welcoming on your thread!!! And I still want to hear more about the Dervish at some point!
"The actions you speak are louder than your words!" Author unknown "Miracles are seen in light." From "A Course In Miracles".
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I'm stunned by your story of Neaksis's kids.
She's a brave lass - carrying a far heavier load that all but the most rare of women her age.
It doesn't seem fair that she should have to shoulder such a load.
A guy, 50. Divorced in 2005.
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All right, a quick Dervish tidbit. Yesterday he tried to eat some wheat, with the chaff still on. The first I knew of it, he came stumbling into the house, crying and drooling, pointing into his mouth. He had managed to get the spine stuck vertically from his tonsil to the back of his tongue. A guick application of tweezers, and the offending spine rested in his hand, everyone oohing and ahhing over the blood. No biggie for me, just par for the course.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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What a derelict, delinquent mother you are, Neak. He's four years old already, and you STILL haven't taught him the text that says it is God who separates the wheat from the chaff, and not mere human beings, which would include Dervishes also. I know I made that plural, but I think I may have to take it back, since just now the thought of another one as diabolically-inventive out there somewhere, gave me a severe frisson of terror. Don't look at me with that <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> expression on your face, amazed at my hypocrisy! I grew up.<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> Sort of. Eventually. At least now you know why your Grandma was prematurely gray! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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T&L - My WH went in for a prostate exam and the doc found a nodule on this thyroid. YIKES!
The good news is that it only cost us a couple thousand for them to find out it was nothing to worry about.
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It doesn't seem fair that she should have to shoulder such a load. I'll come back to this a bit later, but I agree with you. I DON'T think it's fair, and wrestle with a lot of personal grief over the fact that this is the way it is. t&l
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T&L - My WH went in for a prostate exam and the doc found a nodule on this thyroid. YIKES! Well, B, I can understand that this occurred in the same general time frame of a single MD visit, but surely not during the very same exam!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> "All right, sir, I'm going to be checking your prostate AND your thyroid during this probing. While the exam is in progress, you may feel just the teensiest little bit of pressure............" <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> For an exam of such surpassing thoroughness as that, $2000 is a SMALL price to pay! t&l
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The computer ate my post! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> Let's try it again...
Interesting day at church today. It was communion Sabbath, and Adventists, in addition to taking part of the unleavened bread and grape juice used by most Christian denominations, participate in a service called the Ordinance of Humility. It's taken from the experience of Jesus and His disciples at the Last Supper, when He washed their feet. The next few paragraphs are lifted, without the permission of the author <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />, from Neak's upcoming book. I thought I'd let her "give" the background and context of the ceremony, while I go across the lake to her house, and I can complete my thought over there, and explain what made this morning so meaningful to me. I haven't edited this section yet, so if there are any typos, etc., please ignore them. Oh, just for clarity, since we are jumping in here in the middle of the action, Set is Peter's tempter, Tarik, his guardian. The italicized section depicts events occurring in the unseen, spiritual realm.
From Peter, Fisher of Men....
The Day of Unleavened Bread dawned sunny and clear, when the Passover lamb was to be slaughtered and prepared for the feast, and still Jesus had made no move to arrange for the ceremony. Finally Philip felt moved to interrupt his Master’s preoccupation with the question, “What do You want us to do for the feast? It’s almost time, and we haven’t done anything to get ready. We don’t have a lamb, and all the chambers are probably already taken.”
“You’re right, it’s time.” Jesus turned wearily to Peter and John. “Would you two make the preparations for us to eat?”
“Of course,” John said after only the briefest hesitation.
“Where do you want us to go?”
When Jesus explained what He wanted, they were too well-trained by now to express skepticism, though Peter raised his eyebrows a trifle. Still a little uncomfortable, neither of them had much to say as they went down into the city. Entering into the Ophel Gate, they looked around for the man Jesus had described.
He was not long in coming, and every bit as conspicuous as they had imagined. The hem of his robe girded up and a water jar on his shoulder, the muscular young man waited with the women at the spring above the pool of Siloam for his turn to draw water. A few suppressed giggles turned his cheeks bright red, and when one of the unmarried girls cooed, “Oh, how sweet. I wish someone would draw water for me,” he wished the earth would open and swallow him. Peter and John quietly followed him as he clenched his jaw and started back up the hill.
The house he entered was near the Temple wall, and the two disciples went up to the door. “Hello,” Peter called, sticking his head in through the opening. “Is anyone there?”
A heavyset man with black hair and a gray beard appeared almost instantly. “What is it?” He appeared distressed, the strain visible in his eyes.
Peter thought for a moment, trying to remember the exact words Jesus had told him to say. “The Master wanted me to ask you where your guestroom is, so that He can eat the Passover with His disciples.” He paused, for the man seemed stunned. “Do you know what He’s talking about?”
At last the man asked Peter, “How many of you will there be?”
“Twelve,” answered John, “no—thirteen, counting Jesus.”
“Come with me.” The man’s voice was hoarse. “I want to show you something.”
He led them to a large upstairs room dominated by a central table. Thirteen places were set, and thirteen couches ringed the table. “Will this do?”
Peter was more surprised than he should have been. “It’s perfect.”
“It’s just like He said it would be,” John whispered.
The man turned to them. “Just before you came to the door, I received word that the group, thirteen in number, who planned to rent the room for the evening suffered a delay. I thought all our work, and all the food we prepared, would go to waste. Now I see that we were just preparing it for the King. What an honor!”
“He knew it would work out,” said Peter earnestly. “That’s why He sent us.”
“I have an idea,” John broke in. “Why don’t you stay here and see if they need help with anything, and I’ll go back and get the others.”
Peter shrugged and turned away. He found himself feeling angry all over again at the way John had tried to push himself in ahead of everyone else in the kingdom, and the less he had to be around that irritating man, the better off he’d be.
“You’d be better off without him,” Set insinuated, one arm placed confidingly across Peter’s shoulders. “You’d be better off without all of them, for that matter.”
“There is strength in unity,” Tarik countered.
“Think of the thrones.”
“Think of Jesus.” Peter thought of the thrones.
“Think of the palaces.”
“Think of Jesus.” Peter thought of the palaces.
“The others are trying to rob you of your rightful place. Oh yes, Andrew too. Wouldn’t you do the same if you were in his sandals? They all want to see you in a lower place than the one they have, and it’s just not fair.”
“It’s not an earthly kingdom,” Tarik reminded, but by that time Peter had sunk too low in resentment and self-pity to hear even an echo of his Guardian’s voice.
With each of the other disciples, a very similar argument was going on, and sadly, the other Guardians succeeded no better. In fact, as the eleven walked together ahead of Jesus, the argument grew so heated that the men had to walk faster and leave Jesus behind, just so He wouldn’t hear them.
Judas was the most vocal, calling down recriminations on James and John for their continuing closeness to the Lord. “If you think for one minute that just because you were the first ones called that you’re going to be first in the kingdom, let me be the one to disillusion you. I am smarter, more handsome, better dressed, and have higher connections than either one of you. And, for an added bonus, I don’t stink of fish!”
James almost hauled off and punched Judas for that, but John held his arm and reminded him that while Jesus might not be able to hear them, He could certainly still see them, and even if He couldn’t, He would be sure to ask why Judas came to the feast with a fresh black eye. James relieved his frustration instead with several foul curses aimed at the ancestry of Judas.
Shihab and his cronies shrieked with laughter at the irony. There was Jesus, staggering into the city for the Passover at which He would become the Lamb, with Satan on one side and Gabriel on the other, and all the while His chosen disciples could hardly complete a ten-minute walk without violently attacking each other. Pretending deafness at the amusement of their enemies, Nadiv, Bahir, and the others bided their time.
John led the stampede up the stairs. James lost precious seconds when he started to turn the wrong way down a corridor, and Judas was quick to jump ahead of him. John had the advantage, since he knew just which room it was, and he skidded across the room to throw himself down on the bench in the place of honor at the right hand of the Host. Judas, right behind him, hurled himself onto the couch at the left hand. James snarled at this heavy-handed maneuvering, but didn’t dare to take the seat that was reserved for Jesus. He stomped around to sit next to Peter, half-way down the table.
Peter eyed the pitcher of water, basin, and towel that one of the servants had left for them. Courtesy demanded they all have their feet washed, but there was no one to do it. True, Jesus had sent him and John to prepare, but if John wanted his feet washed he could do it himself. Peter sure wasn’t going to do it for him, that much was sure.
“What, all this time, and you didn’t arrange for someone to wash our feet?” James asked snidely, and loudly enough for the others to hear.
“Of course, you could have done much better,” Peter sneered back. “You could probably show us all how it’s done—you, or your snooty brother.”
“Take that back!” James raised his fist.
Jesus came in just then, alarmingly pale, and James subsided. None of the men would rise from their seats to help Him, lest someone in a lesser seat take advantage of their absence to move up. An uneasy hush attended as Jesus took His place. He looked around sadly at the discontented faces, knowing the cause of their strife and wishing He could do more to prepare them for the storm about to break over their heads.
With unsteady hands, Jesus picked up the cup of fresh wine and held it up as He gave thanks. “Take this,” He passed it to John. “Share it among yourselves, and drink it all. It is My blood, which I have shed for you. Do this in order to remember Me.”
Surprised, John took the cup. This was not how they had celebrated the Passover before. He drank and passed it on. Jesus swallowed hard before He spoke. “I will not drink this again until the day I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.” When the cup had come at last to Judas, who drained the last drops, Jesus took up several pieces of unleavened bread.
Again, He lifted the bread as He prayed. Breaking the flat loaves in pieces and passing them around, Jesus told them, “This is My body, which is broken for you. Take it and eat it all. Do this to remember Me, for as often as you eat this bread and drink from this cup, you will show My death till I come.” The men chewed silently, glaring at each other when they thought Jesus wasn’t looking. Judas was nearly unbearable in his smugness, smirking at those in lower positions, which were everyone but John. Not one man had room in his selfish heart to ponder the words of Jesus. “This is My body, which is broken for you.”
Chapter 32 The meal ended in silence. That pitcher of water seemed to grow larger as they all looked at it, wondering angrily why someone didn’t just get up and wash their feet like they were supposed to. Jesus waited a long time, looking from one to the next, before standing and stripping off His seamless white robe. Tucking up the end of His undergarment, He quietly picked up the basin and towel and turned to the disciples.
With great dismay they watched as He knelt, first of all before Judas, and washed their feet. The task they considered too degrading for themselves, Jesus did for them. With shame on their faces, they put their feet into the lukewarm water one by one.
When it was Peter’s turn, he found he could not just put his feet into the water as had the others. It grieved him to see the Son of the Highest kneeling before him, towel spread across His royal lap. “Lord, are You really going to wash my feet? I should be washing Yours!”
Jesus looked up at him and smiled. “You don’t understand now why I need to do this, but someday you will.”
“No!” Peter exclaimed. “You will never wash my feet!”
Jesus held out His hands to receive Peter’s foot. “If you won’t let Me do this, you will not have a part in My kingdom.”
With comical haste, Peter thrust both feet toward Jesus at once. “Don’t just wash my feet then, wash my hands and my head. Wash everywhere—please!”
“Ah, Peter, you’ve been baptized once already, and that was enough. You only need to have your feet washed to be completely clean.”
Humbly, Peter submitted, ashamed of his spiteful attitude. He wasn’t the only one. Except for Judas, all the disciples felt themselves drawn once again to the love and harmony they had lost. At last they could comprehend Jesus’ words as He asked them, “Do you know what I did for you tonight? Do you really understand? You say I am your Master and Lord, and I am. But if I, your Master, have washed your feet, don’t you think you should be willing to wash each other’s feet? What I did was an example for you. It is what I want you to do for each other. After all, the servant is not more important than his Lord, is he? Whoever wants to be the greatest must be a servant, the same way I have served you. You will be so much happier if you follow My instructions.”
“I know I feel better!” The relief in John’s voice made them all laugh.
Jesus embraced His beloved disciple before taking His place again. “That’s because you’re clean now, or at least most of you.”
Peter felt as if a great weight had been lifted from him, and ate heartily of the meal that followed the Passover supper. His bite of bread dipped in herbs and olive oil was part-way to his mouth when Jesus made a startling announcement. “Now, I am not talking about all of you that I have chosen, but just as the Scriptures say, one of you that is eating bread with Me has turned against Me for harm.”
Peter dropped the piece of bread on his arm, and next to him, James choked and tried to swallow. Fear gripped them all. “What are You talking about?” Peter asked.
Jesus answered the question plainly. “One of you is going to betray me.”
Peter looked wildly from one of his friends to the next. He knew them all so well, it was unthinkable that one of them could be the traitor. He saw the amazement on Andrew’s face and his heart constricted. Please, Adonai, don’t let it be my brother. He ran his fingers through his hair, frantic to know who it was. He looked down at his own hands. Oh, dear God, don’t let it be me!
Nathaniel was the first to speak. “Am I the one?” His voice shook, and he slumped in relief when Jesus shook His head.
“What about me?” Philip was next.
“Hope it’s not me,” Thomas looked aghast. “Never did anything on purpose, anyway.”
Peter gathered up his courage and asked, “Lord, is it I?” Again Jesus shook His head.
By now the table had become a scene of distress and confusion as each man asked if he was the one who would bring disaster on them all. Through it all, Judas sat silently, not even listening, and Peter came to regard him with suspicion.
Finally, John could take no more. “Who is it, then?”
Pain engulfed Jesus as He answered, “The one who dips his bread with Me is the same one that will betray Me.” All eyes went to Judas, as he obliviously dipped his bread in the same dish with Jesus. “The Son of Man must go to His death just the way it was written, but what wretchedness will come to the man who betrays Him!”
Confused by the sudden silence, and not sure what had just been said, Judas asked quickly, “Am I the one?”
Jesus nodded slowly. “It is just as you said.”
He was caught! Judas jumped to his feet, determined to fight his way out if need be. To his surprise, no one tried to stop him. Jesus touched him gently on the arm. “What you’re going to do, do quickly.” Without thinking, Judas swallowed the last bite of bread he still held into his mouth, before hurrying into the night.
“Where is he going?” Simon asked the younger James.
“I don’t know.” Already Jesus’ words seemed misty and unreal. None of them could comprehend the reality that one of their tight little band was collaborating with the enemy. “Maybe to get something else for the feast?”
“Simon!” Both Simons jumped when Jesus called their name, but Jesus was looking at Peter. “Simon, Satan wants you.” Peter was so surprised to be addressed by his old name it took a moment to assimilate the rest: Satan wants you. He stared in shock at Jesus, hoping to see a gleam of humor, some indication that this was only an ill-chosen jest, but Jesus was entirely serious. “He hopes that if he sifts you like wheat, you will be blown away with the chaff. I have prayed for you, though, that your faith will not fail. After you are changed, give strength to these men, your brothers.”
Could Jesus really have meant that I was the one who would betray Him, and not Judas? It can’t be! “No!” Peter shouted. “It won’t happen that way—I won’t let it!” His voice turned pleading. “Lord, I’m ready to go anywhere with You. I would go to prison, or even death!”
Jesus dropped back into the old familiar form of address. “Ah, Peter, I must tell you that before the rooster crows, you will deny that you even know Me.”
Cut to the quick, Peter buried his face in his hands, unable to look at any of the others. “No,” he sobbed quietly to himself. “It can’t be true! Please, Father, don’t let it be true!”
There was little any of them could say after that, and in near silence they finished the meal. Jesus smiled tiredly at them. “Before we go, let’s sing the hymn.”
Be back soon...
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Well, B, I can understand that this occurred in the same general time frame of a single MD visit, but surely not during the very same exam!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> I've been assuming everybody knows where their thyroid gland is, but just in case somebody doesn't let me tell you: the thyroid is in the neck; the prostate is in the, uh, um... not-neck. t&l P.S. Well, I feel vindicated. Neaksis just read this over my shoulder and said, "So THAT'S where the thyroid is. I wondered about all these thyroid jokes." <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> Does this mean I have to explain the location of the prostate, too? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> Google it! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
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I'm not sure it's possible to be coherent with this many kids in the house, since there is another couple and their 4 kids over here for supper. Count 'em. That makes 10. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
What I wanted you to get out of that book exerpt was the idea that when Jesus told His followers that they should wash each others' feet, as He had washed theirs, it was intended to help protect them against pride and self-exaltation, and to encourage them to see themselves as servants to their fellow believers, not rulers competing for territory and authority.
At any rate, today when it got time for the foot washing, I sent a note to Neak suggesting that she and her husband go to a separate room together to wash each other's feet, instead of her coming with the women, and him going with the men. I was deeply moved by the idea of the two of them performing this act for each other...for him, by washing the feet of the woman he had so profoundly wounded, to show his committment to be her faithful servant, and for her to show by this action not only her forgiveness but her willingness to serve him as well. When Pwitty Pwintheth and I finished washing each other's feet, and I'd kissed her and prayed for her, I left early to go back so I could play the piano while people filtered into the sanctuary. As I passed through the room where the men were, I saw the Dervish (4) kneeling at HP's feet to wash them, and Neaksis' DS#1 (11) taking a basin of water to where my dad (90) was sitting, to wash his feet...and I couldn't help but think how much happier all our families would be if we always manifested in our hearts, and in our actions, this same attitude of humble, loving, generous service for each other.
Were Neak and AJ deeply moved by this as well? How should I know?! I was extremely busy herding small fry! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> But I hope so. Their marriage will be the better for it, if they were.
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I think I've got a couple of minutes for a toe-dip in the pool...
My mother died in February of '03, shortly after midnight. At 10AM I was outside the prison 70+ miles away to pick up Biodad for his release. When I told him my mother was dead, he sat there in the front seat of the van and cried. He stayed with us for the funeral, although CPS wouldn't allow him to visit the kids. At that point he still thought we were wonderful and was grateful for our care and intervention for the children. During that time he asked HP if he could live with us for awhile, but was turned down because it wasn't "convenient." So there were a number of stressors floating around just then, completely aside from the fact that my mother was dead, which, quite frankly was--all by itself--fully enough.
The day of the funeral my dad and I left for Wisconsin to bury her. I watched her coffin, in a cardboard box, being loaded into the plane for Minneapolis, and then my dad and I boarded another plane to take us there, too. Californians think of February as a cold, gloomy, rainy winter month. Ha! Wisconsonians spit on California's winters. We brought along our warm winter clothing <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />, suitable for California weather--and landed in the most frigid temperatures I'd seen since 1969 when I spent the first 6 months after nursing school in Chicago to be in that wedding and to be near MS. Snow. Wind. Sleet. Br-r-r-r. Even in the midst of my sorrow, I found time to praise my parents' good sense in moving to Hawaii when I was a little girl and letting me grow up where temperatures in the low 70s were considered a cold snap!
The night before the funeral, my cousin and I went to the cemetery to see if the grave had been prepared. Everything was covered by snow, and as I stood by the car, a gently-sloping hill went towards the gravesite. I didn't think it looked prepared yet, so started to walk on the "hill" towards the plot, only to discover, when I sunk in it up to my hips, that the "hill" was a snowbank. My cousin didn't see what happened to me, only that I'd suddenly disappeared. She's a little hard-of-hearing so she was standing above me calling, "Susan, Susan, where are you?", while I was down at her feet, half-buried in the snow and telling her, "I'm down here. Pull me out!"
In more temperate climes, particularly in Western cultures, death is gussied up and disguised a great deal. The grave is concealed by little drapes running around the opening, and the harsh dirt is covered by nice green artificial grass. A grave in Wisconsin in February is a grave. Ugly. Gaping. Final. I was told that when the backhoe came to dig the grave, the ground was frozen 5 feet down. I still try not to think about that, even though I know it doesn't bother her.
Well, my pt. has just decided that she feels like pushing. I guess that means I should get out of the Pool and dry off my toe! Consider it done.
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People who putz around in labor all night should not be allowed to deliver with only 26 minutes left in the shift!!!!!!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> So near, and yet so far. And furthermore, sleeping by the road along the way home screws up my whole time schedule for the rest of the day. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> However, as much in a hurry as I was to get home, I still knew when my eyes started crossing--at 70mph--it was time to pull over and take a nap.
My mother is buried next to her parents, on a gentle slope which overlooks the fields through which she walked as a little girl to get to school, and across from the old farm house (now burned down) where she was born. I wanted her to be buried there because it felt right to me...this coming full circle, to be home again. But I wasn't bargaining on February. If she had died in July, or September, or even October, I might never have seen MS again. I never really thought about it until just now--but that day we buried a Snow in the snow. And when we returned to CA it bothered me a great deal that the last view my dad had of my mom's grave was that muddy hole in the ground, with all the brown, dirty snow piled up beside it. The cemetery where she is buried is a beautiful little country place (in the spring and summer when we usually visit), with green trees and grass and open fields. It was the image I carried in my own head when I thought about them both being buried there. Seeing that wound carved into the earth, everything white except where we left her, I just couldn't be comfortable with that being my dad's last picture of where she lay. Tell you the truth, I wasn't too crazy about it myself.
So I decided that I would take him back to see the grave in the springtime, when everything would be green and living, and settled on Memorial Day weekend 3 months later. Since the last time I'd seen him, MS said he was planning to be retired at 55 (as opposed to me--I'm just tired!), and do some traveling, I wrote him a little note saying that we were going to be there to visit my mother's grave, and I just wondered if a newly-retired gentleman with time on his hands and travel on his mind might be going through the town at the same time. I didn't put too much stock in it, because from where he lives to where we were going to be was almost a 2,000 mile trip, one way, and I certainly didn't expect anybody to be making that long of a trek to see me.
Neak and the kids went with us on this trip, and after visiting Flard and Gellnjen in OK, we arrived in WI on Friday afternoon. I had heard nothing from him, which was no surprise. We visit EsWa, as usual, and although they mentioned him, it was obvious they hadn't heard anything from him about any visit. Went to church, visited with the relatives, planted grass on my mother's grave (which, annoyingly enough, was still bare! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />) But at least the rest of everything was green and the lilacs were blooming, and the bee-yoo-tee-ful headstone I'd chosen was there, so the trip wasn't a complete waste.
Sunday we began to prepare to return home, still with no word from MS. Which was OK. Really. I didn't have any particular urge to see him, no unfinished business in my head that I felt needed settling. I'd come and accomplished what I set out to do, and was ready to go home. We were supposed to be going to MN the next day to visit a friend in the federal penitentiary. I'd visited him once over the weekend, but he wanted to see my dad again, and was especially excited about getting to hold the Dervish, whom he had last seen during a visit we'd made to the prison he was in previously (same sentence, 4 different prisons--your tax dollars at work...OR, NY, WI, MN, plus the prison hospital in MO!) when the Dervish was a few months old at the most. So on Sunday afternoon I was busy packing, and talking on the phone to Neaksis, when I heard a commotion outside. I wondered who Neak could possibly be talking to, since we were there alone, when suddenly the door opened and Neak walked into the house, followed by MS. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> To say I was dumbfounded would be a serious understatement, since by this point I was deep in my departure mode and we were almost ready to leave.
He picked me up right off the ground and hugged me, leaving my feet dangling a good 8" off the ground. As much as I talk about things lots of people won't, I am still in many ways remarkably inhibited, and being embraced this way (and in front of my daughter, too! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />) was surprisingly uncomfortable to me.
She told me later that when he drove up, he got out of the car and came up to her with tears in his eyes, hugged her, and said, "Hello, oldest daughter (the meaning of her first name, which is of American Indian origin). Do you know who I am?"
And she thought to herself, "Hm-m-m-mm. Older man, mom's age, knows my name, has tears in his eyes when he sees me for the first time..." And out loud, "Of course, I do."
It's 10:12, and I haven't been to bed yet. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> I am SO going to hate myself this afternoon when it's time to get up. We are hovering on the very edge of the Saga now, and if anybody's still listening when it's done, I still have the life lessons I think I've learned from it which are generally applicable, and not just things that are useful to OtherSusan the Stupid. But for now, it's bedtime.
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Oh I'm listening t&l, just not saying much !! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> oh by the way .. Does this mean I have to explain the location of the prostate, too? Google it! Nah..I LIKE your explainations better.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.
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Oh I'm listening t&l, just not saying much !! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Saw Aussie's pix on Idiotville. Surprised you can say anything at all! Personally, I think men try to drive women crazy just for the fun of being the chauffeur. Nah..I LIKE your explainations better.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> In mixed company, AW? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> Pro-state--as in, the state of being pro; not the same as amateur-state, or semipro-state, either. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" /> Not to be confused with the prostrate gland (as it is frequently misspelled and mispronounced), which causes men to collapse flat on their faces at our feet. Come to think of it, not a bad idea! Come ladies, 3 cheers for men's prostrate glands! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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oh yawning my head off ... soon as his master is finished burping here I'm going to bed ..I hope ...
Oh the pics are nothing t&l just the usual stuff they release..only reason I knew AUSSIE was in any of them was that he SMS'ed me..they are over a few weeks I think. They have now also released them to the media, without much info on them though.
Just wait while I swallow the other 3 prozac .... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
But I suppose its good to know hes ok at least. Some info Vs no info.
Mmm I dont think I will repeat what he says about the medicals he gets.... mixed company you know <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
I'll let you ask him when he gets back after going through it all again..lol <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />
ohh there he goes ..what a good boy... this mamas for bed
Night t&l <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />
Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.
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I'm listening too. Just too darn busy these past few days to say much!
Hope you're rested! We can wait very patiently!
"The actions you speak are louder than your words!" Author unknown "Miracles are seen in light." From "A Course In Miracles".
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please sleep on the way home!
we can wait for the end of the story!
"Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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Mmm I dont think I will repeat what he says about the medicals he gets.... mixed company you know <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> You mean, besides "Turn your head and cough," and "Skin it and wring it, soldier"? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> Honestly, the things I never would've learned if I hadn't married HP!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> He has certainly expanded my life's horizons... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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P.S. Well, I feel vindicated. Neaksis just read this over my shoulder and said, "So THAT'S where the thyroid is. I wondered about all these thyroid jokes." <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> OK, an evil light just went on in my head and I want to know why my innocent, virginal Neaksis knows where the prostate is, but not the thyroid? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> Hm-m-m-m-m?!! Neaksis? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> Come sit down with your mama. We need to chat... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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