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7didnt' someone once say they couldn't get a word in edgewise???? I think it was JLS So where was she? I didn't see anybody trying to take advantage of all those available "edges" while I was cut down to minutes of internet access daily? The Wordy Wonder has returned. Edge as you can! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I'm not stopping you. Even I have to take a breath occasionally! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> t&l I guess tomorrow I'll tell you how we came thisclose to missing the plane, and it wasn't even our fault, but I had some very nerve-wracking moments at the very end, and one crabby HP to enhance the ambience of the moment. Aloha dwindled right there at the end, but when the plane left, we were at least on it...and in MY book, that's a success! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
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Thanks AD. I saw you made it to the Atlanta get-together, although we didn't log on soon enough to see everybody's picture so I guess we missed your visual. Glad you had a good time. When's the trip out West to see SS? So much adventuring for you. I think this is a good thing, and helps you shuck off some of the stress of the past months. t&l
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Tell CSue that SDA's don't really live longer. IT JUST SEEMS THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HeeeeHeeeee! Surely that is not a reflection of the company you're currently keeping!!! Certainly not! Whatever would make you suspect such a thing? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> Just because I'm vacationing in dog years, could not POSSIBLY mean anything whatsoever derogatory about my companions! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> How shocking that you would even suggest it'! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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I just wanted to say that neak & neaksis job on the house was pretty wonderful to see happen when she told us about it. The weeding, the planting and trimming its was like WOW!! What a team!!
NOW thats love!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
You two girls need a mug of hot Lintz chocolate & marshmellows with a dusting of 70% cocoa choc as a reward. I volunteer to make it for you ...you can trust me. I'm a public servant, chocolate has no hold over me, I can resist its siren call, turn my face from temptation, have faith, you'll get your hot chocolate ........ eventually ..someone has licked the tin clean of Lintz swiss chocolate powder.. 'cuse ...... repeating on me - now where were ,we?
Ah yes the new chocolate...I won't be long just popping out to the importers ..be right back. Hot chocolate on the way
t&l you are lucky as are they to have you!! Blessed in fact if I may say so. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Life may feel as if you are constantly getting kicked on a daily basis, living is about picking yourself up each day and going on and on and on regardless.
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AW, is that Swiss cocoa I smell on your breath?
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NOW thats love!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> You have no idea. Yesterday I got dragged along on another rock-collecting run, this time for Neak's house. The place from which they've been hauling boulders has something hidden, but veryVERY VERY dead right close by, and from the smell of the area you'd think you were working right inside the cadaver. Yec-c-c-c-ch. I don't even love me that much! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" /> Blessed in fact if I may say so. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> You certainly may, and I wholeheartedly agree with you that they are two of my absolutely greatest blessings. I'd say "greatest" but I don't want to hurt their brothers' feelings, even in absentia. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> I would be lost without them, if considerably richer, both in cash and in the number of small, energetic, active, lonely children I'd inherit along with their mothers' life insurance payouts. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> May they live long and prosper! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I have been questioned more than once, and occasionally criticized, because I work so much while my daughters stay home with kids (both old and young), "And why don't they go out and get jobs, too?" This is why. Because they HAVE jobs. What they do is work, pure and simple. It doesn't pay any money, more's the pity, but it's hard labor nevertheless, and they do everything they can to help me out while I'm helping them. We're a team, and when you've got a team, not everybody plays the same position, do they? Not everybody's a pitcher, but if everybody tried to catch instead, who would throw? And if there were no outfielders, there'd be lots more home runs from all those high fly balls; but if everybody were in the outfield, the absence of infielders/shortstops would mean that bunting would be the thing to do if you wanted to get on base. I am so grateful for these girls, and have great admiration for them both as I see the faithfulness they bring to some extremely difficult responsibilities. I often think that, of the 3 of us, I have the easiest job--more boring, yes, and I get tired of doing it--but at least my life's got greater consistency, fewer surprises, and a regular, non-disrupted schedule. Now if they can just figure out a way to get rid of the derelict, excuse me, heirloom truck of HP's long-deceased father, which we've had sitting alongside every house we've every owned for the last 34 years, so he can "restore" it for his brother.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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I feel a little better about the weeding after last night, when HP told me that a rototiller was involved, even if the only reason he mentioned it was to complain that it had been left in the dining room long enough for him to find it there when he got home. I thought they'd dug everything up by hand <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />, and was afraid I was going to have to sell a kidney or something to be able to afford sufficient gifts for the two of them, but as long as they used machinery... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Whew!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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Start shopping around for buyers. That little hummingbird could no more have dug up those flower beds than a hunter could bring down an elephant with a toothpick spear. I did the tilling - really more like soil fluffing - AFTER my partner in crime had pitchforked it all by hand, weeded it (with the children's ?help?), and removed all the standard and Bermuda grass. How much are kidneys going for these days, anyway?
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GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
Anybody wanna buy a kidney? Two? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
Although as soon as I locate my toothpick spear, I'm going on safari, and once I bring you those elephant steaks, the poor rototiller is expecting an apology for being called a "hummingbird." And I'm going to quit trying to market my kidneys! They're overused anyway. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> I could try selling sphincters, but not to THIS crowd. They've heard too much about them to be fooled into thinking purchasing any of mine would be an upgrade! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
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t&l doesn't always do evenings, either! OK, we'll try this as a starter. I've grown old and gray waiting for 5 pictures to transfer to Yahoo photos, and don't feel like trying any more at this point. Oh, wait, I was already old and gray. Well, I'm older and grayer now! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> Hope y'all don't have dialup! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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OK, I give up. I've tried 3 times to upload the picture entitled "what 3 people got for $40 per night," and after it goes through the whole interminable process, it says nothing was uploaded. I did it the exact same way I did the ones which worked, and the picture (with the appropriate title) is visible in the folder, so I haven't the faintest ghost of the hint of a clue what's wrong. Guess I'll take it over to Neak eventually and let her try, but will put the other 3 pictures of our house on now for you to see. The lady doesn't only rent to SDAs, although there is a No Smoking sign at the entrance to the house. Great deal, as you shall see.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> and this for GP You can see, next to GP's bed, the corner of the king-sized bed (SHE knows how people eat over there!), with their crocheted bedspreads. After making one crocheted blanket for each boy when they were children, and never really crocheting much again, I don't know whether to be in awe of her industry or her folly! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> When I followed up with the girls' blankets, they got Care Bear quilts, machine-sewed! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/ooo.gif" alt="" /> and a living room and a kitchen, dining room, and bathroom I should've tried to get adopted, that's what I should've done!!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> t&l, who is now definitely, absolutely, positively, immediately turning off the computer and getting to work around the house before it's time to leave for employment (and possibly, if I'm unfortunate) work.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
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OK, what the heck happened to everybody? I've been busily quiet here for the last day, leaving an "edgewise" you could drive a tank through, and what do I hear? An familiarly-eerie silence, that's what! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> I didn't know Clam was contagious! Or maybe you're all hiding because you're worried about this? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> t&l feigning deafness and walking very fast <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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I'm here! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Tired but still happy <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
I've been very very busy which is very good. But I've read every single update and detail of the trip. I can see you had a busy time, I even looked for you in a discovery channel show on Hawaii!
But I am waiting for the impressions you bring of the trip and the novel experience of going on holidays with HP to your hometown. What were his few words about the trip?
We may even spend pages and pages trying to wring different interpretations of them once you post them! That would be fun!
Anyway, I like the pictures in our family album. We should all get together over there next year!
"Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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What were his few words about the trip? Oh, he was EFFUSIVE in his enthusiasm! He said, "I'm never coming back here again if we bring anything more than carry-on luggage." <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> Of course, this was after he'd hauled the suitcases around to 5 different places before we could finally ditch them. I'll have to tell you how we almost missed the plane, but I'm due to be at a grandkids' school performance in 2 hrs. It's a 20 minute drive, and I haven't slept yet. So, prioritizing (as you know I ALWAYS do!), it will be naptime first, Dr. Pepper 2nd, program 3rd, and chewing the trip cud after that! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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We should all get together over there next year! What a great idea! I know lots of places to eat! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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We may even spend pages and pages trying to wring different interpretations of them once you post them! That would be fun! If you can wring pages of analysis out of that, I take my cyberhat off to you, and bow in respectful admiration! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> Glad you like the pictures. It's not the most flattering family album, I guess, as photos go, but they amuse me... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> t&l, signing off
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I'm here! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Tired but still happy <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I'm so glad to hear it. Keep up the good work, or as those military types say, "Carry on!" <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> t&l
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They amuse me too!
now let methinkabout the clam translations for a while...
have fun
"Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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I'm only a teeny bit here, and I have to go now.
I enjoy the photos too.
I have been wondering if you feel the trip was good overall, or bad overall, and what elements add up to that judgement.
You know, +++ and - - - .
Get some sleep, it seems to be helpful.
Hi CC.
I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Hi SS! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
My mind is already thinking of interpretations of HP's assessment of the trip, while we wait for t&l's.
I'm thinking he means to go back again! After allwhy would he say he would never o again IF...
What do you think?
"Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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