He didn't come home last night. We have a water line broke and he won't fit it. We heat with a wood stove and there is wood just for one day if we are lucky or one night. That would have been used if we stayed here last night. But his sister in law called me and asked if me and the kids wanted to stay over there for the night. His brother I guess doesn't like the thought that he lefted us here with no heat or water. While he is over his parents with no worries. When I found out that it was his brother idea for us to stay over there I cried cuz someone does care for us, besides my family. Before we lefted this morning to take the kids to school she told me when she will be home and I can come back.
I'm not going to my parents cuz I want to keep the kids in the same school and I don't want the kids to be so far from there dad. Right now they need their friends and their cousins ( where we are staying at).

Last edited by Spitfirre; 11/29/05 08:06 AM.

I'm 34 divorced w/kids 1 boy 15 1 girl 13
remarried hubby 40 3 step kids 20, 18, 17
Hubby & I have baby boy 15mos.
