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Owl Offline
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How about responding to another bird of prey? Take a look at what I posted to you before. I agree with the fact that you've basically just let your 'taker' take over. You know what...doing that is pretty much the best way possible to ensure that your family WILL end up destroyed. I personally can't think of a better way to shatter your family than what you're already doing. Both of you need to calm down...and the only person YOU can control is YOU.

Here is the post I just provided your wife on her thread...give it some thought.


I referred to him looking at my response to his post here...I wanted to ensure that he saw what I had to say. Nothing more, nor did I think that it would confuse the issue.

As a BS, perhaps I can shed a little light on what your H is looking for in a "plan".

I felt horribly insecure in our marriage after my wife's EA...rightfully so. It was clear that our marriage was in deadly danger, and that she was willing to go outside of the marriage to satisfy her own needs regardless of the impacts to myself and our kids...in much the same fashion that happened in your case.

And I too wanted a 'plan'. Not just knowing that she didn't have the 'opportunity'...but that she had learned from what happened and was applying what she'd learned to keep it from happening again. In our case, her EA began via internet and went to phone...and when I 'caught' the IM's between them indicating their love and future plans, she was all set and willing to go live with him...even though they hadn't met.

So..back to the 'plan'. When we first started to deal with this, she was in almost the exact same state that you are now. She was also in withdrawl over the end of the A, which I'm not sure how much of that you've dealt with. But, she was angry at our entire family for 'ruining her chance to be with the love of her life'. Lashing out at me at every chance...it was horrible.

I managed to keep my temper, keep from DJ'ing and LB'ing pretty well, even though I'd never even heard of this site. Instead, I made myself see past what I was feeling to what SHE was feeling. She was devestated by the loss of 'what might have been'. She was scared, ashamed, angry, embarassed. She had no desire to truly look at what she'd done to our family...instead, she wanted to blame US for everything. She was still living in that 're-written marital history' that you'll see some of us talking about...she'd convinced herself that she'd NEVER been happy in our 17+ year marriage. (Pure hogwash...we knew she'd not been happy for about that last year...and had fought tooth and nail to help, but to no avail). Instead of taking all of this personally, I worked to help her deal with her own emotions first...let her deal with her withdrawl, helped her to see that there was nothing to be embarassed about. Showed her that while she may feel ashamed, she was still loved and cared for. Not just by me, but by our families, friends, etc...

But...she still kept talking divorce and seperation. Finally, she realized that if she did that, she would lose me in any capacity, forever.

We began to reconcile. But I still needed a plan...how would we keep from having this happen again? Unless you've been through it, it's impossible to describe the sheer emotional devestation that being a BS is. To put it into perspective, I'll simply say that I've been diagnosed for PTSD twice in my life...the first time was post-combat. The second was this...and it was FAR harder to deal with than the first.

So...that plan. How would she show me that this wouldn't happen again? Sure, she could quit playing the online games that would have let her resume contact with OM. But, she was still occasionally IM'ing him. She DID agree to counseling...but refused to apply or use any of it since she didn't like the counselor (our first MC was actually completely correct in what she was saying...but had no tact and quite honestly didn't know how to 'sell the plan' to my wife). But, we started seeing my IC for our MC...and started that plan.

She HATED that I wanted to check her email...as a matter of fact, it was that fact that finally led to the real NC between them...because she knew I was 'looking'. But a few days later, she told our MC that she now understood why I wanted to check her email...it wasn't that I truly had expected to find anything...but it was the only way I could SEE that she was doing her part with NC.

She started the EA because she didn't understand what was wrong in discussing our problems with opposite sex friends...she didn't realize that listening to THEIR problems would lead to her eventual interest in them. She didn't understand emotional boundaries. But once she did, she began implementing them. If someone started talking on a subject that became too personal, she now would put a halt to it rather than let it go on.

She began to take steps to keep herself from being attracted to others...in other words, she began taking steps to keep it from happening again. She sat down with me and our MC, and learned what it was that led up to her having her affair...and how to avoid those things. A PLAN.

My feeling that it's THIS kind of thing that Eagle is looking for from you.

I'd also guess that he's looking for you to quit threatening or considering divorce...at least for now. Instead, simply find ways to make your life together more enjoyable for BOTH of you.

My wife and I didn't do a lot of R talking outside of the MC office for the first several months. We'd do our homework...but we wouldn't let ourselves DWELL on what happened. We wouldn't dwell on the problems...we'd dwell on the good stuff...and save our problems for when we had a nuetral third party to help us deal with them...our weekly MC.

So...as a suggestion for you in this case, I'd suggest that you simply stop with worrying about a D. Sit down, and honestly think about what WOULD make you happier in your current marriage. Think about the good things you shared in your marriage...what made you happy before? There WERE things, or you wouldn't have made it this far. Start renewing those things...and start small at first. Walks, talking...NOT about the A or R. Find a hobby to share with your H...and when you share it, don't let the A or R intrude on it. Become FRIENDS again first...then later on you can work on the marriage in more depth. And realize that neither of you have to make any final choices today or tomorrow...you've got your whole life to make a choice.

Hope this helps you get some perspective.

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Great post, I get it. I agree, but it takes 2.

You know I would have really loved to eventually put "in recovery" in our sig, and eventually "RECOVERED" in our sig. But I can't do it alone.

Last edited by Eagle15; 02/22/06 05:00 PM.

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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You know I would have really loved to eventually put "in recovery" in our sig, and eventually "RECOVERED" in our sig. But I can't do it alone.

If this is what you REALLY want...then quit trying to be right, and do what you have to in order to be MARRIED.

You can't make her do her part...but you CAN make it EASIER for her to consider doing her part. Right now, what are you doing to make the concept of being married to you attractive to her? Are you showing her what she stands to lose by continuing her current behavior? Or are you simply not thinking and just reacting to everything she says and does.

Do YOUR part. Stop trying to fix the marriage for the moment, and start trying to fix the friendship first. If you are like most couples, you were friends for at least a short time before you were married. Get that back first...and let her see the man in you that won her heart all those years ago. NOT the ogre that her infidelity has led to. No one wants to be married to someone who is constantly judging, dis-respecting, attacking, etc...

I'm NOT saying be a doormat. But I AM saying stop acting emotionally all the time and start reacting more compassionately and understandingly. And give her the chance to do the same. Quit trying to force the marriage to begin reconciling right now...simply work on being friends, with the hope that your marriage can be reconciled in the future.

But...(and I will likely say this to your wife as well), I'm NOT suggesting that either of you go ahead and divorce right now either. What I'm suggesting is that both of you take a bit of pressure off the other for a bit, and re-discover each other some. NO CHOICE HAS TO BE MADE TODAY. OR TOMORROW. OR NEXT WEEK. And for goodness sakes, do as I suggested and work on learning to communicate with each other in a civilized and respectful fashion! Get that counseling with SH so that you both agree on what an LB/DJ/etc... is.

Hope this helps. Give some thought to what I said on how I dealt with MY FWW when the affair was over. I was NOT a doormat. I simply made the effort to understand what she was going through as well...and I knew that at least in my case, if I could help her deal with her own issues, I could resolve mine in time as well.

Can you two simply do something together that doesn't require you to talk about the R? Crosswords/online games/jigsaws/crocheting/walking/hiking/biking/anything that you can do TOGETHER to rebuild your friendship.

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This is just heartbreaking.

I see so little love and so much control Eagle.
What do you love about her?

I admit I haven't read your whole thread, but what was your Plan A all about? What did you do that contributed to the state of the marriage? Why is this all about what SHE needs to do?

I saw the 8 items on your list, but really those were more demands of her.

I know you're trying to use the resources on this site, however you're using material from BS who had REMORSEFUL, REPENTANT spouses who would do anything to repair what they had done.

You haven't convinced your wife that she wants to stay. You still have Plan A to do.

Maybe she will get to the point of WANTING to be married to you.

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I tried a Plan A long distance. Obviously it didn't work. I did the best I could, but I can't take D in my face everytime we disagree.
I have asked her to read and post in 4 mos she read SAA & LB, she can't tell you a thing about what she read only that she did read it.
I'm tired of all this, the fighting, hearing about OM, lack of desire not wnating to try or I'm trying, I see progress, but still want D. I ahve finally been beaten down farther than I ever have before. I'm done.

Please understand that I have loved my wife like no other, never even looked anywhere else, always thought she was it, #1. I tried to protect her from some poor choices, show my concern for what she wanted to do, instead of it being a good thing, it was labeled "CONTROLLING". When our children were 3 & 5 she wanted to go skydiving, first I thought it was not a good idea (safety, young children etc...), second it is expensive and according to her we couldn't afford much of anything else so how can we do this, third I wasn't invited, never asked. I ahve friends who skydive, all have been hurt at one time or another, I used to hang out with them alot but after seeing the results of a streamer, cut away, and reserve opening a little too low, I didn't think I wnated to do it.
Having too many male friends that I didn't know only heard about in comversation, yes she offered to introduce a few, but I thought it was inappropriate in the first place sooooo shame on me I'm " controlling" teh list goes on, but I won't. You decide!

Last edited by Eagle15; 02/22/06 06:21 PM.

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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Chuck, please don't give up. I understand your frustration. Can you please take a breather, calm down and regroup? This can work out if you both stop engaging in lovebusters: ie, your trying to educate her and her tossing around the divorce threat.

Maybe you will decide to move on, you would be perfectly within your rights to do so. But I really think another approach might change the situation for the positive.

Just remember, we are all really on your side here [except perhaps the poster who accused you of being "abusive" = NOT HELPFUL!] and want to see you succeed. Please relax and don't try to do anything tonight.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

Exposure 101

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Thank god. I'm just relaxing and having a brew. I told her to file, if she does, she does, I won't. I also won't fight it. I'm rolling with the punches. I responded to an earlier post from you. I wiil and am willing to start again, but she isn't. If she comes around soon maybe we can. I don't know as she won't discuss any plans she may have with me. I did tell the kids this evening and they are upset, but kind of knew it was coming as WW has in their words just been making up excuses. So I'm on hold and waiting to see her hand, it's a lot like Texas hold'em, but with much higher stakes.

BTW I was informed today my company may move me back to FL in late Aug or Sep, small raise, they pay for move, etc... Reason for wanting the FL house. WW is aware of this and doesn't have much to say about it. I giess she is still digesting it.

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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I think you know how an anaconda kills its pray don't you. It squeezes it to death, but not with brute force. Everytime the pary wiggles and exhales heavily, it just tightens the muscles and does not let the pray reexpand its diaphram (sp).

The more you wiggle, the more you vent to her, the more you get angry becaue she will not do something or she is laying to you with her mouth, the more she tightens the grip and she is squeezing the life out of your marriage.

Your defense is to STOP all of this. You may not realize this but choosing to NOT react to be inactive in the on going drama, is ACTION. It is a conscious decision and therefore is an ACTION. You say you are an action oriented guy, well ACT. Stop doing what you are doing, relax, and quit letting her tighten the coils.

She will tire if she gains no new purchase, if she gains nothing with her behavior. She will eventually see things differently. You don't realize but 4 months out from d-day is NOT a long time. Stop struggling so, and conserve your energy. Don't give in to the feeling you need to FIGHT for this. What you need to do is take ACTION, and often the best ACTION is to not engage in the drama.

Please think about this.

God Bless,


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You and Mel are right, I'll just ride it out. I will try to keep my Pie Hole shut.

Thnak you

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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JL's analagy is so good. Stop fighting!
Its like being in quicksand, the more you struggle the faster you sink!

Read Ark's post titled "be still."

I think you still need to be in Plan A. She may have ended the affair and she may be at home, but you're not in recovery.

Are you trying to attract her back to the marriage? How are you doing it? Put your "taker" away for a while longer. When she regrets her actions is when you will start getting those items on your list. She's not there yet.

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In an effort to provide consistent advice to both of you, while at the same time supporting not having you both going into each other's threads, here is what I just posted on your wife's thread...give this some thought my friend.

This is ANOTHER reason why I place so much value on good marriage counseling. Our MC didn't spend a lot of time giving us 'sage advice' nearly as much as he spent time helping us to learn to communicate with each other. Most of the time, he was the referree who helped us to express to each other what we were REALLY feeling and dealing with...AND THEN he helped the other spouse to clearly HEAR and UNDERSTAND what was just said.

It seems to me that the two of you need to have the 'neutral 3rd party' more than almost anything else in order to help you deal with all of the issues in your marriage...the ones pre-existing to the affair as well as those created by or subsequent to it.

Both of you are hurt and angry with the other. And whenever you talk, you both vent that hurt and anger back to the other person...so that all their really hearing from you is THAT...not the message contained within.

You both need to learn how to express that message WITHOUT the hurt and anger, so that the other person can clearly hear what they NEED to hear. And...you both need to learn how to IGNORE those emotional triggers when you're listening to your spouse, so that instead you're listening for the REAL message you need to get out of what's being said.

Find a competent counselor, who is PRO-marriage, and when you go for the first time, tell them that the FIRST thing you need to do is what I've suggested above.

One other good thing our MC had us do. He told us to schedule our talks on the R, and on the A. Have a set place/time that we would deal with those things. A set time limit that is strictly enforced. When time is up, the person who is speaking finishes what they say, and everything is tabled until the next discussion. AND THEN ALLOW NO MORE DISCUSSION ON THE SUBJECT UNTIL THE NEXT SCHEDULED TIME. Spend the rest of your time simply being a family again. Spend it as I've suggested, doing something trivial together.

This ties into SH's plan for 15 hours a week too...in fact, that's what I'm trying to get ya'll to do with this concept of finding something to do together simply as friends.

Last thing. We went through this with four teenaged kids in the house. We never lied to them about what was going on, nor did we let them feel like any of this was their fault. At the same time, we learned that we needed to keep a 'united front' appearance for the kids. So...they knew mom and I were working out what our future was going to be like, but neither of us would go to the kids and 'announce' anything without having discussed it and agreed on it first. It prevents confusion and hurt for them...this is something that the two of you might consider as well.

Just trying to help here my friends.

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Thank you Owl. I really do appreciate your help. Please keep it coming.

Everyone else who has and is helping please keep it coming. I really do need all the help I can get.

Thank you all.

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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Owl posted:

This is ANOTHER reason why I place so much value on good marriage counseling. Our MC didn't spend a lot of time giving us 'sage advice' nearly as much as he spent time helping us to learn to communicate with each other. Most of the time, he was the referree who helped us to express to each other what we were REALLY feeling and dealing with...AND THEN he helped the other spouse to clearly HEAR and UNDERSTAND what was just said.

It seems to me that the two of you need to have the 'neutral 3rd party' more than almost anything else in order to help you deal with all of the issues in your marriage...the ones pre-existing to the affair as well as those created by or subsequent to it.

Eagle, I second what Owl said, esp the above quoted part and I bolded neutral because I wonder if the MC you've been seeing is neutral. He's also your IC, right? I can't blame your W one bit if she feels like she's being ganged up on, especially with her reference on her thread that the MC suggested you seek more sex from her.

As I posted earlier, the practice we went to had a policy that an IC for an individual cannot also be MC to the couple. I suspect this is to erase any appearance of the MC taking sides.

Like Owl's, our MC basically acted as referee and tried to help each of us understand what the other was feeling, and she offered tips on how to communicate better. She took both of us to task for various things that needed working on.

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Hey Eagle,

I checked your thread yesterday and I'm glad to see you've decided to give it a bit more time. I didn't have time then, I but did want to address what you posted about the steps for recovery a couple of pages back.

In order for your marriage to successfully survive these are some things that your spouse must do:

1. He must be totally honest with you about everything
2. He must answer every question that you ask truthfully and fully.
3. He must do everything in his power to prove to you that you are the one that he wants to be with.

Reading it in context, it makes a lot more sense. I'm looking at that list as something that has to happen in order for recovery to be complete but, not as something that happens all at once! It's more of a road map that you can look back on someday and say.. oh, this fell into place then that fell into place... etc.

Many of the steps are probably sequential and somewhat dependent upon other steps and that's why it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that they'd all happen at once.

One thing to bear in mind is that recovery is a process not an event. Your wife isn't going to wake up one day and make all those changes - they'll happen gradually, over time, as you BOTH work on it. Some will go faster than others. Often, the initial steps are both the hardest and the longest.

I imagine this isn't what you want to hear because I know you've said you're tired and are having a hard time being patient. Do you think it would help if you thought of some of the steps as being sequential and dependent upon one another?

First, you have to open lines of communication. First, you have to establish honesty and saftey. First, you have to both recover from the maelstrom of emotions enough to think clearly in order to be able to make a committment to do some of the harder and more intricate steps (such as 'feeling someone's pain' or 'putting aside your own emotions in order to comfort and support.' First, you both have to decide to work together and not seperately. Before all those firsts happen, nothing else can be built because there's simply no foundation upon which to build. That means you might have to wait for her to get to some of the firsts before you can move on to any of the seconds.

It's a bit like Maslov's hierarchy of needs. First you've got to get the basic steps in place.. hammered down and firmly rooted. Then you can build on the next level up, then on the next level, then on the next level.

This isn't an effort to get you to 'shut your pie hole.' Shutting your pie hole and withdrawing isn't helpful either - except as it allows you to catch your breath, regroup, and gather some strength. Do that, if you need it. You have to take care of yourself - but bear in mind that while you don't control your wife, you certainly have influence in what happens in this. You're far from powerless!

So, for right now, I think it's wise to 'be still.' Let things process... let things move a bit on their own.. focus a bit more on some healthy ways for you to offload some of that anger within you. Do you work out? What do you find works off excess energy/emotion for you?


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I went to IC a couple of times, then scheduled W and I together for MC. About 4 or 5 times in a row we saw for MC, the last time she went (SF and level playing field discussion) she got mad and refused to go even if she was here in town. It was/is supposed to be MC, but she got mad and refused to go. To date, other than the interview with our MCs wife for her IC, she hasn't pursued any type of counseling, I may be wrong, but she hasn't mentioned anything to me about it. I continued to go to the same counselor, I think he is pretty good, doesn't use MB, but a religious program that is so similar the differences are small. He discussed SF and leveling the playing field with her based on 3 or 4 previous meetings with both of us. I did not see him as an IC again until she refused to continue counseling with him. Originally I had 2 IC appts right after D-Day, and then we saw him together as MC whnever she was here in town. Our MC did the same, acted as referee and gave us basic communication stuff to work/practice on, it all fell by the wayside after she got mad with him.


I did not expect her to do everything at once and she had read the original posts I copied from, I just wanted her to have the same roadmap so we would be going down the same road together. Please understand I klnow very little about her A as whenever it is brought up things get ugly, from both sides. She really doesn't want to talk about it. I asked her about telling it like a story, timeline of events, or like a book you would read. I've read from a few posts that some BSs take the information better if it is told like a story unfolding, I guess it somehopw makes it easier to digest the information and keeps BS from gettting all worked up. The same posts recommend taking notes, not of teh story, but of questions that BS might have as the story progresses, but very important to not interupt the story. At least that is what I got out of it and it seemed to amke sense. I also thought it may make it easier for me to ehar and her to tell as opposed to a Q&A session or sessions or even worse something that makes her feel like she's living the Inquisition thing.

I understand the process, but feel that everything she's done so far has been for show, so she can say see I tried, but you screwed it up. Probably wrong, but when she gets upset she always falls back on I give up I want out I want a D. Last time she saud that was Martin Luther King Weekend.

I am trying to "be still". Killing energy, especially anger is hard at the moment, it's too cold to ride my Harley, and my Z-28 is broken. The Z-28 should be fixed in a couple of weeks, and when the weather warms up I will be all over the place on the bike. She likes to ride as well so it may be therapudic for her, I know it is for me. In the Z it's about speed, the rush of very quick acceleration and pushing it to the limit, the sheer power. On the bike it's about being out not speed or power, not about a thrill seeking kind of thing. It's about letting my mind and the bike run free, not fast, just cruising, looking at the scenery, relaxing, no time limit, no destination, just cruising and taking it easy until I feel good, then turn around and cruise back and I feel even better. The way I imagine a bird feels flying in lazy circles, not a care in the world, wind in your face, living the here and now, not thinking about the past or future, just the experience of now. It's a mental release of sorts I guess. Almost like an addiction, I really enjoy riding.

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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(Bump for some input)

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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I'm trying as hard as I can. I'm being quiet and not provoking anything. I am not going to let myself be sucked into an argument. Trucking down bourbon street la da da da .......

I am talking with my lawyer. It is going to be expensive, it will be ugly, but I have to protect myself and my kids!

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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I see you are posting over on the divorce forum.

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Yes I am. I used to be a boy scout, I must be prepared. I should have followed your advice and not read her thread, but I found some things very hurtful and not very hopeful. Sooooo I'm looking for advice there as well.

I fessed up to her that I read her posts and was hurt by them. She calls it honesty, I disagree. I can be completely honest with someone and not be hurtful about it or I can be really ugly about my honesty. I feel she continues to try to be ugly and call it honesty so I have to be prepared. If you get a hurricane watch you start preparing, if you get a warning, depending on the severity, cat 1 - 5, you must decide to either ride it out or evacuate, I'm not evacuating yet, but am getting ready to if the sitch warrants it.

She won't budge, won't answer tough questions when asked, not by me I don't ask tough questions anymore, but when the great people on this board coem out to help, you included, very high on my list of great folks, they do deserve an answer so they can formulate educated decisions and offer the appropriate advice. This is the same thing I get. So for lack of information I must "Be Prepared". She might view this as an pre-emptive strike, it's not, but I feel it must be done.

Please understand I have not given up, and I do continue to fight the good fight, I am trying to "be still". We are talking, but she still wants D first. What else can I say. She refuses to answer Mel's questions, why I can only guess, but they are the same questions I have asked, talked to my IC about and the response I get is "she's just trying to wait you out, run your patience out, make you cave."

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />Please keep posting to me as I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge along with everyone else, everyone here you, Mel, JL, Longhorn, GBH, Mortarman, and too many others to name that I have had the pleasure of recieving advice from, and all the advice was great. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Each and everyone of you are a gift from heaven, at least to me. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I will continue, but am also preparing for the worst case. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

Thank you,

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />Chuck <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
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Eagle15 Offline OP
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She is aware that I have an appt Thursday. She doesn't seem to care.

The house in OKC closes Tuesday, so I can pay off bills. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I did not ask her to stop posting I continue to encourage her posts. I believe it has helped and would continue to help, but she is very stubborn, I fear this is another issue that she's decided to dig her heel in and not budge on. Just like wanting a D. She's never learned to "choose her battles wisely" IMHO. This is a lesson I learned the hard way and still struggle with. She's mad and the pendulum has swung to the extreme. She's like this alot, I've gotten used to it. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Nothing seems to make her happy. I think our 2hrs tonight will be a cruise around town and maybe a walk in the mall, if I can get her out of the house. No R or M talk just talk and walk and drive. Used to work might work again. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Eagle15; 02/23/06 08:12 PM.
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