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I guess a lot of the problem us guys have is a lot of women are advocating deceit and lying if it suits them. They hide behind the best interest of the child.

This is not correct and you should be careful not to generalize.

MOST women do not practice the act of deceiving,I am one of them and also SUPPORT,a man being told of any children he is biologically found to be a part of.The question to me is never IF, it is WHEN the information should come out.And also,related to WHEN,I am not talking a matter of years.It should be done right away,asap.There is never an idealistic time to relay "bad news" but as Low pointed out,the truth is not what holds the pain but it's in the actions of other's that can make the truth hard to hear.

IMO,This thread is headed nowhere.Maybe it's time to respectfuly agree to disagree with certain posters?


BW(me)40 DDay 10/11/03 Divorcing 'The Reformer'- enneagram type 1 ~Let Higher Minds Prevail~ --------------- ~Life isn't complicated,we make it that way~
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If I knew that far ahead, I'd absolutely tell her...I'm one that thinks she should know immediately.

But if I found out on her wedding day, I think it would be doubly important to tell her before she walks that aisle.

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The problem is that the WW by not immediately revealing the truth of her pregnancy to her BH, makes the problem 1000 times worse. Please read the following post from UsedLongAgo to realize what happens when the WW keeps this secret:

I have lurked here of and on for several months but this is my first posting. I wonder if anyone here can give me some advice since my circumstances are somewhat different than any I have read here. I can see that you are all warm and caring people with knowledge of relationships that most people never have to deal with.
My story is briefly as follows. I discovered, after Christmas last year, that my youngest (27-year-old) son is the result of a long-term affair that my W (of 37 years) carried on until the death of her MM 7 years ago. We are working very hard on our marriage and are making excellent progress with our relationship and feel that we will make the rest of our journey through this life together. Yes, I still have some unresolved issues myself but I feel that I can overcome them with time, help from my W, and counseling.

Our problem is in our relationship with our sons. They were both present at the insistence of the hospital psychiatrist since I was possibly suicidal when I found out and he would not allow me to be alone for the confrontation with their mother. There was another short term A with another MM which, when exposed, brought out the whole truth of her past. Knowing what I know now, I probably would not have involved them at all, but under the circumstances at the time I felt I had no choice. We both love them very deeply and are committed to trying to re-establish some semblance of a family unit again although we know it will never be the same as it was before. The boys have maintained contact and shown love and support for me throughout this ordeal but they have excluded their mother even though I have assured them that we are going to remain together and we love each other. Both sons are married which adds some complications with in-laws. The oldest son refuses to talk about anything with her. He feels that he doesn’t want to be hurt again and we don’t know how to counter that argument. It seems to be a trust issue that he cannot face. The youngest son feels betrayed by her, but he has at least met with her to talk about it. Neither will agree to see a therapist even though we have agreed to pay for the sessions.
I know time will help but I also know that I am not getting any younger and I want to enjoy as much of my life as I have left without this dark cloud hanging over me.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

If you want to continue reading more about his experience, click on the following link: Help with children[/quote]

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I guess a lot of the problem us guys have is a lot of women are advocating deceit and lying if it suits them. They hide behind the best interest of the child.

This is not correct and you should be careful not to generalize.


He said 'a LOT of women' not 'MOST or ALL women'. How is that generalizing?


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respectfuly agree to disagree with certain posters?

I think what makes it so hard to RESPECTFULLY disagree is that I feel like I'm being asked to respect deceitful and manipulative behavior.

Similar to me stating that affairs are GOOD for a marriage and expecting people here to respect that.

But, you're right. It's going nowhere. As I stated before, I've learned a lot about people here. It has been valuable in that sense. I'll just have to be careful that I don't let it color my interactions with other women IRL.

BTW...he said "a lot of women"...not all. And we've certainly seen "a lot of women" advocate this behavior. Both here and in the stats...16% of you is a LOT of women.

Can you imagine the outcry if men began advocating domestic violence as an acceptable response to nagging? Not all of us behave this way, but, certainly, a lot of men do.

On things like this..it's very hard, if at all possible, to agree to disagree.

Our only other choice is just to let it go...and acknowledge that the world is filled with injustice. We can't fix it all.


Last edited by LowOrbit; 12/08/05 11:08 AM.
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I guess a lot of the problem us guys have is a lot of women are advocating deceit and lying if it suits them. They hide behind the best interest of the child.

This is not correct and you should be careful not to generalize.


He said 'a LOT of women' not 'MOST or ALL women'. How is that generalizing?


Thank you TMCM because I did not say all women.

I am just shocked that a lot of women think this deceipt is OK. From my point of view it is vile and disgusting. As big a betrayal as an affair.

That does not mean that you do not love the child. I just don't understand how good people on a marriage site can justify this. Anytime people try to justify lying and fraud in a marriage it makes me ill.

And again lets remember. How did that child get there? The W had to be screwing other men. It is not as if she was the Virgin Mary and this happened.

If she cared so much to protect her children she should have remained faithful then she would not have this problem. If a person is going to create their own problems they should not be protected from the consequences.

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Well,to go by the stats previously mentioned about paternity,A LOT of women does not equate.

Generalize: Def: . To render indefinite or unspecific.
2. form general notions or conclusions.

If you want to debate semantics,then he should have used the word few .And it's not clear what portion of the statistics mentioned are from those bio dads' who were thought to have been *deceived and requested tests.


BW(me)40 DDay 10/11/03 Divorcing 'The Reformer'- enneagram type 1 ~Let Higher Minds Prevail~ --------------- ~Life isn't complicated,we make it that way~
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If you want to debate semantics,then he should have used the word few .And it's not clear what portion of the statistics mentioned are from those bio dads' who were thought to have been *deceived and requested tests.

Actually, OG, that was previously discussed. In cases where paternity was challenged, about 28% of the children did not belong to the man named as their father.

The value of 16% is an extrapolation based on the recorded incidents of both intentional and unintentional discovery...e.g. medical blood typing, etc.

So, out of 1000 mothers, there is a statistical chance the roughly 160 of them are committing paternity fraud.

That's a LOT of women...

BTW - I like your sig line...I think it applies quite nicely to this discussion.

Last edited by LowOrbit; 12/08/05 11:16 AM.
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I think what makes it so hard to RESPECTFULLY disagree is that I feel like I'm being asked to respect deceitful and manipulative behavior.

What I am asking LO is that we respect eachother as posters who may not have the same viewpoints,even if it's terribly wrong in your opinion.Those of us who have been here long enough know how this can happen.We don't all think alike and I certainly have had my share of shaking my head at some people here and their thought processes.

BTW...CN was right...he said "a lot of women"...not all. And we've certainly seen "a lot of women" advocate this behavior. Both here and in the stats...16% of you is a LOT of women.

I disagree.I spend a lot of time reading the Pregnancy boards.And that's as close as I will get to "seeing" how adultery,failed marriages and OC work with eachother since I know of no one in my circle of friends and family that are harboring deep dark secrets of cheating and children born to other's outside of marriage,etc.Yes it happens but because we have a cluster of those people here seeking support doesn't give an accurate cross sectionof our society.16% does NOT equate with A LOT IMO.And again how accurate is this stat? What does it really mean?

Can you imagine the outcry if men began advocating domestic violence as an acceptable response to nagging?

Just what on earth are you saying LO? Where are your numbers for the amount of women who "NAG" and get abused by that notion?

This thread is running far off track.I am about to pull out myself.I don't see any support going on but do see a cycle of disagreements.It's almost men against women now.IMO.


BW(me)40 DDay 10/11/03 Divorcing 'The Reformer'- enneagram type 1 ~Let Higher Minds Prevail~ --------------- ~Life isn't complicated,we make it that way~
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I do understand and admire the concern that women like Ark and 10S have regarding not harming the innocent child but they SEEM to forget that children can be equally harmed by the mother's behavior who is hiding this festering and terrible secret to herself. At the risk of being accused of generalizing, it has been said that MOST women are not as equally adept as MOST men in compartmentalizing things like sex and love, IF this is true then this kind of secret is one that would weigh on MOST women than it would do on MOST men. They also SEEM forget that the truth can also be revealed via the OM if he confides in someone who later passes the secret around. How are they then going to answer the OC if and when he/she asks them if they knew the truth about their paternity?


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If you want to talk about A LOT,then lets discuss breast cancer.**1 in 7 women will be diagnosed in her lifetime.

Taken from,I believe,is the same article written about his issue:

**Paternity test statistics don't show the rate of paternity fraud

The AABB (American Association of Blood Banks [1]) annually publishes consolidated statistics from many accredited paternity testing services. These may reveal, for example, that 28% of paternity tests were "negative", and the man tested is not the biological father of the child. (28% is a typical figure).

This does not mean that 28% of men in the population are not the biological fathers of the children they believe are theirs. It does not even mean this in sub-populations "at risk", such as broken families. And it certainly does not mean that there is a 28% rate of paternity fraud [2] in any given population or sub-population! In fact, it means very little other than what it says - these are simply the statistics for a given set of paternity tests, saying little about the rate of misattributed paternity [3] for the sub-population who have been tested.


BW(me)40 DDay 10/11/03 Divorcing 'The Reformer'- enneagram type 1 ~Let Higher Minds Prevail~ --------------- ~Life isn't complicated,we make it that way~
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What worries me TMCM is that I see this thread getting off track and is starting to focus on the few situations at hand that are obviously polarizing,and now,for those of us who AGREE with you,like I do,get lost in the shuffle and are lumped togther with the few women who feel differently or,dreadfully,DO differently such as keeping these secrets.

It's one thing to not know paternity if you never check and then years later the "secret is out.But for those who do get a test in the beginning and don't tell the father I have nothing but disgust for.Just like I do of,say,women who cry rape but were never raped and did so for some nefarious reason.They sully the honesty and integrity of women that are raped and DO need help and support.But then the idea floats around that a LOT of women must do this just becuase one story gets out and then it affects everyones' credibility.You can say it doesn't but how many times have we read or seen a story about someone accused of a crime and are exonerated only to be hounded and left with that stigma anyway? Just because they were part of an accusation that wasn't true or a generalized feeling comes into play?

What is this thread DOING FOR US?


BW(me)40 DDay 10/11/03 Divorcing 'The Reformer'- enneagram type 1 ~Let Higher Minds Prevail~ --------------- ~Life isn't complicated,we make it that way~
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If you want to talk about A LOT,then lets discuss breast cancer.**1 in 7 women will be diagnosed in her lifetime.

1 in 7 is 14% so if by your own definition 16% of children who born are not biologically the father's is FEW, then the same term of 'FEW' can be used to describe the percentage of women who develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

BTW I'm not in the least minimizing the devastation that breast cancer has on not just the women who develop it but on their families as well. My own mother had breast cancer TWICE and each time I found out about it, I was crushed.


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As you can see from the Blood bank quotes ,the stats aren't accurate in what the disucssion here is about.And by that measure I fail to see anywhere any definitive stats that purport 1 in 7 women deceive their husbands about their unborn babies.


BW(me)40 DDay 10/11/03 Divorcing 'The Reformer'- enneagram type 1 ~Let Higher Minds Prevail~ --------------- ~Life isn't complicated,we make it that way~
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What is this thread DOING FOR US?

Hopefully making us think and develop insights that can benefit ALL OF US. I may strongly disagree with Ark and others, but I do acknowledge their courage in sharing with me their ideas and beleifs. This is not an easy subject, as the folks from the Pregnancy/Child will attest to, but neither is infidelity and we learned that ignoring it will not make it go away.


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But for those who do get a test in the beginning and don't tell the father I have nothing but disgust for.Just like I do of,say,women who cry rape but were never raped and did so for some nefarious reason.They sully the honesty and integrity of women that are raped and DO need help and support

Oh, thank you so, OG

All I've wanted is for a few women to stand up and say this is wrong and men have rights. You're one of them. ladysheep, Mulan and Orchid are a couple of others. I've wanted to hear someone say that complicity by other women (however well intentioned) in perpetuating the scam is wrong and shouldn't be done.

BTW...to resolve our semantic issue...I happen to believe that 1 in 7 women getting breast cancer is A LOT...too dang many. A LOT is a subjective term, unlike SOME, ALL, or NONE.

I personally know of instances of attempted paternity fraud...both in my circle of friends and my extended family. None of those situations are currently secret...I can assure you that if I were aware of them that they would no longer be...I feel that strongly about it.

Also...the thing about domestic violence was an imagination on my part to elicit exactly the emotion it did...thanks for helping make that point that it would be repugnant to defend that behavior.

What has this thread done:

1) It helped us all re-examine our own personal ethics. Ethics we use when making decisions about how to dispose of marital issues.

2) It helped SOME fo us know alittle about the people we share this forum with. I will never view advice about honesty and openess from some people the same ever again, because it's clear we have completely different ideas about it.

I think it was valuable, if not pleasant.


Last edited by LowOrbit; 12/08/05 11:56 AM.
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Hopefully making us think and develop insights that can benefit ALL OF US. I may strongly disagree with Ark and others, but I do acknowledge their courage in sharing with me their ideas and beleifs. This is not an easy subject, as the folks from the Pregnancy/Child will attest to, but neither is infidelity and we learned that ignoring it will not make it go away.

I am all for debating TMCM but this thread has a veneer of hostility since certain posters choices don't coincide with other's and nothing will be solved when the goal appears to be to change one's view.There are several men repeating their viewpoints and we have heard it.But where do we go from here? You aren't going to change ark's opinion,nor the other ladies.So how long do we keep going round and round?

No one is suggesting we ignore this topic but I am asking what benefit it is serving for us now? Our voices have been heard.Where does it end? Like the BS's who have been told about exposure,you can only say it to them so many times and then they have to be left to their own devices.


BW(me)40 DDay 10/11/03 Divorcing 'The Reformer'- enneagram type 1 ~Let Higher Minds Prevail~ --------------- ~Life isn't complicated,we make it that way~
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As you can see from the Blood bank quotes ,the stats aren't accurate in what the disucssion here is about.And by that measure I fail to see anywhere any definitive stats that purport 1 in 7 women deceive their husbands about their unborn babies.


You might want to read this article. Although it is 3 years old, I beleive it has relevance to the topic at hand:

The Detroit News Wednesday, September 25, 2002

"State reform plan fights rising paternity fraud"
by Dianna Thompson and Glenn Sacks / Special to The Detroit News DThompson2232@aol.com / Glenn@GlennSacks.com

"You play, you pay" is the response often given to men who complain about the financial burden of supporting their offspring. Today, for thousands of Michigan men, the refrain has become "You didn't play? You pay anyway."

The stories of victims of paternity fraud often provoke disbelief. Many men are falsely assigned paternity in default judgments and are compelled by the state to pay 18 years of child support for children whom DNA tests have proved are not theirs. Many of these men are not properly served notice of the paternity proceedings, never get their day in court and have no idea they are "fathers" until their wages are garnisheed.

Often by the time these men realize what has been done to them, the statue of limitations for challenging paternity has already passed, and they lose as much as half their take-home pay to child support, arrearages, interest, and penalties -- sometimes to support children they have never even met.

In other cases, men are misled into supporting children who are not theirs. Sometimes unwed men are urged to declare paternity of their girlfriend's or ex-lover's children at or near birth, and such declarations, when later found to be the product of deception, are hard to undo. Other men are deceived by wives who bear children through adulterous liaisons and who mislead them into thinking that the children are theirs.

In response to the paternity fraud crisis, the Michigan House of Representatives unanimously passed two paternity fraud relief bills last year. House Bill (HB) 4635 and HB 4636 direct courts to terminate child support obligations and cancel arrearages for men who can present evidence that they are not the fathers of the children whom they have been ordered to support. These bills are with the Senate's Families, Mental Health and Human Services Committee and will be the subject of a testimony-only hearing today.

Opponents argue that the bills would hurt children. However, these critics overlook the fact that when a father is forced to pay child support and arrearages for a child who is not his, his own biological children suffer. The children of falsely identified fathers need not be deprived of child support, because mothers in these cases can do what they should have done at the beginning -- disclose the true identity of their children's fathers so the state can then approach them to establish paternity and pay child support.

Children are also harmed by the current system because depriving a child of knowledge of his or her parentage can have damaging medical implications. For example, for children facing life-threatening illnesses such as cancers requiring bone-marrow transplants or other medical emergencies, knowing their biological heritage can be a matter of life or death. Also, according to the American Medical Association, it is important to have an accurate family history because genetic medicine is increasingly vital in the treatment of many diseases.

Michigan Family Independence Agency statistics indicate that 30 percent of the nonmarital paternity tests performed in Michigan exclude the tested man from being the child's biological father. The American Association of Blood Banks, which evaluated 280,000 paternity tests in 1999, found similar numbers.

Because paternity fraud is so common, several states, including Georgia earlier this year, have passed legislation allowing men greater opportunity to challenge paternity through DNA testing. A similar bill in California was passed by the Legislature and awaits Gov. Gray Davis' signature. Alaska has a law that requires unwed parents to establish paternity through genetic testing, thus insuring that child support orders are issued only to biological fathers.

Virginia Forton, founder and executive director of Moms for Dads, a group that supports the proposed reform legislation, says:

"Under the present system, it is easy for women to trick men and say 'this is your baby.' And it is the men who step forward and take responsibility for 'their' kids who are the ones who are most likely to get trapped. Everybody involved gets hurt."

-- Dianna Thompson is the executive director of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children in Washington, D.C. Glenn Sacks writes about gender issues from Winnetka, Calif. Write letters to The Detroit News, 615 W. Lafayette, Detroit, MI 48226, or fax to (313) 222-6417 or e-mail to [email]letters@detnews.com.[/email]


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Although I am always careful about the words I choose to use in my posts,I just feel the usage of A LOT to describe women out there as being deceiving wives does a disservice to the rest of us that are caring,honest,supportive,and have NOT gone out,slept with some guy and became pregnant with his child while married.Women have enough issues to deal with as it is in this society and I hate to see myths OR unsubstantiated viewpoints of women be perpetuated when it's unjust.Just like saying A LOT of men are pigs or skirt chasers or bereft of emotion.

What has this thread done:

1) It helped us all re-examine our own personal ethics. Ethics we use when making decisions about how to dispose of marital issues.

2) It helped SOME fo us know a little about the people we share this forum with. I will never view advice about honesty and openess from some people the same ever again, because it's clear we have completely different ideas about it.

I think it was valuable, if not pleasant.

I am glad you got something out of it as I did not.Yes there are still people out there that deceive,still people cheating and having children of other's,pain,fostered distrust.

I haven't been brought to tears in a long time but this thread has done so for me.It's all a reminder of how hurtful people can be to one another and it's so sad.I used to think that my marriage was such a secure and safe place,I thrived in it and felt so loved and warm and now what I have been through and see so many other's go through is just a sad commentary on what is lost.Why is doing the right thing so hard for people to see? I don't know..


BW(me)40 DDay 10/11/03 Divorcing 'The Reformer'- enneagram type 1 ~Let Higher Minds Prevail~ --------------- ~Life isn't complicated,we make it that way~
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A LOT of men are pigs or skirt chasers or bereft of emotion.

I happen to think this is true. You'd be warranted in saying it. I would stand with you in condemning it and working to change it.

I haven't been brought to tears in a long time but this thread has done so for me.

I too have felt some very strong emotions because, I suppose, I was hoping MB represented s cross-section of people with superior value systems. It's kind of a hope for 2long's utopia. It's unpleasant to reminded of the reality of it.

Last edited by LowOrbit; 12/08/05 12:50 PM.
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