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I am getting tons out of reading these posts but I had one quick question for LA. What did you mean when you said, I think it was back on page 1,
"Accepting reality is focused on staying in a just perspective."
I tell my husband that this is his reality now but of course I am still doing lots of DJ. I was hoping for some clarifying on a just perspective please. thanks <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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We choose our perspectves about everything...not that we know we do this. Once you replace your belief that "this is reality and everyone can see it this way" with, "I choose my perspective" you can begin to see how you are choosing to see reality, and might find, your habit is to choose what will hurt you the most...reinforces our patterns and makes it difficult to break them.
A just perspective is knowing the universal truths of being human...God's design.
He made humans with only the control of themselves and no one else. Even our influence on others is limited by what others allow. And we limit others' influence by what we will allow or not. (A whole 'nother area.)
Human truth is that your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are yours...no one can cause, cure or control those. They are in you, about you, and for you. Not others.
Choosing to believe these truths injects respect into your self and your relationships. You no longer hear an attack from your H...you will hear his thoughts, feelings and beliefs...because they are about him, not you. And vice versa.
When you choose to believe these truths, and commit to standing by them, you ARE choosing a just perspective. The more you practice respecting this truth, the more you will understand the power of your choice, by God's design, in limiting your control and influence, and see the limits of others' control and influence.
Great relief, path to freedom and committing to clarity, not judgment.
Because you give yourself permission to DJ others, you also do so to yourself. Herein lies your internal conflict, totally within your control and power. The antidote to LBs is not to stop them, suppress them...you can only eliminate them in yourself when you replace the belief giving you permission to do them. You can do this. I know you can.
Thank you very much for getting tons out of these posts. Inf doesn't get how he is like all of us...not unique or defective...only whole and struggling with reclaiming that marvelously made self. What you asked really highlights my entire intent with his thread. Getting this set as your own lighthouse, the beam to guide you home, is what he's dealing with, not his WW.
You help on so many threads, Brave....I appreciate you.
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Oh wonderful. You are so far ahead of me with your studies. I have so much to work on but I see the glimers. I will get all the puzzle pieces together one day. I am stuborn. thanks for your insights. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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You're welcome.
Thank you for looking within, getting your good stuff. You're worth it!
Growing isn't linear..we are all together, seeing in each other what we admire and want for ourselves...all you haven't done yet is to embrace that you already are all that.
And a bag of chips.
<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
And YOU are!
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I put some contact info on my website for you LA. I was having a hard time but I just kept rereading your post and realizing that was just my perception and I could change it and now I feel better. Off to have a nice soothing bath. lol night all. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Last edited by Thebraveheart; 04/22/06 06:30 PM.
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I commend you on your devotion to save your marriage, as I am not familiar with a lot of men/husbands who are like you.
I think in your case: you may be able to save the marriage since you lost her trust of your own behavior/decisions. So the first step probably would be to regain her trust...with only that focus in mind. There will be a miserable marriage without mutual trust. If you can't get past the trust part, it seems like a lost cause.
I think you have to break down all of her "rejections": trust, physical, "not loving" and work at them one by one. But behind your "marriage" solving, what about your own individual issues and cyclic pitfalls? If your personal issues still haunt you they will undo any constructive efforts you put into your marriage.
As a married woman, I give you props and hope things work out for you. I believe marriage/family is always worth a person's 110% effort and attention. =)
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So... I found out that today she is going to get a food stamps application. I guess today is the day I need to start mentally preparing to leave again. I'm freaking out, but that's ok. 'cuz honestly, what am I gonna do about it other than what I have been doing.
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Why does that make today the day?
Her food stamp application may be denied...you are living together, correct?
Was thinking of you two nights ago.
Last edited by LovingAnyway; 05/22/06 08:53 AM.
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I thought things were going alittle better. we hadn't been talking much lately... she's been giving me the cold shoulder. This weekend was different though. she warmed up a bit. I had been getting my hopes up. I knew better, but I did it. I guess this is what I get. My attitude had gotten so much better over the last several months. On the outside anyway. This hasn't gotten any easier, if anything it gets harder as time goes by. I don't react and freak out anymore, instead I'm totally depressed (I put on a good show for DD and WW... though WW tells me that I'm doing everything I do) all the time and it seems to be getting worse. I wish she knew just how much I love her. I'd do anything for them... they're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, and I've been blessed w/ alot of good things in life... despite some of the crap that's happened to me otherwise. She may be controlling and DJ's, or just blows me off or whatever... but I still love her and DD more than life itself. I don't care what anyone says. I may not always do the best job of showing it, but I try like heck.
Thanx for being a good friend and talking to me here all the time. It means alot to me.
Last edited by infernomatic; 05/22/06 09:14 AM.
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I doubt her application will be denied... she won't claim my income. I refused to do anyhting w/ the seperation ordeal for fear of dropping the straw taht broke the camel's back. I'm sure I'll refuse to do anything about this too. Other than beg her to keep me there.
That's funny, I was thinking of you and everyone here the same night. I happened to be praying for myself and my family and prayed for everyone here too.
I really love her w/ all my heart. She and DD. I don't understand how this hasn't gotten any easier or the situation any better. It tears me apart constantly.
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Why does that make today the day?
Her food stamp application may be denied...you are living together, correct?
Was thinking of you two nights ago.
LA Why is today the day? Why not today? I know... you don't need to say it. It's been months... I'm tired, lonely... I still don't sleep, I still skip meals. It's just habit anymore. I look like crap these days. I've gotten quite a bit balder in the front through all of this. Is there any clinical proof that baldness is stress related? I would make a great test subject... I'm going to be 28 this year. I'm almost thirty and I've gotta start my ife over again now. I took an online test the other day, kind of a goofy one, tht is supposed to tell you when you are going to die. Turns out I'm dead at 55 because of my lifestyle. Gotta love it. Not that I put stock in it, but the thought of my life having been half way over as of December is fairly disheartening. <:O) It took me half my life to find out I was happy w/ what i had. Now it'll take me the rest of my life to find a close subtitute.
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W baked me a pie today. I dobn't get it. She can't get past the things i did, yet she bakes me a pie? Sleeps in the same bed? Asks me to watch tv w/ her? Then goes and gets an app for public assistance because she doesn't want me there? I'm so confused... Whatever happened to until death do us part? Everyone else I know has split up this year too. My cousin, friends, their friends... family friends. Everyone. This year sux. WW keeps telling me taht the nice things i have been doing are just to get in her good graces, and that the extrmeley rare slips are the real me. She makes them sound like everyday occurences. You'd think i was an a-hole these days. I love her. I thought she was supposed to love me forever. I guess I'm just nmore forgiving than she is. Though, I'm not sure I could forgive her for not trying to work this out... I'd forgive her for infidelity (and have) before I'd forgive her for not loving me even though she knows she could if she tried even a little.
She says we don't talk, don't make love, etc... and taht it's been months since this started... yet she makes it sound like it's mutual when she says these things. Like it's both of us that have been distant. Where does she get off? Crap!!! I'm furstrated today. Coming here always seems to rile me up. It's why I left... venting here only makes it worse. Venting anywhere makes it worse. I;m better off not talking about i and being depressed. The anger makes me feel better, but only gets in trouble.
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Seems like you have no relief...but you have pie.
Tough on the rush to split in your life...definitely affects our perspective...raises the fear...like a contagion.
Disheartens and riles.
Got gum?
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Seems like you have no relief...but you have pie.
Tough on the rush to split in your life...definitely affects our perspective...raises the fear...like a contagion.
Disheartens and riles.
Got gum?
LA Yeah, I don't have any relief at all. I ate some of the pie last night. It was good. Call me crazy. 'Cuz I am. I went home last night, saw that folder in the car and had another slip. I took it and read everything in it despite her wishes. Told her I was going to tear it up and burn it. Boy did she get defensive. That folder is like her security blanket now apparently. The "Divorce Folder" gets more of her attention than I may ever see again. After i got done freaking out for 5 minutes, I cried for 10 and apologized profusely... Only to hear more comments about how the real me is the a-hole. She always makes it sound like I'm the devil and have brought nothing but misery to her life. IT amazes me, in a really bad way. My Mom came down and got DD and I last night. She took us to my sister's house and we visited for a spell. She was angry w/ me... I told her that I got angry about the folder. She was ticked because not 5 minutes before i left here for the day she had told me on the phone that I need to stop anticipating everything and all the time and just keep being the best i can be for WW and DD. Guess i blew that. First time in a while though. DD went and played w/ the boys... I sat on my sister's couch w/ the family and had a Smirnoff. I don't drink... ever. Got plastered once for the experience of it and gave it up because I got so sick that night. I had just the one last night and I got pretty buzzed. Not something I intend to make a habit of... after all the crap I've been through in life (I've been petty lucky too) this probably takes the cake. I've never felt this bad, and even though I'm doing everything I can to make this right... I still feel like I'm not being me. I was always so much happier than this. I don't remember the last time I was truly happy anymore. I put on a good show for the most part, but in reality my life has been like a constant low humming sound for the last couple months. Flat and depressing. Time w/ DD and WW is keeping me going. If i wasn't for them, I'd sit around playing video games and wasting my life away for alot of years to some. Life just isn't the same w/out love from WW (who I think may be just W now but I'm a little fuzzy on that and how it all works... haven't had time for reading and she hasn't come out and said that she's not interacting w/ him... she did say that he and everyone she works w/ will probably get DD presents for her B-day coming up and asked me if it would be a problem. I suppose if he's buying gifts for DD he's not out of the picture, but not being discussed... or she's got some other form of relationship going on w/ him right now... "just friends" for real maybe... I don't know). Anyway, life isn't the same w/out love from WW. Not that I don't appreciate myself for me, but things aren't the same otherwise. I had to stop chewing the gum. It was doing a number on my jaw... making it sore all the time. I can't win. <:O) W(W) came home last night, DD was in our bed and i was in hers after talking to Step Dad until 11PM. I cme to bed and WW laid next to me and let me cuddle w/ her all night, part of this morning and stuff. I guess i was restless though because she said she didn't sleeep good last night because I kept her up. That was when i wasn't awake from 2am till 330am playing video games because I couldn't sleep apparently. We talked when we got here this morning. She said she doesn't understand why i got another woman involved to begin w/, thought our life was fine and that i should have come to her. i told her I tried, but all she ever told me was to do something about how i felt and wasn't able to tell me how when i felt like I couldn't. She said she doesn't care if anyone thinks she's a bad wife and not supportive. I told her I love her and would see her later. Same crap different day.
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Sounds like your wife wants very much to heal from your EA...
Now, flip this over...you asking her why she had to bring another man friend into your marriage--that she should have come to you...and she says,
"I tried, but all you ever told me was to do something about how i felt and wasn't able to tell me how when i felt like I couldn't." Sounds like she would be blaming you, wouldn't it, for her choice?
This is why she is there, pulling away and staying...baking you a pie and cuddling, and telling you it's over...she hurts, Inf...
She is saying, "How could you" and you are saying back, "You made me." Now, I know you own what you did and why...she doesn't.
"I really let you down, really shook you up, didn't I? I have learned since my EA, the consequences of fearing more than loving. I wouldn't have expected you to stop me from my EA, like I did last year...I won't blame you for what is mine because it makes me feel better, only in the short run. I've learned you don't give me my feelings...they are mine."
Now...this isn't for parting ways on the morning routine-type talk...I understand...when she says why...you say "I chose to hurt you and our marriage rather than own my stuff, DW...I won't do that again. I love you and I look forward to seeing you later--great pie!"
Her not healing is not same crap, different day...her not healing is her responsibility and yours.
Time to lead, Inf.
Don't let stress take something away from you...figure out now that if this is what it takes, then shine, Inf...add to yourself.
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Sounds like your wife wants very much to heal from your EA...
I think so... Seems getting me out of the house and (possibly?/probably?) moving on is the way she intends to do it. I wonder if her BF mving awat soon has anything to do w/ her push to get me out the door? W/out the emotional support and time away from me that she has w/ BF, maybe she's decided that she can't deal w./ me being there w/ no one to turn to? She has started refusing to return hugs when I give them to her, whereas she was atleast doing that before. She won't talk to me only rarely, only after she filed that paperwork the other day did that change. She must have found comfort in that. I asked her to holdmy hand while I fell asleep last night... She said "I suppose" and did it, maybe only because she fell alseep before I did. otherwise she may have let go prematurely... I don't know. We wathced tv together last night too (after I woke up from my accidental nap). I came out a little teary eyed, she patted me asked me if I was ok then we watched the show. I put my hand on her leg, but she wasn't having it. Hot and Cold. All the time. More cold than hot though. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be mentally preparing to move out.
There was a message on the answering machine that got cut off this morning. She called me here at work to ask if it was me that left it... Some things she does, little ones/bigger ones let me know she may still care. I think though that the anger/the not being able to understand could get the best of her. She turned to OM for resolution when it was offered, sort of like I turned to OW when I had my meltdown and DW couldn't help me. The thing is, I'm not mad at her for turning to him anymore. I understand that I really shook up her life and crushed her emotionally when I lost it and thought I had to throw everything away to make things better. (Still can't stand him though...) Since I initiated things though, she's holding onto blaming me like there's no tomorrow. She made a comment to me about how she doesn't care if anyone thinks she's being a bad wife, or being unsupportive, and how every time she thinks of me being normal or being normal w/ me again all she can think about is the crap (OW and lies) and she just freaks out. She said she doesn'[t know if she can ever get past it and (will) never understand it. Just like I didn't understand it when she turned to OM last time, our relationship was messed up but we were both the cause and it's something I would "never" have done. Now I get it. Don't appreciate it, won't ever do it again myself, but I get it. Though, she's not sorry for that one either. Seems she's never sorry when she makes a "mistake"... She always finds a way to justify the things she does that hurt me, but lordy.. if I mess up I have to beg and plead to even have a chance of staying in the relationship.
Now, flip this over...you asking her why she had to bring another man friend into your marriage--that she should have come to you...and she says,
"I tried, but all you ever told me was to do something about how i felt and wasn't able to tell me how when i felt like I couldn't." Sounds like she would be blaming you, wouldn't it, for her choice?
Oh, she blames me alright. For all of this. Boy, can she hold a grudge. that's why i trhink I'm probably screwed. I can try to lead, but she is so independent and angry I'm going to be fighting one heck of a battle. She is the most head strong, stubborn person I have ever met. I'd add independent to that list, but before all this she was only independent sometimes.. ususally when she had to be. Otherwise she relied on me for alot. Companionship, daily tasks, etc... Now, she still asks me for help w/ certain things, but it's nothing that she couldn't ask anyon else for. I suppose it never weas then either... What it really comes down to is that she chose to ask me, whereas now she depends on other people to fill the void if she chooses to fill it.
This is why she is there, pulling away and staying...baking you a pie and cuddling, and telling you it's over...she hurts, Inf...
I know. So do I. Big time. She is fighting mad (and maybe sad), I'm fighting afraid and definitely sadder than sad. Sometimes it's hard for me to do or say the right thing at the right moment because I'm so darn conflicted myself. I love her, but she's crushing me and as you know I'm the type that has a hard time dealing. I took a slew of personality tests the other day. the were all fairly accurate. I wish I could show you the results, but it's not something that would normally be posted here. I gave them to DW because she said it's like she doesn't know me anymore. I don't know if she read them or not yet. As of late I think her pain has gotten quite a bit worse... Her comments are harsher, yet seem more natural when coming out her mouth. Like, I guess before they seemed to be said w/ intent whereas now it seems like they just flow w/ the rest of her words. I could be wrong. I'm a horrible judge of these things. Of people in general really. i think it comes from not being "normal". I can't read people because if I read them like I would read myself, I'm going to be way off in my assesment.
She is saying, "How could you" and you are saying back, "You made me." Now, I know you own what you did and why...she doesn't.
Are you saying that I said at some point that she made me do those things? If I did that was way off. I did what i did and she had nothing to do w/ any of it. She sees wht she's doing (or did?) but now sees more of what she wants and what I did to make her want it and taht takes precedence.
"I really let you down, really shook you up, didn't I? I have learned since my EA, the consequences of fearing more than loving. I wouldn't have expected you to stop me from my EA, like I did last year...I won't blame you for what is mine because it makes me feel better, only in the short run. I've learned you don't give me my feelings...they are mine."
I'm taking that one practically word for word to the bank baby. Great stuff. Got any more? I doubt the chnce to say that will rise in a conversation. we don't have many about the situation anymore. Would it be safe to leave it for her in a note... Saying it to her face may have a negative effect. I apologize and she says she is fully aware taht i am sorry, but it doesn't discount what I did. Leaving it for her to read... maybe that would give her cause to think about it because i wouldn't be there in her face "preaching" it to her. What do you think? I'm not good at choosing the best ways and times to convey my feelings. I tend to open up more in response to a situation, rather than just freely all the time. So, I say the right things at thw wrong times... usually when she least wants to hear it. Not always, but more so than not.
Now...this isn't for parting ways on the morning routine-type talk...I understand...when she says why...you say "I chose to hurt you and our marriage rather than own my stuff, DW...I won't do that again. I love you and I look forward to seeing you later--great pie!"
I say stuff similar to that. Sometimes at those exact moments. I'm not totally inept at the game of life. I think I have issues w/ her not believing what I say sometimes because I am so open to accepting anything told to me. I'm really gullible sometimes. People can egg me on and make me angry for fun, and do, and i rarely catch on because I'm so open to the idea that people are genuine and honest. Gets me into trouble. I read them as i would read myself (or how I prefer to be). Though i haven't been dishonest w/ anyone in quite sometime that I can recall.
Her not healing is not same crap, different day...her not healing is her responsibility and yours.
bah. I say the craziest things when I'm frustrated. Always reacting when I'm angry. I wasn't taht way so much until i met her and she took her issues out on me, now it's habit and i still don't catch myself doing it sometimes. I've noticed taht it's carried over to how i respond to everyone else when I';m angry too. Total habit. Scary. I hate it. It causes me alot of grief.
Time to lead, Inf.
I'm trying. I know that trying isn't an option... It's so much taht I;m trying, it's more that I'm doing it when it comes naturally or when I'm trying to make things right, but I slip when I'm reacting and set myself back.
Don't let stress take something away from you...figure out now that if this is what it takes, then shine, Inf...add to yourself.
Dead at 55. I'm trying to be less stressed, but I always pick the most stressful times to choose to stop. I'm also a habitual procrastinator... >:OP and good at convincing myself it's ok. You'd swear i have split personalities, only they are the same person. One is good, the other bad, one is smart, the other dumb... you get the point. Always very conflicted emotionally, only time seems to have afforded me less control?
That pie is good. I've eaten three quarters of it.. though it's been in place of lunch or soemtimes breakfast. Gotta love her.
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"You'd swear i have split personalities, only they are the same person. One is good, the other bad, one is smart, the other dumb... you get the point. Always very conflicted emotionally, only time seems to have afforded me less control?"
Why not give owning all of you...not good or bad...into one whole...the whole you are? Have you tried my Owning All Your Villagers Thread in Infidelity GQII forum?
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"You'd swear i have split personalities, only they are the same person. One is good, the other bad, one is smart, the other dumb... you get the point. Always very conflicted emotionally, only time seems to have afforded me less control?"
Why not give owning all of you...not good or bad...into one whole...the whole you are? Have you tried my Owning All Your Villagers Thread in Infidelity GQII forum?
LA I haven't tried any threads lately. Work is too busy. DW just got a home PC from her family that i can access the net from, but I just don't have the time. I own all of me... but sometimes I think I'm whacky. :O) A little nutzy-cuckoo if you know what I mean.
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DW and I had a five mniute talk the other night. She made some comments about how she might love me again "1 marriage and 15 kids later..." or "after she's seen someone else" I never know how serious she is whn she says those things, or if she is serious if she'll change her mind because she's saying them out of hurt, uncertainty, or anger... For all i know she already has this whole new life planned out for herself, and w/ someone else. You got me. I'm not privy to any personal info anymore. Understandable.
she goes for an apptmnt, her annual check up soon... apparently she';s going to try to find out if she is going to have any complications w/ having any more kids. If she is, then apparently I'[m going to be to blame for her not having had anymore. That'll solidify our marriage not working out for sure. I'll be out the door permanently, and she'll probably hate me and never spoeak to me again. At the same time.. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about this... I don't exactly feel like I should be relieved if she can have more kids...? Am I supposed to be glad that she wants to have more and can... even though it may be w/ someone else? I know it's selfish and pretty down right evil to consider being relieved if she couldn't have any more... and I wouldn't allow myself to feel that way if i wanted to.. I want to have another kid w/ her. I want us to be a family. If she doesn't want to include me in taht though, I'm not sure I could be happy for her. Especially if she would hold it against me if she can't... An eye for an eye. I don't know. I let her have too much effect on me.
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So, DW called little while ago to tell me that she called in sick to work because she isn't feeling well.
She still does things like that... buys me stuff, says certain things, asks me if I notice certain things, calls me here occasionally to say little things about her day... Sutff like that. You think any of it means anything...? I don't why I'm asking this. I guess I'm looking for a reason to get my hopes up a little today.
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