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Do you feel bullied this morning? Even by the inanimate job you're doing?

The fact you choose to do it?

Your WW is in a wayward state of mind...which means she has to justify her choices through blaming others, being the victim...being forced to do what she is doing to get her needs met...justification, entitlement, resentment and lack of respect...and may I add...lack of reality...it is the wayward state of mind.

You're experiencing and have experienced it...feeling bullied, controlled...justifying your choice of actions and beliefs in response to others...what they "shouldn't" do to you obscures what they are doing and what you are choosing.

I've seen you make great self discoveries...and then seemingly step over or forget them entirely...that's a wayward state of mind. I knew it intimately...I'm not blowing smoke, here.

Remember out discussion about blame? You have to take it...can't be forced on you...you do that to you when you take someone else's opinion as fact...or your own.

This is why I nag, nag, nag about listen and repeat...to train your brain to NOT take blame or offense...to leave it in opinion, not bring it into fact...you are the only one who can give yourself emotions, from the beliefs you choose, and know the information those emotions from beliefs you didn't even know you had...

You can feel bullied, inconvenienced, pressured, stressed, hurt, angry...fearful...inadequate...and it doesn't mean you are...there's your perception and there's reality...discerning only your part is your responsibility.

Today is one day...and I know you know that...and I choose to believe each time I lose a post that whatever it was, wasn't meant to be said, in that way, or at that time...maybe I should lose more, eh?

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

What you get from your rants, the hard kernels of truths...are worth a lot of lost posts...expecting change in others isn't a reasonable expectation...and that one can give you a lot of frustration...

If you could, tell me what it feels like...this anger...break it apart...is there resentment? entitlement? failed expectations? fear? pain?


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Ok. I spent all morning writing a post.Then I deleted it because it was messy and full of over emotional exaggerations. Then I wrote this post that did an awesome job of summing things up. I posted it. Went to lunch to talk to a new found friend about what's going on in our lives, came back and my post is gone... <:OD

I think I know why my posts keep vanishing, but that's niether here nor there.

Anyway... I think you are right, because now my awesome post looks as ridiculous as the first one. I don't necessarily believe in things happening for some "cosmic"/predetermined reason, but I sure am glad that post is gone.

I guess, since both of my posts were rejected in one form or another... I'm not going to post anything else at all for now.

Just as well. I seem to be all over the place today anyway. I'm moving out either tomorrow or the following day. I think my problem is that I'm choosing to be afraid of the "definite" outcome of this situation again. Which would explain my recent slip ups... I've never dealt w/ fear very well. You know that. <:OI

Had a great weekend w/ DD. Best. Weekend. Ever. Forgot all about the sitaution at hand, and when I did think about it I wasn't taht freaked out. That changed right quick though the minute WW came home from work (she worked odd day hours on Saturday). I see her, and the funk hits me like a wave and I start being afraid all over again. I don't get it. I don't like it, don't want to choose it, I kick myself for it, but can't seem to turn it off... choice or not. I get that way w/out even thinking about it, and don't realize I've done it until it's too late. This situation is the only time I've ever been this overly dramatic (and for this long). I've had my moments, but this takes the cake and I just don't get it...?
Why am I so afraid of this not working??? It's not like I don't know better...

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Knowing your fear...only you can do that...you feel it, it's huge...that giant we talked about a long time ago...and until you trace it to all the beliefs it is coming from, it won't look like the small child it truly is...

Kicking yourself for feeling it won't work...that's like saying "I don't like that signal...give me a different one" without knowing what it's signalling...trace it...know its source...I've urged you to before...you're gonna keep feeling it until you trace it.

We have hidden, old beliefs...finding them in ourselves and looking them straight in the eye...that's what it takes...your choice.

You know what I believe? If we don't get our signals (emotions) and know what they mean, they get bigger, stronger, trying desperately to enlarge and engulf until we have no choice but to know them, acknowledge and trace them.

Good luck with that.

I've offered to help you do this before...let me know.


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I'm working on it.. :O) Sometimes I think I have it, other times it gets away from me. I'll figure it out... I think?

Getting my vehicle today and moving out (for now???) Thursday night...

DD and I had a really good time last night, just playing games and stuff. :OD Awesome!

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Last night was my first night at my Mom's. DD seems to be taking things fairly well so far. We both sat down w/ her on seperate occasions prior to this and discussed things w/ her.

WW did a slight 180 the day I got my car (tuesday). She went from slightly attitudunal to catering to me and being extra nice. I had dinner waiting fro me last night when I got there to pack my stuff. She and DD weren't home when it happened. I think it was easier that way for all three of us. DD spent the night at a friends and WW went to work early. I'm taking this fairly well too. I figure what's done is done and we'll just go from here. I feel alot less stressed already.

I got there last night, threw my things in my old room (what's left of it-my brother's a slob >:OD) took the fourwheeler out fro a spin, went for a ride on my bro's mountain bike up the road one way, then went for a walk down the other end after that. I got done goofing off at around 9:45. It was kind of nice to be back home and to have the opportunity to enjoy being out in the sticks again. I'm going to milk it fro all it's worth. :OD I was there by myself all night until around 10:15. Then my Mom and her man rolled in. 10 minutes later my sister showed up looking for a DD, so I took her out until midnight. Had a few Diet Cokes and met a few people. It's amazing how small the world is back home. When you meet someone new, you always share atleast 3-4 mutual friends or acquaintances. I like small town life. :O)

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Well, things are still up in the air. I could tell WW missed me the first few days... and I was alot less stressed those days too. Unforutnately, I got a little ticked every time I saw or talked to her those days too, plus it was kind of weird for me to be back in the house and around her knowing and feeling that we were officially seperated. So now, she's back to being angry. I got invited down for dinner and told to stop by alot the first four days, but yesterday and the day before I mentioned the possibility of my stopping down last night and asked her to let me know. She avoided the subject entirely, then talked to my Mom later in the day and told her I wasn't coming. That answered that question. We still talk, but I can tell that some of it's forced on her end and that she's angry w/ me right now. I've been as nice as pie the last two days... and feel alot better about everything now. I've been keeping busy and enjoying myself when I can. I talk to DD atleast once a day, though she's like me and doesn't like talking on the phone so our conversations don't last long.

I had my hopes up the first few days for a number of reasons... WW talking to me alot, hovering around me when I was there, going out of her way to do things for me, inviting me down alot and telling me I could even spend the night on nights i was there late because she had to work. Now, I'm back on the poop list, and I'm pretty sure I had some influence on that. I think that after today though, w/ the initial shock of moving out having worn off, I'll be ok and maybe my positive attitude will have some influence on the sitaution. I don't know. I still have worries and concerns and fears, and my imagination is still getting carried away (and I still think in the back of my mind that it's warranted), but not being wound up like a spring all the time has helped me to focus and I think I'm on the right track regardless of the outcome of everything.

We'll see. One day at a time.

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Bumping for an update...every ten days is all I ask...

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Sorry it's been so long. Being busy is the only good excuse I have. :O)

Here's what's been happening:

WW treats me like I'm somewhere between an acquaintence and a friend.

OM is babysitting DD after school on the days that WW works because I can't do it and she had problems w/ her best friend who was doing it previously.

WW says that she doesn't trust me, love me or look at me the same. She said that she doesn't feel like she has a decision to make, so much as she is simply going to live her life and whatever happens happens. She says she is fine w/ the way things are right now.

I've been stopping by for dinner one night a week and then seeing DD for part of the day Saturday and then all day Sunday.

WW says she doesn't have to explain herself to me, or elaborate on how she feels. Seems it's 'punishment' for me having done it to her.

She also only beats around the bush in regards to her and OM. She says that she doesn't do anything w/ him 'she shouldn't be', and that she goes when he comes in the door and he leaves when she gets home. I don't think there's anything there, but that's not to say that there may or may not be later. Apparently they ar going to his brithday party on the 7th w/ his family and friends from work though. If they don't do that, they (the three of them?) may go to Chuckie Cheese instead???

She claims to have been perfectly clear about evetything, but I'm more confused than when we started this. She syas she doesn't love me, trust me or look at me the same. She also says that she doesn't feel like she has a decision to make so much as she is just goiong to live her life and let whatever is going to happen happen. We talked a little today. I came away feeling like this was a lost cause. other days i think there is still hope. Today she called me and sounded fine, then somehow got on the subject of us and started saying all this stuff that wass either confusing me as to how she feels one way or the other, or made me sound like an awful person, or made me think our marriage is already in the toilet and that there's some cryptic reason as to why something isn't being done about it. maybe it's more punishment. Maybe she's dragging this out because of what I did, but feels sorry for me so she tells me to live my life thinking maybe I'll find someone else. See... I'm totally lost confused and don't know wht is going on?

That's one thing I don't understand. how can she say the things she says, but not want a divorce? I feel like we're staying married 'just in case'. or because their is no rush to divorce, or maybe it's because we havn't got the money?

I'm hanging in there. There are days when I feel like I should throw in the towel, but I haven't and won't. This doesn't seem to be getting any easier. If anything she only seems to be be more geared toward this being permanent... I really don't know what to think, and I can only do what I've been doing and hope for the best. I do hope for the best, and there are days when i still think this could work. I don't know if that's hope or if that's because I see something that's really there.

Otherwise I'm doing fine. DD comes up and spends the night alot lately. I take her out to do something fun every Sunday. I miss her and she misses me, but we're both hanging in there the best we can.

Our 5 year anniversary was on the 1st of this month. I bought her a nice card that seemed appropriate. I would have done more, but WW was very angry that day, didn't celebrate at all and told me not to do anything. I didn't want to push the issue, so I did what I thought was best. Her birthday is coming up too. I got her a gift card from DD and I to the movie theaters.

I took DD to the movies the other day and W said she was going to come w/ us, but was too busy. Things like that get my hopes up... and I start over analyizing them and thinking I'm half way back in the door. I don't think that;s the case, but it's easy to let myself feel it. I'm lost, but doing quite well. I know i sound a bit frantic, but today is the first day in a almost a month that I've really felt this way. I don't know why. maybe something she said gave me cause for concern. I'm not sure. It's an off day, that's all I know. Which is why I cme here I guess. It felt right so I did it. I'll have to keep you posted. Seriosuly, I've just been busy or I would have kpet up. I miss our talks, and could use some pointers and encouragement right about now. I talk to my long time best friend about this, but he's in the same scenario, only worse and is very misogynistic right now. I've been coaching him thorugh this more than anything. his solution seems to be that i should find another woman since mine doesn't want me and all women are cheaters and he's got issues... and it all boils down to him being angry and hurt because his fiance lied to him constatnly and cheated on him because she had a poor childhood and hasn't worked out her life. He's holding her accountable for th way he feels big time (sounds familiar) and so I've been trying to help him out w/ his attitude. I only do a so-so job. he claims he knows that I'm right, and I believe him. We'll see. I'd advised a couple to come here, but they haven't been enthusiastic about the idea. Alot of people seem to think this is for the birds. Iused to be one of them to an extent, but that was before I'd realized I couldn't do this w/out some guidance.

hope you're doing well. I have to go. I'll do a better job of posting more frequently. Scouts honor. :O)

I really am doing well. I'm much more relaxed and have alot of things in perspective now. I want to stop having days like today altogether. One day at a time I suppose. :O)

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Thank you for the update, Inf...

I believe you are doing well. I don't think your desire to not have days like this is all that reasonable...sounds like you went a month without having one...wanting to eliminate them all doesn't sound realistic to me...almost like being sick all the time, then getting well for thirty days and having a sick day again might trigger feeling months of being sick, but it's just one day.

I'm of the Aquinas brigade that both are necessary...can't feel good without knowing what it's like to feel bad; one affects the other. Then again, once I learned what mourning really was, how healthy sorrow is, even my down moments became healing.

I used up a lot of energy fighting what I couldn't control, including emotions I wasn't reading correctly. I don't fight information any more. I use a lot less energy that way.

Thank you for caring about others and recommending this site...all the more kudos for you to have come and found it for yourself, I think. I believe we are led in life, to what we most desire...only if we're willing to be led. And here, you can take what you want and leave the rest, right?

How's work? Would anything we talked about apply to your work relationships? Would that be something you're interested in exploring?

I'm delighted to know you're getting time with DD, and that you chose to give WW the anniversary card. And the upcoming bday gift. I really like your choosing to do this, not depending on her response.

I thought in NY you had to be separated one year before filing for divorce? Wouldn't that be Feb? I'm clueless on the legal stuff...I'm guessing. I think you can tell.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Anytime you update, I'm happy. No set schedule...you pop up on my radar about once every ten days for some reason, so that's my part...once a month might be fine, if I KNEW I'd get my fix.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Sorry to hear about your best friend's travails in infidelity. Aside from offering what you know, is there anything you can see in his current perspective which resonates within you? Not the extremes...might be small pieces...?

Why do you judge what kind of job you're doing in helping him? Would you consider your intent is what it is...your sharing is what matters, not the response? Hmm?

Yeah...I'm soooo out to break you of that habitual judgment tool...I really believe it is what is behind your feelings of confusion, feelings of rejection and powerlessness.

And I don't say that to be right...yuck...I say that to see you living clearly, feeling accepted and living powerfully one day.


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Thank you for the update, Inf...

Yeah, sorry I haven't been posting. Busy busy. I've been meaning to stick to the 10 days you've asked for, but I've been waiting until I had time for a decent reply.

I believe you are doing well. I don't think your desire to not have days like this is all that reasonable...sounds like you went a month without having one...wanting to eliminate them all doesn't sound realistic to me...almost like being sick all the time, then getting well for thirty days and having a sick day again might trigger feeling months of being sick, but it's just one day.

I'm doing alright. Good days and bad. She has them too. Some days we have conversations that are as normal as normal gets for now, others one or both of us doesn't have anything to say to the other, or worse... we have things to say that the other doesn't particularly want to hear. A month is an exaggertion... I just wasn't here posting about it. It's gone from a few times every day to about once or twice every other week. Big improvement IMO.

I'm of the Aquinas brigade that both are necessary...can't feel good without knowing what it's like to feel bad; one affects the other. Then again, once I learned what mourning really was, how healthy sorrow is, even my down moments became healing.

Makes alot of sense.

I have had issues w/ all that. I can be a little down in the dumps and still see the birghter side of life. There's a line though, and when I cross that line and get to a certain level of moodiness I get in a comfort zone, and someone trying to convince me to see the good in the bad only makes me more angry or hurt. I have to calm down on my own at that point or my mood only worsens. It takes alot of large issues over a long time, or one extremely sore one, over a really short time, (like OM) to get me there. I've been doing alot better w/ taht though lately like I said.
A moment to clear my head and I'm right as rain again.

I wish I had more time to think on things like that. I haven't had a day to myself in almost a month. I feel pretty run down at times, but manage to keep myself going. I should really start taking better care of myself... I need to cut down on the junk and get some rest. That was something WW always kind of either made me do, or did for me. This is an eye opening experience, being on my own. I cooked dinner for myself and my brother last night. Never thought I'd be doing that. Lots of other things too. It's kind of cool, and gives me a higher level of appreciation for everything W has done... but tiring.

I used up a lot of energy fighting what I couldn't control, including emotions I wasn't reading correctly. I don't fight information any more. I use a lot less energy that way.

I'm still finding it hard to seperate feelings and emotion from rational thoughts. W says something pertaining to us or her feelings and I'm jumping to conclusions that make sense to me, but don't really convey the point she was trying to make. I see that well after the fact, but can't tell spit from a hole in the ground when I'm in the moment. It's frustrating. Thankfully, I've gotten to a point where I don't insert my foot in my mouth when the wheels start turning 90% of the time. Really the only time I slip is when she mentions OM, and not every time. We have plenty of conversations that go well. Not in the direction I'd like them to go, but I'm not complaining either.

Thank you for caring about others and recommending this site...all the more kudos for you to have come and found it for yourself, I think. I believe we are led in life, to what we most desire...only if we're willing to be led. And here, you can take what you want and leave the rest, right?

I did find this place on my own. I was really grasping for straws that day, but I did it and am glad I did. This place has helped me out alot. You've helped me out trmendously. Thanx again. :O) I've still got some work to do, but I like to think I've made quite a bit of progress.

How's work? Would anything we talked about apply to your work relationships? Would that be something you're interested in exploring?

Work is work. I'd rather be outside in the sun having fun, than in an office being micro managed. I've been very antsy lately and would really like a vacation. I've never been one to appreciate the daily grind. At all. I get along really well w/ everyone here, aside from my Superviser. I avoid her when possible, but she's not very personable or approachable at times either. Work relationships have never been a problem for me. I think that's because my focus and priorities lie w/ my home life, I don't feel pressured to please co-workers and don't feel like they have any signifigant influence on the direction of my life. Jobs are replaceable, families aren't (or shouldn't be). Not that I'm still into pleasing all the time. What I'm trying to say is that if a co-worker has a problem w/ me I'll try to work it out, but if they don't get over it I'm not going to lose any sleep. If W has a problem w/ me, or another friend or family member does, then I'll put in some extra effort and try to resolve or compromise on the issue more than I normally would.

I'm delighted to know you're getting time with DD, and that you chose to give WW the anniversary card. And the upcoming bday gift. I really like your choosing to do this, not depending on her response.

Lots of time w/ DD. More than W is getting really. It's been getting harder to leave her.. for the both of us. She said something out of the blue to W the other day about my not being there and why. I miss them both every minute I'm not there. It's hard for me to concentrate on anything else.

I thought in NY you had to be separated one year before filing for divorce? Wouldn't that be Feb? I'm clueless on the legal stuff...I'm guessing. I think you can tell.

It is a year, and Feb would be correct. I'm not worried about the legal aspect of it all so much as I am concerned that she'll make the decision to go through w/ it, or something else at some point. I don't think about it much though. I've come to get it through my thick head that just because were not getting anywhere doesn't mean it's over. Besides... I think we might be getting somewhere. I'm just not sure which direction we're going in. All I know is that it looks like she's possibly making an effort to start sorting this mess out for herself and might possibly start to make some decisions, instead of resting on her laurels and not giving it any thought.

She flipped out on me at my nieces birthday party the other night. She said point blank that she wasn't going to work things out w/ me because she's sick of my family (they are a pain sometimes). We got out to the parking lot... I cried a tiny bit, and she said she was irritated (about what?) that day and may have said all the things she did at the party because of it. Before or after that she said I should know that she can't stop being angry about what happened. Then she patted me on the back after the conversation was finished.

I talked to her this morning and she was in a really good mood... So I called later this morning, left her a message telling her it would be nice if she came to my Step Dad's Father's funeral this week, and then to see my borther for his birthday this weekend to give him the cheesecake she's making. She also made mention, the day of my niece's party, of us taking DD to the Pumpkin Farm on seperate occaions this month. During the message, I asked her if she would consider making it a joint effort at her own discretion. I had to build up to it, and I'm not sure she'll be receptive to any of those ideas... but it was worth a shot.

I gave her the anniversary card, then gave her a card and a gift cert to the movie theater on her birthday. I didn't want to give her something, like flowers, that would be suggestive of the idea that I was trying to force myself back in the door, so I did what I thought she would really appreciate, but wouldn't be over the top. I think I did good, even though I would have liked to have gone way over the top and done alot more.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Anytime you update, I'm happy. No set schedule...you pop up on my radar about once every ten days for some reason, so that's my part...once a month might be fine, if I KNEW I'd get my fix.

That's cool. :OD I'll keep you posted as best I can.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Sorry to hear about your best friend's travails in infidelity. Aside from offering what you know, is there anything you can see in his current perspective which resonates within you? Not the extremes...might be small pieces...?

I'm actually helping two people out now. One's my best friend (a guy) the other is a female friend whom I've never actually met face to face.

My buddy is still down in the dumps. I think he's gotten better, but his writing is suggestive of something else entirely. I think he may be alot like myself in that his writing is more of a rant or vent than it is reflective of how he really feels. I worry about him after every email, but he swears up and down he's fine and is just airing his dirty laundry. I think that's a half truth in all honesty, but who am I to judge.

This other girl isn't my best friend... she's a phone acquaintance through work that lives some distance from here. I've never met her personally, but we've talked alot and somehow our plights came up in conversation one day. We've been helping each other out since. I'm glad I can carry some of what I learnt over to other situations. It's good karma and I'm down w/ that. <:OD

Why do you judge what kind of job you're doing in helping him? Would you consider your intent is what it is...your sharing is what matters, not the response? Hmm?

My concern is that my writing to him is similar to my writing here. If I'm having a bad day, and he's having a bad day... I've noticed that we feed off one another and it can get kind of ugly. I don't want that to influence his opinions and have a negative effect.

Yeah...I'm soooo out to break you of that habitual judgment tool...I really believe it is what is behind your feelings of confusion, feelings of rejection and powerlessness.

I'm 95% positive that you're right. >:OD Which is funny, but not really. School was tough because I always felt like I was being judged, whereas I never judged others and treated everyone equally. I guess at some point I started returning the favor.

I don't know if this is relevant or not... but I say things like "That's cool." or " That sucks." alot. I'd like to say those are statements that convey my feelings, but now you've got me questioning whther or not I'm feeling, or judging. Oi.

And I don't say that to be right...yuck...I say that to see you living clearly, feeling accepted and living powerfully one day.

I know where you're coming from and see your intentions. If W were to say something like that to me though, I'd think she were trying to run my life or tell me that she can't appreciate me for who I am or something. I know this because she said something similar to me recently (about how I can't make people think something they don't want to), and that's the first thing I thought when she said it. Still have that feeling that she has control over me for now. Not to the extent I did before, but it's lingering and surfaces in certain instances (primarily when OM comes up in conversation).


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I don't know if I'm jumping the gun or not... but I feel like this might actually work out at times. Like, maybe she's trying to get over being angry right now and wants to work things out... but just can't do it yet.

Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe she's not wanting to work things out so much as she is tired of being angry and wanting to stop. I don't know that there's any correlation between the two. I'm not about to ask and aggitate the situation either. I'll let her sort things out on her own while making my intentions clear in other ways.

Seems to be the smart thing to do.

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Great update, Inf...

About the last part...I didn't say, "I want what's best for you" or "here's where you should go or be"...I said what I believe all humans were designed to live...as they really are...not you becoming someone else...only yourself, fully and intimately.

And your WW believes as I do...that humans are limited...all of us..."(about how I can't make people think something they don't want to)" which means you are neither the cause, control or cure of anyone's thoughts at all...because their choice is inherent. What a relief!

Callin' 'em as I see 'em....

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Lost a post from yesterday. Just as well. Not a good one.

I know where you're coming from. No need to explian.

I don't think she gets it, so much as I think she's hipocritical (or changing her mind to suit her feelings... something I know alot about). Don't have time for that discussion right now though.

iN a bit.

Last edited by infernomatic; 10/12/06 09:56 AM.
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I'll wait...I lost a post to EO today, and for the first time in quite awhile, I was ticked.

I've been of a similar mindset...if I lose a post, it was better not posted...until this one. Now I'm just ticked.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Last edited by LovingAnyway; 10/12/06 03:01 PM.
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You? Ticked? Not sure I';ve seen that yet. I'll have to pull up a chair and grab some popcorn. >:O) Though I'm doubting it would be much of a show. *wink*

Things feel different lately, but I can't put a finger on it. Feels like something is changing w/ the situation, but I'm not sure what it is and if it's good or bad? Or maybe it's not changing, and that's why I can't pinpoint it... I don't know. Maybe it's just me and I'm being a Fruit Loop again.

Been spending Saturdays and Sundays w/ DD because W has to work on Sat, and Sunday is my scheduled day. It's been nice. Doing it again tomorrow. Tomorrow is my bro's birthday too, and then the following Sat it's the older of my two sisters turn to have hers. I'm the oldest of the bunch. My whole family has been making it a point lately to remind me that I don't fit in w/ the lot of them. Never bothered me before, still doesn't. I'm just curious as to how I wound up being the odd man out? Ob well. I like being different...

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LOL on you envisioning me ticked...and yes, that tickled me. And no, wasn't much of a show...more of a hard sigh.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Your FOO makes it a point to remind you of their opinion? How about not taking it as fact...'cuz it isn't. And showing up is 95% of life...and you're doing that. Stay aware, Inf...and kudos on not allowing others to define you...and respecting their opinions as such.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


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So, I was right. Which really threw me for a loop.

Things have changed.

Apparently they've been getting worse from what I can tell and I didn't realize it.

I got the 'let's be friends' speech Saturday night.

Not the first time I've heard it.

I'm not sure about this one though. I have two theories. She either sugar coated some things to try to make me feel better... or she doesn't know what she wants because she is under the control of her emotions and can't let them go.

Honestly... she reminds me of how I was when I was in the process of throwing my life away. I said a bunch of things I didn't mean, was totally unclear about how I felt... telling her I love her one minute, and the next I was saying that I had feelings for someone else and couldn't stand her. I didn't realize I'd gone off the deep end until one day she threw me a curveball, and got extremely angry out of the blue. The whole time she was trying her hardest to be the best wife she could be... and I either took advantage or blew her off because all I could think about was what I thought I needed and I was desperate to get it at any cost.

I've had countless numbers of people tell me I'm the nicest person they know, that I put up w/ 1,000 times more than they could in life and from people, and if they were me they would have given up on their relationships months ago. I have half a mind to believe them sometimes, if it didn't seem like exaggerations in some instances. Yet, here I was... running my W and even sometimes DD into the ground and throwing everything I had worked so hard to hold onto away.

I was being selfish, self righteous, cruel and telling myself it was ok because I couldn't see the the way I was being or the consequences. It was all about me, and making everyone else suffer for my happiness.

I get sick when I think about it. Makes me feel like I deserve what's happening right now. That it's her turn to freak out and whatever happens is what I get.

Her getting angry scared me into the realization of what I had done, but I went from getting what I wanted by throwing everything I wanted away, to getting what I wanted by smothering and acting out of fear and desperation to not let it escape. It was still all about me. Which was why I was here having fits all the time, yelling at her one minute and begging her to stay the next and feeling liek my life had ended because of everything that happened.

At that point I hadn't regained any of my sanity... Instead I went from being angry and lashing out, to being rock bottom depressed and wanting my life to end. Either way I was acting out of desperation. Looking back on it, I still couldn't believe that it was me that did and said all of those things if I wasn't the one doing them.

I try to explain this over and over to her and she says she can't understand and never will. She claims that all of my choices were concious decisions and that she told me never to do any of the things I did when we first got together. She says she'll never stop wondering what I'm doing when she's not around, and that if I'm not there it's not her place to say anything. She said that everyone lets you down eventually, and that I'm no different. She said she can't try to work things out, because she can't live a lie.

She was going from things I wrote just above, to saying that you never know what will happen and we could get back together years down the road for all we know. On top of all this, we've made plans to take DD to the Pumpkin Farm together this month, and Friday night the 3 of us are going to a school function together.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does someone that knows what they want go from saying that they can't stop being angry, to saying they want to be friends? She even went so far as to say that we I can come and go as I please, we'll get together all the time and I can even stay there if I'd like.

Seems to me there's something there that she's not seeing?

It was weird. She was all over the place. Going on about us being friends if we are w/ other people, saying that people get the big 'D' word then get remarried to each other all the time, saying we could hate our lives later on and get back together in 2 years or 8 years or whatever. She went into talking about dating other people and saying that it doesn't imply that we're sleeping w/ anyone. Saying that this probably won't work out and going on about getting married to other people and her not wanting to be married ever again, yet talking about dating and stuff? and saying in the same sentence... "It could happen sometime, probably not, never..." in those exact words.

When I was slightly hesitant about us being friends if we were w/ other people, she acted like it would hurt her if we couldn't be. Then another minute she said that she didn't want to be my Mom and take advantage of me and ask me for anything (I'm assuming she meant if she were seeing someone else which is what my Mom has been doing for about 9 years? or maybe she meant that she didn't want to do it if she decided she ddin't want to be w/ me ever again, or amybe if we got the D word?). Yet, last night I started a fire for her, prepped filled and lit the kerosene heater, and took out the trash to the curb this morning when i was there getting DD on the bus at 6:30am... all of which was at her request. She still asks me for things, still tries to help me out, still tells me about her life, still talks about gettingme Christmas presents...

I don't see it as her taking advantage, but she's swearing up and down that she hasn't asked me for anything at all aside from money for things for DD. She makes it sound like asking me to get something from the fridge is a huge sacrifice... but then asks anyway. There's soemthing to that, but I'm not sure if it's justification, habit, her hanging on to our life together, or something else entirely?

I got a bunch of maybes, probably not's and nevers. Alot of them were conflicting. Try letting her know that she's being unclear in her presentation and she totally disagrees. It really feels to me like she doesn't know what she wants right now, but the more she thinks about it and the more we talk about it, the more distant she gets. I think she's gone past being angry, and has gotten to the point I was at. I think a switch has turned on and now she's readily grabbing at anything and everything that she thinks will make her feel better.

It's like calculated desperation. That's how I describe what I went through. That's what it looks like she's doing too.

How do I handle taht if that's the case? Getting angry won't work IMO since she blames me for this mess anyway. Is there a way to handle that even? I'm assuming that there's nothing I can say or do that will help my cause, and that I'm going to have to wait and see if she comes around if I'm right. Maybe I should just try to be her friend for now, and not be obvious about how I feel about her even though I'm trying to work things out? Seems this has gone past my understanding and has reached a whole new level.

I don't know. Maybe she has an idea of what she wants, but is having a hard time letting go of our relationship?

Or maybe she really is sugar coating the things she says, because like she said, all she really feels is sorry for me right now.



and... am I in denial about what is going on here? Am I crazy fro thinking that there's still hope, or is there always a chance, no matter how slim that things can work out? I don't know if I'm judging her actions by my own, or if I am really seeing something that's there? I'm confusing myself constatnly.

this thread is huge. heh. It's only going to keep getting bigger I'm sure. Hope you have time for that

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For the record... I gave her the lets be friends speech the whole time I was telling her I didn't want to be in our relationship anymore and saying that I hated her. I also told her I'd take care of her while I was w/ someone else. She's kicked me out the door, is furious w/ me, but is still trying to take care of me. She even made me breakfast Sunday morning.

There are an overwhelming amount of similarities here.

I can't help but think that I need to keep hanging on... I really don't want to let go anyway. I still love her just as much as always, and letting go doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

I always tell her I love her when either of us is leaving. I say a quick "love you, bye." which is seomthing she started 'cuz she thought it was cute. After our Saturday night discussion, she has been hesitating for a split second after I say it, and then says bye. Just something I noticed. I'm not going to stop saying it. I was just curious if she thinks I should after taht. I'm not mentioning it though.

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Don't know if I said it or not, but she also said that she's happy w/ the way things are, and the way she is living and doesn't feel like she has a decision to make in regards to wanting to be w/ me or not.

I'm also the one that prompted the discussion. That's a story in and of itself. I found a hidden birthday card from OM. She said she hid it because she didn't want me to freak out. So, I not so calmly said something about it when i called her at work. She told me we'd talka bout it when she got home and I left it at that. 5 or 6 hours later when she came home is when we had our discussion.

She also said during our discussion that she can do whatever she wants w/ whomever she wants and it's noone's business. Mine included. She said she doesn't even have to tell me if she's seeing someone. She has a point. It's her right, and I'm not trying to tell her what to do. It's her life. I guess I just wish that our marriage meant a little more to her than that right now... but at the same time I can relate to feeling that way and am not going to try to force her into anything. I need to start having a an even more positive, though possibly subtle, influence and leave it at that I think.

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Fantastic realizations, buddy. Seriously. Seeing with clarity how you were and how she is acting...I think you're really getting this...that fog is totally real...and it's generated from resentment, entitlement and lack of respect.

It isn't real. I think your struggle was with it being real...and it's not.

I'm cheering for you.

Here's where you did your signature divergence:

"I got a bunch of maybes, probably not's and nevers. Alot of them were conflicting."

That's childspeak and fog. You know that.

"Try letting her know that she's being unclear in her presentation and she totally disagrees."

Ack...you put on her what you didn't understand...the ol' routine...she's not being clear...or in reality, you're not clear on what she's saying? Listen and repeat. Own your own stuff...because you're the only one there to inject respect. When you were in her shoes, she tried to meet all your ENs...she didn't have MB, or support, or a way through. You do. You know. Stay centered.

"It really feels to me like she doesn't know what she wants right now, but the more she thinks about it and the more we talk about it, the more distant she gets."

More DJ stuff...really, you gotta clear this out...for your whole life and for your marriage.

And the be friends stuff..."I am your husband and a friend of my marriage. I don't do adultery or any attack on my marriage. I can't be friends if we divorce. You are my best friend and my wife."

See, you can co-parent, but not befriend her. What actually happens--that's future choices, not right now choices.

"I think she's gone past being angry, and has gotten to the point I was at. I think a switch has turned on and now she's readily grabbing at anything and everything that she thinks will make her feel better."

Sounds like she's on the course and coming around the bend, eh? She's been doing that her whole life, off and on, I promise. Wayward isn't a new state of mind...it is a different version of the same permissions. You had it...I think you can trace it yourself.

I know I did.

"It's like calculated desperation. That's how I describe what I went through. That's what it looks like she's doing too."

And it's all unreal...calculations can be way off..and not appear so. She is in pain, as you were, and desperate to NOT be in pain...which is like flailing around instead of going within. Great that you see it now.

"How do I handle taht if that's the case? Getting angry won't work IMO since she blames me for this mess anyway."

Inf--who is it you really want to be? Respectful, loving, calm, collected, acknowledging, validating, equal? Does that answer how to handle her stuff?

"Is there a way to handle that even? I'm assuming that there's nothing I can say or do that will help my cause, and that I'm going to have to wait and see if she comes around if I'm right."

That would be your choice to be respectful. And practice knowing what isn't yours...staying calm and in loving detachment...so that you can have that practiced so well your whole life will be freed from reactive enmeshment. Well worth the journey, I swear. You know you have no control (which is what I perceived you meant by "nothing I can say or do will help my cause")...the very act of NOT doing or saying anything based on getting the result of what may look like helping your cause IS essential.

"Maybe I should just try to be her friend for now, and not be obvious about how I feel about her even though I'm trying to work things out? Seems this has gone past my understanding and has reached a whole new level."

Try to be...or just be. Like love, friendship is a choice we make...we act from that desire...and not react. Having our spouses as our best friends is part of the huge gut-wrenching part of betrayal...and also the reality of intimacy. Go for it.

Stay true to your goals and do not change them based on her perceptions or beliefs. They are yours.

"I don't know. Maybe she has an idea of what she wants, but is having a hard time letting go of our relationship?"

Allow her to share her ideas when she gets them and you choose not to act from her stuff...she's exactly as you were...don't try to predict. Work at getting comfortable knowing what you don't know...you don't know her stuff, and you, given your own experience, have every reason to believe that time, Plan A, and presence (like what she did) may bring about the same results...and if that's what she chooses, then you've set the stage for an awesome recovery and thriving marriage, because you didn't adopt respect as a tactic, but a life premise.

If you believe it would take the passion out of you...well, it doubled mine.

"Or maybe she really is sugar coating the things she says, because like she said, all she really feels is sorry for me right now."

Listen and repeat...hand this stuff back...you're reactive again after having great clarity...like seeing yourself from the outside...and yes, your pain is real over what she says...feel it and know this is hers...and her truth is conflicted...and you know this. You remember.


Always a good sign...signals your focus is on what you have no cause, control or cure for.


"Help!" You know all this...I'm repeating and congratulating...see the projection at play here...you HATE that you acted from your feelings last year...and you HATE that she's acting from hers...notice when you choose to do that now...and rein yourself back...whoa...you know this...believe with your mind, know your own feelings and act from your goal.

"and... am I in denial about what is going on here?"

No, you were in massive denial when you were WS.

"Am I crazy fro thinking that there's still hope, or is there always a chance, no matter how slim that things can work out? I don't know if I'm judging her actions by my own, or if I am really seeing something that's there? I'm confusing myself constatnly."

If you breathe, there is hope...because you're learning every moment...learn to stay in that moment...no future kibbutzing where you're gonna screw up your right now with fantasy (that's what the future is)...take your one day at a time seriously, Inf.

Hey, you came out of the fog...you got the heart-stopping OMG remorse and was that really me insight? Yes, you are capable...resentment is HUGE, POWERFUL, it's poison and a drug...doubled in potency when it fuels entitlement and lack of respect.

This is you from the outside. That's what helped me a lot.

And btw, I said and my WH said all that she's saying...I even told my oldest, "Well, maybe I'd remarry your father in five years." Yes, I cringe. I remember. I still cringe. Fog talk.

"this thread is huge. heh. It's only going to keep getting bigger I'm sure. Hope you have time for that"

To make this thread longer? You goin' for a record? I'm here for you all the way through next February...if you are.

Pull your focus back to you, Inf. You had it solidly on you, which was big, and true, and I'm sure painful...and like catching your sleeve on a tack, off you went...focus sucked into her...where you have no control and a great distraction from your own stuff.

Believe me, your own stuff isn't so awful...it's yours and it's real. Owning what you did and amending IS recovery...personal recovery...getting to where you know what, why and how you did what you did, said what you said...stay there. Own it outloud to her through sharing. Time to learn to really share. I know now, you're really listening to her...stick with it.

Please listen and repeat her words...they are fog babble. Read Orchid's threads for how to babble back, if you like. What you wrote she said is all babble...it is her deep in the fog, trying to make sense of fantasy...juggling jello...your job is to NOT get sucked into that fog.

You can't influence unless allowed...another reason listen and repeat really helps. It's like the silence sings...suddenly, she'll hear you not refuting, DJing and not controlling (her perception). You're not agreeing with her, only acknowledging what she thinks, feels and believes. Like sorting through the garbage and not taking any out. Yep, that's in there. Who said acting from love was a cake walk? Would it be worth dying for if we didn't have to feel like we're dying a little?

You be you, authentically...with all you realize, understand and know about yourself. That's authentic and very real. You can even say, "Yes, I remember saying that to you when I was in my affair...that it wasn't anyone's business but mine. I'm so sorry."

Your amends do not depend on her perception...they are yours owning your stuff and stating you will not do them again. That's your part, your healing...and yes, I think you're doing a bang up marvelous Plan A from afar. I really do.

You're inspiring, Inf. Use this parallel not to teach but to share...yes, I remember thinking, feeling, believing and perceiving that. I remember how much resentment I created in myself, and I had no idea I was the one taking the poison...I really believed you made. I'm very sorry. I know better now."

You've got your own words, style and impact. That doesn't go away...stay calm, put that hopper on your head and see your fear as the child it truly is...hers is a giant right now. They won't duke it out, 'k? Hold yours. He's terrified of being bad and wrong and having broken something...know that healing heals all...we breathe, we hope just as much we as we live and we grow.

I promise.


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