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WW and I had a discussion this morning. She said she enjoyed the last ten years and that she was happy to be w/ me, but she doesn't want to live her life wondering if I'm messing around if I'm home late from work, or if the phone is busy at night or etc... and since she has extreme trust issues... She said it's like she doesn't know who I am anymore, and that this isn't about anything that happened in the past, but rather what happened recently. I said all I could say telling her I'm frustrated and hurt because I know it won't happen again, that I never stopped loving her, will do whatever it takes to fix this that I can bring myself to do (left that part out), and that she does know me because a year of stress and a couple months of nervous breakdown didn't change who I am... and taht was that. Seems the longer this goes on, the more she makes it sound like this is pretty much it. She claims that she wasn't out shopping w/ OM and didn't see my nephew at all. She also said that she admittedly worked w/ him in the afternoon on Sunday, but it wasn't him that was there in the parking lot w/ her Saturday. His brother also works there and they share a car because they live both still live at home. I suppose I believe her...

I also told her something that I found out from my sister taht kind of ticked me off. Apparently my sister has been spreading the word about my situation and a girl she works w/ offered to take me out, be it on a date or just as a stress reliever or whatever. WW mentioned several times this morning that I should just go see whoever if that's what I want to do because I should live my life the way i want to just like she plans to do (not implying that it won't include me, but pretty close to it). I told WW about this offer that I got... I was trying to be honest, and try to get across my point that I love her and have the conviction to stick to my guns on this and be faithful to her until she decides what she wants to do about our life together. Well... it didn't go over well. She had previously accused my family of trying to set me up. She got pterbed that they were trying to do it before i was even out the door and said she was done w/ this situation. She also accused me of going over there for lunch to see my sister the other day and knowing about the offer and having met this girl already. She started going on about how my faimly is a bunch of hypocrits, have no right to tell her how to live her life and how she should get OM, drive up to my Mom's house and get it on w/ him in the front lawn to give them a reason to be the way they are. I still don't know how she feels about him... if they are just friends or what. For some reason I trust in it being just that, but you never know if it will turn into something later if it is. I just don't know.

She said she plans to go to work, take care of DD and stay home after I move out. She said that I'd be crazy to just sit there and pine for her and deprive myself of being happy when I move out. She said that sometimes she feels like I'm trying to back her into making a decision as to whether or not this will work out and that if I'm going to do that the answer will be no. I keep thinking that she doesn't want to work this out for now, and if she won't talk to me about it then how am I supposed to know what to do to make this work for her. What if moving into my Mom's sets her off because now she is guranteed to think I'll be set up w/ someone? If trust is something you build, and it seems to be essential to making this work... how am I supposed to know what to do to build her trust back up or not tick her off if she won't tell me or atleast talk about it? I swear I am so screwed...

Now she's going to assume I'm walking over to my sister's job on lunches to meet this girl that she's trying to set me up w/. I almost think it didn't pay to be honest and open in this situation. Is there ever a time when not saying anything is the right thing to do???

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So, how is it starting a new life w/ or w/out someone else can sound better than being w/ the person you've loved w/ all your heart for 10 years? Especially when I'm working my tail off and practically begging and pleading to fix this?!?!?!?! Isn't there a saying "Time heals everything" or "all wounds" or something like that??? It's been almost a year?!?!?! and how does that other one go... "Absense makes the heart grow fonder"??? Sounds to me like she's going to be relieved that I'm gone... and I'm going to be sitting there missing her more than I already do when she's still there!!!

Why doesn't she want to try to work on this and make an attempt to get past her issues??? How is it my desperately wanting to work this out is being selfish or me not thinking about anyone but myself?!?!?!?!?!?!?! How do you fall out of love w/ someone after being so close for so long?!?!?!?!?!

This sucks!!!!!!!!! I didn't need this today... or any other day!!! How did i let this happen in the first place?!?!?!?!

I'm driving myself nutz now... I've been calling home every 10-15 mintues since 8:30 this morning... I just want to scream, release all this hurt, frustration and anger and then crawl into a hole and die.

How do you love someone for that long and then after one incident that was blown out of proportion not want to be married and a family anymore? I don't care what kind of issues you have... it's not right. This is mine and DD's life too... How can she call me selfish when she is fighting to get ehat she wants just as hard as I am?!@?!?!?!?!! I'm half tempted to jump into the D word the minute I can afford it just so I can stop eating myself up and just face facts. That's how much this is bothering me. I'd almost rather just make sure it never works, regardless of how much I love her just so I don't have to hurt anymore. If not that, I'd really like to beg her to give me a reason to to hate her or something. Anything looks better than suffering anymore.

I'm really really extremely heart broken over this!!! It's 10 years... 10 YEARS!!! I've been w/ her since before I graduated High School!!! I was 16 or 17 and I've never had to live a day of my adult life w/out her!!! I can't imagine my life w/out her... This is insane... I'm gonna have another nervous breakdown if I keep this up, but I just can't seem to get my crap together today. Counseling isn't helping at all... if anything it seems to be making it worse like talking about it here was... I've got chest pains right now from the anxiety, I'm working and dialing and typing at the same time... I'd leave for the day, but my Supervisor is riding me like crazy since I got written up and wouldn't even barely let me leave a half hour early yesterday, even though I came in a half hour early. I just don't know what to do anymore... Sitting here all day w/ 8 hours to stew on things is not helping... Something gotta give or I really might just freak out again.


Help. I don't know whether to laugh or cry or get mad or what because this is just so ridiculous and i feel so burnt out and destroyed anymore!!!! I just went for a walk and I still feel like total crap!!!!!!!!!

If this doesn't work out I'll never speak to her or see her again I swear!!!

Last edited by infernomatic; 07/28/06 12:42 PM.
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Why did my post stretch?!?!?!?!?!?!


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i dunno what to tell you, but have courage brother. going through the same ****** like you are, having the same pains, feelings, torments like you are.

It was all my doing we reached this stage. I just didn't know i was doing the wrong things (one i knew!! the A thing).

And now she popped. She doesn't want to work anymore on it and now that i realised what she was going through now I beg her to work with me on our relationship. Yet it seems like she's taken the decision.

Won't give up and so should you.

Take care and may god be with you and help you.


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LA... if you could give me one really good reason why this will/would/could/whatever work out in the end I'd appreciate it. Something I';m doing right according to her state of mind, or a statistic, or anything would be nice. I'[d love to have a reason to get my hopes up today.

Thanx Ron. So far giving up hasn't been an option for me. I talk alot of talk, but am walking a different walk. Seems like I keep digging myself deeper though w/ every step I take to try and fix this...? If someone could tell me why that is I'd really appreciate it. I think I'm making mistakes left and right w/out even realizing it, or maybe nothing I do is going to benefit my cause...? Got me. Today is another really bad day... I'm dying here.

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What you're doing right according to YOUR state of mind...

Which is all you have...your only truth. Hers, is, afterall, hers...

I think your post stretched from pain...this statement:



How are those hopes now?

Do you really believe you're working your tail off to fix the situation?

I wouldn't know...I'm not there. I see a whole lot of work, not work; old patterns and new decisions...back and forth on goals, knowing what you want from your bones...

Sounds human...and I believe, there's always hope with humans.

Whether they are up, or not...that's up to you.

You have your own reason...basing your life on other people's responses has really not worked for you...

Basing your life on your own code...you were gonna give that a try.

You alive and posting, Inf...may not feel like it. How much self-bashing have you been indulging in? How much focus have you locked yourself into on your WW?

How's your daughter, dude?


Last edited by LovingAnyway; 07/28/06 03:13 PM.
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Oh yeah. I suppose that would do it. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

I guess i'm not doing so well w/ applying some of what we went over (and over and over and over...)

I blame this on genetics. My Mom is like me when it comes to relationships... clingy when i'ts working and desperate when it's not, she has intense will power, and will do whatever it takes to be happy. and my Dad is down on himself alot, works only when he wants to and can be very lazy butis a hard worker when he wants to be too. they're both very smart. They're both a little selfish and greedy, yet would help out anyone taht needed it. Looks like I got the best and worst of them combined. I'm destined to stink at this. <:O)

I'm kicing my rear alot. I'd like to kick WW's rear too. It's foolish, but hating her or loving her seem to be the only two options I'm affording myself until this either workds out or I move on and find someone new. Nothing new there. It just doesn't usually take this long to get to the next phase.

This is also not the wisest thing to say, but this seems to be my code... my life. I'd accept it if it wasn't causing me so much grief. Yeesh.

She's ok I guess. Still making w/ the we hate her comments. I've talked to her alot lately about life and a little about this... She has been writing on her own now. WW and I find notes all over and entries inher diary saying she had a rough day, or how Mikey talked to her in the lunch line and she thinks he's going to ask her out... or marry her. Is that typical for a 7 year old female??? Seems she's too big for her britches IMO. lol. She's writing, but she has mine and WW's personailites. Our fears, our attitudes, Our likes and dislikes. The good and the bad. I'm trying to help her progressively get out of repeating some of our bad habits, but like the two of us she's incredibly strong willed and stubborn... and totally independent and over depentdent all at the same time. She worries me that she's going to go through this same thing when she's older. I think the best thing i could ever do is just be there for her, hug her when she asks and listen no matter what. That's what I wish someone would do for me. She's herself, but us at the same time. She went swimming at the park w/ friends today. She's good. :O) Love her to pieces (WW and myself too... but I'm furious w/ WW and myself right now).

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Thank you for writing about your daughter...and I had all sons...so don't go there with me about what might be normal or not!


I was boy-crazy from preschool...so, that was 3-4 years old.


Did you get "Between Parent and Child"? We talked about it...I remember...you're in that middle mode...I think you'll really like it...would ya? Could ya? Huh? Huh?

"It just doesn't usually take this long to get to the next phase." Do you mean you're up and down emotional states or...did I miss something?

I'm confused.

I think your DD ROCKS for writing...at 7. Oh, my.

How do you think you got your thread into Cheshire mode...if not with the cry of frustration and pain?

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


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Oh yeah. I suppose that would do it. <----

No... you're right I think the Aggghhh!!! did it. Stretched it that is. oops. :O)

I didn't get the book yet... Money has been extremely tight because of my demotion and loss of OT. None of our libraries carry it that i've found. It's going to get even tighter if I manage to lose my job. Just waht Ineed ont op of everything else right now. Seems I have a bullseye on my back lately.

by next phase, I meant either fixing my relationship or finding a new one. The longest I've ever been in a non-functioning relationship or single was for a week or so I think. Then I was on to working on the next one... I've never broken up w/ anyone though. seem to have this idea in my head that w/ work any relationship can work. Unfortunately for me, everyone else I've ever been w/ isn't of the same mind. I wonder if it's something I'm doing? WW and I haven't been acting as a couple for months now despite my best efforts... if anything my efforts are ticking her off. She keeps reitterating that she asked me to leave months ago, implying that I've just been making her more and more angry over time and that if I had given her the space she asked for this might already have been resolved. Blaming me again. Though space did work last time... Maybe I'll get lucky again. Doubt it. Who knows. I hate this crap. Blechhhh!!!! Love stinks.

She's as smart as a whip DD is. Best. Kid. Ever. Don't know how I'll ever adjust to being a part time father... makes me want to keel over. Just the thought of it. Noone should have to go through this. Ever.

Everyone i know has given up on this but me. They all say they hope it works out, but they all also say that I need to start prepping to move on w/ my life just in case (they're being kind). When did love turn into something that wasn't worth fighting for anymore? WW used to preach us never seperating no matter what, and couldn't understand how people did it after being together for so long.

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"WW used to preach us never seperating no matter what, and couldn't understand how people did it after being together for so long."

Wow, that was exactly what my WH said about M. Verbatim.

I am the only one working to save this M too. WH has filed for D but too chicken to serve the papers. I am still fighting to save this M. The A has made my WH a different person, that alien that all the MBers talk about is true. My WH is proof of it.

Hang in there, Inferno. I know I am. Being the BS is certainly difficult but I'm committed to saving this M! Stay strong.

Looking forward to a new chapter since D was finalized on 4/24/07 from WH.

"I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
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Thanx for your support. :O) I'm trying to keep focussed, but freaking out over failing relationships is in my nature.

I started this mess, but I intend to make it right if it kills me.

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Is your nature...or your choice? I'll respect it is your preference.

Why would God make you freaking out over failing relationships in your nature?

Still can't figure out the wide format...too funny.

I prefer Panavision.


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infernomatic - I feel your pain. I, too, am the only one working on fixing my marriage. My WW has told me that she doesn't want to fix it. That she's made her decision and she isn't changing it. She doesn't want me to get my hopes up or to even hope for something that won't happen.

Yet, I want to fix it. I know it can work. I love her too much to give up. She and I both fought so hard to be together, to show the world that we could be happy together, that I can't just give up, and it hurts so bad that she just gave up.

Figuring out how to cope and move on... that's my hardest part. I may need to move on before I can ever have her back. I don't know how to do that.

Good luck to you.

M - 01-01-03 BS (me) - 29 FWXW (her) - 25 D-Day - 05-19-06 DS - 2 1/2 years Divorced
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Is your nature...or your choice? I'll respect it is your preference.

I read that after I posted, realized what I said and kicked my own butt. I meant to say that it has been a habit. I don't know why I said nature... unless it's what I was thinking at the time... which would have been naughty of me.

Why would God make you freaking out over failing relationships in your nature?

I. Have. No. Idea.

Still can't figure out the wide format...too funny.

It's gotta be the Argh! :OD

I prefer Panavision.

I'll have to look that one up... (which suprises me.)


Thanx for the support Rogue. I hope it works out for the both of us.

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I'm moving out. I just put down a deposit on a vehicle this week and am scheduled to be out the door w/in two weeks time. I've been working on fixing this for 8 months now. W's 'tude has improved to an extent, but she still demands that I leave and give her her space. I've been fighting it tooth and nail, but she says she is just way too angry w/ me to even consider "us" for now. I'v been having little freak out fits since putting down the deposit on the car. We've talked until we were both blue in the face several nights this week. That, or until she fell asleep at the wee hours of the morning. I haven't been sleeping again after she gets home from work. Last night's was the longest of the bunch. They neve get us anywhere. She pleads her case, I plead mine. Neither of us is budging. I want to work this out, she doesn't want to think about it right now. She says she can't trust me and gave me a few examples that I thought were excessive to say the least, but not for her. Coming from her they seem almost normal, harkening back to when we first met. She reiterated getting anew job, taking care of DD and herself and not doing much of anything else for now. The more we talked, the more aggitated she got though. Started repeating things from past conversations. Like saying that she doesn't see herself not being angry anymore until one of us has already ruined things. It would have to be her, 'cuz it won't be me that hooks up w/ someone else. I figure it would have to be her too because she is hung up on having another baby. I'm not saying it'll happen, just that it won't be me. She said some other stuff too. I listened, repeated, gave her some of my own input. She was up and down the whole conversation. "It probably won't work" this. "I never guarnateed it wouldn't work" that. The only truths I could gather from the whole ordeal were...

A) She is undecided, though she has some ideas in her head but they could change later. Right now, she's angry and untrusting which has been the norm. I need to step back and see what happens while doing what I can to keep things as smooth as possible between us.

B) I need to stop freaking out. This isn't an appropriate thought, but I think moving out for now will help w/ that. that shouldn't be the case, I know. Distractions couldn't hurt though either. Maybe I'll start making more choices I can appreciate this way, and then it won't matter where I am?

So, I'm definitely out for now. (I was going to say something more, but my sister dropped me an email and CRS got the better of me.) Oh, that's what it was... She's looking for a new job, has come very close to coming right out and saying that she'll have nothing more to do w/ OM after finding one. We'll see. I'm hopeful. It looks to me like what may or may not have been there at some point isn't there now anyway. She has also said that if it weren't for not trusting me and being angry she would still feel the same about me... I take that as a good sign?

So that's that for now I guess.

BTW... you said your son has Tinnitus? I heard yesterday that they are advertising medication for it on television now (which you don't watch.. heh. :OD ) It's supposed to increase bloodflow in that area and relieve some (or all?) of the ringing. Starts w/ an "L" I heard... (they say Lidocaine can help, but I don't think that would be it? never know... though i don't do injections >:OP). I have yet to see the ad myself. I guess previously there hasn't been anything designed to specifically treat the problem (according to the net). I know I wasn't offered anything when diagnosed. Just told to stop cranking up the tunes (which I told was the source of the problem. I'm not doubting it.) I'm looking into it. It's been irritating for me lately because of the fans running in the house all the time to keep cool. That and it increases w/ nerve excitement (mine's been off the charts). If you want I'll keep you posted?

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Gosh, Inf...can you please go up and edit out those ??? (question marks) from your earlier post so we can get your thread out of this super wide format?

I appreciate you keeping me posted...you're worth reading, Inf...and I appreciate the Tinnitus update and will pass that along to my son. Thank you.

I respect your choice to move out...may I ask you to clarify your intent? Your wife is angry and isn't dealing well with her own anger...you do know that our presence in the home is not the source of her anger, correct?

Great to know she understands that her resentment and anger are overlaying her love...that it is there, just buried.

How will your DD handle this? Oh, my.


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Gosh, Inf...can you please go up and edit out those ??? (question marks) from your earlier post so we can get your thread out of this super wide format?

I did. Now you have to edit them out of the post you made when you quoted them. :OD

I appreciate you keeping me posted...you're worth reading, Inf...and I appreciate the Tinnitus update and will pass that along to my son. Thank you.

Thanx. and you're welcome. :O)

I respect your choice to move out...may I ask you to clarify your intent? Your wife is angry and isn't dealing well with her own anger...you do know that our presence in the home is not the source of her anger, correct?

My intent by moving out? To give her space. From me. To decide what she wants. If it's me or something else. To allow her to get her anger under control.

So, I have to tell you... I really blew it last night LA. Anything that I could have said that was nonsensical, inappropriate, mean, hurtful, blown out of proportion, childish... if it was uncalled for, you name it and I said it. Even when I was trying to tell her how much I love her her and always have I managed to say things that hugely exaggerated. She called that attempt "highschool" and ridiculous. She said things about how she feels and about our future during the conversation that made me feel twisted up inside, naseous, angry, hurt, and afraid like I have never been. What really gets me is that she came home and was nice and pleasant and even hugged me, and I let feelings I had been bottling up out of nowhere loose and ruined the whole thing. Mistakes are mistakes, but I've been beating myself up for this all day. Especially when she called me asking for help w/ a resume she's doing on the computer and started freaking out. Yelling, swearing at me... and she even hung up on me. Twice. I know it was because she was more mad at me than she was that PC. I feel heartbroken and crushed, but am trying my hardest to accept my mistake and move on from here. It feels like I've taken any progress I've made w/ her and thrown it all away and then some over the last couple weeks or so w/ some little things and now this one big one. I know I'm being harsh, but I'm at a loss right now. I'd say I can't believe my behavior, but I can and I know why it came to pass and that "why" irritates me. I should have treated her much better than I did. DJ's everywhere.

I have this picture of her in my head. In it I love her unconditionally forever, treat her w/ the greatest of care and the deepest respect. It's there in my head, even when I'm saying these awful things. It's my choice dependence on emotion that's the root of the problem.

I think I've figured something out. My "negative" emotions have become an instinctive, habitual security blanket. I also noticed that it always gets that way when I am under sever stress. I cling to them and draw on them, unless I catch myself doing it. When I do see it, I even then sometimes draw from them, allowing me to get down on myself because I know it's happening. Enough influence (be it externl or internal) and I draw them all at once, run out w/ my eyes closed and my guns ablazing until I've either mowed down everything in my path or have run out of steam. It usually starts w/ worry, then jumps to fear or depression or both, then to a mix of this w/ irritation, then I feel it wanting to burst out, then comes the draw (usually pure unsupressed anger) when I let go of the control, via a trigger, and say or do anything that lets it out and makes me feel better... ususally resulting in all kinds of untruths and DJ's that contradict how I really feel, think or believe. Then, when I've wound down enough I cave in. Start crying and apologizing (and explaining and justifying). Then I get mushy, and try to let go of all the chaos running around in my head. Try to forget that it ever happened at all w/ a huge craving for hugs, love and the "s" word (which I don't understand?) if W is involved. If I get it I feel instantly better and it all just disappears, atleast until sooner or much later when it starts all over again. It's like, not only does the love make me feel better for a number of reasons, but I'm also relying on her to be ok w/ me for me to be ok w/ me. If I don't get it, I plummet until I'm too drained to feel anything. Either way, I've completely exhausted myself after that and get extremely tired. If she's not involved, I eventually calm down and get over it because when noone else is judging me for it I'm ok w/ it and me. I'm glad I figured that out and could finally put it down in words for someone to understand.

Great to know she understands that her resentment and anger are overlaying her love...that it is there, just buried.

It was a nice thought. Then she said some things last night that have me doubting and quite frankly scared out of my wits. I know nothing is written in stone, but there I am clinging and drawing again. It's all about the safety and control.

How will your DD handle this? Oh, my.

Oh my indeed. That was half of my problem last night. Too many negative thoughts, concerns, worries. It tears me apart, and makes me feel everthing from guilt, to sadness, to anger and everything in between. Love her to pieces w/ everything I have.


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Thanks for pointing out I added to the wide-spread format by quoting you...all fixed now... LOL

I'm a little pink with embarrassment.

I'm okay.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

"I feel heartbroken and crushed, but am trying my hardest to accept my mistake and move on from here." How about amends?

"I should have treated her much better than I did. DJ's everywhere." You could have treated her much better...you have the knowledge, the desire and the will...you didn't. Somewhere in you, you gave yourself permission, the green light...and we're human and do that...knowing your own why behind the permission is important...doing amends for your choices is critical.

DJ's everywhere...outward and inward..."allowing me to get down on myself because I know it's happening." Same permission, I think...because what you did towards your wife, you will also do towards yourself...and that's just as destructive to you as it was to your relationships.

Amends are repairs...they don't undo or redo...they demonstrate you know what you did, the effect, the damage, and you are willing to do what it takes to show you are committed to not doing it again...to her or yourself.

Children do what you did...come out with guns blazing...trying desperately to stop hurting by hurting back...whether they are being hurt in that moment or experiencing a bunch of previous moments, piled up--can feel like choking. Adults know that hurting back doesn't stop being hurt...it comes from our wishful child and living in that, from your emotions...that's the permission you give yourself under severe stress...revoke that permission. You damage yourself...and others. You know this. We've talked about it...Adults speak their emotions, they don't demonstrate them...and they speak them as their own, because they are, and because they are valid.

If you choose to store grievances...and yes, we make that choice or we make the choice not to, then we embitter ourselves and block our ability to truly grieve...which is what God gave us to heal...so we stop our own healing...and the damage, the injuries continue, don't they? Because when you store, you eventually explode, as you say, from external or internal, and you know you have no way to heal...it's is a downward spiral.

That clearing you get after your AO...it isn't clearing anything...it is you intentionally attempting to harm...to stop being harmed...and inside, you know it is futile and destructive and not what you want...and that permission to store and to explode remains...remove it.

Like wiping yourself out, and then the desolation of what you've done comes in and you want her to make it better, soothe you, say, "Oh, well...you're loved anyway" because this is your core hurt, right there...and the truth remains...you truly are loved, anyway. You can't get to that truth unless it comes from her, from the outside...so you explode into the outside, you think?

This is a cycle...you can stop it by not storing, not exploding, not seeking comfort, not kicking self...removing any one of these stops the cycle from continuing in the same way...your choice which to remove. Won't be perfect; may not get you the results you want, but it breaks the pattern. Then you replace one of the gears with something new...speaking instead of storing; or deep breathing instead of DJ's...there are many more healthy choices to choose from...

Speaking in "I" statements, of your feelings...breathing...chewing gum...focus on listening...even to silence...then crying, grieving, speaking, breathing...you can create that upward spiral...and fly, Inf. You can. Your choice.

Would you consider not moving out until you really know you're doing it for you, not her? For your reasons? Sounds to me like you're doing it so she can determine if you're causing her anger or if it is in her...and I believe, that is a like betraying yourself...because you know you do not cause, control or cure her...and her anger is hers, valid...coming from inside her. Just wondered if that contributes to your cycle.


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I'm glad you're okay w/ that. We would've had to have started another 14 page thread if you weren't. :OD

What exactly do you mean by amends? That says several things to me...

Children do that. Alot of irony there and truth in that statement. If I had to describe myself in one way, I would have to say I'm a big kid. Not AS much as of late, but it's still there.

Yeah, my stress levels have been enormous lately. I need to start relaxing and let go.

I know we've hashed this point out before, but for the most part I feel like I'm fine w/ who I am. I have a few minor hang ups, but after that I'm cool w/ most everything about myself. To me it doesn't seem so much like I'm trying to appreciate myself by winning the affection of others. To me it looks more like I'm a control freak who doesn't like it when it even so much as appears that my world is going to be tampered w/. I think alot of my current hang-ups may boil down to me feeling like other people are an inconvenience. It was like that in school. I was given a bunch of grief for not fitting in until my Junior or Senior years. It didn't bother me that I didn't fit in, but the crap I had to put up w/ got on my nerves and stressed me out. I guess that's why instead of feeling hurt by it, I got ticked off and got myself into situations I couldn't handle. Maybe that's why I didn't do homework either? I was tired of everyone else being an inconvenience... I wanted to live my life hassle free. I've never been afraid of hard work, but hate doing it when it's not on my time or at my own pace. Seems to be my big hang up now in this situation too. I'm freaking out at rare times because I know how I want to live my life right now, but I'm seeing W as making that difficult. Like a bully that's out for number one at my expense. This is starting make alot of sense... I don't think I was ever a pleaser because I was lacking love or friendship. I think I was a pleaser and a control freak because I just wanted to get the bullies/bosses off my back. That would explain why the concept of management has always annoyed me, and I've never been a fan of any of my Supervisors. Maybe I've been looking at this the wrong way?

I think the best thing I could do for myself is to stop seeing everything and everyone as a threat or an inconvenience.

If everything I said above is accurate... Then at this point, to me, moving out is going to be beneficial to both of us anyway. I keep taking everything she says as a threat or an eventual outcome. She's going to continue making "the comments" that I read too much into until she's not mad. I'm positive that space is what she wants, and pretty sure that she's making her anger dependant on my being there.So, I guess that this could be advantagious because...

A) It'll give me the oppotunity to try and not feel so threatened and influenced all the time. Knowing I can physically walk away and get back to my daily routine if I'm feeling stressed could have a positive effect. Relaxing out in the sticks by myself when I wanna be alone can't be a bad thing.

B) Give her the chance to calm down and get over this whole thing (since it looks like she won't do it otherwise) and maybe even see what will hopefully be an even greater change in my attitude. I'm not trying to give her a chance to see if her anger her choice or if I'm the cause. She'll either see that or she won't. Instead, I'm thinking that she is choosing to not even attempt to stop being angry until she has time away from me. It's like she feels like my being there is a constant reminder of the situation being shoved down her throat. Based on everything she's said to me through all of this, it looks to me like she's choosing to feel trapped in this situation so long as I'm there and that if I'm gone she may choose to not feel like that reminder is being forced on her. Given her freedom, she may choose to relax and live her life and not be so focussed on everything that has happened. It basically looks to me like that's what she's telling me. It may not be the best way to think, but it's the way she's choosing what I'm up against.

So I'm doing this for me and for her. Sound accurate?

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I was angry when I got here this morning, now I'm 3x's as bent.

Had a bad morning w/ W. I won't get into it, other than to say that she continues (from what I hear) to use blame for my mistakes to fuel and justify her anger and actions. She blames me for the anger, makes decisions out of that anger and when things pertaining to those deicsions go awry I get the heat for it. Very little, if any, ownership from her is what I'm hearing. I sometimes think I'm fighting a battle to save our relationship that I've already lost. Of course, it's thoughts like that get me into trouble and only make things worse.

Then to top off my morning my Supervisor gave me grief ealrier today (nothing new) and the post I made here this morning seems to have disappeared (probably due to user error). It was only a rant anyway... and not a very good one at that.

I'm not sure I know where I'm even going w/ this post other than ranting again. I really don't feel like being here today...

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