If you squeeze her too tight, she may be motivated to file for support / separate maintenance. I would see if you can find out what she would be entitled to if you guys split. Just so you know where you stand.
I can afford the house, I pay all of the bills right now except for the babysitter bill each week. Now I'm paying 1/2 that.
Anyway, she is trying to get rid of her van because its a gas hog and trade it for something with better mileage. Car lot called me yesterday while i was on the phone and i told them to just call her....In the past I would have handled all of that but now that she is gone I'm letting her take care of that.
She called me later and told me what they said and I said to go ahead and do whatever she needed to.
She said at this point she will take almost anything on trade and I said "ok, that’s fine.
Payment is $467.00 per month so I'll be done with that but I'll be paying daycare now.
Saw her last night at S12’s football practice and talk was pretty light, I had some family news (about my sister and brother in law....nothing serious) I could have told her about but really didn’t want to start any personal conversations with her so I just kept it about the kids.
Should I try talking about that other stuff just to keep the conversation going or stay back and let her talk?
Continue to distance my self a little bit or keep engaging?
I don't ask her anything anymore......well for the last 2 days anyway...lol
She wanted me to sign up the kids for school and I told her I would take care of the 2 little ones today and then said “can you take off early on Thursday to sign up S12”?
She said “yeah I can ask” “I should be able too”
She figured I would do it all for her because I was still trying to get her back, well, I’m not doing anything for her anymore….I’m sure she has seen some signs over the last 2 days that I was withdrawing and letting go.
She seemed very down again last night….I told her the kids wanted to stay at her house again last night so after practice she took them home and I went home and putted around.
I wasn’t feeling that lonely either.
I called my mom and dad and talked with them for a while and then a neighbor came over for about 5 minutes and I really didn’t have anything to say about W and I so he went back home. He said “you look like your doing pretty good and I said yeah I’m getting better.
It’s going to be a long road but I almost got two days under my belt.
I haven’t sent her any e-mails or called her the last 2 days…..usually I send about 2 or 3 jokes to her daily (e-mail jokes from others) and I stopped doing that yesterday.
I used to send them to her and her coworker but now I’m not sending them to her coworker either.(they sit right across from each other) Not sure if I should or shouldn’t send them to coworker.
I don’t want it to look like I’m dissing the coworker but I thought it would be a bit “childish” to send them to coworker and not send them to W.
What should I do on that one? Keep excluding both of them or just W?
When practice was over I walked the kids to the van and gave them kisses goodbye and told W to get out for a minute and walk over to my car.
I said we can use the credit card for the school costs but that I was trying not to use it anymore because the balance will be split should we D.
I said how do you want to split the credit card bills? (knowing full well that she is stretched out now)
She said “I don’t know how any of that works”..
I said I think they will take the equity in the house and let us split it, less what we owe for credit cards and such and that we weren’t going to be looking at very much money anyways.
Refinanced in 2004 borrowed 85,900.00 house is worth about 140,000.00 and we owe about 16,000 or more on the credit cards so take the difference and divide by 2 and that’s what she will get. (I’m guessing)
She just looked at me kind of strange and said yeah I guess we could put it on the card.
(Earlier I had asked her if we should split the school costs and she said we could maybe get on a payment plan.
I said I would pay for the 2 little ones and she could pay for S12.)
I've asked questions in this post and other posts but I'm not getting any answers from anyone.
Any thoughts from anyone.
I'm not really giving up all hope but I have to start moving on with my life so I can let go of this pain.
I still really want her back